Church of the Sacred Heart 531 Washington Ave. South Amboy • New Jersey 08879 732-721-0040 Rev. Stanley Gromadzki Pastor Rev. Marian Drozd Parochial Vicar Deacon Serge Bernatchez 732-679-2088 Ms. Robin Weaver (English) Mr. Bogdan Osewski (Polish) Directors of Music Parish Office Address: Mass Schedule: Saturday evening: 4:30 pm (English), 6:00 pm (Polish) Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am (Polish), 10:30 am, 12 noon Weekdays: 8:00 am (Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat.) 7:00 pm Fri (Polish) Devotions Sacred Heart of Jesus Confessions: Following morning Mass except First Friday; Friday at 6:30 pm (Polish). Saturdays: 3:30pm (English); 5:30 pm (Polish) Novenas / Devotions: After all daily 8:00am Mass The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wed (following 8 am Mass) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Friday morning (following Mass) Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and 7pm (following Mass) Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Polish) Rosary: Following the 8 am morning Mass & 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Baptisms: Baptisms will be held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at 1PM with the exception of Holy Days. Pre-Baptism class mandatory for the Parents and godparents will be the 4th Saturday of every month at 1PM in Memorial Hall. Please call Parish Office to make arrangements prior to making social plans. Marriages: Arrangements are to be made through the Parish Office at least one year in advance, before any social plans are made. Inquiry for Adult Catechumen: The RCIA is the process the Church uses to form and inform those who want to “inquire” about the Catholic faith. This process is for those who have never been baptized, baptized adults needing Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, and those of other faiths who feel called to become Catholic. Is God calling you? If so, please call Deacon Serge Bernatchez at 732-721-0040. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Call 732-721-0040 Arrangements for communion calls to the sick at home can be made by calling the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office when a parishioner is in the hospital. Emergency calls are made at any time. Welcome to Our Visitors! It is our hope that you enjoyed your time with the Lord here at Sacred Heart Church. We would like to have you with us every week. We extend to you a sincere invitation to join us as we celebrate the Lord’s Day. Should you like to become part of our family as we serve the Lord and His people, please complete this tear-off and place it in the collection basket. A registration form will be mailed to you. Thank you and God bless! Name: _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 531 Washington Ave. South Amboy, NJ 08879 Parish Phone: Parish Fax: E-mail: 732-721-0040 732-721-4448 Office Hours: Monday– Thursday Fridays Evenings/Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm 9 am to 12 noon By appointment Sacred Heart School Address: School Office Phone School Fax School email 301 2nd St. South Amboy, NJ 732-721-0834 732-316-0326 Prayer Chain request line has changed! You may email your request to www.SHPrayerChain Or write your request in the binder located at the St. Jude statue in the back of the Church. SH Prayer Team is ready to pray for your special needs. To become a member of Sacred Heart’s Prayer Team please call. 732-721-0040 Pregnant—Need Help? 1-800-848-LOVE Life Choices Resource Ctr. 732-499-8876 In case of emergency, when you need a Priest at any time, day or night please call 732-721-0040, answering service will pick up leave a message. A Priest will call back as soon as possible. February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE... Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, February 7 4:30pm Living and Deceased Members of Sacred Heart Holy Name Society 6:00pm +Maria & Michal Jackow Req. by: W. Zeromski Sunday, February 8 7:00am +Collen McCurdy Petrocy Req. by: Betty & Larry McKevitt 9:00am Pro Populo/ For the People of the Parish 10:30am +Irene Ploskonka Req. by: Ken & Palma VonGonten 12:00pm +Dorothy Jacobsen Req. by: Roger & Marlene, Elsie & Ed Monday, February 9 Weekday 8:00am +Sharon Loftus Req. by: Gorczynski Family Tuesday, February 10 St. Scholastica, Virgin 8:00am +Florence Zapoticzny Req. by: Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society Wednesday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 8:00am +Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kuc Req. by: Son-in-Law, Alex Thursday, February 12 8:00am +Dennis Flynn Req. by: Flynn Family Friday, February 13 Weekday 8:00am +Terence G. Blackwell, Sr. Req. by: Sagliocco Family 7:00pm +Janina Modzelewska Req. by: Krystyna Popielarczyk Saturday, February 14 St. Cyril, Monk & St. Methodius, Bishop 8:00am +Joseph Hranowski (Anniv.) Req. by: Carl & Fran Kovach 4:30pm +Eugene Otlowski (Anniv.) Req. by: Grandchildren 6:00pm +Tadeusz Sztaba Req. by: Anna Sztaba Sunday, February 15, 6th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:00am Pro Populo/ For the People of the Parish 9:00am God’s Blessings on Mary Adamecs on her 99th Birthday. Req. by: Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society 10:30am +Walter Lemerich Req. by: His Wife, Connie 12:00pm +Stephen Bodo, Jr. Req. by: Sandra Read Anyone wishing to present the gifts at the Offertory of the Mass, kindly speak to an usher prior to the beginning of Mass. Family members of those for whom the Mass is offered are always welcomed & encouraged to present the gifts & given priority. ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Saturday, February 7 ♦ Thrift store open 9 to 12 noon ♦ Water for Life Project (jugs at entrances of Church) Sunday, February 8 ♦ Rosary at 10:10am ♦ Water for Life Project (jugs at entrances of Church) Monday, February 9 ♦ CCD/Religious Ed, 5-6:30PM ♦ Youth Band 6PM—Praise and Worship7PM Tuesday, February 10 ♦ CCW meeting @7:30pm—Memorial Hall—lower level (green rm) Saturday, February 14 ♦ Thrift store open 9 to 12 noon ♦ Water for Life Project (jugs at entrances of Church) Sunday, February 15 ♦ Rosary at 10:10am ♦ Water for Life Project (jugs at entrances of Church) ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18TH! LENT STARTS! ADDITIONAL MASS TIMES AS FOLLOWS ON ASH WEDNESDAY: 7AM, 8AM, 12:10PM & 6PM ALL ENGLISH AND POLISH MASS AT 7:30PM WEEK OF February 8, 2015 Altar Hosts and Wines +Helen Zrebiec—Mary Lou & Bob Curtis CANDLE INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK (GLASS CANDLES) Sanctuary /Tabernacle Candle ~ Church (Lit for 1 week) +Joseph Zonak—Mom, Dad, & Family Blessed Mother’s Altar Candles (2 candles Lit for 1 week) (Available) (Available) St. John Paul II Altar Candles (2 candles Lit for 1 week) God’s Blessings on Jeffrey D.— Karen Howarth (Available) Candle for The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Lit 1 week) (Available) Candle for The St. Joseph Statue (Lit for 1 week) +Henry Joseph Frunzi—Mr. & Mrs. George Ringhoff & Family Candle for Jesus Crucified, (Lit for 1 week) (Available) Candle for Our Lady of Fatima (Lit for 1 week) (Available) Candle for St. Anne (Lit for 1 week) Birthday Blessings on Anna Jezewski—Ryniec Family Candle for Infant of Prague (Lit for 1 week) (Available) Contact the Parish Office 732-721-0040 to reserve a candle in honor of a loved one. 2-587 Sacred Heart Seniors GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING…. January 31 & February 1, 2015 Regular Collection: Fuel: Parish Repairs: Candles: $9,622.02 $ 234.00 $3,822.39 $ 948.38 Thank you. God bless you! May Jesus reward you for your generosity and sacrifice. Fr. Stanley Sacred Heart School/Raritan Bay Catholic Prep. School 16th Annual Gift Auction—Memorial Hall on Feb. 21, doors open at 6PM. Raritan Bay Catholic Prep. School/ Sacred Heart School, S. Amboy is having their 16th annual Gift Auction on Saturday, 2/21 at Sacred Heart Memorial Hall, Washington Ave. across from Sacred Heart Church. Doors open at 6PM first ticket will be drawn at 7:30PM. Prizes include a Kayak, Go Pro Camera, Grill, American Girl Doll. Dessert/coffee to be served. All seats must be reserved! Cost $15.00 call 732-583-8571 or for tickets. Tickets sell out fast! Sacred