Term 2 Week 6 29 May, 2014 Mission Beach State School We would like to acknowledge the Djiru people and the sacredness of the land on which our school is built Principal Mr Gordon Robertson Business Services Manager Miss Lauren Kanowski Administration Officer Mrs Sheryl Shaw Guidance Officer Joanne Hoskins ABSENCES 4088 8333 sshaw27@eq.edu.au SCHOOL 4088 8333 FAX 4088 8300 Principal News NEW - Way To Go Program As part of our restructuring of the school behaviour plan, we have introduced a positive acknowledgement system which gives students immediate acknowledgement for meeting our school expectations in the playground. The card the students receive as acknowledgement is placed in a box (one for each house) and tallied by the house captains at the end of each week. At the end of each term, the winning house members will have the opportunity to participate in a special afternoon activity on the last day of school. Each week on parade the progressive tallies are announced by the house captains and encouragement given to try to get the most “Way To Go” awards possible. Additionally, a random draw is conducted to select one of those students who has received a Way To Go award during the previous week. This lucky student then receives a small “prize”. This aspect of the process is being trialled until the end of term and will be reviewed at that time. There will be additional changes to our in school processes over the next few weeks as we develop our ideas into practices across the school. The working group leading the work on this meets every Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m If you would like to be involved in the discussions around this work, we would welcome your attendance at these meetings. Please let me know if you are interested. I will also be presenting our ideas and developments at our net P&C meeting. Come along and find out how things a re progressing. School Routine – Start of the school day. the.principal@missbeacss.eq.edu.au The first bell for the day rings at 8:45. This bell reminds children it is time to start preparing for the school day. At this time children need to move to classrooms and organise learning materials ready for the day ahead. Work in classrooms starts at 8:50, so it is essential that children are here by this time ready for work. Late arrival not only disadvantages your child, but also interrupts the start of the day for every child in the class. Please ensure that your child is here ready to start school on time. MBSS P&C President STUDENT MEDICAL RECORDS / PARENT CONTACT DETAILS OFFICE HOURS 7:45am – 4:00pm GENERIC EMAIL Mrs Shannon Rigato MBSS P&C meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm SCHOOL WATCH 13 17 88 WEBSITE www.missbeacss.eq.edu.au It is very important for the school to hold CURRENT Contact details and Medical details for all children. When children come to the office feeling unwell, they are already distressed. This becomes much worse when we are unable to contact parents or carers to come and comfort them. At times we have difficulty contacting parents if their child is sick or needs something from home as phone numbers or contact details have changed and we have not been made aware of this. Also, at times, the medical records are out of date so we may not know about newly diagnosed conditions – allergies, asthma – that are important for us when we are helping your child. If any medical details have changed or you have changed your phone numbers recently, kindly contact the school office by phone, email or in person to ensure we hold current records. Email Sheryl on sshaw27@eq.edu.au Nude Food Tuesday Every Tuesday we encourage children to bring lunch with the smallest amount of wrapping or packaging as possible. School Lunches Good nutrition is absolutely essential for children to allow them to effectively access learning. The links between good nutrition and brain function are well known and clear. If you want your child to achieve to the highest possible level, make sure you provide him/her with a good nutritious lunch. Although pre packaged foods are very convenient, quick and enjoyed by children, they are rarely as good as fresh, home prepared foods. According to Nutrition Australia (http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/), a healthy lunchbox has four components: · A main item, such as a sandwich/wrap/roll, pasta with