MAXWELL ACADEMY PVT. LTD. Authorized Testing Centre CENTRE FOR TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT New no.12, Old no. 35, V.P. Akilan Street, M.G.R. Nagar, Chennai-78. Website: Conducts ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON TIME & STRESS MANAGEMENT Venue: THE FERN CITADEL HOTEL #41, Sheshadari Road, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore. Pin - 560 009.. COVERAGE 1. IntroducƟon: Understanding Time and Stress Problems Personal Inventory & Objec ve-Se ng How the modern business environment affects how we work “Too much to do and too li le me” Examining the real causes of me management problems Choices and responsibili es 2. Stress Management Understanding Stress Iden fying Stressors Iden fying your stress reac ons and coping mechanisms Coping with and adap ng to change; risk taking & stress Model for handling stress Stress Management Techniques 3. Planning and Pro acƟvity Iden fying your priori es – personal and work related Understanding Mo va on and barriers to mo va on Reducing self-limi ng thinking Se ng realis c goals – long, medium and short-term Becoming more pro-ac ve Reducing procras na on Date 21st February 2015 Saturday Time 9.30am To 5.00pm For Registration contact : Ms Clara Poulin C, Training Coordinator Phone: 044-4261 6430 | 044-4203 3075 Cell: 09841985114 / 6 E-mail: 4. Time Management – Becoming more organized Time Management Principles Time-Waster’s Ques onnaire Iden fying and elimina ng me wasters How to Priori se and Plan daily Prac cal Priori sing exercises Dis nguishing between “Urgent” and “Important” Se ng daily objec ves and s cking to your plan Using a daily planner / diary system Techniques for managing me more efficiently Reducing me-was ng in mee ngs Managing other people’s impact on your me Achieving more each day Crea ng balance between work and personal life 5. Saying “No” Elimina ng non-essen als from your day Establishing when to say “No” How to refuse demands appropriately How to Delegate effec vely When and how to relinquish control TRAINING PROGRAMME FEE : Rs. 3,500/- Nett per participant (It inclusive of all Taxes). It covers Course Material, grand buffet Veg. Lunch and Refreshment. Service Tax No. : AFKPG7543 M St001 Kindly register your name along with DD/Cheque in favor of “MAXWELL CENTRE FOR TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT”. For further details we request you to visit our website About Facilitator - Mr. Santosh Tantri He is a Marketing and Finance post graduate, with a graduate degree in Commerce. He has attended many self-development workshops like, Transactional Analysis 101 and Trainers Empowerment Program. He was also the best performing participant of Dr Shyam Manav’s Hypnotherapy workshop. He has made his presence felt in the field of training with gifted ability to connect with people. His passion for training people, has transformed many lives from ordinary to extra-ordinary. 8 years of theatrical style in training makes him stand apart from the rest in the profession of training and public speaking. A technical know-how of Computers as a personal passion, allows him to relate to technical professionals. Under the able guidance of reputed motivational orators like Mr. Daniel Jacob and Dr. S Manav, he has learnt the art of public speaking and motivational talks. Gathering and presenting anecdotes from his interests in biking, traveling, adventure sports like, trekking, bungee jumping etc, makes his talks a lot livelier. He has been working with some of the best corporate houses in India like Mphasis, Wipro, Siemens, JDA, Mercedez benz, IG Infotech, Nasscom, 24X7 Learning Pvt Ltd, ICICI Lombard, Centum, Byond Mobiles are to name few. Delivered a guest lecture for 200 directors on Service Mindset for CAT – Center for Advanced Technologies Branches: All over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune - Teams: Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad
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