Heart Holy Name Society Corporate Communion Mass on March 7th, 2014 at the 4:30p.m. Mass. The Holy Name Society will begin Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament, on the First Friday of the Month, next holy hour will be March 6, 2015, & each 1st Friday thereafter, from 8PM to 9PM. ALL are welcome to spend this holy hour with us. Boy Scouts Troop 95 Tues. evening at 7:30PM—Memorial hall lower level. Rose Sale for Valentines Day—Troop 95 will be selling Roses on Friday, Feb. 13th and Sat., Feb. 14th at 2 locations. Progressive Firehouse, Bordentown Ave. & Knights of Columbus parking lot on 4th St. South Amboy. Time Fri., 2/13/15 - 4 to 8PM Sat. 10am—4PM. Thank you. Sacred Heart Altar Rosary News Altar Rosary Mass March 1st at 10:30am. NO Meeting in February. CHILDREN’S MASS WITH MUSIC LED BY “ROGER’S PRAISE & WORSHIP CHILDREN’S GROUP” Next Mass March 1, 10:30AM! The next Children’s Mass will be on: March 1 at 10:30am. All families invited to join in celebrating the Holy Sacrament of the Mass! If your child is interested in joining the Children’s Band, come to practice on Mondays 6PM lower level of Mem. Hall. call 732-721-0040. Catholic War Veterans No meeting in Feb. Sunday, 2/15 at 2PM - Dept. of NJ Board Meeting Post 405, New Brunswick, NJ. Sacred Heart Seniors next meeting will be February 23rd at 12 noon in Memorial Hall, Upper level. Next meeting of the Executive Board is on Feb. 16 at 12noon in lower level of Memorial Hall. Next Trip to Atlantic City, to the Golden Nugget is on 2/19/15. Bus leaves 9:30am S.H. parking lot. Call 732-721-6843, Lorraine. St. Vincent De Paul The St. Vincent DePaul Society assists the needy by providing food & assistance with household necessities. Non-perishable food donations can be left in the front of Memorial Hall on the first Weekend of each month. Next collection 3/7 & 3/8. Food, detergents, paper products donations before & after all Masses. Next meeting TBA, 1PM Conf. room, Rectory. New members invited and are NEEDED. Sponsor a Hymnal for a Loved One! *Please note that we are offering for purchase the sponsoring of the new Hymnals for the parish. You will find the forms at the entrances to the Church or pick one up at the Office. $15 per Hymnal. Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women Next Meeting 2/10/15 at 7:30PM.Memorial Hall (Gr. Room). Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women with Catholic Relief Services will be sponsoring the “Water for Life Project”. This year we have adopted the people of the Philippines. The “Water for Life” jugs will be placed at the entrances of the Church on all weekends ending on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Any amount you can give is appreciated! Knights of Columbus #426 New Members welcome. Call if interested 732-721-2015. Rental Halls Available call 732-721-2025. Praise and Worship Come join our Parish Praise & Worship group every Monday night at 7PM in Memorial Hall. Love Life Group Every Saturday morning come Pray the Rosary at American Wellness Ctr., 228 Main St., Woodbridge, from 9am to 11am, where abortions are performed. DIAPER DRIVE! Feb. 14 & 15 all Masses, benefiting Life Choices Resource Center. Life Choices is an organization that supports life by helping mothers & their unborn children by providing them with the resources they need to bring their children to term. DIAPER DONATIONS can be placed in the basinet at the Blessed Mother’s altar. Remember to use those vendors who support our Parish listed on the back of the bulletin! Thanks this week to Beata Pruszkowski—real estate agent 732-266-1721. 