WHO WE ARE OFFICERS WHAT WE'RE ABOUT Ken Ness...................Milwaukee The Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), a congressionally chartered Veteran service organization founded in 1946, has developed a unique expertise on a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of our members – Veterans of the Armed Forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction, (disease, MS, ALS). DIRECTORS PVA will use the expertise to be the leading advocate for: Harold Hack..............Whitewater Ken Ness...................Milwaukee Jack Stone...................Poynette Dale Nelson....................Oxford Brian Green.................Glendale Michael Thomas.........Milwaukee • Quality health care for our members, • Research and education addressing spinal cord injury and dysfunction, • Benfefits availble as a result of our members' military service, STAFF • Civil rights and opportunities which maximize the independence of our members. President..........Phillip Rosenberg Vice Pres..............Ken Matthews Secretary...............Jim Rutledge Treasurer.................Brian Green NATIONAL DIRECTOR Paul Lehman...Executive Director Gus Sorenson.......Govt Relations John Gossette..........Bookkeeper Susan Gall.........Executive Admin ...................& Newsletter Editor SUPPORT Wayne Dake..............IT Support Patrick Furham..........Webmaster & Social Media Gwen Sheppard.........Webmaster & Newsletter Design/Production RECREATIONAL THERAPY To enable PVA to continue to honor this commitment, we must recruit and retain members who have the experience, energy, dedication and passion necessary to manage the organization and ensure adequate resource to sustain the programs essential for PVA to achieve its mission. PVA Wisconsin chapter administers the following programs to achieve these goals: Joyce Casey...................C.T.R.S. Chelsea Kindler..............C.T.R.S. • Membership, Chapter Administration, Service, Liaison, Fundraising, Communication, Advocacy, and Sport & Recreation. NATIONAL SVC OFFICE (Additional details of these programs can be found on page 5.) Stephanie Dennis........NS Officer Linda Roberts.....Office Secretary Call: (414) 902-5655 Toll Free: 800-795-3580 GR Update REHAB COUNSELOR Doug Green..................MS, CRC New Office Hours Monday: 8:00-4:00 Tuesday: 8:00-4:00 Wednesday: 8:00-4:00 Thursday: 8:00-4:00 Friday: 8:00-3:00 Saturday: Closed Gus Sorenson, Govt. Relations Director gsorenson@wisconsinpva.orgThe United States Congress and the Wisconsin State Legislature have begun their new sessions in earnest. With the “draw down” in Afghanistan it is my humble opinion that Veterans Issues will begin to fade from the public eye. This means we will have to work that much harder to gain support for legislation that will increase benefits and services for Veterans. Our National organization is already hard at work aggressively pursuing that goal. So is the PVA-WI Chapter. To that end, Ken Matthews, Dale Nelson and I have been discussing various ideas for the Chapter Advocacy/Legislation Committee to Sunday: Closed prioritize and work on. Dale has tentatively agreed to make an occasional visit (as needed) to the State Capitol Building in Madison 2311 S. 108th Street West Allis, WI 53227-1901 to meet with various State Senators, State Assemblymen, and other assorted State Officials. We will establish an ongoing “up (800) 875-WPVA close and personal” dialogue with these folks to reinforce our (O) (414) 328-8910 message of quality services and benefits for veterans. The three of 2 us are hoping to make a visit sometime in February to initiate the process. New Year whereever you were, everything out by e-mail be it at home celebrating there, prior to the meeting. We or out at a party somewhere. need these reports, so when National PVA comes in we We also plan to become more I was glad to see so many can show them the active with the Wisconsin members at our Membership documented compliance with Department of Veterans Affairs meeting December 18th, which PVA administrative (WDVA). Our Chapter Board just happened to coincide with guidelines.■ member Ken Ness has become our annual Christmas party at an important link for us with the VA SCI Center. This was WDVA but we need additional the largest attendance we have Our Veterans Need help. When it comes to had for some time. There were Our Veterans Need Your HELP! legislators and bureaucrats many questions about the new Your HELP! there is strength in numbers. sports policy. I hope everyone By making a tax-free We also need to become more understood why it was By making a tax-free donation today, you can visible within the disability changed. Although some donation you can community on a state level. changes were made , we still make a today, Wisconsin makelife a Wisconsin As an example, we must reneed to tweak it in a few areas. Veteran's better. Mail Veteran's life better. Mail kindle our relationships with the enclosed donation I have not been to the SCI the enclosed donation Independence First and the envelope TODAY! 