D onny Drinker Magazine of the Doncaster & District Branch of CAMRA WINTER 2014/15 FREE DD 124 Page 6 Page 29 Page 29 Page 18 Page 7 www.doncastercamra.org.uk Donny Drinker WINTER 2014/15 Advertising Geoff Bowley Pubsofficer@doncastercamra.org.uk Editor & Design Steve Pynegar donnydrinker@doncastercamra.org.uk IN THIS ISSUE Pubs of the Season Branch Lines Pub News Sponsor a Cask Hotel with a Pleasant Surprise The First Forty Years Roosters and Bridgehouse Presentations Great Heck Brewery Expansion Old Mill Presentation Deputy Chairman Steps Down Rambles With Round Donny Drinker Challenge Membership Update Branch diary 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 22 29 31 34 39 44 46 Advertising rates Full Page £70.00 Half Page £50.00 Quarter Page £35 10% discount with pre-order and payment for 4 issues. Branch Website www.doncastercamra.org.uk Send your news to: Branch Chairman - Bob Kiddle chairman@doncastercamra.org.uk Membership Secretary - Ian Jones membership@doncastercamra.org.uk Social Secretary - Carole Leonard eventssec@doncastercamra.org.uk Secretary - Dave Bartley secretary@doncastercamra.org.uk Locale Officer - Chris Holliday locale@doncastercamra.org.uk Tellusyournewa@doncastercamra.org.uk Donny Drinker 125 Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of CAMRA at national or branch level. Donny Drinker is © CAMRA Ltd Spring 2015 Deadlines Articles & Adverts-6th February 2015 Issue comes out - 9h March 2015 If you are regularly getting short measures of beer then report it to: Doncaster Trading Standards Tel: 01302 737529 or 737552 Address: Doncaster Council Civic Office, Waterdale Doncaster DN1 3BU EDITORIAL comment One brewery for every branch member It was great to read that there are now over 1,000 breweries in the UK (That’s one for every member of the branch!), which is the highest figure for 70 years. CAMRA’a Good Beer Guide indicates that 158 breweries have opened in the past year. A staggering figure when compared to the mid-1970s when there were less than 100 independent brewing companies. The increase in breweries is being led by an increase in the so-called microbreweries. This was a term first used in the 1970s to describe a brewery that was on a smaller scale to the large corporate breweries and they were independently owned. They range from the smaller ones attached to brewpubs, up to fairly large establishments. They usually have an ever-changing range of beers and are not frightened to experiment and produce beers to suit all tastes. One golden rule, however still applies. They have to maintain the high standards expected from brewers and many find that it is not just a matter of mixing a few ingredients together. There is a whole science to brewing as any master brewer will tell you. The natural ingredients and the brewing process have to be treated with the respect they deserve. In our own area, we now have several examples of microbreweries which feature regularly on the pages of Donny Drinker. They all vary in size but their ales can be found in many of the pubs in the branch area. It’s not easy for them to find outlets for their beer because of the control pubcos have over their tenants and managers, but CAMRA, through its parliamentary campaigning and schemes such as Locale, tries hard to support the work of these brewers. The branch often offers the opportunity to visit a brewery and talk to the head brewer. These are opportunities not to be missed. Another trend CAMRA has found in recent research, is that over a third of 18-24 year olds have tried real ale and 87% would drink it again. Roger Protz, the Good Beer Guide Editor, has also noted that real ale drinking can now be done in modern city centre beer bars which offer yet another different drinking environment. This diversity of real ale establishments is reflected in the branch area where real ale can be found in traditional country pubs, village pubs, town centre pubs, clubs, deli-bars and bars/pubs attached to breweries, not forgetting specialist bottled beer establishments. The hard bit now is to maintain the diversity and popularity of real ale and to ensure that the traditional and modern live happily together. 4 Simon, Jane and Bruno (their dog) welcome you to this genuine Free House on the Riverside in Rawcliffe Timothy Taylor Landlord always available plus four ever changing guest beers from independent breweries, with one dark beer always available For current beers please check our website www.jemmyhirst.freeservers.com Open: Monday to Thursday from 6pm Fridays from 5pm Saturday and Sunday all day from noon CAMRA Doncaster & District Pub of the Year 2004, 2005 CAMRA Doncaster District Pub of the Year 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014 CAMRA Doncaster District Pub of the Season Summer 2014 Yorkshire CAMRA Pub of the Year 2011 Winter Pubs of the Season DONCASTER - THE WHITE SWAN, Town Centre The first reference of a White Swan public house in Frenchgate was in 1808, and it became one of nineteen public houses on this street, which was, of course, in its time the main A1 route through Doncaster. By the 1950s this number had reduced to eight, of which now the White Swan is the last survivor. For some time it was the only pub in the town centre owned by Ward’s Brewery of Sheffield, not forgetting that it also claimed to have the tallest bar in England (In the front room). Following the untimely death of long-serving licensee Bryn Todd in 1999, the pub (Like so many) went through a succession of licensees/managers. Whilst some tried harder than others, none really succeeded in getting the pub back on the town’s real ale map for many years. The White Swan returned to the CAMRA Good Beer Guide in the 2014 edition. After a brief flirtation as Francie’s Irish Bar (But never losing the White Swan boards) in the early 2010s, which also saw the introduction of Glentworth Brewery beers on a regular basis, the pub is once again just the White Swan - with an Irish theme! This is reinforced by the many Guinness posters and the Irish anecdotes and memorabilia around the walls and ceilings, together with photographs of old Doncaster. Today the pub is managed by Nikki Steel who has been at the Swan for nearly four years. The Glentworth beer is still an incredible £1.95 a pint and has been joined by a regular beer from the ever-popular Doncaster Brewery range at £2.50 a pint. As if not already spoilt for choice, there’s also Black Sheep Best Bitter for a commendable £2.25 a pint. Opening times are: Sun 11-10; Mon 10-10; Tue-Sat 10-11. Bar Meals are served on weekdays from 10-5.45, with an additional breakfast menu until 12, and on Sundays from 6 11-3.45. The offerings include a host of homemade Irish-inspired meals, with a selection at two for £7.99. Nikki does all the cooking and is justly proud of her 5-star hygiene rating. There is also a range of coffees available. The White Swan is long and narrow with a front bar separated by steps from the larger back lounge area. The steps can be avoided by taking the sloping passage to the right, which means that all areas are accessible to the less able visitor especially as there is also a disabled toilet. At the front, on Frenchgate, is an outside drinking/smoking area which is a great peoplewatching spot and very relaxing on a warm day. Special events include live music every Saturday from 8.30, Jazz on the first Saturday of the month between 12 and 3, and a Jammin’ Session on the first and third Thursday of the month from 8.30 – all free entry. What makes the White Swan a Pub of the Season? Great quality local real ales at affordable prices, friendly and knowledgeable service, and that feeling of a town centre retreat where you can have a chat, read the paper or just sit and enjoy a quiet pint. We shall be making our presentation to Nikki and all her hardworking staff including Mandy, Kerry and of diamond service at the Swan) on Thursday Kirsty (Who by the time you read this will have 12th February at 9pm moved on to pastures new after several years Peter Goddard DISTRICT - THE OLD SCHOOL INN, Epworth “From wellies to stilettos” is an unusual motto for a pub. But the philosophy behind it is a successful one which has resulted in a CAMRA award. Congratulations to licensee Jeremy Dent and the Old School Inn, our District Pub of the Season for Winter 2015. Situated on the outskirts of Epworth, the pub was originally a school which served the town for decades. The school closed in the 1970s and was re-opened as a pub in the late 80s. The Old School Inn went through various changes of ownership before being bought by Greene King who sold it to the Dent family in 2012. Since then it has been a free house which, after closing for six months in 2013, has undergone a major refurbishment. It’s