3-587 Sacred Heart is offering candles to dedicate in the name of your loved ones. Sanctuary (Tabernacle) 1 Candle @ $20. Blessed Virgin Mary Altar, 2 candles @ $10 each. St. John Paul II Relic, 2 (red) candles @ $10 each. St. Joseph Statue 1 candle @ $10 Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue 1 (red) candle @ $10. JESUS CRUCIFIED/large Crucifix 1 (red) candle @ $10. Our Lady of Fatima Statue 1 candle @ $10. St. Anne Statue 1 candle @ $10. Infant of Prague Statue 1 candle @ $10. Forms at entrances of Church & Parish office. “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted” Journey Through Grief support for those who lost a loved one, bereavement group, Mondays at 7:30 PM starts— Feb. 23 to April 6, at St. Thomas, Old Bridge. Registration required 732-251-4000 X 8218. CCD/PREP 2015 CCD Religious Ed. classes Mondays 5PM-6:30PM (at 301 2nd St) Except 1st & 2nd Grade whose classes end 6:15pm. GOOD NEWS! Something new is happening at Sacred Heart Church! In an effort to fundraise for our ongoing Parish repairs, we will be having a Parish Quarterly 50/50. Tickets will be $5.00 each & every family will receive 2 tickets, 4 times a year. Winners will be drawn on 3/1, 6/7, 9/6, & 12/6/2015. You will receive your first set of tickets in early February. Tickets can be returned to the Parish Office or in the weekend collection basket. Additional information will be sent with your first set of tickets. Again, please know how thankful I am for your continued commitment to Sacred Heart Church. Fr. Stanley G. Thank you to Giovanna Patruno & Family for their generous donation of $1,200.00 to Sacred Heart Church in memory of +Elizabeth & Warren Finley. The donation was used to purchase a new incense stand & censer for our altar. Altar Server Schedule Friday, February 13, 2015 7:00 pm M. Milewski; A. Srodon, N. Mroczkowska, D. Gawel, T. Gracjan Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:30 pm R. Suchcicki, S. Sagliocco, K. DeSimon, *N. Mojica 6:00 pm O. Plonski, J. Lupinski, A. Makowski, D. Zajac, K. Zajac Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:00 am J. Wilson, N. Wilson, C. Murray 9:00am K. Hadlow, A. Moczulski, K. Dzioba, M. Milewski 10:30 am P. .Deegan, A. Kubsiak, M. Freudenberg 12 noon Z. O’Connor, G. Velez, *K. Pesch, *= in training altar server senior servers please note. 2015 Mass Intentions We are taking requests for Mass intentions for 2015. Visit the Parish Office or fill out one of the forms for this purpose located at the entrances of Church. Please include your, name, address, telephone number. Regular Mass requests are limited to 4 per parishioner. (1 Sunday & 3 weekday Masses.) If you currently have Masses on record for a deceased loved one which exceeded the limit for this past year, and are waiting to be scheduled, contact Carolyn at the parish office before submitting new requests for the same intention. The stipend for regular Masses is $10 per intention. Thank you. The following Masses are still open: As follows: Daily Mass at 8AM in English= 5/27/15; 6/8/15; 7/6/15; 7/8/15; 7/13/15; 7/15/15; 7/22/15; 7/24/15; Friday evening Mass at 7PM in Polish = 7/3/15; 7/10/15; 7/24/15; 7/31/15; Saturday evening Mass at 6PM in Polish= 5/30/15; 7/4/15; 7/25;15; 8/1/15. Thank you. ~Please remember your Church in Your Last Will & Testament~ -Sacred Heart Church is an important aspect in forming you and shaping your life. It has made you the kind and generous person that you are. But, most importantly, Sacred Heart Church has been a home for over a hundred years and it is your home. -Please ensure the life of this most beautiful Church for future generations by remembering Sacred Heart Church in your Last Will and Testament. May God Reward your Great Sacrifice! Sincerely, Fr. Stanley G. Attention all Parish Organizations! We are in the process of setting up a larger meeting room in Memorial Hall, lower level, last room on left. When the room is finished there will be locking cabinets for your organizations supplies. Thank you! Annual Drive for the Catholic Spirit The Catholic Spirit is now in its 20th year & has a special role to play in your life as Catholics. Please support their good work by using the envelope in your collection packet. Any amount will be greatly appreciated My Dear Parishioners, I would like to bring up several items for your ATTENTION! During storms where there is snow and ice, I ask you to avoid using the small parking on the side of Church (i.e. handicapped parking ) on Walnut Street. It is much too steep and dangerous as it ices up! Further, please use your best judgment as to whether or not to leave your home if there is bad weather. Your safety and wellbeing is important to me. If you feel