Grossnickle Church of the Brethren May 2014 MOTHER’S DAY AND BLANKET SUNDAY On Sunday, May 11, 2014, we will celebrate Blanket Sunday and Mother's Day! The Outreach Commission invites you to donate blankets through the Church World Service. Please consider donating $5.00 per blanket in honor of all special women in our lives including, our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and wives who have nurtured us. Grossnickle Church of the Brethren will join 8,000 congregations and groups across the United States to hold a Church World Service blanket event with a goal of providing for people in need in the United States and across the world! To participate, on May 11, make checks payable to "Grossnickle Church of the Brethren" and indicate "for blankets". Please note you can also purchase or make a blanket to donate. Those donations should be brought to church by May 11th and will be donated to a local community agency for persons in need. Thank you for participating in this worthy cause and in honoring all the women in our lives. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Angi Cornell, 301-293-8995. MEMORIAL SUNDAY During worship on Sunday, May 18 we will remember and celebrate the lives of members of our congregation, relatives of members, and persons in the community who have died since the last Memorial Remembrance. The bulletin insert for the service will list the names of these individuals. If you have names to include, please call the church office, 301-293-9516, by Wednesday, May 14, 2014. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY The Christian Education commission and the children of our Sunday School invite you to the Children’s Sunday program on May 4, 2014. Myralee Wiles will direct the children, Nursery through Grade 5, in singing some of their favorite songs. Kids Klub Klosing – March 19, 2014 Lois Ann Glessner will bring the morning message. Lois Ann has been teaching the children of Kids Klub for many years and we eagerly anticipate her leadership for the entire congregation on May 4. The Dunker, May 2014 Page 2 BLESSING OF THE SEED Now in its 9th year, the 2014 Growing Project kicked off the last Sunday of April in most of the participating Churches. “Field of Hope” Growing Project will gather at the farm Sunday, May 18 at 2:00 p.m. for a “Blessing of the Seed” service. All are welcome! This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the program and to celebrate together our ties to the people of the Central African Republic program! The event at the farm is followed by a strawberry ice cream social at Grossnickle Church of the Brethren’s Parish Hall. For more information, please contact the church office or anyone on the committee. GCOB committee members are: Patty Hurwitz, Chair, Tim Ritchey Martin, Elvin Stottlemyer, Paul Bussard, Suzanne Levitt, Robert Delauter, Jennie Leatherman, and Aubrey & Helen Thomasson. GRADUATE RECOGNITION SUNDAY Graduation for Middletown High School comes early this year and so Graduation Sunday will be held on May 25, 2014. The Christian Education Commission would like to have the names of the students in our church family who will be graduating from high school or college this spring. Names of high school graduates received so far are Willie Bruchey, Kaitryn Delauter, Megan Harne, Ashleigh Hessong, Chloe Kehlbeck, Abbey Moser, Annie Noffsinger, Morgan Stottemyer, Cody Westwood, Rachel Wiles. College graduate names received are Katie Bussard, Kenton Grossnickle, Lexi Grossnickle, Lindsay Harne, Ryan Harshman, Kate Noffsinger, Chelsea Spade, and Breanne Toms. If you have not yet contacted us, please call the church office now! underway to make this a meaningful celebration for our graduates. Preparations are currently CELEBRATION CORNER April brought us a taste of Spring and more. April also brought us Holy Week and Easter. This month we celebrate a number of events and experiences in our life together. For the first time the Outreach Commission added a second Food Drive Sunday. On the first Sunday of April the communion table was once again surrounded with generously filled bags of food. We were able to take another car load of food to Salem United Methodist for their food pantry. We celebrate the generosity of our Church family. Once again a group gathered as stewards of this part of God’s world to clean up the roadsides along Harp Hill Road and Meeting House Road. Ten folks are needed each time we “Adopt-ARoad.” Food Pantry Drive – March 2014 The Dunker, May 2014 Page 3 Lent and Holy Week is a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ final days on this earth and his being raised to new life. We rejoice in the good work and dedication of the Lenten Study group members as they gathered six Thursday evenings to consider the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus. These words of scripture proved fruitful as we reflected on them in quiet time alone, in small groups, and as a total group, through music, video clips and concluding worship. “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world,” “I am the Good Shepherd,” “I am the gate,” “I am the resurrection and the life,” “I am the vine,” each provided different understanding, a different perspective on Jesus’ life. We came to know and love him in a different way each week! We celebrate the commitment to growing in faith on the part of all who participated. Easter Egg Hunt – April 19, 2014 And then came Love Feast, Good Friday, the Easter Egg Hunt, and Resurrection Day. Our numbers were up this year, and we were uplifted by time spent together in worship. Thanks to the Deacons for all their work preparing for Love Feast, to Pastor Donna who created a new costume for Pastor Tim to wear for his monologue Good Friday, to all who made the Easter Egg Hunt the wonderful success that it was, and to all who shared 110 flowers in memory or in honor of someone else to create the most fragrant, beautiful sanctuary on Easter morning. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! On Easter we began and ended our day at Garfield United Methodist Church. We greeted the sunrise with “Christ is Risen!” That evening we enjoyed the Community Cantata directed by Lois Kuhn and ended the service with the Hallelujah Chorus! Oh that every day of our lives would be resurrection day, concluding with such glorious music! Finally, as this newsletter goes to publication, faithful folks are making their way to Ephrata, PA to help with meat canning, yet another effort to help the hungry of this world. Give thanks today for all who faithfully seek to be the presence of Christ in the world!!!!!!! Easter Flowers – April 20, 2014 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL During the months of June, July and August, Children’s Sunday School classes will be combined for children in Grades 1 – 5. All other grades will meet as usual. “Heartshapers – Shaping Hearts with God’s Word” by Standard Publishing is the summer curriculum for the Pre-K through Grade 5 classes. Students will enjoy creative stories, make and take projects, Bible skills-building activities and take-home family resources. The Dunker, May 2014 Page 4 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 “Weird Animals- Where Jesus’ Love Is One-Of-A-Kind” Vacation Bible School will be held June 23-27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures….including people! At Weird Animals VBS, not only will kids explore the unique animals God made, they’ll discover that they are special, uncommon, and extraordinary. Each evening children will learn about a new Bible story that expresses the never-ending love of Jesus: Even when you’re left out Jesus loves you: Jesus heals lepers (Luke 17:11-19) Even though you’re different Jesus loves you: Samaritan woman (John 4:1-30) Even when you are confused Jesus loves you: Foot washing (John 13:1-17) Even when you do wrong Jesus loves you: Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 22:47-24:12) Even when you’re afraid Jesus loves you: Ananias helps Saul (Acts 9:1-19) All children ages three through Grade 5 are invited to enjoy Bible stories, music, crafts, and fun! For the closing program on Friday evening, June 27, the children will sing VBS songs they have learned. Parents are encouraged to stay with their children Friday evening, as classes will be dismissed from the sanctuary to load onto hay wagons for the traditional closing hayride. Children must be accompanied by an adult to participate in the hayride. After the hayride, everyone will meet back at the parish hall to view the wonderful crafts the children have worked on and enjoy an ice cream social. You may register your child(ren) in advance by calling the church office at 301-293-9516, or you may pick up a registration form from the entry table at church, fill it out, and drop in the big envelope that will be affixed to the VBS bulletin board. Take an extra form and invite a friend! VBS volunteers are needed to serve as teachers and helpers. A sign-up sheet is posted on the VBS bulletin board. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the VBS director, Kelly Rumpf, at 301-432-4723. APPRECIATION TO KRISTA The Music and Worship Commission invites the congregation to share in expressions of appreciation for Krista (Bussard) Peake. Krista has shared her musical gifts with us this winter while her husband Jon has been deployed with the Air Force in the Middle East. When Jon’s unit is sent back to the States, Krista will rejoin him in Mountain Home, Idaho, where they will set up housekeeping together once again. Cards and small gifts may be placed in a basket in the church secretary’s office to be presented to Krista on June 1 – or earlier if necessary! The Dunker, May 2014 Page 5 “Our People of Grossnickle Church” Andrew and Mary Kathryn Barnett Andrew Barnett was born and grew up in New York City. He graduated from Ponoma College, Claremont, California and it was while he was there he realized city life was not for him. He began working on farms and realized that was how he wanted to spend his life. Asked if he learned farming at Ponoma he said, “Oh no, everything I know about farming I learned by apprenticeship on farms.” Mary Kathryn Barnett was born in Atlanta, GA, and graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina where she majored in English. After graduating from college she became interested in agriculture and took a job working on a farm in Georgia. It was there that she and Andrew met. Their love for farming is what brought them here to run their own business, Open Book Farm, where they grow and sell vegetables, meat, and eggs. Andrew and Mary Kathryn enjoy – no surprise here, spending time with their son, Sylvan, fulltime. They enjoy watching him grow and doting him with attention. Both Andrew and Mary Kathryn enjoy board games and card games, cooking, reading, and Frisbee – and spending time with Sylvan!!! Andrew’s favorite foods are roast chicken and chicken livers. Mary Kathryn loves chocolate and sweet potatoes. Andrew’s favorite movie is “Shawshank Redemption.” Mary Kathryn enjoys “Star Wars” – not just one sequel but the whole series. Andrew’s favorite memory of church is getting baptized in Middle Creek. Mary Kathryn’s favorite church memory is Christmas Eve service when she was young – they would always sing the very best Christmas carols, ending on a joyous high note with Christmas, of course, being the next day. A person Andrew would really like to meet is Julia Child. (Not sure if he wants to learn from her or teach her a few things about cooking.) Mary Kathryn would really like to meet Martin Luther King, Jr. because he was just such an amazing person. She would also like to meet her great grandfather. Both would like to visit Japan. Mary Kathryn would like to visit the farms and enjoy the food. Andrew wants to visit for the food!!! Asked to complete the phrase, I will never forget; both agreed it was the day they got married. Mary Kathryn became a member of our church family on July 21st by Letter of Transfer. Andrew became a member of our congregation on August 18 th, the day he was baptized and affirmed his faith in Jesus Christ. We are honored that both of you are officially part of our church family and we welcome you with open arms as you continue your Christian walk. We are so happy your faith journey has brought you to our congregation. Andrew, we look forward to your continued service and leadership in the life of our church. Mary Kathryn, we look forward to utilizing the talents and abilities that God has so richly blessed you with as we walk together in His service. Welcome Andrew and Mary Kathryn!!! The Dunker, May 2014 Page 6 LET’S CARE FOR OUR WORLD ELECTRONICS RECYCLING DAY – SATURDAY, MAY 17 “The Lord God took the man and put him In the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Gen2:15 All kinds of things get recycled – plastic, paper, cardboard, glassware – but have you thought about recycling your used electronics? The Outreach Commission will be hosting an Electrics Recycling Day on Saturday, May 17, 2014 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the church parking lot. Your used equipment will be delivered to E-End at their new address – 7118 Geoffrey Way, Unit E., Frederick, MD. E-End is located off of 85 South going toward Buckeystown. You can also go to their