95% center lately, so I am unaware envelope TODAY! Governor’s Committee for goes to Veterans95% of any issues there. If you People with Disabilities goesand to Veterans have had any problems at the programs 5% goes to (GCPD). PVA-WI needs to programs and 5% goes to VA, please be ready to bring administration. actively engage with these administration. them up at the next meeting. organizations to advocate for Dr. Lee plans to attend and we accessibility and other can address those issues with pertinent issues that affect our him. membership. Paul has informed me of With PVA-WI BOD permission several issues handled by Members at Large Ken Matthews and Dale Nelson several of the committees. will be attending PVA’s Annual These issues will be further Advocacy/Legislation Seminar discussed at the next meeting. in Washington, D.C. in early I gave Paul the authority to March. In addition to Associate Membership close the office in the event of receiving a great deal of pertinent information, they will bad weather. That was done be making “Courtesy Calls” to two days week of Dec 29th – the offices of Wisconsin’s two Jan 2nd, and I expect it will Officers & Staff happen again this winter. Senators and eight Representatives. These face As I have previously requested, to face meetings help to all committees are expected to reinforce our position on submit a written report to the veterans and accessibility BOD for each meeting. If your issues and bolster our image committee has not met, please Newsletter Subscription to these legislators and their state that in your report. The ATTENTION: key stall personnel. I have committee chairs should try to Want to help us cut costs. every confidence they will do have a monthly meeting, or at Receive the newsletter via an excellent job in least contact the committee email. Contact Susan Gall at representing our chapter.■ members to see if they have NUMBERS 312 312 15 President's Report Phillip E. Rosenberg I hope you all had a Happy any input. These reports need to be sent into the office the Thursday before our BOD meeting so Sue can get 3 info@wisconsinpva.org To unsubscribe from the newsletter send an email to info@wisconsinpva.org Badger Sportsman Magazine Deal Prosthetics Delay? You have a chance in helping a veteran by subscribing to Badger Sportsman magazine, the oldest outdoor Wisconsin magazine. Starting April 1 for every year you subscribe to Badger Sportsman, $5.00 will go to the PVA Wisconsin Chapter to help fund our shooting program. One hundred percent goes to sending veterans to attend shooting events. It is simple go to either the chapters website at Delay in your Prosthetics. We would like to hear from you. The forms are available from the Service office, Chapter office, your Hospital Liaison Officer or online at www.wisconsinpva.org. Sherman Gillums at 202416-7721 with your questions or concerns or email the National office at prosthetics@pva.org. www.wisconsinpva.org/resources/sports-and-recreation/badgersportsman.html or Badger Sportsman at http://www.badgersportsman.com/subscribe/online/promotions/busine sses/pva-wi/2014-03.■ Executive Director's Report Paul Lehman lehmanp@wisconsinpva.org Hope everyone had a great holiday and Happy New Year. The year 2015 will come with many changes to the chapter's policies. The volunteer policy was the first change the board of directors made to the chapter policies. The sports policy is currently in revision and will come with many changes. In the past, the chapter had to cut funding going to the games and winter sports clinic in order for everyone to attend. 2015 will come with tighter funding requirements making it harder for those that think going to these events is a holiday. The board of directors has taken a more positive stance on individuals owing the chapter money than in the past now enforcing the policy to the letter. The chapter has lost to much over the past years by members refusing to pay their fare share. The chapter website will go through a fourth change since 2004 and scheduled for July 1st launch date. The new site will have a fresh new look, to include easier navigation, donation page with recurring donation, special features and a sponsor banner. The project will use mostly volunteer's time, which will save the chapter money. The chapter just purchased a trailer for the wheelchair lacrosse team, "Milwaukee Eagles". February 9th the team will have its first practice. The practice will be every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. The location will be the old Marquette Gym at 1532 W. Clybourn Street, Milwaukee, WI. The time is 6:00PM to 7:30PM. Coach Ampolo and MU Men’s Lacrosse Team is the big sponsor providing coaching and sports equipment. Currently, James Veltri is Captain and Eric Fife as Co-Captain. The Board is 100% behind the team and approved continued fund raising to support the team. Go Eagles Go !