Horizons Newsletter - Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives

Wisconsin Organization
of Nurse Executives
President’s Message
February 2015
Now that we are all settled into the New Year I would
like to provide an update on what is going on with
WONE. We have several new board members this
year. The election results are as follows:
President Elect-Joan Beglinger
Secretary- Tonja Brooks
Board Members- Laura Hieb, Betsy Benz,
Ruth Risley-Gray, and Doreen Kluth
Nominations Committee- Sarah Carpenter and
Sharon Cox
Join me as we welcome these new additions and as we say good bye
and thank you to Peggy Haggerty who has served many roles in our
organization, most recently as Past President. It was a busy year in many aspects and much has been achieved. Here
is a list of our goals and a synopsis of what was has been accomplished
with our 2014 Strategic Plan.
Goal #1: Develop core competencies of nurse leaders across the care
- Two Nursing Leadership Academies (NLA) were held in different locations in the state with full attendance at each of them. At the second
NLA a fall membership event was held with 19 in attendance.
-Our Mentorship program is being evaluated and will be revised as indicated in 2015.
Goal #2: Advance inter-professional teams across the care continuum.
-Articles were published each quarter in the Horizons highlighting interdisciplinary patient centered programs that are in place
-The Legislative Committee continued to provide information and updates on bills that would influence health care
Goal #3: Promote the provision of safe, quality patient centered care in
delivery systems grounded in best evidence and healthful practice environments.
-A survey was distributed to identify practices being used to reach the
IOM BSN goal
-The WONE position statement on BSN was updated and is on the
WONE website
- “The Guiding Principles for Achieving Excellence in Nurse Staffing:
Standards of Practice for the State of Wisconsin” was updated and will
be discussed at a session at the 2015 Annual Conference
continued on page 2
President’s Message continued from page 1....
Goal #4: Communicate the value of nursing to health care and to all stakeholders.
-Links have been added to our website where possible with other healthcare organizations
-We are now able to track ”hits” to our website, demonstrating the value of the information contained
-A List Serve was explored and found not to be able to achieve our goals
-Our first “YOU-TUBE” video was added to the website
-Horizons articles were added to highlight current nursing research
Goal #5: Optimize the operational effectiveness of WONE.
-Work continues on the passage of a nursing license plate bill that would bring in additional dollars for education. Ten nursing organizations have officially endorsed this project.
-At the end of 2014 we have 284 members, 79 of which are new members.
-A membership education opportunity was added in the fall to coincide with the NLA to increase the value of our membership.
As you can see a lot has been accomplished, there remains more that can be done. If you are interested
in getting involved in any of these areas please contact me; we would appreciate your help. I hope to
see you in Green Bay for our conference in April!
Doris Mulder
WONE President
WONE Board Meetings 2015
Wednesday, April 22
1600 - 1800
Board Meeting
WONE Spring Conference
Hyatt (on Main)
Green Bay, WI
Thursday, April 23
1200 - 1230
Annual Business Meeting
WONE Spring Conference
Hyatt, Green Bay, WI
Friday, June 121000-1430Board Meeting
WHA Headquarters
Friday, August 71000-1430Board Meeting
WHA Headquarters
September 181000-1430Board Meeting
WHA Headquarters
Friday, November 13 1000-1430
Board Meeting
WHA Headquarters
Horizons is published quarterly as the newsletter of the Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives. Articles on nursing,
management and health care issues, and letters to the editor are
welcome. Display and classified advertising are accepted. For
information, contact the editor.
2015 WONE Board of Directors: President: Doris Mulder; Presidentelect: Joan Beglinger; Treasurer: Susan Spohr; Secretary: Tonja
Brooks; Past President: Peg Haggerty
2015 WONE Board Members: Betsy Benz, Laura Hieb, Doreen Kluth,
Susan Rees, Ruth Risley-Gray, Tom Veeser
Membership Committee Report
2014 Annual Report
The Membership committee met several times in 2014 in person and via phone conference
and did contact members who had not renewed their membership prior to the annual meeting.
Membership committee members also staffed the registration desk to meet and greet new members as well as attended evening networking event at the conference. Final membership numbers as reported on 1/13/15 for 2014 ended up with 205 renewals and 79 new members for a
total of 284. This is compared to 292 in 2013.
