WINTER 2015 Mission Statement The Longview Museum of Fine Arts is a non-profit organization which seeks to create interest in and promote knowledge of the visual arts throughout the city of Longview and vicinity by exhibiting, interpreting and preserving works of art and providing educational opportunities to a diverse audience. LMFA HOURS TUESDAY – FRIDAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. SATURDAY 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. SUNDAY & MONDAY Closed T F W E 903.753.8103 903.753.8217 LMFA is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization operating for the benefit of the public. A $5 admission fee is charged for non members. Children under 12 are admitted free. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARTELL ARMSTRONG LESTER KILPATRICK JILL BAYLESS JESSICA M. LaRUE AMY CANTON ELYSE McCOSKEY CHELSEA CASE RODNEY OVERMAN CLIFF HALE IRA SHEEK JOSH HUDSON LISA SMITH MARY HUGHEY MIKE SNELL TIFFANY JEHOREK YVONNE SWAIN NEIL JOSEPH ADVISORY BOARD I. J. “Pete” Lamothe Jane Akins William Blair, III Glenn McCutchen Betty Bodenheim Stephen McDaniel Evelyn Bolding Carol Manley Linda Buie Jack Mann, Jr. Dr. Mel Fish Gordon Northcutt Holly Forbes Ralph Pelaia Claire Foster Barbara Phillips Carolyn Fox-Hearne Dorothy Robbins Skeans Shirley Griffin Dick Stebbins John Hillier Linda Ryan Thomas Keith Honey Charlotte Wrather Volume I, Issue 1 Winter 2015 PHOTOGRAPHY Marc Bailey, Tammy Cromer-Campbell, Mike Hawkins, Jim Tilley, Abbey Tyson and John Wrather PERSPECTIVE is published quarterly as a benefit for Museum members. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? This project is sponsored in part by a grant from the City of Longview Commission on Arts and Culture. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley DESIGN MEMBER FDIC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Renee Hawkins ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Paula Davis EVENT COORDINATOR Jack Barkley ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE Nathadis Lucas VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Valencia Smotherman “REVELATION” by John Deaton I 2014 TBT Photography Contest I Honorable Mention STAFF DIRECTOR EMERITUS Betty Bodenheim WEEKLY VOLUNTEERS Joyce Allen, Debbie Anderson, Calvin Halley, Pollie King, Chris Manley, Mary Martin, Noble Roberts, Isabelle Seeger, Beverly Sheveland, Valencia Smotherman, Martha Thompson and Danny Weddel 3 WHAT’S INSIDE NI 06 GH T AT D IR E C T O R ’ S L E T T E R THE MUS EU M Lo ts ng Ar view ne Museum of Fi EVENTS 07 16 EXHIBITS EXPERIENCES Welcome to a new year and a new Perspective! W e all have our own perspectives, but when we share them, hopefully we broaden each other’s ways of looking at things. Art especially will do that for you, as well as literature, 05Director’s Letter 06Night at the Museum 07Perspectives Exhibit 11Live Music Fine Arts 14 Guild President’s Letter 16Holiday Tea Room & Market 18Breakfast with Santa 19Special Thanks 20Memberships and Memorials 22Featured Favorite 24ArtWorks 29LMFA Gift Shop 30Membership Levels and Benefits 31Membership Renewal Form music, dance and all the good things in which we right-brained people love to indulge. We at LMFA hope we add to your indulgences, enriching your life with special events and exhibits. 2015 will be a great year! We are opening our new lecture hall to meetings, movies, speakers and all sorts of interesting opportunities. Our music concert series will try the new space out in February, when we have not one but two great Fridays for you to join us! Mark your calendars now for the greatest party of the season! Join us Saturday, April 18, for Night at the Museum – Boots and Suits, as we welcome DJ GOGA back again this year. We’re having boots, bar-b-que and barrels of fun! Plan your table now of your favorite people to enjoy this evening with! E V EN T S C A L EN D A R It’s going to be