Homebush West Public School 4 March 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Exeter Rd, Homebush West 2140 T9746 9304 F 9746 2148 E homebushw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.homebush.schools.nsw.edu.au Special Points of Interest Clean Up Australia Day Open Night NAPLAN High School Dental Program Premier’s Reading Challenge From The Principal Right : Clean Up Australia Day; Eager Stage 1 ready to clean up This Week Wednesday Music Camp Playgroup Thursday Music Camp Zone Swimming Assembly A Scripture Enrichment Groups Chess 3pm Friday Music Camp Summer PSSA French Classes Next Week Monday Stage 1 Museum Excursion Tuesday Sun Smile Dental Program Wednesday Playgroup Thursday Assembly B Selec ve High School Test Scripture Enrichment Groups Chess 3pm Friday Summer PSSA Page 1 French Classes Thank you to everyone who a ended the open classrooms and meet the teacher night. It was excellent to see so many families visi ng our classrooms and a ending the stage informa on sessions. All stage handbooks will be on our website and available through the school’s APP. Please take the me to complete the “Students Interests Inventory” that is available through the website and the APP. Thank you to the staff for their efforts in providing as much informa on as possible to everyone. Once again working together we all make a difference for our students. Finally this year the P&C are implemen ng a class parent system for each class. This person will be suppor ng the class teacher in distribu ng informa on and reminders in regards to the class they are associated with. If you would like to be a class parent or join your child’s class email list please contact Suzanne Ellis. School Events Good luck to all of our swimmers who will be compe ng in the Zone Swimming Carnival this Thursday at Auburn swimming centre. Thank you to Mr Leeson, Mr Fung and Ms Mignacca for suppor ng and assis ng the students at the carnival. To our 10 musicians and Mr Debnam who will be par cipa ng in the Symphonia Jubilate Combined Primary schools Music Camp at Naamaroo Conference Centre, Lane Cove, have a musical me. Looking forward to hearing about both events. Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Important informa on The Selec ve High School test for Year 6 students entering Year 7 next year is on Thursday the 12th March. All students who are si ng the selec ve test should have received informa on regarding the test. If you have not received this informa on please contact Miss Cannata, Ms Agnew or myself. Next Monday 9th March all Year 6 students will be receiving their high school applica on form. It is important that these forms are filled out correctly and returned to the class teacher by Friday 20th March. If you require assistance with comple ng the applica on please contact the school. The NAPLAN tests for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be held in Term 2. I have included two links from the department of educa on that can assist parents with understanding the NAPLAN tes ng and procedure and also how to support your child during these tests. h p://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/parent-carer-support/parent-carer-support.html h p://www.nap.edu.au/verve/_resources/ NAPLAN_2015_Parent_informa on_brochure_web.pdf Sun Smile Dental Program Tuesday 10th March Homebush West PS has been selected to the launch the “Sun Smile Dental Program” in Sydney. We are very fortunate to have this opportunity. It is important that all students take part in this incredible free program that promotes dental health, free dental check-ups, valuable informa on on nutri on and oral health. Please complete the permission notes sent home last week and return to the class teacher as soon as possible. Dee Stephenson Rel. Principal We value Respect for others Coming up Term 1 Wednesday 4 March – Friday 6 March - Symphonia Jubilate Music Camp Thursday 5 March – Zone Swimming Carnival Monday 9 March – Stage 1 Excursion to The Australian Museum Tuesday 10 March – Sun Smile Dental Program Thursday 12 March – Selec ve High School Test Friday 20 March – Harmony Day Chinese New Year Celebra on Thank you to our school community for their wonderful support of our Chinese Celebra ons last Tuesday. I especially want to thank all the parents who helped to make so many delicious dumplings for our children, so that they had a chance to experience the taste of Chinese New Year food. A special thank you also to the parents helped the day before by making extra dumplings and packing and serving them on the day in the canteen. Thank you also to the team of staff who helped to organise the event and Ms Prouty who liaised