now one of the Isle of Axholme’s most attractive pubs : the recently-opened restaurant is particularly impressive. That quote above refers to the pub’s diverse clientele. It’s a pub which caters for all sections of the community. Lots of local societies meet there and it’s particularly popular with women. Food is served Wednesday –Saturday from 12-9:30 and on Sundays from 12-5 with separate menus for bar and restaurant. Of course, the reason for this award is the beer which certainly impressed our members on a recent social. The pub is family-run, with each member having specific duties. Jeremy and his brother Richard do most of the day-today running of the pub. Much of the beer keeping is down to Jeremy who, with a background in farming, says ”We have been growing malting barley and wheat for years so it’s great to have a say in the final product”. He admits having to learn the art of cellarmanship quickly, researching books and online journals, and takes great pride in keeping, cleaning and rotating his cellar.”Our regulars would soon let us know if things are less than 100%”, he adds, “ And it helps when everything in the cellar is brand new”. Four cask ales are always available – Timothy Taylor Landlord and Brains’ Reverend James ( The regulars insist! ) as well as two rotating guests. Recent guest beers have included Sharp’s Doom Bar, Tom Wood Bitter and Wychwood Hobgoblin. The pub is always keen to try ales from new outlets – take note, brewers! Doncaster and District CAMRA will be presenting the Dent family with their welldeserved award on Saturday, 7th February at 9pm. It should be a really good occasion. Please come along and support us – and the Old School Inn. Dave Bartley Address : 10 Battle Green, Epworth, North Lincolnshire DN9 1JT Tel: 01427 875835 Opening Times : Mon-Tues 4-11, Wed-Sun 1211 7 Branch Lines Keeping You Inn Touch At the last committee meeting I was reminded by the secretary that the Doncaster Branch is almost 40 years old. In fact by the time you read this we will almost certainly be at that landmark, as it was on January 14th 1975 that the first meeting was held. Arrangements are at the planning stage at the moment, but in the next edition of Donny Drinker, we hope to announce our plans to celebrate our Ruby Anniversary, and would like you, our members, to come along. Watch this space! The venue way back then was the Leopard, ale (On preferably more than one visit) during thankfully, recently reopened and offering a the latter part of 2014. selection of guest beers. In 1975 it was selling Once the forms are in, the winning nominations Barnsley Bitter, the original, from the now are cross-checked and surveyed, before being closed Oakwell Brewery. A lot of things have submitted for inclusion in the Guide. After changed in forty years, so it might be a good editing and proof reading, they are then well on idea to put something together that gives a 'feel' their way to appearing in a best-selling to what it used to be like going to the pub when publication that can virtually guarantee new the branch began. What were the issues then? trade. Why not contact us with memories of drinking We are also inviting branch members to help in the Doncaster area at that time? Or if like choose our 2014 Pub of the Year, both for me, you were too young to drink then, what Doncaster and for Doncaster District. For the about your memories of 1985, 1995, or even record, in order to establish the two awards, an 2005? Please e-mail, or write to the editor at imaginary circle has been drawn with the donnydrinker@doncastercamra.org.uk Mansion House at its centre. Those outlets falling outside a 6 mile radius represented by or write to the same address that is on the voting this circle are designated as 'District' venues, forms. Nothing too formal, just a line or two whilst those within are deemed to be in about a pub, club, or the price of a pint and we'll 'Doncaster'. put it all together for inclusion in a future issue. Voting for this award is a little different in that Although, as I write this article, the 2015 Good we are asking for two nominations for each Beer Guide has not long been in the shops, the category. The second choices will only be time will soon be upon us to begin the nominaconsidered in the event of a tie break situation tion process for the next one, as members are arising, when they will be counted to decide an invited to select the branch area entries for the outright winner. 2016 Good Beer Guide. Members should have received, with their Please make your selections and return the copy of this publication, a complete listing of forms. Your vote could make all the all the known real ale outlets within our branch difference, and it's an excuse to do a bit of area, and by ticking the appropriate boxes, you 'research' and visit a pub you've not been in are requested to vote for those pubs/clubs that for a while. Despite the increasing rate of you feel deserve to be included in the 2016 pub closures, there seems to be more real ale Guide. Please get in touch if you have not outlets that qualify for the guide than ever received this information. before. Never more so than in the town There is, of course, the need to ensure that centre, where several new ones have either those pubs we submit currently sell their cask ale in consistently good (And preferably opened or decided to add cask beer to their range. excellent!) condition. With this in mind, please only vote for those pubs in which you have Branch Membership Secretary personally consumed at least a half pint of real Ian Jones 8 District Pub of the Season WINTER 2013/14 Spring Pub News The Cantley Paddock has finally disappeared from the radar, it is now officially a supermarket. News reaches me that The Loco in Haxey has been sold and is to cease being a pub but will in future be an Italian Restaurant. The Jolly Miller at Whitley Bridge has had the for sale signs removed and was surrounded by scaffolding when last seen. In Doncaster the Woolpack in the Market Place is reported to be selling Black Sheep Bitter. The Leopard has re-opened with a fresh look, smart new interior with high quality furniture and most important four working hand-pulls dispensing real ale and cider. The Leopard now forms part of what I like to call the Golden Triangle in the heart of the town centre. If you arrive in Doncaster by train looking for somewhere to have a quick drink before your connecting train is due, just walk 100 yards to your right to the excellent Railway. Another 100 yards takes you to the Leopard of course, then nearby is The Corner Pin. If, however you had headed towards the dual carriageway and crossed over to West Laith Gate you would find the Plough and Hilltop Inn 10 right next door the Tut ‘n’ Shive, both superb pubs selling top quality ales. Also in the town centre is an unusual drinking venue Ballers Sports Bar in Silver Street, as well as many snooker and pool tables there is an upper area decked out in Bier Keller style, with a bar where they serve Black Sheep Bitter, and an occasional guest from the Doncaster Brewery. In our last issue I said that the Red Lion in the market place was going to be closed for several months. It has, however remained opened but we have been informed, in midNovember, that by the time you read this the pub will have closed, ready for a major refurbishment. We will try to keep you informed on this ever-changing situation. In Wadworth I have it on good authority that the White Hart is open again (since June) and thriving. They have 2 real ales on, Farmers Blonde and Bombardier when visited, and the licensees are keen to promote it. A member reports that the Hill Top in Conisborough, had beers from Concertina, Welbeck and Acorn, the Concertina Old Dark Attic being especially recommended. Out in Hatfield if you haven’t been there yet, the Green Tree is well worth a look in, they had Black Sheep Bitter on when one of our members dropped by recently, but they usually have two, the guest being Leeds Pale or Greene King IPA. Not far away from here is The Reindeer in Sandtoft, where they sell Timothy Taylor’s Landlord. The pubs in Goole are at one of the far extremities of our Reindeer branch area so do not get visited very often. The Buchanan sells Wells Bombardier at all times, the Victoria’s regular is Bird Brain.Shiney’s, plus three guests. The Peacock had pump clips reversed when visited but normally sells Doom Bar. Tickhill has a great selection of real ale pubs, one of them is The Travellers on Westgate. Recently refurbished this pub appears to be an aspiring ‘gastro pub’ serving food from local sources. Their regular is Greene King IPA. The Fairway in Balby has new tenants, Rob and Sue Carpenter, they are keen to promote real ale there and at