The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia® A pediatric healthcare network Bench May 2003 to Bedside RESEARCH AT THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA New NIH Grant Aimed at Training Pediatric Subspecialists Opportunities for basic and clinical research relevant to pediatric populations have never been greater. However, pediatric subspecialists willing and able to conduct pediatric-based research are in short supply, due, in part, to the insufficient training available to pediatric fellows for establishing independent research careers and becoming physician-scientists. A training grant recently awarded to Children’s Hospital aims to improve the situation by providing fellows more research experience than is the norm for most pediatric subspecialty training programs and giving them the tools needed to build research programs. The 5-year, $1.2 million National Research Services Award (“Training Grant”) from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) provides Children’s Hospital with the funds to support 3 to 4 fellows for 2 to 3 years of research training. The program uniquely supports both basic and clinical research in all areas of research relevant to child health. In this way, it complements other more discipline-focused training grants the Hospital holds, as it is not tied to a specific research area. Alan Cohen, M.D., physician-in-chief, serves as the principal investigator for this broad-based training program. David Pleasure, M.D., director of the Joseph Stokes Jr. Research Institute, serves as program director. The major component of the training program is the opportunity for fellows to acquire research skills from mentors over a sustained period of time. Expected to devote 90 percent of their effort toward research during this time, these trainees will also have an opportunity to learn more about biostatistics, ethics, hypothesis formation and study design through formal coursework and in-house training programs. Participants in the program will be eligible to participate in the NIH’s new debt repayment program. The training faculty consists of 46 mentors from a variety of pediatric subspecialties who are productive investigators. The program offers fellows research training in a wide range of basic and clinical research areas. Twenty-six of the mentors have medical degrees and will also serve as role models for program participants. The program will build upon the Hospital’s strengths as a pediatric academic institution with an outstanding pool of subspecialty fellows, experienced mentors with cutting-edge research programs, a well-supported and resource-rich research environment and a proven tradition of research training. Katherine High, M.D., Becomes Hughes Investigator In recognition of her pioneering research, Katherine High, M.D., director of hematology research at Children’s Hospital, has been named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. Dr. High is one of 12 physician-scientists recently selected by the prestigious research organization for major accomplishments in patient-oriented research. Her appointment to this prestigious position became effective in March 2003. Dr. High is internationally prominent for her studies of the molecular biology of hemophilia. Over the past decade, she has investigated a gene transfer approach to treating hemophilia B. This approach holds the potential for treating human disease at a fundamental level by delivering therapeutic genes directly into a patient’s cells. In 1999, Dr. High’s research team showed that gene therapy could achieve long-term improvement in dogs having naturally occurring hemophilia. Based on these studies, she and her collaborators have undertaken human gene therapy trials seeking to improve blood clotting in patients with severe hemophilia B. Established in 1953, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a nonprofit medical research organization that currently supports approximately 320 investigators throughout the United States. Based in Chevy Chase, Md., the Institute conducts medical research and supports science education in the United States and biomedical scientists in other countries. The most recent group of 12 investigators was chosen because their combination of scientific expertise and medical training holds great potential for translating basic science discoveries into useful medical treatments. New Research Employees (1/16/03-3/31/03) Welcome to the following new research employees: Accounts Payable Clerk Susan Jacobs Research Associate Alexander Schlachterman Administrative Assistants Jacqueline Gibbs-Jones Catherine Keating Lelisha Rios JoAnn Weiss Research Coordinator Stephanie Sargent Business Manager John Josefowski Research Technicians Stephanie Ciosek Megan Erne Jennifer McCallum Heather Mitchell Kian Tian Angelika Vilchez Yanjian Wang Kristin Wills Jzng Tao You Yi Zhang Clinical Research Specialist Jason Catanzaro Clinical Trials Manager Maria Skotleski-Irwin Data Entry Operators Lorraine Hunter Eric Poe Nurse Practitioner Barbara Hieb Operations Manager Kathleen Murphey Research Assistants