with Honda. A Big thank you to Honda for sponsoring our entertainers. Together we have raised over $250 for our school. Mrs Chow Page 2 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Clean Up Australia Day Clean Up Australia Day is a simple way we can take ac on to clean up, fix up and conserve our prized Australian environment. At Homebush West, we do our part each year by cleaning up our school grounds. Each stage was given an area around the school to clean as a symbol of our support for this valuable program We value Success for all Page 3 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015 The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2015 opens today. The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a compe on but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. PRC Website: h ps://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/helpdesk.html The Challenge is available for all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 9, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools. At HWPS, K-2 students treat the books during learning me with their class teacher at school and Mrs Windon completes their online entries for them. Stage 2 and Stage 3 students, using the PRC Website; enter their books at home using their own username and passwords. Students must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge: Minimum number of PRC books K-2 30 25 5 K-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 3-4 20 15 5 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 5-6 20 15 5 5-6, 7-9 7-9 20 15 5 5-6, 7-9 Challenge We value A caring and safe environment Maximum number of Personal Choice books Number of books you must read PRC booklists you can read from Privacy Informa on Two condi ons of entering the Challenge are that students may receive a cer ficate and their name may appear on the Gold or Pla num Honour Roll. Cer ficates have the student's name and school printed on them. The Honour Roll lists student names in the PRC website only. Names are listed in alphabe cal order (not by school) and no other iden fying features are included. Students who do not wish to receive a cer ficate or have their name published on the Gold or Pla num Honour Roll (or whose parents/carers do not wish them to) should not register for the Challenge. These students may take part in the Challenge unofficially - they may use the PRC booklists and can seek recogni on in their school community - but they cannot add any books to an online Student Reading Record. If you have any ques ons regarding the challenge please feel free to contact Mrs Windon, Mrs Lahood or Mrs Hughes. Mrs Windon Teacher/librarian Good number sense Maths is a numbers game but for some students - and parents - the figures don't add up. Here are some strategies to help kids to work out sums in their heads in a way that makes sense to them. Find out more: h p://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/homework-and-study/maths/maths-a-toz/-/maths_glossary/RId5/141/mental%20strategy Page 4 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Assembly Our school assemblies have begun for the year. Classes have been divided into two groups, Group A and Group B and will a end assembly every Thursday, fortnightly. Classes have been allocated a week to host the assembly where they have the chance to showcase some of the wonderful things they have been learning in the classroom. Parents and community are invited to a end the assemblies to keep up to date with school events and support their children on stage. Classes have been allocated the following groups: Group A (Even Weeks): KL, KD, KH, 21E, 21C, 21S, 43O, 43K, 65I, 65C Group B (odd Weeks): KP, KJ, 21A, 21B, 21R, 21K, 43M, 43B, 65L, 65M The classes that will be hos ng in Term One are: Week 6: 65I Week 7: 65L Week 8: 65M Week 9: 65C Week 10: School Representa ves. Year 6 Library Monitors If you have a passion for reading and helping others, being a Library Monitor could be the role for you. We are looking for interested Year 6 students who can commit to helping in the library second half of lunch, once per week for 2015. Please come to the library to register your interest in becoming a Library Monitor. We value Community involvement The role of a Library Monitor is to: Respect the library, the students and staff. Re-shelve returned books Tidy the shelves Use Library Enquiry, to help others to locate books upon request. Support students during Library Games Learn the Dewey System Other small jobs as requested by Mrs Windon, Mrs Lahood or Mrs Hughes Mrs Windon and Mrs Hughes will be holding training sessions in the Hub, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, second