Price £3.00 (free to regular customers List date Feb. 2015 BIRDS ON S T A M P S PART 1 (A-J) (03.02.15) PHILATELIC SUPPLIES (M.B.O'Neill) 22 Field Lane Letchworth Garden City HERTS ENGLAND SG6 3LE (Telephone 0044-(0)1462-684191 during office hours 9.30-3.00pm UK time Mon.-Fri.) Web-site: email: Visit and “Like” us on TERMS OF BUSINESS: & Notes on these lists: (Please read before ordering). 1). All stamps are unmounted mint unless specified otherwise. An asterisk * next to the country name means that corner blocks of 4 are available at 4 X price. Where descriptions are underlined these species are new to stamps! 2). Lists are updated about every month to include most recent stock movements and New Issues; they are therefore reasonably accurate stockwise 100% pricewise. This reduces the need for "credit notes" and refunds. Alternatives may be listed in case some items are out of stock. However, these popular lists are still best used as soon as possible. Next listings will be printed in 2, 3, 4, 6 & 12 months time so please indicate when next we should send a list on your order form. 3). New Issues Services can be provided if you wish to keep your collection up to date on a Standing Order basis. Details & forms on request. Regret we do not run an on approval service. 4). All orders on our order forms are attended to by return of post. We will keep a photocopy it and return your annotated original. 5). Other Thematic Lists are available on request; Bflies, Mammals, WWF etc. 6). Postage is extra but we always use current G.B.commemoratives in complete sets where possible for postage. INLAND RATES: 1st Class 80p is recommended on orders under £70.00; "Insurance + Rec.Delivery" £2.50 (can be used on bulky orders up to £75). Special Delivery Post £6.50 (recommended on orders over £75) OVERSEAS RATES: these rates START at ............................... EUROPE ....Airmail £2.90; Insured £7.90+ (depends on weight & value) REST OF THE WORLD ..Airmail £3.20+ or Insured £8.30+ (depends on weight/value) 7). INSURANCES: using Special Delivery Post (£6.50) full compensation for loss or damage in transit (recommended on orders of over £75): "Insurance + Recorded Delivery Post" (£2.50) our insurance now covers up to £75.00 worth of goods. 1st Class Post is recommended on orders under £70.00. Overseas Insured now covers up to £500.00 of goods. 8). PAYMENT: this can be by £ Sterling cheque or postal order to M.B.O'Neill. Cash (bank notes) Pounds Sterling, Euros(€) or U.S.$. All Debit Cards are now accepted: Delta, Switch, Connect, (add Start date/issue No.) Or the following credit cards: (please add card EXPIRY DATE & 3 digit security code), VISA Barclaycard, ACCESS, Mastercard, EUROCARD, or Diners Club (include Expiry Date and CVC number; with Diners Club please add the Start Date). PAYPAL PAYMENT: simply send them your details using our email address above. Minimum orders £15.00 should be accompanied EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 please. Thank you. Orders under this amount by the £2.00 subscription & handling charge. Sterling = US$1.50(US$ cash, or pay by VISA or credit cards) Sterling = €1.30 (Euros, only cash, or VISA or credit cards) 9) Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Reference numbers are used to aid identification, S.G.No's.). A large number of additional numbers are added each month. Our prices are also in Sterling, (£). Scott catalogue numbers are used for those countries where Gibbons is behind in listings. Birds Stamp Society Magazine email subscription is only £5.00 take advantage now! Also the following two websites are very useful: & 10). Overseas customers (outside the E.C.) may deduct 17% for U.K. V.A.T. (÷ by 1.20) 11). All list prices are in Pounds Sterling (£) – you may convert at the above rates. 1 WHAT'S NEW? January 2015 Antigua NEW AND R E C E N T ISSUES Hummingbirds (6v; two sheetlets): Anna’s, Allen’s Rufous-tailed, Calliope, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, Birds Br.Ant.Terr iSTAR Programme (1v): only Bird value King penguins, Ship/Bird Central Af.Rep Central Af.Rep Owls (4v shtlt): W.Barn, Little, Snowy, Long-eared, Owls SS: Great Horned Owl souvenir sheet Birds Bird Central Af.Rep John Hanning Speke SS: Hoopoe souvenir sheet Bird/Explorer 9.50 Cuba Cuba Birds etc 5.45 Cuba Cuba 2013 Domestic Pets (6v):2 birds Cuban Amazon, Rock Dove, 2013 B.(6v):Green & Grey Peacock Pheasants,Saker Falcon, Eurasian Magpie,Red-crowned Crane,Chinese Fireback, 2013 Birds SS: Common Peafowl souvenir sheet 2014 Trogons (1v): Cuban & Nerina Trogons, Birds Bird Birds 4.90 1.92 1.75 Czech Rep. Dali painting Leda (1v): Swan, SG784, Bird/Art 4.75 Czech Rep. Dali (1v): Swan, SG784, on illustrated First Day Cover Bird/Art 4.95 Great Britain Flamingo (1v): from Alice set, Bird 2.50 Guinee Guinee 2014 Birds (3v shtlt): Common Nightingale, White-rumped Vulture, Stresemann’s Bushcrow, 2014 Birds SS: Blue Jay souvenir sheet Birds Birds 11.25 10.20 Guinee Guinee 2014 Owls (3v shtlt): Little, Gt Horned, Spotted Eagle 2014 Owls SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet Birds Birds 11.30 10.25 Birds (5v+sheetlet): Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Eur. Robin, Blue-cheeked Bee-Eater, Goldfinch, Common Kingfisher, Birds 19.75 Japan Letter Writing (4v): Storks, etc. SG5762-5, Birds 7.50 Japan Letter Writing – Birds/Flora (10v shtlt) Birds/Flowers 8.90 Moldova Moldova Fauna (2v): birds, White Stork, Western Yellow Wagtail, Fauna (6v shtlt): White Stork, W.Yellow Wagtail, Freshwater Snails, Zander & Common Carp, Birds Birds/Shells Fish 2.90 12.80 2.40 10.35 9.30 SPECIAL OFFER: This set is potentially very scarce – only 3,000 sheetlets were produced Iraq Namibia Namibia New Caledonie New Caledonie New Zealand 4.75 Kalahari Desert Fauna (10v shtlt): Per. Falcon, Cheetah, Cacti/Flowers Cape Turtle Dove, Af.Monarch Bfly, Suricate, Lizard Bfly/Birds 7.75 Kingfishers (5v): Giant, Malachite, Half-collared, Pied, Woodland, Birds 6.95 Bird 2.80 Flowers/Bird 5.95 Horned Parakeet (1 value) Le Maquis Minier (3v shtlt): Deplanchea, Grevillea, bird – Red-throated Parrotfinch, New Zealand Endangered Seabirds (5v): Antipodean Albatross, NZ Fairy Tern,Chatham Is.Shag & Tiako,Black-billed Gull,SG3604-8 Birds Endangered Seabirds (5v shtlt)MS3609: designs as above Birds Norway Birds (2v): Eurasian Blue Tit & Crested Tit, Birds 6.95 Norway Bird (1v): Eurasian Eagle Owl Bird 6.75 Pakistan 2013 Red Vented Bulbul (1v): scarce Bureau sold out SG1493, Bird 1.95 Solomons Solomons Passenger Pigeons (4v shtlt) Passenger Pigeons SS: souvenir sheet 6.15 7.60 2 Birds Bird 10.90 10.95 South Georgia Reindeer (1v): one King Penguin, Bird/Mml Tonga Airmail rate definitive (3v): Western Barn Owl, Blue-crowned Lorikeet, Buff Banded Rail, Birds 1.75 44.50 WHAT'S NEW? December 2014 Br.Ant.Terr NEW AND R E C E N T ISSUES Penguins (5v self-adhesive coils): postcard rate, Gentoo, Emperor, Macaroni, Chinstrap, Adelie Birds 6.25 Penguins(5v): letter rate, larger versions of above & not self-adhesive but sheet stamps, Gentoo Adelie etc. Birds 7.15 Br.Ant.Terr Food Web (1v): Penguin, Bird 2.25 Br.Ant.Terr Food Web (9v shtlt): Penguins, fish, whales, Birds Br.Ant.Terr iSTAR Programme (4v): aircraft, penguins, ships Ship/Air/Bird 6.90 Ecuador 2013 Antarctic (3v): Giant Petrel, Gentoo Penguin, Seal Birds/Mammal 3.95 Japan Endangered Species (5v) Rock Ptarmigan, plant, Br.Ant.Terr Bird N.Korea 2013 Owls (4v): Northern Hawk, Western Barn, Little, Snowy N.Korea 2013 Owls (8v shtlt):above x 2 + panel of Owls, Little,W.Barn,Snowy,N.Hawk, Latvia 2014 Birds (4v): Hoopoe & Jack Snipe, SG904-5, 11.30 7.80 7.60 15.20 3.95 Morocco Fes Music Festival (1v): Demoiselle Crane, Eur. Hoopoe Birds/Music 1.50 Morocco Fauna (2v): Ruddy Shelduck & Grey Heron, Birds 3.50 Nevis Macaws I (6v: 2 shtlts): Blue/Yellow, Red Shouldered, Red Fronted, Green Winged, Golden Collared, Scarlet, Birds 13.75 Macaws II (6v: 2 shtlts): Great Green, Blue-headed, Indigo, Hyacinth, Blue & Yellow & Blue Throated, Birds 13.80 Ducks I (4v shtlt): Marbled, Tufted, King Eider, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Birds 7.80 Nevis Ducks I SS: Yellow-billed Duck souvenir sheet Birds 5.95 Nevis Ducks II (4v shtlt): Wood & Maned Ducks, Puna Teal, Rosy-billed Pochard Birds 7.75 Nevis Ducks II SS: West Indian Whistling Duck souvenir sheet Birds 5.90 Peru Birds (4v shtlt): Groove-billed Ani, Peruvian Stone-curlew (Thick-knee,) Slender-billed Finch, Pacific (Ferruginous)Pygmy Owl, Birds 25.95 Nevis Nevis Older sets recently acquired: Honduras 2013 Blanca Jeanette Kawas National Park (6v shtlt): one has Brown Pelicans, Gren.Grenadines 2000 B.(4SS): Crimson Rosella, Scarlet Macaw, PR Lizard Cuckoo,Whydah, A.A.T. 2000 Penguins 2v SG130-1 Laos* 2000 Peacocks (4v): Green Peafowl, SG1697-1700, Laos 2000 Peacocks MS1701: Green Peafowl souvenir sheet Cape Verde 2008 Birds of Prey (4v) : Scott#910-3 Mauritius 1996 Echo Parakeet aerogramme Netherlands 1995 Air Post stylized bird aerogramme New Zealand 1997 Fantail aerogramme 3 16.90 16.95 3.20 2.50 2.90 6.50 1.10 1.25 1.10 Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan 1982 Birds (2v): White Stork, Goldfinch, SG886-7, Cat.£4.75, SPEC OFFER 2.25 1998 (6v): Knysna Turaco, Grey Parrot, Pyromelana orix, Colinus macr. 3.75 1998 Birds SS: Osprey - Pandion haliaetus souvenir sheet, 3.90 Aitutaki 1981-2 Definitives (36v): Gouldian Finch, Barn Owl, Tahitian Lory, Red Munia, Flat-billed Kingfisher, Orange Dove, Common Starling, Scarlet Robin, Golden Whistler, Rufous Fantail, Heron SG317-52 Cat.£80.00 32.50 2002 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Blue Lorikeets, SG717-20, 3.75 Aitutaki Aland Aland Aland Aland Albania Albania Albania Albania 1996 2005 2013 2013 W.W.F. Eagle Owls (4v): bubo bubo, SG105-8, 4.50 B. (3v): Grey Heron, Whooper Swan, Greater Cormorant, SG259-61, 8.75 W.W.F. (4v): Slavonian/Gt Crested Grebes,Arctic/Red-throated Loons, SG384-7 7.95 W.W.F. (8v bklt): Grebes, Loons, as above but 2 X SG384-7 15.90 1997 Pelicans (2v): Bruch’s Dalmatian Pelicans, SG2656-7, 3.30 2003 B.(4v shtlt): N.Eagle Owl, Capercaille, Golden Eagle, Stork,MS2974 6.75 2008 Paintings (2v): stylized birds, SG3259-60, 4.20 2011 Carrier Pigeons (2v): SG3363-4, 22.75 Alderney Alderney Alderney Alderney* Alderney Alderney Alderney 1994 B.(21v fauna set; 7 birds Fulmar, Dartford Warbler, Puffin, C.Tern, Gt.Black-backed Gull, Rock Pippit, Gannet, SGA62,65,72,73,76,77, 11.90 1994 Gull booklet pair (2X24p Gull stamp perf.X imperf.) 1.20 1999 W.W.F. (6v: Peregrine Falcons, 4 have the WWF logo, A140-5, 4.40 2002 Raptors (6v): Merlin, Hobby, Black Kite, Marsh Harrier, SG185-90 4.70 2003 Migratory B. (6v): Arctic Sandwich Terns, Gt & Arctic Skuas,A210-5 4.45 2003 Migratory (6v shtlt) MS216: above designs, Manx Shearwater, Terns 5.25 2005 Waders (6v): Little Stint, Greenshank, G.Plover, Godwit,SGA259-64, 5.50 Alderney Alderney Alderney Alderney* Alderney* Alderney* Alderney* Alderney* Alderney* Alderney* 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 Algeria* 2006 Birds (4v):Black/White Stork, Eurasian Spoonbill, Crane,SG1522-5, 3.50 Andorra Fr.* Andorra Fr. Andorra Fr. * 2005 Tengmalm’s Owl (1 value) F651, 2010 Griffon Vulture (1v): SGF719 2014 Eurasian Blue Tit (1v): Cyanistes caeruleus, 2.25 1.90 1.40 Andorra Andorra Andorra Andorra 2003 2004 2008 2009 0.95 0.93 0.95 5.75 Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Sp.* Sp.* Sp. Sp. Ramsar Reserve (6v): Egret,Gannet,Black-headed Gulls, SGA310-5 5.40 Ramsar Reserve (6v shtlt)MSA315: Gannet, Starfish, Egret, as above, 5.95 Passerines (6v): Blue Tit,Blackbird,Warbler,Wren,Jackdaw,SGA316-21, 6.75 Prey(6v):Sparrowhawk,Long-eared/Barn Owls,Buzzard,Kestrel,SG336-41, 5.90 Birds of Prey booklet various panes of above stamps SG336a-41a 24.50 Waders(6v):Ruddy Turnstone,Eur.Curlew/Oystercatcher,Dunlin,SG363-8, 6.15 Waders - Turnstone,Ring Plover etc.booklet various panes of above, 23.95 Black-headed Gulls – only birds from Peter Pan issue (1v): SGA402, 1.25 Birds (6v):Gull,Woodcock,Shelduck,Firecrest,L.Grebe,Shear,SGA422-7 5.80 B.(6v shtlt)MSA428:Woodcock,Shelduck,Firecrest,Balearic Shearwater 5.90 Bird Bird Bird Bird (1v): (1v): (1v): (1v): Northern Wheatear, SG315 Chaffinch – Fringila ceolebs, SG323, Lammergeier - Gypaetus barbatus, SG350, Eurasian Sparrow Hawk – Accipter nisus, SG366, 1996 United Nations (4v): Eagles, Gulls, SG1100-03, 2.80 1996 Fauna (16v=4v+12v shtlt 7 birds): Western Honey Buzzard, Kestrel, Bateleur, Red-crested Turaco, Cattle Egret, Plover, Goose, SG1110-25 7.95 1996 Ring-necked Pheasant MS1126b: souvenir sheet, 2.50 1996 Birds (24v): California/Painted Quails, Roulroul Partridge, Gt. Curassow, Calliope, Costa's, White-eared & Anna’s Hummingbirds, etc. SG1127-50, 12.50 1996 Raquet-tail Hummingbird MS1151: souvenir sheet, 2.75 1999 W.W.F. Lesser Flamingoes (4v): SG1402-5, 3.25 Angola Angola Angola Angola 2000 B.Prey (22v=4v+2X6v shtlt+2X3v shtlt) Boobock/Spectacled Owls,Hawk/Screech Owls, White-tailed Kite, N.Goshawk, Laughing Falcon Eagles - Golden, Afr. Fish, Verreaux's, Amer.Bald Eagle, Tawny Eagle, SG1544-6a+MS1547a-d: 32.90 2003 Eagles (4v): Tawny & Martial Eagles, Bateleur, Afr. Fish-Eagle, SG1686-9 3.75 2003 Verreaux Eagle MS1690: souvenir sheet 3.20 2010 B.(4v)Wing-snapping Cisticola,Crimson-br.Gonolek,Miombo Wren Wrb,SG1792-5 3.90 2010 Children’s Day MS1796: African Thrush + Gonolek above souvenir sheet 3.20 Anguilla 2001 B. (4v sheetlet) MS1104: Snowy Egret, Tern, Greater Yellow-legs, 3.60 Antigua Antigua 1984 Songbirds (5v): Rufous-sided Towhee, Parula Warbler, SG869-73, 1984 Songbirds MS874: Yellow-breasted Chat souvenir sheet was £3.95 Special 4.95 1.75 4 Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua 1985 1985 1986 1986 1988 1988 1990 1990 1992 1993 1995 Audubon I(4v): Slavonian Grebe, Storm Petrel, Gt.Blue Heron, SG924-7, 8.50 Audubon I MS928: White-tailed Tropicbird souvenir sheet, 7.50 Audubon II(4v): Mallard, N.Amer. Wigeon & Black Duck Pintail, SG990-3, 10.90 Audubon II MS994: Common Eider souvenir sheet, 6.90 B.(8v): Ringed Kingfisher, Troupial, Gt. Blue Heron, Conure, SG1154-61, 12.20 B.(2SS): MS1162 Greater Flamingo & Brown Pelican 2 souvenir sheets, 9.40 B. (8v): Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Common Yellowthroat, SG1448-55 reorder£12.25) B. (2SS): MS1456 Brown Pelican & Magnif. Frigatebird 2 souvenir sheets, 12.50 Hummingbirds (8v): Ant.Crested, Green Mango, Antillean SG1661-8, re£12.20) End. Species (12v shtlt; St.L.Parrot,Cahow, Swallowtail/Everglades Kite, 9.90 Definitives (15v): Purple-throated Carib, Blue-hooded Euphonia, Meadowlark, Jacana, Bananaquit, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Car.Elaenia, etc.,SG2067-81, 33.50 Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua 1998 1998 1998 1998 Year of Ocean (37v=2X shtlts): 4 birds, Conure, Cocoi Heron, R.Lorikeet, 10.50 80th Anniv.R.A.F. MS2752a/b: Golden Eagle (+ aircraft) 2 souvenir sheets, 9.80 Seabirds(16v): King Eider, Inca Tern, Marbled Murrelet, Dunlin,SG2754-69 9.50 Seabird MS2770a/b: Wandering Albatross & Black Skimmer souvenir sheets, 8.50 Antigua Antigua 2000 B. (20v=4v+2X8v shtlts): Scarlet Macaw, Yellow-fronted Amazon, Woodpecker Spectacled Owl, Jacamar, Sapsucker, Streamertail, Wood Stork, SG2971-90, 15.90 2002 Fauna (22v=4v+2 X 9v shtlts; 10 birds Oriole, Cuban Kite, Cotinga, Thick-billed Parrot, Flamingo, Quetzal, Woodstar, SG3548-69 15.50 2002 End.Sp.(9v shtlt; 4 birds): Red-billed Tropicbird, Brown Pelican, West Indian Whistlingbird, Frigatebird, SG3613-21, 8.75 2002 B.(6v shtlt): Frigate B, Sooty Tern, Belt Kingfisher, Flamingo,SG3691-6,reordr Antigua* Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua 2005 2006 2009 2009 2009 Antigua Antigua CARICOM (1v): Magnificent Frigatebird, SG3766, 0.90 Defins (2v): $5 Montezuma oropendola & $10 Green Jay, SG3777-8, on reorder Parrots (2X4v shts)MS3797/8 Chestnut-fronted Macaw,Blue-headed P.,Conure 12.95 Birds MS3799: Bald Ibis – Waldrapp souvenir sheet 3.25 Ren Xiong (2v shtlt) MS3803: paintings of birds, 3.15 Antigua Nat. Parks MS3946a: Magnificent Frigatebirds souvenir sheet 3.25 Independence (4v shtlt): two different Mag. Frigatebirds, 2 Deer,SG3997a 0.95 B. W.W.F. Caribbean Coots – Fulica caribaea (4v): SG4259-62 6.50 B. W.W.F. Caribbean Coots MS4263 (8v shtlt) 13.00 B. (10v=4v+2 shtlts): Cattle Egret, Rail Glossy Ibis, Green-winged Teal, Osprey, Green Heron, Hawk, Grassquit, SG4270-3 + MS4274-5, 15.95 2013 South American Animals SS: Toucan souvenir sheet 5.20 Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua Antigua 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Parrots I (4v shtlt): Black-capped Lory,Blue/Yellow Macaw,Sun Parakeet Parrots I (2v shtlt): Rainbow Lorikeet, Hyacinth Macaw Parrots II (4v shtlt): St.Vincent/Lilac-crowned Amazons,Indian Parakeet Parrots II(2v shtlt): Yellow-headed Amazon, Scarlet Macaw Hummingbirds (6v: 2 shtlts):Anna’s,Allen’s,Rufous?Broad-tailed,Calliope 10.50 10.55 10.60 10.65 12.60 Argentina* 1999 Argentina* 2001 Argentina* 2001 Argentina* 2003 Argentina* 2003 Argentina 2005 Argentina 2007 Argentina 2008 Argentina 2009 Argentina* 2011 Argentina 2011 Argentina* 2012 Argentina* 2013 Argentina* 2013 Argentina 2014 Argentina 2014 International Year of the Ocean (1v): Magellanic Penguin, SG2641 1.25 South Polar Skua & Blue-eyed Cormorant (2v): SG2824-5, 2.75 Environment (1v): Sunflowers + species of Gulls - Larus, SG2840 1.75 Andean Condor (1 value): SG3000, 0.97 Magellanic Penguins (& corvette A.R.A.Uruguay (1v) SG3007, 0.95 Antarctic (2v sheetlet): MS3125, one bird in border 2.20 Antar.(8v shtlt): Gentoo/Adelie Penguins,Shag,Sheathbill,Petrel,SG3230-7, 6.95 Birds (2v): Long-tailed Meadowlark, Saffron-cowled Blackbird, SG3288-9, 4.25 Endangered Wildlife (2v: Crowned Eagle and Turtle, SG3345-6, 1.50 Satellite (1v): Adelie Penguins, SG3460, 1.60 Anatrctic (2v sheetlet)MS3452: Gentoo Penguin & scientist, 8.95 B.(1v):Long-tailed Widowbird,Raggiana B.Paradise,Quetzal,Buzzard,SG3496, 1.50 B.(4v):Yellow Cardinal,Magellanic Woodpecker,Rufous Hornero,Hooded Grebe 5.95 African Union 50th Ann.”Ostrich”(1v):map made of bird/animal silhouettes, 1.50 Iguazi booklet folder (4v shtlt): Toucan, (+ bfly = Doxocopa linda), 10.50 Antarctic (2v shtlt): Chinstrap Penguin, (+ Plesiosaur), 3.70 Armenia* Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia 2003 2003 2011 2011 2012 2014 Armenia Gull (1v): Larus armenicus - Lake Rehabilitation SG533 Definitives (3v): Eagles in silhouette, SG503, SG504, SG506 Birds (2v): Bluethroat & Great Tit, SG784-5, Birds (10v = 5 pairs above SG784-5): Bluethroat, Great Tit, EUROPA (2v): one has an Eagle, (+ Monastery) Flora/Fauna (2v): European Hoopoe, (+ Dianthus gabrielia, Mi#906-7 Aruba 1994 Birds (4v): Aruban (Burrowing) Owl, SG138-41, 5 1.20 4.40 5.95 29.75 6.50 2.75 2.75 Aruba Aruba Aruba Aruba* Aruba 2001 2002 2006 2010 2010 Aruba 2010 B.(10v):Burrowing Owl, Brown-throat Parakeet, Mockingbird, Troupial, Kestrel, Green violet-ear, Caracara, Gt.White Egret, SG492-501, 17.80 2012 B.Prey(10v): Great Philippine, Harpy, Crested+Long Crest, Bald, Crowned & Golden Eagles,S.Crested Caracara,Andean Condor,Amer.Kestrel,SG601-10 15.75 2013 Paper Money (5v strip; one contains a bank note with a Burrowing Owl 12.50 2013 B.(12v): Bananaquit,Brown-throated Parakeet,Cabot’s Tern,Crested Bobwhite, L.Owl,White-cheeked Pintail,Rufous-collared Sparrow,Common Ground Dove, 21.25 Aruba Aruba Aruba Aruba Aruba Aruba Pets (4v): Brown-throated Conure, (+ Cat, Turtle), SG285-8 3.95 Child Welfare (3v): one has pelicans, parakeet, SG312-4 3.80 N.Park (3v): Venezuelan Troupial, Burrowing Owl, Crested Caracara,SG390-2 2.75 Parrots (3v): Blue,Yellow,Scarlet Macaws,Yellow Shoulder Amazon,SG468-70, 3.95 Parrots (6v shtlt = 2 x 3v SG468-70): Blue/Yellow & Scarlet Macaws etc 7.90 2013 Nature Photography (10v pane): Blue-tailed Emerald, Burrowing Owl, Bee 12.25 2013 Forest Animals (8v pane): Keel-billed Toucan, Scarlet Macaw, Jaguar, 13.65 2014 Birds of Paradise (10v): Victoria’s Riflebird, Blue-, Superb, 12-wired, Greater, Lesser, Kings, Wilson’s Birds of Paradise 22.90 Ascension* 1999 Ascension* 2003 Ascension* 2003 Ascension 2005 Ascension 2005 Ascension 2007 Ascension 2008 Ascension 2008 W.W.F. (4v): Fairy Terns, SG770-3, 1.50 Masked Booby (5v): SG889-93 4.40 Masked Booby (5v sheetlet)MS894; designs as above but panoramic + borders 4.45 Birdlife (5v): Fairy Tern, White-tailed/Redbilled Tropicb., Brown Booby 5.10 Birdlife MS926 (5v shtlt designs as above + border), Brown Noddy/Booby 5.15 Ornithology (8v): Sooty Tern, Red-footed & Masked Boobies, SG979-86 5.95 Defs.(4v):Redneck Francolin,Madeiran Petrel,Redfoot Booby,Waxbill,SG995 17.50 Complete Fauna defs.(12v):4 birds above+Gecko,Bfly,Turtle,Crab,SG987-98, 22.95 Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 White-tailed Tropicbird (4v): adults & juveniles, SG1060-3, Yellow Canaries (4v setenant): Serinus flaviventris, SG1082-5, W.W.F. Red-Tailed Tropicbird (4v): with WHITE BORDERS SG1113-6, Red-Tailed Tropicbird (4v strip):as above but coloured borders SG1113ab, Wideawake Airfield (4v shtlt MS1149):Masked Booby,Sooty Tern (+ aircraft) Frigatebirds (6v): Fregata aquila, SG1176-81, Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia 1993 1994 1994 1996 1996 1997 1999 Pink Cockatoo & Kookaburra defins. (2v): SG1366 & 1370a, 2.35 Zoos (5v): one stamp is Scarlet Macaws, SG1479-83, 2.87 Zoos MS1484: sheetlet as above but panoramic design, 2.90 70ct Kookabura (1v): orange inscription, SG1366, Cat.£1.50 0.75 Defs.(4v);one is a Great Egret, (+ Tree Frog, Croc, bfly)SG1679-80,85-6 10.30 Night Creatures (6v shtlt MS1719; 2 birds Barking Owl, Spot-tailed Quoll, 2.30 Coastal F.(5v): Brahminy Kite, White-bellied Sea Eagle, SG1858-62, 3.90 4.80 3.75 4.80 4.75 6.50 7.95 Australia 2001 B.(4v): Variegated Fairy-Wren, Painted Firetail, Crimson Chat, self-adhesive strip): new perforation - perf.11., SG2130-3, 1.45 Australia 2001 B. (4v self-adhesive strip): Fairy-Wren perf.12.75 designs as above, 1.47 Australia 2001 B. (20v booklet): 5 sets self-adhesive Fairy-Wren, 7.50 Australia 2002 PHILKOREA optd. on (5v shtlt): Variegated Fairy-Wren, Firetail, Chat, 3.75 Australia 2002 CHINA optd. on (5v shtlt): Variegated Fairy-Wren, Painted Firetail, 1.70 Australia 2002 White-backed Swallows on $2 definitive (1v) SG2203 2.50 Australia 2005 Parrots(5v;Princess P.,Rainbow/Purple-Crowned Lorikeet self-ad, SG2484-8, 2.25 Australia 2007 Caravanning (5v): 1950’s, etc one has tree full of Galah Parrots,SG2884-8 2.50 Australia 2007 Caravanning (5v self-adhesives): one Galah Parrots, SG2889-93 2.60 Australia 2009 Favourite Stamp (5v; one is Laughing Kookaburra 6d of 1913, SG3208-12, Australia 2009 Parks & Gardens (5v self-adhesives): incl.small Pacific Black Duck, Purple Swamphen, both have very small images, SG3229-33 Australia 2009 Melbourne Stamp Show (4v shtlt) MS; one is Laughing Kookaburra, Australia 2009 Fauna Species at Risk (5v): one Norfolk Island Parakeet, SG3247-51 Australia 2009 Species at Risk (5v shtlt)MS3252: Parrot, Turtle, Wallaby Australia 2009 Green Catbird (1v; from self-adh. Booklet) as above but self-adh, SG3274 Australia 2009 Green Catbird (10v; self-adh. Booklet) (10 x SG3274), Australia 2010 Coinage (2v; one has an Emu – Dromaius novaehol., (+ Kangaroo) SG3350-1 Australia 2010 Coinage (2v shtlt MS3352; one has an Emu (+ Kangaroo) Australia 2010 Kookaburra (2v): cartoon mascot, SG3399-400, Australia 2010 Long Weekend (6v): Eastern Rosella Parrots on one, (+ surfing, SG3482-6, Australia 2010 Long Weekend (6v): Eastern Rosella Parrots self-adhesives, SG3487-91, Australia 2010 Wildlife Caring (6v): Southern Boobock Owl, (+ Koala, Wombat, SG3492-7 Australia 2010 Wildlife Caring (6v shtlt)MS3498: S. Boobock Owl, (+ Koala, Wombat, Australia 2010 Wildlife Caring (5v): Owl, Koala, but self-adhesives SG3499-03 6 3.25 3.85 3.50 3.45 3.52 0.95 7.95 4.40 4.50 1.50 3.90 3.95 5.40 5.50 4.25 Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 Red-backed Kingfisher coil stamp (1v): SG3509 self-adhesive coil, 1.20 Red-backed Kingfisher booklet stamp (1v): ex self-adhesive booklet SG3509 1.25 Australian Pelican at Lake Eyre (1v): SG3581 4.40 Australian Pelican at Lake Eyre (1v): as above but self-adhesive SG3584, 4.30 Colony (2v): Superb Lyre Bird, Black Swan, Kangaroo & Stamp on Stamp 5.75 Colony (2v shtlt): Lyre Bird, Black Swan, Kangaroo & Stamp on Stamp 5.80 Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 W-birds(4v):Pink-eared/Plumed Whistling D,Radjah+Aus.Shelducks,SG3734-7 7.75 Waterbirds (4v): booklet stamps as above but self-adhesive SG3738-41 7.80 Waterbirds (2v coils):coils, Radjah Shelduck, Pink-eared Duck, SG3738a 1.90 Road Trip (5v): 2 birds - Western Rosella, Little Penguins, SG3837-41 7.25 Road Trip (3v): W.Rosella, self-adhesives from booklet SG3843-5, 3.25 Road Trip (2v): Little Penguins, self-adhes, SG3846-7, 5.85 Road Trip (5v shtlt)MS3842:designs above Western Rosella,Little Penguins, 8.25 Zoo (7v): Wedgetailed Eagle, Giraffe, Saltwater Croc, etc SG3853-9 5.75 Zoo (7v sheetlet)MS3860: above designs Eagle, Giraffe etc 5.80 Zoo (6v): self-adhesives, as above no Tiger SG3861-6, 5.15 Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Kookaburra $1.70 self-adhesive booklet stamp SG3961, 3.30 Pardalotes self-adhesive (1v): Spotted Pradalote, SG3997, 2.25 Road Trip II (5v): Gull, (+ cars, beaches, etc) SG4006-10, 4.25 Road Trip II (5v shtlt)MS4011: Gull, ((+ cars, beaches, scenery as above) 4.40 Road Trip II (5v): Gull, (+ cars, beaches, etc) self-adhesives,SG4012-16, 4.35 Australian Birds Series in a Prestige booklet: (4 sheets 2011-3 series 35.50 Poultry Breeds (3v): Australian Game, Pit Game & Australorp, SG4056-8, 2.30 Poultry Breeds (3v shtlt)MS4059:Australian Game, Pit Game & Australorp, 2.95 Australian Ant.Terr. Australian Ant.Terr. Australian Ant.Terr. Australia Ant.T.2002 Australia Ant.T.2003 Australia Ant.T.2007 Aus.Ant.Terr.2011 Aus.Ant.Terr.2011 Aus.Ant.Terr.2012 Aus.Ant.Terr.2012 Aus.Ant.Terr.2013 Aus.Ant.Terr.2013 Aus.Ant.Terr.2014 Aus.Ant.Terr.2014 1992-3 Wildlife (8v): Adelie King Emp. Royal Penguins,Petrel,SG90-7,9.50 2000 Penguins (2v): Emperor & Adelie Penguins, SG130-1, 3.50 2001 W.W.F. Adelie Penguins & Seals (4v): SG153-6, 2.90 Research (4v; 2 birds Adelie Penguins, Wandering Albatross,SG156-9, 3.45 Ships (1 value): two Adelie Penguins, SG163 1.80 W.W.F. Royal Penguins (4v): SG176-9, 3.90 Expedition (5v strip; Black-browed Albatross & Gentoo Penguin,SG207-11 Expedition (5v shtlt)MS212; Gentoo Penguin & Albatross as above, 1911-4 Ant. Expedition (5v): Adelie Penguins, on one, SG218-22 1911-4 Ant. Expedition (5v shtlt)MS223: Adelie Penguins, on one, 1911-4 Ant. Expedition (5v), one has a Cape Petrel, SG229-33 1911-4 Ant. Expedition (5v shtlt): MS234, one has a Cape Petrel, 1911-14 Exped. (5v): Adelie Penguins Mawson departs Denison, SG235-9, 1911-14 Expedition (5v shtlt)MS240: Adelie Penguins, etc. 4.35 4.40 5.90 5.95 5.45 5.50 5.60 5.65 Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria 1999 2000 2003 2003 2004 Grey Partridge (1v): SG2529, Mallards (1 value) SG2580 Doves (1v): Wedding, SG2657 National Park (1v): Heron, SG2691 Swarovski Crystal (2v shtlt) MS2730: crystal Swan, 0.80 0.90 1.20 1.60 9.75 Austria* Austria* Austria Austria Austria 2005 2007 2008 2008 2009 Owl in Halloween tree (1v) SG2778, White-tailed Eagle (1v): SG2886, Fauna (2v): Common Kingfisher (& frog), SG2911-2, Fauna (2v): Hoopoe (& Hawk Moth), SG2935-6, Barn Owl self-adhesive coil (1v): Tyto alba, SG2974, 1.20 0.97 3.25 2.95 1.50 Austria Austria Austria* Austria Austria* Austria* 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 Golden Eagle & European Roller (2v): SG3033-4, Forest (1v): pheasant, (+ tree, fungi, stag), SG3100, White Stork - Burgenland (1v): Ciconia ciconia, SG3124, Blue Tit with Young Art Wind-up Ballerina (1v): SG3140 Common Kingfisher (1v): Alcedo atthis, SG3228, Eurasian Woodcock (1 value): 2.90 1.50 1.90 1.75 2.15 3.90 Azerbaijan 1999 Azerbaijan 2009 Azerbaijan 2010 Azerbaijan 2011 Azerbaijan 2011 Azerbaijan 2011 Azerbaijan 2012 EUROPA (2v; one is a Greater Flamingo (+ deer) SG454-5, 5.75 Shorebirds (4v shtlt)750:Pygmy Cormorant,Eur.Curlew,Spoonbill,P.Swamphen, 7.75 Birds (2v): joint issue Khazakhstan Squacco Heron/Great Flamingo,SG779-80 6.95 W.W.F. Short-toed Snake Eagle (4v): SG838-41 4.50 W.W.F. Eagle (8v sheetlet)MS842: strips + eagle panel 9.25 W.W.F. Short-toed Snake Eagle (4v shtlt)MS843:with panel 4.60 Birds (3v): three different portraits of Ferruginous Ducks, SG871-3, 2.70 7 Azerbaijan 2012 Azerbaijan 2012 Azerbaijan 2013 Azerbaijan 2013 Azerbaijan 2013 Azerbaijan 2014 Poultry(6v shtlt)MS878:Helmet Guineafowl,Wild Turkey,Mallard,Common Quail 6.75 Poultry MS879: Domestic chickens souvenir sheet 2.95 Joint issue Hungary (2v shtlt)MS907: one is a Peacock + stylized ?, 5.95 B. (5v): Blue-cheeked Bee Eater, Jay, Roller,Hoopoe, Kingfisher, SG910-4 6.25 Hirkan Nat.Park B.(4v shtlt)MS920:Marbled Duck,Teal,Gt.Spotted Woodpecker 5.90 Fauna (5v shtlt)MS939: Golden Eagle, (+ Tiger, Bear, Wolf, 5.40 Azores Azores Azores Azores Azores Azores 1990 2008 2008 2009 2011 2011 W.W.F. Northern Bullfinches (4v): SG500-3, Azores Bullfinches (4v): Pyrrhula murina, SG636-9, Az. Bullfinches MS640: Pyrrhula murina in two different souvenir sheets, Birds MS647: Common Pochard, Eurasian Teal & Grey Heron souvenir sheet, EUROPA Forests (1v): Eurasian Bullfinch, EUROPA Forests (2v shtlt): Eurasian Bullfinch, Bahamas Bahamas 1994 "1993" imprint defin. 40ct Smooth-billed Ani, SG980, 0.60 2001 Defs. to $5 (15v): Woodstar,Swallow,Bullfinch,Kingbird,Cuckoo,Nighthawk, Black-cowled Oriole, Y.Warbler, Bananaquit, SG2149-62 17.50 2002 Flamingo National Park (6v): Caribbean Flamingoes, SG1299-04 3.95 2003 Ringed Gull (1v): from “Waters of Life” issue, SG1339 1.20 2004 Ponds (6v; Ibis, Tricolored Heron, Cattle/Snowy/Reddish Egrets, SG1342-7 3.85 2004 Killdeer defin. 25ct with “Black Text”,wmk.side,“2004” imprint SG1359a 1.70 2010 Friends of the Environment (4v): silhouette Egret & Parrot, SG1554-7, 3.30 2012 W.W.F. Caribbean Flamingos (4v strip): SG1616b (contains SG1616a-1619a), 2.80 2012 W.W.F. (Amer.)Flamingo (16v shtlt): four sets of the above (SG1616b x 4) 11.20 2012 W.W.F. MS1620 Caribbean (American) Flamingo souvenir sheet 6.90 2012 W.W.F. Caribbean (American) Flamingos with white border (4v): SG1616-9, 2.75 Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas 3.50 4.90 8.90 4.95 1.65 3.35 Bahrain 2012 Arab Post Day (1v): dove, 1.75 Bangladesh 2006 Science Book Year (1v): small bird, SG900 0.70 Bangladesh*2010 Birds (4v): House Sparrow, Red Avadavat, Spotted Dove, Common Mynah,SG 3.95 Bangladesh 2010 Birds (4v shtlt): House Sparrow, etc. designs as above, (sold at T100), 5.95 Bangladesh 2011 Birds(12v):Moluccan Pitta,Blue-eared/Brown Winged/Ruddy K’fishers,Lesser Asdjutant,Masked Finfoot,Dusky Eagle Owl,White-bellied Sea Eagle,SG1071a, 9.25 Bangladesh 2012 Indonesia World Stampex(2v):Grey-head Fish Eagle,Lesser Coucal,SG1095-6 2.90 Bangladesh 2012 Stampex (4v shtlt): Pac.Reef Heron,Orient Scops Owl,Ruby-cheeked Sunbird 6.85 Bangladesh 2012 Critical End. Animls(2v):White-rumped Vulture,(+N.Plains Langur,SG1101-2 2.95 Bangladesh 2012 Critically End. SS: Vulture,Langur above designs, higher face value, 6.95 Bangladesh 2012 Bird Nests of Bangladesh (6v): Baya Weaver, Red-vented Bulbul, Black-naped Monarch,Common Tailorbird,Black-rump Flamebrd,Rose-ring Parakeet,SG1103-8 7.90 Bangladesh 2012 Bird Nests of Bangladesh SS: designs as above but imperforate, 9.50 Bangladesh 2013 Migratory Birds (8v shtlt): Citrine Warbler, Kestrel, Red-crested Pochard, Eur.Curlew, Black Stork, Bar-headed Goose, Siberian Rubythroat,SG1114-21 5.50 Barbados 1998 Hummingbird (1v): SG1127, Barbados* 1999 W.W.F. (4v): Piping Plovers, SG1134-7, 1.75 2.20 Barbuda Barbuda Barbuda Barbuda Barbuda 1975 1976 1985 1987 1999 Magnificent Frigate Bird definitive $5 (1v): SG197, 2.50 B. (6v): Bananaquit, Purple Gallinule, Royal Tern, SG262-7, 2.95 Audubon (4v): Roseate Tern, Mangrove Cuckoo, Pelican, SG783-6, 1.50 Marinelife MS949: two souvenir sheets – one Brown Booby (& Bflyfish), 27.50 U.P.U. opt on Ant.1997(3v shtlt):one has Pigeons/Pigeon Post (+ Stephan), 9.95 Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus* Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus 2001 2002 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 EUROPA (2v): Mute Swans & Mallards on lake, SG457-8, Birds (3v shtlt): White Wagtail, Golden Oriole, White Stork, MS527 Tawny Owl or Great Gray Owl (1v): Strix nebulosa, SG619, W.W.F. (4v): Black Storks – Ciconia nigra, SG630-3, Birds (1v): Northern Lapwing – Vanellus vanellus, SG647, Birds (7v+ label sheetlet): 7 X N.Lapwing SG647 above, EUROPA (2v): stylized Emperor Penguin, SG649-50, Birds (1v): Thrush Nightingale (1v): SG688, Owls (4v): Eurasian Pygmy, Short-eared, Snowy, Hawk Owls, SG698-701, Hunting & falconry (2v): SG721-2 Greylag Geese (1v): SG778 Domestic Fowl (2v): plus two Magpies – pica pica, SG782-3, Biodiversity (3v shtlt; one has flamingo & stork silhouettes, MS812 Khrutsky – Partridge (?)(2v shtlt): still life painting, Common Snipe, Partridge, with Hunting Dogs (3v): SG937-9, Polar Regions (2v): Emperor P & Polar Bear, SG847-8, Polar Regions (6v shtlt): Emperor P & Polar Bear, (3 x SG847-8), Eurasian Curlew (1v): Numenius arquata, SG849, Eurasian Curlew (7v + label sheetlet): as above 7 x SG849 + bird label, 8 2.95 1.50 1.25 2.50 0.90 6.30 1.50 0.87 2.75 1.50 0.95 2.70 3.70 1.50 2.70 2.65 7.95 1.25 8.75 Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 Pigeons (3v): Rock Pigeon, Columba livia, SG879-81, 5.25 Pigeons (6v shtlt): Rock Pigeon, Columba livia (2 sets of SG879-81), 10.50 Common Swift (1v): Apus apus, SG912, 1.70 Common Swift (sheetlet 7v + label): Swift as above SG912 x 7): 11.90 Cuba-Belarus MS917: joint issue, Bullfinch(?)+ Vermilion Flycatcher(?) 4.50 Flora/Fauna (2v):Coracias garrulous,(+ fern Botrychium matricar. SG937-8 3.30 Flora/Fauna (2v shtlt)MS939: European Roller + fern 3.50 Countryside Vacations MS945: Common Crane souvenir sheet 3.60 Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Hoopoe (1v): Upupa epops, SG943, 1.90 Hoopoe (7v + label shtlt = SG943 x 7) 13.20 Zoos in Belarus (1v): Steller’s Sea Eagle, SG959, 1.95 Zoos in Belarus (4v shtlt)MS960a: Steller’s Sea Eagle, (+ Tiger, Leopard, 6.60 Fungi (4v strip): one bird - Redstart (+Hydnam repandum,spider SG967-70 4.50 Fungi (8v shtlt=2 sets above, 2 x Redstart etc., (SG967-70 x 2) 9.00 Cuckoo (1v): Cuculus canorus, SG994, 1.75 Cuckoo (7v + label shtlt; SG994 x 7) 12.25 Biotope Fauna (2v shtlt): Black Grouse, (+ pine trees, 3.50 The following odd values from the 5th Series defs are available + new SG numbering Belgium 2005 B.(3v):€0.30 Corncrake SG3699,€0.46 Avocet SG3701c,€0.78 Godwit SG3704c 2.80 Belgium 2006 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €4.30 Common Grebe SG3708aa, 7.80 Belgium 2007 B.(2v): 5th Series €0.70 Common Swift, €0.75 Eurasian Kestrel,SG3704a,ba 2.90 Belgium 2007 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €0.06 Little Owl, SG3693d, 0.37 Belgium 2007 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €0.40 Long-Eared Owl (1v): SG3700b, 0.90 Belgium 2008 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €4.40 Peregrine Falcon, SG3708b, on reorder Belgium 2009 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €4.60 Eagle, SG3708c, 9.60 Belgium 2009 B.(1v): 5th €0.01 Black Woodpecker & €0.10 Tawny Owl SG3692a & SG3694c, 0.90 Belgium 2010 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €0.05 Little Grebe, SG3693aa, 0.35 Belgium 2010 B.(1v): 5th Series defs €4.60 Barn Owl, SG3708ca, 9.40 Belgium 2010 B.(1v): 5th series defs. Eurasian Coot definitive €0.28, 0.80 Belgium 2010 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €4.09 Pheasant definitive, SG3708a, 8.35 Belgium 2011 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €0.08 Northern Pintail, SG3694a, 0.45 Belgium 2011 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €4.90 Osprey, SG3708cb, on reorder £11.50 Belgium 2012 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €4.35 Small-eared Owl, SG3708ab 8.70 Belgium 2013 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €5.03 Arctic Tern, SG3709a, on reorder £9.95) Belgium 2013 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €0.40 Black Grouse, SG3700c, 1.10 Belgium 2013 B.(1v): 5th series defs. €1.20 Northern Lapwing, SG3705a, 2.50 Belgium 2009 Polar Fauna (2v shtlt)MS4236: one Penguin (& Polar Bear), 4.95 Belgium 2011 EUROPA Forests (2v shtlt)MS4405: Eurasian Jay, (+ Roe Deer, trees), 10.80 Belgium 2013 Zoo (10v shtlt):Snowy Owl, King Penguin,(+ Zebra, Giraffe etc) SG4520-9, 13.95 Belize* 2005 Blue-crowned Motmot definitive 5ct (1 value): SG1320, Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin 1995 1996 1996 1999 1999 1999 2009 2009 2009 Bequia Bequia Bequia 2011 Birds/Eggs (7v= 2xshtlts):Murre,Ruff,G.Eagle,Carrion Crow,Willow Warbler 10.95 2011 Birds/Eggs(2SS)Gt.Crested Flycatcher/Red-rumped Swallow 2 souven/sheets 6.90 2014 Birds (9v shtlt) 5.25 Bermuda Bermuda* 2001 W.W.F.(4v): Cahow & White-tailed Tropic Birds, SG852-5, 2014 Eastern Bluebirds (4v) Bhutan 1989 B.(12v): Greater Flame-backed Woodpecker, Blood Pheasant, Plum-headed Parakeet,3-toed Kingfisher, Black-naped Oriole, Rosy Minervet, SG812-23, 23.50 1999 B. (27v=3X9v shtlts):Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Cuban Green, Hummingbird, Woodpecker, Belted Kingfisher, Barred Antshrike, Parakeets, Scarlet Macaw, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Chestnut-bellied Chlorophonia, Egret, SG1424-50, 17.95 1999 B. MS1451a/c:Military Macaws,Toco Toucan,Red-billed Scythbill 3 s/sheets 9.45 2002 Ecotourism MS1728b: Peafowl - Pavo cristatus souvenir sheet 2.95 2002 B. (6v+SS) MS1731b+h: Yellow-legged Gull, Sand Martin, Indian Pitta, 7.50 2003 Japan Art (6v shtlt) MS1735a: Hawk, Cranes, Egret, Mandarin Duck, 4.95 Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan 0.40 B.(6v): Blackburn Warbler, P.Falcon, Spotted Dove, Gull, SG1321-6, 4.25 B.(6v): Calif.Condor, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, P.Rican Amazon, SG1425-30 4.50 B. MS1431: Blue Bird of Paradise souvenir sheet, Cat.£9.00 4.25 B.(6v)Golden-breasted Bunting,Golden Bishop,Quelea,SG1772-7, 4.20 B.(6v): Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu, Green-winged Pytilia, SG1868-73, 4.25 B. MS1874: Steganura paradisea souvenir sheet on SPECIAL OFFER was £2.95 1.45 B.(2v): opts.revalued on Dahomey SG530-1, Sparrowhawk & Guineafowl(?) 15.50 B.(1v): opt.300F revalued on Dahomey SG533, Eagle + viper, chicken, 14.90 B.(1v): opt.50F revalued on Dahomey SG475, Stork (& Fox), 8.90 9 2.65 4.50 Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Birds (2v): Azure Jay/Red-breasted Toucan, SG1736-7, Birds (2v): Horned Curassow & Harpy Eagle, SG1738-9, Birds (2v): La Paz – Andean Cock Rock, Andean Condor, SG1762-3, Birds (2v): Tarija – Rufous-browed Pepperchrike,King Vulture, SG1766,75, Birds (2v): Cochabamba - Great Horned Owl & Great Egret, SG1767 & 1769, Birds (2v): Pando - Black-tailed Trogon & Cocoi Heron, SG1770 & 1779, Birds (2v): Potosi – Amer.Kestrel & Puna Tinamou, SG1771,7 Birds (2v): Beni - Toco Toucan & Hoatzin, SG1768, 1773, Birds (2v): Chuquisaca - Blue-crowned Motmot, Glittering-bellied Emerald (Hummingbird), SG1776, 1778, 2007 Birds (2v): Oruro - Black-necked Stilt, Roseate Spoonbill, SG1772, 1774, 2007 Birds complete Indigenous 14v set SG1766-79 as above priced at £30 on Offer 2010 U.P.A.E.P. National Symbols (2v): Andean Condor (+ flower) SG1879-80, 2013 Institute of Altitude Biology (1v): condor symbol 2013 Fauna (4v): one is Andean Condor, (+ Frog, Bat, N.Andean Deer), 3.15 4.15 3.20 3.60 3.30 4.90 5.60 3.75 4.90 3.95 £26.95 3.25 2.50 7.75 Bophuthatswana Bophuthatswana Bophuthatswana 1980 B. (4v): Pied Babbler, Meyer's Parrot, Carmine Bee Eater, SG60-3 1.80 1983 Bustards (4v): Kori, Little Black, Crested, Barrow's, SG112-5 2.65 1993 Year of Cock (4v):Rhode Island, Light Sussex,Brown Leghorn SG285-8 2.95 Bosnia(Croat) Bosnia(Croat) Bosnia(Croat) Bosnia(Croat) Bosnia(Croat) 2003 2006 2006 2009 2009 Rock Partridge (1v): Alectoris graeca, SGC112 2.95 Bearded Tit (1v): SGC172, 1.80 B.