The current Membership Committee members include:
Teresa (Terri) Schultz, Chair
Ellen Zwirlein
Linda Masih
Shawn Callisto
Patty Bosse
Dawn Brostowitz
Leilani Mazzone
Sandra Jensen
Terry Kabitzke-Groth
Jessica Nuutinen
Rogers Memorial Hospital
Prairie du Chien Memorial Hospital
Zablocki VA Hospital
Black River Memorial Home Care
Red Cedar Medical Center
Riverview Hospital
Aurora Health Care
ARMC Amery Regional Medical Center
Aurora Medical Center Grafton
Mayo Clinic-Menominee
In response to the membership survey that
was conducted in 2014 a special event was
planned and held on December 4. Susan
Rees and her team from UW Health presented at the InnTowner in Madison the
night before the last session of the Nursing
Leadership Academy, which was being held
at that location hoping to attract new and
existing members. Susan was extremely
helpful in assisting with the planning of
this event – she coordinated the location,
meal and speaker. WHA also assisted with the reservation link to the event. We had 20 people
register and 19 attended. A survey
will be sent to all those who attended
for feedback and planning for another
event next year.
Membership letters went out on
December 2, 2014 for all existing
members for renewal as well as other
state CNOs who are not currently
Susan Rees and her team from UW Health shared their success
in implementing their Nurse Staffing Council at UW. They also
presented evidence linking staffing to outcomes.
Terri Schultz
Chair, Membership Committee
Welcome to New Members
Martha (Martie) Allen, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire
Karen Bialcik, College of Menominee Nation-Keshena Campus, Keshena
Daniel Blaha, Agnesian HealthCare, Fond du Lac
Brooke Bruette, St. Mary’s Hospital, Green Bay Billie Jo Burkhart, Langlade Hospital, Antigo Bonnie Caldwell-Miller, Aurora Medical Center Washington County Hartford
Travis Christman, Director/Manager, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire
Doris Ellison, Associate Dean of Nursing, Blackhawk Technical College, Janesville
Jacquelyn Frombach, Director/Manager, Ministry Good Samaritan Health Center, Merrill
Sandra Kay Harm, Hayward Area Memorial Hospital, Hayward
Ann E. Hoffman, Director/Manager, Essentia Health St. Mary’s Superior, Superior
Marylou Mercado, Associate Dean of Nursing, Moraine Park Technical College, West
Lynne Moegenburg, Director/Manager, Langlade Hospital, Antigo
Heather Schimmers, St. Elizabeth Hospital, Appleton
Sarah Stoehr, Director/Manager, Langlade Hospital, Antigo
Lindsay M. Wickham, Director/Manager, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire
Rachel M. Zimmer, CNO, Osceola Medical Center, Osceola
2014 WONE Bylaws Committee Annual Report
Committee Members: Sharon Baughman, Ken Nelson III, and Heidi Bolling
At the 2014 WONE conference in April, a number of changes to the Rules and Regulations were presented to the Board and approved. These changes pertained to:
• Language was added to match AONE Rules and Regulations on how to conduct resolve a tie in votes
for elections to board positions. Instead of being done with a ballot at the Annual Business Meeting,
the election choice will be determined by lot drawn by someone appointment by the President who is
not a member of the Nominations Committee.
Also in April 2014, proposed changes to the Bylaws were presented to the members at the Annual Business Meeting. These changes pertained to:
• Removing altogether the articles on the organizational mission and values. The board attempts to
keep these current with AONE mission and values which have changed a few times in recent years.
Instead of housing this language in the Bylaws, it is contained in the Strategic Plan and other official
documents of WONE.
Updated documents were posted to the website in June.
In late 2014 the committee reconvened for the annual review of organizational documents. Suggested
changes were summarized for the Board’s January meeting for discussion and endorsement to proceed to
the membership meeting in April.
There was also a discovery that the WONE had not submitted an annual report to the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (WDFI) following the establishment of the Articles of Incorporation in 1994.
This lapse resulted in administrative dissolution. Susan Peterson will pursue actions necessary to reinstate the organization with WDFI and put in place the necessary steps to prevent this in the future.
Susan Peterson, RN, BSN, MS, CPHQ
Chair, Bylaws Committee
Eric Borgerding, President
Wisconsin Hospital Association
WHA’s “Integrated Advocacy Strategy Thrives on Partnership
On January 1, I was honored and privileged to become the next President of the Wisconsin Hospital Association. For the past 13 years under Steve Brenton’s exemplary leadership, I have helped craft and
implement WHA’s robust lobbying and advocacy efforts, working with WHA’s top-notch staff team and
allied organizations, including WONE, to achieve our shared goal – enabling health care providers and
health systems to deliver the best quality care for their patients. Wisconsin’s nurse leaders bring valuable knowledge and insight to the public policy and advocacy arena, and the WONE/WHA partnership is
essential to achieving our shared goals.
2015 promises to be another year of tremendous challenges, which we will take on in our purposefully
proactive way, including joining with, and leading when called for, our partner/allied organizations to advocate for sound public policy. It is an “integrated advocacy” strategy that reflects the characteristics of
WHA’s members, our evolving organization and valuable partnerships.
Here are just two examples of what I’m talking about, and why:
• Medicare/Medicaid Payment Cuts: Given the integrated nature of health care delivery, especially in
a state like WI, Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement cuts to hospitals or physicians are not felt by our
hospitals and employed physicians alone, they ripple throughout and impact to some degree all components of Wisconsin’s increasingly aligned health systems. We are truly all in this together.