a big year for photography. There will be some hanging in the museum all year long. Starting with the January 10th Photography Contest, followed by the March 8th Student Invitational, Brian Moore during the second quarter of the year, our East Texas Regional Artists the third quarter (which will feature the winner of the JANUARY MARCH Perspective Photo Contest in January) and our good friend Hank O’Neal’s new photos of 10 Opening of Perspectives Artists Show • 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 8-28 55th Student Invitational fourth quarter, which will probably include some as well. 15 Ladies’ Night with Claudia Lowrey • 6 to 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 6 Music Concert 7-8 Photography Workshop 19 Ladies’ Night APRIL his journeys through East Texas. Then we will end with a “Cute and Creepy” show in the And Ladies’ Night! Join us each month on the third Thursday for a special project taught by a different teacher each month. It’s only $20, you bring your own beverage, and maybe a snack. From 6 to 8 p.m. (we’ve moved it up an hour so we can get home 2 ArtWalk to our jammies earlier) we’ll let our creativity flow. We’re also working on men’s night, 11 Opening of Linda Ridgway and Brian Moore family weekends and little Picassos for our Pre-K artists so we can let their talented Ladies’ Night 13 Music Concert 16 19 Ladies’ Night 18 Night at the Museum imaginations start young! of every month at 6:30 p.m. Artists meet here regularly (for free) and give one another insights (their own perspective, if you will) to the art they bring to share and discuss. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR UPCOMING EVENTS, PLEASE VISIT LMFA.ORG. If you’re an artist, or a wannabe, visit ArtWorks on the second and fourth Tuesdays If you’re interested in teaching a class, sponsoring a music concert, supporting any effort here at LMFA, please let us know. We’d love to get you involved. Happy New Year! YOGA LED BY: CARLYN SHORT Every Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Martin/Stoudt Gallery. Free to members and only $5 for non-members. 4 Every second and fourth Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m. in the ArtWorks building. Free to members. RENEE HAWKINS LMFA Executive Director 5 SAVE T DATE J U R O R for PERSPECTIVES E MUS ATT TTH H E MUSEU T A H EUM G T M NIIGH N O. RUFUS LOVETT Les Hassell copyright, Longview News-Journal. Used with permission. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT Lo tss r Longv A rt e ng iew n i view Museum of FFine A Museum of Saturday APRIL 18 2015 DRINKS 6 P.M. BBQ DINNER 7 P.M. GOGA DJ A Dancing Juror’s Statement W hen I look at art I hope to be surprised, delighted, possibly laugh and perhaps even shed a tear and I wish to be left with a sense of wonder. overtones of beauty and comes from an imagination that sheds new understanding and awareness, it is fresh and exciting and evokes an emotional response taking us beyond the obvious. It was the photographer Mary Ellen Mark who once told me, “Avoid the cute and beware of the beautiful,” as images possessing these often shallow qualities have been overworked and fall into the realm of cliché. However, beauty within an image does not necessarily mean it is cliché. If a photograph has unique As a juror I am most interested in cohesive body of works informing me that the artist has a genuine long-term interest in an issue being interpreted. When extraordinary wisdom is revealed by the photographer’s personal reactions respecting a chosen theme, the images of the body of work must be celebrated. 