that you must come out during a storm make sure to use the Church’s banisters and railings to help you and keep you from falling. Sincerely, Fr. Stanley G. 4-587 Children’s Petitions— January 24 & 25, 2015 Dear Jesus, I am sorry for wacking my brother. I put my clothes dawn very quickly. It was on accident. Dear God, Please bless everyone in the world. I would also like a big snowstorm so I could go sledding and spend Ɵme with my family, who I love. I will pray to keep everyone happy and I hope you will too. Amen. (Well parishioners it looks like God answered this little ones prayer.) Please pray for Raritan Bay Catholic Prep that it never closes and that we have a good time during Catholic School Week! Dear God, I am sorry for my sins. Please let us have a good snow. Thank you for my awesome life and family. Amen. (Let’s hope that the good Lord is listening to my prayer this week of no snow.) Dear God, I will pray for the families that are suffering! Dear God, I pray for all that are sick to get better. Especially for all in purgatory to go to heaven! For all who defend our country and keep us safe. Dear God, Please pray for everyone so that they have lots of fun and are happy. Amen. Dear Jesus, Can you make me and my brother beƩer? Well, I say that you can give peace to all my family and also my youngest brother. Thank you. Dear God, I pray for the animals they must be cold. me Please bless all of the lonely people with hope that they will find someone someday. Amen. Dear Jesus, Please pray for the families of the people who were beheaded. This is scary. Amen. Dear Jesus, Please let me win the golden awards at school. Thank you. Please help all the people to be safe in the bad weather. Amen. (Thank goodness one for our side.) Dear Jesus, I am thankful for it snowing. I pray for my Dad because he told me the password on the IPad wich is(unable to publish). Amen. Dear God, Please bless all of those people who can’t shovel snow and let someone do it for them. Amen. Dear Jesus, Help people who are dealing with breast cancer especially my Aunt and cousin. Love you always! Please pray for my friend coming to my house or me going to his house. Dear God, Please pray for everyone who has been sick and who have found out they are dealing with cancer! Dear Fr. Stan could you ask God to take care of my friends coach who just died from an infection. She was 30 years old. Thank you February 8, 2015 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed…He told them, ‘Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.’” – Mark 1:35, 38 In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes - healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. 5 Niedyiela zwykla 8 Luty, 2015 Człowiek jest tajemnicą. Trudno poznać kogoś, gdy sami siebie nie znamy do końca? Siebie i innych powinniśmy odkrywać zawsze w kontekście prawdy, dobra i piękna. Ci, którzy patrzyli na Jezusa też stawiali sobie pytania: Kim On jest? Ten, który naucza, uzdrawia, wypędza złe duchy? Chcieli wiedzieć o Jezusie wszystko, ale nie byli w stanie wszystkiego pojąć. My też często zachowujemy się tak samo, jak ci którzy żyli w czasach Jezusa. Pytamy: Kim Ty jesteś, Panie? Znaki i cuda, które Jezus pozostawił i pozostawia każdego dnia na Ołtarzu Miłości, często nie wystarczają nam, ponieważ słabą mamy wiarę. Niech ta Eucharystia będzie dla nas zbawiennym lekarstwem na drogach poznawania Zbawiciela. Niech ona przymnoży nam wiarę, nadzieję i miłość w kroczeniu za Panem. Kościół w którym się gromadzimy jest miejscem pustynnym, gdzie od codziennych trosk możemy odpocząć i wsłuchiwać się w słowo, które pochodzi z Bożych ust. Liturgia Słowa dzisiejszej niedzieli ukazuje nam Jezusa jako Lekarza dusz i ciał. Zbawiciel, patrząc na ludzką biedę duchową i cielesne cierpienie wychodzi naprzeciw temu wszystkiemu, co ogranicza człowieka: leczy, uzdrawia, podnosi na duchu poprzez Słowo, które ma moc nas zbawić. Serdeczne podziękowanie składam dla tych wszystkich, którzy zaprosili mnie do swoich domów. Koleda jest dawna tradycja polski która przypomina nam wszystkim o tym, ze kazde zaproszenie ksiedza po koledzie jest zaproszeniem Chrystusa, blogosławiacego wasze domy. Dziekuje bardzo za mile przyjecie, miłą atmoswere i za ofiary. Bóg Wam Zapłac, Niech Boza laska ogarnie wszystkie wasze rodziny. Szczęść Wam Boże Ks. Marian 5-587 KURZAWA FUNERAL HOME Serving Sacred Heart Parish Over 70 Years 338 Main Street, South Amboy 732-721-0475 Kupno Sprzedaz Wynajem Wycena Nieruchomosci BURGER JOINT HOME OF THE STUFFED BURGER 115 South Broadway, So. Amboy Fresh Home Cooking! 