(4v):Eurasian Hoopoe/Reed-Warbler,Great Grebe,Sky Lark,SGC188-91 4.95 B.(4v): Common Cuckoo & Quail, Water Rail, Night Heron, SGC275-8, 9.50 B.(8v shtlt; 2 sets of the above): Cuckoo & Quail, 2xSGC275-8, 19.00 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 1998 W.W.F. White Stork (4v strip): Ciconia ciconia,SG576-9, 3.95 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 1999 Fauna & Flora (2v; one bird – Ferral Rock Pigeon, SG614-5, 2.25 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2001 Mute Swans souvenir sheet, MS679 2.75 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2001 Fauna(4v; 2 birds Bohemian Waxwing, Kingfisher, horses, SG671-4 4.50 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2001 Birds(2v from above set Bohemi Waxwing, Common Kingfisher, SG671-2 2.90 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2004 “Holidays” stylised bird (1v): SG753 0.80 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2005 B.(1v): Western Capercaillie, SG812, 2.90 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2006 Mallards (1v): SG868, 2.50 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2009 Fauna (3v): Goshawk, Owl, (+ Lynx), SG949-50, SG954 10.95 Bosnia(Sarajevo) 2012 House Sparrow MS995: souvenir sheet 3.95 Bosnia(Srpska) 2006 Fauna (2v): Capercaillie (& Chamois), SG380-1, 2.90 Bosnia(Srpska) 2008 Birds (2v): Scops Owl & White Stork, SGS448-9, 3.25 Bosnia(Srpska) 2011 EUROPA Forests (2v):Mural Owl,Middle-Spotted Woodpecker,SGS528-9 6.95 Bosnia(Srpska) 2011 B.of Bardaca(4v):Kingfisher,Mute Swan,Eared Grebe,Pochard,SGS536-9, 8.50 Bosnia(Srpska) 2011 Birds (2v): Northern Goshawk, Common Buzzard, 6.95 Botswana* Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2009 2014 Carmine Bee-eater (1v) from Chobe Wetlands issue, SG958, 0.45 Mak.N.Park (5v; 2 birds; Great White Pelican, Greater Flamingo, SG994-8 2.90 Limpopo fauna (5v):Giraffe, Klipspringer, Serval Cat, Ostrich,SG1009-13, 3.90 Limpopo River (2v; 2 birds only, Verreaux’s Eagle & Ostrich, SG1010-1, 1.50 B.(8v) MS1027: Af.Fish Eagle, Blue Crane, Cattle Egret, Bar-tailed Trogon 9.95 B.(1v): Cattle Egret, SG1026a 1.75 Doves (4v): Red-eyed, Green Pigeon, Namaqua, & Laughing Doves, SG1045-8 2.50 Threatened B.(4v):Flamingo,Blue & Wattled & Grey Crowned Cranes,SG1121-4, 4.50 B.(14v): Harlequin Quail, Burchell’s Sandgrouse, Af.Skimmer, Bradfield’s Hornbill, Pied Avocet, Kori Bustard, Spotted Eagle-owl, Blue-breasted Cordonbleu, Red Bishop, Af Paradise Flycatcher, Secretarybird, Swamphen 23.50 Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil* Brasil Brasil* Brasil* Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil 1995 1998 1998 2000 2002 2002 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 Fauna (2v): Coscoroba & Black-necked Swans, Croc, SG2727-8, 2.25 Self-adhesive R$0.22 (1v): Vermilion Crowflycatcher, SG2843 0.90 Fauna/Flora (2v): Azure Jay + trees, SG2952-3, 1.40 Fr.Guinea-Brasil border (1v): Great Egret on map, SG3181 0.80 Spix's Guan MS3330 souvenir sheet 1.90 Mercosur – fish/birds (1v): - toucan, parrot, etc. SG3314, 0.90 Mangrove(5v shtlt)MS3383: Roseate Spoonbill,Gt.Kiskadee,L.Woodrail,Stilt, 4.50 Scarlet Ibis (1 value) SG3378 0.80 Carnival (2v): Scarlet Macaw (+ Bull), SG3389-90, 1.60 Hans Christian Andersen (1v): duck, SG3449, 0.90 Tourism (1v): Fernando de Noronha, stylized bird, SG3469 2.50 Polar Year (3v): Emperor Penguin, (+ research ship, map, SG3484-6, 2.45 Anchieta (Jesuit) (3v): small birds, (+ ship, map, SG3487-9, 2.75 Huni Reserve - Birds/bfly (2v shtlt) MS3542: Burnished Buff Tanager, 3.75 Birds (6v shtlt)MS3596: Red-crested Cardinal, Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Yellow-billed Blue Finch, Red-necked Tanager, Scarlet-headed Blackbird, 6.95 10 Br.Ant.T. 2008 Penguins (12v shtlt):Macaroni,Gentoo,Adelie,Chinstrap,Emperor,SG474-85, 12.40 Br.Ant.T. 2009 50th Anniv. Treaty(6v): Gentoo Penguins, S.Giant Petrel,(+ Seals)SG500-5, 5.65 Br.Ant.T. 2011 James Clark Ross MS544:RRS Ross + Penguin souvenir sheet 2.20 Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. Br.Ant.T. 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Frozen Planet(16v=2xshtlts): Adelie,Chinstrap,Gentoo Penguins, SG551-66 13.25 F.Planet Penguins(8v shtlt as above Adelie,Chinstrap,Gentoo only,SG559-66 9.80 Penguins (5v strip of coils) Gentoo, Adelie, Chinstrap, SG570-4, 6.50 Penguins (8v): Chinstrap, Gentoo, Emperor & Adelie Penguins, SG612-9, 11.70 Peng.(5v self-adh.)p-card rate,Gentoo,Emperor,Macaroni,Chinstrap,SG634-8 6.25 Penguins(5v):letter rate,larger versions of above,Gentoo,Adelie,SG639-42 7.15 iSTAR Programme (4v): aircraft, penguins, ships, SG650-3, 6.90 Food Web (1v): Penguin, SG656, 2.25 Food Web (9v shtlt)MS658: Penguins, fish, whales, 11.30 Br.Indian Ocean T.2006 B.(6v shtlt)MS355:Yellow-billed Tropicbird,Blacknaped/White Terns 6.95 Br.Indian Ocean T.2009 Defs.(12v;2 birds,Red Fody/Grt Frigatebird,flora,SG414-25 20.95 Br.Indian Ocean T.2009 Defs.(12v shtlt MS426;2 birds,Red Fody/Grt Frigatebird,flora, 21.50 Br.Virgins Is. Br.Virgins Is. Br.Virgins Is. Br.Virgin Is. Br.Virgin Is. Br.Virgin Is. Br.Virgin Is. 1985 Audubon Birds (4v): Seaside Sparrow, Passenger Pigeon, American Kestrel, Yellow-breasted Chat, SG588-91, 1.40 1988 W.W.F. Brown Pelicans (4v): SG692-5, 3.50 2002 West Indian Whistling Ducks (5v sheetlet) MS1115 4.75 2014 W.W.F. Antillean Crested Hummingbirds (4v):WHITE borders,SG1278-81 3.95 2014 W.W.F.Hummingbirds (16v shtlt):4 sets above,with coloured borders 16.20 2014 W.W.F.Hummingbirds (4v strip) with coloured borders SG1278a-81a, 4.05 2014 W.W.F. Antillean Crested Hummingbirds MS1282: souvenir sheet 6.50 Brunei* 2001 W.W.F. (4v): Bulwer's Pheasant, SG677-80, Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria 2002 2004 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 Antarctic (3v+labels shtlt): 3 X Chinstrap penguins, (SG4392 X 3) 1.50 Red Kite (& fish – blennius ocellaris ) (2v sheetlet) MS4501 2.60 Ring-necked Pheasant (1 value + label): SG4616, 0.95 Flowers (4v; there is one small bird on one stamp, SG4641-4, 2.65 Birds (4v shtlt)MS4650:River Kingfisher,Wallcreeper,Bohm.Waxwing,Flamingo 3.50 Zoo (6v shtlt)MS4674: Blue & Yellow Macaw, (+ Lynx, Hippo, Bactrian, 4.75 Nature (2v shtlt)MS4678:one Lesser Spotted Eagle (+ fungi, orchid, fox) 3.80 B.(2v):Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush,Eurasian Woodcock,joint Serbia,SG4702-3, 2.50 B.(2v shtlt; MS4704: as above Rufous-t. Rock Thrush, Eurasian Woodcock, 2.75 Owls (4v): Eurasian Eagle & Pygmy Owls, Little & Ural Owls, SG4734-7, 4.50 Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 Regions (4v shtlt) MS4781: one Dalmatian Pelican, (+ gardens), 3.90 EUROPA Forests (2v): Eurasian Woodcock, (+ Roe Deer) SG4792-3 3.75 EUROPA Forests MS4794 Woodcock + Roe Deer souv./sheet similar to above 3.80 EUROPA Forests (2v):smaller format Eurasian Woodcock,(+ Deer) SG4792a-3a 3.90 EUROPA booklet contains four sets of SG4792a-3a in 2 small sheetlets 14.50 Regions (4v shtlt)MS4798: White-backed Woodpecker, Brown Bear, coin, 5.60 Polar (1v + label): Gentoo Penguins, (+ boat label), SG4822 2.30 Polar (2v shtlt; 2 x SG4822): two sets above Gentoo Penguins, etc. 4.60 Truck SS: Stork in border souvenir sheet 3.50 Regions (4v shtlt)MS4836a: one is Spotted Nutcracker,(+ Fox,church,fresco 5.50 Mantaritsa Nature Reserve MS4875: Western Capercaillie souvenir sheet 2.50 Songbirds (4v): Icterine Warbler,Bohemian Waxwing, Bushchat, Black Lark, 5.70 Songbirds (4v shtlt): Icterine Warbler,Bohemian Waxwing, Bushchat, Lark 5.80 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi 2004 2004 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 B.(6v shtlt): Gt.Cormorant, Sacred Ibis, Shoebill, Black-crowned N-Heron 6.50 Birds SS: White-faced Whistling Duck souvenir sheet, 3.95 Parrots (4v):Fischer’s Lovebird, Brown Necked,Grey/Meyer’s P.,Mi#1974-7 12.75 Parrots (4v shtlt):Fischer’s L.,Jardine’s,Cape/Grey Parrots Mi#1978-81 12.70 B.Prey (4v): Lappet-faced,Palm-nut Vultures,Wahlberg’s Eagle,Mi#2014-7, 9.30 Water Birds (4v): Gt White Pelican, Gt.Cormorant,Gt.CrestGrebe,Mi#2006-9 9.95 B.(4v shtlt):Reed Cormorant,Pygmy Goose,Less Flamingo,Shoebill,Mi#2010-3 10.90 Owls (4v): Barn, Spotted Eagle, Marsh, Afr. Grass, Mi#2094-7 11.80 Owls(4v shtlt)Afr.Grass,Spotted Eagle,Afr.Marsh,Europe Scops,Mi#2098-01 11.85 W.W.F. Gonolek paler shade (4v): Laniarias mufumbiri as above Mi#2126a-9a, 11.90 W.W.F. Gonolek paler shade (4v shtlt): Laniarias mufumbiri as above 11.95 W.W.F. Gonolek (4v): Laniarias mufumbiri, (darker colours) Mi#2126b-9b, 10.90 Air Pollut. (4v shtlt):Red Siskin,Crane,Cuckoo,Great.Curassow,Mi#2565-8 13.90 Air Pollution SS: Yellow-crested Cockatoo souvenir sheet, Michel#2569 10.40 Global Warming (4v shtlt):Arctic Tern,Ad.Penguin,Snowy Owl Michel#2570-3 11.80 Red List(4v shtlt):Gt Grey Owl,Tawny Eagle,Mil.Macaw,Bee-eater,Mi#2575-8 15.50 Red List SS: Spotted Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#2579 10.90 11 1.35 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Extinct in Wild (4v shtlt): Guam Rail, (+ frog, Deer, Scott#1116,Mi#2585 13.70 Pigeons SS: Le Cravate anglais souvenir sheet, Michel#2644 10.15 Golden Pheasants (4v shtlt): Chrysolophus pictus, Michel#2793-6 14.80 Golden Pheasants SS: Chrysolophus pictus souvenir sheet Michel#2797 13.40 Fauna II (4v shtlt): Red-headed Vulture,Hooded,Bearded V., Mi#2798-01 12.70 Fauna II SS: King Vulture souvenir sheet Michel#2802 12.30 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Birds Prey (4v shtlt)Yellow-billed,Black-winged/Red Kites,Michel#2803-6, 14.75 Birds of Prey SS: African Fish Eagle souvenir sheet Michel#2807 13.35 Owls (4v shtlt):Gt.Horned,Eurasian/Spotted Eagle,E Screech, Mi#2808-11 13.60 Owls SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet Michel#2812, 13.20 Parrots(4v shtlt):Yellow-collared/Fischers Lovebirds Grey Michel#2813-6 13.65 Parrots SS: Meyer’s Parrot souvenir sheet, Michel#2817 13.25 Burundi Burundi 2013 Berkeley Owls/fgi(4v shtlt): Papuan Hawk-Owl, W.Barn Michel# 2013 Berkeley Fungi SS: border has an Owl souvenir sheet, Michel# 14.75 13.80 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 12.95 12.25 10.90 9.90 18.90 19.95 21.90 Owl SS: Great Horned Owl souvenir sheet B.Prey (4v shtlt): Verreaux’s & Steppe Eagles, Augur Buzzard, Bird of Prey SS: Bateleur Eagle souvenir sheet Wading B.(4v shtlt):Glossy Ibis,Helmet Guineafowl,Grey CrCrane,Hammerkop B.Prey (4v shtlt): Grey Kestrel, Crowned Hawk-Eagle, Owls (4v shtlt): Red-chested Owlet, Pearl Spotted Owlet Songbirds (4v shtlt): Double-toothed Barbet,Little Bee-eater,Firefinch, Cambodge(Kampuchea)1993 Ducks (5v): European Wigeon, Baikal Teal, Cat.£7.25,SG1323-7 3.75 Cambodge 1993 Ducks MS1328: Mandarin souvenir sheet 2.70 Cambodge 1994 B.(5v): Penduline Tit, Little & Cirl Buntings, Bearded Reedling,SG1414-8, 5.95 Cambodge 1994 B. MS1419: Afican Pitta souvenir sheet on Special Offer was £4.25 1.95 Cambodge 1995 Parrots (5v): Black-capped Lory, Princess & Ecelctus Parrots, SG1454-8 6.25 Cambodge Cambodge Cambodge Cambodge 1995 Fauna (3v): Protected Fauna (3v): Sarus Crane,Bos gaurus/sauveli,SG1451-3 4.25 1996 B.(6v): Black-naped Oriole, Varied Tit, Pekin Robin, Japanese Bush Warbler, Black & White Flycatcher, White-rumped Shama, SG1532-7 4.95 1997 B.(6v): Bohemian Waxwing, Gt.Grey Shrike, Tree Sparrow Ortolang & Reed Buntings, Redstart, E1624-1629 13.95 1997 Ducks (6v): Blue-winged & Falcated Teals, Steller's Eider, SG1644-9 4.80 1997 Ducks MS1650: Baikal Teal souvenir sheet, 3.25 Cambodge Cambodge Cambodge Cambodge Cambodge 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 B. (6v): Blue Tit, Great Grey Shrike, Greenfinch, Hawfinch, SG1920-5 Birds MS1926: European Robin souvenir sheet, B.Prey (6v): Per. Falcon, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Egy Vulture,SG1937-42 B.Prey MS1943: Red Kite souvenir sheet, was £3.30 now on Special Offer Birds (6v): Wattled & European Starlings, Bearded Reedling, SG2080-5 4.90 3.40 4.50 2.50 3.50 Cameroon Cameroon Canada Canada 1977 1983 1999 1999 Birds (2v): Black Crowned Crane, Ostrich, SG786-7 Birds (3v): Martial Eagle, Sparrow Hawk, Purple Heron, SG967-9 B. (4v; Red-winged Blackbird, N.Goshawk, Am.Goldfinch, Crane, SG1869-72, B. (12v; self-adhesive as above but booklet of 3 sets, 4.50 5.95 1.90 4.95 Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005 2009 2009 2010 Cambodge Canada Canada Dove hologram MS1947 (4 value sheetlet): 95ct hologram x 4, 3.00 Dove (1 value): single 95ct hologram stamp from MS1947 0.80 Dove MS1948 (4 value sheetlet): 95ct brown stamp x 4, 3.60 Dove (1 value): single 95ct brown stamp from MS1948 0.95 B. (4v): Pacific Loon, Can. Warbler, Osprey, Blue Jay, self-ad.SG1978-81, 1.90 B. (12v self-adhesives, as above but booklet of 3 sets, 5.90 B.(4v): Gt.Cormorant, Leach's Storm Petrel, Common Murre, Brant,SG2195-8 2.30 Gyrfalcon (1v): Audubon painting self-adhesive, SG2199 0.75 Gyrfalcon (6v): self-adhesive booklet as above, SG2199 X 6 4.25 Masterpieces (6v shtlt): stylised birds paintings, MS2236 2.95 Audubon(5v):Ruby-crowned Kinglet,White-winged Crossbill,Waxbill,SG2274-8 3.50 Audubon II (5v): Horned Lark, Piping Plover, Stilt Sandpiper, SG2340-4 2.50 Peregrine Falcon (& Island Horse) (2v): SG1760-1, 3.90 Polar regions (2v): Arctic Tern (+ polar bear), SG2611-2, 1.45 Polar regions MS2613: Arctic Tern (+ polar bear), 1.50 Wildlife Photography self-adhesive booklet 2 sets Rufous Hummingbird, Gt.Blue Heron, Tree Swallow, (2 x SG2679-83), 8.40 2010 Wildlife Photography MS2684: Gt. Blue Heron, Hummingbird, Tree Swallow, 4.20 2010 Roadside Attractions (4v): Puffin, Goose, (+ scenery), SG2688—91, 3.45 12 Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 National Parks (1v): Golden Eagle,(+ trees), SG2775, Baby Fauna – Common (Great N.) Loon coil stamp (1v): Gavia immer,SG2711 Baby Fauna - Common (Great N.)Loon booklet stamp (1v):Gavia immer,SG2720 Baby Fauna (4v shtlt)MS2726:Common Loon(Diver)(+ Raccoons, Elk, horse), Pets (5v shtlt)MS2933: one is a Lilac-crowned Amazon (+ dogs and cats), Pets (5v): one is a Lilac-crowned Amazon self-adhesive ex-booklet Pets(10v bklt; two self-adhesive panes of Lilac-crowned Amazons SB496 Atlantic Puffin & Burrowing Owl coil stamps (2v): Atlantic Puffin booklet stamps (1v): Wildlife definitive (5v shtlt): above + Beaver, etc, 1.15 1.90 1.95 6.75 4.35 4.40 8.70 3.95 2.45 8.80 Canouan Cape Cape Cape Cape Cape Cape Cape Cape 2011 Birds (6v in 2 sheetlets): Green-winged Teal, Osprey, Masked Booby, Wilson’s Storm Petrel, Great Blue Heron, Pied-billed Grebe, 8.95 Verde 2008 B.Prey (4v): Common Buzzard, Eur.Kestrel, Osprey, Per.Falcon,Scott#910-3 6.50 Verde 2009 Protected Region (2v sheetlet): Eagle in border of sheet 7.50 Verde 2010 Environment (6v):Common Quail,Brown-necked Raven,Rock Pigeon,(+ flowers) 10.60 Verde 2010 Environment SS: small circling birds souvenir sheet 5.25 Verde 2011 Caldeiras Flora & Fauna(6v):Grey-head Kingfisher,C.V.Warbler,Fea’s Petrel 8.80 Verde 2011 Caldeiras SS: Grey-headed Kingfisher souvenir sheet 5.90 Verde 2012 S.Antao Fauna (6v): Soft-plumaged Petrel & Buzzard (+ plants,) 7.95 Verde 2012 Santa Antao Protected Area SS: Soft-plumaged Petrel souvenir sheet 4.50 Caribbean Netherlands 2012 Parrots (4v): Red & Green Macaw, Brown-throated Conure/ Parakeet, Yellow-crowned Parrot, Hyacinth Macaw, SG27-30, Caymans 1993 Birds (4v): Grand Cayman Parrot, SG765-8 Caymans 1997 Hong Kong 97 MS840: Cuban Amazon - Cayman Parrot souvenir sheet, Caymans 1998 B. (4v): W.I.Whistling Duck, Grand Cayman P., Red Foot Booby, SG864-7 Caymans 2006 Definitives (3v): Grand Caymans Parrot, Bananquit,Ground Dove,SG1124-6 Caymans 2010 Definitives bklt stamps (2v): Grand Caymans Parrot, Bananquit, 12.50 3.75 1.40 5.90 2.80 2.45 Central Af.Rep.1997 Hiroshige B. (1st 5v shtlt):Owl, Sparrows, Geese, Swallows, Sc#1190 6.95 Central Af.Rep.1997 Hiroshige Birds (2nd 5v shtlt): Sparrows, Kingfisher, Scott#1191 7.75 Central Af.Rep.1999 B.(24v=6v+2X9v shtlts): Burchell's Gonolek, Quail, Rufous Rockjumper, Osprey, Ceratogymna bucinator, Tachymarptis melba, Masked Lovebird, Superb Starling, Reed Bunting, Raquet-tailed Roller, Black-bill Magpie, Euplectes jackso, Barn Owl & Swallow, Grey Heron, Common Kestrel, Eur.Bee Eater, Cuckoo & Roller, Scott#1229-36 39.25 Central Af.Rep.2000 Birds (33v=6v+3X 9v shtlts): Levaillant's Barbet, Af.Pygmy Falcon, Striated Heron, Black Crake, Ruppell’s Parrot, Common Starling, Cape Sparrow, African Green Pigeon, Af.White-backed Vulture, Barn Owl, Blue Tit, Scott#1315-23 39.75 Central Af.Rep.2000 Birds (3SS): Karroo Scrub Robin, African Fish Eagle and Yellow-billed Oxpecker 3 souvenir sheets, Scott#1324-6, 19.50 Central Af.Rep.2001 Birds (34v=4v+4xshtlts):Snowy Owl,Atl.Puffin,Emp.Penguin,Bluefoot Booby, Jandaya Parakeet, Blue-headed Parrots, Toco Toucan, Car.Flamingo, Glittering Bellied Emerald, Macaw, Red-brested Turaco, Blue-breasted K’fisher,Gray Parrot,Marabou Stork,Rainbow Parakeet,Lanner Falcon,Blue Grosbeak,Cuban Emerald,Cedar Waxwing, Indigo Bunting, Scott#1404-11 25.15 Central Af.Rep.2001 Birds (4SS): Mute Swan & Bald Eagle + Western Osprey and Western (Eurasian) Marsh Harrier, 4 souvenir sheets Scott#1412-5 14.50 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Af.Rep.2011 Owls(4v shtlt):Pel’s Fishing,Tawny,African Grass,Ural,Michel#3015-8 8.90 Owls Hume’s Tawny Owl (or Pel’sF/Ural) souvenir sheet Michel#3030 8.95 Kingfishers (4v shtlt): Pied, Giant K., Eur.Bee-Eater! Michel#3003-6 8.80 Kingfishers SS: Giant Kingfisher souvenir sheet Michel#3027 8.85 Raptors(4v shtlt):Bateleur,Augur Buzzard,Tawny Fish Eagle, Mi#3011-4 7.95 Raptors SS: Tawny and Steppe Eagles souvenir sheet Michel#3029 7.50 Parrots (4v shtlt): Senegal, Grey, and Ruppell’s Parrots, Mi#3023-6 7.90 Parrots SS: Senegal and Red-fronted P. souvenir sheet Michel#3032 7.45 Congo Peacocks (4v shtlt):Afroparvo congensis Michel#3007-10, 8.45 Congo Peacocks SS: Afroparvo congensis souvenir sheet Michel#3028 8.25 Owls(4v shtlt):Marsh,Madagascar,Spotted Eagle,Short-eared,Mi#3019-22,8.40 Owls SS: Short-eared Owl souvenir sheet Michel#3031 8.20 Central Central Central Central Central Central Af.Rep.2012 Af.Rep.2012 Af.Rep.2012 Af.Rep.2012 Af.Rep.2012 Af.Rep.2012 Owls(4v shtlt): Long & Short-eared,Northern,Barred Owls, Mi#3632-5 9.80 Owls SS: Short-eared Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#3636 9.30 Bee-Eaters(4v shtlt):South Carmine,European+White-fronted, Mi#3662-5,9.85 Bee-Eaters SS: Bee & European Bee-Eater souvenir sheet Mi#3666 9.35 Parrots(4v shtlt):Meyer’s,Grey+Jardine P,Rose-ringed Para,Mi#3667-70 9.90 Parrots SS: Red-headed Lovebird souvenir sheet, Yv#461 Mi#3671 9.25 13 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Af.Rep.2013 Disappearance of S.Wilson(4v shtlt; Eskimo Curlew, Passenger Pigeon, 9.90 220th Ann.Disappearance of S.Wilson SS: Long-eared Owl souvenir sheet 9.40 B.Prey(4v shtlt):Snowy/Little Owls,S.Crested Caracara,Rough Buzzard 10.90 Birds Prey SS: Long-eared Owl souvenir sheet 9.80 Seabirds/dolphins(4v shtlt): N.Gannet,Peruvian Pelican, (+ dolphins) 9.80 Seabirds SS: Sooty Tern souvenir sheet 10.85 Rijksmuseum (4v shtlt; one has several birds, Pelican, Merganser, Eurasian Teal & Wigeon, Pintail, S.Cassoawary 10.90 Central Af.Rep.2013 Parrots (4v shtlt): Pileated P, Grey, Mealy, Orange-winged, 12.70 Central Af.Rep.2013 Parrots SS: Yellow-billed Parrot souvenir sheet 10.15 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Af.Rep.2014 Chile Chile* Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile China China China China China China China China 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2007 2008 2010 (P.R.) (P.R.)* (P.R.)* (P.R.)* (P.R.)* (P.R.) (P.R.)* (P.R.)* Eagles (4v shtlt):White-bellied+Steller’s Sea eagle,Martial,Golden, Eagles SS: Bald Eagle souvenir sheet Peacocks (4v shtlt): Indian Peafowl & Green Peacock, Peacocks SS: Indian Peafowl souvenir sheet B.of Prey (4v shtlt): Red-footed Falcon, Osprey, African Grass Owl Birds of Prey SS: Crowned Eagle souvenir sheet Seabirds(4v shtlt):Gt.White pelican,Grey Heron,Long-tail Cormorant Seabirds SS: Pink-backed Pelican souvenir sheet Violet-ear Hummingbirds(4v shtlt):Brown,Green,Sparkling,White-vent Green Violet-ear Hummingbird SS: souvenir sheet Owls (4v shtlt): W.Barn, Little, Snowy, Long-eared Owls SS: Great Horned Owl souvenir sheet John Hanning Speke SS: Hoopoe souvenir sheet 12.75 10.20 10.30 9.95 10.28 9.92 12.80 10.22 10.35 9.97 10.35 9.30 9.50 Antarctic Penguins (2v): Bearded Penguins + Seal, SG1872-3, 3.30 B.(2v): $10 Rufous-Collared Sparrow, $20 Austral Blackbird, SG1841-2 0.60 500th Anniversary Brasil MS1930: Scarlet Macaw souvenir sheet 4.50 Antarctic (2v; Antarctic Giant Petrel + small Adelie Penguin,SG2005-6, 2.90 Antarctic MS2007: Snowy Sheathbill souvenir sheet (Chionis alba) 4.95 Easter Is. Common Diuca Finch + flower (2v): SG2048-9, 2.25 Easter Is. Common Diuca Finch + flower MS2050: 5.50 Tourism (5v; one is an Emperor Penguin – Aptenodytes forsteri,SG2152-6, 7.95 Polar Year (6v shtlt)MS2202: one has Gentoo & Adelie Penguins, 6.50 Polar Year (6v shtlt): Gentoo Penguin, (+ helicopter, C47, SG2303-8, 10.50 1992 1994 1997 2003 2004 2004 2006 2007 Black and White Storks (2 values) SG3785-6 Cranes (2v): Whooping & Chinese Black-necked SG3933-4, Rare B. (2v): Ring-necked & Lady Amherst Pheasant, SG4189-90, 3rd Birds (2v): Yellow-bellied Tit, Yunnan Nuthatch, SG4667-8, Homeland (2v; one is outline, silhouette of a bird, SG(+)4674, Peafowl MS4689: Peahen & Peacock souvenir sheet Birds (2v): Chinese Monal & Taiwan Yuhina, SG5135a/b, Greetings bird (1v): SG5222a, 0.80 0.60 1.75 2.40 1.30 1.20 0.95 0.50 China (P.R.) 2008 B.(6v shtlt)MS5252:Cabot’s Tragop,Formosan Blue Magpie,Koslow’s Bunting, Golden Pheasant,Xinjiang Ground Jay,Black-fronted Laughing Thrush, 1.87 China (P.R.) 2010 Energy Emissions Reduction (2v): silhouettes heron,owl,etc. SG5459-60, 1.25 China (P.R.) 2011 Tianjin New Area MS: Mew Gull (+ seaport, freighter, map in border), 2.50 China (P.R.) 2011 Hwamei (Warbler?) (1v): “Bright Spring” issue, SG5609, 0.70 China (P.R.) 2012 Confucious Institute (2v): one has stylized Dove (+ Panda) 1.70 China (P.R.) 2012 Paintings (6v shtlt): several birds, Barn Swallow, Magpie, 3.50 China (P.R.)*2014 Birds of Prey (4v): E.Kestrel, Imperial Eagle, Hen Harrier, N.Goshawk, 1.75 China (P.R.)*2014 Bamboo & Bluebirds (1 value) 0.70 Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. 1995 Frigate Birds (3v): stylised, SG404-6, 2002 W.W.F.(4v) C.I.Thrush, Imperial Pigeon, Hawk-Owl, Goshawk, SG507-10 2003 Christmas 2003 (2v): Red-footed Boobies and crabs, SG526-7 2008 50 Years Indep. (5v one is Abbott’s Booby (+ fern,crab), SG634-8, 2010 W.W.F. Christmas Island Frigatebirds (4v): SG676-9, 2010 W.W.F. Christmas Island Frigatebirds (4v sheetlet)MS680, 2012 Xmas (2v shtlt)MS730: Frigatebirds etc. Cocos Cocos Cocos Cocos Cocos 1979 1995 2003 2013 2013 Colombia Colombia 2001 Nat.Parks (1v): Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Red/Green Macaws, Screamer, SG2236 2.95 2009 La Guahira(12v shtlt):2 birds,Car.Flamingo,Vermilion Cardinal,SG2564-75 27.50 Sooty Terns (2v): on Christmas issue, SG48-9 Seabirds MS325: Masked Booby, Great Frigatebird, plus border, White Ter Shoreline B.(4v) W.Reef Heron, Sooty Tern, Whimbrel, Turnstone,SG397-400 50 Years of Stamps (5v): one Egret, coconut, turtle, canoe, SG479-83, 50 Years (5v shtlt)MS484: designs as above one Egret, + 1963 border 14 2.80 2.50 0.95 5.75 6.20 6.25 3.30 1.20 1.50 1.85 6.50 6.60 Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Comores 2010 Birds (9v shtlt)MS2648:Yellow-eared & Indigo-winged P., Antpitta, Black Inca,Blue-billed Curassow,Rail,Tanager,Hummingbird, Red-bellied Grackle, 26.95 2010 Shanghai (birds) MS2649: Scarlet Macaw souvenir sheet 8.50 2011 Valle Cauca(6v shtlt): Neotropic and Olivaceous Cormorants, Great Blue Herons, Nazca and Blue-faced Boobies, SG2704-9 29.50 2011 Biodiversity MS2717: Cloudforest Pygmy Owl (+ Jaguar) souvenir sheet, 9.75 2011 Northern Santander(12v shtlt):incl.birds vignettes,labels of…SG2723-34 39.50 1999 B. (20v=8v+2X6v shtlts): Puffin, Francolin, Ducks - Harlequin, Golden-eye, three Owls - Tangmalm's, Caracara, Scott#844-53, 22.90 Comores Comores Comores 2008 Seabirds(6v shtlt;Egypt Goose,Kelp Gull,Shy Albatross,Petrel,Mi#1953-8 11.75 2008 Audubon(6v shtlt):Blue Jay,Elegant Trogon,Astrapia,Tanager, Mi#1995-00, 9.90 2008 Audubon SS: Trogon (?) souvenir sheet (five more in border) Mi#2001 11.95 Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 K’fishers(6v shtlt;Common,Woodland,Malachite,Gt,Collared,Pygmy,Mi#2184-9 11.95 Kingfishers SS: Blue-breasted Kingfisher souvenir sheet Mi#2190 12.95 Owls(6v shtlt; S.White-faced/Pemba Scops,Long-eared,Afr.Wood Mi#2191-6 11.90 Owls SS: Spotted Eagle Owl souvenir sheet, Mi#2197 12.90 Darwin(6v shtlt;Tinkling cistic,Fischers Lo’bird,Von D.Hornbill,Mi#2224-9 8.95 Bee-Eaters (5v shtlt): Blue-cheeked & Olive(Madagascar)Bee-E,Mi#2352-6 7.30 Bee-Eaters SS: Blue-cheeked Bee-Eaters souvenir sheet Michel#2417 11.70 Comores Comores Comores Comores 2009 2009 2009 2009 Orioles (5v shtlt): Black-headed, Eurasian Golden,Black-hooded Mi#2362-6 8.90 Black-naped Orioles – Oriolus chinensis souvenir sheet Mi#2419 11.50 Shorebrds(5v shtlt):Black-,Bar-tailed Godwits,Terek Sandpiper Mi#2367-71 8.95 Shorebirds SS: Tringa glareola – Wood Sandpipers souvenir sheet Mi#2420 11.60 Comores Comores Comores Comores 2009 2009 2009 2009 Darters (5v shtlt): Darter & African D, Anghinga melanogaster, Mi#2372-6 8.85 African Darters SS: Anhinga rufa souvenir sheet Mi#2421 11.45 Herons (5v shtlt):Striated Grey W.Reef Herons,Cattle/L.Egrets Mi#2377-81, 8.90 Herons SS: Ardea alba – Great Egret souvenir sheet Michel#2422 11.50 Comores Comores Comores Comores 2009 2009 2009 2009 Black Kites (5v shtlt): Milvus migrans, Mi#2382-6 7.25 Black Kites SS: Milvus migrans souvenir sheet Michel#2423 11.60 Parrots(5v shtlt):Madagascr Lovebird, Lesser Vasa (Black) P, Mi#2387-91 8.50 Parrots SS: Lesser Vasa or Black Parrots souvenir sheet Michel#2424 12.50 Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Flamingoes (5v shtlt):Phoenicopterus minor/roseus,Greater/Less,Mi#2402-6 8.95 Flamingoes SS:Phoenicopterus minor(Lesser F.)souvenir sheet Michel#2427 11.60 Falcons (5v shtlt): Falco peregrinus,eleonorae + Mad.Kestrel,Mi#2407-11 8.90 Peregrine Falcons SS: Falco perigrinus souvenir sheet Michel#2428 11.50 2nd Owls (5v shtlt): Tyto alba, Otus pauliani/rutilus/capnodes,Mi#2412-6 10.40 2nd Owls SS: Otus capnodes – Anjouan Scops Owl souvenir sheet, Mi#2429 12.50 Comores Comores 2010 B.(4v shtlt):Hammerkop,Cory’s Shearwater,Gt.Egret,Brown Booby,Mi#2697-00 9.85 2010 Indian Ocean SS: Black Stork and Goliath Heron souvenir sheet, Mi#2709 12.35 Comores Comores Comores Comores 2010 2010 2010 2010 Comores Comores 2010 Antarctic Animals (4v sheetlet):Emperor Penguins, Snow Petrel, Mi#2712-5 9.50 2010 Polar Year (4v shtlt): Adelie Penguins, Snowy Owl, (+ P.Bear) Mi#2727-30 9.25 Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores Comores 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Owls I (5v shtlt):Long-whiskered Owlet,W.Barn,Sooty,Spectacled,Mi#3013-7 9.30 Owls I SS: Northern Saw-whet Owl souvenir sheet Mi#3038 9.35 Peafowl (5v shtlt):Green Peafowl, Indian Peafowl, Mi#3018-22 11.70 Peafowl SS: Indian Peafowl souvenir sheet Mi#3039 11.60 Waders (5v shtlt):Greater Flamingo,Saddlebill Stork,Gt.Egret, Mi#3023-7 11.70 Wading Birds SS: Great Egret souvenir sheet Mi#3040 11.80 Comores Comores Comores Comores 2011 2011 2011 2011 Vultures (5v shtlt):Rueppell’s, White-back,White-rump,Lappet,Mi#3028-32 Vultures SS: Hooded vulture souvenir sheet Michel#3041 Owls II (5v shtlt): W.Barn,Tawny,Marsh,Little,Eurasian Eagle Mi#3033-7 Owls II SS: Short-eared Owl souvenir sheet Michel#3042 Congo Congo 1978 B.(4v): Mallard, Great Reed Warbler, Hoopoe, Purple Heron, SG616-9, 1995 Rotary SS: Eagle in border souvenir sheet, Scott#1083, B.(4v shtlt):Black-naped/Gt Crested Sandwich/White-cheek Terns,Mi#2701-4 9.95 Indian Ocean Ports SS: River Tern souvenir sheet, Mi#2710 12.45 Ind.O.B.(4v shtlt): Scaly Grd Roller,Swift Parrot,Helmet vanga,Mi#2705-8 8.95 Indian Ocean Bird SS: Malagasy Kingfisher souvenir sheet, Mi#2711 11.95 15 11.80 11.60 11.75 11.80 7.75 5.75 Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo 2000 Birds of the Congo (18v=6v+2X 6v shtlts): Red Bishop, Red-collared Whydah, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Alpine Swift, Fish Eagle, Eg.Goose, Egret, Namaqua Dove, Black-collared Barbet, SG1611-6 30.25 2000 Birds MS1617d: Lesser Pied Kingfisher souvenir sheet 5.90 2000 Parrots (22v): Golden-shouldered,Turqoise-fronted,Dusky Lory,Mitred Para 32.50 2000 Parrots MS1622c/d:Blue/Yellow Macaws,Double-eyed Fig P. 2 souvenir sheets13.95 2000 Hummingbirds (11v=9v shtlt+2v): Long-tailed Sylph, SG1623-4+MS1625a ,on reordr 2000 Hummingbirds MS1625b/c: Violet Sabrewing + Collared Inca souvenir sheets 10.75 Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo Congo 2006 2006 2006 2007 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Owls (6v shtlt): Eastern Screech,Eurasian Tawny,Gt.Horned,Spectacled, 14.50 Owls SS: Eurasian Tawny Owl – Strix aluco souvenir sheet 6.95 Owls (2v): Cape Eagle Owl & Spotted Eagle Owl, 3.95 Owls African Wood Owls (2v): Strix woodfordii & Ciccaba woodfordii 2.95 Birds (3v): Lilac-breasted Roller,White-brow Robin-Chat,Drongo,Mi#2046-8, 7.90 Birds (3SS): Roller, Robin-Chat, Drongo, 3 souvenir sheets (Mi#2046-8), 31.90 Birds of Prey (3v): Martial & Bald Eagles, Bateleur, Michel#2052I-4I 7.95 B.Prey (3v shtlt; above + premium & border with Sec.B. (Mi#2052I-4I) 16.90 B.Prey (3SS): Martial & Bald Eagles, 3 souvenir sheets (Mi#2052-4), 29.75 Cook Cook Cook Cook 2005 2007 2010 2011 W.W.F.(4v): Mangaia Kingfisher, Atui Swiftlet, Rarotonga Starling, Wildlife definitive (1v): $15 Blue Lorikeet, SG1536, W.W.F. Rimatara Lorikeets (4v): SG1603-6 Wetlands (4v): one bird - Bristle-thighed Curlew, SG1627-30 Is. Is. Is. Is. 4.75 22.50 8.75 4.90 Costa Rica 2003 Cocori cartoon (10v sheetlet): one Toucan, + one other bird, SG1737-46, 3.75 Costa Rica 2006 Fauna (10v shtlt;3 birds,Red-footed Booby,Yellow Warbler,Noddy,SG1796-05 7.60 Costa Rica 2010 Nat.Parks Birds(4v)MS1907:Roseate Spoonbill,Crested+Harpy Eagles,Oriole 12.50 Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia 1993 1999 2004 2011 Fauna (2v): White-tailed Sea Eagle & Stag SG224-5, White Spoonbill (1v): SG580 W.W.F. Purple Heron (4v) SG754-7 Croatian Fauna (3v): Eleonora’s Falcon, (+ Brown Bear,Monk Seal)SG1047-9 3.50 1.50 4.90 3.75 Cuba Cuba 1992 W.W.F. Bee Hummingbirds (4v): SG3734-7, 1994 Birds (2v:2 birds from Haban Zoo set,Macaw,European Goldfinch, SG3934-5 2.75 3.50 Cuba Cuba 2001 B.(5v): Mandarin, Grey Heron, Golden Pheasant, Collared Dove, SG4467-71 2001 Rock Doves (5v; - Mosaic, Bronzed, Emperor, Dark Emperor, SG4530-4 2.70 4.95 Cuba* Cuba Cuba Cuba 2003 2007 2007 2008 Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 Cuba Cuba 2010 2010 Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba* Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 Birds (3v): Northern Gannet, Snowy Owl, Atlantic Puffin, SG4677-9 0.95 N. Zoo (6v): Blue & Yellow Macaw,Grey Crowned Crane,(+Raccoon),SG5042-7, 3.90 Tourism (6v): 3 birds, Gull,Pelican,Plover,Iguana,Turtle,SG5068-73 2.90 Endemic B. (8v): Cuban Tody & Parakeet, Green Woodpecker & Vireo, Cuban Soltaire & Trogon, Bee Hummingbird, Zapata Sparrow, SG5213-20, 5.25 Owls (6v): Eurasian Eagle,Barn,Great Grey,Tawny,Long-eared,Ural,SG5221-6 3.50 Birds (2v): joint issue Iran, Zapata Rail & Purple Swamphen,SG5287-8, 2.20 Macaws(8v)Chestnut-front,Blue/Yellow,Hyacinth,Scarlet,Military,SG5402-9,reord Great Horned Owl (1v): Institute of Superior Design, SG5410, 1.50 Nat. Zoo (6v): contains one Ostrich,(+ Jackal, Cheetah, Rhino, SG5413-8, 4.80 Nat. Zoo (1v): Ostrich value only from above set, SG5417, 1.25 B. (6v):Fernandina’s Flicker,Zapata Sparrow/Wren,Tody,H’bird,SG5427-32 4.90 Tourism (Parrot) MS5533: Cuban Parakeet souvenir sheet 1.80 Cambodia Relations (1v): Giant Ibis & Cuban Trogon SG5512, 1.50 Tourism (4v; one is Amazona leucocephalus,(+ Manatee,Hutia,bfly)SG5582-5 3.70 B.(8v): Venezuelan Troupial,Rufous-bellied Thrush,Frigatebrd,And.Condor, St.V. & Imperial Parrots,Cuban Trogon,Turquoise-browed Motmot,SG5542-9, 5.20 Flora & Fauna (6v): Todus multicolor, (+ cricket, Anolis, etc) SG5556-61, 5.60 Marti B.(12v): Plantcutter, Long-tailed Tit, Crested Gallito, Quetzal, Warbler,Vulture,House Sparrow,Venezuelan Troupial,Ant. Piculet,SG5530-41, 6.95 B.(8v):Keel-bill Toucan,S.Lapwing,Amaz.Motmot,Yellow Oriole,PR Woodpecker 6.25 Flora/Fauna (6v): Great Egret, (+ shell, butterfly, etc. 7.75 B.(6v):Great Antillean Peewee & Lizard Cuckoo, Bare-legged Owl, Trogon, 3.95 Birds SS: Sandhill Crane souvenir sheet 1.90 Lesser Black-backed Gull (1 value) 1.80 Fauna & Flora (6v): Indian Peafowl,shell,3 flowers,Morning Glory,Squirrel 4.95 Fauna & Flora (1v): Indian Peafowl only from above mixed set 1.90 Fauna & Flora MS: Red-legged Thrush souvenir sheet 1.95 Domestic Pets (6v): 2 birds Cuban Amazon, Rock Dove, 5.45 B.(6v):Green & Grey Peacock Pheasants,Saker Falcon,Fireback,Crane,Magpie 4.90 Birds SS: Common Peafowl souvenir sheet 1.92 Trogons (1v): Cuban & Nerina Trogons, 1.75 16 Curacao Curacao Curacao Curacao Curacao Curacao Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus 2010 2012 2012 2012 2013 2014 (Greek) (Greek) (Turk)* (Turk)* (Turk)* (Turk) (Turk) Golden-crowned Spadebill MS307:misidentified on the stamp!souvenir sheet 15.75 Seabirds (8v shtlt): Dunlin,N.Gannet,Snowy Egret,Gt.Blue Heron,L.Gull, 19.75 Banknotes (10v): American Flamingo on one, 27.50 Plants (8v): Blue-tailed Emerald on one, (+ Melocactus macranthus, 18.50 Laughing Gulls circling the cruise liner “Freewinds” (2v): 3.40 Eagles (6v): Golden,Ornate Hawk-eagle,Osprey,Black-chested Buzzard-eagle,15.75 2003 2011 2003 2006 2010 2012 2013 B.Prey(6v):Imperial Eagle, Eleanora's Falcon, Little Owl,SG1058-63 Forests(2v):silhouette N.Longeared Owl,Eurasian Blackbird,SG1246-7 B.(4v) Great Flamingo, Cyprus Wheatear/Warbler, Cormorant, SG570-3 B.(4v)Common Kingfisher,Black-winged Stilt,Lapwing,Mallard,SG638-41 W.W.F.Gulls(4v):Audouin’s,Medit.,Black-head,Slender-billed,SG704-7, EUROPA Visit (2v): Eur.Goldfinch, Audouin’s Gull, (+ bfly)SG742-3 Fauna/Flora(3v):Hoopoe,(+ Teucrium divaricatum, blue bflies)SG761-3 4.50 2.45 3.25 3.90 2.25 2.95 1.90 1964 Black-headed Gull (1v): SG1434, Birds of Prey (3v): Red Kite, Booted Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, SG375-7 Parrots(4v sht) MS410 Rose-ringed Parakeet, Masked Lovebird,Green-w.Macaw Trebonska Res.(4v shtlt MS549;Kingfisher,Whitetailed Eagle,Goose,Pochard, Orbis Pictus/Komensky (1v): very small birds/bees, SG539 Polar Year MS573: Emperor Penguins souvenir sheet Mute Swans (1v): painting by Karel Spillar, SG636 Easter chicks (1 value) SG649, For Children (1v): stylized Raven, SG654, Sumava Res.(4v shtlt)MS659: Eur.3-toed Woodpecker,Ringed Ouzel,Blk Grouse Film Poster (1v): head of a Golden Eagle, SG665(?) World Post Day (1v): post doves, globe, posthorn, SG667, Peacock - Greeting stamp (1v): Gate and peacock, SG668, Sokol Movement (1v): Falcon, SG677, Karlstejn N.Reserve (4v shtlt)MS736: Common & European Honey Buzzards, Northern Wheatear, Sparrowhawk, (+ Chalkhill Blue,shell,fungi border etc Czech Rep.2014 Beskydy Mountains Nature (4v shtlt)MS775: Ural Owl, Eurasian Nutcracker, Czech Rep.2014 Dali painting Leda (1v): Swan, SG784, 1.50 1.75 4.50 5.90 1.20 2.95 3.50 1.30 1.40 5.75 1.45 2.90 1.45 1.75 Czechoslovakia Czech Rep.2003 Czech Rep.2004 Czech Rep.2008 Czech Rep.2008 Czech Rep.2009 Czech Rep.2010 Czech Rep.2011 Czech Rep.2011 Czech Rep.2011 Czech Rep.2011 Czech Rep.2011 Czech Rep.2012 Czech Rep.2012 Czech Rep.2013 5.50 5.80 4.75 Denmark Denmark* Denmark Denmark Denmark* Denmark Denmark Denmark 2004 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 B. Prey (4v): C.Kestrel,N.Sparrowhawk,C.Buzzard,W.Marsh Harrier,SG1394-7, 4.75 B. Prey (1 value): Peregrine Falcon, only bird from Fauna set, SG1549, 1.75 B. Prey SG1549a - Peregrine Falcon booklet (10 values as above) 13.95 Copenhagen Zoo (4v): Flamingo, Monkey, Rhino, Elephant, SG1555-8, 7.90 Copenhagen Zoo (1 value): SG1557 Flamingo value ONLY from above set, 2.50 Fauna & Flora (4v) one Skylark, SG1574-7, 11.75 Fauna & Flora (4v shtlt) MS1578: one Skylark as above, 11.80 Fauna & Flora – Skylark only (1 bird value from set) SG1576 3.50 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark 2010 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 Winter Stamp – stylized Ducks (1v) SG1618, 1.70 Winter Stamp booklet – stylized Ducks as above but (12v pane=12xSG1618) 17.80 Ducks (3v): Tufted Duck, Common Shelduck & Mallard, 6.95 Birds framas (9v):3 different of each Eur.Greenfinch,Bullfinch,Hawfinch 18.90 Art (1v): Owl in frame, 2.25 arrival late Feb. Djibouti 2000 B.(5v strip):Greta Grey Shrike,Egyptian Vulture,Senegal Bustard,SG1249-53,2.50 Dominica 1976 B. (7v+SS): Kingfisher, Imperial Parrot, Hawk,Hummingbird,SG523-9+MS530 16.75 Dominica Dominica 1979 B.(3v): Tropicbird, Brown Pelican, Brown Booby, SG662,3,5, 1985 1st Audubon MS943: Reddish Egret souvenir sheet, Dominica 1987 Defs. (15v): Broad-winged Hawk, Ruddy Quail Dove, Green Heron, Trembler, Ringed K’fisher, Barn Owl, Imperial Amazon, Red-leg Thrush, SG1037-51, 15.95 Dominica 1991 Landmarks (8v; only one is Sydney Opera House + seabird,SG1461-8 Cat.£16 7.95 Dominica 1992 H’birds (8v): Green- & Purple-throated Caribs, Rufous-breasted Hermit, Antillean Mango & Ant.Crested, Red-billed Streamertail, SG1554-61 5.50 5.95 11.75 Dominica Dominica Dominica 1998 Seabird MS2487a/b: Blue-footed Booby & Fulmars two souvenir sheets, 8.75 1998 Xmas (6v): Evening Grosbeak, Carolina Wren, Blue Jay, Waxwing,SG2559-64, 3.90 1998 Xmas MS2565: Painted Bunting & N.Parula souvenir sheets, 6.50 Dominica 1999 Fauna (18v=6v+12v shtlt; 5 birds, White-throat Sparrow, Blue-winged Teal, Blue-headed H'bird, Bananaquit, Broad winged Hawk, SG2677-94 17 15.40 Dominica Dominica Dominica 1999 Xmas (6v): Troupial, Puertorican Woodpecker, Red Bishop, SG2696-01, 2001 Fauna (10v=2x shtlts):Painted Bunting,St.Vincent Amazon,mmls,SG3117-26 2001 Fauna MS3127a/c: Purple Gallinule, Rufous-tailed Jacamar Ruby-throated Hummingbird three souvenir sheets 5.75 13.75 11.90 Dominica* 2001 Defs. (15v): Brown Trembler, Gt.Frigate, Painted Bunting, Ruby-throated Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Belted Kingfisher, Palmchat, Warbler, Red-footed Booby, Sooty Tern, SG3128-42, 34.60 Dominica Dominica* Dominica* Dominica Dominica Dominica Dominica Dominica* 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 B.(6v shtlt): Brown Trembler, Belted Kingfisher, Cotinga, SG3247-52, 7.25 Imperial Parrot (1v): SG3344, 0.95 New definitive 50ct value (1v): Baltimore (Northern) Oriole, SG3142a, 0.55 W.W.F. Caribs (4v): Purple-throated & Green-throated Caribs, SG3412-5 4.80 W.W.F. Caribs MS3416(8v shtlt of 2 sets above but in 2 separate strips) 9.60 Birds (8v=4v+4v shtlt): N.Gannet, Turkey Vulture, Kite, SG3417-20+MS3421, 8.30 Birds MS3424a: Red Knot souvenir sheet 3.40 Defs “2005” imp.(2v):25ct Belted Kingfisher,50ct Balt.Oriole,SG3132B/42aB 0.70 Dominica Dominica Dominica Dominica* Dominica 2007 2007 2007 2011 2013 Hummingbrds(4v shtlt)Ant.Crested,Rufous Breasted,Blueheaded,Cuban,SG3548a 4.75 Car.Birds(4v):Limpkin,Black Stork,Peruvian Booby,Frigatebird,SG3545-7+52, 3.40 Caribbean Birds MS3553: Red-capped Manakin souvenir sheet 3.30 AIDS Awareness (1v): Amazons, SG3722, 0.95 Parrot - Rainbow Lorikeet MS3747: souvenir sheet 3.20 Dom.Republic Dom.Republic* Dom.Republic* 1995 America (2v): Flamingoes, Royal Tern, Little Blue Heron, SG1917-8, 1.50 2006 Pied Billed Grebe (1v): Podilymbus podiceps, SG2253a, 1.80 2007 Taiwan Relations (3v): Formosan Blue Magpie, (+ flower, SG2274-6, 4.85 Dom.Republic 2012 Birds (10v shtlt): Ashy-faced Owl, Palm Crow, Ridgway’s Hawk, Nightjar, E.Chat- & Stripe-head Tanagers, Hispani Peewee,Crossbill & Spindalis, 17.50 Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador 2001 2002 2003 2003 Galapagos Island Birds MS2467: Nazca Booby souvenir sheet Parrots, toucan etc. (1v): carved birds, SG2608 Eagles (2v): Harpy & Black-chested Buzzard Eagles, SG2696-7, Fauna & Flora (2v): Toucan Barbet & Bomarea glaucescens, SG2703-4 Ecuador 2009 Independence (2v): Pigeons & Doves, (+ Swallowtail Butterflies) SG3102-3 Ecuador 2009 Darwin (1v): Frigatebird, Cactus, Volcano & Tortoise,islands map,SG3146 4.95 2.40 4.95 4.85 14.75 22.50 Ecuador 2010 B.