8 P.M. to Midnight Dress any way you want – we just like the name. 215 E. Tyl er St . • Longvi ew, Texas 903.753.8103 • LM FA.or g 6 7 Aaron May Dale Lindenberg Selections made by Rufus O. Lovett to be accepted into the Perspectives photography exhibit. Scott Brown Grace Garcia Jimmy Salmon Jim Heller John Deaton 8 Nathan Gardner James Sharp Brian Deslatte Janet Hughes Elyse McCoskey Jan Adamson Don Auderer Scott Campbell Mary White Edwards John Wrather Kristen Steinke 9 NG EW BR G MUS I C TO LO VI SPONSOR IN BECOME A E LIV MUSIC MUSIC LIV E LIVE MUSIC Do you have a favorite band or musician you’d like to sponsor? LMFA is looking for bands with a copyright license or ones that play only their own music. The museum will not charge you a rental fee but will retain the proceeds from ticket sales. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BECOMING A SPONSOR, PLEASE CALL: RENEE HAWKINS 903.753.8103 or JACK BARKLEY 903.235.6341 Ken Yates Born and Raised in London, Ontario, Ken Yates moved to Boston to study songwriting at Berklee College of Music. It was there that he developed his skills as a songwriter, releasing his first CD, “The Backseat EP,” and received the opportunity to play a song for one of his biggest influences, John Mayer. Brian Dunne Raised in a small upstate New York town, folk rock singer/songwriter Brian Dunne’s music has won the attention and praise of many. With his sharp lyrical prowess and countryinfluenced vocals, Brian has played in the U.S. folk scene far and wide. February 7, 2015 215 East Tyler Street Doors Open at 7 p.m. • Music Starts 7:30 p.m. Tickets $25 at door • $20 in advance Make reservations at or call 903.753.8103 SPONSORED BY: Keith Bailey 10 11 LIVE MUSIC FORBES&BUTLER visual communications inc A D V E RT I S I N G & G R A P H I C D E S I G N 903.753.2098 W W W. F O R B E S B U T L E R . C O M January/February Issue on stands now! The Most Read Magazine Per Month IN East Texas INE | N ov/DEc 2014 November / December 2014 | Complim entary January/February 2015 | Complimentary Copy First Monday Canton,Texas Hol GIft G uIDE | thE h olIDA y IssuE | INMag T m 215 East Tyler Street Doors Open at 7 p.m. 8 Music Starts 7:30 p.m. Tickets $25 at door 8 $20 in advance IN MAG AZ February 13, 2015 GIFiday GUIDET Bright L ights Music: Travel Winter in: Make reservations at or call 903.753.8103 RYAN MEDICAL The FlowHerigHP-TaecinH cHrisTmas te voluM E 5, Iss uE 6 WaterAerobics MIKE Wisconsin GUIDE Winter Fash ion ELVIS IN THE HOUSE // Youth Musicians // Mardi Gras: Texas STYLE // book reviews Jan/Feb 2015| // come toge ther trading r // teen angl ers // book reviews 1 12 13 GUIL D P R E SID EN T ’ S L E T T E R The LMFA Guild “Twelve Months of 2014” T The Guild Fundraiser, “Twelve Days of Christmas” Holiday Tea Room & Market held on December 9 – 12, 2014, was a resounding success! A special thank you to Nancy Chapmon, Chairperson. The event would not have been possible without the he year 2014 was exciting for the Guild. The volunteers from designing and creating table decorations and wreaths, to selling raffle membership continued to grow and prosper. tickets for the wreath raffle, decorating, serving food and of course the vendors in the The year was filled with many events, exhibit Market. A big thank you to everyone who worked to make it a tremendous success! openings and all around good work to benefit the Longview Museum of Fine Arts. In keeping with our Members, Volunteers and Staff. I would like to thank the Guild Officers that served recent theme of our Holiday Tea Room, “The Twelve with me, First Vice President – Ira Sheek, Second Vice President – Barb Duchene, Days of Christmas,” I give you the LMFA Guild Recording Secretary – Phyllis Skolnick, Corresponding Secretary – Barbara Hawkins “Twelve Months of 2014.” and Treasurer – Caryn Pepper. I have enjoyed working with the Guild Members, the Board Members, Museum Ira Sheek will take the gavel as President of the Guild for 2015. Ira has been a Guild Member since 2013 and has been involved with the LMFA through her family for “On the sixth month of 2014 the Guild said good bye to Cindy Lavine, our First Vice President...” “On the seventh month of 2014 the Guild provided goodies for the Opening “East