present have Jennings Bitter on the bar but hope to increase this in the near future. Geoff Bowley ‘Jemmy Hirst’ Regulars complete their public transport challenge Andew Warner, a regular at the Jemmy Hirst at the Rose and Crown, has reported that they had a recent visit from CAMRA Wakefield members. What surprised them was the members had all got to Rawcliffe by using public transport. Drinkers at the Jemmy Hirst also pride themselves on using public transport and in October regulars Andrew and Kathy succeeded in completing the challenge of doing the Leeds-Manchester Transpennine real ale rail trail in a day. They did it all for £26.40 but we don’t know if this includes drinks.. Editors note – Observers of the branch diary in Donny Drinker, will have noted the substantial use of public transport that is made by this branch. Public transport is like real ale. It’s a case of use it or lose it. 11 Anyone Can Sponsor A Cask At The Beer Festival It will soon be beer festival time again. Doncaster and District CAMRA’s 25th annual festival will take place at The Hub, Doncaster College, from Thursday April 9th until Saturday 11th. Planning is already under way. As always, we’ll feature around 130 cask ales and real ciders, as well as a range of bottled foreign beers and fruit wines. There will be live entertainment, beer tasting events and many other features to make up a great experience for our visitors. See the next edition of Donny Drinker for full details. For every festival we adopt a charity. This year our members have voted to support Firefly Cancer Awareness and Support. This is a Doncaster-based charity staffed by volunteers who provide free transport for local cancer patients and their families. The Firefly Express travels daily from the Doncaster area to treatment hospitals in Sheffield, removing the stress and anxiety of travel and allowing patients to concentrate their energies on getting better. It’s a worthy cause which has helped many people in our area, including some CAMRA members. All the money we raise will go directly to Firefly to keep the service running. We’ll be raising money for Firefly in various ways before, during and after the festival.. One of our most popular methods is through beer sponsorship. All beers and ciders are available for sponsorship at £25 each, Fabulous pub with rooms with the first £5 going directly to Firefly. Any individual or company wishing to take part will receive two free entries to the festival, each with the first drink free. In addition, you’ll be named in the programme and on our website as a Friend for Boosktmas of Doncaster CAMRA and, if you have a Come for the Beer, stay for C h r i W! the food, come back for the website of your own, we’ll arrange a link. NO atmosphere. It’s a great way to advertise your busiBeautifully kept Real Ale, alongside ness, charity etc, especially since our locally sourced ingredients that are conjured into gastronomic delights website receives thousands of visitors at by our classically trained award festival time. winning chef. Food Service Times: If we can arrange sponsors for all the Monday - Friday: 5.30 - 9pm cask ales and ciders, we’ll raise £650 for Saturday: 12.30 - 9pm Firefly before the festival has even startSunday: 12.30 - 7pm ed. Anyone interested in sponsoring a beer – or some other aspect of the festi4* Bed Breakfa& val such as T-shirts, a bar, the entertainst ment etc, should contact/l SUND NortLhUNN AY sponsorship@doncastercamra.org.uk . oC tts H CAMRA Pu1bCoou rs e £1 Further information about Firefly can be 0 f 2 Coursth eason e e£1S2. 50 3ACuou turs men £1 found on Facebook at 20513 www.facebook.com/fireflycic Dame Lane | Misson | Doncaster | DN10 6EB T: 01302 711761 | www.angel-misson.co.uk 12 THE WHITE SWAN Irish bAR 34 Frenchgate, Doncaster DN1 1QQ NIKKI AND ALL THE STAFF WOULD LIKE TO GIVE YOU A WARM WELCOME FOOD IS SERVED from 10am till 5.45pm MONDAY to SATURDAY and 11am till 3.45pm on a SUNDAY Irish Breakfast at £3.99, a very popular start to the day 2 main meals for £7.99 Menu Our Irish Menu including Irish Champ; Traditional Irish Stew, Cabbage and Bacon and a selection of other meals including Scampi/ Pies/ Chilli all at a reasonable price. BAR IS OPEN 10am till 10pm MONDAY: 10am till 11.30pm TUESDAY to SATURDAY: 11am to 10pm SUNDAY SERVING GLENTWORTH at £1.95 per pint, DONCASTER BREWERY ALES from £2.50 AND WELL KEPT GUINNESS/JOHN SMITH’S and a selection of LAGERS THERE IS LIVE MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT & LIVE JAZZ EVERY FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH from 12 till 3 with the TERRY ALLONBY BAND ON THE FIRST & THIRD THURSDAY of each month THERE IS A JAM SESSION WITH TERRY ALLONBY & RICH from RHYTHM OIL WE HAVE A WEEKLY DRAW: £1 PER TICKET: WINNER TAKES ALL: DRAWN SUNDAYS A WEE BIT OF IRISH HOSPITALITY IN THE HEART OF DONCASTER COME ALONG FOR THE CRAIC THE BLACK LION 9, Selby Road, Snaith DN14 9HT Tel: 01405 948938 4 Real Ales Regular Tetley Cask and 3 Guest Ales Open 11.30 - 11.30 daily and till 1am Fri & Sat 13 All guest ales served in lined glasses BEER GARDEN & COVERED SMOKING AREA Children welcome until 5pm Free WiFi BEER FESTIVAL 22nd - 28th December A Traditional & Friendly Pub for Real Drinkers CAMRA PUB OF THE YEAR 2011 & 2014 Five rotating guest ales from ~ LOCAL BREWERIES ~ 10% discount on real ale and Sunday dinners to each CAMRA member. Proof of membership required. Food served Mon - Sat Noon ‘til 10pm TRADITIONAL SUNDAY ROAST Sunday 12 - 4.30 Only £5.95 adult, £5.50 OAP and £4.95 Children @ Corner_pin 145 St Sepulchre Gate West, Doncaster, DN1 3AH 01302 340670 Thecornerpin.doncaster@gmail.com The White Hart at Bawtry District Pub of the Season - Spring 2014 A warm, friendly pub well run by Phil and Sandra John Smith’s Cask + 2 Changing Guest Ales Full Sky Sports package - rugby, football, cricket etc Car park and beer garden Tel: 01302 710440 Hotel With A Pleasant Surprise Recently members have asked why one of the local hotels is not listed in the centre pages of Donny Drinker because it sells real ale. The simple reason is that we confine the list to pubs and clubs. However, to redress the balance, we occasionally do a small feature on other types of establishments that sell real ale. The hotel that has attracted several members’ attention is the Mount Pleasant on the main road between Bawtry and Doncaster. It attracted our attention about 2 years ago when a member first reported that real ale was available there. This was significant because not many large hotels in the branch area sell real ale and often they do not sell it for very long. This problem can be appreciated because of the shelf life of real ale and the difficulty for hotels to sell it in quantity. Andy Windsor, the bar manager at the Mount Pleasant, told me that one of the managers was a keen real ale fan and he was influential in making real ale available. To start with, they tried rotating various real ales on the one pump available but eventually, by popular demand of the customers, they chose Black Sheep Best Bitter as their permanent real ale. It’s normally only available at the main bar but can be put on, by request, in the function room. It’s great to hear about a large, local hotel that has embraced real ale. If there are any others out there then please get in touch. Steve Pynegar 15 David and Elaine welcome customers old and new to the Plough Inn at Arksey FREE HOUSE Now serving 3 local ales REAL LOG FIRE Homemade bar meals served Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6.30-9.00 and Traditional Sunday lunch 12.00-2.00 .Quiz Nights every Thursday and Sunday In House Poker, Chess Club every Wednesday (new players welcome) The Plough Inn – Doncaster’s hidden gem! Just 3 miles from the town centre, in a lovely village next to the church 01302 872472 2 High Street, DN5 0SF www.arkseyplough.co.uk BRANCH PRESENTATIONS District Pub of the Season Autumn 2014 Windmill Doncaster Pub of the Season Autumn 2014 Glasshouse Thorne Kirk Sandall AGM Presentation Once again, it was a full house when the AGM was held at the Salutation on November 7th. To start the proceedings a cheque for £820 was presented to Zoe Barraclough from the Alzheimer’s Society. This money was raised through various activities of the branch throughout the year. The meeting continued with a series of informative and entertaining speeches by branch officials, followed by pie and peas and a quiz. 17 DONCASTER CAMRA - THE FIRST FORTY YEARS EPISODE 1 - In the Beginning In March 1975 I was enjoying a weekend break in East Anglia and one of my companions had a book containing lists of breweries and pubs selling their beers. This was, of course, the Good Beer Guide (GBG) and I asked my mate if he could get me a copy. His reply was if I joined