• Care Accountability: While Medicare readmission penalties are felt financially by the “hospital,” reducing avoidable readmissions takes a team of providers and practitioners, aligned toward a common
goal. Developing, influencing and implementing state and federal workforce, regulatory and reimbursement policies will either encourage or hinder team-based approaches to care. We have to work
together to ensure the former.
There are fewer and fewer silos within health care, and that is how WHA views our role … being the
leading advocate on behalf of our local and regional health systems, including the teams of providers and
practitioners who are increasingly accountable for the care delivered within those systems. Strong partnership with WONE is an integral component of that broad-viewed WHA strategy and mission.
2015 WONE
April 22-24, 2015
Hyatt on Main/K1
Convention Center
Green Bay
Information and registration
available in February
Program Committee
The Spring Conference is coming soon. Our
brochures and registration will be available in
mid February.
Please join us at the Hyatt on Main/KI Convention Center in Green Bay April 22-24.
Joe Tye will be our keynote speaking about
“The Florence Prescription: From a Culture of
Accountability to a Culture of Ownership. The
breakouts sessions will be discussing Care
Coordination, Mentoring, Clinical integration
of ACO’s in Wisconsin, Staffing models, and
more. Our Nurse Leader of the Year Award will
be presented Thursday evening.
Joan Beglinger will be presenting “Guiding
Principles in Achieving Excellence in Nurse Staff
“on Friday. And our closing speaker will be Juli
Burney discussing humor and change.
We look forward to seeing you in April
Jean Surguy
Chair, Program Committee
Pursuit of Wisconsin Nurses” License Plate
Continues in 2015-2017 Legislative Session
You may recall the Legislative Committee of the WONE has been seeking legislative support to create the
Wisconsin Nurses License Plate (WNLP). A WNLP would create revenues to support nursing education
and expand awareness of the nursing profession.
This last year, endorsements from other nursing organizations were requested to demonstrate nurses’
support from a variety of organizations. Thus far, the following nursing organizations have endorsed the
Wisconsin Organization of Nursing Executives
Wisconsin Nurses Association
Association of Operating Room Nurses, East Center Wisconsin Chapter
Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists
AORN Northeastern Wisconsin Chapter
Wisconsin Association of School Nurses
Wisconsin Society of Perianesthesia Nurses
Administrators Nursing Education Wisconsin.
Nursing Matters
Nursing Productions of America
If you are active in other nursing organizations, you can assist us in gaining additional endorsements. An
information packet is available that provides all the necessary information.
In January 2015, the legislature reconvened after being “out of session” for several months. We now
will continue efforts with Senator Mary Lazich, (R-New Berlin) to process the bill in the Senate. We will
also be pursuing a Representative to sponsor the bill in the Assembly. Many bills can take several years
to successfully process through the legislature. This appears to be the case for the WNLP.
If you would like further information about the bill, please contact the Legislative Co-Chairs: Mary
Cieslak-Duchek, at marycd3@gmail.com or Janet Bauman, at jbauman@dshealthcare.com.
Professional Development Committee Report
The Professional Development Committee announced the five recipients that have been selected for
WONE Scholarship Grants. The MSN/DNP grant was awarded to Colleen Kane. The BSN grants were
awarded to Barbara Windau, Karla Neuzil, Shannon Miller, and Victoria Deacy. Each recipient was
awarded $1,000 toward their educational expenses. Congratulations to these scholarship winners!
The 2015 application process for all grants will be conducted online at the WONE web site (http://
www.w-one.org) after June 1. Information and to access to the online application forms will be made
available. The Professional Development Committee was excited to see more WONE members apply in
The Professional Development Committee was fortunate to collaborate with Barb Pinekenstein, DNP
student, on her capstone project which focused on mentoring and associated best practices. The WONE
membership was included in the sampling for the mentoring survey which was sent out in early January
2015. Results will be shared with the WONE board and membership when completed.
The Professional Development Committee has started planning for 2015 activities which includes offering a breakout session on “Mentoring” at the WONE Annual Conference in April, featuring both Barb
Pinekenstein and Kathryn Olson, Chair Professional Development. The Mentor Program featured on the
WONE website will be evaluated and updated later in 2015.
Kathryn Olson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Chair, Professional Development
WONE Board of Directors 2015
Doris Mulder
Vice President
Beloit Health System
1969 West Hart Road
Beloit, WI 53511
(W) 608-364-5530
(Fax) 608-363-5797
Board Members
Susan Spohr
Adm. Dir., Surgical & Acute Care
Wheaton Franciscan HealthcareAll Saints
3801 Spring Street
Racine, WI 53405
(W) 262-687-4150
Tonja Brooks
Director, Heart Center
HSHS St. VIncent Hospital
PO Box 13508
Green Bay, WI 54307
(W) 920-433-8457
WHA Quality Measures
Betsy Benz
Chief Nursing Executive
Aurora Med.Center Manitowoc Co.