Texas Regional Artists” Exhibit...” “On the first month of 2014 the Guild provided goodies for the Opening “Preservation” by Ann Johnson...” “On the eight month of 2014 the Guild enjoyed the music of Wild Ponies and Emily Earle and Tom Whall...” The Guild has a strong base of volunteers; however, we need more active volunteers. It is nice to lend your name to the group but we need you to lend yourself. I thank all the volunteers that so selflessly give of themselves and their talents to The Guild. We need more of you to take an active role. We are very good now, with more participation we will be spectacular. I encourage you to attend the meetings, bring your friends, and get involved. We have many events and projects that will interest both men and women. Members host Opening Night Receptions, serve as greeters at the Museum, and host several Annual Fundraisers including the Bunny Brunch and The Guild meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the museum. We would love to have you join us! It has been my privilege and pleasure to have served as President of the Guild during 2014. I will treasure the many new friendships and fond memories of working with the Guild. My best wishes for a very Happy and Healthy 2015! Warmest Regards, “On the ninth month of 2014 the Guild glowed for the Glow Run...” “On the tenth month of 2014 the Guild worked hard on Tea Room...” 14 Secretary – Barbara Hawkins and Treasurer – Caryn Pepper. “On the third month of 2014 the Guild By-Laws Committee presented New By-Laws to Members...” “On the fifth month of 2014 the Guild bought a freezer for the museum...” President – Lindsey Eberhart, Recording Secretary – Phyllis Skolnick, Corresponding the Holiday Tea Room and Wreath Raffle. “On the second month of 2014 the Guild enjoyed “The Night at the Museum”...” “On the fourth month of 2014 the Guild had a fantastic EGGstravaganza...” many years. Guild Officers will be First Vice President – Barb Duchene, Second Vice “On the eleventh month of 2014 the Guild elected New Officers and worked harder on Tea Room...” “On the twelfth month of 2014 the Guild presented “The Twelve Days of Christmas” Tea Room and Market...” Tom Coker TOM COKER President, LMFA Friends Guild Wish LIST we would appreciate your donation of any of these items... • Chair dolly •ScanDisk card reader • Video camera • Unlit Christmas tree 15 Michael Cavazos copyright, Longview News-Journal. Used with permission. 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tea Room Table Designers 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Joyce Kuykendall Bella Fleur Cherry Sikes Shannon Trest Molly Anthony Stephanie Peters & Mandie Fuller Lacy Maxey 8 Debbie Anderson & Jeane Snapp 9 Tom Coker & Diana Mears 10 Debbie Maxey 11 Lindsey Eberhart 12 Carol Manley & Tiffany Jehorek 13 Housecalls by K.J. Gleason 17 SP E CI A L T H A N K S TO OUR HOLIDAY TEAROOM WORKERS: Nancy Chapmon, Chair; Debbie Anderson, Charlie Blalock, Joanne Boudreau, Tom Coker, Paula Davis, Barb Duchene, Lindsey and Dustin Eberhart, K.J. Gleason, Lucinda Hamilton, Barbara and Terry Hawkins, Simone Kibbe, Christopher Manley, Diana Mears, Margaret Partin, Caryn Pepper, Frances Phillips, Mary Claire Ruggles, Debbie Sadler, Isabelle Seeger, Ira and Brad Sheek, Carlyn Short, Phyllis Skolnick, Ann Werline, Delfina Whitwell, Shirley Williams and the folks from House of Disciples for helping with the clean-up! with TO OUR BOARD MEMBERS: Martell Armstrong, Anup Bhandari, Travis Bunn, Mel Fish, Tiffany Jehorek, Lester Kilpatrick, Jessica LaRue, Glenn McCutchen, Carol Manley, Rodney Overman and Lisa Smith who worked on Friday. Michael Cavazos copyright, Longview News-Journal. Used with permission. TO OUR TABLE DECORATORS: 1 Partridge – Joyce Kuykendall 2 Turtle Doves – Bella Fleur 3 French Hens – Cherry Sikes (Parkview at Hollybrook) 4 Calling Birds – Shannon Trest 5 Golden Rings – Molly Anthony (Jucys