Stefani Brown Aileen Imperial Jean Rodwell Kimberly Schadt Tamika Scott Research Data Analyst Marian Droz Resource Coordinator Marisa DeJesus School Readiness Specialist Lauri Jindra Staff Accountant Eboni Ealey Stem Cell Transplant Advances Hold Hope for Clinical Applications Significant advancements in the use of stem cells have been made by Children’s Hospital investigators, paving the way for the potential future use of the stem cell transplant procedure to treat genetic diseases. Along with his colleagues, Alan Flake, M.D., director of the Children’s Institute for Surgical Science at Children’s Hospital, produced high levels of transplanted, healthy stem cells in mice while reducing the effects of graft vs. host disease (GVHD), a serious side effect of cell and organ transplants. Immune tolerance in mice was achieved by combining prenatal transplants of blood-forming cells with manipulated blood cells after birth. The technique allowed donor cells to multiply without toxic side effects. The finding could greatly broaden the use of cell and organ transplants for genetic diseases detected before birth, including leukemia, sickle cell disease, muscular dystrophy, and some kidney and liver disorders. Dr. Flake’s team used a prenatal procedure called in utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (IUHSCT). The IUHSCT procedure first makes a recipient’s immune system tolerant of low levels of donor cells; a second, nontoxic procedure after birth provides a competitive advantage for the transplanted donor cells, allowing them to multiply. The second, postnatal step of the treatment compromises host blood cells and allows the donor cells to engraft themselves in the recipient’s bone marrow and bloodstream. Because the prenatal transplant has made the host animal tolerant of donor cells, the postnatal procedure can be less toxic than conventional treatments that use harsh chemotherapy drugs or high-dose radiation to wipe out the host’s existing immune system. In one study, Dr. Flake used donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) as the postnatal treatment. Currently used against some leukemias, DLI supplies lymphocytes. In the other study, the postnatal treatment was low-dose full-body irradiation followed by bone marrow transplantation. GVHD was minimal during the DLI study and did not occur in the other study. The procedures achieved complete or nearcomplete chimerism – all or nearly all of the animal’s blood cells were derived from the donor stem cells, even though the donors were not matched with the recipients. This marked the first time that complete chimerism was achieved across mismatched donors and recipients without using toxic therapy. If the strategy can be made to work in humans, there are broad implications for treating human disease. The studies, which appeared in related articles in the August and September 2002 issues of the journal Blood, were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and the Ruth and Tristram C. Colket, Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery at Children’s Hospital. Co-authors with Dr. Flake on both papers were Satoshi Hayashi, M.D.; William H. Peranteau, M.D.; New Flow Cytometer in BSL3 Facility Thanks to the receipt of a Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) from the NIH, the Hospital’s BSL 3 facility has acquired an Ultrahigh Speed Flow Cytometer. A critical addition to The Children’s Hospital's and the University of Pennsylvania's research community, this stateof-the-art shared resource facilitates the study of biohazardous agents, as well as ensures the ability to continue to work with human blood as new and more restrictive federal regulations are implemented. Since the cytometer, frequently referred to as the “Mo-Flo,” is located within the BSL 3 facility Bench to Bedside on the 12th floor of the Abramson Center, access is limited to BSL 3 staff; no self-service is permitted. Terri Finkel, M.D., Ph.D., of the Division of Rheumatology, was instrumental in preparing the SIG proposal, leading the planning process for renovating the BSL 3 facility and establishing the core’s services. We also wish to acknowledge Steven D. Douglas, M.D., of the Division of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, and colleagues at Children’s Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania for their help and expertise. RESEARCH at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Monoclonal Antibody May Help Control Crohn’s Disease Crohn’s disease, a painful inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, affects more than 100,000 children in the United States, causing emotional and social difficulties in addition to its physical symptoms. A drug used to treat adults with Crohn’s disease has shown promise in treating children with the disease as well. The drug infliximab, a monoclonal antibody, was found to be safe and effective when used to treat children afflicted with Crohn’s disease. In addition to providing a potential new treatment, infliximab may reduce the need for steroids, which are associated with significant side effects. Some