■ 4 "Giving can be so easy, why not set us up on your auto pay plan" Scholarship Recipient CHAPTER PROGRAMS I was selected as the recipient of the Virginia Bea Root Occupational Therapy scholarship in November. Here is a little about me and my decision to become an OT: The mandatory programs which must be operated by each participating PVA chapter are briefly described as follows: 1. Membership: Each chapter must maintain a minimum of thirty (30) members. 2. Chapter Administration: Each chapter must maintain its own overall management system of its operations and must use PVA standardized forms for programs t h a t provide such forms. 3. Service: Each chapter must maintain a program to assist its members in applying for and obtaining veterans' benefits. 4. Liaison: Each chapter must maintain a program which provides liaison with VA Medical Centers or other institutions where members receive health care. 5. Fundraising: Each chapter must maintain a p r o g r a m to r a i s e f u n d s f o r t h e implementation of its chapter programs. This fundraising program must be operated in a manner which is consistent w i t h the philosophy of PVA. 6. Communication: Each chapter must maintain a program to report its activities to its membership, other chapters, t h e National O f f i c e , and national o f f i c e r s , at least quarterly. 7. Advocacy: Each chapter must maintain a program to advocate for the civil rights of its members. 8. Sports and Recreation: Each chapter must provide a program to improve the quality of life of paralyzed veterans and other persons with disabilities by assisting the expansion of both the quality and quantity of opportunities in sports and recreation, especially those activities which enhance lifetime health and fitness.■ After working in Marketing for seven years, I learned how important hard work and communication are, but I felt unfulfilled in my daily work life. I learned about Occupational Therapy after a close family member suffered a stroke and while watching her learn to do daily tasks she had once taken for granted, I recognized the influence that OT had on her recovery. It was then that I realized that becoming an Occupational Therapist would help me make a difference in other people's lives and let me connect with people to restore their bodies and as well as their spirit. I wanted to learn how to help people thrive through all aspects of life. In my community, I have over 80 hours of volunteer experience and I am a member of Pi Theta Epislon through Mount Mary University, which is an acedemic honor society where I developed a program to advance Occupational Therapy within the community. I would like to thank the Wisconsin Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America for selecting me for the Virginia "Bea" Root Occupational Therapy scholarship. I appreciate your support as I continue my path to becoming an Occupational Therapist. Thank you again. Stefanie I.■ Chase Helping Veterans Chase is offering to veterans and families mortgage free homes to 1,000 qualified veterans and 100,000 Jobs Mission. Chase Military Banking offers many benefits such as no monthly service fees and no required minimum balances on accounts. To learn more about the programs go to www.ChaseMilitary.com■ 5 February Events You can register online for major events on our website at www.wisconsinpva.org/events New Members Christopher S. Richter Associate Members Patrick Cowle Final Bugle Call Michael O'Brien Frank C. Duffek March April 11 11 3 PVA-WI Board of Directors meeting. 1:30 pm, Chapter Office PVA-WI Board of Directors meeting. 1:30 pm, Chapter Office Office Closing: 1:00 pm – Good Friday 13 17 Office Closing: 1:00 pm St. Patricks Day 16 24 Office Closed – President's Day PVA-WI Pizza party 4:30 pm SCI Center Bldg 144 102 day room. 24 PVA-WI Pizza party 4:30 pm SCI Center Bldg 144 102 day room. 5 Easter 8 PVA-WI Board of Directors meeting. 1:30 pm, Chapter Office 28 PVA-WI Membership Meeting and Pizza party 4:30 pm SCI Center Bldg 144 102 day room. GIFT TILE SALE GIFT BRICK WALL @ Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center Spinal Cord Wing All proceeds benefit... The New SCI Center 4”x8”....................$100 8”x8”....................$195 8”x8” w/logo........$295 12”x12”................$450 12”x12” w/logo ...$550 Remember your special Veteran by purchasing a personalized tile with their name and pertinent information. Add logos and/or insignia as size permits. Organization are encouraged to participate also. For additional information please see our website at www.wisconsinpva.org or contact the chapter office. 