Hamburgers) 6 Geese – Stephanie Peters and Mandie Fuller (Noon & Associates) 7 Swans – Lacy Maxey 8 Maids – Debbie Anderson and Jeane Snapp 9 Ladies Dancing – Tom Coker and Diana Mears, with thanks to Toni Erskine and Pat George Mitchell for the ballet shoes 10 Lords Leaping – Debbie Maxey 11 Pipers – Lindsey Eberhart 12 Drummers – Tiffany Jehorek and Carol Manley Large Group Table – Housecalls by K.J. Gleason TO OUR VENDORS: Accents by Gabrielle Bachers – Scarves bc SPA – Susan Lewis Suzan Chapman – Jewelry Annamarie Cowart – Jewelry Brenda Drew and Mary and Red Jones – Spoon Jewelry Gayle Ebner and Stacy Smith – Doll Clothes and Ornaments The Funky Easel – Melody Rogers J. Hilburn – Tempe Kirby Just the Right Thing – Elyse McCoskey Joyce Laverty – Gourds Lottieda Design – Abbey Tyson Refined by Fire – Karen Lowrey Nathadis Lucas – Pottery McCarley’s Jewelry Louise Pertuit – Jewelry Tammy Pruitt – Leather Designs Doris Riemen – Doll Clothes Scentsy – Tina Howard Shannon’s Beading Basket – Shannon, Mike and Barbara Stella & Dot – Karen Fleet and Stacy Smith THANK YOU TO OUR WREATH RAFFLE DECORATORS: Debbie Anderson, Tom Coker, Forbes&Butler Visual Communications, K.J. Gleason, Barbara Hawkins and Ira and Brad Sheek TO OUR CATERER: Lori’s Eats and Sweets for our delicious week of lunches! 18 19 PINEY WOODS M EM B E R SHIP S N E W & R EN E W E D L iv e The following have renewed their memberships or joined the museum from OCTOBER 16, 2014 – DECEMBER 15, 2014 PATRON Marjorie and Tom Dome Nancy Ivy Mobley SUPPORTER Lou Ann & Joe Bob Joyce Carla and Jack Mann ADVOCATE Debbie and Bill Bankston Kelly and Brett Hall Gary Paul Jones Dr. Craig and Jeannie King @ Amy and Steve Littlejohn @ Carol and Richard Manley Natalie and Mendy Rabicoff @ Cathy and Chuck Secrest Linda and Charles Thomas @ Forbes&Butler Visual Communications CONTRIBUTOR Karen and Bob Anderson @ Beth and Ralph Bassett Betty Bodenheim Jeri Boyd Gena and Travis Bunn Kathy and Maxey Cerliano Jill & Frank Chaney Jan and Sam Forester * Claire S. Foster Elise Frigon Ellen and Jay Gordon Mary and Carroll Greenwaldt Angie Herrington Ms. Carol Holloway Dorothy and Byron Horne Anne and Jim Hugman Simone Kibbe Carolyn and Kurt Langseth * Ricky Ledbetter Suzanne Lynn Lisha and Chris Mack * Kelly and Andy Mack Shelley and Glenn McDonald Susan Mincey Tammy and Keith Moyes Linda Murphy Nancy and Jud Murray Jan Pelton Gayle and Rick Poland Mary and Roy Price James Roberts Michele Shebli Mary Helen and Charles H. Spurgeon Dianne and Bruce Swank GENERAL Jayne Bigony Insurance Agency Ethel Branch Jennings, Bryan and Priscilla Brennion * Jackie and Scott Brown Tammy and Scott Campbell Alice and Jim Campbell Rosalie Coggin * Jeanie and Paul Folzenlogen John W. Harrison, Jr. * Stephen and Tina Howard Lou Anne Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson Lindsay and Joe Mraz Caryn and Joel Pepper Francye and Dan Phillips Ann and Brandon Riddle Lori and Eric Ruff Leeann and Tom Webb Emily Williams Terry and Ronnie Wohlfahrt Kathy and James Wright Nancy Andrews Mr. Phil Armour Ellen Beavers Richard Bower Claire Dayton Freda Goerner Teri Gonzalez Joe Knox Dale Lindenberg Glenda Mann Marolen Mullinax Jennifer Payne Tammy Pruitt Debbie Sadler Molly Sue Spear Jan Statman Julie Y. Weaver Angel Weers Kate Darby Hazel S. Hickey 20 to find out where you can pick up your copy! 100 W. Hawkins Pkwy., #Suite C, Longview, TX 903-758-6900 STUDENT M EM O R I A L by David E. Webb Piney Woods Live is a locally owned magazine for art lovers in the Piney Woods of East Texas. We feature articles about and for local artists and individuals who have an interest in fine art, fine dining, and fine performances. Go to INDIVIDUAL * LMFA would love to have your e-mail address! @ Members who have "Gone Green"and have elected to receive all info via e-mail. IN MEMORY OF Art... Music of the Soul Thursday APRIL 2 • 5-8PM Get creative - it’s art night! Downtown