website:, at NO COST to you or the church. Below are examples of items that may be recycled. The only items not accept are televisions, CRT monitors or very large items. If you’re not sure, call Brenda Thomasson, 301-293-2647. Come on May 17th to drop off your e-recycling! If there is a hard drive, I will receive a group certificate from E-End stating the hard drive(s) has been destroyed. An ID number will be marked on your electronic device. The Outreach Commission thanks you for recycling! If you need additional information, speak with Brenda or any member of the Outreach Commission. COMPUTERS CPUs, Towers Laptops Keyboards/Mice Hard Drives Monitors– CRT & LCD Mainframe Computers Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Power Supplies Cables Circuit Boards Computer Components Modems Peripherals Printed Circuit Boards Printers Prototype Equipment Routers Servers Thumb Drives COMMUNICATIONS Answering Machines Cell Tower Bases Cellular Phones & Accessories KSUs LNAs, LNBs Microwave Waveguides Pagers PDAs RF Equipment Telephones Transmitters/Receivers Two-way Radios Wires and Cables OFFICE Calculators Copy Machines Electric Typewriters Fax Machines Overhead Projectors Printers Scanners Transparency Makers Word Processors PERSONAL Camcorders Compact Disc Players DVD Players Electronic Games Other Consumer Electronics Radios Remote Controls Stereo Systems Tape Players VCRs And, while you are recycling, please remember . . . Our Growing Project needs your aluminum cans! Please place your clean, empty aluminum cans in the recycle bin behind the Parish Hall. Proceeds from the cans will be used to help support our 2014 Growing Project for the Central African Republic Gamboula Program. Musicians Needed The Music & Worship Committee is looking for musicians to provide special music for our church services throughout the year. If you are interested or know someone who would like to share their musical talents with our church family, please contact Diane Moser, 240-397-1652, or the church office, 301-293-9516. The Dunker, May 2014 Page 7 “BATTIN’ FOR BRENT” COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER On Saturday, June 14, at 6:00 p.m. the Frederick Keys will play the Myrtle Beach Pelicans at Harry Grove Stadium. We are selling tickets for $10 each with all proceeds going to “Battin’ for Brent.” Our church currently has 25 tickets available for sale, but it would be nice to sell all those and even more for Brent. This would be a nice outing for our church and at the same time support the Blickenstaffs! Tickets are only good for one regular admission into the ballpark and for the date listed (June 14). Contact the church office, 301-293-9516, for tickets. 34th Annual Mid-Atlantic Disaster Response Auction Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Carroll County Ag Center, Westminster, MD Last year’s auction raised $66,000. Of that, $57,000 was given to the Emergency Disaster Fund of the Church of the Brethren to help victims recover from many disasters around the world. Come out and support this worthy cause and take a chance on the quilts crafted by quilters of Grossnickle Church of the Brethren! From Our Parish Nurse . . . April Showers Bring May Flowers, Organ Donors Bring New Life! 3rd Annual Dentistry from the Heart Free Dental Care Saturday, June 14, 2014 Become an organ donor today. Sign up at and give the gift of life. Organ donor pins available. Reminder: Blood pressure checks will be available Sunday, May 4 after worship. - Pattie Hughes, Parish Nurse, 301-371-7359 Coming in June 2014 07 Adopt-a-Road 09 Shepherd’s Spring Golf Tournament 23 – 27 Vacation Bible School Please submit news items for the June 2014 issue of The Dunker no later than Monday, May 19, 2014. Thank you! Hosted by Hagerstown Smiles Dental Care Dr. Bruce Burley & Dr. Brandon Burley ARRIVE EARLY – Registration 7:30 am to 11:30 am Event Hours: 8:00 am until 5:00 pm 1115 Mount Aetna Road, Hagerstown, MD For more information: 301-739-7003 or Those who bought the New Inglenook Cookbook last year will want to check the website ( for a few corrections. The Dunker, May 2014 Page 8 Our Congratulations to . . . Our Christian sympathy to . . . Tazmine and Chris Barthlow upon the birth of Emersyn Grace Barthlow March 28, 2014 8 pounds, 9.2 ounces, 20 inches Great-grandmother, June Barthlow. Merhle Wiles, Sr. upon the death of his brother Katie and Sam Rudman Robert George Oliver Wiles upon the birth of April 