6 7 SAVE WITH PVA AND LANDS END Now you can order PVA Logo merchandise in the item you want, directly from Land’s End and save 12% off the listed price. It is easy, go to http://Ces.landsend.com/Wisconsin_PVA to place your order. All orders require a credit or debit card payment and will be shipped directly to you. Promotional items are void of the 12% savings.■ Boulders Climbing Gym 3964 Commercial Ave. Madison, Wisconsin ATTENTION HUNTERS & ICE FISHERS! “FREE TO MEMBERS” Do you need a camouflage hunting blind? We have an insulated hunting trailer built for up to 5 wheelchairs. You will stay dry and warm. The trailer lowers to the ground for easy access; and has four shooting ports. Contact the PVA-WISCONSIN Office if you would like to borrow the trailer. Already participating in adaptive climbing? Team USA Paraclimbing athletes will also be on hand providing skill building workshops to help take your climbing to the next level. To sign up or become a volunteer visit: http:// www.123contactform.com/form-1215101/USAParaclimbing-Clinic Contact: Ronnie Dickson, phone/text 863-6516844 or email dickson.ronnie@gmail.com ■ 8 9 Your CFC Charity of Choice! Are you a federal employee in Southeast Wisconsin? Have you thought about signing up to have donations deducted from your check? Please consider the Paralyzed Veterans of America Wisconsin Chapter to be your charity for the Combined Federal Campaign. CFC #26146 ■ PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 1. ADVOCACY & LEGISLATION: (architectural barriers, ADA issues, veterans issues) 2. SPORTS AND RECREATION: (SCI sporting events, chapter & national events) 3. BUILDING: (Special Projects, Lease Agreements, Maintenance) 4. LIAISON: (VAMC, Volunteers, Outpatient Clinics, VABS) 5. SERVICE: (Compensation, Pension, Education/Rehabilitation) 6. MEMBERSHIP: (Members, Outreach, Membership Events, Elections) 7. COMMUNICATION: (Newsletter, website, advertising, chapter literature) 8. FINANCE: (Audit, Budgets, Bookkeeping, Investments) 9. FUNDRAISING: (Grant Writing, Raffles, Events) 10. STRATEGIC (short & long range) PLANNING COMMITTEE: We invite you to be active in the Paralyzed Veterans of America Wisconsin Chapter. The committees listed above are all the areas the chapter could use your help. We welcome your opinions and time on any of the committees listed. Please contact the chapter to be a part of the team!■ 10 Member Birthdays February Bradley E. Bastian Ian J. Jenson Russell E. Moore Donald J. Sullivan James L. Weber David P. Meronek John A. Orlandini Thomas J. Liebe Kermit W. Brey David T. Mills Gary R. Schoendorf Ronald E. Davidson John E. Seivert Chris M. Skokan Mitchell R. Hoyt Caron L. Jones 06 07 07 08 10 11 11 12 13 15 15 19 19 23 27 29 March Husher J. Barnett John M. Macdonald Paul F. Baier Edward Krostal Russell J. Worth Craig C. Miller Anthony Broussard John R. Hansen Mark A. Hopson Frank Bearden Eric D. Fife Michael J. Larson Kenneth B. Ness Laura J. Nicosia Perry M. Hix Richard F. Ludwig Thomas A. Blahnik Loren L. Brunner Dennis L. Wray Ken M. Burclaw Noah R. Currier Michael M. Thomas Ronnie Taliaferro Mike A. Statz Matthew R. Lemke Robert N. Houtari 11 01 01 04 04 06 09 10 10 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 20 20 21 22 24 26 29 30 31 12 Brew City Air Gun Shooters Dairyland News Newsletter Published Bi-Monthly Email info@wisconsinpva.org by Gwen Sheppard gsheppard@wisconsinpva.org Advertise in the Dairyland News and receive free space on our Website for Twelve Months. Anyone interested in more information or wanting to shoot should contact Gwen Sheppard at 414-9799241 or email: gsheppard@wisconsinpva.org. 1 Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues Biz Card $50 $150 $300 Shoot dates: February 2rd. March 9th. At MATC South Campus Shooting range. ¼ Page $75 $225 $400 ■ ½ Page $100 $300 $500 Full Page $200 $400 $600 *(Dairyland News published 6 times a year) 1536 Copies are printed with each edition of the newsletter. Dead line is the 15th of the month before the next issue is printed. The Dairyland News is printed Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul and Aug/Sep. Payment by check or credit card is accepted. Contact: Paralyzed Veterans of America - Wisconsin Attn: Paul Lehman, Editor 2311 S. 108th Street West Allis, WI 53227 (800) 875-WPVA (9782) (414) 328-8910 Office (414) 328-8948 FAX H.R. 4892 - Military and Veteran Caregiver Services Improvement Act of 2014 The Veteran and Military Caregiver Services Improvement Act of 2014 was introduced earlier this year. It removes obtrusive barriers to eligibility that prevent caregivers from getting help, allows veterans to transfer Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to their dependents, allows caregivers to be eligible for child-care programs, provides vital financial advice and legal counseling, and allows for valuable respite time. Please contact your federal representatives and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 4892, or S. 2243, and ensure this important legislation gets passed.