St. Paul Church 200 Wyckoff Avenue | Ramsey, NJ February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Schedule of Masses Saturday: 9 am Saturday Eve: 5 pm (Sunday Obligation) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm & 5 pm Weekdays: Monday-Friday 7:30 am & 9 am Holy Days: 7:30 am, Noon & 7:30 pm National Holidays: 7:30 am Served by Rev. John McCrone, Pastor Rev. Raul Gaviola, Parochial Vicar Rev. Stefano Hong, Parochial Vicar Mr. Jeremiah K. Rehse, Deacon Gail Ritchie, School Principal Sr. Maureen Corcoran, Pastoral Associate John Nunziata, Pastoral Associate Colleen Jagde, Director of Faith Formation Kristin Dabaghian, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy Donna Schifano, Director of Outreach Genny Latour Huss, Director of Senior Ministry Eric Erler, Director of Youth Ministry John Weiss, Business Manager Mission Statement Parish Center: 193 Wyckoff Avenue // Ramsey, NJ Phone: 201.327.0976 // Fax: 201.327.6197 Faith Formation Grades K-8 201.327.8010 // School: 201.327.1108 // We are Catholic Christians who embrace the plan of God for our salvation. We come together in faith to worship in a loving community. We are moved by the Holy Spirit to witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We wish to live out the vision of Jesus expressed in the Beatitudes as it unfolds in our daily life, through time, talent and treasure. Youth Office: 201.825.9199 Baptism: Parents, please contact the Parish Center during the pregnancy, or prior to adoption, to begin preparing for your child’s baptism. Penance: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made one year in advance. Anointing of the Sick: At two special Eucharistic Liturgies in Church during the year. Visitation of the sick at home any time. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the Parish Center for information. February 8, 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week of February 9 MONDAY, February 9 Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 7:30 Veronica R Higgins; Req by Gail & Gene Ritchie 9:00 Stephanie Genova; Req by Kristin Dabaghian TUESDAY, February 10 Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 7:30 Msgr Lawrence Cull; Req by Deacon Fritz & Mary Kautz 9:00 Novena of Masses WEDNESDAY, February 11 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 7:30 John Blanco; Req by Rob Passanante 9:00 Novena of Masses THURSDAY, February 12 Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 7:30 Dorothy Diffley; Req by Janet & Gary Gyss 9:00 Novena of Masses FRIDAY, February 13 Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 7:30 Sophie Palmadesso; Req by Helen & Thomas Reid 9:00 Novena of Masses SATURDAY, February 14 Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 9:00 William Newe; Req by the Bergonzi Family 5:00 Rosario D’Angelo; Req by the family 7:00 Spanish Mass SUNDAY, February 15 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 Cornelius & Nora Lynch; Req by Joe & Cathy Lynch Aldina Polli; Req by the Sileo Family Mildred Sullivan Req by Judi & Ugo D’Andrea Anthony Riccardi; Req by Hank & Rose Enberg IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER all the women & men who serve in our armed forces, THE SICK, ESPECIALLY: Susan Hillman, Terry Giegerich, James Walsh, Pamela Begley Wiener, Evelyn Steers, John Corcoran, Rich Parker, Jim Sweeney and Arline Gondiosa; and THE DECEASED. Josephine O’Keefe, Anne Catalano, Zofia Sito, Vic Pruitt, Ovidio Linfante, Stephanie Kirchner, Dolores Murray and Paul Killion. This week’s ALTAR BREADS and WINES are donated in memory of Dennis Gagnon; requested by the Gagnon Family This week’s SANCTUARY LAMP burns in memory of Nancy Nyhan; requested by Maureen & Steve Bergan Page 2 Vatican II called for active participation by the laity in the Mass. How do we do this? Speaking and singing Active participation, of course, includes speaking when we are supposed to speak and (hopefully) singing! But it includes much more than this. Listening Attentiveness to the Word of God is crucial to fully entering into the Mass. What word does the Lord wish to speak to me during this Mass? He will have a message for me, if I am open to hearing it. The best preparation for Mass is to have looked at the Sunday readings in advance, or to pray over them afterwards. This is why we include them in each week's bulletin! Silence Notice that at key moments, no one says anything – neither the priest nor the people. These times occur after the readings, after the homily, after communion, and sometimes during the offertory. Here, we are silent together; we ponder the words and prayers we have heard and spoken together, that they may become a part of us. Gestures Try paying attention to how prayerfully you perform the gestures