CAMRA for 50p I could buy my own guide for 50p instead of 75p. I joined and bought my first GBG, the 1975 edition. I've bought them annually ever since and now have 41 of them on my shelf. My membership number was 0375-075, I often wonder if I was the 75th member to join that month. What’s Brewing arrived and I discovered there was a Doncaster Branch. A meeting to test support for a Doncaster Branch of CAMRA had been held in December 1974 and this was obviously successful as the first Branch meeting took place a month later. Both were held in the Leopard. I didn't get involved with it for a few months until I attended a social. From then on I was part of the Branch. At the first AGM I was elected to the Committee as Social Secretary, an easy job I thought, just select a pub and persuade members to descend on it at the appointed time. The job wasn't so easy, there were few of us and once nobody turned up. My next Committee post was Membership Secretary and, in the eighties, Branch Chairman. Now I’m back at ground level and simply a member although I work with the Pub Heritage Group. I joined in the weekly “discovery trips” where we would choose an area and inspect all the pubs, looking for real ale. Not as easy then as most beer was served through electric pumps similar to the keg beer pumps in use at the time. With our nearest neighbouring Branches at Sheffield, Nottingham, Lincoln, York and Leeds and no Branch boundaries, we would travel as far as Barnsley, Selby, Gainsborough, Worksop and all places in between. These discovery trips increased to two or more per week and we would work on one area until we’d checked all the pubs there. Checking those in the Dearne Valley, we came to appreciate the Royal Albert, a Wards (Or Waaads to the locals) pub in Blacker Hill and would make a point of finishing up there every time. “Why’s tha come all this way to drink?” asked the landlord, Ernest. “In’t there no good beer in Donny?” This continued ‘til we’d checked all but one pub that we couldn't find. We asked directions in the ‘Albert and didn't return to the area for some time. He must have thought we preferred that pub to his. We decided we ought to visit a brewery and approached Bass at the Tower Brewery in Tadcaster; we were 18 made very welcome but we asked why the Brew 10 tasted different in our local pubs. “They’re on that old fashioned cask beer” was the reply “We’re on kegs, much better”, needless to say our visit was a short one. We thought it would be good to look at a smaller brewery and an invitation soon came our way. In 1976 I persuaded the Branch to put on a beer tent at Sandtoft Transport Centre, now called “The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft”. I also persuaded the Museum Committee to accept a beer tent. One of the breweries we contacted to supply was Selby, the very first of all the micro-breweries whose proprietor, Martin Sykes, agreed to supply and offered us a brewery visit. The difference was amazing, Mr Sykes used an old bath tub for a fermenting vessel and the whole set up seemed chaotic. The 1975 GBG described Selby Brewery as “A one-pub concern….producing an unusual real ale.” The one pub was the Board Inn at Howden. Branch meetings were held in the back room of St. Leger Tavern, a tied house of Shipstone’s brewery from Nottingham. The licensee was Billy Wills, “Biscuit Billy” to his friends, and a visit to Shippo’s came in 1977 where we were told that Billy sold more beer per square foot of floor space than any other pub. “You’ll know Mrs. Woodward?” we were asked, “Mrs. Who? “, “She runs the Coach& Horses”, “Oh you mean Jean!”. We didn't know her surname. In those days most pubs were owned by the breweries and no less than seven were represented in Doncaster town centre: Shipstone as above, Home Ales in the Olde Castle, Wards in the White Swan, Tetley in the Masons and the Blue Bell, Stones in the Underground, and Sam Smith in the Corporation Brewery Taps. Barnsley Brewery owned a lot of pubs in our area including four in the town centre; the Railway, Leopard, Market Tavern and Cheshire Cheese on Wheatley Hall Road, not quite town centre. There were no free houses. Between all these breweries only twelve pubs sold real ale and the Masons was the only one with handpumps, the others using electric pumps. When Barnsley Brewery closed in February 1976 we held a wake in the Leopard and the press came along. They wanted to photograph Branch members carrying the last cask from the pub. Licensee Jim Clarke had an old wooden cask in his cellar and, although filthy, this was chosen as the ceremonial last cask and carried out shoulder high by Andy Mosby, Pete Judge, Alan Walker and myself. The Railway, Leopard and Cheshire Cheese switched to bright John Smiths in cellar tanks at that time and the Market Tavern closed leaving only eight real ale pubs in the town centre. After our wake in the Leopard a small number of pubs continued to serve Barnsley Bitter for a few days. One such was the Park in Mexborough and we happened to call in I on their last night of the brew. They held a raffle for the last pint and, being friendly, we each bought a ticket. We were nearly lynched when Andy Mosby won and supped their last ever pint of Barnsley Bitter. Wally Grainger ran the Masons Arms in Doncaster market place; his wife was Mrs. Grainger, nobody ever knew her first name. When they retired after about 30 years in the pub the press attended and organised people for photographs, they found Mrs. Grainger was called Enid and it was “Enid stand over there” “Enid do this, Enid do that”. Another landlady 19 without a first name was Mrs Bean at the Crown in Belton: even her husband, Bob, called her Mrs Bean but one customer, Alec Ross, would arrive after closing time and ask for “A pint of bitter please Elsie”. Mrs Bean would chunter about his late arrival but he always got his pint. This was a Darley’s tied house with handpumps. Only pubs with low turnover retained these :others were converted to electric, metered pumps. The King’s Head in Swinefleet was another Darley’s house with handpumps but these were absolutely worn out and it would take up to 23 pulls to fill a pint glass. The attraction there was Darley’s Light Mild on draught, sold only in that pub as it was normally a bottled beer called Barley Cream. Taylor’s Brewery in Keighley bottled a beer called “Landlord” and we discovered it too was available on draught in only one pub, the Hare & Hounds at Chisley, Hebden Bridge, so a minibus trip was arranged to visit that pub. Now, of course, Landlord is widely available on draught Opening hours were set by the local magistrates and had to be adhered to. For Doncaster they were 10.30 to 3pm and 6 to 10.30pm with an extension ‘til 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays. A few pubs in the market area were licensed ‘til 4 pm on Tuesdays only. One evening I was passing the ‘Leger at 6 just as Billy was unlocking the doors. I decided to call in and found many people drinking inside; they’d obviously been there all afternoon! No wonder it sold so much beer. Sunday hours were set nationally and even more restricted to noon to 2 pm and 7 pm to 10.30. In the early days we had to ask landlords if they had heard of CAMRA and explain what it stood for. Now with 160,000 members nationally and 1,100 in the Doncaster area, all licensees have heard of us : it must be part of their training. My grateful thanks go to Branch founder members Alan Walker, Andy Mosby and Pete Judge for assistance for this report. I’ll call “time” for this issue, next time I’ll tell you about our early beer festivals. Presentations to Roosters and Bridgehouse Breweries On 8 November, a group from the branch visited Roosters Brewery in Harrogate to present them with the award from this year's beer festival for the best porter Roosters Londinium. After a brewery tour and the chance to sample some of their ales and a welcome mid-morning snack, we took a trip over the moors, passing through some of the towns and villages the Tour de France visited back in the summer. After spotting a number of yellow cycles, we arrived at the Airedale Heifer - the brewery tap for Bridgehouse Brewery for the second presentation of the day for 20 Presentation to the Roosters their 'Easy Tiger' which was best strong beer at the beer festival this year. After more sustenance, both in food and excellent beers, we were presented with a limited edition bottle of Easy Tiger to send us on our way to spend the rest of the evening at Wakefield Beer Festival The next brewery presentation will be on the 25th January at the Grafton Hotel in Worksop. Grafton Brewery won with their speciality beer called Apricot Jungle. Please see the branch diary on page 46 for details of the trip. Presentation