half of lunch in week 7 & 8 - you must a end all training sessions to be considered. At the end of training, eight students will be chosen as school librarian monitors for 2015. If you have successfully gained a posi on of school leader you must commit to that posi on and cannot also be a Library Monitor. Library Staff Reading with your child at home When your kids see you reading and wri ng in everyday life – whether reading for pleasure, sharing a story with them or making a shopping list – it teaches them that they are useful skills. Here are some things you can do at home to help your kids with reading. Find out more: h p://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/en/homework-and-study/english/english - ps/reading-with-your-child-at-home Page 5 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Meet the Teacher, Parent Informa on and Open Night. We value A caring and safe environment Page 6 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Removing head lice and nits Men on head lice and most of us instantly develop an itch. While head lice and nits, (the eggs of head lice) are certainly annoying and persistent, they're not dangerous. Here's everything you need to know to rid your kids of head lice and nits. Find out more: h p://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/health/removing-head-liceand-nits P&C News The P&C will once again be holding a raffle to coincide with the Fancy Hat Parade. P&C are in need of dona ons of Easter Eggs, chocolate, baskets, so fluffy toys. If you can help, please leave your dona ons at the office for collec on by the P&C. Raffle ckets will be available later in the term and winners of the raffle will be drawn at the Fancy Hat Parade. P&C Mee ng Monday last week was the first P&C mee ng for the year. We would like to thank everybody for coming along, and for their valuable contribu ons and sugges ons. Elec ons were held and the P&C now have a new Execu ve commi ee. We would all like to extend our gra tude and encourage you to contact us with any of your concerns. To summarise the night’s discussion: fundraising commi ee will begin organising the Easter holiday raffle and collec ng dona ons, looking for volunteers; We value quality in all the we do staff have completed mandatory child protec on and well-being anaphylaxis training; Road Safety is a concern at HWPS and the community is commi ed to educa ng those who travel around our roads during peak mes. Flashing lights are to be installed later in the year; other topics included; homework, BYOD, meframe for the announcement of classes, beginning of Ethics classes, the need for more shade in our playground; local Labor candidate Jodi McKay a ended the mee ng and expressed support for the full implementa on of the future building project at the school. P&C is proac vely communica ng with all levels of government to ensure the best future outcomes for the planned school building project. Next P&C mee ng will be on 18th May. We are also looking for one parent from each class to volunteer as a ‘Class Parent’. This role will include keeping up to date with what is happening in your child’s class and informing other parents of the news/progress/upcoming events. Other parents will have the op on of contac ng you for class informa on. Please contact us if you have any ques ons about this or would like to be a Class Parent. President Karen Harper kd_sunflower@hotmail.com 0422 090 111 Vice President Suzanne Ellis suzanne@suzanne-ellis.com 0410 507 669 Secretary Amy Yet Foy ihatepumpkin@hotmail.com 0435 209 008 Treasurer Itzel Ornelas moraaus@hotmail.com 0410 016 931 Page 7 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Senior So ball Boys: Today, we had a great match against Croydon and everyone worked together. We had some great catches from Ma hew and Byron. The man of the match was Abdullah. Homebush West lost 24-3. Wri en by Fred (Captain) Senior So ball Girls: Last Friday we played against Croydon Public School. It was an excep onal game as everyone put 110% into their game. Even though some people don't know how to play very well yet, we learned a thing or two. Everyone did their best and the final score was 20-5, unfortunately we lost. The player of the match was Umika because she supported her team really well. Wri en by Varsha (Captain) Junior Girls T Ball On the 26th of February 2015 we played against Croydon at Centenary Park. It was very fun, especially when we worked as a team. We were very good at fielding and ba ng. Ms Branch and Ms Morley are very good coaches. Croydon won, but hopefully we’ll improve next week. Player of the match was Teresa. She supported us and gave