eHRMS - Manav Sampada
eTool for Human Resource Management
Joint Initiative of DeitY and National Informatics Centre
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
1. What is the procedure to be followed by a State Government for implementing the Manav Sampada software in
the State covering all Departments?
2. Can a single Department of State Government use the Software in case the State Government has not adopted it
for all Departments?
3. What are the main features of the application?
4. Is salary processing a part of Manav Sampada? If not, can the data of existing salary software integrated with it?
5. What are the steps involved in data preparation for its implementation?
6. Are any mobile applications developed to supplement Manav Sampada?
7. In case a State Government has specific requirement to capture/store some additional fields, will it involve
addition module development?
8. I require some technical help during software implementation, whom should I get in touch with?
9. Can ACRs be submitted online by the officials?
10.Is Leave and tour management part of the application?
11. Are digital signatures a mandatory requirement for implementation?
12. What kind of master data needs to be prepared?
13. How much master data entry effort is required?
14. What should be the ideal mode of service record data entry?
15. Can I use Aadhaar number of officials as the Employee Code? Will I get base data from Aadhar (SRDH)?
16. How is data updated in the software after service records of employees are entered into it?
17. Can transfer orders be generated through the software?
18. Is joining / relieving/ re-transfer/cancellation of transfer orders possible in the software?
19. How many Departments/ officials of Himachal Pradesh are covered in the State through this Software?
20. How much training is required to understand and start using the software?
21. Is the Manav Sampada application accessible on mobile devices having lesser screen size?
22. What are the special technological features of this application?
23. Where is the software hosted?
24. What are the benefits of using Manav Sampada for human resource management of a Government department?
25. Has Manav Sampada won any awards?
26. Who are the developers?
1. What is the procedure to be followed by a State Government for implementing the Manav Sampada software in the
State covering all Departments?
The eHRMS State Nodal Officerwill has to enroll their State by filling up the State on boarding Request
( and a token number will be
generated after successfully submission of the request .Application Administrator will receive the
request and authenticate this request and will provide two access key oneHRMS Nodal officer’s Mobile
no and email .Then the eHRMS Nodal Officer has to submit the State Enrollment form by provided
Token No and two Access key .(
2. Can a single Department of State Government use the Software in case the State Government has not adopted it
for all Departments?
Yes,Even a single Department of State Government can use the Software in case the State Government
has not adopted it for all Departments. The State Administrator can add the Department request as and
when require.
3. What are the main features of the application?
The main features of the application are as follows.
User Defined Home Page
Upload State & Department Logo
User Management at Admin Level
User Management at Department and Office Level
Multi-Lingual Web Site Support Local Language Form Labels and Menus
Provision for Local Language
Dynamic Form Wise Help
Verifying Service Book in Parts
On Line Annual Property Return
On Line Annual Confidential Report ( Backlog and New)
Online Transfer, Promotion, Appointment Orders
Online Joining and Relieving Orders
Online Vacancy/Recruitment
Online Leave Management
Online Tour Management
Provision to Customized Order Format at the Department Level
Standardized of Service Book Formats in 12 Forms
Multi- Lingual SSRS (Report)
Clickable and Drilldown SSRS Reports
Dash Board for DSS
User Defined Forms (Single/Multiple)
Custom Form Labels
Self-Registration Through API
Separate Modules for Application Management
Role Based access to Users through their Administrators
Provision for Online Queries within the department officials
Employee Dash Boards for day today transactions
4. Is salary processing a part of Manav Sampada? If not, can the data of existing salary software integrated with it?
The Salary processing is not a part of Manav Sampada. But, the data of existing salary software can be
integrated with it through open API by the user departments.
5. What are the steps involved in data preparation for its implementation?
Steps involved in data preparation for its implementation are as follows.
 Identify the State eHRMS Nodal Officer.
 Creation of Master Date (Such as Department, Designation Master, Branch, Seniority List, Sanction
 Designate Department and Office Nodal officer
 Department Office level hierarchy and office creation master data.
 Transaction type (order name ) for Service history Maintaining
6. Are any mobile applications developed to supplement Manav Sampada?
Yes, mobile application has been developed to supplement Manav Sampada.
7. In case a State Government has specific requirement to capture/store some additional fields, will it involve addition
module development?
Yes, if a state government has specific requirement to capture/store some additional fields then in this
software this permission is given to state administrator to make a form (single entry, multiple entry)
dynamically and this form will be visible to end user.
8. I require some technical help during software implementation, whom should I get in touch with?
During software implementation for any technical help you can contact with sio-hp@nic.inor phone no
9.Can ACRs be submitted online by the officials?
Yes, ACRs can be submitted online by the officials in a pre defined format. There is also provision for
ACR Movement from employee -> reporting officer -> reviewing officer -> accepting authority.