at Mass. What gestures? Take the time to sign yourself with holy water before mass slowly and reverently, as you thank God for your baptism and the gift of eternal life. Genuflect toward the tabernacle, and go a little slower – this little action expresses our faith. We sign ourselves on the forehead, mouth and heart at the gospel, that the Lord will truly enter us in these three ways. Each change of posture is a different prayer: we are praying with our bodies in this way throughout the service! Don't just go through the motions, but turn these movements into the prayers they were meant to be. The offering As we bring up the gifts of bread and wine, we are offering our lives to Christ at this moment. These gifts represent ourselves, as well as our sacrificial giving that we place before the Lord. Communion Before receiving the Eucharist, I will make a small bow of reverence toward the host and then the cup. This simple gesture expresses the profound humility and faith we hope to have as we receive Jesus into our bodies and our lives once again! The sending We don't leave from Mass; the mass leaves with us. We have committed ourselves to be Christ's eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet for another week as we take him out to the world we live in! STEWARDSHIP TREASURE for the WEEKEND of JAN 31/FEB 1 will be reported next week. Our Christmas collection amounted $109,739. 10% of the weekly stewardship treasure is set aside to help others in need. Your generosity has allowed us to provide the following assistance in December and January: Financial assistance for 1 family & Giving Tree gifts totaling $1,395 Donations to 14 charitable organizations totaling $4,200 Food certificates for 50 families totaling $3,800 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ ` Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time “...One who refreshes others will themselves be refreshed.” ~ Proverbs 11:25 ~ Women’s Cornerstone extends heartfelt thanks & appreciation to all those who helped in the kitchen or with food preparation this weekend. Thanks to all of you who answered this call to serve! Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Catechumens & Candidates Welcomed Danielle Yager Eddie Scholl Craig Zurlini Please pray for Danielle, Eddie and Craig. Danielle is a ‘catechumen’ and will be Baptized and receive First Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on April 4th. Eddie and Craig are ‘candidates’ who are baptized and will be receiving First Communion and Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday (May 24th). They have been praying and learning about the Catholic faith as they make this journey of conversion. They meet each Sunday morning with the RCIA Ministry Team to prepare for the reception of the Sacraments. The RCIA Ministry team is John Nunziata, Karen Little, Mary Jane Weir & Walter Zuck. You Are Invited! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast School Cafeteria Tuesday, February 17 Immediately Following 7:30 am Mass A ‘cooking team’ of Cornerstone Men will prepare a traditional pancake & sausage breakfast complemented with juice, hot coffee or tea immediately after Mass in the school cafeteria. What is Shrove Tuesday? Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in the Roman Catholic Church. "Shrove" means hear a confession, assign penance, and absolve from sin. Shrove Tuesday is a reminder that we are entering a season of penance. The concept behind this practice is found in 1 Corinthians 9:27, where the Apostle Paul states: "I buffet my body and make it my slave." Shrove Tuesday originated during the Middle Ages. Food items like meats, fats, eggs, milk, and fish were regarded as restricted during Lent. To keep such food from being wasted, many families would have big feasts on Shrove Tuesday in order to consume those items that would inevitably become spoiled during the next forty days. The English tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday came about as a way to use as much milk, fats, and eggs as possible before Ash Wednesday began. In France, the consumption of all fats and fatty foods on this day coined the name "Fat Tuesday" or Mardi Gras. If you any questions please contact John Nunziata at 201.327.0976 (ext 313) or 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Sweetheart Luncheon - The Senior Ministry is hosting its annual Sweetheart Luncheon on Thursday, February 12. It will be starting at 12 noon at Adorno Fathers. “The Hip Replacements” will be performing for our listening and dancing pleasure. A 50/50 raffle, lots of food and desserts will add to the enjoyment of the day! Cost is $10 payable at the door. Please call the Parish Center (201.327.0976) by February 9 to make your reservations and to let us know if you’ll be needing a ride. Call Genny at 201.818.9590 if you have any questions. SOCIAL CONCERNS Diaper Drive: There is a great need for disposable diapers in many of our local, less fortunate families. Our committee is collecting diapers (sizes 2–5) to provide help to those in need. Please bring diapers to church by next weekend, 2/15 and place in one of the bins at the church entrances. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts to others. Harrison House: Twice monthly, the committee provides a homecooked meal for eight men with the AIDS virus, who live in a home on the grounds of Bergen Regional Medical Center. Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver a meal on Sat, 3/7; Fri, 3/27; Sat, 4/4; Fri, 4/24; Sat, 5/2 and Fri, 5/22. If you are able to help, call Debbie at 825.7856. For those unable to deliver the meal, alternate arrangements can be made. St Paul Food Pantry: is supported through generous donations from parishioners. The pantry is located in the front vestibule of the church and is available for all in the community in need on Tuesdays from 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm. Please contact the Parish Center to make special arrangements to access the pantry. Food Pantry Needs: juice, snacks/cookies/crackers, white rice, Parmalat or powdered milk, cake mixes, condiments and bath products (soap/deodorant/toothpaste/toothbrushes/shampoo). Next meeting: Tuesday, March 3 at 7:30 pm in the Academy of St Paul library. Men's Cornerstone March 6-7 - "Come Find Your Strength" Cornerstone is an experience of discovery, renewal and healing. It is peaceful time which is relevant for men at every stage of life in today's demanding, hurried world. Escape the pressures of life for 27 wonderful hours and develop a closer relationship with God. You will leave with new friends & renewed hope in life. See brochures in the church. For more information contact: Mickey Sebes 201.523.1340 Bill Hark 551.427.5049 John Nunziata 201.327.0976 Page 3 February 8, 2015 Mission Introduced at All Masses Saturday Evening & Sunday Morning February 21 & 22 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday February 23, 24, 25 Fr Leonard will celebrate and preach the 9 am Mass Talk will be repeated each evening at 7:30 pm Monday: We Need All the Help We Can Get Tuesday: Nine Steps to Making Better Choices for My Life Wednesday: Where the Hell is God? Holding to Faith Through the Tough Times Fr Richard Leonard is a Jesuit priest. He has degrees in arts and education, as well as a Master’s degree in theology. He did graduate studies at the London Film School and has a PhD from the University of Melbourne. He is the author of: The Mystical Gaze of the Cinema: the Films of Peter Weir; Movies That Matter; Where the Hell is God? Finding God in Pain and Suffering and his most recent book Why Bother Praying? He has lectured on faith and culture all over the world. Charitable Gift Annuity: Are you 65 years of age or older? A Charitable Gift Annuity may be right for you. It not only benefits you, it also benefits your loved ones and the Church. Find out today how to establish a gift annuity by contacting Theresa Lynch in the Planned Giving Department at 973.497.4042 or by e-mail at Below are our current gift annuity rates: Age Rate 65 4.7% 70 5.1% 75 5.8% 80 6.8% 85 7.8% 90 + up 9.0% The Home Study Faith Formation Family Gathering Schedule Sunday, February 8 - Winter Gathering 2 Sunday, March 22 - Spring Gathering 1 Sunday, April 12 - Spring Gathering 2 Gatherings meet from 10:40 - 11:40 am in the School Cafeteria. Each family should attend one Gathering each season. Saint Paul Men’s Prayer Group Every Tuesday MORNING at 6:30 am Every Tuesday NIGHT at 8:00 pm Parish Center - 2nd Floor Come & Find Peace All Men of the Parish Welcome & Encouraged Come Join Us - No RSVP Needed For information contact John Nunziata or 201.327.0976 ext 313 Memorial Opportunity The Paschal Candle is the large, white candle found in every church. A new Paschal candle is blessed and lit every year at Easter, and is used throughout the Paschal season and then throughout the year on special occasions, such as baptisms and funerals. The flame of the Paschal candle symbolizes Christ as light of the world and his presence in the midst of his people. The Pascal Candle is available for memorialization with a suggested donation of $750.00. If you would like to memorialize a loved one, or in honor of you and/or your family, or in gratitude for favors received, please contact Joanne in the Parish Office. CALLING ALL BAKERS Your wonderful sweets are one of the highlights that are really looked forward to at our Senior Luncheons. And now the Senior Ministry is hosting our Sweetheart Luncheon on Thursday, February 12 