merchants are committed to helping make Art Walk a success. This type of event helps with Longview’s renewed status as a Main Street City. The Main Street program encourages all downtown merchants and businesses to participate by exhibiting an artist, screening a film, or showcasing your own art collection. For more information, visit 21 ABOUT THE ARTIST F E AT UR E D FAV O R I T E One of Our Favorites from the LMFA Permanent Collection Scott's Self Portrait Scott Bodenheimer S cott Bodenheimer was born in Pasadena, Texas in 1963. He has degrees in Architecture and Art from Rice University. He is fascinated with religion; his favorites are Job, Mary, Ruth, Stephen, David and Judith. He wove paper for the first time making Christmas decorations when he was seven. He still cherishes Christmas and the Sermon on the Mount, but after his younger brother’s death from cancer, a lover’s suicide and countless friends deaths he no longer believes in a loving God. He rejects cynicism in his work, delighting in layers of order and meaning and nuance. His works are in collections in Baltimore, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Oxford, Frankfurt, Edmonton, Sydney and Curacao. ARTIST STATEMENT “Some days I’m not sure what my art is about. I know it isn't cynical, it doesn't glorify chaos, and it isn't tough. Sophia by Scott Bodenheimer, 1994 Woven Paper (Fine Art Prints) 12 x 14 inches 35th Annual Invitational Purchase Award Junior League of Longview Sustainers' Club Juror, Debbie Schlier; Art Collections Curator, Wichita Falls Museum and Arts Center 22 I’m fascinated by religion: how it shapes basic concepts of power, how it oppresses and how it liberates, how it unites and how it separates, how it causes suffering and how it comforts pain. I don’t like cynics or their works. I think cynicism is the coward’s complaint, and that his/her conviction that caring for people or ideas is foolish, is itself an abrogation of our responsibility to be human beings and not animals victimized by their fate. I don’t care for art that glorifies chaos. Firstly, Duchamp and the Dadaists had their run and pulled it off with wit and verve. Secondly, it’s tedious and annoying to emulate the hurly-burly we all have to endure daily. Entropy isn’t news to anyone that’s ever tried to keep a home clean. I despise the use of the adjective “tough” when referring to art, as if it could fend for itself. Physically, “tough” is a ridiculous term, just look at the Venus de Milo. Intellectually, “tough” is just as silly. Every good idea needs constant champions – we’re still fighting wars over “all men are created equal...” I think what people should say instead is “brutal” or “Frank” or maybe just “really big and nasty.” I don’t care much for macho art, as far as I’m concerned bigness for bigness’ sake makes small ideas even smaller. Small, intimate, gentle, tender, animated – all words associated with the yin, feminine side of human beings. It’s wrong that these words connote a less important status, and it makes me angry that work described with these words (and people as well) are marginalized.” 23 D ON’T MIS S O U T O N O U R Ladies’Nights! THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH F E AT UR ED A R T I S T Nathadis Lucas Nathadis Lucas, our artist-in-residence and potter extraordinaire. He is usually at the museum early in the morning after starting out at Starbucks, and he creates everything from platters to vases to special request items (like Razorbacks and crosses). Nathadis keeps ArtWorks as organized as he can with all the “special” help he gets from his coworkers and comes out to help hang and pack up exhibits as needed. He’s been in and Second and Fourth around the museum since 2002, Tuesday of Every Month and we wouldn’t want to find out 6 to 9 p.m. what it's like for him not to be! Come Join Us! IT́S FREE Up Next! Indulge in January 15 Color Makes Me Happy