
The 13th TSU Seminar
(兼 土木計画学国際セミナー 2015 年度 #1,EASTS-Japan 途上国都市交通計画セミナーシリーズ #2)
「開発途上国におけるパラトランジットの現状と将来」 Current Issues and Future Prospects of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced
Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries
1. 日時: Date:
2. 主催: 2015 年 4 月 20 日(月) 13:00-16:45
April 20 (Mon), 2015 13:00-16:45
Organizer: TokyoTech Transport Studies Unit (TSU)
Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) - Japan
Association for Planning and Transportation Studies
3. 会場: TokyoTech フロント「ロイアルブルーホール」
東京都目黒区大岡山 2-12-1 東工大蔵前会館内
(東急目黒線/大井町線大岡山駅 徒歩 1 分)
Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front, Oookayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, 1520033 Tokyo
(1 minute walk from Ookayama Station, Tokyu Meguro/Oimachi Line)
4. 参加申し込み: http://goo.gl/ougHBA よりお申込みください.
ご不明点は増井 masui.r.aa@m.titech.ac.jp まで。
Please register at http://goo.gl/ougHBA
For inquiry please contact Ms. Matsui masui.r.aa@m.titech.ac.jp
5. プログラム(Program, all presentations done in English)
Seminar Title: “Current Issues and Future Prospects of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced
Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries”
13:00-13:15 (15 min.)
Opening Remarks
/ Yasunori MUROMACHI (Assoc. Professor, TokyoTech)
13:15-13:45 (30 min.)
Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT)
Studies: The State of Art
/ Veng Kheang PHUN (Institute for Transport Policy Studies), Yasunori
MUROMACHI, Kiyohisa TERAI (Professor, TokyoTech / TOSHIBA Corporation)
and Tetsuo YAI (Professor, Tokyo Tech)
13:45-14:15 (30 min.)
Stated Preference Analysis for New Public Transport in a Middle-sized
Asian City: A Case Study in Malang, Indonesia
/ Daisuke FUKUDA (Assoc. Professor, TokyoTech)
14:15-14:45 (30 min.)
Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Indonesia
/ Achmad WICAKSONO (Professor, University of Brawijaya)
14:45-15:00 (15min.) (Break)
15:00-15:30 (30 min.)
Current Issues and Future Prospect of LAMAT Market in Cambodia
/ Veng Kheang PHUN (Institute for Transport Policy Studies),
Reiko Masui (Researcher, Tokyo Tech) and
Iv LIM (Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction)
15:30-16:00 (30 min.)
Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Thailand
/ Kasem CHOOCHARUKUL (Professor, Chulalongkorn University)
16:00-16:30 (30 min.)
Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Vietnam
/ Van Hong TAN (Professor, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology)
16:30-16:45 (15 min.) Closing Remarks
/ Tetsuo YAI (Professor, TokyoTech)
(注記) 本セミナーは、(1) 東京工業大学―株式会社東芝・スマート都市インフラシステム共同研究部門、
(2) 科学研究費補助金・基盤研究 A (海外学術調査) [15H02632]「アジア中規模都市におけるパラトラ
ンジット〜次世代交通の調和型計画・事業の促進策(代表:屋井鉄雄)」、(3) アジア交通学会(EASTS)
国 際 研 究 グ ル ー プ IRG-24-2013 “Viability of Public Transport Harmonizing System with
Para-Transit Modes” の研究活動の一環として実施致します。
(Note) This seminar is conducted as a part of studies by (1) TOSHIBA Corporation Collaborative
Research Unit at TokyoTech, (2) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A [Overseas Academic
Research], Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Research Project Number: 15H02632,
Principal Investigator: Tetsuo YAI) “Study on Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced
Transportation (LAMAT) in Middle-sized Asian Cities,” and (3) EASTS-IRG “IRG-24 -2013
Viability of Public Transport Harmonizing System with Para-Transit Modes.”