and we'd like to ask for help from you by bringing your desserts to the Adorno Fathers by 11 am that morning. Cookies, brownies, bar cookies, cupcakes are all welcome. CANDLELIGHT LIVING ROSARY HONORING OUR LADY OF LOURDES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at 7 pm Our Candlelight Vigil and Living Rosary honoring Our Lady of Lourdes will be held in the church on WEDNESDAY evening, February 11, beginning at 7 pm. A Living Rosary is a beautiful spiritual evening for the entire family, where the Holy Rosary is prayed using candlelight and musical accompaniment. It is God who grants us the gift of Marian apparitions for His purpose. The Blessed Mother has asked the Faithful to pray the rosary for the conversion of hearts back to God, for peace in our families and in the world, for the intentions of Her Immaculate Heart. Please join us… Bring your family… Bring a friend! Page 4 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time AN IRISH BLESSING - 16-25 MAY Join Fr John McCrone throughout a tour of Ireland to include: Dublin, Killarney, Galway, Donegal & Belfast. $3,250/pp (two in a room)/$3,950 (single occupancy) includes round-trip transportation from St Paul Church to Newark Liberty Airport, round-trip transportation on United Airlines, 8 nights hotel accommodations in first class hotels, full Irish breakfast and dinner daily, entrance fees to sites which are included in the itinerary, hotel baggage handling, taxes and service charges on all included features. Brochures available in the Parish Office or by contacting Anne Breslin at Great Experiences (825.3725)or e-mail: We hope you’ll join us on this “great experience” in Ireland! Thank you to all the parishioners who celebrated our 75th jubilee with us on January 25. The Mass was beautiful, and the Gala was a big success. A special thank you to all those who supported the journal and to all those who volunteered their services to help make this a grand celebration. St Paul Church presents THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN TOUR "Discovering Jesus in His Holy Shroud" Presenter: Mr Donald H Nohs Director General Confraternity of the Passion A special presentation on the Holy Shroud of Turin will be held in the church on Thursday, March 5 Time: 7:30 pm // Doors open at 6:30 pm CURSILLO CANDIDATES WANTED! March 12 - 15 The Newark Archdiocese Women’s 171st Cursillo Weekend will take place March 12-15. The atmosphere of a Cursillo differs from the individual solitude of many retreats. Christ's teachings are discussed in a climate of joy. Talks and discussions are interspersed with prayer, Eucharist, songs, laughter and times of reflection. Cursillo is an excellent “next step” after attending Cornerstone. There is no better opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and gain a better understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Cursillo begins on Thursday, March 12 at 7 pm and concludes Sunday evening, March 15. Parishioners Jeané O’Keefe and Janet Gyss will be serving on Team for the weekend, which takes place at the Archdiocesan Retreat Center in Kearny. Space is limited, so if you are interested, please call Jeané (201.887.2825) or Janet (201.825.4509) as soon as possible. God Bless! Saint Paul Church Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Danielle Yager, Craig Zurlini, Eddie Scholl Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart Rite of Sending ~ February 15 & 21 ● Rite of Continuing Conversion ~ February 21 ● Rite of Election ~ February 22 The month of February is a significant time for our Catechumen and Candidates who are journeying on the road to full initiation and communion in the Catholic Church. Danielle will be Baptized and receive Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on April 4th. Craig and Eddie will be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and have a place at the Eucharistic table when they receive Confirmation and First Eucharist on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Father John will preside at the Rite of Sending on February 15th at the 10:30 Mass at which time our candidates (Craig and Eddie) will declare their intent to reflect on the mystery of their Baptism and join the community in a life of prayer and service. They will be welcomed by the Archbishop at the Rite of Continuing Conversion at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Saturday, February 21st. On February 22nd at the Noon Mass Father John will preside at the Rite of Sending at which time our Catechumen (Danielle) will be affirmed by the congregation as she prepares for the Rite of Election. The Archbishop will preside at the Rite of Election at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Sunday, February 22nd. RCIA is the