(4v):White-wing Swallow,Toucanet,Blue-crown Motmot,Toucan Barbet,SG3160-3 2.90 Ecuador 2010 Tanagers (2v shtlt)MS3164: Scrub & Silver-beaked Tanagers, 9.90 Ecuador 2010 New Provinces (4v): one is a Harpy Eagle,(+ scenery, views etc.),SG3190-3, 15.75 Ecuador 2011 Galapagos(8v bklt):4 birds - Galapagos Penguin, Blue-footed Booby, Nazca Booby, Magnificent Frigatebird, SG3216-23 11.90 Ecuador 2012 Yasuni-itt (8v bklt): Crested Eagle, King Vulture, Rufous-tail Hummingbird White-throat Toucan,Chestnut-ear Aracari,Blue/Yell Macaw, Parrot,SG3318-25 10.95 Ecuador 2012 Galapagos (2 bklts): 7 birds; Large Ground Finch, Galap Penguin, Whimbrel, White-cheek Pintail, Nazca & Blue-foot Boobies, Mag.Frigatebird,SG3327-42 21.50 Ecuador 2012 Alfarista Revolution (8v shtlt): one Andean Condor,(+ steam loco,):MS3348 7.95 Ecuador 2013 Galapagos (2 booklets = 16v; 5 birds, Waved Albatross, Woodpecker Finch, Mag.Frigate, Galapagos Hawk, Vermillion Flycatcher, (+ reptiles) SG3402-17 22.90 Ecuador 2013 Antarctic (3v): includes two birds - Giant Petrel, Gentoo Penguin, Seal 3.95 Egypt Egypt Egypt 1996 Flock of Birds - pharaonic scene (Post Day (2v): SG1977-8, 1.50 1997 (2000) Golden Statue of Goddess Silakht with bird on head (1v): SG2020a, 0.60 2001 B.(4v): Blue/Yellow Macaw, W.Gull,Blue-grey Tanager,Nutcracker,SG2223-6, 2.50 Egypt Egypt* Egypt* Egypt 2002 2004 2008 2008 El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Blue Heron (2,000B.C.) MS2228: World Post Day souvenir sheet House Finch (1 value): Carpodacus mexicanus, SG2376 Environment Day (2v): stylized lungs, + very small storks(?) SG2490-1, Arab Post (2v): pigeon (+ camels, SG2497-8 1.50 0.40 1.75 3.20 2003 Roble MS2622: silhouette of bird on nest & tree, 2007 Birds MS2805: Painted Bunting – Passerina ciris souvenir sheet 2009 Tourism (8v): a Great Egret on one stamp (+ 4 bflies) SG2854-61 2.50 2.50 1.50 18 Estonia* Estonia Estonia* Estonia Estonia Estonia* Estonia* Estonia* Estonia Estonia* Estonia* Estonia* Estonia* Estonia 2001 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 Christmas (2v): Dove and snowflake, SG413-4, Eurasian Magpie (1 value): Pica pica SG439, White Stork (1v) SG460, Barn Swallow – Hirundo rustica (+ butterfly) (2v): SG489-90, Whooper Swans (4v sheetlet) MS483: Cygnus cygnus Yellow Wagtail – Motacilla flava (1v): SG516, Bewick Swan (1v): Cygnus bewickii, SG545, Black Grouse (1v): Tetrao tetrix, SG574, Red-backed Shrike – Lanius collurio (1 value): SG620, Barn Swallow – Hirundo rustica (1 value): SG647, Little Ringed Plover (1v): SG680, Grey Partridge (1 value): SG704, Common Kingfisher (1 value): Alcedo atthis, SG738, Tallinn Zoo (2v shtlt)MS748: Lammergeier & Asian Leopard, Ethiopia Ethiopia 1966 B.(5v):White-collared Kingfisher, Blue-breast Bee Eater, Weaver SG633-7 11.70 1985 B.(4v): Harwood’s Francolin, Rouget’s Rail, L.Bee Eater, Weaver,SG1305-8, 6.50 Falklands 2002 W.W.F.Penguins (4v): Magellanic, Macaroni, Rock, Gentoo, SG937-40 Falklands 2002 West Point Island (4v; 2 birds, Black-browed Albatross, Rockhopper Penguin, plus flowers, views, SG941-4, Falklands 2003 Rockhopper Penguin definitive self-adhesive (1v) SG966 Falklands 2003 Rockhopper Penguin defin. self-adhesive booklet (8 X above SG966) Falklands 2003 Black-browed Albatross (5v shtlt) MS971, 1.50 0.85 0.80 2.30 2.70 0.60 0.70 0.90 1.25 0.97 1.05 1.15 1.10 2.25 3.50 3.20 0.80 5.95 3.75 Falklands 2004 Falklands 2004 Falklands* 2005 Falklands 2005 Falklands* 2006 Falklands* 2006 Falklands 2006 Falklands* 2007 Falklands* 2007 Conservation (4v): Albatross chick, Rockhopper Penguin, plants, SG985-8 3.60 King Penguin (1v): from Rowland Hill set (1933 5/- stamp on stamp) SG990 1.20 Sealion Is. reprint 2005 imprints (2v; one King Cormorant or Imper. Shag, 1.65 Penguins post dues (10v):Magellanic,Gentoo,Macaroni,Rockhopper,D9-18 22.95 Tourism (4v):Wandering Albatross,K.Penguin & Cormorant, Gentoo,SG1046-9 3.20 W.W.F. Caracara (4v): Striated Caracara, SG1062-5, 4.10 W.W.F. Caracara (4v as SG1062-5 but in setenant sheetlets of 16 values) 16.40 Black-browed Albatrosses (+ fisheries patrol vessel) (1v): SG1070, 1.10 Saunders Island(4v;includes Crested Caracara,Rockhopper Penguin,SG1083-6, 3.90 Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands Falklands W.W.F. Cobb’s Wren ((4v setenant): Troglodytes cobbi, SG1144-7, 5.45 W.W.F. Cobb’s Wren (4v shtlt)MS1148: Troglodytes cobbi, 5.90 Petrels (4v): S.Giant/White Chinned Petrels, Sooty/Gtr.Shearwaters 5.90 Petrels & Shearwaters (4v shtlt): as above designs blue-coloured edges 5.95 Penguins (6v): Albino Rockhopper, Gentoo, Macaroni, King, Magell.SG1174-9,7.90 Penguins (6v shtlt)MS1180: Albino Rockhopper,Gentoo,Macaroni,Magellanic, 7.95 Predators (4v): Northern Gentoo Penguins,(+ Leopard Seals,squid,SG1203-6, 5.95 Gentoo Penguins (1 value): from 30th Anniv. Liberation, SG1221, 3.30 Nature (4v = 2 setenant pairs): Night Heron, Short-eared Owl, SG1243-6, 4.75 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2012 2012 Falklands 2013 Predators II(4v):Rockhopper Penguins, Striated caracara, etc. SG1252-5 Falklands 2013 Colour in Nature (4v): 2 birds; Macaroni Penguin, Crested Duck, SG1273-6 Falklands 2013 Penguins (6v (with WHITE FRAMES) Southern, Gentoo, Magellanic S.Rockhopper, King and Macaroni, SG1277-82 Falklands 2013 Penguins(6v shtlt)MS1283:above designs but no frames & coloured border Falklands 2014 Predators III (4v): King Penguins, (+ seals, SG1284-7, Falklands 2014 Colour in Nature III (4v): King Penguin, Black Oystercatcher, M.Marigold 5.90 4.05 7.40 7.45 6.15 3.97 Faroes Faroes Faroes Faroes 1995 1998 1998 2007 B.(2v): Common Ravens, SG277-8, Cat.£2.80 1.80 B.(2v): Blackbird & Common Starling, SG336-7 1.90 B.(10v sheetlet in booklet): Blackbird & Common Starling, (5 X SG336-7), 9.50 Scout holding a Black-bellied (Grey) Plover (1v) SG540, 1.45 Faroes Faroes Faroes Faroes 2007 2007 2009 2012 Domestic Birds (3v): Mallard, Domestic Poultry & Goose, SG551-3, 9.95 Stonewall (8v shtlt)MS554: 4 birds, Winter Wren,Starling,Wheatear,Petrel 10.80 Rock Doves (2v): Columba livia, SG602-3, 13.75 Great Auk (1v): Pinguinus impennis, SG661, 4.50 Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji* Fiji Fiji 1979 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 W.W.F.(4v):Long-legged Warbler,Pink-billed Parrotfinch only fine used Red Junglefowl (2v sheetlet): MS1122, Goshawks (4v): SG1170-3, Rare B.(4v): Long-leg Warbler, Silktail, Parrot Finch, Lorikeet,SG1200-3 New definitive value - Island Thrush 18ct value (1v) SG1226 Shorebirds(4v):Wander Tattler,Whimbrel,Pac.Golden Plover,Curlew,SG1226-9 Herons (4v): Striated, Pac. Reef & White-faced Herons, Gt.Egret,SG1251-4 19 9.50 2.95 4.90 4.75 0.40 3.45 3.25 Fiji Fiji 2005 Peregrine Falcons (4v): falco peregrinus, chick, adults, SG1259-62, 2006 Barn Owls (4v): Tyto alba, SG1303-6, Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji* Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji* 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 Opts.defs.(5v):both size of 2ct opt., Parrotfinch, Flycatcher, SG1310a-d, 3.95 Opts.defs.(2v): 20ct & 2ct on 6ct Flycatchers of 1995 defins., SG1347,9 2.50 Opts.defs.(2v): 1ct on 6ct & 4ct on 6ct Fantails, SG1346 & SG1348 0.80 Opts.defs.(1v): 1ct on 6ct Fantail; small xx overprint scarce SG1346a, 1.75 18ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail LARGE XX opt. & 3mm gap“C” & “XX”, scarce 7.75 18ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail LARGE XX opt. & 4mm gap“C” & “XX”, scarce 9.95 20ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail small xx opt. & 3mm gap“C” & “xx”, scarce 4.95 20ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail LARGE XX opt. & 4mm gap “C” & “XX”, scarce 9.50 20ct Opt.def.(1v): 20ct “xxx” on 23ct Many-Coloured Fruit Dove, SG1397, 0.75 2ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail LARGE XX opt. & 5mm gap between “C”/“XX”, 0.50 4ct def. optd. on 6ct Fantail LARGE XX opt. & 5mm gap between “C”/“XX”, 0.55 Red Shining Parrots (4v): Prosopeia tabuensis, SG1393-6, 3.70 1ct 2ct & 4ct defs. (3v) all optd. on 13ct Island Thrush LARGE XX opt. 1.95 1ct def.on 23ct Many C.Fr. Dove LARGE XX opt. & 4mm gap between “C”/“XX”, 0.60 1ct 4ct & 5ct defs. (3v) all small xxx opt. & 4mm or 5mm gap“C” & “xxx”, 2.25 1ct def.on 23ct Many C.Fr. Dove LARGE XX opt. & 5mm gap between “C”/“XX”, 1.50 1ct 2ct 3ct 4ct 5ct defs. (5v) all optd. on 23ct Many colored fruit dove 1.98 1ct 2ct 3ct 4ct 5ct 20ct defs. (6v) all optd. on 31ct Mangrove Heron, 2.50 Birds & Pomegranats (2v): SG1461-2, 1.70 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Collared Lories, from MS1480, 6.90 W.W.F. Collared Lories (8v shtlt two sets above) MS1480: 13.80 40ct definitive value (1v): optd. on 31ct Mangrove Heron, Scott#1254E 1.50 Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland* Finland 1952 1997 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 B.(3v): Common Swift, Great Tit, Spotted Flycatcher, SG513-5 Friendship booklet (8v pane; one is a Swallow, SG1458-65, EUROPA (2v): slightly stylized birds, Bluethroat (1 value): SG1542, Northern Bullfinch new perforation (1v + Xmas label) SG1615a B.(3v): Blue Tit, Pied Wagtail, Golden Oriole, SG1642-4, Arctic Tern (& Flag) (1v) SG1666, Arctic Tern (& Flag) (8v booklet = SG1666 X 8, Finland Finland Finland* Finland* Finland Finland Finland 2003 2004 2004 2006 2010 2011 2011 Birds (3v): Common Cuckoo, Sky Lark, Siberian Jay, SG1688-90 2.75 Fauna (6v shtlt MS1750; one bird Raven or Crow, (+ Fox, Squirrel, Lizard) 5.95 Environment (1v): Barn Swallow, SG1744, 1.25 Christmas birds (2v): Bohemian Waxwing, Great Tit, SG1846-7, 1.90 Autumn (3v shtlt) MS2029: Mallards, (+ Crayfish & Moose), 4.95 Happiness Tree (5v bklt):slight stylized birds,SG2036-40 6.65 Spring of Life (5v shtlt) stylized birds & butterflies 6.75 France France France France* France* France* France France France France France France France France France* France* France France 2000 2003 2003 2005 2005 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 France France France France France France France France France 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 B. (2v): Lesser Kestrel & Brown Kiwi, SG3692-3, 2.25 B. (4v): Channel-billed Toucan, Blue-headed Hummingbird, Carib SG3886-9 3.15 B. (4v shtlt MS3890): as above incl. Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher 3.25 Greetings stamps (1v): contains stylised dove or ? SG4064, 1.70 Red-rumped Swallow (1v): Cecropis daurica, SG4110, 1.05 Fauna (1v): Barau’s Petrel, SG4292, 2.25 Vincenzo Coronelli (1v): Grey Heron & globes, SG4365, 1.50 Prehistoric Animals (4v): Phorusrhacus, (+ Smilodon, Mammoth), SG4383-6, 4.85 Prehistoric Animals (4v shtlt)MS4387: one value is Phororhacus, 4.90 Prehistoric Bird (1 value from above set): Phororhacus, SG4384 1.85 Ceramic fine arts booklet (10v;): - Owl,Goldfinch,Wren,Swallow,SG4550-61 13.50 Endangered Species – Californian Condor value only (1 value) SG4657, 2.25 Endangered Species (4v) Californian Condor,(+Rhino,Auroch,Panda)SG4654-7 5.90 Endangered Species (4v shtlt MS4658: Californian Condor, Rhino, Ox,Panda 5.95 Apollo-Soyuz (1v): Toucan, (+ rocket), SG4823, 2.30 Apollo-Soyuz (1v): Toucan, (+ rocket), self-adhesive from shtlt,SG4824, 2.35 Fete – water (12v booklet): birds, (+ porpoise, Polar Bear 14.50 Birds (10v shtlt): Green Woodpecker, Boreal Owl, Hoopoe, Montagu’s Harrier, Atlantic Puffin, Ortolan Bunting, Stonechat 17.50 Parc Naturelles (10v shtlt): one Bonnelli’s Eagle, others are scenery, 15.90 Greetings SS: Swallow souvenir sheet 5.50 Angers (1v): Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) on the river, SG4948, 1.50 Hawfinch (1v): EUROPA forest – (+ Fungi, Squirrel, Oak leaf, Lime, SG4964 1.65 Hawfinch (1v): EUROPA forest – Fungi, Squirrel, self-adhesive SG4965, 2.25 Discovery of Clipperton Island Masked Booby (1v): Sula dactylatra,SG5055 2.30 Birds (1v): Atlantic Puffin self-adhesive value from a 42v sheets,SG5167 1.50 B.(4v shtlt)MS5168:L.Bustard,Bluethroat,Western Osprey,Atlantic Puffin 4.40 Bretagne Bklt(10v shtlt):with a species of Gull(+ Rooster Cuckoo Rennes)16.40 20 4.50 4.95 5.50 6.90 2.70 0.90 1.50 2.50 0.97 7.70 France France France France France France France France* France France France* France France* 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Alsace booklet (10v shtlt): contains one with head of a White Stork 16.45 Poitou-Charents booklet (10v shtlt): contains one Black-headed Gull, 16.55 Picardy booklet (10v shtlt): contains one Barn Owl 16.42 Languedoc-Roussillion (10v shtlt): contains one Flamingo 16.52 Perigord-Limousin(10v shtlt; Kingfisher,(+cep mushroom, Large Blue bfly 15.95 Port Clos bklt(10v;2 birds:Cory’s Shearwater European Bee-Eater, bfly 16.30 Mute Swans at Notre-Dame de Melun (1v) 1.60 Red Crowned Crane (1v): UNESCO stamp, SGU69 1.50 Small Animals & Bird (4v shtlt): Barred Owl, Hedgehog, Red Squirrel,Hare, 7.30 Fete de l’air(12v bklt):2 birds;one Hummingbird,aerial display,SG5456-67 18.50 Zoological Gardens (1v): Flamingo, SG5607 2.25 Zoological Gardens MS5607a(?): Flamingo etc souvenir sheet 6.50 Hyacinth Macaw (1 value): 2.25 Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic* Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic* Fr.Antarctic* Fr.Antarctic* 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 Shy Albatross (1 value): SG481, 1.20 Emperor Penguin (1 value): Aptenodytes forsteri, SG495 1.25 Antarctic clothing booklet (5v one has small Emperor P.,SG503-7 5.95 Wandering Albatross flying towards L'Ile aux Pingouins (1v) SG510 5.90 King Penguin (1v) SG529 6.95 MacGilliviray’s Petrel (1v) SG535, 1.90 Long-tailed Ground Roller & Penguin (1v) SG557, 1.50 Penguins (6v shtlt;MS563:Emperor,King,Gentoo,Adelie,Macaroni,Rockh. 4.50 Giant Albatross on its nest MS570:Penguins in border souv/sheet 6.70 Polar Year (2v; one has Emperor Penguins, SG583-4, 7.90 Rockhopper Penguin (1 value) SG602, 2.20 Seabirds(5v shtlt)MS611:Blue-faced/Red-ft Booby,Sooty Tern,Frigate 5.25 50th Anniv. Ant. Treaty (1v): Penguin, SG612a, 1.45 Ile Lys (1v): White & Sooty terns, SG624, 1.50 Kerguelen Tern (1v): SG631, 8.95 Amsterdam Is. (Wandering) Albatrosses (4v sheetlet) MS633: 4.70 Andre Chastain - botanist (1v): King Penguins, SG645, 3.20 Black-faced Sheathbill (1 value): SG646, 3.25 Gentoo Penguins (1v): Pygoscelis papua, SG650 2.25 Adelie Penguins (1v): Pygoscelis adeliae, SG653 1.50 Fr.Antarctic* Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Bossiere (1v): portrait + small Adelie Penguins, SG670 2.95 Nature Res.(4v shtlt)MS666:White-chinned Petrel,Gentoo Penguin,etc 6.50 Ile du Prince de Monaco (2v shtlt; MS674 Southern Giant Petrel, 3.95 CNES (5v strip): one is King Penguin, SG677-81, 8.70 Bridge for penguins MS: Adelie Penguins souvenir sheet 4.60 Charles Petitjean (1v): Emperor Penguins, (+ helicopter, 1.70 Algae & Penguins (1v): Prasiola crispa 1.65 Mawson’s Huts (1v): Adelie Penguin, portrait, 3.30 Eaton’s Pintails (4v shtlt): Anas eatonii, 6.50 Helicopters (6v shtlt): small penguins incl.King & Adelie P., 11.95 Definitive silhouette (1v) €0.03 value Penguin 0.40 Logos of TAAF (1v): Penguin, helicopter, Dufresne, 1.70 Adelie Penguin souvenir sheet 11.50 Fr.Antarctic Fr.Antarctic 2014 Imbert & Jacquinot (2v): small Emperor Penguins, 3.15 2014 Birds (4v shtlt): Cape Petrel, S.Fulmar, King P., Wandering Albatr. 7.95 Fr.Polynesia Fr.Polynesia 2006 Birds (2v): Tuamotu Sandpiper, Polynesian Ground-Dove, SG1027-8 8.95 2010 Birds booklet (12v): Kuhl’s & Violet Lorikeets, White & Swift Terns Tuamotu K’fisher,Sanderling,Fruit Dove,Wandering Tattler,SG1167-78 25.50 Fr.Polynesia Fr.Polynesia Fr.Polynesia 2010 1948 airmails re-issued (3v): 2 Wandering Albatross, SG1181-2, 5.90 2013 Fauna & Flora (3v): Chestnut-breasted Mannikin(Munia),lizard,lemon, 5.50 2013 Fauna & Flora (3v shtlt; as above lemon, lizard, Mannikin/Munia 5.60 Gambia Gambia 1985 Audubon (4v): Turkey Vulture, American Anhinga, Wood Duck, Heron SG581-4, 6.75 1985 Audubon MS585: Great Northern Diver (= Common Loon) souvenir sheet 6.50 Gambia 1995 Waterbirds (16v=12v sheetlet+4v): Ringed Plover, Squacco Heron, Shoveler, Garganey, Crowned Crane, Gt.White Egret, Hammerkop, Redshank, SG1968-83 14.90 1996 Definitives (17v): Narine trogan, Pied Kingfisher, Bataleur, amadina fasciata, Golden Breasted Bunting, Didric Cuckoo, Common Kestrel, Temminck's Courser, Bee-eater, Green-winged Teal, SG2377-93 44.50 1997 Seabirds (16v=4v+12v shtlt): Galapagos Penguin, Dunlin, Piping Plover, Little Tern, Roseate Tern, Blue-footed Booby, Sanderling, SG2733-48 12.95 1998 80th Anniv.R.A.F. MS2953: Eagle, Falcon, Merlin (+3 a/c) 6 souv.sheets, 23.95 Gambia Gambia Gambia 21 Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia 1999 1999 1999 2000 Galapagos Fauna (40v shtlt; 6 birds, Galapagos Penguins, SG3055-94, 13.50 Galapagos Fauna MS3095: Emperor Penguin souvenir sheet, 3.65 Seabirds MS3219a/b/c: Pelican, Gentoo Penguin & California Gull s/sheets 10.40 B.(18v: 3 shtlts): Pied Flycatcher, Blackcap, Stonechat, Nightingale, Grey Parrot, Af.Hobby, Green Turaco, Hoopoe, Roller, SG3744-61, on reorder 2000 Paintings MS3671a/b: King Eagle & game birds two souvenir sheets 6.90 2001 PHILANIPPON Ptgs (12v;2 shtlts): Birds & flowers, SG4040-51, 9.95 2001 Ducks MS4146a/d: Wood Duck, American Wigeon, Baikal Teal and Green-winged Teal, four souvenir sheets 13.25 2001 Fauna (30v=6v+4x6v shtlts; 9 birds, Grey Parrot, River Kingfisher, Greater Spotted Cuckoo, Hoopoe, Alpine Swiftlet, Bee-Eater, Gray Heron, (+ 4 butterflies,Hippo,Rachael’s Malimbe,Kudu,Genet,SG4120-5 + MS4126-9, 24.70 2001 B.(6v shtlt): Black Crowned Crane, Af.Pygmy K'fisher, Barn Owl,SG4163-8, 4.50 2006 W.W.F. Crowned Cranes (4v): Balearica pavonia, SG4920-3, 5.75 2006 W.W.F.Crowned Cranes (sheetlet of 8v + W.W.F logo gutter & cranes)MS4924 11.90 2006 Rembrandt MS4963a: Man with a Falcon souvenir sheet 3.40 2006 Penguins (6v shtlt)MS5027: stylized penguins playing musical instruments, 4.90 2006 Penguins MS5028: stylized penguin souvenir sheet 3.45 2009 B.(10v:4v+2 shtlts): Hamerkop, Pied & Malachite Kingfishers, Darter, Ibis, L.Grebe, Wire-tailed Swallow, Bulbul, Black-crowned Night Heron,SG5262-7,15.75 2009 Darwin Finches (4v shtlt)MS5304: Large/Common Cactus,Warbler,Ground Finch 6.95 2011 Parrots (7v: 2 shtlts)MS5431-2: Rose-ringed Parakeet, Masked & Madagascar & Peach-faced Lovebirds, Red-fronted Macaw, Senegal & Meyer’s Parrots, 14.90 2011 Parrots MS5433-4: Fischer’s Lovebird, African Grey Parrot souvenir sheets 8.60 2011 W.W.F. Yellow-billed Stork (4v setenant): SG5442-5, 4.75 2011 W.W.F. Yellow-billed Stork (8v in sheetlet of 2 sets) MS5446: 9.50 Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia 2011 1st Birds (6v shtlt)MS5454: Afr.Grey Parrot,Spot Eagle Owl,Reed Cormorant 6.45 2011 1st Birds MS5456: African Grey Hornbill souvenir sheet 4.90 2011 2nd Birds (6v shtlt)MS5455: Bald eagle, European Bee-Eater, Keel-billed Toucan, Emperor Penguin, Red-crowned Crane, Australian Pelican, 6.50 2011 2nd Birds MS5457: Lesser Flamingo souvenir sheet 4.95 2013 B. (4v shtlt):Blue-fronted Amazon,Hyacinth Macaw, Scar.Ibis,Toco Toucan 5.95 2014 W.W.F. African Darter (4v): 5.15 2014 W.W.F. Darter (8v shtlt): 2 sets above different layout 10.30 2014 African Penguins (4v shtlt) 8.20 2014 African Penguins SS: Jackass souvenir sheet 5.90 Georgia Georgia Georgia* Georgia* Georgia* 1996 2003 2007 2007 2010 Birds MS180: Screech Owl and Barn Swallow two souvenir sheets, Tblisi Park Animals (4v; Ostrich, (+ Elephant, 3 mammals, SG413-6, W.W.F. Eagles (4v): Greater Spotted Eagles – Aquila clanga, SG509-12, Birds of Prey (4v):Tawny,White-tailed,Golden,Short-toed Eagles,SG497-500 Birds (5v): Grey Partridge, Caspian Snowcock, Crane, Georgian Black Grouse, Little Bustard, SG558-62, 9.95 5.50 2.50 4.65 6.25 Germany* Germany* Germany* Germany Germany Germany* 2004 2005 2008 2008 2009 2010 White Stork (1 value): SG3263, Mute Swan on Hans Christian Andersen (1v): SG3350, Birds (1v): Little & Eagle Owls, Blue-throat, Winter Wren, etc.,SG3529, Bird - Selma Lagerlof (1v): children’s book illustration goose SG3572, Eifel National Park MS3605: Black Stork Ciconia nigra souvenir sheet, Museum (1v): Eur.Scops Owl, Red-bearded Hummingbird, (+ Dinosaur, SG3630 0.95 3.80 0.97 2.40 4.60 1.25 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 2010 2011 2011 2013 2013 Heligoland Bird Reserve MS3653: souvenir sheet White Stork silhouettes, Mew Gulls (1v): SG3708, Archaeopteryx (1v): SG3733, Songbirds (3v):European Goldfinch,Eurasian Bullfinch & Blue Tit,SG3866-8 Flood Plains (2v): small bird on one, SG3895-6, 3.15 1.50 1.60 7.90 2.60 Ghana 1991 B.(48v): Green-winged Pytilia, Orange-cheeked Waxbill, Tawny Eagle, Pel’s Fishing Owl,Olive-bellied Sunbird, Af.Paradise Flycatcher, SG1582-1629, 34.95 1994 B.(24v): Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher,Kingfisher,Many-color Bushshrike, Moho, Sunbird, Blue Plantain Eater, Angola Pitta, Whydah, SG1977-2000,reorder Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana 1995 Ducks (16v): Hartlaubs, African Black, Yellow-billed Duck, S.Pochard, Eurasian & R.Crested Pochards, Moccoa, Cape Shoveller, SG2163-78, 14.80 1997 B.(15v=6v+9v shtlt): Zebra Waxbill, Purple Grenadier, Bearded Barbet, Black Bustard, N.Lapwing, Sandgrouse, Blackcap, Batis, SG2533-47,reord 10.80) 1997 Shaft-tailed Whydah MS2548a/b, Malachite Sunbird 2 souvenir sheets, 6.90 22 Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana 1999 2000 2000 2001 2002 Iberian Imperial Eagle MS2860a: souvenir sheet 4.25 "Animals" 1st MS2986a: Ostrich souvenir sheet, 4.50 Fauna (22v=4v+3x6v shtlt): Owl,Gray Parrot,Roller,Bee-Eater,SG2993-14, 17.10 Red-crowned (Manchurian) Cranes MS3164a/b: RED & YELLOW 2 souvenir sheets 7.70 Birds (6v shtlt) MS3337: Malachite Kingfisher, Black-faced Firefinch, 5.95 Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana 2007 B.(4v shtlt)MS3663: Red Billed Hornbill, Barbet,Pygmy Kingfisher,Hoopoe, 4.60 2007 Birds MS3664: Gray Crowned-Crane souvenir sheet 3.10 2012 Parrots (6v shtlt)MS3792: Red-bellied Parrot & Brown-headed Parrot, Brown-necked, Meyer’s, Rueppell’s and Grey Parrots 11.50 2012 Parrots MS3793: Senegal Parrot souvenir sheet 5.20 2012 B.(4v shtlt)MS3796: S.Double-collared Sunbird,Bee-Eater,Glossy Starling, 7.90 2012 Birds MS3797: Ostrich struthio camelus souvenir sheet 5.25 Ghana Ghana 2013 Animals of Africa (6v shtlt): S. Ground Hornbill on two, (+Lion, Zebra) 10.75 2013 Animals of Africa (5v shtlt): Lesser Flamingo (+Impala, Rhino, Cheetah) 8.95 Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar 1991 1996 1999 1999 1999 2000 2001 2002 2007 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Egy. Vulture, Barbary Partridge, Shag, Stork, SG655-8, 3.95 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Red Kite, SG784-7, 4.75 EUROPA (4v): Kingfisher & Dartford Warbler, Fish, Ape, SG853-6, 3.50 Kingfisher & Dartford Warbler values only (2v): SG854 & 856 1.90 Wings Prey I (6v: 3 birds, Kestrel/Lesser Kestrel, Falcon, SG883-8 4.90 Wings Prey II (6v: 3 birds, Merlins, Bonnelli's Eagle, SG943-8 5.95 Wings Prey III (6v: 3 birds, Marsh Harrier, Hobby, Sparrow-hawk,SG982-7 5.80 Finches (6v): Eur.Greenfinch, Serin, Siskin, Greenfinch, D26-31 7.50 Prehistoric An. (7 shtlts in booklet SB15; = 2 x 5v):Eagle Owl, Vulture, Eagle, Gt.Auk, Griffon) 2 x SG1220-4 + extra Ibex!), 15.90 Gibraltar 2007 Prehistoric An. (7 sheetlets from above booklet) SG1220a,b,1221a-1225a, 15.95 Gibraltar* 2008 Defs. (12v): Woodchat Shrike, Eur. Eagle Owl, Shearwater, Bonelli’s Eagle, Egypt Vulture, Honey Buzzard, Kestrel, Rockthrush, Razorbill,SG1248-60, 16.50 Gibraltar* 2009 Defs. II (3v):10p Black Stork,£2 N.Gannet,£3 Osprey, SG1252a,59a,59b 9.70 Gibraltar* 2009 Darwin (1v) : Blue & Yellow Tanager from the Darwin set, SG1341a, 0.40 Gibraltar* 2010 Defs.III(3v):59p B.Partridge,76p Ortolan Bunting,£2 Pall.Swift,SG1258a,b, 6.50 Gibraltar* 2010 Northern Cardinal (1v): SG1379, 1.25 Gibraltar* 2012 Defs (3v):L.Owl,Spotted Flycatcher, Red-necked Nightjar, SG1253a,4a,9d, 7.85 Gibraltar* 2013 End.Species III (6v): 2 birds;Red-crowned Crane,Jackass Penguin,SG1531-6 4.70 Gibraltar 2013 End.Species III (6v shtlt)MS1537: as above, Crane, Penguin, Tuna etc. 4.75 Gibraltar* 2013 Defs opts. (2v): Little Owl & Eurasian Eagle Owl, SG1545-6, 0.95 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain 1980 2000 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 B. (4v): River Kingfisher,Moohen,Yellow Wagtail,Dipper, SG1109-12, Owl & Gannet (2v): Barn Owl and Cape Gannet SG2125 & 2128, Birds (10v):Red Kite,Eagle,Tit,Avocet,Bittern,Falcon, SG2764-73 James Bond (2v): Spoonbill, Cormorant & Streamertail, Darwin Finches (1v): Large & Medium Ground, Tree & Warbler,SG2900, Darwin (4v shtlt)MS2904:Mockingbird,Flightless Cormorant,Cactus f. Mythology(6v; birds on two – Thrushes pulling Fairy & unidentified Birds(6v):House Sparrow,Goldfinch,Robin,Blue Tit,Starling,W.Pigeon 0.75 1.80 6.50 2.90 0.90 4.40 7.50 5.80 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2015 Birds(6v): Blackbird,Chaffinch,Long-tailed Tit,Greenfinch,Magpie, 5.10 W.W.F. (4v shtlt)MS312: one Hyacinth Macaw, (+ Monkey,Frog,Jaguar) 5.50 Birds III (6v): Greylag Goose,Mallard,Mute Swan,C.Kingfisher,Grebe 5.05 Birds IV (6v): Puffin,Oystercatcher,Ringed Plover,Gannet,Cormorant 5.15 Xmas (4v) stylized birds ex-Xmas (7v): Robin,Penguin,SG3416/8-20 6.95 Xmas (7v shtlt)MS3422:stylized birds Robin,Penguin(+ snowmen etc) 12.75 Jane Austen (1v): Little Egret in tapestry, SG3435, 2.70 Flamingo (1v): from Alice set, 1.50 Greece Greece Greece 1979 B.(6v):P.Heron,R.Kingfisher,Sea Eagle,Aud.Gull,Eleonora Falcon,SG1475-80, 2.95 2011 EUROPA Forests (2v): stag, heron, SG2664-5, 7.90 2011 EUROPA Forests (2v): heron as above but imperf from bklt SG2666-7 7.95 Greece Greece Greece Greece 2014 2014 2014 2014 Songbirds Songbirds Songbirds Songbirds (5v): Nightingale, Greenfinch, Siskin, Goldfinch, Linnet, 12.95 (2v self-adhesives ex-booklets of 10 values):N-gale,Greenfinch 3.50 2 booklets of 10 of each above, Greenfinch,Nightingale, 25.00 Prestige Booklet (5 new souvenir sheets) sold out at bureau 22.50 Greenland 1999 W.W.F. Snowy Owls (4v): SG346-9 Greenland 2007 Tobias Island (1v): small bird in the distance, SG532, Greenland 2008 Seabirds on one value from the 4 th Science issue (1v): SG562, 23 4.80 0.50 2.90 Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada 1972 1985 1985 1986 1986 1988 1989 Grenada Grenada Grenada 1990 B.(8v): Tropical Mockingbird, Grey Kingbird, Wren, Tanager, SG2156-63, 12.90 1990 B. (2SS) MS2164: Scaly Breast Thrasher, Mangrove Cuckoo souvenir sheets 13.50 1993 Songbirds sheetlet (12v): Scissor-tailed & Short-tailed Pygmy Flycatcher, Chaffinch, Yellow & Yellow-throated Wagtail, Kauai Akialoa, R-eyed Vireo, Palmchat, Buntings, Crossbill, SG2537-48 11.95 1995 Ducks (12v shtlt+4v): King & Stellar's Eider, Shoveller, Chiloe Wigeon, Vericolor Teal, Northern Pintail, Lg-tailed, SG2808-23, 12.75 1995 Ducks MS2824a/b: Egyptian Goose & European Wigeon souvenir sheets, 7.50 1996 Birds (6v shtlt):Horned Guan, St.Luci & St.V.Amazon, Thrasher, SG3216-21 7.45 Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada UNICEF (7v): one Parrot SG482-8, 1.95 1st Audubon (4v):Clapper Rail,Hooded Warbler,Waxwing,Flicker,SG1378-81, 7.50 1st Audubon MS1382: Merlin (Pigeon Hawk) souvenir sheet 6.75 2nd Audubon (4v):Snowy Egret,Greater Flamingo,Canada Goose,Smew,SG1480-3 8.95 2nd Audubon MS1484: Brent Goose souvenir sheet, 9.25 B.(8v): Roseate Tern, Osprey, Common Shoveler, Blue-faced Booby,SG1762-9, 9.50 B.defs(14v): Gt.Blue Heron, Barn Swallow & Owl, Amer.Kestrel, Hermit, Ruddy Turnstone, Blue-winged Teal, Lesser Ant. Bullfinch, SG1994-2007, 39.50 1998 Seabirds (13v): N.Fulmar, Med. Gull, Black Skimmer, Herring Gull, Red Knot, Arctic Skua, Humboldt Penguin, SG3586-98 on reorder 1998 Seabird MS3599a/b: Black-browed Albatross & King Penguin souvenir sheets 7.75 1998 Int.Year Ocean (16v shtlt): 2 Jackass Penguins, (+ marinelife) SG3613-28 8.70 1998 Xmas (6v): Roseate Flamingo, Adelaides Warbler, Imperial Parrot,SG3678-83 5.95 2000 Birds (20v=4v+2X8v shtlts): Adelaide's Warbler, Sora, Sun Conure, Blue-hooded Euphnia,Tanager, Carib. Parakeet, N.Jacana, Spoonbill, Scarlet Ibis, Parrot, Violet-ear, SG3910-29, 17.50 2000 Birds MS3930a/b: Cedar Waxwing & Antillean Siskin two souvenir sheets 8.95 2000 The Cat & the Fiddle (6v shtlt): includes one dove, SG4215-20, 6.50 Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada 2000 Definitives to $20 (14v): Grey Catbird, Indigo Bunting, Yellowthroat, Black/White, Yellowbreasted & Blackburnian Warblers, Limpkin, Whistling Thrush,Bananaquit,Blue-grey Gnatcatcher,Amer.Purple Gallinule,SG4282-95, 44.50 2001 Small Bird MS4427a: PHILANIPPON souvenir sheet 4.35 2001 Pellworm Lighthouse 2nd MS4518d: Gull souvenir sheet 4.40 2002 Ecotourism (6v shtlt; one bird Little Ringed Plover, SG4710-5, 4.20 2002 Tree Swallow MS4716; Purple Martin souvenir sheet (Ecotourism) 4.25 2003 CARICOM (1v): Grenada Dove, SG4830 0.80 2003 Birds (8v); Chestnut-sided Shrike Vireo, Osprey, Redeye Vireo,SG4885 etc 9.85 2004 Hurricane Relief on Ecotourism (6v shtlt)MS4710ab; Little Ringed Plover, 3.95 Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada* Grenada 2005 2005 2005 2005 2007 Grenada 2008 B.(10v=4v+2x3v shtlt): Ringed Kingfisher, Blue-winged + B.& W.Warbler, Yell-crowned Parrot,Monk Parakeet,Sapsucker,Jama.Mango,SG5412-5+MS5416-7 16.50 2009 Darwin (4v shtlt)MS5434: Yellow-bridled Finch, (+ wolf, map background, 5.90 2011 Parrots (6v shtlt) MS5527: Scarlet & Hyacinth Macaws, Blue & yellow Macaw, Slender-billed & Olive-throated Parakeets, Burrowing Parrot, 6.85 2011 Parrots MS5528: Red & Green Macaw souvenir sheet 3.45 2011 Hummingbirds(6v shtlt)MS5551: Black Chin,Costa’s,Ruby-throated,Calliope 6.80 2011 Hummingbird MS5552: Rufous Hummingbird souvenir sheet 3.50 Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Grenada Prey(6v shtlt)MS5018: Turkey V.,Peregr./Prairie Falcons,Coopers/Gos Hawk, 6.20 Bird of Prey MS5019: Californian Condor souvenir sheet 3.90 Wisdom of Nature (6v shtlt): American Bald Eagle, (+Bee,Corals,SG5068-73, 5.95 Definitive 10ct Purple-throated Carib (1 value): SG5098, 0.40 Qi Bashi (4v shtlt): birds in trees,Hens & Chicks,(+ fish,bees,)SG5360-3, 2.75 2013 Defs.(9v): Yellow/Blue + Scarlet + Blue-winged, Hyacinth & Military Macaws, Blue-cheeked + Turquoise-fronted Amazons & Festive Parrot, 7.50 2013 Definitives (2v): $5 Maroon-faced Parakeet, $10 Yellow Headed Amazon 8.75 2013 Definitive (1v): $50 Hispaniolan Parakeet, 24.95 2014 Seabirds (6v = 2v + 4v sheetlets): Andean & Bonaparte’s Hartlaub’s, Grey-headed, Slenderbilled Gulls, Grenadines 1978 Grenadines 1985 Grenadines 1985 Grenadines 1990 Grenadines 1992 Grenadines 1993 13.50 W.W.F. (7v): Audubon’s Shearwater,Semi-palmated Plover,SG294-300,Cat.$18 9.75 1st Audubon (4v): Blue-winged Teal, White Ibis, Kite, Moorhen, 10.90 1st Audubon MS649: Mangrove Cuckoo souvenir sheet, 4.50 B.(8v): Yellow-bellied Seedeater,Grackle,Swift,Vireo,Elaenia,SG1267-74, 10.95 Hummingbirds (8v): Blue-headed & Rufous-breasted,Purple-throat SG1501-08,11.90 Songbirds (12v shtlt): Common Grackle, Swallow Tanager, Saltator, Corn & Black-headed Buntings, Plush-capped Finch, Royal Flycatcher, SG1640-51 12.75 24 Grenadines 1994 Murillo MS1867b: "Holy Family with Little Bird" souv/sheet 3.50 Gren.Gren. 1995 Waterbirds (8v + 8v shtlt): Great Blue Heron, Jamaican Tody, Perrot, Stripe headed Tanager, Ringed Kingfisher, Pintail Duck, Stilt, SG1999-14 14.75 Gren.Gren. 1998 Seabirds (16v=4v+2X6v shtlts):Herr./Magellan Gulls,Kittiwake,Less Noddy, Imperial Shag,Arc.Tern,W.Sandpiper,Gt.Black-back/Bonaparte Gull,2580-95, 18.90 Gren.Grenadines 1998 R.A.F.MS2645a/d:Montague Harrier,Golden Eagle (+ 2 air; 4 s/sheets,15.50 Gren.Grenadines 2000 B.(34v=4v+4Xshtlts) Green-throated Carib, Scarlet Tanager, Carib. Coot Red-collared Lorikeet, Orange-winged P., Common Moorhen, Puerto Rican Emerald, Green Mango, Turquoise Parak, Scarlet-chested, SG2851-84,reordr Gren.Grenadines 2000 B.(4SS): Crimson Rosella, Scarlet Macaw, PR Lizard Cuckoo,Whydah, 16.95 Gren.Grenadines 2001 Waterbirds (6v shtlt): Falklands Steamer, Muscovy Ducks, SG3296-01 5.90 Gren.Grenadines 2001 Waterbirds MS3302: Great Egret souvenir sheet 3.80 Gren.Grenadines 2001 Fauna (16v=4v+2x6v shtlts; 5 birds; Keel-billed/Red Breasted Toucans, Cuban Pygmy Owl,Bee Hummingbird,Flamingo,(+ Ocelot etc.) SG3268-83, 18.20 Gren.Grenadines 2002 Ecotourism MS3560(6v shtlt; one Ringed Kingfisher, others non-bird, 6.25 Gren.Grenadines 2002 Ecotourism MS3561: Antillean Euphonia souvenir sheet 3.50 Gren.Grenadines 2003 B.(8v=4v+4v shtlt):Rose-breasted & Blue Grosbeaks, Bullocks Oriole 6.95 Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines 2005 2005 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2011 Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines Gren.Grenadines 2011 2014 2014 2014 2014 Guernsey Guernsey* Guernsey Guernsey Guernsey Guernsey Guernsey Guernsey 1999 2001 2001 2006 2006 2008 2008 2011 Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Hurricane/Ecotourism (6v shtlt MS3560; one bird Ringed Kingfisher, 5.30 Hurricane on Ecotourism MS3561: Antillean Euphonia souvenir sheet 3.40 B.(8v=4v+4v shtlt)Hooded Warbler,N.Flicker,Honeycreeper,SG3866-72+7,7.75 Caribbean Birds MS3878a: White-winged Parakeet souvenir sheet 2.75 B.(2nd 4v shtlt)Caspian Tern,Scarlet Tanager,N.Hawk,Osprey,SG3873-6, 4.50 Caribbean Birds MS3878b: Blackpoll Warbler souvenir sheet 2.65 Caribbean Birds MS3878c: Yellow Green Vireo souvenir sheet 2.70 Royal Penguins (6v shtlt)MS3907: 6.25 Birds (8v=2 x 4v shtlts)MS4075-6: Belted Kingfisher, Green Heron, Semi-palmated Plover, Grosbeak, Osprey, Scarlet Tanager, 11.50 Birds MS4077-8: Merlin & Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2 souvenir sheets 7.50 Birds 1st (3v shtlt):Red-Billed Tropicbird,Scarlet Ibis,Sandpiper 6.65 Bird 1st SS: Purple Gallinule souvenir sheet 5.25 Birds 2nd (3v shtlt): Amer. White Ibis, Swallowtailed Kite, Sora, 6.70 Bird 2nd SS: Tree Swallow souvenir sheet 5.30 Gulls (1v): SG835, B.(4v) Kingfisher, Garganey, Little Egret, Little Ringed Plover, SG891-4 Guernsey Post” (6v): one bird - Ruby-throated Hummingbird SG921-6, Ramsar Wetland (6v): Oyster Catcher, (+ shells, Blenny, etc.) SG1123-8 Ramsar Wetland (1v): Oyster Catcher from above issue, SG1128, Sark Ramsar Nature Reserve (6v; one value is Northern Fulmar, SG1199-04 Ramsar (6v shtlt MS1205; one value is Northern Fulmar, designs as above Macaw (1 value; only bird from the Literary set): SG1387, 0.95 2.70 4.80 5.05 1.95 5.70 5.75 1.50 1985 Audubon (4v): Brown & Amer.White Pelicans, Gt.Flamingo, Blue Heron, 3.50 1989 Doves (7v): Laughing, Emerald, Namaqua, Seychelles Blue, Cat.£7, 3.60 2002 Waterbirds(6v): Blk Heron, Pelican, Spur-winged Goose, N.Shoveler, 3.90 2002 Waterbirds (6v shtlt): Little & Blk Egrets, Black Heron, as above, 6.75 2003 Owls (4v shtlt): Barn, Eurasian Eagle, Burrowing Owls, Michel#2041-4 6.80 2005 Fungi & Owl (6v shtlt): 5 different fungi, Michel#2888-93 8.50 2005 Owls Scouts SS: Little & Boreal or Tengmalm’s Owl Michel#2894 8.75 2005 Prey(6v shtlt):Crested Serpent/Afr.Fish,White-tail Eagles,Mi#3237-42 7.80 2007 Ornithology(4v shtlt):Eurasian Tawny,Barn Owls,Bald Eagles,Mi#3471-4, 6.75 2007 Orni-logist Temminck SS:Owls,Eagles in border souv/sheet,Michel#3475 9.50 2007 B.(4v shtlt):Snowy Owl,Eider,Waved Albatross,Shearwater, Mi#3558-61 6.45 2007 Parrots(4v):Pygmy/Red-flanked/Yellowbill Lorikeets,Brehms Mi#3594-7 6.70 2007 Darwin (4v shtlt): Horned Owl, (+ Turtle, Blue Morpho, Mi#3648-51 6.25 2007 Al Gore SS: Nobel Prize & American Bald Eagle souvenir sheet,Mi#3672 9.50 Guinea-Bissau 2008 Owls (4v shtlt): Northern Spotted,E.Screech,Eur.Eagle Owls,Mi#3849-52 6.90 Guinea-Bissau 2008 Boreal Owl SS: Aegolius funereus souvenir sheet Mi#3853 9.40 Guinea-Biss 2009 Sir P. Scott (4v shtlt):Snow/Barnacle Geese,Wigeon,Pintail,Mi#4153-6 10.75 Guinea-Biss 2009 Sir Peter Scott SS: Eur.Wigeon,Pnk-foot Goose souvenir sheet: Mi#4157 9.80 Guinea-Biss 2009 Penguins (5v shtlt):King,African,Magellanic,Macaroni,Gentoo,Mi#4390-4 10.40 Guinea-Biss 2009 Western Rockhopper Penguins SS: souvenir sheet, Mi#4395 10.95 Guinea-Biss 2009 B.Prey(5v shtlt)White-tail Eagle,Black Kite,Harrier,Vulture,Mi#4414-8 10.50 Guinea-Biss 2009 Birds Prey SS: White-headed Vulture souvenir sheet,Mi#4419 9.95 25 Guinea-Biss 2009 Global Warm(5v shtlt):Chatham Alb.,Af.Fish Eagle, Mi#4420-4 9.90 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 W.W.F. stamp on st(5v shtlt):Gren.Gren Hummingbird,Kagu,Michel#4810-4 9.95 W.W.F. SS: border Plumbeous Warbler,Dove,Chris.Is.Pigeon,,Michel#4815 9.95 Seabirds (6v shtlt): N.Gannet, Manx Shearwater,Cape Petrel,Mi#4969-74 7.90 Seabirds (2v shtlt): Ajaia ajaja – Roseate Spoonbill, Michel#4975-6 9.75 Owls (6v shtlt): Pacific & Balsas Screech, Ashy-faced,Barn,Mi#5049-54 10.75 Owls (2v shtlt): Megascops asio - Eastern Screech Owls, Michel#5055-6 9.60 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 W.W.F. Bataleur (4v strip): Michel#5229-32, Seabirds (6v shtlt): Whiskered Tern Michel#5246-50 Seabirds SS: Roseate Tern souvenir sheet Michel#5251 Raptors (6v shtlt): Eurasian Kestrel, Michel#5266-71 Raptors SS: Eurasian Sparrowhawk souvenir sheet Michel#5272 Galapagos (4v shtlt): G.Mockingbird, Michel#5283-6 Owls (4v shtlt):European Scops, Tawny, Little, Boreal, Mi#5293-6 Owl SS: Northern Hawk Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#5297 Bird of Prey SS: White-backed Vulture souvenir sheet, Michel#5707 Genetic Similarity SS: Eurasian Wren souvenir sheet Michel#5715 Indian Eagle Owl souvenir sheet Michel#5724 Audubon SS: Eurasian Bull/Grrenfinch,Chestnut-back Chickadee,Mi#5727 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2012 2012 Seabirds(4v shtlt):Sandwich,Common/Whisker Terns,Audouin G. Mi#5852-5 6.60 Seabirds SS: Sandwich Tern souvenir sheet Mi#5856 6.53 Waterbirds (4v shtlt):Greenshank,Garganey,Glossy Ibis,Snipe Mi#5857-60 6.55 Waterbirds SS: Great White Pelican souvenir sheet Mi#5861 6.50 Global Warm SS: Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiaca) souvenir sheet, Mi#6041 11.30 Orchids & Hummingbirds (4v shtlt): Purple-throated & Gray-tailed Mountain Gem, Tyrian Metaltail, Racket-tailed Hummingbirds, Mi#6022-5 10.30 Hummingbirds SS: Fawnbreasted Brilliant Hummingbird sou/sheet Mi#6026 11.95 Owls II(4v shtlt): Spot-bellied Eagle & Laughing Owls, Mi#6057-60 7.50 Owls II SS: Greater Sooty-Owl souvenir sheet Michel#6061 7.60 B.of Prey (4v shtlt):White-tailed Eagle, W.Marsh harrier, Mi#6077-80 7.95 B.of Prey SS: Lappet-faced Vulture souvenir sheet, Michel#6081 9.25 Kingfishers (4v shtlt): Sacred, Blue-breasted, Lilac, Little Paradise Kingfishers, Michel#6252-5, 10.20 Kingfishers SS: Ringed souvenir sheet Michel#6256 10.25 Extinct Parrots (4v shtlt): Seychelles Parakeet, Mascarene Parrot, Norfolk Kaka, Blackfronted Parakeet, Michel#6275-8, 11.90 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Ext.B.(4v shtlt):Bachmanns Warbler,Hawaii Oo,Molokai Creep,Mi#6298-01 Dyogo Island (4v strip):Short-tailed Albatross,(+ plant), Mi#6331-4 Paper Money Rhino souvenir sheet: border Penguin, Duck, (+ mammals) 40th Anniv. Of CFA Currency (4v shtlt): Turaco (+ mammals), B./Eggs(5v shtlt)Eur.Curlew/Kestrel,Common Murre/Chaffinch,Mi#6608-12 Birds/Eggs SS: Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus souvenir sheet Birds Art(5v shtlt):White-tufted Sunbeam,Barred Woodpecker, Mi#6670-4 Birds in Art SS: S.Cassowary,Barbary Partridge souvenir sheet Mi#6675 12.95 6.95 10.75 11.50 10.95 9.45 8.90 7.20 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Owls(5v shtlt):N.Hawk,Great Horned,North Saw-whet,Barred, Mi#6682-6 Owl SS: Little Owl souvenir sheet, Mi#6687 B.Prey (4v shtlt): Marsh Owl,White-backed Vulture,Yellow-billed Kite, Birds of Prey SS: Milvus milvus; Red kite souvenir sheet Scouts (4v shtlt): Osprey, (+Dark Grass Afr.Blue bfly,fungi,Roe Deer, 10.50 8.25 12.25 10.50 10.45 Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss Guinea-Biss 2013 2013 2013 2013 Owls(4v shtlt):Eastern Screech,Mountain Scops,Great Sooty,Spectacled, 10.95 Owls SS: Snowy Owl souvenir sheet 9.95 Red List Fauna(5v shtlt)Flores scops Owl,Madeiran Speckled Wood,Panda 10.90 Red List Fauna (2v shtlt): Egyptian Vulture, Fishing Cat 9.90 7.95 11.20 11.25 11.60 11.30 11.95 13.50 10.50 9.50 9.80 10.80 11.80 Guinee (Fr.) 1971 Wild Birds (9v): Violet-crested Turaco, Golden Oriole, Blueheaded Coucal, Great Grey Shrike, Vulturine Guineafowl, Southern Ground Hornbill, Cat.