From The Principal - Homebush West Public School

Homebush West Public School
4 February 2015
Homebush West Public School
Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful
in a changing world
Exeter Rd, Homebush West 2140 T9746 9304 F 9746 2148
Special Points of
Music Camp
Chess 2015
Heart Foundation
Walking Group
Community Farewell
for Mrs. Harris
Kiss and Ride Zone
Right and
bo om right: Kindy 2015
This Week Wednesday NO playgroup
Thursday Chess 3pm NO Scripture Friday French Classes
Next Week Wednesday Playgroup begins
Swimming Carnival
Thursday Scripture Begins Chess 3pm Friday French Classes
Page 1
From The Principal
Congratula ons to students, staff and parents on the excellent start we all have had to
the 2015 school year. It is wonderful to see all students in their full school uniforms,
smiling and par cipa ng in all the events. This week we formally welcome our
Kindergarten students and their parents. We know that they will enjoy and benefit from
being part of the Homebush West PS community.
It was lovely to see so many Kinder parents a ending the annual “Tissues and Tea”
welcoming event. It’s just as important for parents to make connec ons and
develop friendships with other parents as it is for the students to develop their
friendships. I would like to thank Mrs Pouty for pu ng together this event and making
us all feel very special.
This week we have commenced PSSA try outs for our summer spor ng teams. PSSA will
commence Friday 20th February. Students have also had the opportunity to try out for
the school orchestra, dance and choir groups. I was very impressed with the number of
students who took the me to try out for these extra curricula ac vi es. Extra curricula
ac vi es play a vital role in developing the whole student. Thank you to the staff who
are commi ed to these ac vi es, groups and teams.
Friday a er school there will be a community farewell for
Mrs Harris who has accepted an Assistant Principal posi on at
Victoria Street Public School. Please join us to say thank you and
wish Mrs Harris all the best in her career.
Next week we are an cipa ng forming our 2015 classes. This is
dependent on school numbers. Once classes are formed all
students will receive the school informa on pack that will include
a sta onary list, text book informa on, school fees and BYOD
(Bring Your Own Device) informa on.
Term 1, Week 2 2015
Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world
Coming up Term 1 Wednesday, February 11 – Swimming Carnival @ Cabarita
Friday, February 13 – P&C Welcome Picnic TBC
Monday, February 16 – School Council
Monday, February 16 – P&C Mee ng
Friday, February 20 – Chinese Lion Dance TBC
Friday, February 27 – Clean up Australia Day for schools
Deanne Stephenson
Rel. Principal
School Chaplaincy HWPS was successful in receiving the State grant for School Chaplaincy. Chris Prouty will
serve in that role for this year. Her role is to listen to the concerns of the school community
and to help strengthen caring rela onships. Last year Chris ran playgroup in the school hall
and a lunch me kni ng club for stage 3 students. She supported students, parents, families
and teachers in mes of transi on and crisis. You can reach Chris at 04044 37955.
We also want to thank the P&C for raising funds so that Chris may serve addi onal hours and
meet more needs.
Above: Mrs Prouty
We value
Respect for others
Chess 2015 Chess coaching will begin at Homebush West on Thursday 5th February
at 3:00 pm in the 21E classroom (opposite the Principal's office). Chess
will run each Thursday during the year from 3:00pm ‐ 4:00pm sharp.
Interested parents and students are asked to see the Chess coaches on
Thursday 5th February at 3:00pm in classroom 21E for registra on and
payment. The school office is not involved in handling payment of
Chess fees. Chess fees are paid to the Sydney Academy of Chess. For further informa on
please contact the Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.
Combined Primary Schools Music Camp The Combined Primary Schools Music Camp will be on again this year and will involve
students from six local schools: Belmore South PS, Burwood PS, Concord West PS, Homebush
West PS, Marie Bashir PS and Mortlake PS. The camp is open to all students in Years 4 ‐ 6
learning a musical instrument at any of these schools. Although the camp is organised by
Symphonia Jubilate, students do not need to be a member of this orchestra to a end.
When: Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th March 2015
(Arrival 9am on Wednesday, Departure 4pm on Friday)
Where: Naamaroo Conference Centre in Lane Cove Na onal Park
Travel to and from the venue must be organised by the parents
$260 per student
Unfortunately, as this is a voluntary extra curricula event, we are unable to offer students
financial assistance and all costs must be paid before the camp.