journey of conversion for adults who want to become members of the Catholic Church. It is a journey of faith and peace leading to the celebration of the Sacraments. Catechumens are individuals who are not baptized in a Christian tradition recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Catechumens prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism/Eucharist/Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. Candidates are individuals who have been baptized either in the Roman Catholic Church or a recognized Christian faith. If you or someone you know is interested in more information contact John Nunziata at 327.0976 or 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Page 5 YOUTH GROUP NEWS Upcoming Events Fish Fry: Fridays during Lent Archdiocesan Ski Retreat: Feb 20-22 Mark Your Calendar Holy Thursday Lock-In: April 2-3 The Cotillion Ball: Friday, April 17 Passion Play: Friday, April 3 - Our most prominent community faith building event, the play serves as a form of worship for parishioners who often leave the performance weeping for their Lord. It doesn't matter if you've been the lead role in the school play or are afraid to read in class, there is a place for you in this play. The youth group performs one of several rotating formats of this play each year and each year we learn something new about ourselves and our faith. Rehearsals begin March 1 and are held every Sunday in the church from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm. Youth interested in helping out with this event must register by March 1. For more information attend youth group meetings. Attention Seniors! Please remember to return your response to the survey you received from us a few weeks ago. A Word about Sunday’s 5 pm Mass Schedule The Sunday 5 pm Mass schedule will follow the Confirmation program schedule. Sunday 5 pm Mass will be celebrated on the following dates: February 8, February 22, March 1, March 8, March 15 and March 22. Mark Your Calendar 10th Annual Divine Mercy Conference Saturday, March 21; 9 am - 5:30 pm Cardinal Spellman HS, Bronx For Information and Registration: 800.462.7426 Special Noon Mass: A special mass and support group meeting for all who are affected by the disease of alcoholism and/or drug abuse will take place at Church of St Mary in Closter on Saturday, February 21 at 12:00 noon. Mass is offered for the support, healing and recovery of not only the man/woman directly infected with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but also for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or drug addict. For information please call 201.768.7565. Page 6 Our parish’s 75th Anniversary cookbooks are still available. Books are $12 ea or 2/$20. Please contact the Parish Center if you are interested in purchasing one, 327.0976. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING RESULTS! Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goals and make a difference in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring Collection. St Paul parishioners donated over 450 cans of soup and $2,000, which was donated to a very grateful Center for Food Action. THANKS AGAIN! 187 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey Phone: 201.327.1108 Fax: 201.236.1318 Email: Academy of St Paul is our parish school! Make a Catholic education a priority for your family. Academy of St Paul provides academic excellence in an atmosphere of love and Catholic Christian values through scholarship, spirituality and service. Our rigorous curriculum and exemplary teachers prepare our students to take their place as faith-filled stewards in the Church and the world. Let us partner with you in your child’s school success. Call 201.327.1108 to arrange a tour. For more information, visit OPEN CAMPUS DAY at College of St Elizabeth CELEBRATING YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 from 1 pm - 4 pm OPENING PRAYER 1:15 pm - HOLY FAMILY CHAPEL Interested? Visit Families Growing in Faith: Gospel Learning: February 8 Mk 1:29-39: Jesus went to the “house of Andrew and Simon” to relax but discovered that Simon’s mother-in-law was very ill. Like Jesus we come home to relax but are confronted with problems. Take a tip from Andrew and Simon who “told Jesus about it at once.” Family Ritual: Write a “love letter” to someone who has loved you. It could be a parent, godparent, favorite relative, a mentor, etc. Thank them for the gift of love and tell them how it has affected your life. Consider writing a love letter to God, as well, for He surely is the one who has loved you the most! 