vegetables, soup, frittata or sushi. · A fruit or vegetable snack, such as whole fruit, cut up veggie sticks, canned fruit in natural juice, a small salad · A second snack based on a core food, such as reduced fat yoghurt, grainy crackers with reduced fat cheese, plain popcorn, a slice of raisin bread, a wholemeal fruit muffin, a boiled egg or a can of tuna. · And a drink. A bottle of tap water is best, and plain UHT milk is also acceptable. Here are some examples of each component: Main item: Multigrain bread with salad filling and tuna in springwater Snacks: Small high fibre fruit muffin, mandarin, mini cheese snack Drinks: 125ml reduced fat UHT milk (frozen), water bottle. There are some great resources online for any parent or carer who needs some inspiration. Try these great sites for some ideas: http://www.kidspot.com.au/ (Also has some cheap family meal plans) http://www.sustainableschools.qld.edu.au/Default.aspx?tabid=921 (great TUCKSHOP NEWS CRUNCH TIME Tuckshop can provide snacks for crunch time on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Place orders using the bag system and your crunch will be delivered to your class fridge or crunch box. Some crunch ideas:Apples, fruit salad, carrots, bananas, grapes, popcorn, & celery. Biggest Morning Tea Our Biggest Morning Tea raised $240.00. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser for the Qld Cancer Fund and to Sheryl for organising us all again this year Prep Enrolments for 2015 If you are considering Prep for next year, I would urge you to come along to school and collect an enrolment package. It helps us immensely if we have an idea of the number of prep enrolments we can expect. Children need to be born between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010. Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate to verify his/her date of birth. If you know of community members who may not receive our newsletter but have children coming next year, please let them know of the need to enrol early as well. Getting this information early allows us to plan our class arrangements more effectively. Queensland Day Queensland Day is next Friday 6th June. Queensland Day acknowledges the birth of Queensland as a selfgoverning colony, the anniversary of the date on which Queen Victoria signed documents granting Queensland the right to its own representative government and appointing Queensland's first Governor, Sir George Bowen. From 1859 to 1901, Queensland had the status of a self-governing colony. From 1 January 1901, Queensland became one of the six founding States of the Commonwealth of Australia. Marine Aquarium If you have been through the office recently, you will have noticed an aquarium being set up in the foyer. This aquarium supports our Reef Guardian values and will provide an insight into the valuable asset Reef Guardians are working to preserve. You will be able to track the progress of this wonderful resource over the coming weeks. Regards, Gordon Arts Update The countdown is on for our ‘Wild Things’ Concert. All classes are busily practising their act for the big night (Thur 26 June, 6pm).We are so excited to now have Mrs Jan Davies helping us with our concert. Mrs Davies is an extremely skilled and experienced art and drama teacher and we are already benefiting from her input. Letters will go home with every student this Friday outlining the costume and the props that each individual will need. Please just do the best that you can with the costumes, I do not expect miracles and I most certainly do not expect people to spend lots of money. I do have some costumes and props at school that may be utilised if necessary. Teachers will need a Parent Support Group consisting of at least 3 parents to assist with props. Make sure you remember to ask your child’s teacher if they need assistance. The Year 7 students will present a concert item consisting of three skits from “The Addams family” television series in 1964. The Year 7’s are keen for the rest of the school to get to know the original Addams family members. So, in an effort to ‘educate’ the rest of the school we will show one episode of the Addams family (1964-1969) in my Arts room every Friday. Please contact the school if you specifically do not want your child to view these programs. Some things we need for the concert are: hobby horses, Cousin It wig, Old fashioned vertical standing telephone, a stethoscope, and smoke machine and strobe/laser lights. Read to Me Day The ‘Read to me’ day in Tully is on Tuesday the 24th of June. This week a permission note was sent home and wrongly stated that the theme was ‘Fairytale’s. I apologise for this mistake, the theme is still “Circus”. Each student in prep to year 3 will make a circus hat in class time. These students are welcome to wear this hat as part of their circus costume on the day. Students do not need a circus ‘costume’- they could just wear colourful clothes and the circus hat we make at school. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions relating to either the Concert or the Read to me Day. Book Fair in the Library! Tomorrow, Friday, is the last day to purchase a book from the Book Fair in the library. Thank you to all the students who have already purchased books. The money raised goes towards buying more resources for our library. It is so great to see the students so excited about books – the age of the printed book is far from over! The Book Fair will be open from 8 am to 4 pm. Judy and Sarah Don’t Forget Nude Food Tuesday Every Tuesday we encourage children to bring lunch with the smallest amount of wrapping or packaging as possible. Prep to Year 3 students celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime Last Wednesday, the students gathered in the school library for the annual National Simultaneous Storytime. National Simultaneous Storytime is an initiative of ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) to help encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Children all over Australia listen to the same story at the same time. Mr Robertson delighted the students with the reading of this year’s book, Too Many Elephants in this House written by Ursula Dubosarsky and illustrated by Andrew Joyner. The students laughed with delight as the story unfolded with Eric, the main character, trying to find homes for all of his elephants. The students were delighted when we unveiled the lastest painting. Karen Quinn, Jimi’s Mum, painted a beautiful illustration of mischievous Eric and his elephants. A Huge Thank you Karen! Eric will now hang in the library with the paintings of the characters from previous stories which were painted by Leandra Willis. Photo 1 : Mr Robertson with Jimi Quinn displaying the beautiful painting painted by Jimi’s Mum, Caryn. Photo 2: Mr Robertson reading the story to the Prep 1 to 3 students at MBSS. Photo 3: Photo 3: Mr Robertson, admiring the painting with some of the students. Our Giant Pumpkin Update from Day One Gene & Zane 13 March Gene & Prep Children 25 March Lauren & Gene 28th April Gene & Year 1 Children 4th April Pumpkin photo taken Friday 9th May Photo taken 20th May with Gus Rowe th Photos taken 14 May Our Pumpkins have tripled in size in 5 days rd Photo taken 23 May with Finn Mcpherson 155cm Jexie our cleaner has named #1 Pumpkin Paul & #2 Pumpkin Peter. Paul the pumpkin is not as big as Peter Photo taken 23rd May Measurements Date 23rd May 26th May 14 #1 Paul 154 cm #2 Peter 155cm 166cm Letters sent home in the last fortnight Letter Year Level Unexplained Absences (Yellow) Circus - Read To Me Day Excursion Only students with Unexplained Absences return ASAP Prep – Year 3 UPCOMING PAYMENT SCHEDULES Activity Event Cost Due By Note sent home 20 & 21 February 2014 Student Varies for individuals 30th April Requirements Due to processing any payments received after due dates may not be accepted unless prior arrangement with the office. Please make sure all payments to the school come in an envelope with student name and what the money is intended for. PAYMENT OPTIONS Payment can be made at the School Office, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm via the payment slot drop and go. Parents wishing to pay over the counter by cash, EFT or Credit Card are still able to do this between the hours of 9:30am – 2:30pm. Cheques - made payable to MISSION BEACH STATE SCHOOL EFT POS – is now available at the front counter for payments made to the school. BPay – is no longer available until further notice. Direct Debit- please make sure Invoice Number and Surname are used for reference Payments for the P&C including uniform sales require cash or cheque. USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS Babysitting Services: 0450878965 (Lisa Cranage) Baby Equipment