of the side effects of the current treatments for Crohn’s disease – corticosteroids and drugs that affect the immune system – include acne, weight gain, impaired growth, osteoporosis, the risk of hepatitis and bone marrow suppression. The study, a retrospective chart and database review, was conducted by Robert Baldassano, M.D., director of the Hospital’s Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and colleagues. The investigators looked at 82 patients who received monoclonal antibody treatment at Children's Hospital. This study population was the largest cohort of pediatric patients receiving this treatment for Crohn's disease. Forty patients were being treated with corticosteroid at the start of treatment with infliximab; 33 were eligible to participate. Nineteen of those 33 patients were able to discontinue corticosteroid usage. Few complications or problems were reported in the study, providing strong evidence that short-term use of infliximab may benefit children with Crohn’s disease and may reduce the need for streroid treatment. Crohn’s disease is a chronic bowel disorder characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), a protein produced by the immune system, is among the causes of inflammation. It is becoming a common chronic pediatric disease, with the average age of onset occurring much younger than before. The average age for diagnosis is 1011 years, though it can also occur during the adolescent and adult years. Symptoms may include pain, severe abdominal discomfort and more than 30 bowel movements each day. Most children with the disease experience ongoing disease activity over the course of their lives, which may be complicated by the need for prolonged medication and numerous surgeries. Infliximab is a genetically engineered monoclonal antibody that acts against TNF-a. Infliximab is engineered from both human and mouse material. Together with Dr. Baldassano, who is the lead author of the study, investigators on the study include Michael C. Stephens, M.D., Melissa A. Shepanski, M.S., Petar Mamula, M.D., Jonathan E. Markowitz, M.D. and Kurt A. Brown, M.D. The study was published in the January 2003 issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology. Research Education and Training Specialist Hired After a six-month internship with Research Administration, Wendy Williams, Ph.D., has joined Stokes as a Research Education and Training Specialist. In this role, Wendy works with Madeline Alexander, Ph.D., director of Research Education, to develop and implement training programs for the Hospital’s research community. These programs include training for working with lab animals, special programs for postdoctoral fellows and training programs for research coordinators. Wendy earned a bachelor’s degree in zoology from Howard University and a doctorate degree in biology from Johns Hopkins University. After completing her degree, she spent a year conducting molecular biology research as a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and then came to Children’s Hospital in 2000 for a postdoctoral fellowship in oncology. The Research Administration internship allowed Wendy to explore alternative careers in science. HIPAA FAQs Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the effect of HIPAA regulations on research. Additional FAQs will be featured in subsequent issues of Bench to Bedside. How is it that one “may perform most, if not all of [one’s] current pre-screening activities” and remain HIPAA compliant in the eyes of Hospital’s Institutional Review Board (IRB)? If you are pre-screening to ascertain the feasibility of conducting a research study (prior to IRB approval of that study), you must first submit a “Review Preparatory to Research” form to the IRB. To contact patients to recruit subjects for a study, a protocol must be in place that has been approved by the IRB. Any investigator enrolling subjects with a written consent form already in place after April 14, 2003, needs a HIPAA addendum form attached to the consent. A HIPAA attestation form must be completed and returned to the IRB. All forms are available from the Regulatory Affairs office. Does the Hospital have procedures in place for reviews preparatory to research? Must an application be submitted to review charts, unit censuses, procedure logs, etc. in order to identify prospective subjects? Yes, Children’s Hospital has procedures in place. The IRB Web site features a link to access a “Review Preparatory to Research” form, which must be completed and submitted to the IRB when reviewing charts prior to IRB approval of a study. Non-Traditional Research Personnel Registration Academic collaborators, graduate students pursuing rotations or thesis research, unpaid research interns, federal work-study students, and part-time student employees all play an important role in the Hospital’s research programs and augment the efforts of Hospital staff and faculty. The Non-traditional Personnel (NTP) program was created to facilitate the inclusion of these individuals in Hospital research while respecting the need to know who is conducting research