5000 Memorial Drive
Two Rivers, WI 54241
Fax: 920-794-5487
Laura Hieb
Bellin Health System, Inc.
PO Box 23400
Green Bay, WI 54345
(W) 920-433-7436
Fax: 920-433-3707
Doreen Kluth
Executive Director Post-Acute Care
& Hospitalist Services
HSHS Division Eastern WI/Prevea
2710 Executive Drive
Green Bay, WI 54304
(W) 920-272-3386
(Cell) 920-737-2875
Fax: 920-429-1703
Joan Beglinger
3528 Timber Lane
Cross Plaine, WI 53528
jebdesigningtomorrow@charter.net Susan Rees
V.P., Development, Nursing &
Patient Care Services
University of Wisconsin Hospitals
& Clinics
600 Highland Avenue
Madison WI 53792
(W) 608-890-6634
WHA Board Liaison
Peggy Ose
Vice President-Patient Services
Riverview Hospital
PO Box 8080
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 544958080
(W) 715-421-7427
(Fax) 715-421-7551
Ruth Risley-Gray
Sr. Vice President, System CNO
Aspirus Health System
333 Pine Ridge Blvd.
Wausau, WI 54402
Tom Veeser
Ministry Healthcare
1570 Midway Place
Menasha, WI 54952
Member Checklist
Please contact Pam Aud whenever you have a change in
either employment or residential address to guarantee timely
mailings. E-mail paud@wha.org or 608/268-1806.
Submit articles for publication in the next issue of Horizons to
Carol Winegarden, 920/846-3444, carol.winegarden@hshs.org.
If you are interested in being a part of a specific committee,
contact the committee chair.
WONE Committee Chairs 2015
Nursing Leadership Academy
Paula Hafeman
Chief Nursing Officer
HSHS St. Mary’s Hosp. Med.Ctr./
HSHS St. Vincent Hospital
Green Bay, WI 54307-3508
St. Nicholas Hosp., Sheboygan
(W) 920-433-8204
(Fax) 920-431-3215
Susan Peterson
Director of Quality Improvement
Community Care, Inc.
205 Bishops Way
Brookfield, WI 53005
(W) 262-207-9302
Denice Dorpat
Director MSICU/MSIMC Dialysis
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
333 Pine Ridge Boulevard
Wausau, WI 54401
(W) 715-847-2000 Ext: 53050
(Fax) 715-847-2396
Leilani Mazzone
Aurora VNA
Manager, Home Health Services
(Cell) 414-243-0209
Carol Winegarden
Quality Facilitator
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hosp.
855 South Main Street
Terri Schultz
Oconto Falls, WI 54154
Vice President of Patient Care/CNO (W) 920-848-6319
Rogers Memorial Hospital
(Cell) 920-373-5085
34700 Valley Road
Oconomowoc, WI 53563
(W) Oconomowoc 262-646-1397 Program
(W) Milwaukee 414-328-3707
Jean Surguy
Mile Bluff Medical Center
Legislative Co-Chairs
1050 Division Street
Mary Cieslak-Duchek
Mauston, WI 53948
Dir. of System Nursing
(W) 608-847-2990
(Fax) 608-847-3881
Aurora Health Care
3000 W. Montana
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Wis. Center for
(W) 414-647-6493
Nursing Representative
(Cell) 262-385-0122
Ellen Zwirlein
(Fax) 414-647-6389
Dir. Patient Services
Memorial Hospital
705 East Taylor Street
Jan Bauman
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
VP, Patient Care Services/CNO
(W) 608-357-2000
Divine Savior Healthcare
(Fax) 608-357-2100
2817 Pinery Road
Portage, WI 53901
(W) 608-742-4131
ANEW Liaison
(C) 608-617-9650
Deb Jenks, ANEW
MSOE School of Nursing
Professional Development
1025 N Broadway Str
Kathryn Olson
Milwaukee WI 53202
Director Patient Care Services
Work 414-277-4516
Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital
Cell 262-227-5790
611 St. Joseph Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
(W) 715-387-7592
(Cell) 715-305-0430
(Fax) 715-387-7616
WHA Contact
Pam Aud
Wisconsin Hospital Association
5510 Research Park Drive
PO Box 259038
Madison, WI 53725-9038
Work: 608/274-1820
Fax: 608/274-8554
E-mail: paud@wha.org
WHA Liaison
Judy Warmuth
Interim V.P., Workforce
5510 Research Park Drive
PO Box 259038
Madison, WI 53725-9038
Work: 608/274-1820
Fax: 608/274-8554
E-mail: jwarmuth@wha.org