THE GOOD PROSPECTS PROSPECT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prospect Presbyterian Church 9425 West NC 152 Hwy Mooresville, NC 28115 9425 West NC 152 Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28115 Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit No. 50 Church Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 7:00am - 5:00pm Closed for lunch: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Closed on Fridays 2015 Telephone: (704) 664-1514 Fax: (704) 664-9612 Website: Email: Pastor: TBA Nurse: Office ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Healer of my heart… lover of my soul! The words to Sunday’s anthem “Healer of my heart… lover of my soul” have played over and over in my mind… to the point of distraction. Would those words be so easily recalled without the music to which they are set? Maybe, maybe not. The music becomes the carrier and reminder of those few words that on reflection have so much meaning. Likewise, Becky played a marvelous piano arrangement of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” during the offertory. While unspoken, I’ll bet that the words to that great hymn of the church were playing in your mind right along with the melody coming from Becky’s hands. The words to that anthem point me again to the healing power that Jesus exercised at Geresene, as Rev. Valentine so clearly outlined in her sermon. In John 14, Jesus specifically spells it out to His disciples: “These things I have said to you, [while] abiding with you; but the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and will bring to your remembrance all the things which I have said to you.” (John 14:25-26) HART SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE TO COLLEGE STUDENTS Applications shall be made to the Scholarship Committee By February 26, 2015 Fannie Turner Hart and Henry Howard Hart were great advocates of education. Their children established this scholarship in their memory, to be referred to hereafter as the Hart Scholarship Fund. This fund has been established at Prospect Presbyterian Church which they loved and where they served God faithfully for many years. The Scholarship Committee of Prospect Presbyterian Church is elected by the Session to receive and review all applications for the Hart Scholarship. Please contact the committee members or the church office at 704-664-1514 with any questions. Applications can be picked up at the church office. Completed applications need to be returned to the chairperson. There is a mailbox in the Commons Area marked “Hart Scholarship.” Hmmm.. That sounds a lot like the process where our ears hear just the notes to a familiar tune and in our head the words automatically appear. At baptism we pray that the one being baptized will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Often, we pray that the Holy Spirit will come and do God’s work through us. And, just as Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would “…teach”, and “... bring to your remembrance”, (just as a tune brings familiar words), the Spirit can produce in us the fruit of that Spirit in all of the relationships in our lives. Remember Col 5:22-23? “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Then, for reinforcement, there is the similar remembrance in Colossians 3:12-13… “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” Now… I don’t know “how this works”. I have spent 50 years in church music, and concurrently, nearly 49 years in the computer industry..... and my analytical mind is a product of those computer years. What I do know from experience... is that Jesus Christ at work in a life by the power of the Holy Spirit is a reality and a power that defies every attempt of my mind to analyze and understand it as a logical process. I know that the power of the Spirit is real!.. and available .. to every one of us. Not logical, is it? But real? Absolutely. Wouldn’t you know,... here comes another set of lyrics: “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart, I want to see you…. I want to see you.” Stay tuned… for real! Grace and Peace... and Joy... in your every day! Thank you for the grace you show to us in so many ways. Murdoch & Melody "Let the church be the church... Let the people rejoice. For we've settled the question. We've made our choice!" (Gaither) What if... Each family picked up two extra cans or boxed mixes each time they bought for their family? {It doesn't really matter what, but veggies, fruit, or meats are significant.} ...Someone you don't know would have a meal because of you. Each family brought in two towels and two blankets that are "extra" at home. ...Someone could have a bath and be warm because of you. Each time you bought something for your child or grandchild, you picked up ONE thing to go to another child? ...Some little boy or girl would smile, knowing someone cared about them. Each family decided to adopt one person or family in need and do secret gifts for them throughout the year? ...Someone might believe in Angels...and find their way to Jesus. We are the Church, the body of Christ, and I think we can all agree that we look to the scriptures for truth and direction. For this reason, there are a number of initiatives among us to "keep doing ministry" no matter what else is going on. For this reason, the following opportunities to be involved in Christ's work are offered. Several of our "keen" shoppers use January and February to find 60-80% off on many items at RiteAid, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Family Dollar. They are donating these items to these ministries now. Find the bins in the Commons Area. Creating bookshelves with books for new Habitat houses: shelves (used is ok), books (gently used are OK -children's and adults'), paint, decals (to rehab the shelves). Anyone interested in working on Habitat Houses, see Murdoch. Shoe Boxes: SHOE boxes, wrapping paper, Ziploc-type sandwich or snack size bags, toys, shoes, socks, hygiene items, accessories, school supplies, sewing supplies - we are collecting all year so that we can begin work well ahead of fall. We are looking at an Appalachian project as well as Operation Christmas Child. Library: Melody Morrison is working on the church library and would welcome anyone who would like to help. Please call 704-488-0777 (her cell). Kay Edmiston Perry Teeter Stefanie Clanton Austin Lewis Dale McKnight Craig Mills Jonathan McCarter Jan Spear Timothy Fries Dale Burgess Patricia Hough Jack Edmiston Janielle Watkins Donna Anderson Stephen Waugh Alex Cornelison Anna Claire Cornelison Lynn Britz Lauren Corriher Jennifer Jordan Gus Linker Ally McLelland Hannah Nicely Camyrn Yaede Monroe Williams Kathy Lyerly WIlma Houston Hunter Stutts Carol Stutts 02/01 02/01 02/03 02/03 02/03 02/06 02/08 02/08 02/09 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/12 02/14 02/16 02/19 02/19 02/20 02/20 02/21 02/21 02/21 02/21 02/21 02/22 02/24 02/26 02/26 02/28 Dove House: sample and hotel size of toiletries "Underwearness": an initiative to provide new undergarments for poor children and adults. Often the poor receive used clothing, but used underwear is not generally accepted so ... there is none. We will keep you posted as other opportunities arise. Just let your heart remember-- "Even as you have done this unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 People for Prospect Mission Projects... (submitted by Melody Morrison) YOUNG DISCIPLES! We will meet Sunday, February 8th at 5:00 pm. We will be doing Valentine crafts. Any questions, please contact Pam Seamon. Hope to see you all! Craig & Millette Mills Eddie & Lisa Jackson Bill & Sarah Lefler February 5 February 6 February 21 2015 FLOWER CALENDAR The 2015 Flower Calendar is now available in the hallway outside the church office. Please remember to sign up early for specific Sundays that are important to you such as: anniversaries, baptisms, and memorials. Also, be sure to call the office with your dedication for the bulletin at least one week early. You are responsible for purchasing the flowers for that Sunday. Several florists in the area have a key to the church and will deliver the flowers to the sanctuary. Contact the church office if you need the name of a florist. Please be sure to take the flowers with you following the service. Church staff is not responsible for flowers left in the church. Thanks for your cooperation! Blanket Sunday Reminder February 15th has been designated as Blanket Sunday for our congregation. A donation of $5.00 will buy a warm blanket for someone in need. Please support this special ministry of Church World Service by donating money for at least one blanket. Blankets are sent to areas facing disaster in the United States as well as to other countries. You may have seen some of these blankets in the media coverage of the earthquake in Haiti. Special offering envelopes will be included in your bulletin that day. Open your hearts and join others in the faith community who are helping to blanket the world with love. There is no better way to show your love for others this Valentine’s Day. Thank you for your generous support. ROWAN HELPING MINISTRIES Suggested Donation for February Tuna Fish & Crackers GIVEN IN LOVING MEMORY OF . . . MAMIE & OTHA STUTTS By: Nursing Homes and Retirement Facilities Mac Atwell (Trinity Oaks – Salisbury) Janice Bradshaw (Crown Colony - Mooresville) Colleen Kennerly (Genesis – Mooresville) Harriet Lipe (Genesis – Mooresville) Bill & Betty Lowrance (Trinity Oaks - Salisbury) Dot Richards (Genesis – Mooresville) Verla Williford (The Pines – Davidson) Ruth Wilson (Genesis – Mooresville) Dottie Bigler Martha Poston Don LaShomb Dot Alexander Mary Freeze Louise Beeker Family of Bob Atwell Please Remember Allen Jackson Martha Meredith Jerry & Rachel Powers Wayne Connolly Virginia Blackwelder Marilyn Hinds Friends and Family of the Congregation Sandy Kirkley (Lung Cancer, friend of Randy & Sandy Baker) Judy Johnson (Bone Cancer, sister of Ginny Bennett) Tommy Steele (Cancer, father of Beth Stephens & Edie Steele) Johnny Smith (Cancer, Father of Rhonda Smith) Benny Crosby (Prostate Cancer, Grandfather of Alex Crosby) Vickie Haigler (Breast Cancer, Friend of Frances Ann Neel) Chris Lawing (Cancer, friend of Vi & Don LaShomb) Peter Flanagan (Throat Cancer, Brother in Law Mel Eaton) Jeff Reid (Cancer, Cousin of Pam Seamon) Pamela Rigsbee (Pancreatic Cancer, Friend of Purvis’s) Diane Hudson (Stroke & Heart, Sister of Toni Wheeler) Mike Peeler (Thyroid Cancer friend of Aaron Styborski) Ann Stayer (Breast Cancer, Sister of Doris Teeter) Jim Alley (Cancer, friend of Stephen Waugh) PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN NEWS Circle Acts Lettie Beaty Ruth Serendipity Date/Time Feb. 4 @ 10:30 am Feb. 3 @ 9:30 am Feb. 3 @ 7:00 pm Feb. 2 @ 7:00 pm Location