£26.00, on special offer, SG741-9, 5.95 Guinee (Fr.) 1988 B.+Bflies(6v):Red Bishop,Redhead Bluebill,Beautiful Sunbird,SG1339-44 11.90 Guinee Rep. 1995 Songbirds (5v): Nightingale, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, 3.75 Guinee Rep. 1995 Songbird MS1634: European Robin souvenir sheet, 2.95 Guinee Rep. 1996 B.(6v)Gouldian Finch,Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu,Paradise Spar,SG1691-6, 3.70 Guinee Rep. 1996 B. MS1697: Spotted-sided Finch souvenir sheet, 2.50 Guinee Rep. 1998 Waterbirds (9v shtlt): Rhino Hornbill, Woodpecker, Parrot, Hm’bird 6.70 Guinee Rep. 1999 B.(20v=8v+2xshtlts):Bullfinch,Warbler,Woodpecker,Turkey, Ring-necked Partridge,Blue-tailed Pitta,Gouldian Finch,Sunbird,Sc#1575-83+#1585 32.90 26 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 1999 Hummingbirds (12v=2x6v shtlts): Purple-throated, Bahama Star, Cuban, Rufous-breasted, Puerto Rican, Scott#1584 & 1586 1999 H’birds (3SS): Ant.Crested Emerald,Bahaman H. 3 s/sheets, Scott#1589-91 2000 Millennium (17v shtlt): only one bird 2001 B.(4v collector sheet):Parad.Tanager,Painted Bunting,Manakin,Oropendola, 2001 Parrots (4v): Greater Vasa’s, Brown Headed, Senegal, Red-fronted, 2001 B.Prey (4v collector's sheet): Brahminy Kite,Falcon,Vulture,Buzzard, 2001 Owls (4v): Tawny, Northern Long-eared, Little Barn, Brown Fish Owls, 27.95 22.95 6.25 8.90 6.30 9.50 6.80 2001 B.(24v=6v+3x6v shtlts): Vulture,Red/Yellow Barbet,Jackal Buzzard,Gt.White Pelican, Verreaux's Eagle, Jacana, House Martin, L.Bee-eater, Rock Thrush, Heron, Hoopoe, Af.Fish Eagle, Secretary B., Guineafowl Scott#1942-50, 55.50 2001 Birds (4SS): Little Flamingo, Darter, Marabou Stork and Ostrich - struthio camellus four souvenir sheets, Scott#1951-4 14.85 2001 Hummingbirds (22v=4v+3x6v shtlts): Rufous, Green Mango, Allen's, White-tip Blue-headed, Jam.Mango, Green & Ruby-throated Caribs, Bahama Woodstr, Bee Vervain, Costa’s, Antillean, Black-chinned, Calliop, Scott#2038-44, 59.70 2001 Hummingbirds (3SS): Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Black-billed Streamertail, Red-billed Streamertail three souvenir sheets Scott#2045-7, 37.25 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Owls/Ornith.(3v shtlt): Afr.Scops,Spotted Eagle,N.Long-eared, Mi#4281-3 7.45 Owls/Ornithologists SS: Levaillant & African Scops Owl s/sheet,Mi#4284 6.50 Owls/Ornitholog. SS: De Buffon & Spotted Eagle Owl souv./sheet, Mi#4285 6.60 Owls/Ornithologists SS: Audubon & Northen Long-eared Owl s/sheet, Mi#4286 6.55 Owls/Scouts(3v shtlt): Pearl-Spotted Owlet, African Wood, Michel#4359-61 7.50 Owls/Scouts SS: Pearl-Spotted Owlet souvenir sheet Michel#4371 6.75 Owls/Scouts SS: African Wood Owl souvenir sheet Michel#4373 6.85 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Owls/Fungi(3v shtlt):Spotted Eagle,S.White-faced Scops,Barn, Mi#4680-2 8.50 Owls & Fungi SS: Spotted Eagle Owl, (+ A.caesarea)souvenir sheet,Mi#4740 6.80 Owls & Fungi SS: Ptilopsis granti (+ Lact.deliciousus souv./sheet,Mi#4741 6.90 Owls & Fungi SS: Barn Owl, (+ Amanita muscaria) souvenir sheet, Mi#4742 6.70 Quality of Life (3v shtlt): Emperor Penguin, (+ bfly, etc) Mi#5109-11 7.95 Quality of Life SS: Lesser Kestrel souvenir sheet Michel#5113 6.95 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Parrots(6v shtlt):Scarlet/Redfront Macaws,Black-hood Parakeet,Mi#5541-6 8.85 Parrots (2SS): Macaws Chestnut front/Blue & Yellow 2 s/sheets Mi#5547-8 14.50 B.(6v shtlt)Cut-throat Weaver,Red-billed Fire finch,Ayres Hawk,Mi#6418-23 8.95 Owls(6v shtlt): Tawny, Barn & African Wood Owls, Mi#6424-9 8.70 Owls SS: African Wood Owl souvenir sheet Mi#6437 6.95 Parrots(6v shtlt):Senegal/Meyer’s P.,Red-headed/Rosy-Lovebird Mi#6430-5 8.75 2nd Parrots SS: African Grey souvenir sheet Mi#6438 6.90 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Tourism (6v shtlt): Macaw, Bear, Rhino, Guenon, Mi#7557-62 8.90 Biodiversity (6v shtlt): Hummingbird, (+ Lynx, Panda, Al Gore, Mi#7774-9 8.95 Cacti (4v shtlt): one bird – Curvedbill Thrasher, Mi#8274-7 9.45 Owls (4v shtlt): Fraser’s Eagle, Tawny, Southern Owls, Mi#8309-12 9.30 Southern White-faced Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#8313 12.40 Peafowl (5v shtlt): Congo, Green & Indian Peafowl, Mi#8626-30 14.90 Peafowl (3v shtlt): 3 copies of Indian Peafowl, Mi#8646-8 13.45 Prey(5v shtlt):Per.Falcon,Gold/Crowned Eagle,Jackal Buzzard, Mi#8636-40 14.80 Birds of Prey (3v shtlt): 3 copies of Golden Eagle Mi#8652-4 13.40 Owls (5v shtlt):Southrn White-faced,Tawny,Red & African Scops Mi#8641-5 14.85 Owls (3v shtlt): 3 copies of Verreaux’s Eagle Owl Mi#8655-7 13.50 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 Storks (5v shtlt):Saddlebilled,Yellow-billed & Marabou Storks Mi#8631-5 14.95 Yellow-billed Storks (3v shtlt): 3 copies of Mycteria ibis Mi#8649-51 13.55 Kingfishers (3v sheetlet): Black-backed/3-toed,Sacred,Common Yv#6073-5 11.20 Owls (3v sheetlet): Striped, Short-eared & Fearful Owls,Yv#6079-81 11.25 Parrots (3v sheetlet): Red-bellied,Af.Grey,Meyer’s Parrots, Yvert#6076-8 11.30 Zoo Emperor Penguin SS: also Bear (+Parrots border)s/sheet Yvert#1311 10.95 Bald Parrot & Rufous Twistwing SS: souvenir sheet, Michel#8998 12.50 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 End.Species (1st 3v shtlt): Lesser Kestrel (+ colobus, caracal) Mi#9176-8 5.30 End.Sp.(2nd 3v shtlt):White-neck Picathartes,Wattled Hornbill Mi#9179-81 5.25 End.Sp.(3rd 3v shtlt): Brown-cheeked Hornbill, Lesser Kestrel Mi#9182-4, 5.15 End.Sp.(4th 3v shtlt): Copper-tail Glossy Starling,Damara Tern Mi#9143-5, 5.20 End.Species SS: Gray Parrot, souvenir sheet Michel#9187, 10.60 End.Species SS: Razo Skylark souvenir sheet, Michel#9197 11.70 End.Species SS: Golden Eagle souvenir sheet, Michel#9192 11.75 Schweitzer (3v shtlt):Rufous-vented Paradise Flycatcher (+ medicine) 9.75 27 Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 End.Species End.Species End.Species End.Species End.Species Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee Guinee 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 Robert Scott (3v shtlt):Long-tailed Jaeger,Emperor Penguin,Michel#9224-6 12.95 Robert Scott Explorer SS: Snow Petrel souvenir sheet Michel#9227 9.65 Owls (3v shtlt):Tawny, Short-eared, Little+ Long-eared Owls, Mi#9729-31 11.65 Owls SS: Northern Hawk-Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#9732 10.50 B.Prey (3v shtlt):Secretary Bird,White-back Vul,Jerdon’s Baza,Mi#9733-5 11.75 Birds Prey SS: Crested Eagle,Morphnus guianensis souvenir sheet,Mi#9736 10.55 W.W.F. Birds of Prey (4v shtlt): Martial Eagle, Michel#9895-8 11.70 W.W.F. Martial Eagle SS: Polemeatus bellicose, Michel#9869 9.75 W.W.F. Martial Eagle (4v strip; Polemeatus bellicose Michel#9865-8(!) 11.60 W.W.F. Martial Eagle(8v shtlt):2 sets above but different layout 23.20 William & Kate Wedding (3v shtlt):Barn Swallows on 2 stamps, Mi#9938-40 11.50 Owls (3v shtlt): Snowy, Barred & Eurasian Eagle Owls, Yvert#6902-4, 12.50 Owls SS: Greater sooty owl souvenir sheet, Yvert#1564 9.45 Birds (3v shtlt):Marvellous Spatuletail,Shoebill,Wilson’s B-of-Paradise, 11.50 Birds SS: Gorgeted Puffleg souvenir sheet 8.50 Birds (3v shtlt): Common Nightingale, Vulture, Stresemann’s Bushcrow, 11.25 Birds SS: Blue Jay souvenir sheet 10.20 Owls (3v shtlt): Little, Gt Horned, Spotted Eagle 11.30 Owls SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet 10.25 Guyana Guyana 1981 Harpy Eagle (1v): SG791 (SG491 optd. With “1981” in red) 15.50 1990 B.(40v=2xshtlts): Sun Conure, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Parrots, Guan, Quetzal, Cotinga, Blue & Yellow Macaw, Spectacled Parrotlet,SG2967-3006, 27.90 1990 Endangered Species (20v; 6 birds, Cauca Guan, Hyacinth Macaws, Red Siskin Andean Condor, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Toucan Barbet, SG3027-46 13.90 1990 Endangered Species EMS34: Harpy Eagle souvenir sheet, Scott#E29 5.50 1994 Sierra Club (31v) incl. several Bald Eagles & Cranes, SG3842-72 27.50 1994 B.(24v in 2 shtlts): Per.Falcon, Little Owl, Hoopoe, Goshawk, Jay, White-throated Kingfisher, Greate Spotted Woodpecker, SG4117-40 18.75 1996 Birds MS4738a: Gould’s Violet-ear Hummingbird souvenir sheet, 5.75 1997 Birds MS5134a: Pinnated Bittern souvenir sheet 5.70 2001 T.birds MS6231a/b: Eclectus Parrot & Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 2 s/sheets 9.50 2002 Ecotourism (6v shtlt): one is an Owl, (+ baboon, bfly) MS6316 5.50 Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Honduras V(3v shtlt): Grey Parrot, Colobus,Mi#9152-4 5.35 V1(3v shtlt): Black-tailed Godwit, Slender Croc Michel#9167-9 5.45 V11(3v shtlt):Yellow-casqued Wattled Hornbill,Bat, Mi#9170-2 5.40 V111(3v shtlt): Golden Eagle, Addax, Gazelle, Mi#9155-7 5.37 1X(3v shtlt): Grey Parrot, Mandrill, Hyaena, Michel#9149-51 5.42 2003 W.W.F. Channel-billed & Toco Toucans (4v) SG6406-9, 3.60 2007 Birds (8v=4v+4v shtlt): Thick-billed Parrot, Blue-crowned/Canary Winged Parakeets,Black-polled/Golden-Crowned Warbler,Yellow-Grn Vireo,SG6602-09, 8.90 2007 Birds MS6610a: Bobolink souvenir sheet, 3.40 2007 Birds MS6610b: Pacific Golden Plover souvenir sheet, 3.35 2010 “Haiti Earthq.Relief” opt 4v shtlt SG6708-11 re-numbered:Parakeets,Vireo, 5.95 2012 B.(8v in 2 shtlts)MS6782-3:Crested Caracara,Cocoi & Tricolor Heron,Jabiru, Neotropic Cormorant, Least Grebe, Scarlet Ibis, Anhinga, Black-neck Stork 9.50 2012 Birds MS6784-5: Glossy Ibis & White-tailed Kite 2 souvenir sheets 6.20 2012 Wildlife (3v shtlt)MS6806: Channel-billed Toucan, (+ Chinchilla, Jaguar) 7.95 2013 Tanagers (4v shtlt)MS6841:Black-back,Golden-hood,Turquoise,Burnished Buff 6.95 2013 Birds MS6842: Golden Tanager – Tangara arthus souvenir sheet 5.40 2013 U.N. Environment Day (3v shtlt): silhouette birds & animals, butterflies 7.75 2014 Chilean Flamingos (6v=4v + 2v shtlts): Phoenicopterus ch, 14.90 2014 Animals & Birds (20v): 12 birds, Purple Honey-creeper, Scarlet Ibis & Macaw, Black Curassow, Yellow-crowned Parrot, 12.95 2014 South American Animals SS: Toucan souvenir sheet 5.95 2014 South American Animals SS: Yellow-crowned Amazon souvenir sheet 5.90 Honduras Honduras Honduras 1999 B.(24v=20v+4v shtlts): Jabiru, Resplendent Quetzal, Hookbilled Kite, Orange-chin & Red-throated Parrots, SG1511-34, 19.50 2004 B.(4v shtlt): Green Parakeet,Yellow-lored P.,Orange-br.Falcon,SG1742a-d, 6.50 2010 Fauna (3v): one Scarlet Macaw (+ mammals), 9.80 2013 Blanca Jeanette Kawas National Park (6v shtlt): one has Brown Pelicans, 16.90 Hong Hong Hong Hong Hong 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong 5th Anniv.HKSAR (4v; Black-faced Spoonbill + fish, SG1106-9 5th Anniv.HKSAR MS1110 (4v shtlt; one Spoonbill, (+ Dolphins) Birds (4v): Great Crested & Horned Grebes, Pied Avocet, Loon, SG1186-9 Birds (4v shtlt bklt pane): above designs, Arctic Loon, SG1186a Birds (8v= 2 X 4v shtlt booklet pane above), Grebes, Loon, Pied Avocet, 28 2.75 2.80 2.25 2.30 4.60 Hong Kong 2005 Year of the Rooster (4v): SG1292-5, 2.75 Hong Kong 2005 Year of the Rooster (4v shtlt)MS1296a: four values as above, 3.80 Hong Kong 2006 Defs (16v): Scarlet Minervet, Scops Owl, Little Egret, White-bellied Eagle, Kingfisher, Bulbul, Greater Painted Snipe, Barn Swallow, White Wagtail, Common Magpie, N.Shoveler, Dalmatian Pelican, Longtail Shrike,SG1398-13, 17.75 Hong Kong 2006 Defs (16v in 2 sheetlets)MS1414-5: designs as above, Minervet,Owl,Tern, 17.80 Hong Kong 2006 Definitives booklet SGSB59 (12v to $5 in pane): Spoonbill,SB59,SG1398a, 7.70 Hong Kong 2006 Defs booklets (4 booklets): contain panes of 10 values as below,SB60-3 39.95 Hong Kong 2006 Defs bklet stamps (4v): Snipe, Bulbul, Rose Tern,Sunbird,SG1402a,3a,6a,8a 5.50 Hong Hong Hong Hong Hong Hong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong 2009 2009 2010 2010 2013 2013 Museum pieces (6v: one has birds, SG1546-51, 3.25 Museum pieces (6v shtlt MS1552: as above one has birds, 3.30 White Wagtail - Prof. Kao MS1416(!):definitive souvenir sheet 2.50 Wagtail Prof. Kao MS1416 souvenir booklet (includes fibre optic cable!) 12.95 Inclusive Arts(4v):one is Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, SG1819-22 2.40 Inclusive Arts(4v shtlt)MS1823:one is Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, 2.45 Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary* Hungary 1977 1980 1994 2000 2001 2001 Peafowl (6v): Common, Green & Congo Peafowl, SG3097-3102 Protected Birds (6v): Greylag Goose, Great Crested Grebe SG3340-5 WWF Birds (4v): Great Bustards, SG4179-82, National Parks (2v): Bluethroat, Black Stork, SG4507-8, (reprinted 2009) Indian Peafowl (1v): Pavo cristatus, SG4597, European Fauna MS4573: Red Deer with Owl & ? in border of souvenir sheet Hungary Hungary* Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary 2006 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2014 Falcon (Border Guards) (1v): SG4963, 1.40 Orseg National Park - Red Crossbill (1v): SG5108, 2.20 Zoos (2v shtlt) MS5120: White & Painted Storks (+ various mammals), 4.90 Polar Regions (4v): King Penguin, Leopard Seal, Polar Bear, SG5155-8 6.80 Polar Regions with silver snow(4v):King Penguin,(+ Seal,P.Bear,SG5155a-8a 7.25 Fauna 1V (4v; 2 birds,Eastern Imperial Eagle/Eurasian Blue Tit,SG5253-6, 7.50 Zoo (4v shtlt)MS5290: Flamingo, (+ Gorilla), Toucan border 7.90 B.(4v):Imperial + White-tailed Eagles,Red-footed+Saker Falcons,SG5339-42 5.25 Common Buzzard MS5352: Buteo buteo souvenir sheet 3.50 Budapest Zoo (12v shtlt): one African Penguin, (+ mammals) 8.80 Iceland Iceland Iceland* Iceland Iceland Iceland* Iceland* 2003 2003 2009 2010 2011 2011 2014 Bird MS1044: Common Raven souvenir sheet B.(2v): Meadow Pipit, Whimbrel, SG1055-6, Birds (2v): Glaucous Gull & Thick-billed Murre, SG1260-1, Christmas (2v): Snow Buntings, SG1295-6 W.W.F. (4v): Barnacle Goose,Gadwall,Scoter,White-fronted Goose,SG1302-5, Bird (1v): Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago, SG1326, Sea Eagle (1v): 4.95 5.50 2.60 3.75 5.50 1.40 1.20 India India* India India* India India* India India* 1976 1992 1996 1996 1998 2000 2004 2005 Painted Stork (1 value): SG800, B.Prey (4v): Osprey, Per.Falcon, Lammergeier, Eagle, SG1525-8, Cat.£5 Himalayan Flora/Fauna MS1668: Blood Pheasant, (+ Mt.Goat, Blue Poppies, Dr.Alicen (ornithologist) Pintail & Painted Storks (2v):SG1685-6, Cat.£3 Parrot - Parakeet? (1v): "Empowered Girl", SG1815, Sarus Crane (1 value): SG1925, Indian Peafowl & Red Junglefowl (2v shtlt): MS2177 Environment (1v); Chestnut-crowned Warbler – seicerus castaniceps,SG2275 0.60 1.90 3.75 1.40 0.40 0.40 5.50 0.45 India* India India India India India India India India India India India* India India India India 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2012 2012 B.(4v)Manipur Bushquail,Less Florican,Adj.Stork,Nilgiri L.Thrush,SG2346-9 1.95 B.(4v shtlt)MS2350: designs as above Manipur Bushquail,L.Florican,scarce 3.95 Himalayan Lakes (5v): Satyr tragopan on one, SG2354-8, 1.45 Women’s Day (4v shtlt)MS2393: peacock, ducks, geese, 1.75 Greetings (4v): stylized bird (& butterfly), SG2449-53, 1.50 Preserve Polar Regions (2v): Polar Bear & Penguins, SG2678-9 0.95 Preserve Polar Regions (2v sheetlet)MS2680: Polar Bear & Penguins, 1.75 Textiles (4v): woven designs – includes Peacock, SG2671-4, 2.25 Textiles (4v shtlt) MS2675: woven designs – Peacock as above, 2.45 Biodiversity (2v shtlt)MS2721: Eagle Owl, Ruddy Shelduck, Brahminy Kite, 2.50 Biodiversity booklet - Owl, Shelduck, Kite, as above, scarce 12.95 Sparrow & Rock Pigeon (2v): SG2729-30, 0.70 Sparrow & Rock Pigeon (2v sheetlet)MS2731; design as above + border, 1.45 Sparrow & Rock Pigeon 2 booklets 25.50 Biodiversity (4v; 2 birds: Bugun liocichla & Nicobar Scrubfowl,SG2892-5 2.50 Biodiversity (4v shtlt MS2896;Bugun liocichla,Nicobar Scrubfowl as above 3.25 2.75 2.95 1.95 1.75 0.50 2.90 Indonesia 1995 Flora/Fauna (10v;2 birds): Maleo Fowl, Malaya Peacock Pheasant,SG2196-05 1.90 Indonesia 1996 Fauna/Fl(10v;3 birds;Sulawesi Hornbill,Rothschild Mynah,Oriole SG2276-85 2.50 29 Indonesia 1997 Flora/Fauna (10v;two birds): Helmeted Hornbill, Brahminy Kite, SG2349-58 1.25 Indonesia 1997 Flora/Fauna (bird & fruit shtlt) MS2359: Brahminy Kite (& peppers), 3.25 Indonesia 1998 Defs.(12v): Pacific Black, Salvadori’s Wandering & Spotted Whistling Ducks, Cotton & Grey Teals,Magpie/Green Pygmy Geese,Radjah Shelduck,SG2468 etc. 18.75 Indonesia 2003 Indonesia Folktales (20v shtlt); includes 4 with Eagles, SG2838-57, 6.95 Indonesia 2006 Fauna/fl.(4v): Amblyornis flavifrons Rothsch. - Golden-fronted Bowerbird, Melipotes carolae - Wattled Smoky Honeyeater (+ palm, berries), SG3105-8 1.90 Indonesia 2006 Fauna/flora(2v shtlt)MS3109: Golden-fronted Bowerbird + palm tree, 1.45 Indonesia 2008 Flora/Fauna – Southern Cassowary(2v shtlt) MS3171: Casuarias casuarias, 2.30 Indonesia 2009 B.(6v)MS3298a:Wrinkled Hornbill,Kingfisher,G.Argus,Trogon,Storm’s Stork, 3.50 Indonesia 2009 JIPEX overprinted on above Birds (6v shtlt)MS3317:Wrinkled Hornbill etc. 4.20 Indonesia 2009 Fauna(11v shtlt;4 brds):Bornean Peacock-Pheas,Maleo,B-Paradise,SG3318-28, 7.50 Indonesia 2010 Environmental Care (3v): one is Brahminy Kite (+ trees): SG3353-5, 1.90 Indonesia 2010 Fauna(11v):Wallace’s Standardwing,Nias Mynah,Knobbed Hornbill,Zebra Dove 5.90 Indonesia 2010 Fauna(11v shtlt)MS3388:Wallace’s Standardwing,Nias Mynah,Knobbed Hornbill,5.75 Indonesia 2011 Malaysia joint issue(8v shtlt;Red Jungle Fowl & Green J.Fowl, SG3428-35, 7.90 Indonesia 2012 B.(4v):Sulawesi Scops Owl,Flores Hawkeagle,Elegant Sunbird,Invisible Rail 3.95 Indonesia 2012 B.(4v shtlt): designs as above but miniature sheet 3.20 Indonesia 2013 Raggiana Bird of Paradise MS: souvenir sheet 2.20 Indonesia 2014 Environment (2v shtlt): Lesser Adjutant Stork (+ mangoves) 2.70 Indonesia 2014 B.(4v):Javan Plover,Milky Stork,Blue-faced Rail,White-shouldered Ibis 3.95 Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran* Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran 1991 Green Woodpecker (1 value): SG2650, 1.50 1994 B. (4v): Pheasant, Grey Partridge, Great Bustard, Heron, SG2811-4,Cat.$14 1.95 1995 Bird (1 value): Phoenix rising from tulips, SG2850, Cat.£1 0.60 1996 B. (4v): Cardinal, G.Oriole, Budgerigar, Eur.Roller, SG2870-3, Cat.£5.50 1.80 1997 Montreal Protocol fauna (1v): several birds, SG2933, 1.30 1999 Bird definitive 150Rl, 250Rl(2v):River Kingfisher,Crested Lark, SG2991-2 0.95 2000 Bird definitive 100Rls. (1 value): Hoopoe, SG2990 0.70 2000 Bird definitive 300Rls (1 value): Red-backed Shrike, SG2993 0.90 2001 Bird defin. 500Rl.(1v): European Bee-eater (looking right) SG2995, 1.50 2001 Bird defin. 1,000Rl.(1v): Redwing (turdus lilacus) SG2998 2.70 2001 Bird defin. 2,000Rl.(1v): Twite, SG2999, 4.95 2001 Bird defin. 3,000Rl.(1v): Whitethroat, SG3000 6.50 2001 Bird definitive 350Rl(1v): European Roller, SG2994 1.05 2002 Birds defs (2v): 200Rl European Robin & 400Rl Blue Tit, SG2992, SG2996 1.70 2002 Birds def. (1v): 4,500Rl Eurasian Turtle-Dove (or Collared Dove), SG2996b 5.95 1999-2002 Birds complete definitives (12v) as above SG2990-3000, Spec.Offer 24.90 2001 Bird defs.2 more 300Rls (2v): Hawfinch & Red-headed Bunting, SG3044-5, 1.75 2001 Birds (2v) large size both 350Rls; Bohemian Waxwing, Chaffinch, SG3047-8 1.90 2002 B.(4v): Hoopoe, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Squacco Heron, Blue Tit, SG3072-5 5.95 2007 Prisoners of War (4v shtlt; MS3227 flight of Swans, (+ prisoners), 1.75 2009 Nurses Day (1v): dove (+ hand holding apple), SG3268, 1.30 2009 White-tail Eagle/Osprey(2v): joint issue Portugal, SG3271-2, 2.70 2009 Zapata Rail (1v): joint issue with Cuba, SG3273 1.50 2010 Pied Wagtail (1v): Motacilla alba, Book Week, SG3303, 1.25 2011 32nd Anniv. Revolution (4v): Goldfinches, SG3308-11 2.95 2011 Green Pheasant MS3321 souvenir sheet 3.25 2011 W.W.F. Owls (4v):N.Long-ear,Spotd Owlet,Pallid Scops,Brown Fish,SG3333-6, 1.95 2011 W.W.F.Native Owls (4v shtlt)MS3337:as above, Spotted Owlet, N.Long-eared, 1.80 2011 W.W.F.Native Owls (4v): SG3333-6 on illustrated First Day Cover 9.90 2012 Holy Month of Ramadan (1v): bird & design, SG3348, 1.50 2012 Non-aligned Movement (1v) stylized dove, SG3349, 1.80 Iraq Iraq* Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq* Iraq* Iraq* 2007 Birds (3v+SS): Pintail Sandgrouse, Bluecheek Bee Eater, Greylag Goose, Mallard, SG2233-5 + MS2236, 4.95 2009 Environment (1 value): geese, (+ water tower, crayfish, SG2256, 2.90 2009 Marshes 10,000D value (1v): Eurasian Wigeon – anas penelope, SG2257, 19.50 2010 Biodiversity (4v): Great White Egret, (+ Ladybird, Deer), SG3212-5, 6.50 2010 Biodiversity MS3216:Gadwall,Mallards,N.Pintail,Pochard & Heron souv.sheet 3.50 2011 Birds (3v): new identification as Clamorous Reed Warblers, 4.50 2012 Falcons (4v+SS): Lanner, Peregrine, Gyr, Saker Falcons, 6.95 2015 Birds(5v+SS): Eurasian Tree Sparrow,Robin,Bee-Eater,Goldfinch,Kingfisher 19.75 Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland 1997 1999 1999 1999 2001 2002 2002 Birds - Robins booklet pane (3 X Robin + 4p artefact) SG748bb, Definitive with phosphor bands 45p value Song Thrush (1v) SG1057ap Phosphor defins (2v): Robin, Blackbird, SG1038p, SG1053p, EUROPA (1v: Whooper Swan value only, SG1228, B.(nvi)(4v): Robin, Song Thrush, Goldcrest, Blackbird, SG1453-6, Defs.(3v): €0.60 Jay, €0.55 Oystercatcher, €0.47 Kestrel, SG1477-82, Defs.(2v): €0.75 Ringed Plover, €0.95 Sparrow-hawk, SG1482a/b 30 2.85 0.90 1.07 0.90 2.90 4.20 3.50 Ireland* Ireland* Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Isle Isle Isle Isle of of of of 2003 2004 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Man Man Man Man Defs. (2v): (€0.07) Stonechat, (€0.48) Peregrine Falcon, SG1470a/77a 0.95 Defs. (2v): €0.60 Atlantic Puffin, €0.65 Song Thrush, SG1482a/b, 1.95 Small ex-bklt (2v): €0.36 Wren + €0.41 Chaffinch only, SG1488 + SG1490, 3.50 Small ex-bklt comp(4v)€0.10 K'fisher,Chaffinch,Wren,Blackbird,SG1487-90, 9.50 Defs.(2v): self-adhesive €0.38 Goldcrest, €0.38 Blackbird, SG1491-2 1.05 self-adh.(€) bklt(4v): Robin, Goldcrest, Thrush, Chaffinch, SG1493-5+97, 2.60 Defs.(2v):self-ad coil €0.41 Goldcrest,€0.41 Chaff,(SNP printer)SG1498-9, 1.20 Puffin self-adhesive booklet stamp (€0.50 value), SG1496 0.75 Puffin €0.50 value (SG1496 X 10) complete booklet 7.50 Defs. (2v X €0.48): Falcon, Wagtail, from bklt SG1477d/e or 1477a/b? 3.25 self-adhesives (N values) Pied Wagtail & Peregrine Falcon, SG1495b/c 2.60 Defs. (2v X €0.48): Falcon, Wagtail, SNP self-adhesive coils, p.11.2 1.69 Defs. (2v): €0.48 Falcon & €0.04 Corncrake small size, SG1486a, 1490a 1.70 B. self-adhesives (2v): 60ct Atlantic Puffin,65ct Song Thrush, SG1497b/c 2.75 Song Thrush booklet €0.65 (SG1497c above X 10) self-adhesives 10.50 Ducks MS1648 (4v shtlt): Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Garganey,Red-br.Merganser, 5.50 New Year Lovebirds (1v); SG1714, 1.25 New Year (3v shtlt) MS1715: Rooster, Lovebirds, Owl, 2.75 New Year 10v booklet 4 designs Owl/Stork X 2, Rooster/ Lovebirds X 3, 6.95 Birds of Prey (4v):Merlin,Buzzard,Peregrine Falcon,Golden Eagle,SG2015-8 5.25 Birds of Prey (4v shtlt)MS2019: designs as above + border birds, 5.30 Definitives Fauna (4v): Golden Eagle (Green Tiger Beetle,Blenny)SG2026-9 4.50 Robin (1 value): self-adhesive from €13.65 booklet SG2032 or 2044, 1.25 Definitives Fauna(4v): Goldfinch,(+ spider Green Huntsman,deer,SG2077-80 4.60 EUROPA - Visit Ireland(2v):both stamps have small Herring Gulls SG2117-8 2.50 Definitives Fauna(4v): Kestrel,(+ Raft Spider, newt, hare, SG2136-9 4.40 Myths & Legends (4v): Whooper Swans, (+ dog, fish, SG2140-3, 4.75 Definitives Fauna (3v): Golden Eagle, Goldfinch (+ Red Deer), SG2155-7, 3.75 Fauna (4v): Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Kittiwake, Fox, Toad, SG2176-9, 4.95 Christmas (2v): Robin (+ Holly), SG2198-9, 3.30 Coils (2v): Kittiwake & Green Crab, SG2222-3, 2.50 Fauna (4v): Mute Swan, (+ Scallop, Violet Snail, Bask Shark, SG2229-32, 4.97 Fauna (4v): Wren, Otter, Badger, Viperous Lizard, SG2233-6, 4.93 1989 1991 1997 2006 W.W.F. (4v): Puffins, Black Cormorant, Kittiwake, Photography SG464-8 (5v; contains one value - Herring Gulls SG468 Mallard & Little Grebe (Dabchick) (2v): SG732-3, B.(10v): Manx Shearwater, Puffin, Per.Falcon, Chough, Whinchat, Grey Wagtail, Hen Harrier, Wren, Guillemot, Goldcrest, SG1284-93 Isle of Man 2006 BELGICA(10v shtlt)MS1331:above designs Manx Shearwater,Per.Falcon, Isle of Man* 2008 Curlew (1v):Numenius arquata (only bird from Curraugh fauna)SG1455 Isle of Man* 2009 Barn Owl (1 value) from Countryfile set, SG1538, Isle of Man* 2009 Ring-necked Pheasant (1 value) from Countryfile set, SG1537, Isle of Man 2010 Raven - on an Isle of Man 1709 Coin (1v): SG1603, Isle of Man 2011 Winter B.(6v): Robin,Redwing,Tit,Goldfinch,Siskin, Waxwing, SG1698-03 Isle of Man 2011 Winter Bird (1v): Siskin SG1701a, (perf variety p.12.5 X 13) Isle of Man 2011 Winter Birds (2v): Robin, Redwing self-adhesives SG1704-5, Isle of Man 2013 Raven & Peregrine Falcon (1 value): SG1817, Isle of Man 2013 Manx Shearwaters (1v) 1973 Stamp on stamp newspaper headlines, SG1847, Isle of Man 2013 A Journey Through Africa (4v shtlt) MS1858: Egrets + Rhino, (+ mmls Isle of Man 2013 European Robin (1 value): Christmas £1.08 value, SG1862, 3.25 2.90 2.25 5.50 5.45 0.95 1.95 1.20 0.95 8.95 1.70 1.50 1.75 1.70 5.75 2.25 Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel 2002 2005 2007 2007 2007 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 Israel 2012 Birds of Israel prestige booklet (6 values in 6 panes; 3Xeach in a pane): Black Stork,Eagle,Common Crane,Eur.Goldfinch,Graceful Prinia,Hoopoe, 19.50 2012 Birds (2v): Bohemian Waxwing, Pigeon, SG2146-7, 2.35 2012 Wildlife Hospital (3v): one Imperial Eagle,(+tortoise,Gazelle,SG2188-90, 3.75 2012 Animal Hosp. (6v shtlt): 2 x the one Imperial Eagle (+ 2 x tortoise/gaz, 7.45 2013 Vultures (3v): Bearded, Lappet-faced, Egyptian, SG2206, 2008-9, 3.90 Israel Israel Israel Israel B.(3v): Black Stork, Golden Eagle, Common Crane, SG1618-20, 3.50 Bible An. (4v shtlt) MS1729: Ostrich, Spur-winged Plover, (+ Bear, Wolf) 3.35 Hula Nature Reserve (3v):Cranes,Gt.White Pelicans, Marbled Teal,SG1859-61 2.75 Hula Nature Reserve (6v self-adhesives): as above (SG1862-4 x 2) 4.60 Noah’s Ark (6v shtlt)MS1865: Indian Peafowl, Ostrich, Lions, 4.95 Birds of Prey (2v): Vulture, etc. 1.55 Birds of Prey (1v): Lesser Kestrel 0.77 Birds (1v): Bonnelli’s or Short-toed Eagle, 1.05 Israeli Birds(3v):Eur.Goldfinch,Graceful Prinia,Eurasian Hoopoe,SG1981-3 3.25 Israeli Birds in Flight(1v): 0.95 Common Tern (1v): 0.98 Common Kingfisher (1v): 0.97 31 Italy* Italy* Italy* Italy* Italy 2001 2010 2011 2011 2013 B.(2v): White Stork, Fish Eagle, Cinereous Vulture, SG2667-8 2.20 Tourism (1v): bird on ledge probably pigeon (?) 1.65 Emilio Salgari 1862-1911 (1v): + European Herring Gull, SG3332, 1.75 EUROPA Forests (2v): Hummingbird, Fungi, trees, Squirrel, SG3334-5, 3.30 Birds of the Alps (5v strip): Boreal Owl, Rock Ptarmigan, Bearded Vulture Grey-headed Woodpecker, Western Capercaillie 7.95 Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Coast Coast Coast Coast Coast 2005 2014 2014 2014 2014 Flora/Fauna (4v): Pels Fish & Shorteared Owls, (+ fungi & moth), Bee-Eaters (4v shtlt): White- & Red-throated, Rosy, Green Bee-Eaters SS: Blue-headed Bee-Eater souvenir sheet Cuckoos (4v shtlt): Levaillant’s, Klaas’s, Gt.Spotted Cuckoos SS: African Emerald souvenir sheet Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Coast Coast Coast Coast Coast Coast 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Raptors (4v shtlt): Af.Harrier Hawk, Booted, Af.Fish E., 6.50 Raptors SS: Black-shouldered Kite souvenir sheet 8.60 End.Species Buffalo (4v shtlt):one has Red-billed Oxpecker on a buffalo 6.40 End. Species (4v shtlt): one is a White-backed Vulture 6.45 Wood Hoopoes(4v shtlt):Forest & Black Scimitarbills, Green Wood Hoopoes 6.50 Wood Hoopoe SS: White-headed Wood Hoopoe souvenir sheet 8.60 Jamaica Jamaica 2006 W.W.F. Black-billed Parrot (4v) SG1121-4, 2006 W.W.F. Black-billed Amazon (16v shtlt 4 sets of the above): Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan* Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan 1981 1992 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 3.25 6.50 8.60 6.50 8.60 1.50 6.00 Japanese crested Ibis (1v): SG1634, 1.40 Cattle Egret & Common Kingfisher (2v) SG2241-2, 2.30 Birds (6v): Golden Pheasant, Mandarin, Parrot, Oriole, SG2547-52, 6.95 Enthronement (2v: one is a Phoenix), SG2670-1, 2.30 Enthronement (2v sheetlet: designs as above + border 2.75 (Okayama) Kohrahuen Gardens (4v): Cranes on two values, Scott#Z390-3 4.40 (Okayama) Kohrahuen Gardens (4v shtlt): Cranes on two values Scott#Z393b 4.50 (Digemo) UNESCO (1v): flower & doves, Scott #2774 1.20 Eagle (1 value) 1.15 Year of the Rooster (1v) 1.30 Shizuoka Prefecture Cherry Blossom (2v; one is a Japanese White-eye 1.40 Fl.(6v shtlt; as above 2 birds – Moorhen & Heron,(rest flowers),SG3463-8 5.50 Stamp Week(6v)Tree Sparrow,Bullfinch,Great/Varied Tit,Redstart,SG3556-61, 4.70 Okayama Wildfowl (5v): Green Pheasant, Diver, Duck, Swan, Crane, SG25-9, 3.90 Okayama Wildfowl (5v): this above set was used in 5 Prefectures Hiroshima, Shimane, Tottori, Yamaguchi, their stamps are thus identical! Hokkaido Wildlife (5v): Red-crowned Manchurian Crane, Seal, Deer,SG75-9, 4.75 Bird defs (2v): slightly stylized Mandarin & Dove, 1.95 Philatelic Week (5v):Little Egret, Kentish Plover + ??, flowers,SG3712-6 4.87 Philatelic Week 10v shtlt; two sets above SG3712-6 – L.Egret, K.Plover, 9.75 60th Anniv. Local Government Law (5v shtlt; one Egret, SG3759-63, 7.50 Juror System - Stylised Parrots (2v): SG4048-9, 2.90 Definitive Mandarin Duck (1 value): stylised design, 1.25 Biodiversity (10v shtlt): one is a Common Kingfisher, SG4500-9, 15.95 11th Tourism Hokkaido(10v shtlt):Red-crowned Crane,Emperor Penguin,SG4596-05,15.90 Local Government Toyama (5v shtlt; one is Rock Ptarmigan, SG4688-92, 8.75 Endangered Species (5v): Saunder’s Gull, wild cat, orchid, SG4877-81 8.95 Local Government Shiga (5v shtlt; one is Little Grebes, SG4918-22(correction),8.70 Bonin Island (10v; one has Bonin White-eye, (+ shells, flora dolphins), 17.30 Harmony with Nature (5v): Golden Eagle, (+ Horseshoe Crab, Paeonie, SG5210-4 8.50 Harmony with Nature (10v shtlt; two strips of SG5210-4): Golden Eagle, etc 17.00 Local Government Oita (5v shtlt; one is Japanese White-eye, SG5313-7 7.85 Local Government Hyoga (5v shtlt): one Oriental Stork, (+ scenes), SG5358-62, 7.90 Japan 2013 Endangered Species(5v):Ryuku Robin,Shells Meretrix,Beetle,(oxalis?),SG5470-4 Japan 2013 Pet Series 1 (5v strip):one, (elephant, Killer Whales,Kangaroo, SG5597-5601 Japan 2013 Pet Series 1 (10v shtlt): two sets above, Gentoo Penguins + mammals 7.70 4.25 8.50 Japan 2014 Letter Writing (4v): Storks, etc. SG5762-5, 7.50 Japan 2014 World heritage (10v shtlt):one has a Mute Swan, (+ Mt Fuji X 9!!),SG5856-65, 13.75 Japan 2014 Endangered Species (5v):Rock Ptarmigan, (+ plant, turtle, fish, hare,) 7.80 Japan 2014 Letter Writing (10v shtlt): Japanese White-eye, Red-crowned Crane + flowers 8.90 32 Price £3.00 (free to regular customers BIRDS List Feb. 2015 ON S T A M P S PART 2 (Jersey-Z) (03.02.15) PHILATELIC SUPPLIES (M.B.O'Neill) 22 Field Lane Letchworth Garden City HERTS ENGLAND SG6 3LE (Telephone 0044-(0)-1462-684191 during normal office hours 9.15-5.45pm Mon.-Fri.) Web-site: email: Visit and “Like” us on TERMS OF BUSINESS: & Notes on these lists: (Please read before ordering). 1). All stamps are unmounted mint unless specified otherwise. An asterisk * next to the country name means that corner blocks of 4 are available at 4 X price. 2). Lists are updated about every 5 weeks to include most recent stock movements and New Issues; they are therefore reasonably accurate stockwise 100% pricewise. This reduces the need for "credit notes" and refunds. Alternatives may be listed in case some items are out of stock. However, these popular lists are still best used as soon as possible. Next listings will be printed in 2, 3, 4, 6 & 12 months time so please indicate when next we should send a list on your order form. 3). New Issues Services can be provided if you wish to keep your collection up to date on a Standing Order basis. Details & forms on request. Regret we do not run an on approval service. 4). All orders on our order forms are attended to by return of post. We will keep a photocopy it and return your annotated original. 5). Other Thematic Lists are available on request; Bflies, Mammals, WWF etc. 6). Postage is extra but we always use current G.B.commemoratives in complete sets where possible for postage. INLAND RATES: 1st Class 80p is recommended on orders under £30.00; "Insurance + Rec.Delivery" £2.50 (can be used on orders of £30-£75). Special Delivery Post £6.50 (recommended on orders over £75) OVERSEAS RATES: these rates START at ............................... EUROPE ....Airmail £2.90+; Insured £7.90+ (depends on weight & value) REST OF THE WORLD ..Airmail £3.50+ or Insured £8.50+ (depends on weight/value) 7). INSURANCES: using Special Delivery Post (£6.50) full compensation for loss or damage in transit (recommended on orders of over £75): "Insurance + Recorded Delivery Post" (£2.50) our insurance now covers up to £75.00 worth of goods. 1st Class Post is recommended on orders under £30.00. Overseas Insured now covers up to £500.00 of goods. 8). PAYMENT: this can be by £ Sterling cheque or postal order, to M.B.O'Neill. Cash (bank notes) Pounds Sterling, Euros(€) or U.S.$. All Debit Cards are now accepted: Delta, Switch, Connect, (add Start date/issue No.) Or the following credit cards: (please add card EXPIRY DATE & 3 digit security code), VISA Barclaycard, ACCESS, Mastercard, EUROCARD, or Diners Club (include Expiry Date and CVC number; with Diners Club please add the Start Date). PAYPAL PAYMENT: simply send them your details using our email address above. Minimum orders £15.00 should be accompanied EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 please. Thank you. Orders under this amount by the £2.00 subscription & handling charge. Sterling = US$1.50(for US$ cash only, or credit card) Sterling = €1.25 (Euros, only cash, or credit cards) 9) Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Reference numbers are used to aid identification, S.G.No's.). A large number of additional numbers are added each month. Our prices are also in Sterling, (£). Scott catalogue numbers are used for those countries where Gibbons is behind in listings. 10). Overseas customers (outside the E.C.) may deduct 17% for U.K. V.A.T. (÷ by 1.20) 11). All list prices are in Pounds Sterling (£) – you may convert at the above rates. 33 Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey 1995 Greetings (9v):one Parrot, one stylised Dove, Chick,(+ pig,) SG684-92, 3.95 1997 Defs.(32v): Red-breasted Merganser, Dunlin, Redshank, Shag, Godwit, Curlew, Sanderling,Sandwich,Turnstone, Avocet, Razorbill, Grey Heron, Gannet,Rock Pippit, Grey Ringed/Golden Plovers, Cormorant, SG774-805, was £21.45 19.90 1997 Defins.(32v in four sheetlets MS806; designs as above, was £22.50 20.50 2001 Nature - River Kingfisher souvenir sheet: MS997 3.75 2001 Birds of Prey M1005: Barn Owls souvenir sheet 3.25 2003 Off-shore Islands (5v; five value strip one has Herring Gull, SG1107-11, 2.70 Jersey Jersey Jersey* Jersey 2003 2004 2004 2008 Jersey Jersey Jersey 2009 Birds (6v): Robin, Black-cap, Mistle & Song Thrush,Dunnock,Wren,SG1450-5 6.90 2010 Birds (6v): Jay, Gt.Spotted Woodpecker,Chiffchaff,Tree-Creeper,SG1495-00 6.85 2010 B(6v shtlt)MS1501: Jay,Gt.Spotted Woodpecker, etc designs as above, 6.90 Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey 2011 2011 2011 2011 Jersey Jersey Jersey Jordan Jordan* Jordan Jordan Island Canaries & Budgerigar (1v): SG1114, 0.90 Ducks/Swans (6v):Eurasian Teal, Mute/Black Swans,Pochard,Wigeon,SG1136-41 5.30 Dartford Warbler value from WWF issue (1 value) SG1161 1.50 Migratory(6v shtlt)MS1406:N.Wheatear,Whinchat,Pied Flycatcher,Ouzel, 6.70 B.(6v): S.Flycatcher,Cuckoo,Whitethroat,B.Swallow,Linnet,Swift,SG1584-9 B. (6v shtlt)MS1590: Spotted Flycatcher etc designs as above + border, Birds V (3v shtlt)MS1591: Whitethroat, Linnet and Swift values only, 75th Anniv.Conservation(6v): Hen Harrier, Puffin, Dartford Warbler, (+ Swallowtail butterfly, etc.), SG1599-04, 2012 B. (6v): Stonechat,Lesser Spotted Woodpecker,Bunting,Bullfinch,SG1681-6 2012 B. (6v shtlt)MS1687:as above, Yellowhammer,Serin,Stonechat,Cirl Bunting, 2012 B. (3v shtlt)MS1688: Cirl Bunting, Bullfinch, Serin, 7.10 7.15 4.40 7.05 7.35 7.40 4.20 2000 Dove (1v): only value from Bird/Animals/Flora booklet SG1982, 2.50 2009 B.opts(3v)White-tail Wheatear,Masked Shrike,Palestine Sunbird,SG2309-11, 17.50 2009 B.(8v+SS): Sinai Rosefinch, Falcon, Francolin, Common Kingfisher, Palestine Sunbird,Mallard,Cream color Courser,Hoopoe,Bee-Eater,SG2219-26+MS2227, 12.95 2013 Birds (8v): Grey Crowned-Crane, Gt.White Pelican, Mallard, Black Cap, BeeEater,Collared Flycatcher,Long-legged Buzzard,Glossy Ibis,new lower price 13.95 Kazakhstan 1998 Kazakhstan 2002 Kazakhstan 2004 Kazakhstan 2010 Kazakhstan 2010 Kazakhstan 2011 B.(3v): Great White Crane, Black Stork, "Rosy" Flamingo, SG221-3 Birds (2v): Demoiselle crane, Gt.Black-headed Gull, SG375-6 Fauna (3v shtlt) MS459: Cinereous Vulture (+ capra sibirica, gazelle), EUROPA (1v): children’s books, Owl, Fox, cat, SG628, Ecology Caspian (2v):joint issue Azer Gt.Flamingo/Squacco Heron,SG643-4, EUROPA Forest (1v): Magpie – Pica pica, SG655, 2.50 0.95 3.90 4.75 6.95 5.95 Please note the item below is available at £52.50 from another larger UK based dealer!! Same sheet – but 250% higher! Kazakhstan 2011 Urban Birds (8v) MS679: Blackbird, Common Mynah, Great Tit, Common Raven, Magpies, Hooded Crow, Sparrow, Rock Dove 22.95 Kazakhstan 2013 Birds of the Steppe (6v) MS747: Black Lark, Sociable Lapwing, Curlew, White-head Duck, Tawny (Steppe) Eagle, Little Bustard, 9.95 Kazakhstan 2013 Ustyurt Game Reserve (3v shtlt)MS748:Short-toed Eagle,(+ Cricket,Cheetah, 4.90 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya 1988 1995 1999 2013 Ostrich & Emu (1 value): SG460, 1.50 F.A.O. (5v): various Poultry (+ Maize,Pineapple,Mangoes,cattle,)SG656-60, 3.90 Definitive 50ct coil stamp - Superb Starling (1 value) 0.40 China-Kenya Cooperation (2v): one has Cranes, SG1037-8 on reorder £2.90) Kiribati Kiribati Kiribati Kiribati Kiribati 1997 1990 2004 2005 2011 “Asia 97” overprint on (4v): Micronesian Pigeon, Rock Dove, SG548-51, 2.85 London Stamp World (4v): SG322-5, one is Pomarine Skua, Cat.£8.75 5.95 B.