Hire 0408798764 (Catherine) Baseline Tennis: 0421200160 (Wayne) Boat Licences: 0408075899 (Greg) Computer Repairs & Service: 0427612424(Nigel) Dental Van: 0407575604 Family Day Care 40302254 or 0427192690 (Tanya) Guitar Lessons: 40685606 or 0427612424 (Nigel) House Cleaning: 0448788552 Stacey Nickless Ironing Lady: 0421383403 (Desley) Kids Dance: 0447279960 (Katelyn Kowalsky) Little Athletics: 40680223(Greg) Marine, Mower, Generator Mechanics, Fishing & Boating Gear The Tinnie Shack 40886125 Martial Arts 0498714490 Goju Ryu Mission Beach Cricket: 0417608687 (Mick) Mission Beach Gymnastic Club: 40689356 (Jayne) Mission Beach Sailing Club:40688478 (Trish) Mission Beach Soccer Club: 0427688188 ( Sarah Johnson) Pet Buddies/Pet Minding: 0414247919 (Nicole) Psychologist: 0407554138 (Joanne Rick ) Rose Dance Studio Tully: 0448034902 (Rose) Scouts 0439682014 (Joan) Speech Pathologist: 0402394486 Claire Hayley Thermomix Demonstrator : 0419792688 or o.watt@bigpond.com Olivia Watt Trans North Bus Company: 40687400 Tae Kwon Do: 0409381082 (Martin O’Lachlan) Touch Football: 0417602612 (Mike) Tully Cricket Club: 0438 182168 (David Eaton) Tully Swimming Pool: 40681445 (Kellie) Tully Tiger Rugby League 0427 638 470 Belinda Blanco Tutoring: 40687449 (Rodney Kent) Tutoring: 0407126113 Phil Berry-Porter Yoga: 0409886068(Susan Kelly) Mission Beach Monday gym class 330-430 is looking for students aged 5-7yrs. Leave a message for Dora on 40682667 or dora.sumegi@bigpond.com. Pride & Effort Recipients It is our pleasure to publish the names of the wonderful students in our school who have recently received ‘Pride and Effort Awards’ from their class teacher on assembly. Class Prep A Mrs Porter Monday 19 May Monday 26 May Ava Cruickshank Bailey NevilleSewell Ben Newton Axle Scown Zac Mildenhall Nicholas Messina 1A Mrs James & Mrs Jolly 1B Miss Colleen Charlayla Palmer Luke Lloyd Ruby Cleary William Delaney 2A Mrs Gilmore Julius Franklin Jasmine Pitman 2/3 Miss Ciranni Lakisha Rabana Alanna Cooper 3A Mrs Stevens 4A Mrs Timms Joe Strutt Metu Tinirau Jed Campbell Kohl Macare Prep B Mrs Menzies & Mrs Thompson Prep C Mrs Camilleri 4/5 Mrs Curnoe Mal Palmer 5/6 Mrs Hawkins Bell Blakemore 6A Ms Pople Monday 19 May Dallas Sutton Belle Frain & Flynn Rowe 7A Mrs Doarnte Other Teachers Pride and Effort recipients Karlie Nicholson Rose Meacham Jimi Quinn STLN Ms Borgna HPE Ms DuPreez Reece Durighello Hayden Davison, Charlayla Palmer & Max Costa Ruby Hemsley The Arts Miss Carmen Brodie Wagner Liam McCormack Pride and Effort recipients Monday 26 May Play Time Activities for Term 2 Monday Tuesday Mrs Heath Library Board Games & Quiet Reading Board Games & Quiet Reading Board Games & Quiet Reading The Arts Room Miss Carmen Drawing Group Yr1 –Yr7 1.10 – 1.50 Mock Rock Show Rehearsals Yr1-Yr7 Dance Group Yr1 –Yr7 1.10 – 1.50 Mock Rock Show Rehearsals Yr1-Yr7 Drama Group Yr1 –Yr7 1.10 – 1.50 Mock Rock Show Rehearsals Yr1-Yr7 Ms Ede Fitness Club Yr4-Yr7 MPH Hall 1.15 – 1.45 Fitness Club Yr4-Yr7 MPH Hall 1.15 – 1.45 Mrs Venita Hunt Wednesday Cooking Classes 8am – 8.45am 3.00pm – 4pm Thursday Friday Story Reading Computers & Quiet Reading FUN RUN 8.30 – 8.45 All ages welcome FUN RUN 8.30 - 8.45 All ages welcome Softball 1.15 – 1.45 For Ages 10 & over Softball 1.15 – 1.45 For Ages 10 & over TERM 2 2014 CALENDAR Monday Tuesday 21st April Easter Monday Public Holiday 22nd April 28th April Peninsula Boys Tennis 29th April Peninsula Girls Tennis Week 3 5th May Peninsula Basketball 6th May Week 4 12th May Week 1 Wednesday Thursday Friday 24th April Anzac Day Commemoration Service 2pm NO TUCKSHOP 1st May Yr6/7/9 Leadership Day 9-2 @TSHS Student Leaders 25th April Anzac Day Public Holiday 26&27 April 2nd May TD Soccer Carnival 9-3 3&4 May 7th May Year 7 Information Evening 6pm @TSHS Parents/students For our current year 6 students 8th May TD Cross Country 9am -12 9th May 10 & 11 May 14th May 15th May 16th May Gift Wrapping for Mothers Day Kitchen Essentials Tully 9am 17&18 May 23th May 24&25 May 30th May BOOK FAIR 31st May & 1st June 6th June 7&8 June 13th June Disco Freaky Friday Cleaners Day 20th June Athletics Carnival 14 &15 June 23rd April NO TUCKSHOP Week 2 13th May NAPLAN 30th April NAPLAN Aboriginal & Torres Strait Hearing Screening NAPLAN Weekend TD Softball Trial (After school) Review Week 5 19th May Pie Orders In 20th May 21st May Week 6 26th May 27th May 28th May 