us help when we needed it. Congratula ons! Junior Boys So ball Today we played two innings against an experienced Croydon team. They were very skilled and even had their own bats. We achieved a few home runs (Zade and Manav). For most of us it was our first game ever, so we did pre y well. Player of the match was Zade. He was an all-round good ba er, fielder and team player. We value quality in all the we do Senior Cricket Last week our Senior Boys cricket team played a great game against Croydon Public School and came away with a 75-35 win. The boys started well with bat and did not lose any wickets from their 12 overs while scoring a respectable 60 runs. It was the boy’s consistent bowling and fielding that separated the two teams as our first 6 bowling overs only went for 7 runs. With this restric on to the run rate the wickets came soon a er with Croydon losing 3 in quick succession. Both teams are to be congratulated for their impressive display of sportsmanship and skill. Well done boys! Mr Leeson. Coach. One Way Traffic at Centenary Park As the grey clouds disappeared to the boundary; it was 'game on' for PSSA Round 2 against Croydon. Captain Aryan won the toss at elected to send the opposi on in. With a belter of a pitch, the Croydon juniors blasted our bowlers to all parts of the ground. Unfortunately for us, it was hailing fours and sixes! Hadi almost took a 'KFC classic catch' as he leapt into the sky at cover but the ball popped out of his finger ps as he hit the ground. The bowling a ack of Aryan, Yahya, Hadi, Nikhil, Pranav and Ramsantosh bowled well at mes but only managed to take one wicket between them. It was always going to be mammoth task to chase down the imposing total. The opening pair of Yahya and Karthik did a sterling job to face the searing pace from the Croydon opening bowlers. Aryan managed to 'pull' and 'hook' a pair of deliveries to the leg-side boundary which li ed the spirits of the team. We were never in the hunt, and with a few representa ve players in the Croydon squad, we learned some valuable lessons about cricket the hard way. Hold your head up high 'lads'! Player of the match: Hadi Page 8 Junior PSSA Cricket Score Croydon defeated Homebush West 186 -38 runs Coach Fung. Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Strathfield Girls Languages High School Open Night You are invited to a end our Informa on Evening for Year 7 2016 on Wednesday 4 March in the school hall, Albert St, Strathfield. 6.30 – 8pm. School Tours 6 – 6.30pm. For more informa on ph. 9746 6990 or visit www.strathfieg-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Homebush Boys High School Open Morning ‐ Friday 6 March 2015 Parents and students wishing to make an applica on for enrolment in the 2016 Year 7 intake are invited to a end an informa on morning. The morning will begin at 9.30am in the school hall and will conclude at 11.30am. An addi onal tour of the school will occur at 9.30am un l 10.30 am on Thursday 19 March. Phone 9764 3611 for details and a reserva on. Stewart House Clothing Appeal It is that me of year to think about cleaning out all those unwanted clothes, blankets, table cloths and other linen and donate them to Stewart House. Please place your items in a plas c bag and bring them to the foyer of the school office before Monday 16 March. Please remember NO shoes, toys or games. BRAVE Program for anxiety A free, evidence-based program that has been proven to help prevent and treat anxiety in young people aged between eight and 17 is now available online. For more informa on www.brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au Chinese Language Program ‐ Expression of Interest HWPS is planning to tryout a Chinese Language program for non- Chinese background speakers for Stage 1. We are currently sending our an expression of interest to help us to make a decision. The proposed program will run once per week for 40 mins. If you would like your child to par cipate, please complete the note below and return to your class teacher by this Friday, 6, March. We value Success for all My child, First Name __________ Last Name ______________of Class__________ in Year ____ would like to take part in non-na ve Chinese Language program. Parent Name: ____________________ Signature: ____________________ Date: __________ Parent Connect Group Morning Tea Next Tuesday 10 March Mrs Prouty and The Parent Connect Group will be hos ng a morning tea from 9am -10am on the Ponds in front A Block (Library) weather permi ng. This will be a me for parents and carers to "connect” with each other and the community. Page 9 Mums in Touch Please join us to pray for the needs of the school on Friday 6 March