732-753-9933 Free WiFi www.facebook/pages/BIG-ES-BURGER-JOINT RE/MAX Central Biuro 732-972-1000 x234 CENTRAL BigE’s Frank T. Kurzawa Owner & Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2878 Beata Pruszkowski 732-266-1721 rk Ma 126 N. Broadway South Amboy DRIVEWAYS•SIDEWALKS•PATIOS •STEPS•PORCHES CONCRETE PAVERS WE MAKE & TRANSPORT 727-7852 732-753-9449 OUR OWN CONCRETESAVING YOU MONEY! BRING THIS BULLETIN FOR FREE COFFEE W/MEAL PURCHASE Joseph J. Madura, D.M.D. SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1919 360 Main Street South Amboy, NJ 08879 “HOME FOR FUNERALS” 732-727-0666 “2012 NJ Monthly Best Dentist” THE GUNDRUM SERVICE Hugh G. Rone • Manager 237 Bordentown Ave. NJ Lic. #3328 South Amboy PLUMBING, HEATING McCarrick/St. Mary’s HS & COOLING st 732-721-1166 Penyak Roofing Co. Quality Roofing Since 1960 908-753-4222 Cardinal “Educating for the 21 Century” Fully Insured “Where Friends Meet” GALLAGHER CONCRETE NJ License No. 13VH04261000 (732) 721-1290 ESTABLISHED IN 1911 CARMEN F. SPEZZI FUNERAL HOME YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY • Kitchens • Additions • Add-A-Level • Bathrooms • & Much More • Basement (732) 254-1428 1-732-417-4444 121-123 MAIN ST., SAYREVILLE $25 Off Any Service MALISZEWSKI MEMORIAL HOME 15 CHERRY LANE, PARLIN Christine O’Brien Spezzi, MGR MGR., N.J. Lic. No. 3674 Carmen F. Spezzi, DIR DIR., N.J. Lic. No. 3139 Outdoor Deck Carmen F. Spezzi, MGR MGR., N.J. Lic. No. 3139 Stephen P. Zambito, DIR DIR., N.J. Lic. No. 3688 HAND CRAFTED BEER & FINE FOODS “The Area’s Premiere Brew Pub” Enjoy Great Food in a Unique Atmosphere, Right in the Heart of Woodbridge. • Brewery Tours Available • Serving Lunch Monday-Saturday 11:30-3:00 Dinner Monday-Thursday 5:00-10:00 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis Friday-Saturday 5:00-11:00 • Sunday 3:00-9:00 to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your LATE NIGHT MENU EVERY NITE TILL 1:00AM commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can HAPPY HOUR 3:00-7:00 WEEKDAYS close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. CATER PARTIES OF ANY SIZE Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 SHEVCHENKO FREE ESTIMATES N.J. Plbg. Lic. #8411 All New Menu Fully Lic. & Ins. #13VH01503900 732-758-0369 Since 1983 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Play Area’s 634-2929 NTN Best Trivia Happy 33 Main St., Woodbridge FR EE Hour! MONUMENTAL WORKS Family Owned and Operated 4th Generation Craftsmen Since 1919 The GRANITE • BRONZE • CEMETERY LETTERING 732-442-1286 WWW.SHEVCO.COM FACTORY DIRECT In Home or Cemetery Appointments Available NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHT WAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 BRIARWOOD Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards CARE & REHABILITATION CENTER 901 Ernston Road, South Amboy, NJ 08879 732-721-8200 Skilled Nursing Facility & Rehabilitation Center “Care from the Heart” Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! DOM POLSKI Under New Mgt. PARCELS TO EUROPE AIRLINE TICKETS 111 N. Broadway So. Amboy (732) 727-7711 South Amboy Jewelry Store Sizing Rings • Setting Stones • Batteries • Watch Repair • All Jewelry Repair Wanted: Gold • Silver • Diamonds (Any Condition) • Bronzes •Coin Collections & All Types of Antiques & Collectables 132 N. Broadway • South Amboy, NJ 08879• 732-313-7555 Whiteley Funeral Home Polish Operated • ZAKLAD POGRZEBOWY, USLUGI POGRZEBOWE, KREMACJE Steven Stankovits, Director, Lic. #4797 587 Sacred Heart, South Amboy, NJ (B) Rt. UPS 241 Bordentown Ave. South Amboy, NJ 08879 732-721-0036 Frederick Whiteley Manager Lic.# 4116 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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