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Bolkema Fuel Co. Heating & Air Conditioning Family Owned and Operated For 4 Generations 24 Hour Emergency Service For Heating & A/C Serving All Your Home Heating Needs. CALL US TODAY AT 201-891-1000 FREE ESTIMATES Total Window & Wall Fashions Stobezki, Zelitsky & Co. “Windows With A View” Certified Public Custom Window Treatments, Draperies, Shutters, Blinds 20 E. Main St. Ramsey, NJ 201-327-4900 • Accountants 860 Wyckoff Ave. • Mahwah, NJ 07430 201-794-9300 • Waldwick Pharmacy Presciptions • Compounding Services Surgical Supplies • Free Gift Wrapping Accepts Private Insurance, Medicare & Medicaid Free Delivery • Open 7 Days/Wk 16 East Prospect St., Waldwick 201.445-1100 PUGLISI & SHERWOOD, LLC Counselors at Law Specializing in All Aspects of Family Law 666 Wyckoff Ave. Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481 201-847-0001 COMMUNITY AUTO SERVICE & TIRE 11 Bays of Guaranteed Service Randy Ramundo (201) 327-9436 1 Year Nationwide Service Warranty 126 North Franklin Tpk., Ramsey, NJ 5% OFF Any Repairs 375 Route 17 North • Mahwah, NJ 201-529-3353 Serving Coctails • Open 24 Hours Caring For The Ones We Love 425 Forest Rd. • Mahwah, NJ Allendale Veterinary 201.994.6797 Jeanne M. Moriarty, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY 201.327.1045 We pick up & deliver saving you time & money! 120 W. Allendale Ave., Allendale NJ 33 Ferguson Place, Ramsey, NJ Office: 201-825-8550 201.327.4058 Fax: 201.327.1424 50 So. Franklin Tpk., Ste. 2 • Ramsey, NJ 07446 Fax: 201-962-7752 • Specializing in repairs, water heaters; gas boilers, radiant heat, gas lines to log sets, inserts & generators, new bathrooms, tiling, kitchen hook-ups, sump pumps, laundry tubs & more. Free Estimates • NJ Lic. Nos. 5498, 12555 & 12928 • Rockland County NY Lic. No. 980 ELDER LAW, ESTATE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION Irina S. Shea, Esq. 88 West Main Street Ramsey, NJ 07446 • Phone: 201-327-7000 Your neighborhood attorney taking care of Elder Care & Estate Planning needs! Valley Dental GroupLLC Roofing • Siding • Windows 201-307-9272 Free Estimates • Fully Licensed & Insured Family Owned & Operated Since 1914 Sheila Bahadori, DDS, MA 545 Island Road, Ste. #1A Ramsey, NJ 07446 The Handmaiden Services. Inc. FOR SENIOR HOMECARE 201.818.6565 Prov. 3:5-6 Orthodontics For Children and Adults WE DON’T MAKE PROMISES Invisalign®, Traditional Braces WE DELIVER!!! and Clear Braces Financing and payment options available. New Patients are always welcome. Courtesy Consultation* exam that includes diagnostic digital radiograph. Offer expires Dec. 31, 2014 656 Newark Ave. Jersey City, NJ 201.598.3235 201.761.9269 DAY S PA • R A M S E Y 90 East Main Street Ramsey, NJ 07446 * hair * eyelash extention * * nail services and more... t 201 327 9877 Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin, they make your bulletin possible! St. Paul is looking for more sponsors. If you are interested in adver ising your business, please contact us at John Pat ick Publishing Company. 800-333-3166 • 645 St. Paul Church - Ramsey, NJ (Inside) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • VAN EMBURGH-SNEIDER-PERNICE FUNERAL HOME 109 DARLINGTON AVENUE, RAMSEY, NEW JERSEY 07446 Salvatore J. Pernice Jr., NJ Lic. No. 4617 • Salvatore Pernice, Owner/Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 3342 • Nicholas Pernice, NJ Lic. No. 4739 (201) 327-0030 Dr. John J. McEvoy Dr. Irene K. Labib TIM SONS & DAUGHTER MASONRY PODIATRIST Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Most Insurance Plans Accepted Properties 201-825-4840 Julie Cleary, Broker/Owner 294 East Crescent Ave. Ramsey, NJ 07446 Ramsey Resident/Parishioner 82 E. Allendale Rd., Ste. 4B Saddle River, NJ Serving All Your Real Estate Needs 201-825-6600, ext. 317 KI NG CRAS H Lunch • Dinner • OPEN 7 DAYS Your Host: Sam Mussa 201-825-1111 61 E. MAIN ST. • RAMSEY, NJ Dave Emde • 99 W. 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Chambers JOIN TODAY AND GET OUR 50% OFF ENROLLMENT FEE! RAMSEY CITGO & RADIATOR SHOP Electronic Tune-Ups, Brakes, Wheel Alignment, Electrical Work, Fuel Systems, Cooling Systems, Air Conditioning Mark Bernhart, Owner (201) 327-2159 116 N. Central Ave., Ramsey, NJ NJ State Inspection Computer Controlled Engine Systems McDONNELL & WHITAKER, L.L.C. HARDWARE & PAINT 14 East Main St. • Ramsey, NJ Mark Gatto 353 Canterbury Dr. Ramsey, NJ 07446 201.995.9188 All new classes like no one else's. For women just like you. LAW OFFICES OF RAMSEY (201) 327-0433 171 LAKE ST., RAMSEY, NJ NJ Contractor License #13VH00164100 Cell: 201-774-5029 201-327-5296 F: (201) 327-1129 Bruce E. Whitaker, Esq. 245 East Main St. • Ramsey, NJ 201-934-0110 A FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM SERVING THE LEGAL NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 25 YEARS John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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