to Bridgehouse Great Heck Brewery - Another Expansion As the BLO (Brewery Liaison Officer) for Great Heck Brewery I periodically like to try to keep people aware of what is happening. However I haven't for a while so I thought I would find out. As it turned out, I received a copy of a blog from Denzil at the brewery and its contents are shown below. move everything except the office and the brewery itself off the site at Great Heck to a new refrigerated packaging site and warehouse in the neighbouring village of Balne, about three miles away. This will allow us ultimately almost to double our fermenting capacity at Great Heck, and will instantly give us an extra 20 brewer's barrels per week of capacity. This will be achieved by converting our two existing 12 barrel conditioning tanks (CT) into two 10 barrel fermenters. Our existing procedures see all beer spend some time in one of the CTs before being racked into casks and this will still be the case using a fleet of 800 litre mobile Stainless Steel CTs which will be filled at Great Heck and taken, for storage and emptying into the appropriate containers, on a trailer to the new site which is currently being specially adapted for that exact job. The logistics of this sometimes strike people as a little far-fetched but in fact it will eliminate many of our operational problems here at Great Heck. Notably reducing manual handling and it will give us a much better chance of filling the correct casks with the correct beer, thus giving more efficient utilisation of our container fleet. Cask washing, vehicle loading and storage are also being moved to Balne which means I should get my back yard back! Other positive results are that we will be able drastically to reduce the number of vehicle movements in the village of Great Heck and in addition to an extra fermenting room, which is currently used for cask storage, we will be able to develop a staff canteen and visitor centre/bar at Great Heck in one of the current coldstores. A new role is being created as part of the project. Whilst Jarno will be in charge of production at Great Heck, Karine will be promoted to Overlord of Balne where she'll be working with new boy Barry Weetman and our new drayman, Ged. The extra space at Balne means we are going Tosca This is an update on our current expansion and where we're going with the brewery and the beers. Some of you may already be aware that we decided to expand the brewery again. It's only just over two years since we more than tripled our fermenting capacity, in the face of demand which pretty consistently outstrips supply. The plan, which is well underway, will see us 22 to be filling our own keykegs and there's a possibility of doing our own bottling at some point in the future as there is potential to expand our new premises when we are ready. Keykeg products will start off with Yakima IPA, Shankar IPA and Black Jesus. We'll also soon be kegging Amish Mash in proper Steel kegs and making it available to pubs looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous permanent German Weizen. Thanks to all our lovely customers, now in the UK and abroad, we are experiencing huge demand and we're really looking forward to being able to come a bit closer to meeting it. Hopefully our beers should be just a little bit easier for you to find in the coming year. I hope you enjoy them. Cheers! Denzil. E BL A L AI OM .u k V A F R o rg a. mr a C Your Local Pub Gas Supplier ● ● ● ● ● ● CO2 and mixed gases in various cylinder sizes Best prices No cylinder rentals Weekly/fortnightly visits Courteous, helpful drivers Emergency call out service Give us a call, we won’t let you down 01302 349100 www.dongas.co.uk Also stockists of the full range of calor bottled gases Real Ale in the Doncaster and District Branch Area L Locale Pubs D Card-carrying members discount Adwick-le-Street Foresters Arms Adwick upon Dearne Manvers Arms Airmyn Percy Arms Arksey Plough L Armthorpe Acorn W Castle Park * Horse & Groom Sportsman Wheatsheaf LDW Askern Red Lion Auckley Eagle & Child W Austerfield Mayflower Balby Alverley Inn The Fairway The Spinney The Winning Post Balby Carr Bank Woodfield farm Balby (Woodfield Pltn) Maple Tree Barnburgh Barnburgh WM Club L Coach & Horses Crown Barnby Dun White Hart Bawtry Ship W Turnpike White Hart Cooper & Griffin CDL Beal Hungry Fox Jenny Wren Belton Crown Bentley Bay Horse Bentley Town End Three Horseshoes L Bessacarr Flying Childers Toby Carvery Blaxton Blue Bell CW The Station Hotel Branton Three Horse Shoes Burghwallis Burghwallis Cadeby Cadeby Pub & Restaurant L Conisbrough Hill Top L Doncaster Ballers Sports Bar Black Bull L Cask Corner LDCW Corner Pin LDW Corporation Brewery W Taps Doncaster Brewery Tap LDC Gatehouse LW Goose Hallcross Horse & Groom Lakeside Leopard D Marketplace Alehouse & Deli L Masons’ Arms Mint DC Old Angel Plough (Little Plough) L Railway DC Red Lion W L Salutation LC Social Staff of Life 24 C Real Cider Barley Twist (Table Table) W The Courtyard Town Field Sports Club Tut ‘n’ Shive White Swan L Yorkshire Grey C Doncaster Leisure Park Cheswold Edenthorpe Beverley Inn W Eden Arms D Toby Carvery Epworth Mowbray Arms Old School Inn Queen’s Head Red Lion White Bear Fenwick Baxter Arms W Finningley Harvey Arms W Fishlake Old Anchor Inn Hare & Hounds Goole Buchanan City & County LD Macintosh C Victoria L Great Heck Bay Horse Hatfield Bay Horse Blue Bell Chase D Hatfields Ingram Arms Hatfield Woodhouse Green Tree Haxey Duke William King’s Arms D We try to provide correct information. If it is inaccurate or there is something you can add please contact pubsofficer@doncastercamra.org.uk Wheelchair access may be possible Hensall Railway Tavern Hickleton Hickleton Golf Club Hickleton Village Hall Club Hook Blacksmith’s Arms Hooton Pagnall The Hostel L Hyde Park Town Moor Golf Club Intake Lonsdale Hotel Kellington Kellington Manor Hotel Kirk Sandall Glasshouse Kirk Smeaton Shoulder of Mutton Marr Marr Lodge LD Mexborough Concertina Band Club L Falcon L Ferryboat Gearge & Dragon Imperial L Old Market Hall L Pastures Lodge Montagu Micklebring Plough Norton Royal Owston Owston Hall & Golf Club Owston Park Lodge Owston Ferry Crooked Billet White Hart Pollington King’s Head Rawcliffe Creykes Arms Jemmy Hirst at the Rose Tickhill & Crown LC Carpenter’s Arms Millstone Rawcliffe Bridge Oak Black Horse Rawcliffe Bridge Club Scarbrough Arms L Robin Hood Airport Traveller’s Rest Wetherspoons Wadworth Rossington Bridge White Hart Hare & Tortoise West Butterwick Sandtoft Three Horseshoes Reindeer W West Cowick Scawsby Ship W Mallard Westwoodside Scawsby Mill Carpenter’s Arms Sun (Inn) Wheatley Scawthorpe Strawberry Island Boat Adam and Eve Club (Private Club) Snaith The House Martin Bell & Crown Ukrainian Club * L Black Lion Wheatley Hills Brewer’s Arms L Cumberland Whitley Bridge Downe Arms George & Dragon Plough Woodlands Sprotborough Highwayman Boat Inn W Woodlands Snooker Club Ivanhoe Wroot Newton Cross Keys Sprotborough Country Club W Stainforth New Inn Sutton Anne Arms Sykehouse Four Horseshoes* Old George Inn Thorne Canal Tavern Punch Bowl L Thornesians Rugby Club Windmill Pubs/Clubs marked with asterisk may have Thorne High Levels restricted hours or only sell real ale occasionally. Black Bull IF IN DOUBT - please phone before starting your journey. 25 Painting©Michael Lickiss W 22 The Wheatsheaf Church Street Armthorpe DN3 3AE 01302 835868 Donna, Colin & Staff Would like to invite you to The Wheatsheaf. Come along for real ales, fantastic food and a warm welcome for everyone. 