in Hospital space, to comply with institutional and legal requirements and to provide a safe environment for all research staff. Whether working in a laboratory or office setting, these individuals must be registered as NTP before they start working. How long NTP registration takes depends largely on whether an individual is informed in advance of the necessary forms, signatures and health records. When investigators/sponsors identify an individual who will work in the Hospital’s facilities or on a Hospital project (and fits one of the NTP categories), the candidate should be provided with the NTP registration forms, which are located on the Stokes intranet under “Services and Support.” Parttime/temporary student employees must also submit a CV, personnel requisition and a job description. Forms may be e-mailed in advance to NTP personnel. Students may obtain the required immunization information and current PPD test results from their university student health services and should seek the records before arriving to begin work. Doing so saves students the expense of visiting their family FYI Tech Transfer FY02 Stats: The Technology Transfer Department negotiated and executed 249 agreements in FY02, compared to 171 in FY00. Of these, 71 were confidentiality agreements, 88 were material transfer agreements, 60 were clinical trial agreements, 12 were sponsored research agreements and 18 were negotiated on behalf of the Children's Clinical Research Institute. In addition, during FY02 there were 37 invention disclosures (16 in FY00); 34 provisional patent applications filed (9 in FY00); and 8 patents issued (4 in FY00). Technology fields currently listed for license include genetic/chromosomal alterations and their detection, gene therapy, immunology/infection, metabolism and nutrition, neurosciences, hematopoeisis, injury/safety, respiratory, implantable devices, protein conformation, stem cell biology, tissue engineering, tumor biology and research tools. Phone number changes: In April, the phone numbers for many departments changed and now feature a 267 area code and a 426 dialing prefix. For internal dialing, these extensions will be preceded by 6 instead of 4 (6XXXX). Despite this change, both 215590-XXXX and 267-426-XXXX numbers will continue to be used within the research programs at both the Abramson Center and 3535 Market Street. All existing research programs and research support services, with the exception of Research Finance, Research Purchasing and Research Human Resources, will retain their currently assigned phone numbers. All requests for new telephone numbers in research will receive a 267-426XXXX number. We congratulate Gerald Travis for successfully completing the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science’s Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician certification examination. Gerald joined the Environmental Services Department in July 1998 and transferred to the animal facility in April 2001. Have News? physicians to obtain the necessary information. Individuals who have previously reacted positively to the TB test must bring a chest X-ray or latest evidence of screening. Problems obtaining these records or taking new tests is the single most frequent reason that NTP registration is delayed. Contact Carol Sazama (ext. 40563) or Marie Ward (ext. 43800) for assistance in determining the appropriate NTP category or accessing the necessary materials. Information on the purpose and nature of the anticipated work and whether the individual will be paid must be included in the forms to help determine the correct NTP category. All forms should be submitted to Marie Ward. NIH Salary Cap Increase For more than a decade, Congress has implemented a cap on the individual salary amount that could be charged on NIH awards. In recent years, the NIH appropriation bills have tied the grantee cap to the salary provided by the federal government to individuals qualified for the Executive Level I salary. This year's NIH appropriations were signed into law in March. Until the federal budget was finalized it was uncertain whether the salary cap would be in place for FY03 and, if so, whether the cap would be tied to Executive Level I or a lower federal employee grade, which would reduce the level of the cap. Those questions were resolved recently by a notice issued in the NIH Guide of March 21, 2002, which stated that the NIH salary cap has been increased to the new $171,900 Executive Level I salary that went into effect January 1, 2003. This figure should now be used to calculate appropriate salary charges for those whose compensation meets or exceeds the salary cap. Contact Jennifer Long at ext. 42105 or via e-mail at A pediatric healthcare network 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399 1-800-TRY CHOP Produced by the Joseph Stokes Jr. Research Institute for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Copyright © 2003 by The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 3368/2,500/05-03 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia®
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