(5v shtlt) MS703: Bristle-thighed Curlews, 4.25 Birdlife(5v shtlt)MS741b:White-tail Tropicbird,Gt.Frigatebrd,Blck Noddy 11.50 100 Years Stamps (7v): Gull, Godwit, Teal, Tern, (+ 3 fish,) SG873-9, 18.50 N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea 1993 1995 1995 1999 1999 2000 2001 2001 Polska 93 Stamp Exhibition (3v sheetlet): one has 2 birds; + vegetables "White Animals" (2v): Eurasian Tree Sparrow & seaslug, SG3514-5, "White Animals" (6v shtlt): Eurasian Tree Sparrow (3 x SG3514-5), New Year Fauna (12v 2 shtlts; Cockerel, Pig, Dog, Monkey, Horse Darwin (5v shtlt) MSN3886; Larus sp. - ? gulls, (+ Bat, Dolphin, man, Mandarin Ducks booklet (7v sheetlet) Red-crowned Cranes (1 value): SGN4125 Fauna (4v: two birds, Black Stork & Cinerous Vulture,(+ mmls) SGN4165-8 N.Korea N.Korea 2004 W.W.F. Swan Goose (4v): Anser cygnoides, SGN4450-3, 4.25 2004 W.W.F. Swan Goose (16v in 4 sheetlets): Anser cygnoides, (4 x SGN4450-3) 17.00 34 3.95 2.50 7.50 1.90 5.25 4.50 0.50 2.75 N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea 2006 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 Owls (4v): Snowy, Ural, Tawny, Barn Owls, SGN4626-9, 4.30 Owls (8 sets above = 32v in 4 shtlts): Snowy, Ural, Tawny, Barn Owls, 32.50 Owls (4v sheetlet): Snowy, Ural, Tawny, Barn Owls, designs as above, 4.40 Avian Flu (1v): farmyard goose, hen, + flying swans, SG4677, 2.20 Parrots (4v): Yellow-collared Lovebird, Budgerigar, etc SGN4730-3, 6.75 Parrots (16v): four sets of the above (4 x SGN4730-3), 27.00 Parrots (24v): four sheetlets of 6 = 6 x SGN4730-3), 39.90 W.W.F. Black-faced Spoonbills (booklet = 4v sheetlet) SG4881b-e, 8.25 Antwerpia (3v+3 labels):E.Sib.Gull,Snipe,Crake,Marbled Murrelet,SG4919-21 4.30 Birthday Ceramics (4v): Gt.Egret,Bald Eagle,(+ Tiger, tortoise),SG4922-5, 4.50 Film Characters (4v shtlt) MS4951: stylized Cockerel 3.90 Paintings (4v): Hawks & Wild Geese, (+ Medicinal Herbs), SG4968-71 6.50 Birds (4v+2 labels): Spectacled Owl,Mute Swan,B.Paradise,Pigeon,SG5004-7 5.25 Birds (8v+4 labels): (2 x SG5004-7: Owl, Pigeon, Swan, B. of Paradise), 10.50 Birds (4v booklet) designs as above – Owl, Bird of Paradise, Swan 7.25 Fruit & small bird (1v): House Sparrow + apples, 1.40 Birds (3v): Brambling, Chestnut-flanked White-eye, Long-tailed Rosefinch, 5.70 Birds Birds (18v = 3 sheetlets of 6 as above): Brambling, 34.20 Birds booklet (3v+Hoopoe label): above designs + label, 5.90 N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea N.Korea 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Owls (4v): Northern Hawk, Western Barn, Little, Snowy 7.60 Owls(8v shtlt):above x 2 + panel of Owls, Little, W.Barn, Snowy, N.Hawk, 15.20 W.W.F. Red Crowned Crane (4v) 3.30 W.W.F. Crane (8v shtlt two sets above, different layout) 6.60 W.W.F. Red Crowned Crane (4v shtlt in booklet) 3.70 South Korea South Korea South Korea 1973 Black-billed Magpie SG1063a, 1979 Manchurian Crane (1v): SG1367 1993 Embroidery (4v; single Crane, twin Cranes, (+ tiger) SG2068-71, 0.60 0.50 2.25 South Korea 1993-2000 Complete set of 10 definitives all values SG2026-39 £12.60 (some odds OK) White Stork 20w., Little Tern 180W 210W 260W, Sky Lark, Jap White-eye, Scops Owl, Water Cock, Black-Crowned Night Heron, Curlew, Complete 12.60 South South South South South South South South South South South South South Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea* Korea* Korea* Korea 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1997 1997 1999 2005 2006 2006 2009 Bird definitives odd value (1v): White Stork 20w. SG2026, 1.45 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Scops Owl (face value 90Won) SG2031 2.50 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Little Tern (face value 180Won) SG2037, 0.50 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Sky Lark (300W)- alauda arven, SG2039, 0.85 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Little Tern (face value 210Won) SG2038b 1.80 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Japanese White-eye, Zosterops SG2030a, 0.45 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Little Tern (face 260Won) SG2038c, 2.25 Bird defin. odd value (1v): Far E.Curlew (face 170Won) SG2036c, 2.50 Mansan Port (1v): Gulls, SG2321, 0.85 Tawny Owl 50Won definitive (1 value): Strix aluco, SG2825, 0.50 Baeng.Fauna (4v; one Black-tailed Gull/Pelagic Cormorant, SG2845-8 2.25 Great Tit 90Won definitive (1 value): SG2866, 0.55 Paintings (8v): 8 birds – Duck, Heron, Eagle?, SG3051-8, 3.75 Kosovo Kosovo 2006 Fauna (5v): Mute Swan, Rock Pigeon, (+ Cow, Dog, Wolf,) SG43-7, 4.60 2006 Fauna (5v shtlt): SG43-7 as above Mute Swan, Rock Pigeon,(+ Cow,Dog,Wolf 4.70 Kosovo 2010 Birds (4v+4v shtlt): Bar, Tree & Red-rumped Swallows, Redwing, Bluethroat, SG162-5 + MS166, Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan 1992 Golden Eagle (1 value): SG2,........................... 1999 Fauna CHINA Exhibition (2v shtlt)MS180: Brown Wood Owl, (+ Panda, 2004-5 Falcons (4v): falcon looking to the left, SG309a,309b,310,320 2006 Falcons (3v): falcon looking to the right, SG310(a?), SG321, SG323, 2007 B.Prey (6v shtlt)MS375:Gyr & Per.Falcons, Black Kite, G.Eagle,N.Goshawk, 12.90 0.40 2.95 1.50 1.75 9.95 Kyrgystan 2009 W.W.F. Saker Falcons (4v): SG430-3, 3.95 Kyrgystan 2009 W.W.F. Saker Falcons (4v):block of 4 one with spelling error “KyrgystFn” 30.00 Kyrgystan 2009 W.W.F. Saker Falcon (1v): country name spelling error “KyrgystFn” (1v) 14.95 Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan 2011 2012 2013 2014 Nature Reserve (9v shtlt):Himalayan Snowcock,Hobby,Bar-head Goose,Eagle 16.90 New Year (12v shtlt): Rooster, (+ tiger, bear, monkey, pig, etc) 12.95 Currency (includes Golden Eagle?) arrival Jan.2015(?) W.W.F. Cinereous Vulture (4v) 6.90 Laos 1988 B.(6v): Stork-billed Kingfisher, Quail, Parakeet,Bulbul,Pigeons,SG1093-8, 5.40 35 Laos Laos Laos Laos Laos Laos Laos Laos* Laos Laos 1990 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1997 2000 2000 2001 B.(6v): Parson, Sky Lark, Brown Kiwi, Variable Oystercatcher, SG1206-11 Bird MS1212: Rough-necked Cormorant souvenir sheet Extinct B. (5v+SS): Hesperornis, Dinoris max., Archaeopteryx, SG1376-81, Songbird (4v): Jerdon's Starling, Mynah's, S.Grackle, SG1434-7 Fauna (5v): one bird - Grey Pelican, (+ butterfly, etc.), SG1490-4 Parrots (6v): Grey-headed, Fischer's, Nyasa & Masked Lovebirds,SG1550-5 Parrots MS1556: Black-winged Lovebirds souvenir sheet, Peacocks (4v): Green Peafowl, SG1697-1700, Peacocks MS1701: Green Peafowl souvenir sheet B.(4v shtlt) MS1760: Cattle, Intermediate Egrets, Grey Heron + border, Latvia Latvia* Latvia Latvia Latvia 1997 2003 2003 2009 2009 Birds(3v): Eur.Nightjar, Greater.Spotted Eagle, Aquatic Warbler, SG463-5, 3.20 White Wagtail – Motacilla alba (1v): SG604, 1.10 White Wagtail (10v sheetlet above stamp SG604 X 10) 11.00 Polar Year (2v shtlt)MS747: Penguin & Polar Bear, 3.30 Herring Gull around Liepajas Baka Lighthouse (1v): SG762, 2.35 Latvia Latvia Latvia 2010 Coats of Arms (2v): White Stork & Common Raven, SG770-1, 2010 Birds (2v): Eurasian Eagle-Owl & European Roller, SG780-1, 2010 Christmas (2v): Eurasian Blue Tit (+ Christmas tree) SG788-9, Latvia Latvia Latvia 2011 Birds (2v): Icterine Warbler & Short-toed Snake Eagle, SG809-10, 2011 Birds CHINA Exhibition booklet (6 x Icterine Warbler SG809 x 6) SGSB38 2011 Birds HABRIA Ex booklet (6 x Short-toed Snake Eagle SG810 x 6) SGSB39 Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia* 2011 2012 2013 2014 Coat of Arms for “Smiltene” (1v): 3 small birds, SG822, Birds (2v): Barn Swallow & European Goldfinch, SG834-5, Birds (2v): Long-tailed Duck & European Bee-Eater, SG863-4, Birds (4v): Hoopoe & Jack Snipe, SG904-5, 0.60 4.25 4.40 3.95 Lesotho Lesotho 1986 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Lammergeier, SG677,680, 2, 3, Cat.£11.75 1986 Verreaux's Eagle souvenir sheet: MS685, Cat. £8.00, 4.90 3.50 Lesotho Lesotho 1998 W.W.F. Cape Vulture (4v): SG1378-81, 1998 Fauna (20v shtlt; 9 birds): Atitlan Grebe, Cabot's Tragonpan, Imperial Woodpecker, Cuban Parrot, Andean Condor, Galapagos Penguin, SG1348-67 1.90 Lesotho 3.75 2.50 6.40 4.50 5.50 5.90 5.80 2.50 2.90 3.80 0.95 3.90 2.80 3.95 7.50 11.75 11.50 Lesotho 1999 Birds (24v=6v+2X9v shtlt): Evening & Red-breasted Gosbeak, Blue Jay, Western Tanager, N.Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Hoatzin, Tufted Puffin, Reddish Egret, two different Belted Kingfishers, SG1552-75, 23.90 1999 Birds MS1576a: Great Egret & White-eye (Zos.erythropleura) 2 souv/sheets 9.30 Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho 2001 B.Prey (6v) Jackal Buzzard, Bearded Vulture, Bateleur, Goshawk, SG1862-7reord 2001 Fauna (16v;3 birds): Grass Owl, Yellow-billed Kite, Kestrel, SG1868-83, 19.50 2001 Afr.Fauna 2nd MS1884a: Black-shouldered Kite souvenir sheet 5.30 Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho 2004 2004 2007 2007 Liberia Liberia Liberia 1996 B.SS: Pintail Duck souvenir sheet - Scott#1215, 3.50 1998 Noah's Ark SS: Black-legged Kittiwake Gull souvenir sheet Scott#1320, 3.10 1998 RAF 2SS: Saker Falcon (& a/c Bristol F2B) 2 souvenir sheets,Scott#1375-6, 7.50 Liberia 1999 B.Prey(16v=4v+2x6v shtlt):Osprey,Bald Eagle Kestrel,Golden Eagle,Br.Falcon, Swallow-tail Kite, Barn/Snowy/Eurasian Eagle/Bay Owls, Scott#1398-1403, 28.90 1999 Birds Prey 2SS: Harrier & Peregrine Falcon souvenir sheets Scott#1404-5, 9.90 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia W.W.F. Southern Bald Ibis (4v strip): SG1934-7, 4.50 W.W.F. Southern Bald Ibis MS1938: 3 rd Ibis flying in reverse direction! 9.00 Birds (8v=4v+4v shtlt)Crest Caracara,Stork,Jabiru,Limpkin,Heron,SG2021-8,reord Birds MS2029a/b: Monk Parakeet and Western Reef Heron 2 souvenir sheets, 6.60 1999 Seabirds(26v=8v+2x9v shtlt):Pelican,Her.Gull,Oystercatcher,Falcon,Kittiwake, Common Tern, Great,Crested & Red-faced Cormorants, Puffin Scott#1456-65 24.50 1999 Seabirds (3SS): Arctic Loon, California Gull & Atlantic Puffin 3 souvenir sheets - Scott#1466-8 9.90 1999 Birds (3SS):Trogan Birds - Navina Trogon+border - Diard's, + Emperor Penguin, Common Eider + King/Steller's/Spectacled Eiders,3 souven/sheets 1999 Xmas Fauna (6v: one bird, Shrew, Chipmunk, Chameleon, 1999 Xmas Fauna SS: Finch souvenir sheet, 2000 Trop.B.(10v=6v shtlt+4v): Scarlet Macaw, Emperor Bird of Paradise, 2000 Tropical Birds SS: male/female Frigatebird souvenir sheet 2000 B.World (14v=8v shtlt+6v): Red-billed Quellia, Spotted Flycatcher, 36 13.50 4.50 3.20 7.75 3.75 10.45 Liberia Liberia 2000 Birds of the World SS: Greater Flamingo souvenir sheet, 2000 Fauna (9v shtlt): one bird - a Parrot, (+ frog, encyclia, mammals), 3.45 5.30 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2001 2001 2001 2001 Polar Animals SS: Emperor Penguin souvenir sheet, Trop.B.(6v shtlt): Andean C. of Rock, G.Conure, Opal R.Tanager, Tropical Birds SS: Brown-throated Conure Toucan souvenir sheet Wind Willows(3rd SS):"Hedge Sparrow" = Dunnock souvenir sheet 3.75 4.95 3.80 3.80 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 B.(10v=4v+6v shtlt): Mag.Frigate, Osprey, Roseate Tern 7.50 B. 1st SS: Night Hawk souvenir sheet, 3.50 B. 2nd SS: Noddy souvenir sheet, 3.45 B.(12v=6v+6v shtlt): Barn Owl,Woodpecker,Weavers,Starling,Augur Buzzard, 9.50 B. 1st SS: Shoebill – Patulea alba souvenir sheet, 3.80 B. 2nd SS: African Paradise Monarch souvenir sheet, 3.85 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2003 2003 2003 2003 B.(6v shtlt): Grey-headed Kingfisher, Fish-Eagle, African Jacana B.(1st SS): Saddle-billed Stork souvenir sheet, B.(6v shtlt): Pearl-spotted Owl, Red Bishop, Mousebird B.(2nd SS): Malachite Sunbird souvenir sheet, 5.65 3.85 5.70 3.90 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2003 2003 2003 2003 B.(6v shtlt): Crowned Crane, Masked Lovebird, Ruff, Carmine Bee-Eater, B.(3rd SS): Paradise Flycatcher souvenir sheet, B.(6v shtlt): Gt.Crested Tern & Honey Guide, Af.Grey Parrot, Barbet, B.(4th SS): Secretary Bird souvenir sheet, 5.90 3.75 5.80 3.80 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2004 2004 2003 2003 B.(6v shtlt): Regal & Variable Sunbirds, Tawny Eagle, Ostrich, Hornbill 5.95 B.(5th SS): Goliath Heron souvenir sheet, 3.95 Afr.Wonderland (6v shtlt; Double-collared Sunbird, Grey P., Turaco, Crane 6.50 Af.Wonderland 3rd SS: Bald Eagle souvenir sheet 3.85 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2007 B.(12v=4v+2x4v shtlts): Sparrow & Parasitic Weavers, Black Wing Oriole, Af. Jacana, Malachite Sunbird, L.Honeyguide, Pin-tailed Whydah, Guineafowl Red-billed Francolin, Roller, Oriole, Black-crowned Tchagra, 14.40 2007 Birds (SS): Ostrich souvenir sheet 2.95 2007 Birds (SS): Kori Bustard souvenir sheet 2.90 2007 Birds (SS): Great White Pelican souvenir sheet, 3.10 Liberia Liberia Liberia 2010 B.(4v shtlt)Orange-cheeked/Zebra Waxbills Red-face Cisticola,Af.Firefinch 7.40 2010 Birds SS: Guinea Turaco souvenir sheet 4.20 2010 Birds SS: Lavender Waxbill souvenir sheet 4.25 Liberia 2012 New Year (2v): Cockerel & monkeys, oriental paintings Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia 2013 2013 2013 2013 Libya Libya Libya 1997 Mammals (4v): African Wild Cats one has an unidentified bird, SG2654-7, 3.75 1997 Wild Cats (8v in sheetlet of 2 sets of SG2654-7), incl.two copies above 7.50 1998 Disabilities & Scouts (16v shtlt): has one small bird (& bfly) SG2808-23 9.95 Liechtenstein* Liechtenstein* 1.50 B.I (4v shtlt):Gt.Egret, Red & Green Macaw, Roseate Spoonbill, Mute Swan, 8.45 Birds I SS: Blue Peafowl souvenir sheet 7.20 B.II(4v shtlt):Barnacle Goose,Long bill Curlew,B.Pelican,Griffon Vulture 8.40 Birds II SS: Crowned Crane souvenir sheet 7.25 2003 White Stork (1 value) SG1311, 2009 Tapestries (3v): birds, (+ insects & flowers), SG1523-5, 2.50 9.50 Lithuania 1991 Lithuania* 2004 Lithuania* 2004 Lithuania 2004 Lithuania* 2005 Lithuania* 2010 Lithuania 2011 Lithuania* 2011 Lithuania 2011 B. (2v): Common Crane & Black Stork, SG498-9, .............. 2.25 Zoo (2v): Golden Eagle & Iguana, SG839-40 1.20 Owls (2v): Short-eared & Northern Eagle Owl, SG843-4 2.25 Christmas (2v; one is Bullfinch, other a tree in winter, SG847-8, 1.50 Fauna (2v; one Black-throated Diver(Arctic Loon – Gavia arctica),SG866-7, 1.20 Fauna (2v): Stock Pigeon, Lesser Emperor Dragonfly, SG1010-1, 2.10 Zoo (4v shtlt)MS1031: Pelicans (Cichiasoma ocofasciatum) + Giraffe,Bear, 9.50 White-tailed Sea Eagle (1v): SG1046, 1.50 White-tailed Sea Eagle (10v shtlt): (5 x tete-beche pairs of SG1046), 15.00 Lithuania* 2012 Lithuania 2013 Lithuania 2013 Lithuania 2013 Lithuania 2013 Lithuania 2014 Banknotes (1v); two birds – Northern Lapwing and Mistlethrush, SG1076, 1.95 Zuvitas Biosphere Reserve (3v shtlt)MS1083: Bearded Reedling, (+ orchid,) 7.95 National Bird (1v): White Stork, SG1089, 5.75 National Bird (2v shtlt): two copies of White Stork above (2 x SG1089), 11.50 Birds (2v): Tawny Pipit & Aquatic Warbler, SG1105-6, 4.30 Birds (2v): Red Book Owls (2v): Barn & Eurasian Pygmy Owls, SG1120-1, 3.90 37 Luxembourg*2008 Little Owl (1v): (100th Anniv. People’s Education), SG1819, Macao Macao 1.20 2011 W.W.F.(4v)Chinese Blulbul,L.Heron,Common Crow Pheasant,Spot Dove,SG1814-7 2.90 2011 W.W.F.(4v shtlt)MS1819: designs as above, Spotted Dove, Little Heron etc 2.95 Macedonia 2001 W.W.F. Imperial Eagles (4v): SG319-22, Macedonia 2004 Ecopark (1v): Lammergeier & Pelican, SG457, 2.75 1.50 Macedonia 2004 B.(4v): Rock Thrush, Boh. Waxwing, Woodchat Shrike, N.Bullfinch, SG465-8 5.50 Macedonia 2004 Birds MS469 Wallcreeper souvenir sheet 2.50 Macedonia* 2010 Red & Green Macaw & Budgerigar (2v): SG684-5, 3.50 Madeira Madeira Madeira 2002 W.W.F. Birds (4v): Turtle Doves, SG349-52, 2004 Fauna (3v): White-faced Storm Petrel, small seabirds, beetle, SG357-9, 2004 Fauna (3v shtlt) MS360: White-faced Storm Petrel, small seabirds, 1.60 2.30 2.40 Madeira Madeira 2005 Tourism (6v): one bird – Chaffinch, SG363-8 5.80 2007 Sea Fauna (4v): Cory’s Shearwater, Loggerhead, Scabbardfish,Seal,SG384-7, 3.95 Madeira Madeira 2011 EUROPA Forests (1v): European Robin, 2011 EUROPA Forests (2v shtlt): Trocaz Pigeon, European Robin 1.65 3.25 Malagasy(Madag.)1998 B.(12v shtlt): Madag.Blue Pigeon, Roller, Drongo, Scott#1397 Malagasy(Madagascar)1998 Birds SS: Barn Owl souvenir sheet Scott#1398, Malagasy(Madagascar)1998 Birds SS: Goliath Heron souvenir sheet Scott#1399, Malagasy(Madagascar)1998 Birds SS Marsh Harrier Hawk souvenir sheet Scott#1400, Malagasy(Madagascar)1998 Birds SS: Parrots souvenir sheet Scott#1401, 3.50 2.55 1.60 2.65 2.50 Madagascar(Malagasy) 2001 Macaws (6v shtlt):Military, Chestnut-fronted, Scarlet Hyacinth, Blue & Yellow Macaws, Meyer's Parrot, Scott#1558 5.75 Malawi 2003 Birds MS1022a: Grey Heron souvenir sheet 3.30 Malawi Malawi 2009 W.W.F. Lilian’s Lovebirds (4v): four different, SG1041-4, 2009 W.W.F. Lilian’s Lovebirds (8v shtlt)MS1045: two sets of the above, 4.90 9.80 Malaysia Malaysia 1990 Argus Pheasant & map (2v): SG431-2, 1996 Eagles (4v): Brahmian Kite, Crested Hawk, Crested Serpent, SG603-6 1.75 2.50 Malaysia Malaysia 1997 Prot.Fauna (5v shtlt MS672;one bird - Crested Wood Partridge, 1999 Millennium (10v; one bird - Great Indian Hornbill, (+ fish), SG829-38, 1.80 1.75 Malaysia Malaysia 2000 Pheasants (4v): Crestless Fireback, Rothschild's Peacock, Great Argus P., 2.90 2000 Pheasants (20v Special sheetlet;twenty copies of 30s value + Argus panel 3.25 Malaysia 2001 Bantams - gallus gallus (3v): three different, SG1027-9 0.90 Malaysia* 2009 B.(3v):Myophonus robinsoni,Polyplectron malacense,Mycteria cin,SG1542-4, 1.70 Malaysia 2009 Heritage buildings(4v):one has a Scarlet Minervet,(+ Tarsier),SG1561-4 1.60 Malaysia 2009 Birds CHINA Exhibition MS: optd on Plain-pouched Hornbill souvenir sheet 6.70 Malaysia Malaysia 2011 Joint issue Indonesia (8v: Red & Green Junglefowl, SG1814-21, 2011 Visual Arts (3v): stylised Cockerel, SG1822-4, 5.50 2.25 Malaysia Malaysia 2012 Antarctic Programme (3v): Emperor penguins, maps, SG1855-7, 2012 Traditional Livlihoods (4v): caged birds – Java Sparrows, SG1881-4, 1.95 3.20 Malaysia* 2012 Woodpeckers (3v): Lesser Yellow-naped, Banded, Common Flameback,SG1932-4 1.75 Malaysia 2012 Woodpeckers MS1935: White-bellied Woodpecker souvenir sheet 3.95 Malaysia Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2013 Wonders of Forests (3 diff. S/S)MS1951-3: Gould’s Frogmouth, Helmeted Hornbill, Malay Peacock Pheasant, (+ Asian Bearcat,spider,Violin Beetle 1970 1985 1985 1986 1991 United Nations F.A.O. (1v): Cockerel, SG331, Cat.£2.00, Audubon (4v): Pale-footed Shearwater, L.Grebe, Cormorant, SG1083-6 Audubon MS1087: Red-necked Phalarope souvenir sheet Audubon MS1200: N.Fulmar, White-fronted Goose 2 souvenir sheets Defins (14v)to 100Rf: Whimbrel, Grey Heron, Great Egret, Roseate Tern, Shag, Black Kite, Egyptian Vulture, Per.Falcon, Shoveler, SG1612-20b, 38 12.90 0.95 5.50 4.50 9.95 49.50 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 1997 1997 1997 1997 Maldives 1997 B.(15v): Rueppell's, Blue-headed, Sun P., Crested Caracara, Parrots, Bateleur, Gold Eagle, Buffy Fish, Spectacled Owls, SG2770-84, 1997 Birds MS2785: Secretary Bird & Bald Eagle two souvenir sheets Maldives B.(9v shtlt): Resplendent Quetzal, Puffin, Parrots, SG2635-43 9.50 B.MS2644: Ivory-billed Woodpecker souvenir sheet, on reorder £5.50) Eagles (13v): Crested Serpent, Harpy, Stellar's Sea Eagles, SG2654-66, 11.50 Bald Eagle (vertical) MS2667a/b: American Bald Eagle (horiz.) souv/sheets 7.90 15.50 9.60 Maldives 2000 B.Tropics (22v=4v+2X 6v shtlt): White-collared Kingfisher, Island Thrush, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Curlew, W.Collared Kingfisher, Stilt, Tern, Booby, Sooty/Common Terns, Red-footed Noddy, SG3279-3000, 31.70 Maldives 2002 Seabirds (32v=8v+4X6v shtlt): Lesser Noddy, Roseate & Saunders Terns, Pallid Harrier, Blue-tail Bee-eater, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Swift, Golden Oriole, Cattle Egret, Osprey, Ruddy Turnstone, SG3660-91 2002 Seabirds MS3692a-d: White Tern, Greater Flamingo, Cinnamon Bittern White-tailed Tropicbird four souvenir sheets, Maldives 29.45 15.90 Maldives Maldives Maldives 2002 Defs.Fish & Birds (14v; 3 birds, Common & Bridled Terns, Noddy,SG3815-28 7.75 2003 B. (10v=4v+6v shtlt:R.Turnstone, Hoopoe, Curlew, Black-b Plover,SG3904-8 6.50 2003 Birds MS3909: Grey Heron souvenir sheet 3.90 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Maldives Maldives 2009 B.(6v shtlt)MS4246: Whitetail Tropic,Bartail Godwit,Plover,Whimbrel,Stilt 6.40 2009 Birds MS4247: Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea souvenir sheet 3.95 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2013 2013 2013 2013 W.W.F. W.W.F. W.W.F. W.W.F. Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2013 2013 2013 2013 Ind.Ocean B.(4v shtlt):Brown Booby,Flesh-footed Shearwater, Mi#4877-80 Ind.Ocean B. SS: Common Pelican souvenir sheet Mi#4880 Waterbirds(4v shtlt):Gt.White Pelican,Pin-tailed Snipe,Br.Noddy,Shoveler Waterbird - Ruff SS: Philomachus pugnax souvenir sheet 7.85 6.45 6.25 5.50 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2013 2013 2013 2013 Birds Prey (4v shtlt): Eurasian Hobby, Common Buzzard, Short-eared Owl Birds Prey SS: Western Osprey souvenir sheet Short-eared Owls (4v shtlt): Asio flammeus, Short-eared Owl SS: Asio flammeus souvenir sheet 7.83 6.47 7.87 6.43 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives 2014 2014 2014 2014 Owls (4v shtlt): Boreal, Oriental Bay, Brown Wood & Brown Fish Owls, 7.90 Owl SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet 6.47 B.Prey (4v shtlt): Short-eared Owl, Pallid Harrier, Buzzard, Amur Falcon, 7.92 Birds of Prey SS: Lesser Kestrel souvenir sheet 6.48 Mali Mali Mali 1997 Fauna(9v shtlt: one bird Rhea, Dolphin, Tapir, Rhino, Scott#828 1997 B.(3v): Bokmarie Shrike, Blue-breasted Kingfisher ,Crom, Scott#939-41, 1997 Birds SS: Narina's Trogon souvenir sheet, Scott#943 Malta Malta* 2007 Coins of Malta 1972-2007 MS1583: coin has a Blue Rock-thrush on one side, 4.30 2010 Biodiversity (4v): European Storm Petrel (+ Wall Lizard,Orchid,SG1670-3, 7.75 Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall B.(8v=4v+4v shtlt):Kentish Plover,Booby,Swift,Yellow Wagtail,SG4083-9,94 7.75 Golden Throated Barbet MS4095a: souvenir sheet 3.60 Purple Heron MS4095b: souvenir sheet 3.65 Birds (4v shtlt): Tufted Duck, Caspian Tern, Petrel, Plover, SG4090-3, 4.95 Birds MS4095c: Osprey souvenir sheet, 3.50 Is.2003 Is.2011 Is.2011 Is.2013 White-breasted White-breasted White-breasted White-breasted Waterhen(4v strip from 4 set shtlt) 7.90 Waterhen (4v shtlt): designs as above, 8.20 Waterhen SS: Amaurornis phoenicurus souvenir sheet 6.50 Waterhen (8v shtlt; two sets) 15.80 8.50 3.95 5.95 Myths(4v);2 birds - Gt.Wandering Albatross & Frigate Bird,SG1685-8 3.25 Antarctic Treaty (9v shtlt; Emperor & King Penguins, SG2663-71, 13.50 Waterbirds (2v): Black-footed Albatross, Red-tailed Tropicbird,SG2777-8 3.20 Birds I (10v shtlt): Gt.Hornbill, Burrowing Owl, Black-bellied Bustard, Hyacinth Macaw,Bald Ibis/Eagle,Per.Falcon,Channel-bill Toucan,SG2935-44 7.60 Marshall Is.2013 Birds II (10v shtlt): Hadada & Scarlet Ibis, Fulvous Tree Duck, Baikal Teal Whooping Cranes,Humboldt’s P.,Red-breast Knob-bill/Egypt Geese,SG2976-85 7.70 39 Marshall Is.2013 Birds III (10v shtlt):Coscoroba Swan,Nene,Blue Swan,Emp. Penguin,Jabiru, Brown/Dalmatian Pelicans, Caribbean Flamingoes,Piping Plovers,SG3037-46 7.50 Marshall Is.2013 Birds IV (10v shtlt): Western Crowned Pigeon, Pink Cockatoo, Thick-billed Parrot, Eastern Blue Bird, Mindanao Eagle Owl, Amer.Kestrel, St.L.Parrot, 7.45 Mauritania 2012 Birds of Arguin Bank National Park (4v): Gt.White Pelican, W.Reef Heron, Grey Plover and Caspian Tern; this set is very elusive retailing at €50-60 and only offered on “Delcampe” website, 21.95 Mauritius* 1995 Definitive "1995" "Imprint" (1v): Greenshank, SG800B, Mauritius* 2003 W.W.F. Echo Parrots (4v): Mauritius Parakeet, SG1089-92, Mauritius* 2006 Common Mynah (1v; only bird value from Mauritius Ecology set, SG1146 Mauritius* 2007 Dodo (4v): Raphus cucullatus, SG1164-7, Mauritius 2007 Dodo MS1168: Raphus cucullatus souvenir sheet, Mauritius 2013 Flora/Fauna (3v): Mascarene Martin (Swallow),(+ Palm, Orchid), SG1260-2, 0.80 1.25 0.50 2.95 0.95 1.95 Mayotte Mayotte Mayotte* Mayotte* Mayotte* Mayotte* Mayotte* 2006 2006 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 0.97 0.93 1.20 1.45 1.47 1.50 1.55 Mayreau Mayreau 2011 Birds (8v=2 x shtlts): Festive Amazon, Crimson-breasted Finch, Swift Parrot, Painted & Crimson Bellied Parakeets, Guyana Toucanet, Scaleback Antbird 13.50 2011 Birds (2SS): Pacific Royal Flycatcher+Turquoise Honeycreeper 2 s/sheets 6.90 Mexico Mexico Mexico 1995 Definitive (Chiapas) N$1.80 value (1v): Horned Guan, SG2264, 1998 Golden Eagle (1v): SG2549, 1999 Harpy Eagle (1 value); SG2594, 10th Anniv. Philately (1v): stamp on stamp very small 2002 White-eye, White-tailed Tropicbird (1v) SG225, Red Fody – foudia madagascariensis (1 value): inscr. Cardinal, SG246, Peregrine Falcon (1v): Falco peregrinus ssp note(!), SG Madagascar (Olive) Bee-Eater (1v): Meriops apiaster Malagasy Kingfisher (1v) Paradise Flycatcher (1 value): 0.70 1.70 1.15 Mexico 2001-2 Definitives Tourism Chiapas (3v): Horned Guan, $1.50,$8.50,$10 SG2433a 3.90 The following sets are the only “Conservation” Birds stamps we have left in stock... Mexico 2002 Conservation (9v): $0.50 Gt.Flamingo, $1 Grey Hawk, $2 Collared Trogon, $4.50 Toucan, $6 Osprey, $8.50 & $12 Macaws, $11.50 Jabiru, $30 Egret, SG2710, SG2712, SG2715, SG2718, SG2721, SG2724, SG2730-1 and SG2733, Scott#2253,55,57,59,63,65,71,72 & #2274, 15.95 Mexico 2004 Conservation (5v): $1 Collared Trogon, $4.50 Grey Hawk, $6 Keel-billed Toucan & Parrots, $10 Scarlet Macaw, $30 Jabiru, Scott#2364,6,9,73,2377 12.90 Mexico 2004 Conservation (3v): perf.changes p.13.1x13.3; $2.50 Jabiru & Bluefoot Booby, $4.50 Toucan & Parrots, $10.50 White Egret & Fulvous Whistling-Duck, 3.30 Mexico 2005 Conservation (6v): $1 White Egret & Fulvous Whistling-Duck, $5 & $7 Macaws, $13 Flamingo,$13 Trogon, $14.50 Jabiru SG2711b,20b,23a,31b,c,SG2731d, 9.75 Mexico Mexico* 2009 Endangered Species (1v): California Condor, SG3123 2010 Great Blue Heron (1 value): Ardea herodias, SG3264a, Micronesia 1985 Micronesia 1988 Micronesia 2001 Micronesia 2002 Micronesia 2002 2.50 2.95 Audubon (5v):Common Noddy,Ruddy Turnstone,Grey/American Plovers,SG39-42, 4.90 B.(6v): Ponape White-eye & Starlings, Yap Monarch, Truk Monarch, SG81-6, 6.60 Jaques Cousteau MS1100a: Mew Gull souvenir sheet, 3.50 Birds/Flowers (12v=2X 6v shtlt):6 birds,L.Egret,M.Duck,Swallow,MS1186a/b 11.50 Japanese Art as above but MS1186d: Green Peafowl souvenir sheet 3.30 Micronesia 2002 Defs.(13v): Great Flame-backed Woodpecker, Crested Drongo, Green Magpie, Silver-eye, White-rumped Munia, Eclectus Parrot, Greater Frigatebird, Micronesian Pigeon, SG1205-17 49.50 Micronesia*2004 Definitives (2v): 2ct Blue-grey Gnatcatcher,10ct Clapper Rail SG1204a/6a 0.50 Micronesia 2003 Micronesia 2003 Micronesia 2004 Micronesia 2004 Micronesia 2009 B.(4v shtlt)MS1240a: Amer.Flam., Blue/Gold/Green-winged Macaws, Hornbill 5.25 B. MS1240b: Caribbean Flamingo souvenir sheet 3.75 B.(6v shtlt):Black-faced Woodswallow,Rainbow Lorikeet,Frigatebird,MS1286d 5.95 Birds MS1286h: Fiji (Golden) Whistler souvenir sheet 3.95 Birds (10v=4v+2 shtlts): Rainbow Lorikeet, Sacred K’fisher,Aust.Pelican, Beach Thick-knee,Brandt’s Cormorant,Red-footed/Brown Boobies,SG1550-5, 15.75 40 Micronesia 2011 100th Anniv. South Pole Expeditions (4v shtlt)MS1626: one Emperor Penguin 6.50 Micronesia 2013 Thai Wildlife(10v=2xShtlts)MS1750-1: 5 birds, Javan Banded Pitta, Wrinkled Hornbill,Nicobar Pigeon,Red-breasted Parakeet,Dhole,Lar Gibbon,Tapir, 12.75 Micronesia 2014 Seabirds(8v):Black Tern,Black-headed,Mew & Sabine’s Gulls,Pomarine Jaeger 4.25 Micronesia 2014 Parrots (6v shtlt): Red-cheeked Parrot, Blue-crowned Hanging-, Philippine Hanging & Blue-naped Parrots, 9.90 Micronesia 2014 Parrots SS: Red-breasted Parakeet souvenir sheet 5.75 Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova* Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova 1992 1992 1993 1996 2001 2004 2006 2007 2007 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 B.(6v): Eur.Bee Eater,G.Oriole,Green Woodpecker,Cuckoo, Hoopoe, SG19-24 3.50 Codrii Nature Reserve (1v): Wood Pigeon, SG4, 0.40 B.(7v): Barn Swallow, Eur.Bee-eater, Cuckoo, Common Roller, SG63-9, 4.25 B. MS219: Ring-necked Pheasant souvenir sheet, was £2.25 Special Offer 1.25 W.W.F. Corncrakes (4v): SG382-5, 2.90 Birds (4v shtlt) MS481: Mute Swan, Great Egret, Tawny Eagle, L.Bustard, 3.60 0.85Lev surcharge on SG4 Common Wood Pigeon (1v) 0.50 Birds (4v): Griffon & Egyptian Vultures,Gt.Bustard,Black Grouse,SG582-5, 3.40 Birds (2v shtlt) MS586: Tetrao urogallus - Western Capercaillie 2.50 Darwin (1 value): has several birds (+ portrait), SG674, 2.50 Birds (4v):Ural Owl,Eur.Goldfinch,House Sparrow,Eurasian Magpie,SG692-5, 3.25 Birds MS696: Rock Pigeon souvenir sheet: 3.40 EUROPA childrens’ books (2v): Rooster & SG697-8, 3.20 Flowers (4v): one has a House Sparrow – Passer domesticus,(+ Swallowtail) 3.25 EUROPA Forests (2v): one has a Eurasian Eagle Owl (+ Deer), SG739-40, 3.50 EUROPA Forests (6v booklet pane): 3 x Eurasian Eagle Owl (+ 3 x Deers) 10.50 B.(4v shtlt)MS752: Glossy Ibis, White Pelican, Fer.Pochard, Eur.Spoonbill 5.50 Pigeons (4v): SG782-5, 2.95 Indian Peafowl MS: Pavo cristatus souvenir sheet 2.30 Fauna (6v): 2 shells,fish & 2 birds – White Stork, W.Yellow Wagtail, 4.70 Fauna (6v shtlt):above designs, White Stork, Western Yellow Wagtail, etc 4.75 Fauna Birds (2v):2 birds only from above – White Stork, W.Yellow Wagtail 2.90 Monaco Monaco* Monaco* Monaco Monaco* Monaco* 2002 2004 2008 2012 2012 2013 Birds (2v): Great Tit and Crested Tit, SG2527, SG2532 Domestic Pigeon (1 value): SG2665, Lammergeier & Bonelli’s Eagle (1v): SG2850, Joint issue with TAAF (2v shtlt): Southern Giant Petrel, Woodchat (1v) Yellow-legged Gull (1v) Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia 1986 2004 2011 2011 2012 Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia 2013 2014 2014 2014 B.(4v): Ruffed Grouse, Tundra Swan, Water Pipit, Redhead, SG1779-82, 3.25 B. MS3011a: Andean Hillstar – hummingbird souvenir sheet 3.60 Mammals (4v): includes Penguins, Eagle, (+ Kangaroo,Polar Bear,SG3211-2, 9.95 Hunnu Empire MS: Falcon (?) souvenir sheet 11.95 B.(4v): Blue/Yellow+Red/Green Macaws, King Saxony B. Paradise, Black & Mute Swans, Golden Pheasant & Ind.Peafowl, Gouldian Finch, SG3246-51, 9.25 Saker Falcons (6v sheetlet)MS3260: Falco cherrug, Cat.£18 7.75 Flowers (5v): one bird - Cinereous Vulture, Cypripedium calc. SG3272-6, 7.50 Red Book Animals (4v):Mongolian Ground Jay,Ring-necked Pheasant,SG3283-6 3.75 Red Book Animals (4v shtlt)MS327: designs above Jay, Pheasant, 3.80 5.95 0.95 1.95 3.90 1.95 1.75 Montenegro*2007 Great White Pelican (1v): SGM208, Montenegro*2007 Fauna (2v): Black-headed Gull & G.Eagle, SGM212-3, Montenegro 2011 Fauna (4v): Dalmatian Pelican, Pygmy Cormorant, (+ newt, shell): SG321-4 Montenegro 2012 Stylised “fauna” (2v): duck and frog with rubber ring on neck, SG361-2 1.95 3.25 5.95 3.95 Montserrat 1985 Audubon (8v): Black-throated Blue Warbler, Oriole, SG657-64 Montserrat 1995 Nat. Trust (4v): has an Orile symbol SG980-3, Montserrat 2001 B.(4v): Fernandina's Flicker, Red-legged Thrush, Golden Swallow,SG1175-8 Montserrat 2001 Birds MS1179; St.Vincent Parrot souvenir sheet, Montserrat* 2003 Flower & Bird (1v): Antillean Euphonia, SG1229 Montserrat 2003 Birds (10v=4v+6v shtlt): Belted K’fisher, C.Grackle, Waxwing, SG1242-6 Montserrat 2003 Bird MS1247: Bananaquit souvenir sheet, Montserrat 2005 Seabirds (4v shtlt;MS1277) Double-crested Cormorant, Waved Albatross, Montserrat 2005 Seabirds MS1278) Common Tern souvenir sheet, Montserrat 2007 Parrots (4v shtlt): Sun & Mitred Conures, Green-Wing Macaw, SG1377-80, Montserrat 2007 Parrots MS1381: Hyacinth Macaw souvenir sheet 1.50 4.50 6.50 4.95 1.20 8.95 3.45 5.05 3.40 6.75 3.80 Montserrat 2008 Montserrat 2009 Montserrat 2009 Montserrat 2010 Montserrat 2010 Endangered Species (6v shtlt): Bald Eagle, (+ Panda,Tiger, etc.)SG1393-8, 5.75 B.(4v shtlt)MS1428:Smoothbill Ani,Am.Kestrel,Cattle Egret,Common Moorhen, 6.20 Birds MS1429: male Montserrat Oriole – Icterus oberi souvenir sheet 3.95 W.W.F. Reddish Egrets (4v strip): Egretta ruffescens, SG1465-8, 4.90 W.W.F. Reddish Egrets (8v shtlt)MS1469: Egretta ruffescens 9.80 41 Montserrat 2012 Montserrat 2012 Montserrat 2012 Montserrat 2014 CHINA Stamp Exhibition (4v shtlt)MS1495: one Purple Heron(+Tiger,Monkey) 4.90 Ducks (4v shtlt)MS1502: Blue-winged & American Teals, N.Pintail, Fulvous, 7.95 Ducks MS1502: Northern Shoveler souvenir sheet 3.50 Humm’gbirds (6v; 2 shtlts)MS1555-6:Bronze-tail Lumeleteer, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Olivaceous Thornbill, White- Bellied Emerald, Chestnut-breasted Coronet 10.95 Morocco Morocco Morocco* Morocco* Morocco 1990 1992 2004 2005 2005 Morocco* Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco 2006 2008 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 2014 2014 B. (2v): Turtle Dove & Hoopoe, SG748-9 2.50 B. (2v): Pintailed Grouse & Griffon Vulture, SG833-4, 2.30 Dove of Peace (1 value): SG1090, 1.25 Amnesty - dove with rings around the tail (1 value): SG1122, 1.45 Birds (10v booklet pane):small self-adhesive versions of 1976 Dark Chanting Goshawk, 1988 Great Bustard, 1995 Goldfinch, 1996 Osprey, etc. SG1099-08 5.75 Japanese-Moroccan Relations (2v): peace dove, SG1164-5, 2.40 Carrier Pigeon (& Camels & map) MS1209: sheetlet of two values, 4.50 Biodiversity (1v): Greater Flamingo, African Blue Tit, SG1273, 2.60 Fauna & Flora (2v): Turkey & Henna(?) 3.30 Rabat Zoo (4v strip): Northern Bald Ibis, Lion, Oryx 6.75 Rabat Zoo (4v sheetlet): N.Bald Ibis, Lion, Moufflon 6.95 Peregrine Falcon (1v joint issue Qatar), 2.75 Fes Music Festival (1v): Demoiselle Crane, Eur. Hoopoe 1.50 Birds (2v): Ruddy Shelduck & Grey Heron, 3.50 Mozambique 2002 B.(18v=6v+2X6v shtlts): Pied Flycatcher, Butstur rufipennis, Eur.Roller, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Great Spotted Cuckoo, SG1612-17 + MS1618 20.90 Mozambique 2002 Birds MS1619a/d: Barred Owl, Northern Hobby, Striated Heron African Jacana four souvenir sheets 15.50 Mozambique 2002 Birds MS1625a: Jackass Penguin souvenir sheet 3.75 Mozambique 2002 Fauna (18v=2x9v shtlts); Barn Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Ruby-thr.Hummer, Osprey, Red-winged Blackbird, (+ Squirrels, mammals etc), MS1638a+b; 13.90 Mozambique 2002 WWF Elephants (4v shtlt; one has three Cattle Egrets, SG1641-4 5.90 Mozambique 2007 Mozambique 2007 Mozambique 2009 Mozambique 2009 Mozambique 2009 Prey (6v shtlt):Rough-leg Buzzard,N.Goshawk,Beardd Vulture,Kite,Mi#3011-6 6.80 Birds of Prey SS: Sparrow Hawk souvenir sheet, Michel#3030 6.95 Darwin(6v shtlt)Bataleur,Western Osprey,Black-wing Kite,dinos,Mi#3434-9, 10.60 Darwin – Lesser Rhea SS: Rhea darwinii souvenir sheet, Michel#3440 9.50 Peter Scott (6v shtlt): various Ducks, Geese, Michel#3448-53 10.70 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Pigeons (6v shtlt): Olive & Speckled & Rameron Pigeons, Michel#3483-8, 6.70 Rock Pigeons souvenir sheet Michel#3513 9.50 Fl./Birds (6v shtlt):Bar-tailed Trogon,Turaco,Barbets,K’fisher,Mi#3489-94 6.75 Flora/Birds SS: Paradise Whydah souvenir sheet Michel#3514 9.60 Seab.(6v shtlt):Cape Gannet,Af.Skimmer,Crested/Roseate Terns,Mi#3495-00 10.95 Seabirds SS: Pink-backed Pelican souvenir sheet Michel#3515 9.60 Prey(6v shtlt)Short-toe Eagle,Bateleur,Chanting Hawk,Osprey,Kite,Mi3501-6,10.80 Birds of Prey – African Fish Eagle souvenir sheet Michel#3516 8.95 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2010 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Parrots (6v shtlt): Grey/Senegal Parrots,Rose-ringed Parakeet,Mi#3507-12,10.85 Grey Parrot souvenir sheet Michel#3517 8.90 Ocean Park (8v shtlt): Macaw,Toucan,Flamingo,(+ Red Panda,Michel#4060-7 7.80 Harpy Eagles (6v shtlt): Harpia harpyja, Michel#4336-41 10.95 Harpy Eagles SS: Harpia harpyja souv./sheet Michel#4378, 9.75 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Cassowaries (6v shtlt): 6 diff Casuarias casuarias, Michel#4342-7 Cassowaries souvenir sheet Michel#4379 Quetzals (6v shtlt): Pharomachrus mocinno Michel#4348-53, Quetzals SS: Pharomachrus mocinno souv./sheet, Michel#4380 Mozambique 2011 Toucans (6v shtlt): Green-billed, Channel-billed, Black-mandibled, Toco, Collared & Keel-billed Toucans Michel#4354-9 Mozambique 2011 Toucans SS: Keel-billed Toucans souvenir sheet, Michel#4381, Mozambique 2011 Great Indian Hornbills(6v shtlt): Buceros bicornis, Michel#4360-5, Mozambique 2011 Great Indian Hornbill SS: Buceros bicornis souv./sheet, Michel#4382, Mozambique 2011 Owls (6v shtlt):Barking & Lesser Sooty Owls, Michel#4366-71, Mozambique 2011 Owls SS: Madagascar Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#4383, Mozambique 2011 Parrots (6v shtlt): Blue-streaked Lory, Michel#4372-7, Mozambique 2011 Parrots SS: Red-collared Lorikeet souv./sheet, Michel#4384 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 13.60 9.85 13.50 10.60 13.60 9.80 12.50 9.70 12.75 9.90 13.40 10.50 150th Anniv. Nansen Expedition (4v shtlt: Emperor Penguin, Mi#4489-92 10.25 Antarctic Treaty (6v shtlt): Snow Petrel, Adelie Penguin, Michel#4591-6 11.95 Antarctic Treaty SS: Emperor Penguin,Albatross border sou/sheet,Mi#4597 9.75 Kingfishers(6v shtlt):Malachite,Lesser Pied,Mangrove,Woodland,Mi#4861-6 11.90 42 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Kingfishers SS: Giant Kingfisher souvenir sheet, Michel#4489 Bee-eaters (6v shtlt):Little, White-fronted, Bohms, Michel#4868-73, Bee-eaters SS: Swallow-tailed souvenir sheet, Michel#4874, Pelicans (6v shtlt):Great White Pelican Michel#4875-80, Pelicans SS: Great White Pelican souvenir sheet Michel#4881 Storks(6v shtlt):Woolly-necked,Abdim’s,Af.Openbill, Michel#4882-7, Storks SS: Yellow-billed Stork souvenir sheet, Michel#4888 Flamingos (6v shtlt):Greater & Lesser Flamingos Michel#4889-94, Flamingos SS: Greater Flamingo souvenir sheet Michel#4895 9.20 11.30 8.80 11.30 8.80 11.35 8.75 11.35 8.75 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Mozambique 2011 Albatrosses (6v shtlt):Atlantic Yellow-nose,Shy,Black browed,Mi#4896-01 Albatrosses SS: Atlantic Yellow-nosed souvenir sheet, Michel#4902 Ostriches (6v shtlt): Struthio camelus, Michel#4903-8, Ostriches SS: Struthio camelus souvenir sheet Michel#4909 Owls (6v shtlt): African Grass,S.White-face,African Wood,Michel#4910-5, Owls SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet Michel#4916, Ospreys (6v shtlt): Pandion haliaetus (Fish Eagle) Michel#4917-22, Ospreys SS: Pandion haliaetus souvenir sheet, Michel#4923, Eagles(6v shtlt): Af.Eagle, Bat Hawk, Brown Snake, Michel#4924-9, Eagles SS: Verreaux’s Eagle souvenir sheet Michel#4930, 11.25 9.25 11.85 9.25 11.30 8.80 11.30 9.30 11.35 8.75 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Extinct(8v shtlt)Less Koa Finch,Kosrae Starling,Kona Grosbeak,Mi#5710-7 14.50 Extinct Birds SS; Lord Howe (Robust) White Eye souvenir sheet, Mi#5743 8.81 Extinct (8v shtlt): Bar-winged,Wake Is.Laysan/Hawaiian Rails, Mi#5718-25 14.95 Extinct Birds SS: Greater Koa-finch souvenir sheet, Michel#5742 8.90 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Extinct(6v shtlt)Himalayan Quail,Choiseul,Pass/Ruyuku Pigeon,Mi#5726-31 12.80 Extinct Birds SS: Pink-headed Duck souvenir sheet Michel#5744 8.85 Extinct(6v shtlt):Hoopoe Starling, Guadeloupe Parrot,Mohoau, Mi#5732-7 13.60 Extinct Birds SS;Red-headed (Jam Green/Yellow) Macaw souv./sheet,Mi#5746 8.84 Danger Extinct(4v shtlt):Brace’s Emerald,Tahitian Sandpiper, Mi#5738-41 13.90 Danger Extinction SS Rodriguez Owl & Mysterious Starling s/sheet, Mi#5745 8.95 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 End.Seabirds(6v shtlt):Newells Shearwater,Peru Tern,Blue Duck,Mi#5768-73 12.70 Endangered Seabirds SS: Mag.Frigate souvenir sheet, Michel#5774 8.85 Danger Extinction(6v shtlt):Red-tail Hawk,White-rump Vulture, Mi#5775-80 12.85 Prey in Danger of Extinction SS: Egyptian Vulture souvenir sheet Mi#5781 8.97 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Ext.(4v shtlt):Newton’s P.,Maur.Blue pigeon,Reunion Gallinule,Mi#5841-4 13.92 Extinct Birds SS: Mascarene Parrot souvenir sheet Michel#5845 8.92 Ext.Parrots (4v shtlt):Newton’s,Raiatea,Seychelles Parakeets, Mi#5846-9 13.95 Extinct Parrots SS: Black-fronted Parakeets souvenir sheet Michel#5850 8.90 Dean Amadon(6v shtlt):Cooper’s Roadside Hawk,Steller Sea Eagle,Mi#5944-9,12.50 Dean Amadon ornithologist SS: Sharp-shinned Hawk souvenir sheet, Mi#5950 8.83 Mozambique 2012 Birds Tadas Ivanauskus (6v shtlt); Tawny & Eur.Eagle-Owls, Mi#6097-02, Mozambique 2012 Ivanauskus SS: Black Stork souvenir sheet Michel#6103 Mozambique 2012 Birds of Prey (6v shtlt): Red Kite, Bonelli’s Eagle, Black Vulture, Osprey, Little Bustard, Lesser Kestrel, Michel#6104-9 Mozambique 2012 Birds SS: White Stork souvenir sheet Michel#6110 Mozambique 2012 Riga Zoological Gardens (6v shtlt): Snowy Owl, + Lion, Thorold’s Deer, Kodiak Bear, S.Am.Tapir, Michel#6111-6, Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2012 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 12.70 10.55 12.75 10.60 12.85 Seabirds(6v shtlt)American Avocet,White Ibis,Wandering Tatler,Mi#6167-72 12.95 Seabird SS: Californian Gull souvenir sheet, Michel#6173 9.75 Owls/Fungi(4v shtlt):N.Hawk Barn,Great Grey,Great Horned Owls,Mi#6672-5 11.95 Barn Owl + Fungi SS: Psalliota campestris souvenir sheet, Michel#6676 9.85 Sea Birds (4v shtlt; inc. Trumpeter Swans,Loon,Kittiwake,Michel#6677-80 11.93 Sea Birds SS: European Herring Gull souvenir sheet, Michel#6681, 9.83 B.Prey (4v shtlt)Cinerious vulture,Eur.Buzzard,Red-tail Hawk, Mi#6682-5 11.97 Birds of Prey SS: King Vulture souvenir sheet, Michel#6686, 9.87 Mozambique 2013 Parrots (4v shtlt):Papuan Lorikeet,Barrand’s (Superb) P Eclectus Parrot, Blue/Gold & Scarlet Parrots & Hyacinth Macaws, Michel#6687-90, 11.90 Mozambique 2013 Parrots SS: Red-fan or Hawk-headed Parrot souvenir sheet, Michel#6691 9.92 Mozambique 2013 Owls (4v shtlt):Brown Wood,White-front Scops,Hume’s,Red Owls, Mi#6817-20, 9.85 Mozambique 2013 Owl SS: Great Grey Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#6821, 9.27 Mozambique 2013 Eagles (4v shtlt): Bonelli’s, Short-toed, African Hawk, Michel#6957-60, 9.80 Mozambique 2013 Eagle SS: Tawny Eagle souvenir sheet Michel#6961, 9.22 Mozambique 2013 Endang. Species(4v shtlt): “Bismarck’s Masked Owl”,Tapir, Michel#6962-5, 9.70 43 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2013 Mozambique 2014 Mozambique 2014 Endangered Species SS: Dodo souvenir sheet, Michel#6971 Extinct Sp.