22nd May Biggest Morning Tea Prep Letterland Morning Tea 29th May BOOK FAIR Musical Matinee Year 6/7 students @TSHS-MPC Week 7 2nd June Week 8 9th June Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend Week 9 16th June Report Cards sent home Week 10 23rd June 3rd June Nude Food Tuesday 10th June Nude Food Tuesday 17th June 4th June Pie Orders Ready for pickup 5th June 11th June 12th June 18th June 19th June Nude Food Tuesday 24th June Read Up ReadUp Prep – Yr3 Reading Day Out Theme - Circus 25th June 26th June Middle Year Concert ’Wild Things’ 27th June Ball Games & 800m 9am Start 21 & 27June MBSS Cent Sale 28th & 29th June School Holidays Start Monday 30th June – Friday 11th July Lost Felix the Cat jumper if found please hand into the office Mrs Shaw’s Quiz Questions Who Are We? Last Week’s Answers: Who Are We? Who Am I at MBSS? Who Am I at MBSS? My favourite book is “The Diary of a Wombat”. Started teaching a long, long time ago in Bundaberg. I enjoy water sports and the outdoors. I am the proud parent of 3 wonderful young men. My first job was slicing mangoes in a Mango Canning Factory. My favourite animal is a monkey. Started teaching in 1995 in Brisbane. I once danced at the Sydney Opera House. I enjoy doing arty things & baking cheesecakes. I am the proud parent of 1 boy and 1 girl. I am Mrs Judy Heath ________________________________ I am Mrs Annette Timms 2 entries last week Nell Blakemore is the Winner Last fornights Quizz Questions were all about Food 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Deer meat is known by what name? Venison Lures, reels, rods, hooks, baits and nets are common equipment used in what food gathering method? Fishing True or false? McDonald’s has restaurants in over 100 countries around the world. True What is another name for maize? Corn Dairy products are generally made from what common liquid? Milk True or false? ‘Beefsteak’ is a variety of tomato. True Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore? Omnivore The ‘Pizza Hut’ franchise began in what country? USA What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween? Pumpkins Chiffon, marble and bundt are types of what? Cake This weeks Quizz Question 1. Which animal was introduced in Australia for the purpose of hunting in 1845? 2. In which year was colour television first transmitted in Australia? 3. True or false? Harry Potter star Rupert Grint owns an ice cream van? 4. What saint is said to have banished all snakes from Ireland? 5. True or false? The Melbourne Cup is held on the first Tuesday in November? 6. Which animal is known as the ship of the desert? 7. What is the name of the official record of proceedings and debates in parliament? 8. True or false? Jeff from the Wiggles wears a purple top? 9. At what age did Ned Kelly’s bushranging career begin with a conviction for assault? 10. Queensland Day is on held on what date? All correct answers handed into Mrs Shaw go into a draw for a $5.00 Tuckshop Voucher. Please hand in no later than Wednesday 28 May Wanted Photo Albums If you have any unwanted photo albums that the school could use please send into the office. Preferably the slip in ones. FREE Well Women’s Clinics – June 2014 Service includes Pap Smears, Sexual Health Screening, Breast Awareness, also info on Contraception, Continence, Menopause, Lifestyle Issues, Domestic Violence, etc. All services are provided by a specially trained Women’s Health Nurse. Tully Hospital Thursday 5th June Ph 4068 4144 Mission Beach Comm Hlth Thursday 12th June Ph 4226 4812/0428 781 421 HEMSLEY HALF MARATHON 2:45 pm MACKAYS BANANAS 10km 3:45 pm SATURDAY 14 JUNE RUN ENTIRELY ON THE BEACHES Enter at www.registernow.com.au Late registrations up to 30 minutes before start times. Entry fees: HEMSLEY HALF MARATHON & MACKAYS BANANAS 10 KM BEACHCOMBER BAREFOOT BEACH FAMILY FUN RUN/WALK 4:30 pm - $15 individual / $10 subsequent FAMILY member LESS $5 for CCMC club members. BEACHCOMBER BAREFOOT BEACH FAMILY FUN RUN/WALK Register online at - $10 Individual up to a maximum of $25 a FAMILY less $5 for CCMC club members. Thanks to CHILCOTT CONSTRUCTIONS. www.registernow.com.au EMAIL: cassowarycoastmultisportclub@gmail.com Minor cash prizes & random draws hh CASSOWARY COAST MULTISPORT CLUB SOUTH MISSION BEACH www.ccmclub.org.au FACEBOOK 2014 beachruns@Mission Ph Jeff on 0434019515
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