■ 13 Volunteer! The chapter is always looking for individuals who want to volunteer their time in the following areas: general office, fund raising event and general building maintenance. Call Paul or Susan at (800) 875-9182. Entertainment Don't forget members are able to apply for a membership entertainment grant twice a year (10/1-9/30). Information and forms can be found at: http://www.wisconsinpva.org/ or call the office at (800)-875-9782. Attention College Students Scholarships are Available For: Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Recreational Therapy Please go to our Website www.wisconsinpva.org For requirements and application forms. Yearly scholarships available to students who plan going into the care of spinal cord injury or disease. $500, $1,000 and $2,000 scholarships available to junior and senior students who are attending an accredited program at a Wisconsin college. Scholarships must be postmarked by April or October 1st. See which one would fit you the best. 14 My First Year Stephanie Dennis, National Service Officer Stephanie@pva.org I am coming up on my first year with Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)and it has been six months since I moved here to Milwaukee to be the National Service Officer. I wanted to take the time to thank everyone that I have had the privilege to meet and work with. In the beginning I trained most of the time to learn the skills that were needed to help the veterans out and make sure that the benefits that one was eligible for were the ones that the veteran was getting. Now I have been through many different experiences here and have enjoyed each one. I have grow and learned that everyone needs an advocate to help get their voice out. So thank you for letting me be that advocate and learn along the way. In lieu of an article on one point about the VA Medical Center or the rules I wanted to take a few minutes to just do a general update of what has been going on. First off, some of you should have received your Veteran’s Choice Act cards. These will be going out to every veteran in the VA Medical system. Second each person will receive a small booklet in the mail detailing the care that they can receive at the VA. These books are person specific, so not everyone’s will not be the same. There have been changes in the hospital and there are more to come. Comp and Pen clinic has moved to its new location, there will be some redesigning of the main entrance way and come spring, or nicer weather, the hospital will start to build a ramp for parking for visitors. There are many other projects that the VA is working on for the hospital but these are the main ones. On the last note I just wanted to let everyone know that according to the VA, PVA is doing really well in helping its veterans get the compensation they deserve. On an article put out to all the Service Offices PVA was ranked number one among the top six Service Offices. This was based on the monthly amount that we have helped to bring out veterans. We outpaced the second place Service Office by almost two times what they have gotten for their veterans. As always if you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our office and we will help to answer or address your questions/concerns.■ Snow Plow Regulations SNOW REMOVAL - DID YOU KNOW? Okay, we don’t want to think about it, right? Unless you’re one of those people who like a snowy Wisconsin winter, this can be a frustrating time to get around. Here’s some information to keep in mind. Did you know that it is illegal to plow snow into an “accessible parking” stall? Wisconsin law calls for fine of up to $40.00 for the first offense and up to $100.00 for the second and subsequent offenses. WI statute 346.503 Parking spaces for vehicles displaying special registration plates or special identification cards. (2e) The owner or lessee subject to the requirements of sub.(1m) shall keep the parking spaces reserved for vehicles designated under sub. (1m) or (2m) clear of snow and ice in a timely manner and make other reasonable efforts to ensure that the spaces are available for use by a motor vehicle used by a physically disabled person. 346.56 Penalty for violating sections 346.503 to 346.55. (1g) Any person violating s.346.503 (2e) shall forfeit not less than $20.00 nor more than $40.00 for the first offense. For a 2nd or subsequent conviction within 3 years, person shall forfeit not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00.■ “An education focused site that provides a wide variety of resources that discusses topics such as Continuing Education for Veterans, the GI Bill post 9/11, Veterans Online Education and Jobs Program for Veterans...” Visit www.AccreditedOnlineColleges.org■ 15
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