(4v shtlt): Laughing Owl, Labrador Duck, Michel#6966-9, Extinct Species SS: Passenger Pigeon souvenir sheet, Michel#6970 Passenger Pigeon (4v shtlt): Ectopisces migratorius, Michel#7120-3, Passenger Pigeon SS: Ectopisces mig., souvenir sheet Michel#7124 9.20 9.75 9.25 9.45 8.80 Mustique Mustique 2004 B.(4v+SS):Red-billed Tropicb.,Bananquit,Belted Kingfisher,H’bird,Sc#14-8 9.20 2011 Birds (10v=2 x shtlts): Yellow-crowned Amazon, Pin-tailed Whydah, Flamingo Brown-throat Parakeet, Trop.Mockingbird, Gt.Egret,Bananaquit,Am.Pelican 12.90 Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia 1994 Storks (4v): Yellow-billed, Abdim's, African Open-billed, White,SG649-52 1.95 1997 Jackass Penguins (4v sheetlet MS717); no WWF logo on this, 1.60 1997 Fauna/Flora Defs (18v): Lilac-breasted Roller, Yellowbilled Hornbill,Dove Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, Lovebird, + 8 Mmls; Lion, + flowers, SG749-66 7.75 1998 Booklet (18v sheetlet containing all 18 definitive stamps) SG749a-66a 7.95 1997 Definitives booklet (10v sheetlet; 10 X Roseyfaced Lovebird SG755ab 4.50 Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia 2000 2000 2002 2002 Namibia Namibia Namibia 2003 Cuvelai Drainage (3v) Abdim’s Stork, Lesser Flamingo, Grey Crown Crane 2007 Definitives (3v): Afr.Hawk Eagle, Plover, Gulls, SG1055,1057,1061, 2007 Etosha Nat.Park (3 values; one has a small Bateleur, SG1065-7, Namibia Namibia 2007 S.A.P.O.A. (5v shtlt MS1090;all mmls but one Buffalo has Oxpecker,(black) 1.75 2007 S.A.P.O.A. (5v shtlt MS1090a; as above but writing in SILVER – Oxpecker, 1.80 Namibia* Namibia 2009 Eagles (4v): Tawny, Verreaux & Marshall Eagles, Bateleur, SG1118-21, 5.95 2009 Eagles(40v as SG1118-21 above but complete sheetlets of 10 of each value 59.50 Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 Namibia* Namibia* Namibia* Namibia* 2013 Definitives new values (5v): Barlow’s, Gray’s & Benguela Long-billed Larks, Rosy-faced Lovebird, Monteiro’s Hornbill, SG1185,6,8,92-3, 4.25 2014 Chinese Navy (2v shtlt): Flamingoes, (+ vessels, Luoyang, 2.25 2014 Kalahari Desert Fauna (10v): 2 birds – Per. Falcon & Cape Turtle Dove, 7.75 2014 Kingfishers (5v): Giant, Malachite, Half-collared, Pied, Woodland, 6.95 Nauru Nauru Nauru Nauru 1993 2001 2001 2003 Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal 1992 1996 2003 2004 2013 Netherlands* Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Barn Owl MS850: souvenir sheet Sunset/Sunrise (2v): one has Cormorants/Shag(?) SG852-3, Highlands (10v; 2 birds, Ruppell's Parrot, Rockrunner, SG896-05 B.(4v): Malachite Kingfisher, Af.Paradise Flycatcher, SG918-1 2.30 0.95 3.90 1.45 1.90 1.75 3.50 End.Sp.(10v shtlt): Wattled Crane,Cape Vulture,(+Wild Dog,Rhino,SG1134-43 9.95 Bustards(6v)Rueppell’s,N.Black,Black-bellied,Ludwig’s,Redcrestd,SG1146-51 6.50 Marinelife(8v shtlt)MS1167:Cape Gannet,Jackass Peng,Bank Cormorant,Albat 6.90 Grebes (3v): Eared, Great Crested and Little Grebes, SG1172-4, 6.25 Definitives (12v) Bare-cheeked Babbler, White-tailed Shrike, Carp’s Tit, Ruppell’s Parrot & Korhaan, Damara Tern & Hornbill, Violet Wood-Hoopoe, Herero Chat,Dune Lark,Haartlaub’s Spurfowl,Rockrunner,between SG1180-96, 26.25 Fauna (4v sheetlet) MS414: Redtailed Tropic Bird, Gt.Frigate, S.P.Forum (4v): Great Frigatebird, Noddy, SG522-5, S.P.Forum MS526 (4v shtlt): designs as above seabirds, Birdlife International (5v shtlt) MS582: Nauruan Reed Warbler, B.(3v): Bohemian Waxwing, Rufous-tailed Finch-Lark, SG540-2 Birds & Bflies (4v): Great Himalayan Barbet, Sarus Crane, SG640-3, King’s Birthday (1v): flock of Doves, SG779, Biodiversity (4 values) Rufous Piculet Woodpecker, Atlas Moth, SG809-12 Artist (2v): one with Eurasian Eagle Owl & Bearded Vulture, 1999 2003 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2012 3.95 3.50 3.60 6.95 1.40 2.95 0.60 1.75 1.50 Bird Protection (2v): Spoonbill, Arctic Tern, SG1932-3, 1.25 Fauna (8v: MS2313; Eur.Oystercatcher, Spoonbill,Gt.Black-back Gull, 5.95 Endangered Species (12v shtlt)MS2540: Red-crowned Crane, +Moth,etc 7.90 European Herring Gull – Vlissingen issue (1v): SG2590 0.97 Mew Gull – Den Helder issue (1v): SG2597 0.98 Common Tern – Leylstad issue (1v) SG2600 0.96 White Stork - Den Haag issue (1v): SG2601, 1.55 Tourism (2x5v shtlts)MS2609: Birds, Fungi, Ship etc. 7.90 Pigeon and flowers (1v): SG2945, 1.75 Netherlands 2011 – 2014 Birds series complete listing: Netherlands Netherlands 2011 Bird series No.1-3 Great Tit, SG2823, Rook & Robin, all sold out 2011 Oystercatcher - Bird series No.4 (1v): Haematoptus ostral, 44 2.50 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 2011 Barn Owl No.5, Nuthatch Bird series No.6, Grouse No.7 all sold out 2011 Blackbird series No.8 (1v): - Turdus merula 2011 Stork series No.9 (1v): Ciconia ciconia, 2011 Yellow Wagtail series No.10 (1v): Motacilla flava, sold out 2011 Godwit series No.11 (1v): Limosa limosa, 2011 Series No.12 Goshawk (1v): Accipiter gentiles, Bird 2011 Series No.13 Barn Swallow (1v): Hirundo rustica, Bird Series No.14 (1v): Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, Birds No.15 (1v): Great Spotted Woodpecker – Dendrocopus major Birds Series No.16 Grey Heron (1v): Ardea cinerea, Bird Series No.17 Nightingale (1v): Luscinia megarhynchos, Bird Series No.18 European Jay (1v): Garulus glandarius, Bird Series No.19 House Sparrow (1v): Passer domesticus, Bird Series No.20 Eurasian Wren & No.21 Common Kingfisher both sold out Series No.22 Western Jackdaw (1v): Corvus monedula, Bird Series No.23 Blue Tit (1v): Cyanistes caeruleus, Bird Series No.24 Hawfinch (1v): Coccothraustes coccothr., Bird Series No.25 Buzzard (1v): Buteo buteo,, Bird Series No.26 Pheasant (1v): Phasianus colchicus., Bird Series No.27 Wood Pigeon(1v): Columba palumbus, Bird Series No.28 Song Thrush No.29 Lapwing (1v): both sold out Series No.30 Cuckoo (1v): Cuculus canorus, Bird Series No.31 Kestrel (1v): Falco tinnunculus, Bird Series No.32 Stonechat (1v): Saxicola rubicola, Bird sold out Series No.33 Sedge Warbler(1v):Acrocephalus schoenobaenus,Bird Series No.34 Golden Oriole (1v): Oriolus oriolus, Bird Series No.35 Whinchat & No.36 Northern Wheatear(1v): both sold out Series No.37 Eurasian Bittern (1v): Botarus stellaris, Bird Series No.38 Cormorant (1v): Phalacrocorax carbo, Bird Series No.39 Green Woodpecker(1v): Picus viridus, Bird Series No.40 (1v): Aegithalos caudatus,Long-tailed TitBird Series No.41(1v)Phylloscopus collybita,Common Chiffchaff Bird sold out Series No.42 Eurasian Sparrow-hawk (1v):Accipiter nisus, Bird Series No.43 Eurasian Magpie (1v): Pica pica, Bird Series No.44 Great Crested Grebe, No.45 Yellow Hammer both sold out Series No.46 Common Chaffinch (1v):Fringilla coelebs, Bird Series No.47 Mallard (1v): Anas platyrhynchos, Bird sold out Series No.48 (1v): Chloris chloris, Greenfinch, Bird Series No.49 (1v): Larus ridibundus, Blackheaded Gull, Bird Series No.50 (1v): Turdus iliacus, Redwing, Bird sold out Series No.51 (1v): Fulica atra, Common Coot, Bird Series No.52 (1v): Branta Canadensis, Canada Goose Bird Series No.53 (1v): Strix aluco, Tawny Owl Bird Series No.54 (1v): Circus cyaneus, Northern Harrier, Bird No.55 (1v): Gt.Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus Bird Series No.56 (1v): Crested Tit – Parus cristatus, Bird Series No.57 (1v): Sandwich Tern – Sterna sandvicensis, Bird Series No.58 (1v): Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis, Bird Series No.59 (1v): Eurasian Eagle-Owl – Bubo bubo, Bird Series No.60 (1v): House Martin – Delicon urbicum, Bird Series No.61 (1v): Spotted or Eurasian Nutcracker, Bird Series No.62 (1v): Little Owl – Athene noctua, Bird Series No.63 (1v): Avocet – Recurvirostra avocetta, Bird Series No.64 (1v): Eider - Somateria mollissima, Bird Series No.65 (1v): Red Shank - Tringa tetanus, Bird Series No.66 (1v): Common Snipe (1v): Gallinago gallinago Series No.67 (1v): Common Starling - Sturnus vulgaris Bird Series No.68 (1v): Common Moorhen, Bird Series No.69 (1v): Eurasian Skylark, Bird Series No.70 (1v):Bohemian Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus Bird Series No.71 (1v): Garden Warbler - Sylvia borin, Bird Series No.72 (1v): Whimbrel, Bird Series No.73 (1v): Whooper Swan, Bird Series No.74 (1v): Herring Gull, Bird 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.80 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.30 2.30 2.30 This fabulous series of Netherlands birds has finished with a total of 74 indigenous birds being listed. The art work of this series is of the highest quality & provides a most pleasing collection. Some early issues are already sold out. Netherlands Netherlands 2014 Tegelan ceramics (1v): falconer (?) holding bird, 2014 Harlingen ceramics (5v shtlt; ship design): border has 3 birds 45 1.90 8.95 Netherlands Ant 2002* Blue-tailed Emerald Hummingbird (1v): SG1471, 1.20 Netherland Ant. 2004 B.(6v):White-tailed Hawk, Bananaquit, Rufous Collared Sparrow Greater Flamingo, Troupial, Common Tern, SG1634-9, 9.70 N’land Ant.2006 B.(12v): Zebra Finch, Yellow-shouldered Amazon, Gtr.Spotted Woodpecker, Bullfinch, Calospiza fastuosa, Golden Breasted Starling, Kingfisher 6.50 N’land Ant.2007 Fauna (12v): 3 birds, Cockatoo, Penguin, Bunting, 5 mmls,bfly,SG1800-11, 9.95 N’land Ant.2007 Nature (10v; one is a Brown-throated Parakeet, (+ flora,), SG1856-65, 10.75 N’land Ant.2008 B.(8v): Cassowary, Ostrich, Emperor Penguin, Green Heron, Cormorant, Mandarin Duck, Turkey, Goldfinch, SG1961-8, 12.75 N’land Ant.2009 B.(12v): Redthroated Caracara, Purple-throated Fruit Crow, Red-billed Pied Tanager,Ringed Woodpecker,Bronzy Jacamar,Orange-winged Parrot,SG1998-09, 27.50 N’land Ant.2010 B.(6v):Saffron-crested Tyrant,Sharpbill,Buff-throated Foliage Cleaner, Crimson-hood Manakin,Variegated Flycatcher,Blood-color Woodpecker,SG2101-6, 16.90 Nevis Nevis* Nevis Nevis 1985 1993 1995 1995 Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis 1999 B.(12v 2 shtlts: Camaraoptera,Kingfisher,Jay,Roller,Apalis SG1318-29 10.90 2002 B.(6v shtlt) Roseate Spoonbill, Rubythroated H'bird, Stilt,SG1713-8 5.70 2002 Birds MS1725b: Royal Tern souvenir sheet 2.95 2003 Jap.Art(10v;4 shtlts): Kalij/Golden Pheasant, Eur.Tree Sparrow,SG1753-62 14.50 2003 Jap.Art MS1763a: Golden Pheasant souvenir sheet 2.90 2004 H’birds (4v shtlt)Purple/Ruby-throated,Rufous,Green Brilliant,SG1874-7, 4.70 2004 Hummingbirds MS1878: Magnificent Hummingbird souvenir sheet 3.15 2009 Darwin (6v shtlt)MS2134: Large Ground Finch, (+ Iguana, Platypus, V.Bat) 6.70 2010 B.( 10v=4v+2 shtlts): Audubon’s Shearwater, Leach’s Storm-Petrel, Brown Pelican & Booby,Gt.Blue Heron,Gt.Egret,Red-bill Tropicb.,SG2180-3+MS2184-5,11.95 2013 H’birds (6v; 2 sheetlets):Green-, Purple & Ruby throated Carib, Tufted Coquette, Antillean Mango, Long-billed Starthroat, 12.50 2013 Parrots (4v shtlt): Imperial, St.Vincent & Cuban Amazons, 7.70 2013 Parrots SS St Lucia Amazon souvenir sheet 5.30 2014 Ducks I (4v shtlt Marbled, Tufted, King Eider, Barrow’s Goldeneye, 7.80 2014 Ducks I SS: Yellow-billed Duck souvenir sheet 5.95 2014 Ducks II (4v shtlt): Wood & Maned Ducks, Puna Teal, Rosy-billed Pochard 7.75 2014 Ducks II SS: West Indian Whistling Duck souvenir sheet 5.90 Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis Nevis 2nd Audubon (8v): Painted Bunting, W.Tanager, Thrush, SG285-92 1.70 Brown Pelican (1v): SG759, 1.25 Disney “Love” stylised birds(8v):Peter Penguin,Prunella Pullet,Wren,Robin 5.95 Birds (16v=4v+12v sheetlet): Ruddy Duck, Ruddy Crested Cormorant, Hermit, Green & Antillean Mangoes, Bahama Woodstar, Cuban Emerald, SG862-77, 7.85 2014 Macaws I (6v: 2 shtlts): Blue/Yellow, Red Shouldered, Red Fronted, Green Winged, Golden Collared, Scarlet, 2014 Macaws II (6v: 2 shtlts): Great Green, Blue-headed, Indigo, Hyacinth, Blue & Yellow & Blue Throated, 13.75 13.80 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* Caledonia* 1990(2) Kagu defins (2v): orange/grey 9F & 12F values, SG895-6, 0.90 1997 Kagu (1v): 3rd new design yellow 30F value SG1107, 0.70 2001 Kagu (1 value): new 3rd design blue 100F value SG1114, 1.65 1998 Kagu (1v): 3rd design red NVI (no value indicated) SG1128 1.30 2002 New Cal. Crow & Emerald Dove - Mariotti (1v): SG1266 1.25 2003-6 Kagu 4th (stylised) complete set (9v): SG1274-77b as 5 items below 6.50 2005 Kagu 4th (stylised) design defins.(2v): 1f, 3f, SG1274a-4b, 0.50 2006 Kagu 4th (stylised) design 5F (1v): violet, SG1274c 0.40 2003 Kagu 4th (stylised) design defins.(4v): 10f,15f,30f,(70f),SG1275-8 2.25 2004 Kagu 4th (stylised) design defin (1v): 100f (blue) SG1277a 1.90 2005 Kagu 4th (stylised) design 110F (1v): dark blue-grey, SG1277b, 1.70 2005 Kagu 4th (stylised) design 110F (1v self-adhesive SG1277c 2.70 2003 Kagu 4th (stylised) pale red NVI defin. ITVF imprint (1v) SG1279 1.30 2005 Kagu 4th issue (philposte imprint) pale red NVI defin. SG1279aa(?) 1.25 2003 Eagle old 1912 design (1v): SG1290, Scott#913, 1.65 2004 Eagle old 1912 design but small size booklet stamp (1v) Scott#913a, 1.95 2005 Kagu surcharge 100F + 10F (on 3rd design blue 100F value) SG1356 1.80 2005 Kagu surcharge 100F + 10F (on 4th design 100f blue) SG1357 1.75 New New New New New New New Caledonia Caledonia* Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 Cagou Club 60th Anniv. (2v shtlt)MS1417: several Kagu, 50th Anniv. Cagou stamps Personalised (2v): self-adhesive Kagus, 5th Cagou (stylised) Ramon definitives (4v): SG1473-6, 5th Cagou (stylised) Ramon nvi definitive (1v): ex-bklt SG1485, Park (2v shtlt)MS1518: Bat & New Caledonian Imperial Pigeon,plants Biodiversity (1v): Roseate Tern, Horned Parakeet, Kau, SG1526 TNT (1v): Sun Parakeet, Kagu, SG1530, 46 3.30 5.90 4.50 1.90 7.50 2.60 1.75 New New New New New New New Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia* 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2014 UNESCO (1v): Red-footed Booby, turtle, map, SG1535a 1.80 Blue River Park (2v shtlt)MS1536:Kagu (+& Parrot bfly;Fungi border) 7.60 Definitive 30CPF value (1v): Kagu (orange), SG1474a 0.75 Corbasson Park (3v shtlt)MS1566: Gecko, New Caledonia Crow, 6.30 Mangroves (1v): Pacific Reef Heron, Crab, fish, trees, SG1568, 1.50 Bank Notes (4v shtlt;MS1603 one has Horned Parakeet & Kagu, trees, 6.95 Horned Parakeet (1 value) SG1611, 2.80 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand* Zealand 1966 1991 1991 1991 1991 1993 1993 1996 1997 1997 1999 2000 2002 2000 Birds (2v): NZ Bell Bird & Weka Ril, SG839-40, 5ct Crake (1v): definitives SG1459a 45ct Rock Wren self-adhesive perf.11.5, SG1589a, 45ct Rock Wren perf.14.5 X imperf. one side, SG1463ba, Booklet SB59b, Rock Wren booklet, Cat.£5.00 45ct Rock Wren as SG1589a but with Olympics backing paper, Round Kiwi (Blue) definitive, SG1490e, Extinct Birds 45ct Stout-legged Wren (1 value): SG2035, Carrier Pigeons (4v sheetlet) MS2080: Kiwi $1 definitive (purple) (1v): SG2090, Last Sunset (1v): round Kiwi (purple + gold stars on SG2090 Round Kiwi (gold) definitive, SG2090a, Kiwi defin. $1.50 (brown colour) (1 value) SG2090b "Kiwi" sheetlet (10v cartoons): stylised kiwis, SG2318-27, New New New New New Zealand Zealand* Zealand Zealand Zealand 2002 2005 2006 2008 2008 Book Festival (10v; cartoon – Penguin + 3 other birds, SG2498-07 2.95 W.W.F. Kakapo (4v): SG2811-4 1.50 KIWIPEX Stamp Exh.(2v shtlt:MS2923; one S.Brown Kiwi + Kiwi border, 4.90 $10 - Red-legged Partridge (1v) was £8.50 on Special Offer 6.90 Game Bird $10 - Red-legged Partridge souvenir sheet Special Offer 6.95 New New New New New Zealand Zealand Zealand 2009 Zealand 2009 Zealand* 2009 Giant Fauna (5v:2 birds Giant Moa/Haast’s Eagle,(+ Weta, SG3124-8, 6.25 2009 Giant Fauna (5v shtlt MS3129: 2 birds Moa & Eagle, (+ Weta, etc 6.30 Health(2v): has old stamp on stamps,Red-crowned Parakeet,Stilt,SG3158-9,1.75 Health (3v shtlt)MS3160:as above,Red-crowned Parakeet,White-headed Stilt2.30 2009 New Zealand Pigeon (1 value; from Christmas issue, SG3178, 2.95 New New New New New New Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand Zealand 2011 2011 2010 2010 2011 2014 New Zealand Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua 0.90 0.30 0.45 0.60 3.80 0.50 1.90 0.60 2.95 0.90 0.70 0.85 2.50 2.90 Health (3v): North Is. Brown Kiwi, Kakapo, Takahe, SG3204-5+3207, 2.90 Health (3v shtlt)MS3206: North Is. Brown Kiwi, Kakapo, Takahe, 2.95 Definitives (5v): small Mallards & Gull larus sp. SG3227-31, 11.90 Palmpex MS3252: 3 Brown Kiwis (SG2090b x 3), 4.60 S.Brown Kiwis CHINA Stamp Exhibition MS3329:3 Kiwis souvenir sheet 5.95 B.(5v): Antipodean Albatross, NZ Fairy Tern, Chatham Is Shag, Black-billed Gull, Chatham Island Taiko, SG3604-8, 10.90 2014 B.(5v shtlt)MS3609: Antipodean Albatross, designs as above, 10.95 1994 W.W.F. Highland Guan (4v): SG3491-4, Scott#2067 1996 Helmeted Woodpecker MS3518b: Dryocopus galeatus souvenir sheet Sc.#2145 1995 Ornate Hawk Eagle MS3523c: souvenir sheet 1999(1998 imprint) Flora/Fauna MS3813: Ringed Kingfisher souvenir sheet 2.50 2.95 3.95 2.50 Nicaragua 2000(1999 imp) (14v=10v shtlt+4v):Green Kingfisher,Scarlet Macaw,SG3950-3+54, 12.50 Nicaragua 2007 Environment(4v):Rufous-tailed H’bird,Gt.Egret,Black-neck Stilt,SG4127-30, 4.75 Nicaragua 2012 Rio San Juan (6v shtlt):Steely-vented Hummingbird,Great Egret,(reptiles) 11.50 Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger 1997 Birds (4v) Rose-ringed Parakeet, Hornbill, Scott#935-8, SG1282-5 2007 Endangered Species (3v): one Ostrich, (+ Addax, Giraffe,) 2013 Pigeons (4v shtlt): Bruce’s Green, Speckled, African Olive Pigeons, Namaqua Dove, Michel#2051-4, 2013 Pigeons SS: Bruce’s Green Pigeon souvenir sheet Michel#2075 2013 Herons (4v shtlt): Cinnamon Bittern, Grey, Golaith Herons, Michel#2055-8 2013 Herons SS: Grey Heron souvenir sheet Michel#2076 2013 Sunbirds (4v shtlt): Scarlet-chested,Pygmy,Mi#2059-62 2013 Sunbird SS: Splendid Sunbird souvenir sheet Michel#2077 2013 Birds of Prey (4v shtlt) Brown Snake, Booted Tawny and Lesser Spotted Eagles, Michel#2063-6 2013 Birds of Prey SS: Lesser kestrel souvenir sheet Michel#2078 2013 Owls (4v shtlt): Af. Scops, Pel’s Fishing, Pearl-Spotted, Northern White-faced Owls Michel#2067-70 2013 Owls SS: Pharaoh’s Eagle Owl souvenir sheet Mi#2079 47 2.50 4.60 9.90 7.90 9.82 7.82 9.92 7.92 9.95 7.95 9.80 7.80 Niger Niger Niger Niger 2013 2013 2013 2013 Parrots (4v shtlt): Cape,Grey,Roseringed, Michel#2071-4 Parrot SS: Rose-ringed P., souvenir sheet Michel#2080 Owls & fungi (4v shtlt): Great Horned & Barn Owls (& fungi, “Tawny” Owl SS: alledgedly Strix aluco souvenir sheet Niger Niger Niger Niger 2013 2013 2013 2013 Niger Birds (4v shtlt): Golden Nightjar, Hamerkop, Blue-breast K’fisher, 9.90 Birds of Niger SS: Striped Kingfisher souvenir sheet 7.90 Masted Vessels (4v shtlt): seabirds (+ barque Europa,Amerigo Vespucci 10.50 Red List Fauna (4v shtlt): Rueppell’s Griffon, Crane, 10.45 Niger Niger Niger Niger 2014 2014 2014 2014 Owls (4v shtlt): Spotted, Eastern Screech, Gt Horned, 10.30 Owls SS: Barn Owl souvenir sheet 8.60 B. of Prey (4v shtlt): Great Philippines Eagle, Chinese, Goshawk, Kite, 10.30 Bird of Prey SS: Harpy Eagle souvenir sheet 8.60 Niger Niger Niger Niger 2014 2014 2014 2014 Stamp on Stamp (4v shtlt): old WWF issues, 10.30 Stamp on Stamp SS: old Frigatebird souvenir sheet 8.25 Waterbirds(4v shtlt):Great Crested Auklet,Grey Heron,Puffin,Eared Grebe, 10.30 Waterbirds SS: Mandarin Duck souvenir sheet 8.60 Niger Niger 2014 Parrots (4v shtlt): Red & Green, Blue & Yellow Macaws, Coconut Lorikeet, 10.30 2014 Parrots SS: Hyacinth Macaw souvenir sheet 8.60 Niger Niger 2014 Birds (4v shtlt): Superb Starling, Great Tit, Mallard, Black Stork, 2014 Birds SS: Nicobar Pigeon souvenir sheet Nigeria 2001 Defs. (2v): Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah,Fire-bellied Woodpecker,SG777-8 1.70 Niuafo'ou 1998 W.W.F. Blue-crowned Lorikeet (4v): SG270-3, Cat.£13.00, Special Offer Niuafo'ou 1998 W.W.F. Blue-crowned Lorikeet (8v shtlt): MS274, Cat.£24, Special Offer 9.87 7.87 9.95 7.70 10.30 8.60 5.95 11.90 Niuafo'ou 2001 Barn Owls (4v): Tyto alba, SG307-310, Niuafo'ou 2001 Barn Owls (4v sheetlet; MS311) designs as above, Niuafo'ou* 2002 Niuafo'ou Scrubfowl (4v): Megapodius pritchardii, SG314-7, 4.25 4.30 2.60 Niue Niue Niue Niue Niue 1992 1996 2004 2011 2011 Defs.Part 1(4v): Rail, Tropic Bird, Swamphen, Pacific Pigeon, SG718-21 Provisional opts (1v): 50ct on defin. Purple Swamphen SG795, Cat.£4 B.(4v): Wrinkled Hornbill, Blue/Gold Macaw, Ros.Spoonbill, Toucan,MS925a Birds (3v): Striped Starling, Polynesian Triller, Crimson-crowned Dove, Birds (3v shtlt): Striped Starling, Poly. Triller, Crimson-crown Dove 3.70 1.95 6.80 6.90 6.95 Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk 1999 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2006 Pacific Black Duck MS698:, 2.50 Ducks/Geese (4v): Mallard, Aylesbury, Black, Pacific, SG725-8, 2.90 B. (1v): Purple Swamphen - Porphyrio porphyrio, SG748 0.50 B. (5v shtlt): 5 copies of above Swamphen (SG748 X 5) 2.50 Red-Fronted Parakeet (1 value) from booklet, SG747 0.40 Stylised Boobock Owl (1v): SG777 0.40 Sacred Kingfisher (1 value) SG783 0.40 Sacred Kingfisher booklet SGSB17, 1.95 Xmas (4v; one value has Adult & Juvenile Boobies in Xmas bauble, SG973-6, 3.30 Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk* Norfolk Norfolk* 2009 2009 2009 2010 2012 2012 2012 Species at Risk (5v one bird Norfolk Parakeet,(+Turtle,Wallaby),SG1062-6, 3.50 Species at Risk (5v shtlt MS1067: Parakeet as above,(+Turtle,Wallaby), 3.70 B.(4v):Pac.Robin,Sacred K’fisher,Golden Whistler,Grey Fantail,SG1068-71, 5.95 Parrots (4v): Crimson Rosella/Norfolk Parakeet,(2 diff of each),SG1096-9 3.70 $4 overprint on $0.10 Red-tailed Tropicbird (2004 defin), SG1138, 5.95 Iconic Activities(4v):Whale Bird=Sooty Tern,(+Fishing,Shells, SG1139-42, 7.75 Sooty Tern (1v): - only bird from the above Iconic Activities set,SG1140 1.50 Norway* Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway* 2000 2000 2006 2006 2009 2015 2015 Golden Eagle (1v): SG1368 0.95 Golden Eagle booklet (8v sheetlet) 8 X above SG1368 7.60 Golden Eagle (1 value) SG1605 from above fauna set, fine used only avail. 2.20 Carrier Pigeon (or Dove?) (1 value) SG1620, 1.50 Willow Ptarmigan value only from Fauna issue above (1v): SG1708, 5.75 Birds (2v): Eurasian Blue Tit & Crested Tit, 6.95 Eurasian Eagle Owl (1v): 6.75 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan 1991 1997 2001 2003 Houbara Bustard (1v): SG853, Cat.£2.00, Himalayan Monal Pheasant (1 value): SG1027, Cat.£1.00 B. (4v): Hoopoe, Magpie Robin, Pin-T Sandgrouse, SG1145-8, Bird (1v): Red-legged Partridge - Chukar, SG1178, 48 1.25 0.40 2.75 0.60 Pakistan Pakistan 2008 Fauna (4v; one is Chukar Partridge, (+ tree,Jasmine,Markhor), SG1364-7 2012 50th Anniv. Ayub Railway Bridge+ birds (1v): Great White Cranes, SG1444, Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan 2012 Child Art(8v shtlt): Parrots, Toucan, Flamingo, (+ 5 non-bird),SG1445-52 4.90 2012 Migrat. B.(4v):N.Shoveler,White Stork,Gt.White Crane,Snow Goose,SG1460-3 1.70 2013 Red Vented Bulbul (1v): scarce Bureau sold out SG1493, we have 20 left 1.95 Palau 1994 Large Seabirds (4v): Brown, Red-foot Boobies, Cormorant, SG677-80, 3.25 Palau 2000 B. (12v=2X6v shtlts): Scops Owl, Fantail, Ground Dove, Flycatcher, Banded Crake, Micro Kingfisher Scott #553/4, SG1611-22, 2000 Fauna (6v shtlt): one Little Kingfisher, (+ mammals) SGMS1778a 6.80 4.45 Palau Palau 1.95 0.80 2001 B.(12v=2Xshtlts) MS1806a/b: Yellow-faced Mynah,Diard's Trogon,Coppersmith Barbet, Spectacled Monarch, Banded Pitta, Rufousbacked Kingfisher, 12.90 2001 Birds MS1806c/d: Paradise Flycatcher & River Kingfisher souvenir sheet, 7.55 Palau Palau Palau Palau* 2001 Birds defs (22v to $10:Common Tern,Grey-backed White-eye,Ruddy Turnstone, Barn Swallow,White-collared Kingfisher,Sulphur Crested Cockatoo,SG1869-90, 57.50 2003 Birds new defs (2v): $0.26 Whistler and $0.37 White-eye, SG1879a,b, 1.60 2006 Birds new defs (2v): 24c Black Oystercatcher/39ct Gt.Blue Heron,SG2151-2, 1.50 Palau Palau 2004 Birds (4v shtlt)MS2008c:Blue-faced Parrotfinch,Palau Swiftlet,Flycatcher, 5.90 2004 Birds MS2008f: Zosterops finschii, Dusky (Giant) White-eye souvenir sheet 2.95 Palau Palau Palau Palau 2007 2007 2007 2007 Palau Palau Palau Palau 2011 Seabirds(8v = 2 shtlts)MS2476-7:Cattle Egret,L.Pied Cormorant,Yellow Bittern, Intermediate Egret, Black-headed Gull, Red-tailed Tropicb. Aus.Pelican, 12.50 2011 Seabirds MS2478-9: Greater Crested Tern and Brown Noddy souvenir sheets 6.50 2014 Seabirds (12v in 2 shtlts): Black-tailed,Ring-billed + Great Black-backed Gulls, European herring Gull, Lesser & Great Black-backed Gulls 17.85 2014 Owls (4v shtlt): Indian Scops, Buffy-Fish, Morepork, 6.40 2014 Owls SS: Ural Owl souvenir sheet 5.20 2014 Owls SS: Short-eared Owl souvenir sheet 6.35 Panama Panama Panama 1997 W.W.F. (4v): American (Needle) Crocodiles + one Brown Pelican, SG1590-3, 2.95 1998 Harpy Eagles (4v setenant): SG1623-6 2.25 2003 Endangered Species - Harpy Eagle & Golden Frog (1v): SG1716 3.50 Palau Palau Endemic (6v shtlt): Palau Owl, Rusty Capped Kingfisher, Doves,SG2268-73 Endemic (6v shtlt):Mangrove Flycatcher,Giant/Dusky White-eyes,SG2274-9, B.(4v shtlt)MS2289:Red-billed Leiothrix,L.Thrush,Wahnes’ Parotia,Yuhina, Birds MS2290: Wilson’s Bird of Paradise souvenir sheet 5.80 5.75 4.90 3.20 Papua Papua Papua Papua Papua New New New New New G. G. G. G. G. 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 "May 1992" imprint bklt SGSB6a, (21tX10), manucodia chalybata,reorder 21t definitive value with "May 1992" imprint also shade reorder 21t defin. Manucodia value with "1993" imprint + new shade, reorder "1993" imprint booklet SGSB7 (45tX10) King Bird of Paradise reorder 45t definitive "1993" imprint (1v): King Bird of Paradise reorder Papua Papua Papua Papua New New New New G. G. G. G.2008 1995 1998 2008 B.of 21t opts. Bird of Paradise & Kingbird (3v): only SG755-7, scarce B.(4v): Greater Sooty Owl, N.G.Goshawk, Forest Bittern, SG825-8, Birds MS1226: Palm Cockatoo souvenir sheet P.(4v): Mag.B.P, Brown Sicklebill, Lawes Parotia, Emperor,SG1263-6 6.55 1.70 4.90 7.50 Papua New G.2010 Bowerbirds (8v=4v+4v shtlt):Golden-fronted,Fire-Maned,Archbold’s,Flame, MacGregor’s Gardener, Lauterbach’s, Adelbert Regent, SG1420-3+MS1424 14.95 Papua New G.2010 Bowerbirds MS1425: Flame Bowerbird souvenir sheet 5.75 Papua New G.2011 Southern Cassowaries (8v=4v+4v shtlt): 8 diff. images, SG1514-7+MS1518 16.90 Papua New G.2011 Southern Cassowaries MS1519: Casuarius casuarius souvenir sheet 7.80 Paraguay Paraguay* Paraguay* Paraguay* Paraguay 1999 2004 2007 2010 2011 Children's S.O.S. Villages (2v): Toucans, SG1572-3 Bird (1v): Bare-throated Bellbird (procias nudicollis), SG1718, Parrot (1v): Scarlet Macaw, SG1786, Darwin (1v): Ringed Kingfisher – Megaceryl torquata, SG1852, CARITAS Bird of Prey (1v+label): Savanna hawk, SG1883 Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay 2012 2012 2012 2012 Liberal Party (2v+labels): Hyacinth Macaw, (+ Blue bfly, Encarnacion – New Energy + Bird (1v+label): Great Egret, UN Program + Bird (1v): Green (Striated) Heron, Butorides striatus, 40th Anniv. UN Program MS: Roseate Spoonbill souvenir sheet 49 2.90 2.75 4.25 6.50 1.25 11.75 1.60 2.60 12.75 Peru Peru Peru 1997 25th Anniv.Biological Science College (1v): Parrot, SG1907, 4.95 1999 Le Manu MS1988: Jaguar + Macaw, Cock-of-the-Rock etc. border souven/sheet 5.90 2002 N.Parks (4v; Blue-faced & Peruvian Boobies, Amer Oystercatcher,SG2123-6 5.75 Peru Peru 2003 U.P.A.E.P. (2v): Andean Cock of the Rock – Rupicola peruviana, SG2168-9 2004 (2002 imprint) Fauna (2v; one Blue-headed Macaw (+ Otter), SG2196-7, Peru Peru Peru 2005 Allpahuayo Reserve (4v): Ant Bird, (+ Iguana, etc.), SG2312-5, 9.40 2005 Lake Titicaca (4v): Puna Ibis, Andean Flamingo, maps, SG2388-91, 9.25 2006 Parrots (6v block): Orange-cheeked, Black Headed & Festive P., Blue/Yellow & Chestnut Fronted Macaws, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, SG2394-9, 16.95 3.50 3.50 Peru Peru Peru 2006 Endangered Species (4v): Harpy Eagle, (+ Pampas Cat, mammals) SG2490-3, 2007 Brds(4v)Verm.Flycatcher,Vulture,Long-tail Mockingbd,Bananaquit,SG2505-8, 2007 Regional Fauna & Flora (2v): Scarlet Macaws & Great Egrets, SG2535-6, Peru Peru Peru 2008 Long-whiskered Owlet (1 value): Xenoglaux loweryi, SG2606, 5.25 2009 B(4v shtlt)MS2676:Ferrig.Pygmy Owl,Whimbrel,L.Blue Heron,Spotted Sandpiper 18.90 2009 Parrots (& orchids) (2 values): SG2678-9, 3.40 Peru Peru Peru Peru 2011 2011 2013 2013 Peru Peru Anguedas (1v): Andean Condor, SG2727, Endangered birds (2v): White-bellied Cinclodes, Spatuletail, SG2824-25, Natural History Museum (1v): Marvellous Spatuletail, Hummingbirds (4v shtlt): Royal Sunangel, Purple-collared Woodstar, Gray-bellied Comet & Oasis Hummingbirds, 2014 Fossil MS: Giant Penguin souvenir sheet 2014 Birds (4v shtlt): Groove-billed Ani, Peruvian Stone-curlew (Thick-knee,) Slender-billed Finch, Pacific (Ferruginous)Pygmy Owl, Philippines* 1993 Maya - National Bird (1v): 5P$ value Philippine Trogon SG2645, Philippines 1995 Philippines Eagle MS2761: Eagle souvenir sheet, Philippines 1995 Asean - Flora/Fauna (2v): Phil. Eagle, bflies, insects, SG2762-3, Philippines Philippines 1999 B.(8v): Asiatic Dowitcher, Whimbrel, Stilt, Greater Crested & Common Terns, Reef & Green-backed Herons, Ruddy Turnstone, SG3219-26, 1999 B. Australia EXPO (2v shtlt): Spotted Greenshank, Tufted Duck, 17.50 16.80 4.25 5.50 15.95 4.40 15.95 9.30 25.95 0.65 1.50 1.75 1.90 1.50 Philippines Philippines Philippines 2004 W.W.F. Owls(4v) Negros & Giant Scops, West Visayan Hawk, SG3719-22 1.45 2007 Ducks (8v=4v+4v shtlt): Pintail,Eurasian Teal,Greater Scaup,SG3957-64 3.75 2008 B. with “2008” imprints complete set very scarce (21v): to $P100 complete; Black-naped Oriole, Blue-backed Azure-rumped/Blue-naped Great-billed Parrots, Asian Fairy Bluebird, Crimson Sunbird, Mindanao Bleeding Heart, Nicobar Pigeon, Fruit Doves Philippine Cockatoo & Eagles, SG3990a-22a, 35.00 Philippines 2008 B. with “2008A” imprints complete set scarce (9v) to $100, P.Eagles, Oriole, Pitta, Bluebird, Parrots, SG3990aa-4022aa, 17.50 Philippines 2008 B. with “2008B” imprints complete set (2v): $P1 & $P2, SG3990ab/91ab, 1.75 Philippines 2009 Owls “2009”imp(4v):$P24 Luzon/Phil.Scops,P.Eagle,Spotted Wood,SG4012b-e 5.90 Philippines 2009 B. with “2009A” imprints (33v) complete:Mugimaki/Narcissus+Mt.Verditer Flycatchers,Blue Rock-Thrush, Brown Shrike, 10 sunbirds Apo’s, Lina’s, Common Flameback, Ashy/Black-head Tailorbirds,Owls,Fish/Hawk Eagles, 33.95 (Please note that also available separately, are the four Owls $P24 values as follows: Philippines 2009 Owls “2009A” imprint (4v):$P24 Luzon/Phil.Scops,P.Eagle,Wood,SG4012f-i 6.15 Philippines 2009 B. with “2009B” imprints (15v complete): $P1-$100 with Hawk Eagle, $P10 Raquetail,$P26 Tailorbirds,P$3 Mountain Verditer Flycatcher, P$4 Blue Rock-Thrush, P$17 Common Flameback, SG3990d-4023b 20.80 Philippines 2009 B. definitives “2009C” imprint (10v complete): $P1 Mugimaki Flycatcher, $P50,$P100 Eagles, $P2,3,4,5,8,9,17,SG3991da,SG4005ca,4021c,SG4023c,etc 12.25 Philippines 2009 B. definitives 2009D” definitives P$50 & P$100 (2v): Grey-headed Fish Eagle and Philippine Hawk Eagle, SG4021d,SG4023d 9.50 Philippines 2009 B. definitives “2009D” imprint (1v): $P9 Crested Serpent Eagle,SG4006cb 0.90 Philippines 2011 Davo City (4v): one is head of a Philippines Eagle, SG4549-52, 2.95 Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn* 1964 1998 1998 2004 Definitives (9v): Great Frigate B., Pitcairn Warbler, fine used Year Ocean (4v: Murphy's Petrel, (+ reef fish etc. SG539-42 Year Ocean MS543:(4v sheetlet: Murphy's Petrel, etc., Red-tailed Tropicbird (1v): from scenes issue, SG667, 50 7.50 4.20 4.25 2.40 Pitcairn* Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 Murphy’s Petrels (5v): Pterodroma ultima, SG674-8, 5.15 Murphy’s Petrels (5v shtlt) MS979: designs as above, 5.20 Bristle-thighed Curlew (5v): Numenius tahitiensis, SG694-8, 6.25 Bristle-thighed Curlew (5v shtlt;MS699 + border design, Numenius tahit., 6.30 Henderson Is.(6v)outline fauna,incl.Stephens Lorikeet/Tropicbird,SG704-9, 6.70 Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitcairn 2006 2007 2007 2009 2011 2014 Henderson Is. Cave Dwellers (4v shtlt)MS720: beach scene with seabirds, 4.65 W.W.F.Seabirds (4v): Blue-grey Turnlet, Black & Brown Noddys, SG724-7 5.90 W.W.F.Seabirds (8v sheetlet 2 sets of above)MS728: Blue-grey Turnlet, 11.80 Darwin (4v):one has Woodpecker/Warbler/Ground Finches,(+Darwin)SG784-7, 6.90 Rare Birds(5v):Henderson Is Reed Warbler,Petrel,Crake & Lorikeet,SG831-5 8.95 Albatrosses (3v shtlt)MS899: Black-browed, Wandering & Buller’s 6.95 Poland Poland Poland Poland 1994 1994 2003 2003 Pigeons (4v): Friar, Silver Magpie & Danzig Pigeons SG3538-41 Pigeon MS3542: Short-tailed Pigeon souvenir sheet, W.W.F. (4v): Ospreys, SG4096-9, White Storks (1v) SG4100, 1.95 0.95 2.50 1.75 Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland 2004 2004 2006 2012 2013 2014 Exotic B.(4v): Crimson rosella, Cockatiel, Spotted-sided Finch, SG4124-7 Exotic B.(8v shtlt; two sets of the above): Crimson rosella, Cockatiel, Lighthouses (4v shtlt; has ONE seabird in border, SG4227-30 was £4.95 Eurasian Bullfinches (1 value): SG4509, Common Kingfisher MS4528: Alcedo atthis souvenir sheet Bee-Eater souvenir sheet: (+ a dragonfly in beak border) souvenir sheet 2.45 4.90 3.50 1.80 3.50 3.65 Portugal* Portugal Portugal Portugal 2000 2003 2004 2004 Hannover EXPO 2000 (1v): Flamingoes, SG2792 0.95 B. (3v self-ad): Blue Rockthrush, Rock Dove, Subalpine Warbler,SG2989-91a 2.40 Lisbon (6v; 2 birds, Atlantic Puffin & Magellanic Penguin, SG3077-82, 9.90 Lisbon MS3083: Macaroni Penguin souvenir sheet, 2.30 Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal* Portugal 2005 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 Common Stonechat MS3271:in Sweet Chestnut tree souvenir sheet Hummingbird MS3519: souvenir sheet (A heranca das Americas) Polar Brds.(4v):Sanderling,Razorbill,Storm Petrel,Arctic Tern,SG3578-81, Darwin MS3649: Bearded Tachuri (+ Darwin), souvenir sheet, Darwin (1v): Large Ground Finches, SG3643, Darwin 125th Anniv. Zoological Gardens (1v+label): Finch as SG3643, 3.50 2.95 4.50 5.50 0.95 0.97 Portugal* Portugal* Portugal Portugal Portugal* Portugal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 Fish Eagles (2v): White-tail Eagle, Osprey, SG3701-2, Hummingbird – Minute Hermit (1 value): SG3734 “Water” (1v): has 5 birds circling suspended earth+tree+rhino, SG3819, Veterinary Day MS3888: stylized owl souvenir sheet B.Prey (4v):Per.Falcon,G.Eagle,N.Goshawk,Eurasian Sparrow-hawk,SG4041-4 Centre for falconry MS4045: (no birds) souvenir sheet 2.45 1.90 1.40 5.95 5.25 3.60 Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar 2000 2008 2009 2009 Qatar Bank (2v: one is a Dove, SG1084-5, 1.95 Pigeon (& Camels & map) MS1215: sheetlet of two values, 4.75 B.(6v)Orphean Warbler,Chiffchaf,Woodchat,Isab/Less Grey Shrikes,SG1231-6, 2.75 Birds’ Heads (6v strip in booklet): Wagtail, Orphean Warbler, Chiffchaf, Woodchat,Shrikes as above but completely different designs, SG1237-42, 8.75 2009 Birds MS1243: Cream Coloured Courser souvenir sheet scarce 32.50 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania 1999 1999 1999 1999 2003 2004 2006 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 Bird silhouettes obliterated on Famous People (5v): Duck, Swan, Swallow 0.60 B.(4v): Common & White Peafowl, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Macaw,SG6035-8 2.45 EUROPA (2v): Black Stork, Common Shoveler, SG6044-5, 1.30 EUROPA (4v + bird labels): Stork, Shoveler, SG6044-5, gutter pairs, 3.25 Owls (6v): European Scops, Ural, Eurasian Pygmy, Tengmalm’s, SG6349-54, 4.95 B.(4v shtlt):Grey Heron, Mallard, Gt.White Pelican/Crested Grebe,MS6388 3.75 Birds Prey(5v)N.Sparrowhawk,W. Harrier,Less Spotted Eagle,L.Owl,SG6785-9, 4.75 Birds of Prey MS6790: Eurasian Northern Hobby souvenir sheet 2.90 Ducks(6v)N.Pintail,Garganey,Red-chest Pochard,Red-breast Goose,SG6808-13 8.25 Polar Year (6v): One Penguin, (+ Bears, Seals), SG6850-5, 9.50 Birds (4v): Kingfisher, Saker Falcon, Egret, Black Winged Stilt,SG6945-8, 3.85 Birds (4v shtlt)MS6949: Kingfisher,Saker Falcon,Egret,Black Winged Stilt 3.90 Birds MS6950: White-tailed Eagle souvenir sheet 3.95 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania 2009 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 Polar Year Regions (2v shtlt)MS6953: Penguins & melting ice-map, 5.20 EUROPA (2v): small animals including birds, on 16thC. globe, SG6961-2, 6.50 End.Species (6v): Great Bustard, G.Eagle, (+ Lynx, Deer, SG6984-9, 7.70 Danube Fauna(4v): Pelican, Cormorant, (+ fish),SG7047-50,was £7.90 Offer 6.50 Parrots(5v):Scarlet,Blue-winged/Golden-collar Macaws,E.Rosella,SG7107-11, 8.95 Parrots MS7112: Cockatiel souvenir sheet 5.50 51 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Fauna (4v: Purple Heron, W.Capercaillie, (+ Wolf, Racoon Dog,)SG7149-52, 10.40 Fauna (4v shtlt)MS7153: Purple Heron, W.Capercaillie as above, 10.50 Flowers I (6v):flowers + 2 birds,Red Junglefowl/ Bluethroat, SG7196-01 14.95 Flowers I (2v): 2 birds, Red Junglefowl & Bluethroat, SG7197,7201 ONLY, 7.90 Flowers II (4v): incl. one Wild Turkey, SG7202-5, 4.50 Visit (2v): Stork silhouette + map, SG7229-30, 7.50 Visit (4v shtlt): 2 each of Stork silhouette + map 14.95 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 Waterfowl (5v):Little Egret, Squacco Heron, Pelican, Bee-Eater,SG7243-7, 13.75 Waterfowl MS7248: Great White Pelican souvenir sheet 6.25 Owls (4v): Little, Long-eared, Great Grey, Ural, SG7342-5, 12.95 Fauna (4v): one bird Eurasian 3-toed Woodpecker,(+ Bison etc.),SG7380-3, 9.95 Ducks (4v): Northern Shoveler, Eurasian Teal, Mallard, Tufted, SG7432-5, 10.70 Fauna (4v): one bird - Starling, Wild Boar, Bear, Squirrel, SG7489-92 14.50 Bird value from above Fauna issue(1v): Starling & grapes, SG7492, 9.90 Songbirds arrival March 2015 Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross 1994 1997 2004 2007 2013 2013 Emperor Penguin (1 value): SG24, 1.50 Seabirds (6v): 4 have WWF logo, Ant.Fulmar, Petrel, Tern, SG44-7 + 50,3 4.70 Emperor Penguins (5v): SG85-9 4.80 50th Anniv. Expedition (5v; one value Adelie penguins, (+ ship) SG104-8, 7.70 Food Web (5v):Lesser Snow Petrel,Adelie Penguin,(+Krill,Whale, SG139-43, 10.45 Food Web (5v shtlt)MS144: Lesser Snow Petrel, Adelie Penguin,(+Krill 10.50 Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia 1989 1990 1991 1992 1998 2001 Ducks (3v): Green-winged Teal, Common & Ruddy Shelduck, SG6011-3 Zoo (3v): Golden Eagle, Saker Falcon, Raven, SG6135-7, Ducks (3v): Pintails, Great Scaups, White-headed Ducks, SG6264-6 Western Capercaillie (3v): SG6351, Heron definitive R0.25 (1v): SG6720, EUROPA (1v): Gull at Lake Baikal, SG7021 0.60 1.50 0.55 0.50 0.35 0.95 Russia Russia* Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia 2002 2006 2006 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 Birds (2v): Demoiselle crane, Great Black-headed Gull, SG7113-4, Penguins (1 value): Emperor & Adelie Penguins, SG7387 Sakha fauna (5v): Ross’s Gull, Siberian Crane, (+ Polar Bear, SG7444-8, Forest Fauna (3v): White-backed Woodpecker, (+ fungi, deer,) SG7557-9, Eurasian Magpie – Year of the Forest (1v): Pica pica, SG7745, Vrangel Island MS7824: King Eider & Harlequin Duck souvenir sheet World Heritage Ubsunur Valley (Hollow) MS7931: Saker Falcon Moscow Zoo MS: Zoo Lake but border contains parrot & peacock 1.50 0.80 2.80 2.95 1.50 3.95 3.30 2.70 Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda 1972 1975 1977 1978 1980 1982 1983 B.