Club Room of St Columba Church, Homebush West. Contact Chris Prouty for more information Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Merit Award Recipients Week 4 & 5 Congratula ons to the following students: 21K – 21B – 21A – 21E – 21R ‐ 21C – 21S ‐ 43O – 43S – 43K – 43B ‐ 65M ‐ 65L ‐ 65I ‐ We value Success for all Angelina C Allura R Ashaz M Ashmita S Yuuki H Denah H Sabrina P Faith J Angela W Ricky G Wendy D Ra y Daniel L Umika S Yaliniyan J Subal S Bella M Rianon C Jocelin L Eliiot S Aalia V Makairo O Gordan Z Aryan S Lokisha P Sijarthan Yifei W Namsemi L Sun L Nicole C Abdullah I Vivan S Sebas an P Tia E Javan Z Makayla K Kanishk G Venkatvidipred M Kovid S Teresa Alicia K Fatma R Claire L Juan S Ilma A Ahdrit M Iwrindeep S Samy Valens C Yeliz G Youngsun Y Fiona C Noah T Hiba Trinity M Song S Interna onal Women's Day On Sunday the 8th March Strathfield council is holding a women’s networking event at Strathfield Town Hall to celebrate Interna onal Women's Day. We would like for all women to come along, have a bite to eat and connect with local women. I hope to see you on the day For more informa on contact Courtney Clark, Community Services Officer, P 9748 9613 F 9764 1034, www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au We're having a 5‐a‐side Soccer Compe on and You're Invited! On the 15th of March 2015 we are holding the inaugural Reid Community Cup at Timbrell Park in Five Dock. The Community Cup brings together eight local chari es from across the Reid electorate for a one day 5-a-side soccer tournament. The organisa ons serve the community across the areas of Community Support, Refugee and Migrant Assistance, Disability Awareness and Youth Issues. Keep an eye on our Facebook and the Inner West Courier or visit the website h p:// craiglaundy.com.au to find out more about the wonderful work they do. Please come down to watch some soccer and meet the chari es that do so much in our community. When: 10am - 3pm 15th March 2015 Where: Timbrell Park, Five Dock Page 10 Term 1, Week 6 2015 Homebush West Public School Excellence in Public Education Equipping students to be active, informed and successful in a changing world Walking Bus News What is the Walking Bus? The Walking Bus is a group of students who walk to and from school supervised by two adult volunteers Can I enrol my child to join the Walking Bus? Yes! Just fill in a form and return it to the office. Refer to the map on the doors in the office for your closest Walking Bus stop. The Walking Bus meets under the stairs outside the office in the a ernoon a er the bell goes Does my child have to go on the Walking Bus every morning and a ernoon? No, use the Walking Bus when it suits your family I have some ques ons where can I get more informa on? Speak to Chris Prouty, Ms Kanakakis or parent Suzanne Ellis 0410 507 669 suzanne@suzanne-ellis.com Thank you to those parents and carers who have expressed interest in volunteering for the Walking Bus. We really appreciate your help and support and will be contac ng new people regarding volunteering in the next few weeks Please be aware students who are enrolled on the Walking Bus will have road safety training in week 5 so please enrol before then even if you may not use it un l later in the term We value Success for all Friday Hot Dog Orders – Last orders by 3pm Thursdays …………………………………………………………………………… Hot Dog Order Form First Name: ____________________ Last Name: _____________________ Class: _____________ Plain Hot Dogs at $2.50 each ____________ Halal Chicken Hot Dogs at $2.50 each _____________ I wish to order for the whole term, I have enclosed $____________ Page 11 Term 1, Week 6 2015 2015 information for parents What is NAPLAN? Who will run the tests? The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. All government and non-government education authorities have contributed to the development of NAPLAN materials. NAPLAN tests are conducted at schools and administered by classroom teachers, school deputies or principals. Each state and territory is responsible for marking the tests in accordance with strict guidelines and processes. Why do students do NAPLAN tests? NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. They also provide schools, states and territories with information about how education programs are working and what areas need to be prioritised for improvement. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process; they do not replace the extensive ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. What will be tested and how? NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. The content of each test is informed by the national Statements of Learning for English and mathematics, which underpin state and territory learning frameworks. Questions are multiple-choice or require a short written response. The writing task requires students to write a text in response to a prompt. To give you an idea of what the tests look like, sample questions and a sample writing task are available on the NAP website: www.nap.edu.au How can I help my child prepare for the tests? NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already been learning through the school curriculum. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. If you have any questions about your child’s preparation for NAPLAN, you should make a time to speak with their teacher. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. The use of services by coaching providers is not recommended. What additional support can schools provide for students with special needs? All students are encouraged to participate in NAPLAN tests. Students with disability may qualify for adjustments that reflect the support normally provided in the classroom. Students who have a temporary injury may also be reasonably accommodated. A formal exemption may be granted for a student with significant intellectual disability and/or significant coexisting conditions, or for a student who has recently arrived in Australia and has a non-English speaking background. Your school principal and your state testing authority can give you more information on special provisions or the process required to gain a formal exemption. How is NAPLAN performance measured? Where can I get more information? NAPLAN is not a pass-or-fail type test. Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test. Each test scale has 10 bands and all year levels are reported on the same scale. Six bands are reported for each year level for each test. One of these bands represents the national minimum standard for students at each year level. A result at the national minimum standard indicates that the student demonstrated the basic literacy and numeracy skills needed to participate fully in that year level. The performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia. For more information about NAPLAN: What happens if my child is absent from school on test days? Where possible, schools will organise for individual students who are absent at the time of testing to complete missed tests at another time during the testing week. Individual students are not permitted to sit tests after Friday 15 May 2015. Will I receive a report on my child’s performance? A NAPLAN report will be issued by your school later in the year. The same report format is used for every student in Australia. The school will notify you when the reports are being sent to you. If you do not receive a report, you should contact the school. Individual student results are strictly confidential. How are NAPLAN test results used? • Schools use results to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs and to set goals in literacy and numeracy. • School systems use results to review programs and support offered to schools. • Students and parents may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers. • Teachers use results to help them better identify students who require greater challenges or additional support. • The community can see average school NAPLAN results on the My School website: www.myschool.edu.au www.nap.edu.au © Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2015 • visit the NAP website www.nap.edu.au • contact your child’s school • contact your state or territory’s education authority (details available on the NAP website). NAPLAN 2015 tests timetable Tuesday 12 May Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May Year 3 language conventions 40 minutes writing 40 minutes reading 45 minutes numeracy 45 minutes Year 5 language conventions 40 minutes writing 40 minutes reading 50 minutes numeracy 50 minutes language conventions 45 minutes writing 40 minutes reading 65 minutes numeracy calculator 40 minutes noncalculator 40 minutes language conventions 45 minutes writing 40 minutes reading 65 minutes numeracy calculator 40 minutes noncalculator 40 minutes Year 7 Year 9 • Language conventions test includes spelling, grammar and punctuation. • Numeracy test includes number; space; algebra, function and pattern; measurement, chance and data. • Calculators are NOT permitted in the numeracy test in Years 3 and 5. In Years 7 and 9, each student sits one numeracy test where calculator use is permitted and one where it is not. Homebush West Public School Student Interest Inventory 2015 Child's Name Class List the family members or people that live with you? Describe your child's