If you would like your child to a end the camp, please complete an applica on and medical
form and return to the office no later than Monday 16th February. Please do not send any money at this point; if you are successful in your applica on you will receive an invoice for
payment and sheet music to be used at the camp, during Week 5 of the term.
Page 2
Term 1, Week 2 2015
Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world
Summer PSSA compe on Summer PSSA compe on kicks off Friday week 4. Coaches will hold tryouts for Cricket and
So ball this week. All students are to discuss tryouts with their parents and understand the
commitment necessary. Summer PSSA compe on will cost $80 for the season. All notes and
money are to be paid to the office before Friday 20th February, week 4.
Wrap With Love Begins 16 February Wrap With Love is a kni ng group for Stage 3 students who would like to help the
community by kni ng squares that will be made into blankets for the needy.
Wrap With Love is held every Monday in the Media Room A Block at second half of lunch.
If you would like to join in, come to the library on Mondays and meet Mrs Prouty and the
wonderful community volunteers. If you cannot knit and would like to learn they will be on
hand to teach you.
Music Tui on 2015 ALL students who intend to commence or con nue music tui on in 2015 are required to
complete and submit a NEW Expression of Interest form. Forms can be obtained from the
office, school website or from the school App.
For students who have already applied, you will be no fied of lesson mes during Week 1
and 2.
Mr Debnam Uniform Shop Homebush West PS Uniform Shop is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8.45 –
9.15am. Cash or cheque only. Orders can be made at the uniform shop and picked up and
paid for at the office at a later date if required.
We value
A caring and safe
School Canteen The school now has a school canteen that provides healthy meals for LUNCH Monday‐
Thursday. Orders need to be placed online by 8am each day. The School Canteen supports
the HWPS healthy ea ng philosophy and provides students with a wide range of healthy and
nutri ous hot and cold food. For more informa on see the website:
2015 homework planner Kids and families run more smoothly when there's a plan. The 2015 homework and study
calendar includes key dates and school holidays. You can print it out month by month, or by
the whole year.
Find out more h p://‐and‐study/homework‐ ps
Doing well in class Our expert panel shares ps about how parents can help their younger and older kids reach
their full poten al at school and mo vate them for learning. Watch the video.
Find our more: h p:// ng‐off‐to‐a‐
Page 3
Eight ways to get your kids organised Are you ready for morning madness, late assignments, yesterday's half‐eaten lunch swea ng
in the schoolbag? Just like adults, children cope much be er if they can manage their me
and their environment wisely.
Find out more: h p://‐and‐study/homework‐ ps/
Smart foods to boost learning Mother Nature is full of foods that help us think and feel be er. What do you give your child
to help them think more clearly, and enhance concentra on and memory?
Find out more: h p://
Term 1, Week 2 2015
Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world
Tea and Tissues We value
A caring and safe
Page 4
Making Friends On February 2nd, Stage 2 students enjoyed a live puppet and drama performance of Making
Friends. The performance was a story about a girl who moves to a new school and learns the
best way to meet and keep new friends. The performance was interac ve with students
helping out playing key roles.
Lots of fun was had by all and the students learned some good ps for their friendships at
Homebush West Public School.
Term 1, Week 2 2015
Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world
Become A Volunteer Host Family ‐ It’s Fun!
World Educa on Program (WEP) is invi ng you to experience another culture in your own
home by becoming a volunteer host family to an interna onal student arriving in July 2015.
Our students from Canada, Belgium, Finland, France and Italy are looking forward to
experiencing life in Australia, making new friends and becoming a member of an Australian
family soon.
HosƟng Is Fun! Find Out more!
Ge ng to know your student well before he or she arrives is rewarding learning experience,
fun for everyone involved and helps your student se le quickly. To help you make this
important decision, contact WEP today to receive an informa on pack for your family.
Sylvia Kelly
Manager – Inbound Exchange Programs
Phone: 1300 884 733
Online: h p://
Walking Bus News What is the Walking Bus? The Walking Bus is a group of students who walk to and from
school supervised by two adult volunteers
We value
Can I enrol my child to join the Walking Bus? Yes! Just fill in a form and return it to the
office. Refer to the map on the doors in the office for your closest Walking Bus stop.