10.Is Leave and Tour management part of the application?
Yes, Leave and Tour management are part of the application; any individuals can apply online for leave
and tour.
11. Are digital signatures a mandatory requirement for implementation?
Digital signaturesare not mandatory requirement for implementation. However the user can upload the
officer scanned signature to incorporate them in online orders.
12.What kind of master data needs to be prepared?
Master data needs to be prepared for software implementation is as follows.
Update Menu Name in Local Language (in English will be provided)
Update form help in local language (in English will be provided)
Create Department Master
Create Department Administrator
Create Designation Master (State Wise)
Create Order Type
Manage form label in local language.(in English will be provided)
Manage Location data(District, constituency, Block , Panchayat Master)
Manage Holidays Master Entry
Create office level and office master
Create office Administrator
Mapping of Department and Designation(Department Wise)
Department Wise Order Authority , Order Format
Create Service and Service Grading Master
Update Department Wise Nodal officer detail.
Upload Department wise notification Detail.
13.How much master data entry effort is required?
It can varies from one State to another depending on the employee strength, office hierarchy, internet
connectivity, implementation strategy and master trainer. In ideal condition for a department having
employee strength of around 1000 the effort for employee master entry can be around 2 months.
14.What should be the ideal mode of service record data entry?
Ideal mode of service record data entry is through employee establishment office in-charge.
Howeverthere is a provision to capture initial service record detail through employees later on it can be
verified by the concern establishment.
15.Can I use Aadhaar number of officials as the Employee Code? Will I get base data from Aadhar (SRDH)?
Yes, basic data of employee can be fetched through UID Aaadhar(Through State specific UID web
16.How is data updated in the software after service records of employees are entered into it?
1. Master Entry: Digitization of employee current manual service book data by establishment office.
2. Verification of Record: Verification of Master Data through concern verifying officer – Automatic locking
3. Online Transactions:After verification of master data the subsequent transaction in employee service
book will be done through online transaction which will be the part of their service book and no
separate entry is needed.
4. Service Book Correction: Entry once locked can be updated only through some designated officer having
role as “eService Book correction “after valid document proof.
17. Can transfer orders be generated through the software?
Yes, Transfer Orders can be generated through this software which will be part of their service book
history and can be downloaded from the portal.
18.Is joining / relieving/ re-transfer/cancellation of transfer orders possible in the software?
Yes, Joining / relieving / re-transfer / cancellation order is possible in this software.
19.How many Departments/ officials of Himachal Pradesh are covered in the State through this Software?
146 Departments/Officials of Himachal Pradeshare covered in the state through this Software.
82 Departments/Officials of Jharkhand State are covered in the state through this Software.
20.How much training is required to understand and start using the software?
As the employee service book record are maintained by their respective establishment office situated
throughout the State. A department wise sustainable training plan is required which involved
establishment staff from all levels. The establishment user can be trained in the application with 3 days
training including 1 day hands on with their sample data.
21.Is the Manav Sampada application accessible on mobile devices having lesser screen size?
Yes, Manav Sampada application is accessible on mobile device and efforts are on to make it more
22.What are the special technological features of this application?
Special technological features of this application are as follows:
Database / Client Interface: ---- MS SQL Server 2012 / ASP.Net-MVC
Report Server: ---- SQL Report Server (SSRS) (Drill down SSRS Report)
Web Server: ----Windows Web Server IIS 8 and Above
Graphical Representation (Dashboard):----Information Sharing: ----Bowser Supported: -----
Fusion Chart (Drill Down Dashboard)
Web API Integrated (Open API for Data Sharing)
Internet Explorer 10 & above Mozilla Firefox 33 & above Chrome 35 & above
Mobile APPs -----Android Platform and available under Google Play Store.
23.Where is the software hosted?
Software is hosted on Meghraj cloud. URL is as below:
24.What are the benefits of using Manav Sampada for human resource management of a Governmentdepartment?
The eHRMS Application was developed as the product model for providing a generalized human
resource management solution for Government Departments to help them in taking right
decisions at right time and for proper monitoring, manpower planning, and recruitment,
Postings, Promotion and Transfer based on employee skill sets. The Manav Sampada System-an
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) has the twin objective of maintaining Electronic
record of the service of all employees across all State Government Departments and to provide
a single User ID/Logon for majority of the e-Governance applications in the State. The software
utilization is 100% and that’s the key factor for its success because ensuring 100% data entry
into the service book of records is a challenge for any decision maker .
25.Has Manav Sampada won any awards?
Yes, Manav Sampada – A Green Governance Tool for Human Resources and Management System
26.Who are the developers?
Powered by Department of Electronics and Information Technology&
National Informatics Centre
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Government of India