Prospect Presbyterian Church January 4, 2015 Maplewood, New Jersey Deacon of the Month is Myrna Scott, 973-761-4351. If you know of any church member in need, please call the DOM. Rev. Rick Boyer will give today’s sermon entitled “All People from the Farthest Places” OUR MISSION: To be a family in Christ, reaching out to all with love, prayer and service… through worship, education, mission and fellowship, we experience God’s love, forgiveness, grace and call. Judy Liturgist: Carolyn Berry Greeters: Cindy Mondino & Ileana Griffiths Ushers: Willie Mae Charles & Kathie Osborne and Representatives from CE Ministry: Jeff Smith & Fellowship Hour: Serving Communion Today: Dave & Claire Hogenauer, Jackie & Ian Hume, Salma Jones, Cleta McLeod, Nancy Yourkoski Sound Ministry: Christian Pierre & Wesley Sappington Today’s flowers are in loving memory of his father, Adam and his mother, Stefania, by Bela & Judi Gajary Readings Jeremiah 31:7-14 John 1:1-18 Psalm 147:12-20 Ephesians 1:3-14 pg. 679 pg. 922 pg. 545 pg.1017 Hymns: #152 What Star Is This, With Beams So Bright #145 What Child Is This? #127 Hark, The Herald Angels Sing Announcements If you missed last week’s service, there is a podcast of the children’s chat, reading and sermon on Prospect’s Facebook page: or the Prospect website at under the Sermons tab. Video of the sermon is also available. If you do not wish to keep today’s bulletin, kindly dispose of it in the recycling baskets located at each of the sanctuary doors. Thank you! Welcome to our Community of Faith! If you are new to Prospect Church, interested in finding out more about our faith community, or just visiting, please visit us at the Newcomer’s Table in Fellowship Hall after the service. We want to get to know you! Due to a recent upgrade to the computer software, your giving statements are now available as an email. Emailing the statements would save the church the cost of printing and mailing them to you. You would then have it in your inbox if you needed to reprint it for your records. If you would like to take advantage of this “green” option, please email from the email you would like the statement to be sent. Include your name and envelope number if possible. The next statements go out the first week of January and will include your 2014 totals. Prospect’s Good Neighbor Coffee meets every Wednesday morning from 8:30 - 9:30 AM in the North Room hallway. Get your free cup of coffee, and meet some of your neighbors! Women’s Bible Study meets Monday, January 5 at 10:00 in the Burnett Room to continue this year’s study of Paul with a session titled “Reconciliation and the Whole Creation” based upon 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10. All women are welcome for this informal discussion. Monthly sessions are related but stand alone, making it possible to attend whenever able. Congregational Retreat to Camp Johnsonburg on February 27 & 28. The theme will be “Singing the Faith,” led by Rick, Rita & Peter. Cost is $80 per person; children under age 4 are free. Signup during coffee hour today. Prospect’s intergenerational education ministry won a 2014 congregational leadership award from Union Presbyterian Seminary, which offers annual awards for innovative ministry in a variety of areas in addition to Christian education (outreach, ministry to people with disabilities, youth ministry, ministry with senior adults, etc). Rita Boyer and Dr. Henry Simmons have compiled 40 stories of ministries that have been considered for these awards in recent years and are offering these stories in a book titled Bringing Good News: 40 Stories of Congregations and the Ministries that Transformed Them. You can read all 40 stories, including Prospect’s, for free at: In a few weeks, both e-book and print versions will be available through Amazon. Calendar for the Week of January 4, 2015 Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Next Sunday 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 10:00 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 am 7:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm Sunday school Chancel Choir Worship Chicken Fat Ball Epiphany Dinner & Jazz Vespers Women’s Bible Study Property Mgmt. Recovery Good Neighbor Coffee Wednesday Night Oasis GS# 200232 CS Den Meetings Chancel Choir Deacons Undecorating Sunday school Chancel Choir Worship Greeters Ministry Daisy Scouts The prayers and responses for worship are reprinted by permission of Westminster John Knox Press from Feasting on the Word Worship Companion; Book of Common Worship, and by Wood Lake Publishing from Seasons of the Spirit. Prospect Presbyterian Church 646 Prospect Street Maplewood, NJ 07040 973-763-2090 FAX 973-763-0950 Visit us at and twitter@prospect_church Staff Directory Pastor X204 Director of Music X206 Director of Christian Education X205 Secretary X200 Assistant/Financial Secretary X201 Sexton X207 Prospect Co-op Pre-School 973-763-8955 Rev. Rick Boyer Peter Ncanywa Rita Boyer Sandy Szydlowski Lisa Abdill James E. Cox Betsy McCoy Geiger, Director
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