with Claudia Lowery 6 to 8 p.m. – New Time $20 per person in advance $25 at the door “COLOR MAKES ME HAPPY” came to Claudia Lowery as a result of a long, cold, grey winter, devoid of color. One day it occurred to her that “if I don’t get some PAPER YOU DESERVE IT color in front of my eyes I’m going to flip out!” She pulled out a large sheet of watercolor paper and began quickly filling it with random fine-point Sharpie flowers and then added bright, cheerful watercolors. Come experience a bleak winter boost to Upper East Side of Texas Regional Magazine bring joy to your being because it’s true.... color does make you happy! AGES 21 & UP • BYOB & FRIENDS For more information visit 24 county line SUBSCRIBE! In celebration of our 15th anniversary get a one-year subscription in 2015 for just $15 per year! SUBMIT ORDER BY WEBSITE, PHONE, OR MAIL TO P.O. BOX 608 BEN WHEELER, TX 75754 903.963.8306 25 HAVE A ComingUp? Call Jack Barkley to reserve a date at LMFA for your special occasion! COMING SOON! A Lifestyle Community for Seniors For more information, please call (903) 758-8888. 601 Hollybook Dr. • Longview, Texas Ballet • Symphony Orchestra • Art Museum Symphonic Band • Historical Museum Children's & Adult Theatre Group CHECK OUT THE LOCAL ART SCENE! LMFA EVENT COORDINATOR 26 Jack Barkley • 903.235.6341 27 B O A R D M E E T IN G GIF T T SHOP he November board meeting was a low key affair due to it being Thanksgiving week; however, Renee Hawkins, Amy SHOP LOCAL Canton, Nancy Chapmon, Lester Kilpatrick, Jessica LaRue and Neil Joseph (all top row), SHOP LMFA along with Jack Mann, Jr., Rodney Overman and Mel Fish (all seated) carried on with business as usual. Also, this will be the last time we see the inside of the old vault walls, but our new lecture hall should be ready to use in 2015! Our photographer, Marc Bailey, got us to act silly. THINK FIND US ONLINE Checking in on Facebook when you visit LMFA will get you in FREE! FREE 1 FRIDAYS st 28 Visit LMFA on the first Friday of every month and get in FREE! About 2015 HAVE YOU GIVEN YOUR LIMIT FOR TAXABLE DEDUCTIONS? If not, LMFA would like you to consider our building project currently in progress. With a gift of $500 or more your name will be placed on the paint palette sign showing all Auguste Rodin The Thinker donors to be hung in the SWEPCO vestibule. Other ways you could give: •IRAs •Bonds •501k •Property •Stocks • Will heir What do YOU think? 29 M EM B E R SHIP L E V E L S & B EN E F I T S MORE BENEFITS J O I N FOR OUR N OW ! MEMBERS! We are now members of the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (ROAM) program, along with the North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM) program. LEVELS $10 $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 $2500 $5000 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 Student Individual General Contributor Advocate Supporter Patron Sustainer Benefactor Promoter Bestower Angel ALL LONGVIEW MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS MEMBERS RECEIVE: • Subscription to the full color Perspective newsletter with membership recognition and invitations to members-only preview receptions for exhibit openings every other month. • Building rental privileges. • First notice for all exhibitions, lectures, classes and special events at the museum. • 10% discount on Museum gift shop purchases, classes or workshops. Please renew my membership/give a gift membership at the _____________________________ level. Corporate Memberships available at level $100 or above. Please update my information with the following address/phone/e-mail or other information: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to buy a gift membership for : _________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________ ________________________________________ I would like to give an honorarium/memorial for: _____________________________________ MEMBERS AT THE