behaviour and personality at home? Describe your child's strengths and interests, the things they are good at or love? What motivates your child? What worries your child? What positive experience has your child had at school? What negative experience has your child had at school? What do you want your child to achieve at school this year? What areas do you experience difficulties or concerns with your child at home? Homebush West Public School What do you do on a typical weekend? What strengths, interests or skills do YOU have that you could share with the class or the school? How would you be a ble to help the class or the school? Do you use the school a pp? Has it improved your awareness of school activities? Do you read the newsletter? Why - Why not? What is the best time to meet with you? Tick all the options that 9am 3pm 11am 5pm 7pm Available most of these times Do you have any questions or suggestions for the school, the supervisor or teacher? What parent information seminars would you like the school to run? Homebush West Public School Homebush West Public School P.O. Box 2036 Homebush West NSW 2140 Telephone: 9746 9304 Facsimile: 9746 2148 Email: homebushw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Australian School Competition Dates 2015 Entries Close – Wednesday April 1st 2015 Please tick the competition that you want to enter and send the completed form and money to the school office by Wednesday April 1st 2015. HWPS may not hold these exams on the above dates, but on a Friday of the same week. Competition subject Digi Tech Science Writing Spelling English Mathematics Administration cost per student Please Tick Cost Year Level $8 Years 3-6 $8 Years 3-6 $17 Years 3-6 $11 Years 3-6 $8 Years 3-6 $8 Years 3-6 $2.00 (Compulsory) TOTAL $ No late entries will be accepted. Date Tuesday 19 May Wednesday 3 June 15-19 June Tuesday 16 June Tuesday 28 July Tuesday 11 August Child’s Full Name: _________________________________________ Class: ________________________ SCHOOL ZONE PARKING Understanding the rules No Stopping • Stopping is not permitted at any time • Dropping off or picking up passengers is not permitted Minimum penalty $311 and 2 demerit points No Parking • Drivers may stop to drop off or pick up passengers for a maximum of 2 minutes • Driver must remain in or within 3 metres of vehicle • Vehicle must not be left unattended Minimum penalty $173 and 2 demerit points Bus Zone • Stopping is not permitted in a bus zone during times of operation Minimum penalty $311 and 2 demerit points Double Parking • Stopping next to legally parked vehicles is not permitted Minimum penalty $311 and 2 demerit points Driveways • Do not park across, or on a driveway or any other vehicle access. Minimum penalty $173 and 2 demerit points School Zones SCHOOL ZONE • School zones operate around all 30 AM schools in Strathfield 30 PM between 8 - 9.30am SCHOOL and 2.30 - 4pm on DAYS school days. • The speed limit is 40km/h in school zones – please drive carefully. 8-9 2 -4 40 Minimum penalty $182 and 2 demerit points Penalties correct as at 1 January 2015 School zone rules are for your child’s safety. Please drive carefully around Strathfield. A safety message from: HAMPDEN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL CELEBRATES HARMONY DAY MARKET AND FOOD DAY SATURDAY MARCH 28th ACTIVITIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY COME AND SAMPLE OUR GREAT FOOD STALLS MEET OUR CELEBRITY CHEFS BROWSE THROUGH OUR MANY MARKET STALLS FREE ENTRY LOTS OF THINGS TO BUY INCLUDING BOOKS & CLOTHES LOTS OF FOOD TO FEED THE WHOLE FAMILY COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE TIMES 10AM – 3PM IF YOU WANT TO BE A STALL HOLDER (FOOD OR MARKET) PLEASE RING THE SCHOOL FOR DETAILS 97504111 Hampden Park Public School Hampden Road LAKEMBA NSW 2195 Phone: (02) 9750 4111 Fax: (02) 9740 5153 Email: hampdenpk-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web: www.hampdenpk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au facebook.com/hampdenparkpublicschool twitter.com/hppslakemba youtube.com/channelhppslakemba 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate Apply before Midnight 16 June 2015 $150* towards energy bills 2 MINUTES TO FILL IN A FORM https://applications.fer.trade.nsw.gov.au/ * eligibility criteria apply What is the Family Energy Rebate? WHAT DO I NEED TO DO BEFORE I APPLY? The Family Energy Rebate helps to cover the cost of energy bills for NSW households with dependent children. In 2014-2015 the rebate gives: Before you apply, here’s a quick checklist. Have you: • Up to $150 credit on electricity bills for eligible applicants who hold an account with an electricity retailer • Up to $165 direct payment to nominated bank accounts for eligible applicants who live in a residential community (caravan or mobile home park) and receive electricity from the park operator. AM I ELIGIBLE FOR THE REBATE? To be eligible you MUST: • Be a NSW resident; and • Have been assessed by the Federal Department of Human Services (DHS) as being eligible for the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) A or B at any time during the 2013-2014 financial year, and have received an FTB payment in respect of that eligibility; and • Be an account holder of an electricity retailer, or a long-term resident of a residential community (caravan or mobile home park), whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to her or his principal place of residence. APPLY ONLINE NOW! • L odged your tax return for 2013-2014 with the Australian Taxation Office or informed the Department of Human Services (DHS) if you are not required to lodge a tax return? • R eceived confirmation from DHS as to your eligibility for Family Tax Benefit A or B for 20132014? HOW TO APPLY • O NLINE – it takes just two minutes to submit an application. Processing starts immediately. • PAPER – download a form from the website, complete and submit by email, fax or post. Use this form if you receive your electricity from the operator of the residential community where you live. for more information & assistance PHONE Service NSW 13 77 88 EMAIL WEB fer.program@trade.nsw.gov.au www.resourcesandenergy.nsw. gov.au/info/familyenergyrebate Term 1 Week 6 第一学期第六周 本周 星期二 - 家长信息日,课堂开放日,下午三点到六点 星期三 ‐ 音乐营 ‐ 学前活动班 星期四 ‐ 音乐营 ‐ 全校大会 A 组 ‐ 宗教学习 ‐ 兴趣小组 ‐ 区游泳比赛 ‐ 国际象棋班,三点 星期五 ‐ 音乐营 ‐ 夏季 PSSA 体育竞技开始 ‐ 法语班 Next Week 下周 星期一 ‐ 一二年级郊游:澳洲博物馆 星期二 ‐ “太阳微笑”牙齿保健项目 星期三 ‐ 学前活动班 星期四 ‐ 全校大会 B 组 ‐ 精英中学考试 ‐ 宗教学习 ‐ 兴趣小组 ‐ 国际象棋班,三点 星期五 ‐ 夏季 PSSA 体育竞技开始 ‐ 法语班 From the Principal 校长的信息 School Events 本周四,学校几位老师会带学生去 Auburn 游泳池参加区的游泳比赛。另外 Mr Debnam 会带十位学生去参加在 Lane Cove 的 Naamaroo 会议中心举办的交响乐音乐营。 Important Information 明年申请上精英中学的学生在三月十二日星期四会参加精英中学入学考试。这些学生 应已收到有关的资料。要是你们还没有收到,请联系 Cannata 老师, Agnew 老师或我 本人。 另外三月九日下周一,所有六年级的学生会收到中学入学申请表格。这些表格要正确 填写好,在三月二十日星期五前交回学校。要是你们需要帮忙填写表格,请联系学校。 还有三,五年级的 Naplan 考试会在第二学期举行。下面教育部的网页里提供了有关 Naplan 的考试程序以及在考试期间如何帮助孩子 http://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/parent‐carer‐support/parent‐carer‐support.html http://www.nap.edu.au/verve/_resources/NAPLAN_2015_Parent_information_brochure_w eb.pdf Sun Smile Dental Program “太阳微笑”牙齿保健项目 三月十日,我们学校被选为悉尼“太阳微笑”牙齿保健项目的试点学校,正式展开活 动。我们很幸运有这样的机会免费参加牙齿的保健项目,包括检查,牙齿保护,牙齿 营养等等有关的信息。希望所有学生都参与。请家长把上星期发回去的允许条子尽快 填好交给班主任。 Coming up 近期大事 第一学期 三月三日星期二:家长信息日,课堂开放日,下午三点到六点半 三月四日星期三到三月六日星期五:交响乐音乐营 三月五日星期四:区际游泳赛 三月九日星期一:一二年级澳洲博物馆郊游 三月十日星期二:“太阳微笑”牙齿保健项目 三月十二日星期四:精英中学入学试 三月二十日星期五:和谐日 Reading with your child at home 当孩子看到你在日常生活里经常阅读写作,他们会懂得这些都是很有用的技巧。你们 在家里可以如何帮助他们阅读呢?这里有些建议: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/en/homework‐and‐study/english/english‐tips/reading‐ with‐your‐child‐at‐home Removing head lice and nits 以下的资料是有关如何消除头虱的 http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/health/removing‐head‐lice‐and‐nits P&C News 像往年一样,家长委员会会在我们学校的复活节新奇帽子游行期间举办卖彩票抽奖活 动。家长委员会需要家长们捐复活蛋,巧克力,篮子,还有毛毛小动物等。我们可以 用这些做成几个供抽奖的礼物篮子。要是你们可以赞助的话,请把东西送到校办公室。 彩票稍迟会发给家长们卖。抽奖活动在帽子游行后举行。 Changes to School Attendance Data 最近出了全国性的学生出勤记录标准。这个标准适用于澳洲的政府学校,天主教学校 以及其他私立学校。从现在起,凡是请假去旅游或因其他家事请假的都当缺勤处理。 请家长务必在请假之前填上 Application for Extended Leave ‐ Travel 的表格,获得学校的 允许才请假。有时学生的假期不一定批准,特别是高年级的学生。 Chinese New Year Celebration‐Thank you 上周二的中国农历新年的庆祝活动中,大家都很开心愉快!我在这特别想谢谢家长们 的大力支持,给我们学生带来了很多美味的饺子,让他们能够尝到我们的新年食物。 另外还有一些家长还花了更多的时间帮我们煎饺子,分饺子。非常的感谢。没有你们 的帮助,我们的活动是难以顺利完成的。 我们筹得的款项有 250 块,以后可以用于其他的文化活动。 -周老师 Strathfield Girls Languages High School Open Night Strathfield 语言女中开放之夜 在三月四日星期三,Strathfield 语言女子中学为 2016 年升七年级的学生举办信息夜。 时间是傍晚六点半到八点,六点到六点半是参观学校时间。地点是 Albert St, Strathfield, 学校礼堂内。详情请联系 9746 6990 或查看网页 www.strathfieg-h.schools.nsw.edu.au 更多的资料可以在以下网页找到 http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/learning/k‐ 6assessments/shsplacement/index.php Homebush Boys High School Open Morning ‐ Friday 6 March 2015 Homebush 男子中学开放日,三月六日星期五早上 Homebush 男子中学邀请打算 2016 年上他们学校的学生和家长参加学校的信息日。 时间是早上九点半到十一点半,地点在礼堂。另外在三月十九日星期四早上九点半到 十点半会带学生家长游览校园。详情或约定电话:9764 3611 Stewart House Clothing Appeal 回收旧衣物 要是你们家有什么旧的衣物,毯子,被单,枱布等等,请把它们放在一个塑料袋里, 带到学校,放在校办公室前面。截止日期是三月十六日星期一。请不要放鞋子,玩具 和游戏在里面。 Walking Bus News 步行校车的问和答: 什么是步行校车?步行校车是由两个成年人带着一组学生步行上学和回家。 我可以帮我的孩子报名参加吗?可以,请把一张表格填好交回学校。办公室门 前有张步行校车的地图,你们可以参考看看最近的车站在哪?下课后步行校车 在校办公室门前,楼梯底下集中。 我的孩子要每天早上或每个下午都参加吗?不需要,哪个时间适合就用哪个时 间吧。 要是我有问题,我可以向谁打听?你们可以和 Chris Prouty, Kanakakis 老师或 家长代表 Suzanne Ellis 电话 0410 507 669 ,电邮 suzanne@suzanne‐ellis.com 非常感谢那些自愿帮忙的家长。
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