Home of Frances Ann Neel Session Room Session Room Home of Barbara Lyerly Doris & Ralph Rutherford FRANCES TOINTON (Sister of Doris Rutherford ) By: Sharon Brueske Golden Prospectors! The Golden Prospectors will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, February 17th at 11:00 am. The menu will be Scottish themed meal Please bring your favorite dessert. We will have Bob and Jan Spear sharing about their wonderful vacation to Scotland. Dear Church Family, Thanks to all of you for all of the prayers, cards and visits to Buck during this past year. He enjoyed the visits and cards so much. CLARENCE “BUCKY” DAVIS By: I appreciate all the visits, calls, cards and food brought to us after Buck’s death. Also, thanks so much to all the ladies that prepared the wonderful meal for us after his memorial service. Allen Lowrance Prospectors Sunday School Class Ruth Staton June Goodman Betty Alexander A special thanks to Dr. Charles Davenport and Virginia Stewart, our parish nurse for all of the prayers, visits, help and support given to us through this difficult past year. I am so blessed to have such a great church family. BARBARA LINKER (Sister-in-Law of Sharron Clanton & Thad & Carol Linker) By: Betty Alexander God Bless All, Dianne Davis & Family February is Heart Health Month. We will be focusing on the health of our physical heart and our spiritual heart. Some of the markers we will be looking at are improving our heart health, preventing heart disease and maintaining our heart health. For the month of February we are going to read 1 chapter of Proverbs each day. Feb 1 - Proverbs Chap 1 and so on, all the way to the end of the month. Please sign up on the clip board or email at: Be sure and wear RED on February 15 for Heart Awareness Sunday. Ribbons are available today for you. Knowing what each of us can do to decrease or prevent Heart Disease is half the battle. Exercise is held on Mondays and Thursdays at 11am. Everyone is welcome. More information is available on various bulletin boards located throughout the church. As the weather warms up, we can resume walking, which is great for heart health. Health Ministry Theme for 2015 Healthy to Serve / Proverbs 14:30 “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." To Prospect Church Family, Thank you for all of the prayers, food, cards, calls and visits. We have enjoyed everything. Please continue to pray for Ruth and I during this difficult time. Blessings, Ruth & JC Wilson To Prospect Church Family, Thank you for all of the prayers, food, cards, and calls. Please continue to pray for Dottie and I during this difficult time. Blessings, Dottie & Jim Bigler To the members of Prospect, “The Lord watches over all who love Him.” For all the prayers offered, for all the gifts, for the many cards, for all the phone calls, for all the visits, we praise and thank you our God for the goodness, kindness and thoughtfulness shown to me during my illness has helped me to know the love of my Savior that is still keeping me in His care to the end. May God’s love and guidance be with us now and always. Thanks to all. Love, Mary Freeze JANUARY SESSION HIGHLIGHTS The Administrative Commission (AC), functioning as the Session, met with Elders of Prospect on January 18 at 6:30pm for an initial meeting. The AC gave a brief introduction to our work together in open session and talked through questions that were voiced by those present. The AC and Elders continued in closed session for the business portion of the meeting. Items discussed were: • • • • • • 2015 Budget and the concerns over being able to afford to call a pastor with almost $100,000 in reduced pledges thus far. The Budget will be considered further at the February meeting. Discussion took place regarding the Mediation process which has begun through In Christ Supporting Ministries. Low participation and anticipated costs were of particular concern. Letters of Resignation from active Elder duties from Danny Bost and Bill Lefler were received and accepted with regret expressed. It was decided that all Elders would function as personnel committee to review PIFs for Interim Pastor candidates on Sunday, January 25 at 4pm. Building and Grounds committee reported that some members would like to contribute toward the fuel oil fund, so a request was made to have this opportunity announced for others to do the same. It was agreed to make this request of the congregation at the same time as making sure members know that this giving should be over and above their general giving since the general fund is so low. Motion passed. Supply Pastors for Worship leadership were approved as presented by the Worship Committee. Pulpit Supply Pastors through March 8, 2015: February 1…………………Rev. Fred Coates February 8…………………Rev. Fred Sanford February 15………………...Rev. Fred Sanford February 22………...………Rev. Laurie Valentine March 1………………...Rev. Fred Coates March 8…………...……Rev. John Milholland December Financial Report General Fund: Monthly Income through 12-31-14: Monthly Expenses through 12-31-14: Expenses Lesser than Income for month: General Fund: Year to Date Income: Year to Date Expenses: Ahead in budget: Development Fund: Ending Balance through 12-31-14: Family Life Center: Fund Balance: $23,644 $19,013 $ 4,631 $229,279 $228,936 $343 $39,787 $332,853 Principle Balance of Mortgage: Outstanding: $17,985
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