3 Rotating Guest Ales (Discount for CAMRA members - proof required) QUIZ NIGHTS Every Sunday Guaranteed a laugh with Quizmaster ‘Preacher Dave’ FUNCTION ROOM Available to hire for Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays etc. COLIN’S £25 CHALLENGE If you can eat all of the £25 mixed grill by yourself in 1 hour. Colin will pay 2 Rumpsteaks and 2 pints of Real Ale £12.50 DONCASTER SUMMER PUB OF THE SEASON 2013 Doncaster’s Own Award Winning Cask Conditioned Real Ales Traditional ingredients - Traditional recipes - Traditional quality Glentworth House Skellow Tel: 01302 725555 ‘A speck of Gold in a desert of mediocrity’ Beer Festival Award To Old Mill Those taking part in the beer tasting at the beer festival do take it seriously. We like to make it competitive and fair so the participants do not know which beers they are scoring. It’s particularly nice when local breweries win and this year beer from local or near breweries have come from Concertina at Mexborough, Grafton at Worksop and Pheasantry at East Markham. October saw the award for best bitter at this year’s beer festival given to Old Mill Brewery at Snaith for their Old Curiosity beer. As often happens, the presentation was combined with an organised social, which included a bus. This took members directly to the brewery, which is situated near the centre of Snaith. The brewery has had close links with the branch over many years. The brewery also owns 19 pubs, including the Punch Bowl at Thorne and the Brewer’s Arms at Snaith. The brewery is housed in an 18th century former corn mill and maltings. They have been brewing ales since 1983 and have a mixture of regular ales along with seasonal specials. In recent years they have recognised the close connection between Snaith and the former 29 nearby 2nd World War airfield by brewing 2 beers with connections to the activities of that airfield. Namely, Red Goose and F.I.D.O which have featured in recent articles in Donny Drinker. Members were taken round the brewery by head brewer Simon Lewis who was born and bred in the next village. Some members have toured the brewery more than once but there has always been something different to learn. The visit ended in their own little, private bar, which is situated within the brewery and there was the opportunity to sample a pint or two of the award-winning Old Curiosity. Chairman Bob was there to present Simon with the certificate which he received on behalf of all the staff. The night was then completed by a short walk to the Brewer’s Arms, where more examples of Old Mill’s beers were drunk and we were generously provided with free pork rolls and chips. It’s amazing how the consequences of holding a beer festival can linger on till months afterwards. Deputy Chairman Steps Down Ian Round is a stalwart of Doncaster CAMRA. He has served as chairman of the branch and two spells as deputy chairman, and his Ramblings with Round have been a regular feature of the branch’s money raising efforts. His articles appear at regular intervals in Donny Drinker and make for good reading as well as inspiring a way of using up calories and replenishing them all in the same pleasant afternoon. As a young man, Ian was introduced to intoxicating liquor at the Salutation. From a temperance family, Ian accompanied colleagues to the pub after work but had no idea what to order. The only thing he could think of, inspired by something on the television, lead him to those immortal lines – “Hey, I’d love a Babycham” This year he has stepped down from the committee to spend more time with his family. Their gain will certainly be CAMRA’s loss. Ian’s wisdom and experience have been invaluable. His good humour and common sense have contributed to the solution of many a knotty problem. Always happy to step in when the need arises, Ian has been exactly what a deputy chairman ought to be and I will greatly miss his cheerful support. Doncaster CAMRA owes him a considerable debt of gratitude and I would like to publically record my personal thanks for all that he has done for CAMRA over a great many years. I do hope that, in the fullness of time, Ian will be back on the committee bringing his inimitable style to the front line of the campaign. In the meantime, I’m sure he will continue working for the cause and with unfailing self-sacrifice, he’ll be found monitoring the quality of real ale around the branch. Bob Kiddle The Brewer’s Arms 10, Pontefract Road, Snaith Hosts Chris and Chrissie invite you to the following events From Monday 1st December to Saturday 3rd January (except Sundays) Christmas Fayre Lunch Menu £18.95 12 Noon - 2.00pm Christmas Fayre Evening Menu £22.95 6.30pm - 9.00pm 25th December Christmas Day Menu £50.00 Fully Booked Arrive 12.00 - 12.30pm Fully Booked BOOKING ESSENTIAL FOR ALL ABOVE EVENTS Ring 01405 862404 for further details www.oldmillbrewery.co.uk/brewers-arms-hotel-i3.html Doncaster District Summer Pub of the Season 2010 31 Old Mill Brewery Tap Four quality Old Mill ales (including a seasonal special) and a real cider all on handpump. Delicious, freshly cooked, locally sourced food 12-2.00 & 5-8.30 We specialise in Sea Food on Friday and Saturday - fresh fish from our own Whitby based fishing boat Accommodation with full English breakfast Open all day every day Paul and Sandra welcome you to THE OLD GEORGE INN SYKEHOUSE Tel: 01405 785635 Now serving Real Ales Tetley Bitter plus two rotating guest beers Open All Day Every Day Restaurant open 12 to 2 and 5 to 9 (Monday to Saturday) Tuesday night is steak night: 8oz rump or gammon £5.95 Thursday is fish night: small £4.95, large £5.95 Sunday Carvery: 12 to 6pm Extensive children’s play area now open Kiddie’s splash pool Hope to see you soon! Doncaster CAMRA District Pub of The Season Summer 2009 The Great British Beer Cake Bake Off It’s the 40th anniversary of the branch next year and we are busy finding ways to commemorate this wonderful achievement. Some things are already in hand, such as having the January branch meeting at the home of the very first branch meeting. That will be at the Leopard, which has fortunately just been re-furbished but we had nothing to do with that. We’ve noticed that some breweries use a small amount of their valuable beer to make cakes and christmas puddings, so we are thinking about commissioning an anniversary cake(s) that has been made with local ale(s). Has anybody out there got a suitable recipe, which is not too heavy on the alchohol and won’t explode in the oven. Please send your recipes to the editor at donnydrinker@doncastercamra.org.uk. Adventures of Captain Sprotbro’ www.frazzledcat.com 33 RAMBLES WITH ROUND Eden Arms Figure-of-Eight Walk Take the path to the right on the perimeter of the field and parallel with a main road (West Moor Link). The path soon veers to the right and goes diagonally across the field. Emerge on a “crossroads” of paths and take the path opposite. Keep on between houses, crossing various estate roads, until emerging onto Coningsburgh Road. Turn right and reach the Ridgewood at the top – our first pub stop. The Ridgewood is a marvellous community pub which has started serving real ale only recently. This is a Samuel Smith pub and the one real ale is Samuel Smith’s Old Brewery Bitter. I found the beer to be well kept and I really enjoyed my pint whilst listening to the witty, good natured banter of the friendly clientele. This is a very welcome addition to Edenthorpe’s real ale scene and I offer my congratulations to the enterprising licensee. Well done! After enjoying a pint of Sam’s O.B.B. you now have the opportunity of sampling more real ale after a two minutes walk! Leave the pub, cross the main road and head to the right. Almost immediately you will reach the Beverley Inn. This is another good pub and offers at least two cask conditioned ales. The landlady had only taken over here a couple of weeks earlier than my visit and I was very impressed with her enthusiasm. I enjoyed a pint of Okells’ Olaf, a dark beer (ABV 3.9%) from the Isle of Man. After leaving the Beverley, turn left along Thorne Road until reaching Edenfield Road. Turn left and you will soon be back where you started at the Eden Arms. More about this excellent pub later. At this point, having walked 2.4 miles, you have This is in effect two short circular walks, both starting and ending at the Eden Arms in Edenthorpe. Thus, when combined, it really is a figure-of-eight. The first part is 2.4 miles and the second part is 2.2 miles. This gives you the choice of very short walks if that is your decision. The combined walk would, obviously, add up to 4.6 miles. Please be aware that walks are undertaken at your own risk and are not the responsibility of either the author or this publication. Care should be taken when crossing busy roads and when walking on uneven terrain. Please also observe the Country Code. So, to begin the first leg, carefully cross over Edenfield Road by the Eden Arms and turn right along the footpath towards Thorne Road. Cross over using the pelican crossing and then, ignoring the footpath immediately opposite, walk to the left along the main road until reaching another public footpath sign on your right. Take this path into Long Plantation and follow the main path, with its many twists and turns, until emerging at the far side of the wood. Beverley Inn 34 the choice of terminating the walk and visiting the pub or continuing with the second leg of the walk. Alternatively, you may wish to begin your ramble with this leg. Whatever you do, a visit to the Eden Arms is a must at the end of the first leg or the second leg – or both! To continue with the second leg of the walk, leave the pub, turn left and walk round to the rear of the building. Now turn left onto Far Field Road. Soon take a footpath on the right. Keep on, with playing fields on your left. The path veers to the left. Soon take a path to the right which emerges onto Windermere Crescent. Turn left and soon turn left again onto Queen Mary Crescent, passing a primary school. Continue along this road, crossing Graham Road, and eventually reach Brecks Lane in Kirk Sandall. Turn left and walk down to the main road where you turn right and reach the Glass House, CAMRA’s Doncaster Pub of the Season for Autumn 2014. There are usually four ever-changing real ales available here – and at a very reasonable price too. On a more recent visit six real ales were available and included beers from Robinson’s, Wychwood, Theakston’s and Doncaster Brewery. The food can be recommended (As with the Beverley and the Eden Arms) so there are various opportunities to eat during, or at the end of, this figure-of- eight ramble. When suitably refreshed, leave the pub by crossing the car park and passing through a gate in the bottom corner. Turn left and then right along a tree-lined path which runs parallel with the railway line. Pass by the Bowling Club on the right, ignore the first snicket and take the second on the right which is opposite a sign saying “Have you closed the gates?”