CONTRIBUTOR LEVEL AND ABOVE ALSO RECEIVE: CONTRIBUTOR: Reciprocal memberships in the NARM and ROAM programs. ADVOCATE: NARM and ROAM memberships, art Please send acknowledgment to:__________________________________________________ q q __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Enclosed is a check for $ ___________________. Please charge my: ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ Discover ❏ AMEX poster available for pick-up during museum hours plus a free ticket to an LMFA special event. #______________________________________________ Expiration Date _________ /_________ SUPPORTER: NARM and ROAM memberships, art poster, two guest passes to an LMFA special event and sponsorship recognition on website. PATRON: NARM and ROAM memberships, art poster plus four guest passes to an LMFA special event, sponsorship recognition on all catalogs and website and 10% facility rental discount. SUSTAINER: NARM and ROAM memberships, art poster, eight tickets to an LMFA special event, hardbound copy of The Collection book, sponsorship recognition on website, catalogs and front window on Tyler Street. Plus a 10% facility rental discount. qCheck if you would like your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AMEX automatically charged each year to renew your membership. A GIFT in honor or in A TRIBUTE is a great way A MEMORIAL is an memory of a loved one is truly a living tribute. It honors the person and is an investment in the museum and in our community by supporting the museum. to honor a person or celebrate a significant accomplishment and, in addition, is a meaningful gift to give to the person "who has everything" or is hard to buy for. expression of concern and a way to acknowledge the memory of a deceased loved one, friend or relative. This is a lovely way to make a donation in lieu of flowers. The Longview Museum of Fine Arts will send a card to the honoree or bereaved on behalf of the donor and, with permission, list the tribute in LMFA newsletters. The amount of the gift will not be shared with anyone. All donations to the Tribute and Memorial Fund are 100% tax-deductible. BENEFACTOR: All of the above benefits and complimentary use of the Museum for one private function. PROMOTER: All of the above benefits plus tables for 10 at all Museum and Guild functions. BESTOWER: All Promoter benefits plus 10 tickets to all Museum, Guild and Artworks activities. ANGEL: All Bestower benefits plus an additional Want to go green? Several of our members have decided to save a tree and postage and want us to just e-mail them this newsletter. If you want to go green too, just drop us an e-mail and we'll sign you up! free rental of the Museum. For more information about the NARM and ROAM programs and their benefits, please visit 30 MEMBERSHIP R ENE WA L F OR M 31 IF YOUR P.O. Box 3484 215 East Tyler Street Longview, Texas 75606 To join or to renew your membership, visit Simon Guest Services or $5 annual membership fee. • Birthday Card and Present • T-Shirt • Membership Card and More Members receive: It’s a kids’ club that gives you more fun—with newsletters, games, discounts, goodies, and special events. JOIN THE CLUB! JOIN THE FUN! MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE IS NOT PRINTED ON YOUR LABEL, PLEASE CALL 903.753.8103. $5 annual membership fee. To join or to renew your membership, visit MEMBERS RECEIVE: Simon Services Birthday CardGuest and Present • T-Shirtor• Membership Card and More $5 annualvisitmembership fee.or To join or to renew your membership, Simon Guest Services discounts, goodies and special events. JOIN THE CLUB! JOIN THE FUN! Members receive: • Birthday Card and Present • T-Shirt • andnewsletters, More games, It's a kids' clubMembership that gives you moreCard fun – with Longview, Texas Permit No. 346 PAID Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage
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