The Walking Bus meets under the stairs outside the office in the a ernoon a er the
bell goes
Does my child have to go on the Walking Bus every morning and a ernoon? No, use the
Walking Bus when it suits your family
I have some ques ons where can I get more informa on? Speak to Chris Prouty,
Ms Kanakakis or parent Suzanne Ellis 0410 507 669 suzanne@suzanne‐
Thank you to those parents and carers who have expressed interest in volunteering for
the Walking Bus. We really appreciate your help and support and will be contac ng
new people regarding volunteering in the next few weeks
Mums in Touch
Please join us to
pray for the
needs of the
school on
6 February
Club Room of St Columba
Homebush West.
Contact Chris Prouty for more
Page 5
Please be aware students who are enrolled on the Walking Bus will have road safety
training in week 5 so please enrol before then even if you may not use it un l later
in the term
Heart Founda on Walking Group An ac ve lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2
diabetes, obesity and some cancers. It can also improve mental
health, community life, social wellbeing and community safety.
Homebush West’s Heart Founda on Walking Group is on Mondays.
Meet Mrs Prouty at the Front Office stairs at 9.15am. Term 1, Week 2 2015
Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education
Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world
Swimming Carnival Our annual swimming carnival at Cabarita Swimming Centre will be held in week 3 this term. A note
has been sent home this week with informa on and payment details. Please ensure you have returned
the permission note and money to the office by the end of week 2. We
encourage parents to come along and support or help out on the day.
Ms Clapham
Sports Coordinator
Community Farewell for Mrs Harris Please join us this Friday a er school for an a ernoon tea
to farewell Mrs Harris. Please bring a small plate of food to
share with the community.
We value
Success for all
French Class – Free Trial Class available
French class starts this Friday 6 February 3‐4.15 pm. The French teacher will meet you at the silver
table and chairs at the front of A Block and classes will be held in KV.
New students are welcome, all ages! We have a great me learning French together. This year Lynda
will be teaching the class, Lynda is a very experienced teacher and na ve French speaker.
To enrol please go to
If you’d like more informa on or to do a free trial class please email Natasja
or call 1300 707 288
Friday Hot Dog Orders – Last orders by 3pm Thursdays
Hot Dog Order Form
First Name: ____________________
Last Name: _____________________
Class: _____________
Plain Hot Dogs at $2.50 each ____________
Halal Chicken Hot Dogs at $2.50 each _____________
I wish to order for the whole term, I have enclosed $____________
Page 6
Term 1, Week 2 2015
P&C Meet the Principal and Welcome Picnic Friday 13 February 2015 3:00 ‐ 4:30PM HWPS playground Bring a blanket, snacks and the kids P&C will provide sausage sandwiches (sausages will be halal chicken) Drinks will be available for purchase This is a great opportunity to socialise and meet other families, develop friendships and ease into the new school year. Please join us for a relaxing afternoon! KISS AND RIDE
the rules
Kiss and Ride zones are for your child’s safety, your convenience and to minimise
congestion and confusion.
Kiss and Ride rules:
• Kiss and Ride zones and ‘No Parking’ zones operate
under the same conditions – may stop to drop off
or pick up children for a maximum of 2 minutes
• Driver must remain in or within 3 metres of vehicle
• Zone applies only during hours of operation
Minimum penalty $165 and 2 demerit points
•Do not leave your vehicle
To assist with traffic flow, drivers should
remain in the car whilst children get in and
out. Children should travel with bags in the
car (not in the boot).
•Be timely
If your child does not get in or out of the
vehicle within 2 minutes, you must leave and
re-enter the No Parking zone.
•Stay in sequence
Don’t cut in the queue. Drop off or pick
up your child close to the top of the zone,
allowing vehicles following you to enter the
zone in an orderly manner.
•Child safety
Please ensure children get in or out of the
vehicle on the kerb side. The back seat is the
safest seat for children to travel in, regardless
of the make of vehicle. Ensure children have
their restraints securely fastened before
driving off.
•No U-turns
Do not do u-turns in busy school zones. They
are dangerous and put children at risk.
Penalties correct as at 1 July 2012
Kiss and Ride Zones need cooperation to ensure the safety of all children.