(10v): Common Waxbill,Collared & Variable Sunbirds, G.Oriole, SG469-78, 5.30 B.(8v): Malachite Kingfisher, Goliath Heron,Saddlebill,Jacana, SG660-7, 3.75 B.(8v):Long-crested Eagle,Af.Harrier Hawk,Black-shouldered Kite,SG833-40, 4.95 Domestic An. (8v): Turkey, Ducks, Domestic Fowl, + mammals, SG903-10, 3.50 B.(8v): Strange Weaver,Barred Owlet,Emerald Cuckoo,B.Hornbill,SG956-63, 4.90 United Nations Species(10v;2 birds Grey Crowned Crane & Fish Eagle, 5.25 B.(10v)N.Double-collared,Regal,Red-tufted & Red-chest Sunbirds,SG1141-50, 5.75 Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Sahara Rep. 1997 B.(6v+SS): Spotted Flycatcher, Golden Oriole etc. 7.25 Sahara Rep. 1999 B.Prey SS:European Hobby souvenir sheet was £2.40 on Special Offer 1.50 St.Helena 2007 Seabirds (4v): Madeiran Storm Petrel, Black Noddy, Sooty tern, SG1028-31 5.50 St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Kitts St.Lucia 2001 2001 2001 2001 2005 2005 2005 2007 2007 2009 Fauna (6v shtlt; one bird - Bananaquit, bfly, etc. SG579-84 5.20 B.(1st 6v shtlt): Belted Kingfisher, Sapsucker, Bunting, Gull, SG603-8, 5.95 B. (6v shtlt; Trembler, White-tailed Tropicbird, Red-leg Thrush,SG656-61, 4.70 B. MS680b: 2nd Ruby-throated Hummingbird (looks right) souvenir sheet, 3.80 Ducks(4v): Fulvous & Black-bellied & White-faced Whistling Ducks, SG791-4 3.50 Parrots MS797(4v shtlt): Australian King P., Pale-headed & East Rosellas, 5.80 Parrots MS798: Rainbow Lorikeet (White Cockatoo in border) souvenir sheet 3.80 B.(4v shtlt): Masked Booby, R.Albatross, Brown Noddy, Cormorant,SG904-7, 4.15 Birds MS908: Rock Cormorant souvenir sheet 3.40 B.(10v):Solitary Sandplover,Piping Plover,Prairie Warbler,W.Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher, Sooty Tern,Masked Booby,Willet, SG993-6+MS997/8, 14.75 2012 Par.(4v shtlt)MS1084Orange-wing,Yellow-head St.V.Amazons,Green-wng Macaw, 6.50 2012 Parrots MS1085: Blue & Gold Macaws Parrots souvenir sheet 3.50 2013 Hummingbirds (6v shtlt): Rufous & Black Crested Coquettes, Tufted Coquette, Broad-tailed Hummer, Purple-collared Woodstar, 8.50 1987 Postage Dues (4v): Parrot in Coats of arms, D13-6, 52 2.95 St.Lucia 2003 St.Lucia Amazon (1 value) SG1280 (re-numbered SG1288) St.Lucia* 2010 White-breasted Thrasher (1v): from Biodiversity issue, SG1397, St.Lucia* 2010 Biodiversity (4v; incl. above White-br. Thrasher,beetle,Iguana,SG1394-7 0.40 2.75 3.50 St.Maarten St.Maarten St.Maarten 2011 Papermoney (6v block; has 3 Birds Ceylon Grey Hornbill, Ostrich, Hoopoe 9.95 2011 Definitive (1v): Pelican, 4.25 2012 B.(12v incl. Pearl & Grey-headed Kites & Plain-bellied Emerald, Whitely’s Toucanet, Gt.Horned Owl, Gt.Jacamar, Black-necked Acracari, Spangled Cotinga,Raquet-tailed Coquette,Bicolored Hawk,Crimson/Gartered Trogons 23.50 St.Maarten 2013 B.(12v incl. Plumbeous Pigeon, Purplish Jay, Grey-headed/Yellow Tanagers, Ochre-bellied Flycatcher, Rufous-bellied Antwren, Black-bellied Squirrel & Little Cuckoos, Spot-winged Antshrike, Cocoa Thrush, 26.25 St.Maarten 2014 B.(12v incl. Cream Coloured, Chestnut & Golden-collared Woodpeckers, Dark-billed Cuckoo, Pearl & Grey-headed Kites, Hummingbird, Motmot, St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre St.Pierre Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Sao Tome Sao Tome Sao Tome et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et 22.50 Miquelon* 2002 Atlantic Puffin (1v): SG915, Miquelon 2003 Northern Gannet (1v): SG934, Miquelon 2004 Canada Geese (1 value): SG949, Miquelon 2005 Valley of the Seven Lakes (2v+label): one bird SG1006-7, Miquelon* 2005 Whistling/Piping Plover – Charadrius melodus (1v): SG1008, Miquelon* 2006 Senat Archipelago (1v): gulls (in beach scene + rowing boat, Miquelon* 2006 Common Eider (1v) SG1042, Miquelon 2008 Dunes (2v + label): Horned Lark & Arctic Terns, SG1059-60, Miquelon 2008 Harlequin Duck (1 value): SG1082, Miquelon 2009 Fox Sparrow (1v) inscr. “Bruant Fauve” SG1089, Miquelon 2009 Duck Hunting (1v): SG1099, Miquelon 2010 Black & White Warbler (1v): SG1105, Miquelon 2010 Common Eider Ducks at Cap de Miquelon (2v + label): SG1107-8, Miquelon 2010 Hunting (1v): ducks, SG1117, Miquelon* 2011 Cape May Warbler (1 value): Dendroica tigrina, SG1121, Miquelon 2012 Tree Swallow (1v): Tachycineta bicolor, SG1143, Miquelon 2012 Children’s paintings (1v): Puffins, Swans, etc SG1165 Miquelon* 2013 Blue Jay (1v): SG1172 Miquelon 2013 Le Finlande SNPL Bordeaux (1v): small seabirds(+map, SG1177 Miquelon* 2014 Bohemian Waxwing (1v): Bombycilla garrulus SG1199, 4.95 3.80 3.75 6.75 3.90 0.95 2.50 8.90 2.90 1.90 2.95 1.25 9.50 3.75 1.35 2.30 2.80 1.37 3.20 1.36 e Principe 1992 Raptor (1 value): Scott#1054”0” 4.75 e Principe 2003 Birds (6v shtlt): Black-collared Barbet,Meyer’s Parrot,Sc#1484 7.75 e Principe 2003 Songbirds (6v shtlt): Scott#1500 was £7.75 special offer 6.75 e Principe 2003 Songbirds SS: Canaries souvenir sheet Sc.#1504 was £7.95 offer 6.50 e Principe 2005 W.W.F. B.(4v): Sao T Oriole,White-eye,Olive Pigeon,Olive Ibis, 7.75 e Principe 2005 WWF Indig. Birds (8v shtlt + label): 2 sets as above + label, 15.50 e Principe 2005 WWF Indigenous Birds SS: 4v sheetlet with designs as above, 11.50 e P. 2005 Owls (4v shtlt): Western Barn Owls, 2 Great Grey Owls, 5.95 2006 Owls/Fungi(4v shtlt+4 labels)Little,Great Grey,Af.Wood,Jamaican,Scott#1601 9.50 e P. 2007 B. (14v shtlt): Principe Kingfisher, Weaver, Sunbird, Seedeater, Sao Tome Prinia, Spinetail, Oriole+Green Pigeon, W.Barn Owl,Sc#1778 28.95 e P. 2008 Naturalists I (4v shtlt):one bird; Aristotle+Cormorant)Sc#1797 10.60 e P. 2008 Naturalist II SS:John Ray & Dodo,Eagle border souvenir sheet Sc#1825 11.65 e Principe 2009 W.W.F. Whistling Parrots (4v strip) Scott#1933-6 11.50 e Principe 2009 W.W.F. Whistling Parrots (8v shtlt): different format to above 23.00 e Principe 2009 Owl very scarce overprint on 1981 stamp “E” Tyto alba thomensis24.50 e Principe 2009 Naturalists (6v shtlt): Golden Pheasant, Archaeopteryx, Gould, 9.70 2009 B. of New Z. (4v shtlt): Saddleback,Huia,Kea & Kakapo Parrots, Scott#1970 9.50 2009 Kakapo Parrots of New Z. (4v shtlt): Strigops habroptila, Scott#1971 9.60 2009 Seabirds (5v shtlt):Eg.Vulture,Blackleg Kittiwake,Cory Shearw, Scott#216910.90 2009 Seabirds (SS): Atlantic Puffin souvenir sheet Scott#2180 10.35 2009 Seabirds(2SS):Northern Fulmar in English+Portuguese 2 s/sheets,Mi#4214 10.50 2009 Prey(5v shtlt):Gt.Horned Owl,Powerful Boobock,Vulture,Hobby,Scott#2186, 10.30 2010 2010 2010 2011 W.W.F. Stamp on Stamp (5v shtlt): S.Georgia 1992 Teal, Michel#4637-41 10.75 W.W.F. Stamp on Stamp SS: Z.E.S.1985 Tortoise+border Hummingb, Mi#4642 10.50 Biodiversity (5v shtlt): Mauritius Kestrel, Bat, Tiger , Michel#4686-90 11.50 Birds (10v shtlt): Black-capped Speirops, Hummingbird, Grey Parrot, Great Weaver, Michel#4693-4702, 16.75 2011 Banknotes (4v; Principe Starling,Sao T Oriole, Kingfisher, Mi#4779-82 7.95 2011 Seabirds(2v shtlt): Sooty Tern, Wandering Albatross, Michel#4838-9 7.50 2011 Owls(2v shtlt):Northern Pygmy,N.Long-eared(Eastern Screech),Mi#4847-8re10.60) 53 Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Raptors(4v shtlt):Rough-leg Buzzard,Hobby,Gold/Bonnelli Eagles Mi#4913-6 10.90 Owls(4v shtlt):Rufous,Madagascar Red Owl,Verreaux+Akun Eagle,Mi#4917-20 10.80 Christmas Is. Fauna (4v shtlt): Sula sula, (+ crustacean, ) Mi#4937-40 10.70 Kingfishers(4v shtlt): Alcedo thomensis four different, Michel#4968-71 9.85 Kingfishers SS: Alcedo thomensis souvenir sheet Michel#5112 9.80 Owls (4v shtlt): Western Barn, Sao Tome & African Scops Owls, Mi#5108-11 9.95 Birds SS: African Scops & Barn Owls souvenir sheet Michel#5115 9.90 S.T. Birds(4v shtlt)Comb/F.Whistling Duck,Less/Grtr Flamingo,Mi#5104-7 9.80 Sao Tome Birds SS: Greater Flamingo souvenir sheet, Michel#5114 9.75 Seabirds (4v shtlt) Brown Booby & Cape Gannet 2 different each, Mi#5100-3 9.87 Seabirds SS: Morus capensis Cape Gannet souvenir sheet Michel#5113 9.73 150th Anniv. 1st Russia Post SS: Barn Owl, (+ other)souvenir sheet Mi#5210 9.70 B.Prey (4v shtlt):Osprey,Barred Owl,Red-tailed Hawk,P.Falcon, Mi#5276-9 9.93 Birds of Prey SS: Barred Owl souvenir sheet, Mi#5280 9.83 Parrots(4v shtlt):Red-crowned Amazon Blue/Yell Macaw,Eclectus Mi#5281-4, 9.95 Parrots SS: Glossy Black Cockatoo souvenir sheet Mi#5285 9.90 End. Animals (4v shtlt): Ivory-billed Woodpecker,(+ orangutan, Mi#5286-9 10.50 Crocodiles (4v shtlt; one has an Egyptian Plover 8.80 Crocodiles SS: Croc + Egyptian Plover souvenir sheet 8.85 Owls(4v shtlt)V.Eagle Sokoe Scops & White-browed Hawk Owls,Michel#5426-9 reord Owls SS: Pharaoh’s Eagle Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#5430 7.25 Extinct B.(4v shtlt):Bonin Wood Pigeon,Reunion Gallinule, Michel#5386-9 7.30 Extinct Bird SS: Javan/Sunda Lapwing souvenir sheet Michel#5390 7.35 Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Red List (4v shtlt)“Antipodes Parakeet”incorrectly identified, Ural Owl 9.30 Forth Road Bridge (4v shtlt): Arctic & Sandwich Terns, & Queen Elizabeth 8.95 Forth Road Bridge SS: Northern Gannet souvenir sheet 8.97 W.W.F. Blue-breasted Kingfisher (4v minisheet) 7.75 W.W.F. Blue-breasted Kingfisher souvenir sheet 7.80 W.W.F. Blue-breasted Kingfisher (4v strip) 7.85 W.W.F. Kingfisher (8v sheetlet, two sets diff. layout) 15.50 Stamp on Stamp all WWF (4v shtlt): Lesser Spotted Eagle, Whinchat, 10.50 Eagles (4v shtlt) Harpy, Bald, Af.Fish, 8.92 Steller’s Sea Eagle SS: souvenir sheet 8.94 Bee-Eaters (4v shtlt) Chestnut Headed, Eur. Bee-Eater 8.89 Bee-Eaters SS: White-fronted Bee-Eater souvenir sheet 8.91 Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome Tome 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Hummingbirds (4v shtlt) Golden-tailed Sapphire,Anna’s,Volcano,Violet-Ear Hummingbirds SS: Allen’s Hummingbird souvenir sheet Global Warming (4v shtlt) Eur.Herring-gull, Emperor Penguin, Polar Bear Global Warming SS: Kelp gull souvenir sheet Grapes & Birds(4v shtlt): Pyrrhuloxia, Lovebird, Macaw Grapes & Birds SS: Zebra Finch souvenir sheet Hornbills (4v shtlt): S.Yellow-billed, Rhino, Wreathed, Great, Hornbills SS: Great Hornbill souvenir sheet Predators (4v shtlt) White-backed Vulture, Tiger. Pheasants (4v shtlt): Ring-necked & Silver pheasants Pheasants SS: Ring-necked Pheasant souvenir sheet 8.94 8.96 9.15 9.10 8.93 8.9 8.86 8.84 9.05 8.87 8.85 St.Vincent 1989 Birds (8v): Euphonia, Black Hawk, St.Vincent Amazon, SG1240-7, 10.75 St.Vincent 1995 Parrots (9v): Black-headed Caique, Red-masked & Sun Conures, Mealy Amazon, Hyacincth, Scarlet & Blue/Yellow Macaws, etc. SG2862-70 6.50 St.Vincent 1995 Birds (16v=4v+12v shtlt): Great Egret, Roseate Spoonbill, R.Quail-Dove, Osprey, Green-backed Heron, Blue-faced Booby, SG2882-2897, on reorder St.Vincent 1996 St.Vincent Birds (13v=4v+ 9v shtlt): Caribbean Martin, Green-throat & Purple-throated Carib, Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Solitaire, Broad-winged Hawk, Bridled Tern, Little Antillean Tanager, SG3343-55, 7.85 St.Vincent 1996 St.Vincent Birds MS3356:St.Vinc. Amazon+ Red-bill Whistling Duck,2 S/shts 6.80 St.Vincent 1997 Birds of World (18v=6v+two sheetlets): Gt.Spotted Woodpecker,Warbler,Blue Grosbeak, Ovenbird, Cedar Waxwing,Belted/River Kingfishers, SG3639-56, 14.80 St.Vincent 1997 World Birds MS3657: Tawny Owl, St.V.Parrot two souvenir sheets, 6.50 St.Vincent 1997 Birds of the Sea (12v=6v+6v sheetlet): Adelie & Emperor Penguins, Reddish Egret, Aus.Jacana, Mandarin, Crested Auklet, SG3658-69, 8.80 St.Vincent 1997 Seabirds MS3670: Flamingos & Snowy Egrets two souvenir sheets, 5.50 St.Vincent 1998 St.Vincent 1998 St.Vincent 1999 St.Vincent 1999 St.Vincent 2001 End.Species (32v): 10 birds, 2 bflies, 7 mmls, 5 reptiles, SG4235-66, 15.95 Bird MS4106: Hyacinth Macaw & Blue-headed Hummingbird 2 souvenir sheets, 6.30 Fauna (32v=8v+2xshtlts; 10 birds):Macaw,Toucan,Owl,Woodpecker,SG4240-63, 15.80 Fauna MS Hummingbird souvenir sheet 3.50 Rembrandt Peacock MS4794c: Common Peafowl souvenir sheet, 3.25 54 St.Vincent 2001 St.Vincent 2001 St.Vincent 2001 St.Vincent 2001 St.Vincent 2001 B.Prey (16v=4v+2X6v shtlts):Boreal,Hawk,Barred Owls,Caracara, SG4802-17 8.60 B. Prey MS4818: Amer.Kestrel & Great Grey Owl souvenir sheets on reorder£5.85) Owls (12v=6v+6v shtlt): Barn, Gt.Grey, Ural, Tengmalms, Marsh,SG4819-30, 9.50 Owls MS4831: Snowy & Hume's Owls two souvenir sheets, on reorder B.(6v shtlt): Caspian Tern, Black-wing & Black-necked Stilts Black-bellied Plover, Turnstone, White Tropicbird, SG5078-83, 4.90 St.Vincent 2001 Birds MS5084b: Brown Pelican souvenir sheet, on reorder St.Vincent 2006 Eagle (1 value): from Olympics issue, SG5550, 1.25 St.Vincent 2007 B.(4v shtlt): Yellowthroat,Arrowhead Warbler, Kingbird, Jacana, SG5630-3 4.70 St.Vincent 2007 Birds MS5634: Louisiana Waterthrush souvenir sheet 3.45 St.Vincent 2009 Seabirds (10v=4v+2 shtlts): White-rumped Sandpiper, Louisana & Great Blue Herons, Ring-billed Gull, Short-bill Dowitcher, SG5794-7+MS5798/9 13.95 St.Vincent 2010 Haiti opt. on seabirds (4v shtlt)MS5804a: Br.Pelican, Pied-billed Grebe, 6.25 St.Vincent 2013 Hummingbirds (4v shtlt): White-necked Jacobin, Black-throated Mango, Grey-breasted Sabrewing, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, 7.90 Samoa Samoa Samoa Samoa Samoa Samoa 2004 2004 2009 2011 2011 2013 Seabirds(5v): Noddy, Lesser Frigate, Black-naped/Crested Terns,SG1139-43 2.95 Seabirds(5v shtlt)MS1144: Common Noddy, Lesser Frigate, designs as above, 2.97 W.W.F.(4v):Scarlet Robin,Polynesian Triller/Starling,Honeyeater,ex-MS1210 5.75 W.W.F. Many-coloured Fruit Dove (4v strip) 6.75 W.W.F. Many-coloured Fr.Doves (8v shtlt): 2 sets above different layout 13.50 Birds definitives (12v): Samoan Triller,Collared Petrel,Tonga Dove,Moorhen, Tooth-billed Pigeon, Samoan White-eye, Polynesian Storm & Gould’s Petrels, Black-breasted Honeyeater, White-vent Flycatcher, Polynesian Triller, Bristle-thighed Curlew, 47.50 San Marino* 2002 House Sparrow (1v) SG1878, ................... 1.95 San Marino 2008 Emperor Penguins (1 value): one bird value from SG2185, 2.75 San Marino 2009 Duck (1 value): one bird value from Photography issue in a pail!, SG2218 1.90 Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia* Serbia* Serbia* Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia 1987 Birds (2v): Carmine Bee-Eater & Little Egret, Cat.£22.00+ 12.50 2010 B.(4v): Black-wing Stilt, Roseate Spoonbill, Ibis, Crowned Crane, SG1813a-d, this set is very scarce retailing at €60.00 19.75 2011 Iles et Ilots (4v): Pink-backed Pelicans, Tern etc.on one, SG1850-3, 4.95 2013 La Reserve de Gueumbuel (4v):Mute Swan,Sparrowhawk,Little Green Woodpecker, E.Yellow-billed Hornbill, Condor, Malachite/Common Kingfishers,SG1870-3 3.30 2005 2006 2007 2007 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 Joy of Europe (2v): parrot (& children), SG160-1, 2.25 Protected Animals (4v strip; Great Bustard,(+ Wolf,Bear,Polecat),SG195-8, 2.60 W.W.F. (4v) Black Woodpeckers, SG290-3, 2.90 White-tailed Eagle (1v): SG315, 1.35 Birds (2v): Rufous-tailed Rockthrush, Eurasian Woodcock, SG385-6, 1.90 Birds (2v shtlt) MS387: Rufous-tailed Rockthrush, Eurasian Woodcock, 1.95 University Games (2v): stylised birds, SG398-9, 2.10 Artists (3v): one has a dead parrot, SG400-2, 3.50 Nature (2v): one has Griffon Vultures (+ river), SG406-7, 1.90 Scientists (4v): one has Ruby-throated Hummingbird + Darwin, SG412-5, 3.90 EXPO Shanghai (2v):Swallows in city environment, (+ cherry tree)SG435a/b 2.15 City Birds (4v): House Sparrow,Gt.Tit,Black Redstart,Rock Pigeon,SG441-4 3.80 W.W.F. Pygmy Cormorants (4v setenant strip): SG490-3, 2.95 Belgrade Zoo(4v shtlt):Egyptian Vulture,(+ Lion, Wallaby, Tiger) SG516-9 5.70 Seychelles 1991 R1 Madgas.Red Fody (1v): 1986 imprint wmk.spiral BLOCK, SG487, 0.45 Seychelles 1994 "1994"imprint defins on Flora/Fauna (5v):Paradise Flycatcher,(+ Gt.Tortoise, Chameleon, Splendid Palm & Vanilla, Scott#742a-52a Cat.$83, SG820-28a 29.75 Seychelles*1996 Brush Warbler def.10ct "1996" imprint (1v):SG815w,wmk inverted sideways 0.40 Seychelles 1996 W.W.F. Flycatchers (4v): SG856-9 2.95 Seychelles 2000 "2000" imprint defs(6v):Sey. Sunbird, Brush Warbler,Scott#739-46d, 17.50 Seychelles 2004 Seychelles Sunbird & Paradise Flycatcher re-valued defins (2v): SG938,42 1.60 Seychelles*2008 W.W.F. Aldabra Red-headed Fody & Aldabra Drongos (4v): SG961-4, 1.25 Seychelles 2008 W.W.F. MS965:Aldabra Red-headed Fody & Aldabra Drongos souvenir sheet 2.50 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 1985 Audubon MS857: Great Grey Shrike souvenir sheet 3.60 1997 Ruby-throated Hummingbird MS2799b (+ Egyptian Mau cat) s/sheet, 3.90 1998 Fauna (18v=6v+2X6v shtlts): 3 birds - Lady Derby's Parakeet, Ostrich, Jap.White-eye, wasp, Wolverine, Fennec Fox, Cheetah, SG2868-85 14.80 1998 R.A.F. MS2960a/b: Common Buzzard (+ aircraft) 2 souvenir sheets, 6.95 1999 Wildlife (15v=3v+2x6v shtlts): 4 birds, European Bee-eater, Golden Oriole, Hoopoe, Red-billed Hornbill, 8 mmls, 3 rept. SG3131-45 22.50 1999 Wildlife MS3146a: Grey Parrot souvenir sheet, 5.60 55 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 1999 B.(55v=3v+6X shtlts): Cattle Egret, Afr.Grey P, Little Owl, Kestrel, Hildebrandt's Starling, Malachite Pied & Woodland Kingfishers, Blackheaded Heron, Afr.Paradise Monarch, Scops Owl, Seedcracker, Montagu's Harrier, Booted Eagle, Malimbe, Scimitarbill, Bataleur, Hartlaub's Bustard, Superb Starling, Allen’s Gallinule, SG3075-3129 49.50 1999 Birds Africa (MS3130a-f): African Fish Eagle, Baglafecht)Richenow's Weaver,Af.Pygmy Kingfisher,Rwenzori Touraco,Crane & Shoebill,6SS 29.50 1999 Hokusai paintings (6v shtlt): two birds, Owl & Mandarin ducks 9.50 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 2000 Seabirds (16v=4v+2x6v shtlts): Red Phalarope, Caspian Tern, Caspian tern,Glaucous Gull,N.Gannet,W.Albatross,Puffin,Fork-tailed Petrel, 13.50 2000 Seabirds MS3362a: Red-billed (tailed) tropicbird souvenir sheet 4.20 2000 Seabirds MS3362b: Brown Booby souvenir sheet, 4.75 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 2003 British Council (4v): all are Cabanis’ Bunting, SG4173-6, 2004 B.(8v=4v+4v shtlt): Avocet, Burrowing Owl, Kingfisher, SG4246-53 Sierra Leone 2008 Birds (26v = 2 shtlts + 9v): overprints on 1994 WWF Picathartes, 1988 5 values Shrike, Barbet, + 1999 8v shtlt Cattle Egret,Kfisher, + 9v shtlt Af.Paradise Flycatcher, Scops Owl, SG4541-5 + SG4567-78 + SG4580-7, 97.50 2009 B.(8v=4v+4v shtlt): Pangani Longclaw,Eur.Greenfinch,Pied Kingfisher, Black Chest Snake Eagle,Skylark,Namaqua Sandgrouse,SG4685-8+MS4689, 7.90 2011 Seabirds (8v in 2 x shtlts)MS4789-90:Pink-back Pelican,Abdim’s Stork, Reed(Long-tail)Cormorant,Af.Spoonbill,W.Reef Heron,Whistling Duck 12.50 2011 Seabirds MS4791-2:Afr.Sacred Ibis & Squacco Heron 2 souvenir sheets 7.90 2011 Int. Year Forest (6v shtlt)MS4796:Red-crested Turaco,(+Tree Frog), 7.50 2011 Binhai Area(6v shtlt)MS4827:Orinoco goose,(a/c carrier,cruise liner 4.50 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Sierra Sierra Sierra Sierra Leone Leone Leone Leone Leone 4.75 8.75 2013 B. of Af.(4v shtlt): Crested Barbet, White-fronted Bee-Eater, Crimson -breasted Gonolek, Glossy Starling, 8.80 2013 Birds of Africa SS: Lilac-breasted Roller souvenir sheet 7.20 2013 Parrots(4v shtlt): Af.Grey, Cape, Senegal & Meyer’s Parrots, 8.85 2013 Parrots SS: Jardine’s Parrot souvenir sheet 7.25 2013 Lovebirds (4v shtlt): Madagascar, Rosyfaced, Masked, Fischer’s 8.60 2013 Lovebirds SS: Lilian’s Lovebird souvenir sheet 6.40 Singapore 1993 Art (1v): "Cranes" painting by Chen Wen Hsi, SG718 1.50 Singapore 1996 Asian Civilizations (4v): includes one Javanese Hornbill(?) SG834-7, 3.95 Singapore 2002 Farquhar Birds (10v shtlt; Black-tailed Godwit, Malayan PeacockPheasant, Red-wattled Lapwing, Black Hornbill, SG1187-96 3.90 Singapore 2002 B.(4v): White-bellied Woodpecker, Asian Fairy Bluebird, Oriole, SG1231-4 2.85 Singapore 2002 B.MS1235 (4v shtlt; designs as above, Woodpecker, Sunbird, 2.95 Singapore 2004 Fauna (4v; one bird): Oriental Pied Hornbill, SG1443-6, 3.25 Singapore 2004 Fauna self-adhesives (2v; one bird): Pied Hornbill (& fruit) SG1447-8 0.50 Singapore 2004 Fauna self-adhesive booklet (10v; 5 pairs of above): Pied Hornbill etc 3.50 Singapore 2005 Tree Top Fauna (4v; one is a Red-crowned Barbet, (+ monkey, SG1568-71, 3.50 Singapore 2006 All Star Birdshow (8v outline orchids +8 bird labels): Parrot, etc 3.85 Singapore 2006 Birds of Prey Show (8v outline orchids +8 bird labels): Owl, etc 3.90 Singapore 2006 Fl.(6v;2 birds – Common Moorhen & L.Egret,(rest orchids/flowers,SG1641-6 3.50 Singapore 2006 Fl.(6v shtlt:MS1647; as above 2 birds – Moorhen & Egret,(orchids,flowers) 3.60 Singapore 2007 Defs.(10v; 8 birds, Stork-billed Kingfisher, Jambu Fruit Dove, SG1692-01,reord Singapore 2008 Peranakan Museum (8v): six stylized birds, phoenix, crane, etc SG1771-8, 4.25 Singapore 2008 Defs. with “2007C” imprint (1v): 5ct Crimson Sunbird, 0.45 Singapore 2009 Defs. with “2007D” imprint (2v): 30ct Bee-Eater, 65ct Common Goldenback, 1.35 Singapore 2008 Defs (13v shtlt)Sunbird,Goldenback,Flycatcher,Wagtail,Fr.Dove,Scott1259a 25.50 Singapore 2009 Botanic Gardens (4v): Mute Swans, (+ orchids, flora, SG1852-5 2.85 Singapore 2009 Botanic Gardens MS1856: Black Swan souvenir sheet 2.75 Singapore 2010 Def. with “2007D” imprint (1v): Jambu Fruit Dove, 1.20 Singapore 2010 Def. with “2007F,E,D” imprints (6v): Kingfisher,Bee-Eater,Dove, 6.50 Singapore* 2010 Def. with “2007D” imprint (1 value): Hanging Parrot perf.13½ 0.95 Singapore 2010 Kent Ridge Park (4v):White-bellied Sea Eagle, Strawhead Bulbul, SG1940-3, 4.30 Singapore* 2011 Singapore 2011 Singapore 2012 Singapore 2012 Singapore 2012 Singapore 2012 Singapore 2012 Singapore* 2012 Pond Life (10v): Kingfisher, White-breasted Waterhen,(+ rept.,SG1963-72, 4.60 Pond Life (14v shtlt): Kingfisher etc., all above designs + panorama 31.35 Gardens (2v): Collared Kingfisher, dragonfly, flowers, SG2064-5, 2.50 Independence (4v): Oriental White-eye, various birds in town, SG2070-3 3.30 Independence MS2074: Magpie-Robin, Golden Whistler + souvenir sheet 2.50 World Stamp Ex.(2v):White-bellied Sea Eagle,Olive-backed Sunbird,SG2075-6 4.40 World Stamp Ex.(2v shtlt):White-bellied Sea Eagle,Olive-backed Sunbird 12.95 Def. with “2011B” imprint (1 value) White-collared Kingfisher 0.50 56 Singapore* 2012 Singapore* 2013 Singapore 2013 Singapore 2013 Singapore 2013 Singapore 2013 Brunei-Sing joint issue (2v): orchid, Olive-backed Sunbird, SG2094-5 Our City(4v);Collared K’fisher,Crimson Sunbird,Baya Weaver, SG2120-3 G.City (4v shtlt)MS2124:Collared K’fisher,Oriental Pied Hornbill,Sunbird Joint issue Vietnam (2v): Grey Peacock Pheasant, Red Junglefowl,SG2138-9 Joint issue with Vietnam (2v shtlt)MS2140: Pheasant/Junglefowl as above Vanishing Trades (10v): one Rose-ringed Parakeet, (+ goldsmith, etc)( 3.70 3.35 1.95 2.70 2.75 5.90 Slovakia Slovakia 1999 B. (3v shtlt) MS325: Bearded Reeding, Redstart, Red-backed Shrike, 2011 Great Bustard (1 value): Otis tarda, SG621, 2.90 2.50 Slovenia Slovenia* Slovenia* Slovenia* Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia 1995 1998 2003 2006 2010 2011 2011 2014 Birds (4v): Great Grey Shrike, Lesser Kestrel, Roller, Bunting, SG264-7 European Cuckoo (1v): SG388, The Golden Bird (1 value): SG572, Eurasian Magpie (1v): Pica pica, SG717, “Feel Slovenia” (1 value): stylised Dove, Birds (3v): Ortolan Bunting,White-backed Woodpecker,Eur.Curlew,SG953-5, Birds MS956: White Stork souvenir sheet Birds (5v): Eurasian Crag Martin, Ural Owl, Kestrel, Bittern, Merganser 3.95 0.95 0.70 0.60 1.50 2.60 2.50 6.75 Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons 1996 1997 2001 2001 Solomons Solomons 2001 2004 Solomons 2004 Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons Solomons 2006 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Sandford's Sea Eagle MS869 souvenir sheet 0.90 Birds & Bflies MS902 (2v sheetlet) Golden Whistler + bfly, 1.80 Fauna (4v): one is Rennell Shrikebill, (+ orchid, canoe) SG969-72, 3.75 Defs (11v): Yellowthroated White-eye, Swamphen, Blyths Hornbill, Crested Tern, Yellow-faced Mynah, Blue-faced Parrotfinch, Brahminy Kite, Rainbow Lory, Austr. Stone Curlew, Dwarf Kingfisher, Eclectus Parrot, SG976-86 9.75 Definitive Part II (1v): $50 Superb Fruit Dove, SG987, 11.50 Waterbirds (6v sheetlet))MS1080a: Rufous-tailed Moorhen, Buff-banded San Cristobal Mountain, Woodford & Roviana Rails, Purple Swamphen, 2.90 Owls (6v sheetlet)MS1080b: Solomon Island Hawk Owl, Frogmouth Owl, White-throated Nightjar, Marbled & Fearful Owls, 6.40 Coconut Day (4v): one has a tern, (+ copra, oil,), SG1201a-d, 3.75 Birds of Prey (4v shtlt): Pacific Baza,Brahminy/Whistling Kite,Sea Eagle 6.90 Birds of Prey SS: Swamp Harrier souvenir sheet 5.15 Birds of Prey (complete sheetlet with both the above = 4v shtlt+SS): 12.05 Birds/L’houses(4v shtlt):Black-fronted Tern,Red-billed,Silver & Bridled 6.95 Birds & Lighthouse SS: Gull-billed Tern souvenir sheet 5.10 Owls (4v shtlt): Fearful, Western Barn, Solomons Boobock (Hawk), 6.90 Owls SS: Western Barn Owl souvenir sheet 5.15 B.(4v shtlt):Willie Wagtail,Cardinal myzomela,Rufous fantail,OliveSunbird 6.90 Birds SS: Australian Golden Whistler souvenir sheet 5.15 W.W.F. Ducorps’ Cockatoo (4v strip): 5.90 W.W.F. Ducorps’ Cockatoo (8v shtlt with two sets)MS: 11.80 B. I (4v shtlt):Gt Egret,Superb Fruitdove,Blue-crown Lorikeet,Cuckoo,sold out Birds I SS: Nicobar Pigeon souvenir sheet 4.80 Birds II (4v shtlt):Paradise Riflebird,Silver-cap Fr-Dove,Brush Cuckoo 3.95 Birds II SS: Oriole Whistler souvenir sheet 4.75 Aussie Owls (4v shtlt; Barking, Powerful, Rufous, Morepork, 5.95 Aussie Owls SS: Greater Sooty Owl souvenir sheet 7.25 Rennell Island (4v shtlt; one bird Little Pied Cormorant (+ Crab, 5.75 Rennell Island Bird SS: Rennell Shrikebill souvenir sheet 6.95 Waterb. (4v shtlt): Imitator Sparrowhawk, Wedgetail Shearwater, Lapwing 5.70 Waterbirds SS: Royal Spoonbill souvenir sheet 6.90 B.Prey (4v shtlt): Swamp Harrier, Brahminy Kite, Per.Falcon, Osprey, 5.65 Birds of Prey SS: Sea Eagle souvenir sheet 6.95 Shells/Birds(4v shtlt): Redbill Tropicbird, Calif.Brn Pelican,Kelp Goose, 5.55 Birds/Shells SS:Black Skimmer/ Trapezium conch s/sheet 6.85 Australian White Ibis (4v shtlt) 5.53 Australian White Ibis SS: souvenir sheet 6.83 Owls (4v shtlt): Barking, Tasmanian Masked, Boobock, 5.63 Owl SS: Great Sooty Owl souvenir sheet 6.92 B. of Great Britain (4v shtlt): Short-eared Owl, Goose, 5.57 B. of Great Britain SS: Green-winged Teal souvenir sheet 6.87 Passenger Pigeons (4v sheetlet) 6.15 Passenger Pigeons SS: souvenir sheet 7.60 Somalia(Ital.) Somalia(Ital.) Somalia(Ital.) Somalia(Ital.) Somali Rep. Somali Rep. 1997 1998 1999 2001 1999 1999 Josephine’s Lorikeet SS: (Chrmosyna josefinae) souvenir sheet, 7.50 Greater Flamingos (3v): phoenicopterus ruber 9.50 Parrots (3v): Grey Parrot, Palm Cockatoo, Rainbow Lory, 8.95 Penguins (4v): Adelie, Jackass, King, Rockhopper, 10.60 Sun Conure SS: Aratinga solstitialis jandaya souvenir sheet,offer 2.70 Fauna (3v): Pale Chanting Goshawk, (+ deer, camel), was £6.50, 3.95 57 South South South South South Africa Africa* Africa Africa Africa 1992 1995 1998 1998 2000 Conservation (3v): includes a Red-bellied Malimbe SG742-4, Defin. (inscribed in Latin) (1v): 90ct Jackass Penguin SG816 New designs defin. R10 Bateleur (1v): perf.14.4 X 14, SG1026, Definitive R20 Fish Eagle (1v): elliptical perf., SG1028, Definitive R10 Bateleur (1v): perf.14.8 X 14.7, SG1026a, 2.75 0.70 4.50 4.95 2.50 South South South South South South Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa 1999 1999 1999 2000 2001 2001 African Harrier Hawk MS1099: bird of prey souvenir sheet Mig.Species (10v shtlt: 6 birds) Bee-Eater, Kestrel, SG1155-64, Migratory Species booklet (2 sheets above + 2 post cards) Green Touaco MS1170:(also Robin in border) souvenir sheet, Myths & Legends (5v; one contains "Seven Magical Birds",SG1237-41, Pigeon (1 value); Soweto uprising, SG1321 1.35 4.25 7.50 1.40 2.85 0.50 South South South South South Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa 2001 2007 2007 2008 2008 Kgalgadi Park (2v shtlt: three Weaver Birds (+ Leopard), Scott#1254a Owls (5v): Barn,Cape & Pel’s Eagle,Afr.Barred,Verreaux’s,SG1622-6, Definitive R4.89 value (1v): Ostrich, SG1637, B.(5v):Ground-Hornbill,Bustard,Crane,Lammergeier,Ostrich,SG1664-8, B.(10v shtlt;two sets of above):Ground-Hornbill,Bustard,2xSG1664-8, South Africa 2009 Poles (2v shtlt)MS1709:one Light-mantled Sooty Albatross,jellyfish, South Africa 2009 Coastal B.(5v): Jackass Penguin, Black Oystercatcher, Cape Gannet & Cormorant, Black-backed Seagull, SG1728-32, South Africa 2009 Coastal B.(10v shtlt): (2 x above set SG1728-32), South Africa 2010 Biodiversity South Africa 2010 Richtersveld South Africa 2011 B. of Forest Knysa Turaco, (4v shtlt)MS1764: Lilac-breasted Roller, Chameleon, (5v): Sandgrouse, (+ Rhebok, tree), SG1812-16 (5v): Green-backed Twin-spot, Olive Bushshrike, Crowned Hawk Eagle, Cape Parrot, SG1898-1902, South Africa 2011 Cape Floral(10v shtltMS1914:Cape Sugar B.,Vulture,Fish Eagle,(+ Mmls) South Africa 2012 Small Sunbirds(5v):Plain-backed,Dusky,Collared,Neergaard’s, SG1975-9 South Africa 2014 End. Birds arrival Jan./Feb.2015? 1.80 5.50 1.25 4.75 9.50 1.50 5.75 14.50 13.50 2.95 5.80 9.50 5.60 2003 W.W.F. Grey-headed Albatrosses (4v): WATERMARK UPRIGHT SG353-6 4.15 2003 W.W.F. Grey-headed Albatrosses (4v): watermark sideways SG357-60 6.50 2004 Fauna Defs.(12v):Skua,Ant.Prion,S.Georgia Pintail,Wandering/Light Mantld Sooty Albatrosses,King & Gentoo Penguins, SG390-401, was £23.95, 21.50 Georgia* 2005 Duncan Carse (4v; one has Gentoo Penguins (+ map etc.), SG407-10 5.25 Georgia* 2006 Seab(4v):White-chinned/S.Giant Petrels,Wandering Albatross,SG422-5, 5.90 Georgia* 2007 King Penguins (1 value) from Polar Year issue, SG445, 1.20 Georgia 2008 W.W.F. Chinstrap Penguins (4v): SG453-6, 5.75 Georgia 2008 W.W.F. Chinstrap Penguins (4v shtlt)MS457: penguin shaped, 6.25 Georgia 2010 Exhibition (12v shtlt; Gentoo P.,Yellow-bill Pintail,etc.SG492-01, 13.25 Georgia 2010 Penguins (4v): King, Macaroni, Chinstrap, Gentoo, SG510-3, 4.65 Georgia 2010 Penguins (8v shtlt two sets of the above but setenant) MS514 9.50 Georgia* 2011 Gentoo Penguin value from “Pets” set (1 value): SG522, 2.40 Georgia 2011 Petrels (4v): Cape, S.Georgia, S.Giant & Snow Petrels, SG533-36 6.70 Georgia 2011 Life in the Freezer (4v): King Penguin, (+ Elephant Seal,SG537-40 6.60 Georgia 2011 Life in Freezer MS541: Wandering Albatross souvenir sheet 4.75 Georgia* 2012 W.W.F. (4v):Imperial & S.Geo.Shag,Ant.Tern,Gull,WHITE BORDERS,SG556-9 6.55 Georgia 2012 W.W.F. (4v strip):Imp. & S.Georgia Shag,Ant.Tern, Kelp Gull,SG556a-9a 6.60 Georgia 2012 W.W.F. MS560: Southern (Brown) Skua souvenir sheet 6.75 Georgia 2012 Cape Petrel on Blue whale £1.00 value (1v); single, SG567, 2.50 Georgia* 2012 Birds (2v): King Penguin and Grey-headed Albatross, SG571-2, 3.30 Georgia* 2013 Habitat Restoration (6v): Yellow-billed Pintail, South Geo Pipit, etc 7.75 Georgia* 2013 Restoration (2v):2 birds values, S. Georgia Pipit & Pintail,SG603-4 4.50 Georgia 2014 Reindeer & King Penguin (1v): only bird from the “Reindeer” set 1.75 South Georgia South Georgia South Georgia South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South Spain Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Juvenia (1 value); one small bird, SG4101, Sparrow (1 value); self-adhesive, SG4156 Goldfinch (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4160, Greenfinch (1 value); self-adhesive, SG4187 Swallow (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4207 Hoopoe (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4231, Canary (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4245, Nightingale (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4270, 0.95 0.60 0.97 0.65 0.67 0.64 0.70 0.76 Spain* Spain* Spain* 2007 Dupont’s Lark (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4280, 2008 Green Woodpecker (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4328, 2008 Eurasian Kestrel (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4354, 0.86 0.82 0.77 58 Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain* Spain Spain Sri Sri Sri Sri 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2012 2014 European Bee Eater (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4371, Eurasian Jay (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4389, Great Tit (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4418, Eurasian Capercaillie (1 value): self-adhesive, SG4433, Nature Reserve (1 value): Little Egret- Egretta garzetta, SG4525 Nat.Parks Nature Reserve (1v): Egyptian Vulture SG4537, European Goldfinch (1 value): SG4582, Cinema (3v): one has a Eurasian Jackdaw (others irrelevant), SG4697-9, Fauna (4v): Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Spanish Eagle & Bustard, (+ Otter, Lanka Lanka Lanka Lanka 1983-9 Rps.7 White-eye (1v): late addition to the original set, SG829a 1989 Apollo (4v): all four have a small Bald Eagle, SG1087-90 2001 Environment (1v): Kingfisher & Eagle (+ butterly): SG1546, 2003 Birds (25v sheetlet): Black-necked Stork, Brown Wood Owl & Jungle Owlet, White-throated Kingfisher, Woodpepcker, Munia, Shama, Malabar Trogon & Pied Hornbill, Little Green Bee-Eater, Malkoha, SG1650-74 Sri Lanka* 2006 Nat.Park (4v): White-bellied Sea Eagle, (+ Leopard, Deer, Bear,)SG1762-5 Sri Lanka* 2010 Horton National Park (4v): one is Sri L. Whistling Thrush, SG2048-51, Sri Lanka* 2010 Children’s Stories (1v): Cranes, (+ turtle, SG2059, Sri Lanka 2012 Yala Nat.Park (6v): one is Black-necked Stork, SG2218-23, Sri Lanka 2012 Yala Nat.Park (6v in 3 shtlts): one is Black-necked Stork, Sri Lanka 2012 Thai Exhibition opt. on Yala Nat.Park (6v in 3 shtlts)MS2224-6: Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam Surinam 0.75 0.78 0.80 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.80 2.80 5.50 1.50 1.70 2.50 9.50 1.75 2.50 0.50 4.45 4.75 15.95 2007 Cockatoos(9v):Callocephalon fibriatum,Cacatua ophthalmica/galerita/sulphure amazone, Calyporhynchus magunificus, Eolophhus rosicapillus, SG2230-8, 13.90 2008 Defs. (8v): Ringed Kingfisher,Opal-rumped Tanager,Dusky Parrot,SG2746-53 7.50 2008 Defs. (8v shtlt)MS2753a: above designs + all round plain sheetlet border 7.95 2008 Defs. (6v): Masked Laughing Thrush, Pied & White-throated Kingfishers, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker,Oriental Magpie Robin,Redbilled L,SG2757-62, 12.75 2009 Oriental Turtle Dove MS2772: – Streptopelia orientalis souvenir sheet 5.50 2009 Defs. (10v setenant): Great,Magdalena,Variegated,Brown & Cinereous Tinamous, Collard Puffbird,Marail/Piping Guans,L.Chachalaca,Swallow-wing,SG2780-9, 28.50 2010 Birds (12v): Paradise & Turquoise Tanagers, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Chestnutbellied Gnateater,Grey Monjita,Gold-Spangled Piculet,Jacamar,SG2848-59, 29.95 2011 Paper Money (12v; one has a Tooth-billed Pigeon, (+ Kings, Princes etc 29.50 2011 Birds (12v):Mealy Parrot,Black-throat Mango,Plumbeous & Violaceous Euphonias, Cinnamon & Drab Water-Tyrants,Thrush-like Schiffornis,Suiiri Flycatcher, 28.90 2012 Birds (12v): Mouse-colored Antshrike, Buffthroated Woodcreeper, Waved Woodpecker, Spotted Puffbird, Rusty Breasted Nunlet, Black-eared Fairy, 27.95 2013 Birds (12v):Peach-fronted Parakeet,Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher,Palm Tanager, Pale-breasted,Speckled & McConnell’s Spinetails,Rufous-sided Pygmy-tyrant 29.90 2013 BANGKOK Stamp Ex.(6v shtlt):Channel-bill Toucan,Siamese Fireback,orchid 23.50 2014 B.(12v): Buff-cheeked Greenlet, Double-banded Pygmy-tyrant, Pygmy & Ashwinged Antwrens, Blue-black Grosbeak, Golden-headed Manakin, Plain Xenops, Y.Oriole, Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Finsh’s Euphonia(?),White-plumed Antbird, 30.95 Swaziland 1976 Definitives (15v) Black-headed Oriole, Giant Kingfisher, Violet Starling, Af.Green Pigeon, Stonechat, 4-colored Bushshrike, Red Bishop, SG236-50, 21.75 Swaziland* 2002 Ostrich (1v): SG720 0.85 Swaziland 2004 B.(8v):Af.Fish Eagle,Blue Crane,Cattle Egret,Bar-tailed Trogon,SG733-40, 3.85 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden 1970 1975 1976 1989 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2010 2012 2013 B.(5v):Blackbird,Great/Blue Tit,N.Bullfinch,Greenfinch,SG630-4,was £2.35 1.90 Western Capercaille (1v): SG848 0.40 Razorbill - Common Guillimot (1v): SG878, 0.40 Eagle Owl (1 value): Bubo bubo, SG1469, 4.75 Gyrfalcon definitive (1v) reprint of 1981 SG1067, 7.25 Osprey definitive value 10SKr. (1v): Pandion haliaetus, SG2198, 1.50 Antarctic (2v): Gentoo Penguin + unidentified bird, SG2199-0, 2.90 Seascapes (4v; 2 birds Common Eider, Gull + boats, SG2226-9, 3.35 Waterbirds (4v): Black-throated Diver, Pied Avocet, Slav.Grebe, SG2295-8 6.50 B.(4v): Yellowhammer, Pine Grosbeak, N.Bullfinch, Great Tit, SG2367-70, 5.95 High Coast (4v): two birds, Razorbill, White-tailed eagles, SG2378-81 5.90 Golden Oriole (1v) SG2391 1.90 Christmas (4v; only one Eurasian Bullfinch, SG2477-80, 3.50 Childrens’ Stories (2v):Ural owl,goldcrest,great tit,woodpecker,SG2646-7, 4.40 Domestic Fowl (4v): Old Swedish Dwarf, Swedish Spotted,Hedemora,SG2774-7, 6.60 Christmas (4v): one has Bullfinches, (+ fox, bear, squirrel 6.25 59 Switzerland 1998 Great Crested Grebe (1 value): SGJ347, Switzerland* 2002 Common Kingfisher (1v): SG1535 Switzerland 2003 Flora/Fauna (2v shtlt) MS1550: Eagle & Gentian (flower), Switzerland*2007 Birds (4v): Tengmalm’s Owl, Chaffinch, Gt. Tit, Wallcreeper, SG1671-4 Switzerland 2007 Birds booklet (pane of 10 x Common Chaffinch value): SG1671a, SB85 Switzerland 2007 Birds booklet (pane of 10 x Great Tit value): SG1672a, (SB86), Switzerland 2009 B.(4v): Tengmalm’s Owl, Rock Thrush & Partridge, Red Kite, SG1675,6a,7 Switzerland*2013 White Stork (1 value): SG1973, Switzerland 2014 National Park (3v): includes small Golden eagles, Switzerland*2014 Nutcracker (1 value): from Wildlife issue, Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria 2.35 1.50 2.25 4.75 7.90 9.25 8.25 1.70 4.95 2.50 1989 2003 2004 2007 2009 B.(3v): Eurasian Goldfinch, European Bee-eater, Turtle Dove, SG1722-4, 3.95 B.(5v): White-bellied Bustard,N.Lapwing,Teal,E.Roller,SG2141-5,fine used 3.25 B.(1v): Waldrapp - Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita), SG2182, 1.20 B.(5v): Woodpecker, Stork, Shoveler, Bee Eater, T.Dove, SG2267-71, 3.70 Birds (5v; Curve-Billed Thrasher, Common Redstart, Syrian Serin, White-cheeked Honeyeater, Western Yellow Wagtail, SG23224-8, 7.50 2010 Biodiversity (1v): Flamingo (+ fish) silhouettes, SG2341 2.50 2012 Golden Eagles (4v) Scarce, due to economic sanctions, 13.95 2013 B.(6v): Serin, Starling, Robin, Chat, Nighthingale, Cinerous Bunting, 16.95 Tadjikistan Tadjikistan Tadjikistan Tadjikistan 2006 2007 2007 2013 Asian Fauna (8v shtlt)MS311: Golden Eagle,Dusky Eagle Owl,mammals, 10.75 B.(6v): Golden & White-tailed Eagles,Saker Falcon,Bustard,SG329-34 9.25 B.(6v shtlt)MS335:Eagles,Ring-necked Pheasant,Mandarin, + borders, 9.50 Birds (4v): SG488-91 arrival March 2015?? Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan* Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan* 1979 1994 1995 1996 2000 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 B.(3v): Steere’s Liocichlia, Taiwan Yuhina, Swinhoe’s Pheasant,SG1264-6 Myths & Legends (4v): includes several birds, SG2210-3 Birds (4v): all ancient engravings, SG2264-7, Parrots (4v): Yellow-headed Amazon, Chattering Lory, Grey, SG2603-6, B.(4v):White's Thrush, Brambling, Hill/Rothschild's Mynah, SG2671-4, Auspicious Stamps (4v); one bird, Light-vented Bulbul, SG2689-92, Chinese Crested Terns (10v shtlt) MS2802a: panoramic nesting area Chinese Crested Tern MS2802b Thalasseus bernsteini souvenir sheet B.