. If this part of the ramble sounds familiar it’s because we’ve covered it on an earlier walk. Please bear with me as it is a convenient way of getting back to the beginning without retracing our steps! To continue - go down the snicket which emerges on a green (Rainford Square) and then turn left onto Lancaster Avenue. Go right onto Eccleston Road, pass by the Catholic Church, and head down the road to enter another snicket Eden Arms immediately opposite which emerges onto Tarleton Close. At the end of the close go through a gate opposite to enter Brecks Plantation. Take the path to the left and continue round the perimeter of the wood until emerging onto Brecks Lane. Carefully cross the road and use the public footpath opposite to enter a small wood. Emerging from the wood, ignore paths to the right and continue along the path between houses. When eventually reaching Edenfield Road in Edenthorpe (Again!) cross the busy road to the Eden Arms. You have now reached the end of this figure-of-eight walk. Time now to relax with some excellent beer! The Eden Arms is an excellent pub selling excellent beer, and received a Doncaster CAMRA Pub of the Season Award for Summer 2014. It had received the award twice before and is featured in the Good Beer Guide. There are five real ales on offer here including Leeds Pale, Abbeydale Moonshine, York Yorkshire Terrier and ever-changing guest beers. Real ale is sold at a bargain price to everyone on Mondays and a CAMRA discount is available on other days. Let’s face it, the pub is selfrecommending. After your walk, whether it be a short version or the full thing, you really should treat yourself to some beer at this brilliant hostelry! Ian Round 35 10% OFF FOR CAMRA MEMEBRS NEWLY REFURBISHED | OPEN DAILY - 5 REAL ALES DOOM BAR + 4 REGULARLY CHANGING GUEST ALES - HANDPULLED CIDER - BRAND NEW MENU - LIVE SPORTS SKY SPORTS, BT SPORTS + POOL & TABLE TENNIS - LIVE MUSIC QUIZ NIGHT WIN A GALLON OF BEER EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 7.30PM BEER & A BURGER GRAB A BEER & A BURGER FOR JUST £5 AVAILABLE ON CARLING LAGER & GUEST ALES UNDER 5%AVB 2 FOR £10 TWO MAIN MEALS FOR ONLY £10 FOOD SERVED Daily - West Street, Doncaster /LeopardDoncaster www.leopard-doncaster.co.uk A warm welcome awaits you at THE SHOULDER OF MUTTON Main Street, Kirk Smeaton Tel. 01977 620348 Serving real ales from Black Sheep and rotating guest beers In the Good Beer Guide Open Fires and Friendly Atmosphere A Traditional Community Pub in an attractive Village Location Quiz Night Every Tuesday from 9.30 pm Large Beer Garden and Parking Area Very Popular with Walkers CAMRA’S DONCASTER DISTRICT PUB OF THE YEAR 2007 & NOW DISTRICT PUB OF THE SEASON AUTUMN 2011 33 The Donny Drinker Challenge The following is adapted from a story created by a Mr P. R. Wilson, a blind platelayer and ex-soldier, in 1938. The copy has been kindly given to us by Ian Smith. Hidden, although some are obvious, are 103 pubs that have, at some time in the last 400 years, existed in Doncaster. Many started out as ale houses which were first formed in 1619. The challenge is to identify all 103 pubs. The last paragraph also features the names of some past and present breweries. One day whilst walking past the Sun Inn we found three horse shoes which belonged to King George. We then met a volunteer who was a royal lancer. He was riding a fine bay horse on the way to meet the Duke of York. He had with him a black boy to accompany him to witness a fight between George and the Dragon near the Bridge Hotel. Robin Hood, used to meet the captain of the sloop at the New River Inn, near by the Sawmill arms which were wide open to praise the boy and barrel It was labour in vain to see the brown cow driven by Marsden past the bee hive. Also, we came across the green dragon fighting the white lion and the red lion near the castle, whilst J. Beetham and his two white swans and black swan and his greyhound was watching a little way off. A little further on we saw A.J. Smith playing crown and anchor and he won on the old crown whilst the mason’s arms held the black bull which was attacked by a spread eagle. Then up came a good woman, who proved to be Magdalene. She was an angel and with her were Lord Nelson, Wellington and old George with his woolpack, who came to the St. Leger. The mail coach and the coach and horses brought the King’s head and the Duke’s head to also witness the race.They rested at the Palace Buffet where young Union gave them a salutation on their arrival while Danum stood watching on. All at once the stag was chased by the horse and groom which passed the Dockin Hill Tavern, being met by the horse and jockey.Then, giving up the chase, he went to the Staff of Life for some bread and cheddar cheese and was joined by Lonsdale who had arrived from the Park Hotel after visiting the Rockingham and Doncaster Arms. He told them Fairway was good for the big race as the turf was in good condition. Old Albion who fought at the Alma near the Shakespeare’s Head saw St James and St John who were proceeding from the Fitzwilliam Arms to Camden Arms. The King’s arms held the elephant, which stood on three legs, while Sir Charles Napier, who was coming from the Cleveland Arms, paid a visit to the Golden Ball and the Scarborough Arms, where he met Britannia with her golden lion and St Thomas with his pet Leopard. That night the star shone very bright on the plants. Next morning the rising sun appeared over Hexthorpe House near the Prior Well bringing out to perfection the old blue bell. The figure head upon the ship was a Saracen’s head while the royal oak stood near the plough where the nags and bulls heads were grazing.hilst the white bear chased the reindeer and the ram to the corner pin where there was a white hart feeding. Maw Barker went to the windmill with his malt shove,l meeting on the way workers bearing the Corporation Arms in memory of the Prince of Wales. For traders the Railway Hotel proved a good commercial bet. Whitworths, son and nephew met Warwick and Richardsons and said that Hewitts, Dickinson, Ward, Clarkson, Darley, Tetley and Tennants, Smiths, both John and Sam. Also, Shipstones were the committee who met once a month under the chairmanship of cecil and BattieWrightson at the Old Barrel, this proving that British beer is best singled out from the rest. Special meetings were held at the Wheatley Park Hotel. 39 LocAle Pubs In Our Area Pub Plough Wheatsheaf Barnburgh WMC Cooper & Griffin Cadeby Pub & Rest. Hilltop Hotel Black Bull Cask Corner Corner Pin Location Arksey Armthorpe Barnburgh Bawtry Cadeby Conisborough Town Centre Town Centre Town Centre Doncaster Brewery Tap Town Centre Market Ale House/Deli Town Centre (Little) Plough Town Centre Red Lion Town Centre Salutation Town Centre Three Horseshoes Town Centre White Swan Town Centre Yorkshire Grey Town Centre City & Country Goole Victoria Goole The Hostel Hooton Pagnall Marr Lodge Marr Concertina Club Mexborough Falcon Mexborough Imperial Brewery Tap Mexborough Old Market Hall Mexborough Jemmy Hirst Rawcliffe Brewer’s Arms Snaith Punch Bowl Thorne Scarborough Arms Tickhill Ukrainian Club Wheatley Beer Imperial/Old Mill Various Acorn Various Acorn Various Old Mill Various Geeves Doncaster Various Acorn Various Old Mill Various Glentworths Various Various Various Various Acorn Concertina Old Mill Imperial Various Various Old Mill Old Mill Various Various CAMRA LocAle promotes pubs that sell locally brewed real ale, therefore supporting the local economy and breweries. CAMRA in Doncaster are lucky to have 6 breweries within our branch area and at least 60 others that qualify as LocAle. The brewery used, has to be within 30 miles of the pub. We currently have 30 pubs that sell LocAle in our branch