Please drive carefully around school zones. A safety message from:
Term 1 Week 2 第一学期第二周
This Week 本周 星期四 ‐ 国际象棋班 星期五 ‐ 法语班 Coming up 近期大事 第一学期 二月十一日星期三:游泳比赛,Cabarita 游泳池
二月十三日:家长委员会的欢迎野餐,详情稍后公布 二月十六日星期一:学校理事会及家长委员会会议 二月:农历新年舞狮表演, 时间稍后通知 二月二十七日星期五:澳洲大扫除日
From the Principal 校长的信息 本周星期五放学后,我们会在学校给 Mrs Harris 举办欢送会。欢迎家长们前来参加。
Mrs Harris 成功获得了 Victoria Street Public School 小学的助理校长职位。
会收到有关的资料,包括需要准备什么文具,课本,学费以及带私人 Ipad 或类似的浏
览器。 School Chaplaincy 我们学校成功地获得了新州颁发的“学校牧师服务”款项。Chris Prouty 会在学校工作
上一年 Chris 在校内举办学前活动班以及爱心编织班。她给学生,家长和家庭予以支持
和帮助。大家有问题可以打电话给她:04044 37955 我们也在这感谢家长委员会筹款给 Chris 更多的时间展开更多地工作。 Chess 2015 2015 年国际象棋班 国际象棋班的老师会在二月三日星期二,三点开始在校长室对面的 21E 班课室开办象
支票可付给 Sydney Academy of Chess。详情请直接和他们联系。电话号码是(02) 9745 1170。
Wrap With Love
爱心编织活动是 Mrs Prouty 为五六年级的学生举办的,要是有学生有兴趣参加这活动,
以学会编织。我们织好的毛毯会送到慈善机构。欢迎家长来帮忙。 Combined Primary Schools Music Camp 小学联合音乐营本年度会继续举办。参加的学校有六间:Belmore South PS, Burwood PS, Concord West PS, Homebush West PS, Marie Bashir PS and Mortlake PS。音乐营的对象
时间:2015 年三月四到六日,星期三到星期五
(星期三早上九点集合,星期五下午四点离开) 地点:Naamaroo Conference Centre,Lane Cove 国家公园 家长要直接接送到学生来回以上的地点 费用:每个学生 $260 要是你想你们的孩子参加,请把申请表格和健康表格填好在二月十六号星期以前交回
学校。现在暂时先不要交钱。要是你的申请成功,我们会发出付款通知。 Summer PSSA competition 夏季 PSSA 竞赛已经展开。教练们从这周开始已经挑选板球和投球的选手。夏季 PSSA
竞赛每季度是$80。请把有关的表格填好,和费用一起在二月二十日星期五前交回学校。 Music Tuition 2015 所有打算这年学习乐器的学生需要把一份意向表格填好交回。表格
可以从办公室索取,或从学校网页或学校 App 上找到。 已经申请了的学生,我们会在第一第二周通知你们上课的时间 Mr Debnam Uniform Shop 学校校服店每周一,二,三开放,时间是早上八点四十五分到九点十五分。可以用现
金和支票。家长们也可以先在校服店下订单,过些天在校办公室付钱取货。 School Canteen 学校在周一到周四有供应早茶,午餐的小卖部服务。网上订单要在每天八点前递交。
请看 Printable 2015 homework calendars 当我们有计划的时候,办事都可以更加顺利,所以大家可以把 2015 年的学生年历印出
出来。 详情请看‐and‐study/homework‐tips
Walking Bus News 步行校车 ∙ 以往好些参与步行公车的家长都因工作原因搬离了本区,所以现在我们两条步
或愿意在别人病的时候做一个候补,请联系 Chris Prouty 女士, Kanakakis 老师 或
家长代表 Suzanne Ellis。电话 0410 507 669 ,电邮 suzanne@suzanne‐。
∙ 谢谢所有参与的自愿家长,这是一个非常有意义的项目。我们需要你们的继续
支持和帮助。 ∙ 我们欢迎所有的学生参加步行公车项目,你们可以随时报名,只需要把表格填
好交回办公室就行了。步行公撤从本学期第二周开始到学期的最后一天。 ∙ 有问题或建议请联系学校办公室或以上提到的人员。.