(4v): Yunnan/White-headed Greenfinch, Munia, Vernal P., SG2823-6, Blue-tailed Bee-eaters (4v) roosting, bathing, foraging, SG2891-4 Blue-tail Bee-eaters (4v shtlt)MS2895 above designs diff.borders Greetings (16v; 6 birds - herons, eagles, mandarin ducks, SG2913-28 8 Immortals (4v; one has a Red-Crowned Manchurian Crane, SG2958-61 6.50 2.60 2.95 4.50 3.75 2.25 2.50 2.30 3.60 2.20 2.25 3.50 2.70 Taiwan* Taiwan Taiwan* Taiwan 2004 2004 2006 2006 1.90 0.95 1.60 Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Black-faced Spoonbills (4v): SG3028-31, Black-faced Spoonbills MS3032: souvenir sheet King Penguins (4v): Juvenile, Courtship, Preening, SG3100-3, Fairy (or Lesser Blue-winged) Pittas (4v shtlt) MS3167: designs as set but with coloured perforations, B. (4v): Minervet, Varied Tit, Rubythroat, Daurian Redstart, SG3262-5, Birds (4v): Bronzed Drongo, Bulbul, Longtail Shrike, SG3282-5, Birds Taipei Exhibition (4v): Ducks, Shrike, Peacocks, SG3291-4, Birds MS3295: Ducks, Shrike, Peacocks designs as above Birds (1v): Mikado Pheasant, SG3296, B.(4v): Oriental Turtle Dove, Tree Sparrow, Magpie, Whiteeye SG3317-20 Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 B.(4v): Greater Painted Snipe, Island Thrush, Warbler,Waterhen,SG3344-7, 2.40 Paintings (2v): Jay - Garrulus glandarius, SG3477-8, 1.90 Owls (4v):Long-eared, Oriental Scops, Collared and Tawny Owls,SG3553-6, 4.50 Owls (4v): Mountain Scops, Brown Hawk, Short-eared Owls, SG3632-5, 3.25 Ptg “100 Birds” (3v shtlt)MS3677:Scarce! Orange Minervet,Blackbird, etc 8.95 Paintings MS3678: souvenir sheet with 35 different birds 4.75 Taiwan Taiwan 2013 Golden Pheasant MS3704: souvenir sheet 6.25 2013 Owls (4v): Tawny Fish-Owl, Collared Scops & Elegant (Lanyu) Scops Owls, Australasian (or Eastern) Grass-Owl, SG3726-9, 3.35 2014 Swinhoe’s Pheasant (4v) 2.25 2014 Swinhoe’s Pheasant souvenir sheet 1.90 Taiwan Taiwan Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania 1.80 2.85 2.80 2.50 2.90 1.35 3.80 1991 Birds defs. (12v): Flamingo, Emerald Cucko,, L.Bee Eater, Red Bishop, Bateleur, Sunbird, Pelican, Crane, Stork, original set, between SG804-15, 9.90 1992 Birds (7v): Superb Starling, Grey-headed & Common Kingfishers, 4-color Bushshrike, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, Golden Bishop, SG1353-9, 3.50 1994 B.Prey (7v):Osprey, Andean Condor, Bateleur, Ornate Hawk Eagle,SG1847-53 5.50 1994 Birds of Prey MS1854: White-backed Vulture souvenir sheet, 2.50 60 Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania 1996 B.(16v=2x8v shtlts): Cape Eagle Owl, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Palmnut Vulture, Golden, Spilornis rufipectus Scott#1486-7 25.95 1996 B.2SS: Afr Paradise Flycatcher/Amer.Bald Eagle souv/sheets Scott#1488-9, 11.20 1997 Coastal B. (4v): Red Hornbill, Sacred Ibis, Ring-Dove, SG2119-22 6.25 1998 End.Species SS: Emerald Tanager & Golden Tanager, Scott#1694 9.30 1998 Eagles (6v shtlt): Martial, Bateleur, Palla's Fish, Java Hawk,Scott#1709 9.50 1998 Eagles SS: Wedge-tailed Eagle, Scott#1710 6.80 1998 Hawk on R.A.F. issue souvenir sheet; Scott#1769 5.25 Tanzania Tanzania 1999 B.(12v=2X6v shtlts): Snowy Plover, Crowned Lapwing, Yellow-billed Stork, Horned Puffins, Blue Herons, Ibis, Flamingo, Scott#1792-3, 16.90 1999 Birds 2SS: Black-Crowned Night/Purple Herons souv/sheets,Scott#1796 & 98 16.50 1999 B.(12v=2X6v shtlts): Sandhill Crane, Gt.Egret, Willet, Blacksmith Plover, Brolga Crane, Green-backed Heron, Scott#1794-5, 18.50 1999 Birds SS: Black-headed Heron souvenir sheet, Scott#1799 8.50 1999 End.Species (29v=9v+20v shtlt):9 birds,And.Condor,Imp.Parrot+Woodpecker, Cabot’s Tragopan, Atitlan Grebe, Penguin,(+ 9 types Tigers,Scott#1897-8 19.90 1999 End.Species SS: Grenada Dove souvenir sheet, Scott#1901 6.95 1999 Japanese B.(18v=2X9v shtlts): Collared Scops Owl, J. Green Woodpecker, Steller's Sea Eagle, Common Kingfisher, Scott#1911-2, 18.95 1999 Japanese Bird SS: Gyrfalcon souvenir sheet Scott#1913 6.70 1999 Japanese Bird SS: Yellow Bunting souvenir sheet Scott#1914 6.75 1999 Seabirds (24v=6v+2X9v shtlts): Adelie, Jackass, Rockhopper P., Razorbill, Manx Shearwater, Ringbilled Gull, Tufted & Atl. Puffins, Scott#1969-76 18.90 1999 Seabirds 2SS: Emperor & King Penguins souvenir sheet, Scott#1977-8 10.55 1999 Rainforest (9v shtlt; one bird - Scarlet Macaw, Scott#1984 6.90 Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania 2003 2003 2004 2004 2006 2006 Tanzania Tanzania 2008 Bot.Gardens (10v+SS):Denham’s Bustard,Shoebill,(+ bfly,SG2666-9+MS2670-1 8.50 2011 B.(8v=2 x shtlts): Grey Parrot, Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, Pied Crow, Senegal Parrot, Ground Woodpecker, Roller, S.Masked Weaver, Honeyguide, 13.25 2011 B.(2SS):White-headed Mousebird,Black-collared Barbet two souvenir sheets, 7.50 Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Overprints (3v): two birds – Ostrich, Saddle-bill Stork, flower;SG2271-2 2.50 Overprints (2v): one bird – Lesser Flamingo, SG2319-20 0.95 B.(6v shtlt): Bateleur, Eur. Roller, L.Swift, Af.Grey P., Eur. Bee-Eater, 5.75 Birds SS: Grey-crowned Crane souvenir sheet, 3.15 Zanzibar Sp.(4v shtlt): one bird Pemba Sunbird, Shrew, Civet, Bushbaby, 5.95 Zanzibar Species SS: Fischer’s Turaco (tauraco fischeri) souvenir sheet 4.80 Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania 2012 B Birds (16v= 3 shtlts + 2SS): Spotted Eagle Owl, Wahlberg’s Eagle, Bateleur, Augur & Jackal Buzzards, White-throated, Common Woodland & Pied Kingfishers, Red-billed Quelea, Masked Weaver, Superb Starling, Verreaux’s Eagle 25.50 2013 Ceramics (4v shtlt): one has birds + panel with birds, 6.25 2014 Sunbirds(4v shtlt):Scarlet Tufted,Anchieta’s,Collared & Olive Sunbirds, 8.50 2014 Sunbirds SS: Nile Valley Sunbird souvenir sheet 6.15 Tchad Tchad Tchad Tchad 1998 1999 1999 2001 B.Prey (6v: Secretary Bird, Short-toed Eagle, Scott#771 B. (6v); Saddle-bill/Maribou Storks,Gtr Flamingo,Hammerkop,Scott#775-80 Birds SS: Whale-headed Stork souvenir sheet, Scott#781 Charles Darwin & (+ Albert Schweitzer (2v): Tchad Tchad Tchad Tchad 2002 2002 2002 2003 1996 W.W.F. Ostriches overprinted with new 300F values (4v) 9.75 B.(6v shtlt):Grey-headed Kingfisher,Variable Sunbird,Starling,Scott#965, 5.20 B.Prey (6v shtlt): Bateleur, Tawny Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Scott#966, 6.50 Albert Schweitzer/Comte de Buffon (2v): Pearl-spotted Owlet + Cut-throat, 2.40 Tchad Tchad Tchad Tchad 2012 Seabirds (4v): L.Pied & Cape Comorants, Cape Gannet, Magnif Frigatebird, 2013 Birds (4v shtlt): Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Sudan Golden Sparrow, Yellow-mantled Widowbird, 2013 Waterbirds (4v shtlt): Corncrake, Cape Teal, Af Darter 2013 Birds of Prey (6v shtlt): Great Spotted Eagle,L.Kestrel,Red-neck Falcon Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand 1996 2001 2001 2001 2005 2005 Thailand Thailand 2013 Owls (4v): Barred Eagle Owl, Collared Scops & Owlet, Western Barn Owl, 2.25 2013 Owls (4v shtlt): designs as above, Barred Eagle Owl, Collared Scops etc, 3.20 6.25 4.60 2.25 2.75 5.95 8.95 8.90 14.95 Hornbills (4v):White-crowned, Rhinoceros, Rufous-necked, Plain, SG1843-6, 1.95 Parakeets (4v): Red-breasted, Blossom-headed & Alexan, SG2259-62 2.50 Domestic Fowl (4v sheetlet): MS2304 four different Red Junglefowl, 1.80 Domestic Fowl designs as above but imperforate sheetlet 4.70 Year of the Rooster (1v): SG2622, 1.50 Year of the Rooster (4v): SG2683-6, 2.90 61 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 1996 1999 1999 2000 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2006 2006 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 B.(6v): Linnet, Spotted-sided Finch, Sc#1784-9, was £7.95 Special Offer 5.50 B.(6v); Parus montanus, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Golden Oriole, Sc#1822A-F 4.80 Birds SS: Firecrest souvenir sheet, Scott#1882G 2.90 Animals (20v=4v+2x8v shtlts): 7 birds rest mammals, Marabou, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Hornbill, Kingfisher, Bateleur, Vulture, Scott#1931-6, 24.50 Birds (4v shtlt): Lesser Pied Kingfisher, Af.Spoonbill, Heron, Stork, 5.30 Birds SS: Saddle-billed Stork souvenir sheet 4.20 Bee-Eaters (4v shtlt): Red-throated,Swallow-tailed,N.Carmine,Mi#3429-32 6.70 Bee-Eaters SS: Merops pusillus (Little) souvenir sheet, Michel#3433 6.20 Wetlands (4v shtlt):African Jacana,Helmeted,Crested Guineafowl,Mi#34-7 6.75 Wetlands Birds SS: Great Painted Snipe souvenir sheet, Michel#3438 6.25 Eagles(4v shtlt)Tawny,Brown Snake,Long Crested,Afr.Fish Eagle,Mi#3439-42 6.70 Eagle SS: African Fish Eagle souvenir sheet, Michel#3443 6.20 Owls (4v shtlt): Verreaux,Pel’s Fishing,African Scops,Afr.Wood Mi#3444-7, 6.75 Owls SS: Pearl-spotted Owlet souvenir sheet, Michel#3448 6.25 Togolaise 2011 Pesticide Effects (4v shtlt): Owl, Butterfly, Michel#3824-7 8.95 Togolaise 2011 Pollution (4v shtlt) Gymnogyps californianus,Grus Japonaise, Numenius bor, Michel#3834-7 8.85 Togolaise 2011 Pollution Effects SS: Eagle souvenir sheet, Michel#3838 8.90 Togolaise 2011 Owls (4v shtlt): Eurasian Eagle Owl, Snowy, Northern Hawk, Michel#3894-7 10.25 Togolaise 2011 Owl SS: Great Grey Owl souvenir sheet, Michel#3898 10.30 Togolaise 2011 Oil Pollution (4v shtlt; Pelican, Cormorant, (+ Turtle, Michel#3859-62 10.90 Togolaise 2011 Amundsen (4v shtlt): Adelie Penguin, Arctic Tern,(+ Seal,Dog?) Mi#3924-7 9.60 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Forest (4v shtlt): Harpy Eagle, (+ fungi – Armillaria, Mi#3984-7 9.30 Forest SS: Owl – Strix occidenatlis souvenir sheet Mi#3988 9.25 Mangroves of Central Africa (4v shtlt): Heron, Cormorant,(+Michel#4149-52 9.85 Mangroves of Madagascar (4v shtlt): Bee-Eater, Egret (+ Michel#4157-60 9.75 Mangroves of Sth Africa (4v shtlt)Mangrove Kingfisher,(+ Crabs Mi#4161-4 9.65 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Swampy Ecosystem of Sth Afr.(4v): Af.Sacred Ibis,Af.Fish Eagle,Mi#4165-8 9.75 Serengeti (4v shtlt): White-headed Vulture, Batear Fox, Michel#4169-72 9.85 Mangroves East Af. SS: Malachite Kingfisher souvenir sheet Michel#4221 9.70 Lake Victoria SS: White-fronted Bee-Eater souvenir sheet, Michel#4227 9.70 Owls (4v shtlt): Afr.Grass/Wood,Verreaux’s Eagle,S.White-face,Mi#4127-30 9.60 Owls SS: Barn Owl souvenir sheet, Mi#4131 9.65 Audubon (3v shtlt): W.Osprey, N.Flicker, Barred Owl,Br.Pelican Mi#4237-9 9.90 Audubon SS: Brown Pelican souvenir sheet, Mi#4240 10.30 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Owls (4v shtlt): Pel’s Fishing, Owlet, Greyish & Verreaux’s Eagle Owls, 9.50 Owls SS: Northern White-faced Owl souvenir sheet 9.55 Scouts/Birds/Minerals(4v shtlt):Red-winged Pytilia,Green-backed Twinspot 9.50 Eagles (4v shtlt):Af.Fish,Black-chested Snake,Mi#4122-5 9.80 Eagles SS: Golden Eagle souvenir sheet Mi#4126 9.70 Ethiopian Highlands (4v shtlt): Crowned Eagle Mi#4209-12 9.85 Horn of Africa SS: Common Linnet souvenir sheet Mi#4236 9.65 Johann Friedrich von Brandt (4v shtlt): Spectacled Eider (+ 3 mmls 10.75 Hornbills (4v shtlt; Black/white casqued & Piping H., Af.Grey, Casqued, 10.62 Hornbills SS: Northern Red-billed Hornbill souvenir sheet 9.50 Indigobirds(4v shtlt):Jambandu, Cameroon, Quailfinch & Baka Indigobirds 10.80 Indigobirds SS: Wilson’s or Pale-winged Indigo bird souvenir sheet 9.70 Birds Paintings (4v shtlt):Grey Parrot,Eurasian Bullfinch,Pelican,Hummer 10.65 Birds in Painting SS: Eur.Jay, Ringed Plover & N.Lapwing souvenir sheet 7.80 Flamingoes (4v shtlt): Greater, Lesser & American Flamingoes 10.55 Flamingoes SS: Lesser Flamingoes souvenir sheet 9.35 Eagles (4v shtlt): Lophaetus occipitalis, 10.70 Eagles SS: Martial Eagle souvenir sheet 9.45 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 B.Prey (3v shtlt):Palmnut Vulture, Red-shd Kite, Buzzard 9.95 B.Prey SS: European Honey Buzzard souvenir sheet 9.60 Secretarybird (3v shtlt): Saggitarius serpentarius 9.90 Secretarybird SS:Saggitarius serpentarius souvenir sheet 9.65 Parrots (3v shtlt): Senegal & African Grey Parrots, Rose-ringed Parakeet, 9.98 Parrots SS: Cape (Brown-necked) Parrot souvenir sheet 9.75 Waterbirds (3v shtlt): African Pygmy & Spur-winged Geese, Little Grebe 9.94 Waterbirds SS: Brown Booby souvenir sheet 9.74 Owls(3v shtlt): Greyish Eagle & Verreaux Eagle Owls,Pel’s 9.93 Owls SS: African Wood Owl souvenir sheet 9.73 End.Species SS: African (Jackass) Penguin souvenir sheet 8.87 62 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Ducks (+dogs) (4v shtlt): Wood Ducks (+ Pointer, Spaniel) 10.50 Duck SS: Mandarin Duck souvenir sheet 8.90 Bee-Eaters (4v shtlt): Swallow-tailed, Blue-headed, Rosy, 10.40 Bee-Eaters SS: Little Bee-eater souvenir sheet 8.80 Doves (4v shtlt): Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Laughing/Blue-headed Wood Doves, 10.45 Doves SS: European Turtle Dove souvenir sheet 8.85 Owls/mice(4v shtlt): Western Screech, Spotted, Barred & N.Saw-whet Owls, 9.65 Owls SS: Barn Owl & mouse souvenir sheet 8.45 Global Warming (4v shtlt): Eurasian Eagle-Owl, (+ mammals) 9.75 Global Warming SS: Snowy Owl souvenir sheet 8.25 Owls (4v shtlt): Barn & Snowy Owls, 9.80 Owls SS: Little Owl souvenir sheet 8.30 W.W.F. Denham’s Bustard (4v minisheet) 8.90 W.W.F. Denham’s Bustard souvenir sheet 8.95 W.W.F. Denham’s Bustard (4v strip) 8.97 W.W.F. Denham’s Bustard (8v sheetlet; two sets different arrangement, 16.80 Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise Togolaise 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Red List Fauna(4v shtlt): At.Yellow-nosed Albatross, Crested Ibis, B.of Prey (4v shtlt):Brown Falcon,Swamp Harrier,W.Osprey,Brahminy Kite, Birds of Prey SS: Griffon Vulture souvenir sheet B.(4v shtlt):Purple-bibbed Whitetip,Bali Mynah,Palm Cockatoo,G.Pheasant Birds SS: Western Osprey souvenir sheet Eagles (4v shtlt): Golden, Lesser Spotted, Steppe, Tawny Tawny Eagle SS: souvenir sheet 9.57 9.58 8.58 9.56 8.56 9.54 8.54 Tokelau Tokelau Tokelau Tokelau 1999 1999 2007 2007 H.M.S. Pandora + Tern MS288: “Australia EXPO 99” souvenir sheet, Terns (4v): Black-naped Terns, SG302-5, W.W.F. Birds (4v): Pacific Golden Plovers, SG382-5, W.W.F. Birds (4v): Pacific Golden Plovers, SG382-5 on First Day Cover 4.50 3.50 6.90 7.80 Tonga Tonga Tonga 2001 Mangrove Swamps (5v): Reef Heron, Black Duck, SG1492-6, 2001 Mangrove Swamps (5v sheetlet): MS1497 Reef Heron, Black Duck 2002 Red Shining Parrots - National Park (4v): SG1571-4, Cat.£6.00 Tonga Tonga Tonga 2012 Defins (12v): Red Shining Parrot, Spotbill Duck, Collared Kingfisher,Swamp Harrier, Barn Owl, Spotted Triller, Carunculated Honeyeater, SG1624-35 32.50 2012 Defs (12v shtlt)MS1636:Grey-necked Wood Rail, Parrot etc. designs above, 32.75 2013 Defins II (12v): Collared Kingfisher, Polynesian Starling, Blue-crowned Lorikeet, Red Shining Parrot, Spotted Triller,Spotless Crake, Carunculated Honeyeater,Great Frigatebird,Red-foot Booby,Red-tail Tr-bird, 34.50 2013 Defins II (12v sheetlet; designs above, Collared Kingfisher etc, 34.75 2014 Airmail defs.(3v): W.Barn Owl, Blue-crowned Lorikeet, Buff Banded Rail, 49.50 Transkei Transkei Transkei 1980 B.(4v): Red-chested Cuckoo, Spec.Weaver, Cape Flycatcher, SG75-8, 1991 B.(4v): Crowned Crane, Wattled, Cape & Egyptian Vultures, SG269-72, 1993 Doves MS313: (4v shtlt) Laughing Dove, Namaqua Dove etc. Trinidad Trinidad 1999 Opts. (3v): Flycatchers & Toucan, both watermarks, SG882-3 + SG894, 10.75 2010 Biodiversity (20v;2 shtlts)MS1157-8:4 birds;Emerald,Guan,Eagle,Vulture, 17.50 Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan* Tristan Tristan 1988 1988 1989 1996 1999 1999 1999 Tonga Tonga Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan Tristan* Tristan Tristan 3.85 3.90 3.50 1.90 2.50 2.90 Handicrafts (4v): one has a Rockhopper Penguin painted egg, SG448-51, 1.95 Definitives paintings (12v):incl.Yellow-nosed Albatross SG465,(SG461-72) 9.95 Gough Island (5v): Hall’s Giant Petrel,G.I.Coot,Finch,Albatross,SG473-7, 3.95 Gough Is.B.(4v): Bunting & Moorhen, Sooty & Wandering Albatross, SG473-7 4.50 W.W.F. (4v): Wandering Albatross, SG651-4, 1.70 Albatross above (strip of 4v) watermark inverted, SG654a, 1.75 Albatross sheetlet error with two logos on one value, SG654w, (The stamp with the double logo is second row, fourth stamp 19.50 2003 Yellow-nosed Albatrosses MS774 (5v shtlt) 4.60 2005 Inaccess Island (5v: one bird;Inaccessible Rail (+ Pepper Tree,SG828-32 4.80 2006 Stoltenhoff Island (5v: one bird – Brown Skua,(+ Beaked Whale,)SG866-70, 4.90 2007 Birds (6v shtlt) MS883: Greater Shearwater – Puffinus gravis, 5.75 2010 Surnames (5v): Pied Avocet, Finch, N.Rockhopper, Rail, Albatross,SG988-91 4.75 2010 Conservation defs (12v):Wandering + Atlantic Yellow-nose Albatrosses, Inaccess.Is. Rail, Gough Finch, N.Rockhopper Penguin, flora SG993-1004, 18.75 2013 W.W.F. Tristan Albatross (4v strip): SG1063ab: coloured borders 4.95 2013 Tristan Albatross (4v): as above but stamps have white border SG1063-6 4.90 2013 Tristan Albatross MS1067 : Diomedea dabbenena different souvenir sheet 5.85 2014 Finches (4v): N.Bunting, Gough Is., Wilkin’s Dunn’s Finch, 5.40 2014 Finches SS: Nightingale Is., Finch souvenir sheet 3.35 2014 Seabirds on masted vessel stamp from Augustus Earle issue (1 value) 1.90 63 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia 2001 2001 2003 2003 2004 B.(4v): Red Crossbill, Coal Tit, Eur.Jay, White Stork, SG1487-90, B.(4v shtlt) MS1491: Red Crossbill, Coal Tit, Eur.Jay, White Stork, Fauna (6v: Ostrich (+ flowers, goat), (new values smaller size)SG1544-9 Fauna (6v: Ostrich (+ flowers, goat and Oryx), SG1550-5, B.(4v)White-headed/Tufted Ducks,Moussier’s Redstart,Marble Teal,SG1586-9 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2003 2004 2009 2011 2011 Sports (4v; two Eagles + football, SG3524-7, 2.95 B. Prey (4v shtlt)MS3575: Common Buzzard/Kestrel,Golden Eagle,Black Kite, 2.75 Mothers’ Day (4v): stylized, one has a Blackbird, SG3922-5, 2.95 EUROPA Forests (2v): Great Spotted Woodpecker, (+ Stag), SG4045-6, 2.70 B.(4v shtlt)MS4052:N.Pintail,Chukar Partridge,Ring-neck Pheasant,T.Dove, 4.90 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 1999 Prey(5v shtlt): Amer./Common Kestrels, Per.Falcons, SG69-73, 2002 Birds MS112a/b: Bank Swallow (Sand Martin) 2 souvenir sheets 3.95 3.25 2.20 6.50 3.90 5.95 7.90 Turks Turks Turks 1990 B.(8v): Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Amer.Kestrel, Warbler, SG1010-7 1990 B.(8v): Striped Tanager, Vireo, Oystercatcher, Stilt, Scaup, SG1050-7 1993 B.(8v): Killdeer Plover, Cedar Waxwing, E.Kingbird, SG1228-35 Turks Turks* Turks* Turks 1995 Defs.(15v): Wilson's Plover, Thick-billed Vireo, Barn Owl, Clapper Rail, Belted Kingfisher, American Redstart, Roseate Tern, Blue-winged Teal, Reddish Egret complete to $10, SG1330-42 55.00 2003 CARICOM (1v): Caribbean Flamingo, SG1799 1.20 2007 W.W.F. Red-tailed Hawks (4v): SG1870-3, 3.75 2007 W.W.F. Red-tailed Hawks (8v shtlt)MS1874: different arrangement of 2 sets 7.50 Tuvalu Tuvalu 1999 Kosovo Relief birds opts(4v):Phoenix Petrel,Sooty tern,Cuckoo,SG837-40, 2000 B.(MS951): Morepork & Broad-billed Prion two souvenir sheets, 1.90 5.70 Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu 2011 Parrots (7v shtlt): Western & N. Rosella, Aus.Ringneck, Regent & Red-capped Parrots, Budgerigar,MS1423 2011 Parrots SS: Red-winged Parrot souvenir sheet, MS1424 2011 Marinelife (5v shtlt): Christmas Shearwater, (+fish,dolphin,whale)MS1425 2014 Ducks (6v = 2 x shtlts): Mandarin & Wood Ducks 8.95 4.75 7.90 15.40 Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu 2014 Scarlet Macaw (1v) 2014 Scarlet Macaw (6v shtlt): design as above x 6, 2014 Scarlet Macaw souvenir sheet Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda 1965 B.(14v):Black Bee-eater, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Jacana, Orange Weaver, Nanna Trogon, Ruwenzon Turaco, Shoebill, Af.Fish Eagle, SG113-26 38.50 1985 Audubon I MS484: Tawny Owl souvenir sheet, Cat.£11.00, 6.95 1985 Audubon II (4v): Rock Ptarmigan, Sage Grouse, Yellow-legs, SG494-7, 4.50 1989 Scouts MS705: Crowned Crane souvenir sheet 4.95 1998 Xmas (6v): Black-capped Chickadee, House Sparrow, N.Cardinal, SG2006-11 5.90 1998 Xmas MS2012: Winter Wren and Red-winged Blackbird souvenir sheets, 8.50 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Birds Prey (4v shtlt) Tawny Eagle, Bateleur, Osprey & Ruepell’s Griffon 7.85 Birds of Prey SS: Western (Eurasian) Marsh Harrier souvenir sheet 4.50 Kingfishers(4v shtlt): Malachite, Common, Grey-headed, Pied + Lesser Pied 7.80 Grey-headed Kingfishers souvenir sheet 4.45 Endangered Species (4v shtlt): Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle (+ Shrew, Cats) 7.75 Endangered Species SS: Black-(Gray) Crowned-Crane souvenir sheet 4.40 Endangered Species SS: Ostrich souvenir sheet 5.90 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Bflies (4v shtlt): Charaxes druceanus abscura, Michel#2770-3Bird W.W.F. Secretarybird (4v strip): W.W.F. Secretarybird MS (4v shtlt): W.W.F. Secretarybird (8v shtlt with two sets): End.Species Secretarybird(4v shtlt): Saggitarius serpentarius End.Species Secretarybird SS: Saggitarius serpentarius souvenir sheet End.Species Vultures (4v shtlt): Egyptian & Ruppell’s vultures, End.Species Vulture SS: Ruppell’s Vulture souvenir sheet Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 End.Species (4v shtlt):Af.Skimmer,Oystercatcher,Grey Parrot,Egypt. Vult 11.50 End.Species SS: Ostrich souvenir sheet 4.90 W.W.F.Stamp on Stamp (4v shtlt): Owl,(+ Macaque,Leopard,Orang-Utan 6.75 Stamp on stamp Owls (4v shtlt): 6.75 End.Species (4v shtlt): Californian condor, Ethiopian Wolf, Amur Leopard,10.70 Nobel Prize Winners (4v shtlt): one has a Short-eared Owl 11.95 64 11.50 11.25 10.90 2.50 13.90 7.75 9.75 9.70 19.75 9.90 5.45 9.95 5.50 Uganda Uganda 2014 Canaries (4v shtlt) Atlantic/Island & Yellow-fronted Canaries, 2014 Canaries SS: Atlantic (Island) Canary souvenir sheet Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 1997 1998 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 5.95 4.40 Ukraine Fauna (6v shtlt MS202; 3 birds, European Skylark, Black Stork, Sea Eagle 2.75 W.W.F. (4v): Red-breasted Goose - perforation p.11.5, 1.90 Fauna (2v): Red Kite (+ Jerboa - small mammal), SG395-6, 2.25 Fauna (2v): Cormorant or Shag (& Harbour Porpoise), SG441-2, 1.15 B.(5v shtlt) MS445: European Oystercatcher/Curlew, Snowy Plover, Sl.Gull, 1.95 Fauna (3v shtlt) MS485: Kingfisher (+ bfly, orchid), 2.20 Owls (12v sheetlet) MS498: N.Eagle Owl, Ural, Tawny, Great Grey, Barn, Eurasian Pygmy, Little, Tengmalm's, Scops, Short & Long-eared, Hawk Owl, 4.75 2003 Owls (12v sheetlet MS498 as above but on First Day Cover 4.95 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 Danube Reserve(5v shtlt)MS567:Mute Swan, White Spoonbill, Pygmy Cormorant Shatsk Nat. Park.(5v shtlt MS675;3 birds, Black Stork, Great Grey Shrike W.W.F. Great White Pelican (4v): SG797-800, Crimean N.Reserve MS850: Egrets, Swans, Eurasian Black Vulture, mammals Kiev Zoo Parrot MS: Cuban Amazon souvenir sheet Garganey National Park (4v shtlt): W.Capercaillie, (+ Pole Cat, Arnica,) Sveta Gora National Park (4v shtlt): one Bluethroat, (+ Otter, bfly) 3.50 1.75 1.90 2.50 0.97 2.95 2.90 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 Fairy Tales (2v): Rooks, (+ cat, giants, Farmyard (4v shtlt): cockerel, (+ rabbit, horse, goat, Europa Forest (2v) one bird, Christmas (2v): one bird - Great Tit, Farmstead in winter (4v shtlt): 2 birds - Bullfinches, Turkey 2.25 3.70 1.90 1.50 3.35 Union Is.St.V. 2013 Hummingbirds (8v+2SS):Green Violet-ear & Mango, Cuban Emerald, Costa’s & Buff-bellied & Antillean Crested Hummers, Green-throated & Purple-throated Caribs, Violet-crowned Woodnymph, 25.30 United Arab Emirates 2003 Prey (4v): hybrid, Gyr & Peregrine Falcons, Saker, SG755-8, United Arab Emirates 2004 Falcon (1v): 225 fils value SG291a U.A. Emirates 2009 Falcons (7v): high values, D0.25,D1,D1.5, D2,D10,D20,D50,SG862a-880, United Arab Emirates 2010 Falcon (1v): Dh2 values new colour (orange), United Arab Emirates 2010 Aluminium (4v): one Peregrine Falcon, SG1025-8, United Arab Emirates 2010 Aluminium (4v shtlt)MS1029: one Peregrine Falcon, United Arab Emirates 2011 17th GCC Philatelic Exhibition Abu Dhabi (1v): stylized falcon 4.75 1.40 34.50 1.75 4.95 7.95 1.25 United Arab Emirates 2011 Bu Tinah N.Reserve (10v): Socotra Cormorant,(+ Fish,SG1080-9, United Arab Emirates 2013 50th Anniv. Postal Services,(4v); Lanner Falcon, SG1144-7 5.75 5.85 United United United United United United Nations 1992 Stylised defs.with four doves around girl's head (2v) 1.95 Nations 1998 End.Sp.(12v; Nene, Burrowing Owl, Flamingo SG755-8,V249-52,G333-6 9.50 Nations 1998 End.Sp.(48v = 4 x 16v sheetlets 3 birda, Flamingo, Owl, Nene 38.00 Nations 2000 End.Sp.(12v:3 birds):Swan,Black-belly Bustard,Wh.Spoonbill V304-7, 9.80 Nations(NY/Gen/V) 2001 Fauna (12v; Quetzal, Laysan Duck, Peafowl, 8.50 Nations 2001 End.Sp.(48v = 4 x 16v sheetlets: Quetzal,Duck,Peafowl, 39.00 United Nations (Vienna) 2002 End.Species (4v; one value is Jackass Penguin, SGV353-6, 3.90 United Nations (Vienna) 2002 End.Species above but 4 sets in 16v sheetlet 15.50 United Nations 2003 Birds (12v): Red-breasted Goose, Bald Ibis, Great Hornbill, Comb Duck, White Whistling D., Baikal Teal, Hadada Ibis, Toucan, (SGV380-3 + NY SG905-8 + Gen. SG460-3) 8.65 United Nations 2003 Birds as above but(48v = 4 x 16v sheetlets=SGV380-3,SG905-8,SG460-3 34.90 United United United United Nations(Vienna) Nations(New York) Nations(New York) Nations(New York) 2003 2003 2005 2010 Freshwater (2v): Woodpecker, horses, SGV384-5, Freshwater (2v): Heron (& butterfly) SG909-10, Nature (2v): one is a Little Egret (+ ice waterfall) Biodiversity (2v): one Rubythroated Hummingbird, SG1146-7, 2.40 1.10 1.95 2.25 United Nations 2011 B.(12v): Kakapo, Himalayan Monal, Black Stork, Bali Mynah, Cal.Condor, Red-crowned Parakeet,Blk Palm Cockatoo, Nicobar Pigeon, Japanese Crane, Black-front Piping Guan,Phil.Eagle,SG1172-5 + SGG716-9, + SGV642-5, 13.95 United Nations (N.Y.) 2011 Forests (2v): Toucan on one, (+ butterfly), SG1176-7, 2.90 United Nations (Geneva) 2012 Fauna(4v): Painted Tiger Parrot,(+Sifaka,Tiger,Green Iguana 6.60 United Nations (Vienna) 2012 Fauna(4v): Australian Masked Owl, Bornean Peacock-Pheasant 5.90 United Nations (Vienna) 2013 Endangered Species (4v): Pharaoh Eagle Owl, (+ Banded Civet,5.75 U.S.A. 1980 Bald Eagle (1 value): SG1804, 0.50 65 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.* U.S.A. U.S.A. 1984 Mallard (1 value): SG2089 0.60 1990 Mountain Bluebird (1 value): SG2428, 0.60 1993(4) Doves (1 value): SG2884 0.75 1994 Whooping Crane & Black-necked Crane (2v): SG2948-9, 1.15 1995 Red-headed Woodpecker (1v): SG3024 0.30 2002 Eagle in emblem (1v): SG4038 (Scott#3560) 0.80 2002 Audubon (1 value): Western Tanager, Scarlet Tanager SG4153, 0.60 2003 Brown Pelican (1 value): SG4277 0.55 2003 Snowy Egret self-adhesive die cut coil p.8.5 (1v): Egretta thula, SG4286, 0.50 2008 Great Lakes Dunes (10v shtlt)MS4903: Vesper Sparrow, Gooseander, Piping Plover, Spotted Sandpiper, Common Merganser, (+ Red Admiral, Bee, Wasp,) 6.90 2009 Gulf Coast Lighthouses (5v; one has Western Great Egret, SG4964-8, 3.40 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. * U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 Flags of States Montana-N.Dakota(10v)Gt.Blue Heron,Gt.Nth.Loon,SG5023-32 6.50 Flags of States (10v):2 birds Puerto Rican Tody/Scarlet Tanager,SG5148-57 5.90 Eagle “Spectrum” (6v coil strip) birds’ heads, SG5186-91, 2.50 Birds heads(5v):N.Harrier,Goshawk,Osprey,Gold Eagle,Per.Falcon,SG5216-20 5.80 Tufted Puffin (1v) 1.40 N.E.Coast L’houses (5v): one has gulls, 3.50 Reprint of Tufted Puffin above, but with grey coloured “2013” imprint 1.45 Hummingbird (1v): coil stamp imperf. X perforate 0.67 Hummingbird (1v): sheet stamp perforate all round 0.70 Songbirds (20v booklet contains 2 sets of 10v,indivisible):Western Tanager & Meadowlark, Mountain Bluebird, Painted Bunting, American Goldfinch, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted & Evening Grosbeak, 13.50 Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay* 1997 1998 2000 2000 5.50 1.65 5.75 Uruguay* Uruguay* Prehistoric An.(5v): Devincenzia gallinali,(+ mammals,Smilodon)SG2336-40 Bird (1v): Parula pitiayumi - Olive-backed Warbler SG2515 $32 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle definitive value (1v): SG2591, B.(4v; all new to stamps; Golden-winged Cacique, Common Miner, Long-tailed Reed Finch, Freckled-breasted Thornbird, SG2630-3, 2003 B.(1v): Southern Lapwing – Vanellus chilensis, SG2799 3.40 1.75 Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay* Uruguay* Uruguay 2004 B.(4v): Greater Shearwater, Halls Giant & Cape Petrels, Black-brow Albatross, SG2879-82, 5.50 2004 $100 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle definitive value (1v): SG2922, 7.95 2004 America (2v): one has two Snowy Egrets (+ dragonfly & bfly), SG2927-8, 3.50 2005 1st EUROPA stamps (2v): Greater Rhea, (& bee, flower), SG2964-5, 3.50 2005 $25 Black-chested B.Eagle defin.(1v):new value tablet & imprint,SG2974 2.75 2006 $100 Black-chest Buzzard Eagle (1v):new value tablet & imprint, was £6.25 5.25 2006 Southern Lapwing (1 value): SG3035, 0.50 2008 Birds (2v): Lowland Hepatic Tanager, Plush-crested Jay, SG3103-4, 4.90 2008 Polar Year (2v shtlt)MS3120: Brown Skua (+ seals), 4.25 Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay 2009 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 Birds/Bflies (4v):Many-color Bush Tyrant,Green-Bar Woodpecker, SG3160-3, 4.50 Birds/Flora (4v): Rufous hornero, Guira Cuckoo, (+ flowers): SG3195-8, 4.80 Polar (1v): Chinstrap Penguin, SG3199, 3.95 Isla de Flores (1v): Snowy Egret,Kelp Gull,American Oystercatcher,SG3280 1.40 Fauna(4v):Red-crest Cardinal,Vermilion Flycatcher,Rufous-chested Dotterel 4.70 Tourism (2v: one is a Red Knot (other is a turtle), 3.90 Madre Tierra (4v shtlt): purple Emperor, Flamingo, 8.90 Rhea (1v): Rhea Americana, 1.95 Uzbekistan 2003 Uzbekistan 2005 Uzbekistan 2006 Uzbekistan 2009 Uzbekistan 2010 Uzbekistan 2010 Uzbekistan 2010 B.(4v):Black & White Storks,Greater Flamingo,Eurasian Spoonbill,SG447-50, 4.75 Pigeons (8v shtlt+SS) MS483-4: Qorgon chinni, Chelkar, Buxara captari, 5.90 B.(4v shtlt)MS583:Whitetail Eagle,Whitehd Duck,Pygmy Cormornt,Marble Teal 3.90 B.(4v):Less White-fronted Goose,Ferruginous Duck,Whooper Swan, SG654-7, 5.25 B.(4v)Sociable Plover,Wallcreeper,Crane,Himalay Whistling Thrush,SG693-6, 8.75 Birds MS697: Mute Swans souvenir sheet 5.75 Polar Year Antarctic Treaty(1v):Emperor Penguin – Aptenodytes for.,SG750 2.75 Uzbekistan 2011 Uzbekistan 2012 Uzbekistan 2012 Uzbekistan 2012 Uzbekistan 2014 Children’s Paintings (4v): Pheasant, Eurasian Hoopoe, etc., SG762-5, Rare Animals (4v): Barbery Falcon, (+ mammals, hedgehog,) SG839-42, Tashkent Zoo (3v) 2 birds Common Ostrich, Af.Sacred Ibis, Nature Reserve (4v): Eurasian Eagle Owl, beetle, bear Bustards (2v): Little & Macqueen’s Bustards, Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu 4.25 6.95 4.50 7.90 2.90 1999 Birds booklet (contains 5 copies of Shining Bronze Cuckoo SG805 x 5) 9.50 1999 Birds MS808: Rainbow Lorikeet souvenir sheet, 2.30 2002 Rainbow Parakeet in Tourism set (5v):only one stamp with 3 birds SG865-9, 4.95 66 Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu 2004 Red-tailed Tropicbird (5v): SG932-6 4.80 2004 Red-tailed Tropicbird MS937: 5v sheetlet designs as above, 4.90 2006 Reef Herons (5v): Ardea (egreta) sacra, SG989-993 3.85 2006 Reef Herons (5v shtlt)MS994: Ardea (egreta) sacra, 3.90 2008 B.(4v);Pac.Reef Heron, White & Swift Terns, White-tail Tropic,SG1039-42, 6.40 2008 Seabirds MS1043: White Tern souvenir sheet 3.30 2009 Mystery Island (4v; one has a Sooty Tern, SG1049-52, 6.50 2009 W.W.F. Beach Thick-knees (4v strip): from MS1063, 7.25 2009 W.W.F. Beach Thick-knees MS1063(8v=sheetlet of 2 x 4v strips) 14.00 2011 W.W.F. Massena’s Lorikeets (4v strip): SG1094-7, 6.75 2011 W.W.F. Lorikeets (8v shtlt)MS1098: 2 sets above diff.layout 13.50 2011 Beaches (4v): one has a silhouette tropicbird, (+ turtle, shell,SG1104-7 7.50 2012 B. defs. (12v): Southern Shrikebill,Grey’s Fruitdove,Long-tailed Triller Dark Brown Honeyeater,V.Petrel,Streaked Fantail,Ruddy Turnstone,SG1118-30 33.50 2012 defins (12v shtlt) MS1131: S.Shrikebill, Scrubfowl, designs as above 33.75 Vatican Vatican 2010 Birds in Anastsis from 4th C. sarcophagus (1v): SG1586, 2011 Year of the Forest (2v): birds, SG1626-7, Venda Venda Venda 1981 Sunbirds (4v): Collared, Mariqua, S.White-bellied, Scarlet Chest,SG38-41 1.80 1983 B.(4v): Tawny Eagle, Eur.Beeeater, Violet Starling, Abdim Stork, SG71-4, 2.30 1985 B.(4v): White-browed Robin Chat, Kurrichane Thrush, Oriole, SG103-6, 2.50 Venezuela 2010 Antarctic (10v shtlt)MS3819:Gentoo P.,Southern Giant Petrel,Whale, etc Venezuela 2011 Coins (6v shtlt): Guianan Cock of the Rock on one coin, 1.75 2.95 22.50 23.50 Vietnam Vietnam 1999 Kites (3v): paper kites as Eagle, Peacock, SG2230-2 2.40 2002 Birds (6v): Greater Necklaced & Gold-winged Laughing Thrushes, Long-billed Babbler, Black-crown Barwing, Red-tailed/Blue-winged Minlas, SG2477-82 2.60 Vietnam Vietnam* Vietnam* 2004 Birds & Flowers (2v): stylized pigeon(?), SG2576-7, 1.30 2010 B.(3v):Saunders’s Gull,Spoon Sandpiper,Spot(Nordmanns)Greenshank,SG2812-4,2.95 2011 Ba Be Fauna (4v): White-eared Night Heron,+ Horned Dragon,deer,SG2840-3, 3.20 Vietnam* 2013 Birds Xuan Thuy N.Park (4v): Black-faced Spoonbill, Asian Dowitcher, Northern Shoveler, Grey-headed Lapwing, 2.90 2013 Xuan Thuy Bird MS: Spot-billed Pelican souvenir sheet 1.95 2013 Joint issue with Singapore (2v): Red Junglefowl & Grey Peacock Pheasant, 1.90 Vietnam Vietnam* Wallis et Futuna 2001 B.(3v): Barn Owl, Pac.Pigeon, Blue-crowned Lorikeet, SG790-2 4.95 Wallis et F. 2011 B.(3v):Polynes Triller,Blue-crown Lorikeet,Wattled Honey-eater,SG990-2 2.95 Yugoslavia 1995 Yugoslavia 2000 Yugoslavia 2001 Yugoslavia 2001 Zaire End of World War II (1v): Doves, SG2979, W.W.F. (4v): Grey & Rock Partridges, SG3236-9, Cat.£16.00 Palic Zoo (4v; Humboldt’s Penguins (+ Lion, Bear, Monkey, etc) SG3283-6 Nature Protection (2v): Squacco Heron, White Stork, SG3304-5, Cat.£5.30 1.70 3.50 2.45 1.95 Zaire Zaire 1982 B.(10v): Red-billed Quelea, Af.Pygmy Kingfisher, Bennett's Woodpecker, Lizard Buzzard, White-headed Vulture, SG1133-42, 6.95 1984 Garamba Nat.Park (7v): Kori Bustard,Tawny Eagle,Cranes,SG1172-9, Cat.£17 7.95 1985 Audubon (4v): Great Egret, Black & Surf Scoter, Heron, SG1238-41,Cat.£8 3.95 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia 1977 1982 1982 1994 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Birds(6v): Grimwood’s Longclaw, Shelley’s Sunbird, Locust Finch, SG262-7 3.95 Scouts (4v): one has African Fish Eagle, SG365-8, 3.60 Scouts MS369: designs as above - one has African Fish Eagle, 3.75 Sunbirds (16v): Bronze, Violet-backed, Scarlet-chested, Bannerman’s, Oustalet’s, Anchieta’s, Olive, Green-headed, Red-tufted Malachite, Variable, Coppery, S.Orange-tufted, Amethyst, Mariqua, SG723-38, Cat.$27 9.95 1996 W.W.F. (4v): Saddle-billed Stork, Black-cheeked Lovebirds, SG754-7 2.70 1998 Parrots & Parakeets (12v=2x6v shtlt): Rainbow Lorikeet, Blue-yellow Macaw, Golden Conure, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Blue-crowned Parrot, Budgerigar, Pale-headed & Northern Rosellas, Cockatoos, Scott#735-6, on reorder £13.65) 1998 Parrots 2SS: Mulda parakeet & Major Mitchell 2 souvenir sheets,Scott#737-8,reor 1999 Defins (16v): Sacred Ibis, Blacksmith Plover, Darter, Af.Skimmer Spoonbill & Finfoot, Glossy Ibis, Blackwinged Stilt, Pelican, Purple Swamphen, Hammerkop, Spur-winged Goose, SG794-809, 9.50 2001 Defs new values "C", "B", "A", "0" (4v): Knob-billed Duck, Blacksmith Plover, Sacred Ibis, Purple Gallinule, SG802B,10B,11B,12B, 3.90 2000 1st Birds series (29v=5v+3X8v shtlts): Green aracari, Electus P., Crimson Topaz, Resplendent Quetzal, Rosella, Touraco, Yellow-fr.Amazon, Macaws, Green Touraco, Gt.Indian Hornbill, Rainbow Lorikeet, Scott#881-8, 21.50 67 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia 2000 Birds (3SS): Red-crested Pochard, Toco Toucan & Blue & Yellow Macaw, Scott#889-91: 3 souvenir sheets 2000 Exotic Birds Scott#901: Pintailed Sandgrouse souvenir sheet 2000 Birds Scott#902: Black Bustard souvenir sheet 2003 Bee-Eaters new values (4v): Little, Boehm's, White-fronted, SG891-4, 2008 W.W.F. Greater Kudu (4v): one has several Oxpeckers on Kudu, SG1049-52 2008 W.W.F. (8v shtlt)MS1053: 2 sets above, different arrangement 8.90 2.80 2.65 3.70 4.40 8.80 2013 K1.50 overprint (1v) Little Bee-Eater K1.50 on K1,200, SG1091, 1.30 2013 Birds both K2.50 overprints (2v): Ibis on K2,500 on B stamp, K2.50 Blacksmith Plover on K2,500 on A stamp obliterated, SG1095-6, 2.90 2014 K1.50 opts (5v) on 2 Boehm’s Bee-Eaters – one with bars shifted to left, K2.50 Blacksmith Plover & Sacred Ibis,K4.95Purple Gallinule,SG1125-7+1131 5.75 Zimbabwe* 2000 Defins. (3v): Lilac-breasted Roller, Ostrich, Cape Parrot, SG1016,7,9, 2.50 Zimbabwe* 2007 S.A.P.O.A. (5v); all mammals but one Buffalo has an Oxpecker, SG1244-8, 12.95 Zimbabwe 2007 S.A.P.O.A. (5v shtlt MS1249; all mammals one Buffalo has an Oxpecker, 25.50 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2007 Defins. (10v): Cattle Egret, Malachite Kingfisher, Little Bee-Eater, Violet-Crested Turaco, Purple Swamphen, Af. Jacana, Secretarybird, Perrin’s Bush Shrike, Southern Ground Hornbill, Hoopoe, SG1215-24, 2007 Defins. (10v sheetlet)MS1255: Egret, etc. designs as above, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2010 African Paradise (4v): one stylized bird (+ Elephant, Lion etc) 2010 African Paradise (4v shtlt): one stylized bird (+ Elephant, Lion etc) 61.50 62.50 6.95 7.25 ***************************************************************************************** Postal Stationary Aland 1998 Airletter with Peacock, Parakeets etc. fabulous item...... Argentina 2010 Birdpex Selenidera maculirostris postal card Australia 1999 Prestamped Envelopes (5 PSE's): Laughing Kookaburra, Splendid Fairy Wren, Fairy Penguin, Maj.Mitchell's Cockatoo, Budgerigar, Finland 2003 Bluethroat postal card (1 postcard) 1.75 1.70 France 2012 Hong Kong 2007 Malaysia 1996 Mauritius 1996 Netherlands New Zealand Birds (4) Prestamped Envelopes + paper, Puffin,Bustard,Bluethroat,Osprey Barn Swallow (+ rather feint but large duck) aerogramme Hornbill aerogramme Echo Parakeet aerogramme 1995 Air Post stylized bird aerogramme 1997 Fantail aerogramme 9.50 0.80 0.50 1.10 1.25 1.10 Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Pakistan Papua New Papua New St.Helena 2000 2001 2001 1998 G. G. 2004 Owls Prestamped Cards (2 Postal Cards) Prestamped Envelopes (2 Postal Cards) Seabirds Crimson Rosella & Norfolk Island Starling (2 Postal Cards) Tawny Eagle aerogramme (1 aerogramme) 1991 Blyth’s Hornbill aerogramme (1 aerogramme) 1995 Berrypecker aerogramme: Oreocharis arfaki (1 aerogramme) Wire Bird aerogramme (1 aerogramme) 2.40 2.35 2.50 1.70 0.95 0.85 1.20 Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Trinidad Trinidad Vanuatu 2000 2001 2010 1995 1998 2003 European Robin Postal Card (1 card) 1.25 Grey Partridge Postal Card + large panel of same (1 card) 0.95 CITES (Pre-stamped Postal Card): design has one Parrot (+ Elephant, etc.) 2.95 Scarlet Ibis aerogramme 0.70 Scarlet Ibis aerogramme on blue paper 0.85 Reef Heron aerogramme (1 aero): border with Parrot, K'fisher, 1.20 2.75 0.95 Informative websites: Chris Gibbins' outstanding illustrated website is based around Bird Stamp Philately and is continually updated, try it at; Also Kjell Scharning’s fabulous site This illustrated site has aa invaluable chronological approach & also anticipates issues already announced by the authorities. The Bird Stamp Society has a quarterly magazine called Flight which is about 50 A4 pages of Birds on Stamps articles, discussions and features plus 16 A4 pages on New Issues in detail. This is excellent value and indispensible for the medium to serious Birds on Stamps collector, annual sub. Worldwide to all members is just £5 for those who wish to receive their magazine by email. There are higher rates for “hardcopy” £15 (U.K.) and £22/€26 (Europe) £27(Other overseas); for more details please contact their Membership Secretary: G.Horsman 23a East Main Street Blackburn West Lothian, EH47 7QR 01506-651029 68
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