area. It’s never been a better time to drink and enjoy a pint of locally brewed real ale, and with such a superb variety of ales, there is a pint to suit everyone. Next time you’re out why not try a pint of LocAle? Contact: locale@doncastercamra.org.uk Doncaster Town M 1. Three Horseshoes St Marys Bridge 2. White Swan L Frenchgate 3. Tut ‘n’ Shive 6, West Laith Gate 4. The (Little) Plough L 8, West Laith Gate 5. Railway West Street 6. Leopard D 1, West Street 7. Corner Pin LDW 145, St Sepulchre Gate West 8. Corporation Brewery Taps W 125, Cleveland Street 9. Gatehouse (Wetherspoons) LW 1, Priory Walk 10. Cask Corner LDCW 3, Cleveland Street 11. Old Angel (Wetherspoons) 22-28, Cleveland Street 12 Goose 54, Hall Gate L 13. Yorkshire Grey C D 16-17, Hall Gate 14 Social C Lazarus Court W Locale Pub Card carrying members discount Real Cider Wheelchair access may be possible 42 Centre Real Ale Map 15. Mint Lazarus Court 16. Ballers Silver Street 17. Horse and Groom 1c, East Laith Gate 18 Red Lion (Wetherspoons) WL 37-38, Market Place 19. Black Bull 12, Market Place 20. Mason’s Arms 22, Market Place 21. Marketplace Ale House & Deli 21, Market Place 22. Hallcross 33-34 Hall Gate 23. The Salutation LC 14, South Parade 24. The Courtyard 36, Market Place 25. Doncaster Brewery Tap LDC 7, Young Street 26. Staff of Life Princegate 27. Barley Twist W High Fishergate 28. The Woolpack 22, Market Place 43 JOIN CAMRA TODAY CAMRA is one of the most successful consumer organisation in the country. As a member you will receive: ● Our lively monthly publication, What’s Brewing, giving hard news from the world of pubs and beer as well as providing information about festivals and special events, ● Free or reduced admission to all CAMRA beer festivals throughout the UK including, of course, the Doncaster Beer Festival. ● Discounts on CAMRA books and products, including our best-selling Good Beer Guide. ● The opportunity to participate in branch events including socials and brewery visits. So why not help support us and join today! Just fill in the CAMRA application form opposite or join online at www.camra.org.uk. Membership costs £26 (£31.50 Joint at the same address) a year or just £24 (£29.50 Joint) if paying by direct debit. Concessionary membership (aged under 26 or over 60) is just £19.50 (£21.50 Joint) or £16.50 (£18.50 Joint) by direct debit. Branch membership update A merry Christmas and a happy new year to readers and to all members of the Doncaster and District Branch of CAMRA, and a warm welcome to those who have recently joined, or who have just moved into the Branch area. These include: Peter & Julie Bates, Christopher & Lisa Battersby, Geoffrey Bennett, Gary & Natalie Byrne, Andrew Calthorpe, Stephen Clamp, James Coombs, Paul Ellerington, Peter Goodwin, Brian & Sandra Green, David Grisdale & Pauline Bell, Richard Harbin, Thomas Helliwell, Nicholas Hiett & Nicholas Powers, Stephen Hind, Nigel Hurst, Adam Morgan, Mark Oakley, George Pratt, Gareth Ravey, Andrew Richards, Leslie Robinson, Gordon Sharpe, Fredrick Schwartz & Amanda Hoff, Michael Smith & Angela Barrett-Smith, Richard Smith, Derek Towle, Nick Troth & Shirley Plummer, Robert Wheeliker, Andrew White and Paul & Helen Whitehead. Thank you for joining: you should have received a membership pack from headquarters by now, along with an edition of ‘What’s Brewing’, CAMRA’s monthly newspaper. This gives details of national and local activities, such as beer festivals, campaigning socials and other special events. I hope you will be able to come along to one of these occasions in the near future and look forward to meeting you. More information about local events and the Doncaster Branch can be found on our web-site, simply log on at www.doncastercamra.org.uk for details, or turn to the ‘Branch Diary’ section of this publication. The branch held its Annual General Meeting in November so I thought I'd mention a few facts and figures just for the record. The Branch itself now has 1166 members, which makes us the fourth largest branch in the region (membership wise) with 8.6% of Yorkshire members belonging to Doncaster branch. This is an amazing total which is more than double the figure I quoted in my very first Membership Matters column in DD88 in 2005. Back then we had 451 members, with a national figure of 79,133. The national membership total is now in the region of 167,450, of which, 13,587 of us are from the Yorkshire region. Looking forward to seeing you at a forthcoming event, in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more information about CAMRA membership and its benefits. Tel 01302 391024, or e-mail: membership@doncastercamra.org.uk Ian Jones, Branch Membership Secretary 44 Branch Diary NOTE: All transport from Interchange unless stated otherwise. (22) = bus number D = departure time L = Last return CD - Organised coach departure time (Departure point) CR = approximate time coach arrives back DECEMBER 11 Thu Xmas shoppers social. Meet at White Swan 20:00 then (Little) Plough and Corner Pin. 13 Sat CAMRA Xmas buffet at the Jemmy Hirst at the Rose and Crown, Rawcliffe. CD (West St) 18:00 CR 22:45. Price £5.00 Buffet £6.00. 19 Fri Mad Friday. We go to more peaceful venues. D(91) 18:30 to Finningley and the Harvey Arms. Then D(91) 20:17 to the Eagle and Child at Auckley. L 22:36 21 Sun Our back to basics Xmas social this year is to Sheffield. Meet outside station booking office at 14:00 to catch the 14:13 train to Sheffield. Keep in touch by mobile if you intend catching a different train and want to meet up. Recommended train back is 21.24 to ensure people catch their last buses. 27 Sat Twixtmas social to the Corner Pin Beer Festival. Meet from 20.00. The festival runs from 22-28 December. JANUARY 9 Fri Cheeky drinkers at Doncaster Brewery Tap. Meet after work any time from 18:00. Lots of beer and much merriment to be had! 11 Sun Sunday lunch social at the Corner Pin. Meet first at the Little Plough at 14:00. Will be eating at approx. 15:00. Choice of pork, beef, chicken or veggie. Price £5.95. Must be booked and choice of meat given to Carole. 12 Mon Branch meeting at the Leopard at 20:00. Site of the very first branch meeting 40 years ago. 21 Wed Town Social, Meet at the Market Place Ale House and Deli from 19.30. 25 Sun Trip to Worksop to Grafton Hotel to present Grafton Brewery with their Doncaster Beer Festival award for best speciality beer, Apricot Jungle. D (22) 14:55 (12:55 if you want to visit the Grey Horses at Carlton in Lindrick. L 19:10 or 20:10. Alternatively train 14.59 returning on 18:12 or 20.03. Presentation at 17:00 FEBRUARY 7 Sat Coach trip for the District Winter Pub of the Season to the Old School Inn at Epworth. CD (West Street) 16:00 CR 22:45 Visiting other pubs in the Isle of Axholme first before arriving at our destination at 19:30. Presentation at 21:00. 9 Mon Branch meeting at the Tut n Shive at 20:00. 46 12 Thu Doncaster Winter Pub of the Season presentation at the White Swan. Meet from 19:30. Presentation at 21:00. 14 Sat Social to Beer Festival at the Little Plough Meet 20:00. Festival is on from Feb 12th - 15th. 7-10 beers available. 21 Sat Social to Chinley Winter Ale Festival at the Old Hall Inn. Train to Sheffield 10:04 then 11:14 to Chinley arriving at 11:55. Return train at 19.23 or 21:23. 28 Sat Lincoln Social. Catch train at 10:24. Return train at 20:27. Subject to change if other trains cheaper. Check with social secretary before setting off. MARCH 7 Sat CAMRA Regional Meeting at the Wheatsheaf, Armthorpe. D (82) 11:15. Meeting starts at 12:00. 9 Mon Branch meeting at the Salutation at 20:00. 14 Sat Presentation of award from Doncaster beer festival to Magic Rock Brewery for best golden ale with Carnival. Buy return ticket to South Elmsall with a West Yorkshire Day Rover. Catch Leeds train at 10:26 getting off at South Elmsall. We will then catch a bus to Magic Rock. Rest of the day to be arranged but some time will be spent in Huddersfield. 22 Sun Sunday afternoon wander with coach. CD (West Street) 12:30. CR approx 21:00. Price £7.00. 25 Wed Town Social. Meet at the Leopard from 19:30. 28 Sat Balby Social D (X78) 18:30. Meet at the Fairway and move around from there. Bus/train times can be confirmed at TRAVELINE on 01709 515151 or at www.travelsouthyorkshire.com Visitors and members are always made welcome Other socials or events may be arranged at branch meetings. Alterations to the above events will be announced at branch meetings or posted on the website. www.doncastercamra.org.uk For more event information or to book coaches and meals please contact Carole Leonard. Phone 07973 969046 Eventssec@doncastercamra.org.uk 47 DONCASTER 25th BEER FESTIVAL at The Hub April 9th - 11th 2015 9th - 11th April 2015
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