11, 2014 Colton Thomas Rudman March 30, 2014 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted… - Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 7 pounds, 11 ounces, 20 ½ inches Maternal grandparents, Sharon and Nelson Hipkins Paternal grandparents, Wanda and Fred Rudman Thank You Thank You Thank You My heartfelt gratitude for the loving thoughts, earnest prayers, acts of kindness, wealth of cards, and visits rendered to me during my recent illness and surgery. I’m very grateful to my church family (brothers and sisters in Christ), my immediate family (Mom, Dad, children, the Delauter family), Pastors Tim and Donna, and community friends for their compassion and care during this time. In my daily reading of a book entitled “Grace for the Moment,” Volume II by Max Lucado, is a quote I want to share which describes my thoughts on the joy all have given me. The title is “God’s Family of Friends” starting from Ephesians 1:5 NLT. “His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” He goes on to say, “God heals his family through his family. In church we use our gifts to love each other, honor one another, keep an eye on each other, and carry each other’s burdens.” Thank you for loving me, honoring me (by helping me walk by extending an arm or hand to get across the road into or out of church), a hug or two, and helping me carry my burdens. I wanted to stand up in front of you and express this message face-to-face since I’ve been back in church, but I couldn’t get past the overwhelming joy without the tears. God Bless and May the Love of God Shine on Us Today and Every Day, Sheila Delauter THANK YOU for your help this year with the chicken canning project. In the two days we were there we canned 12,000 cans of chicken. Volunteers on Tuesday were Gene Delauter, David Doyle, Glenn Lantz and Marion Leatherman. Wednesday volunteers were Brenda Thomasson, Betty Hofmann, Kathie Tucker, and Marion Leatherman. Thank you very much! - Marion Leatherman, Meat Canning Coordinator The Dunker, May 2014 Thank You Page 9 Thank You The family of Stanley Kline would like to thank everyone for their love and support during the last few months. All of your prayers, visits, cards, and phone calls meant so much to my Dad and to the family. Tim and Donna - a very special "thank you" to both of you for being there with us every step of the journey. It was deeply appreciated. A thank you to all who helped and provided the delicious food for the funeral meal. Words cannot describe how grateful we are to our church family for being there for us during this difficult time. God's blessings to all, Debbie Bussard and Family Thank You Dear Grossnickle Church friends, On behalf of the Music and Worship Commission, a very sincere "thank you" to everyone who placed a flower "In memory" and/or "In honor" of a loved one in church for Easter morning. Our church was filled with the beauty and fragrance of lovely white lilies and colorful tulips, hyacinths and mums. Truly, it was a glorious display of God's beautiful flowers to grace our church on Easter Sunday. - Myralee Wiles Sometimes we don’t always show our appreciation so we want thank everyone for all their thoughts and prayers. - Mr. and Mrs. Gale Reeder and Family THANK YOU . . . I want to thank the members of the church for remembering me in their prayers. Your true Christian thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated and warm my heart. Praying for those in need, even though not a member of the church group shows God’s love knows no bounds. Love and thanks, Joyce Quinn A special thanks to the Cemetery Members for their great evening of team work and fellowship to detail our cemetery and restore it. The following members provided their expertise: Marion Leatherman, Kevin Leatherman, Robert Lee Grossnickle, Sam Rudman, and Jon Martin. All worked hard to beautify GCB cemetery by removing trash, leveling headstones, and re-cementing where needed. We are asking that our members who place flowers on family grave sites for Easter or any special holiday in honor and memory of their loved ones; to remove them in a reasonable time. This will facilitate mowing the cemetery. A special thank you to Gene Gaver and Jon Martin, for keeping our cemetery looking great during the mowing season. You fellows do an exceptional job and please know it is very much appreciated. God Bless, Dale Delauter, Chairman Cemetery Board THANK YOU to Glenn Lantz for the beautiful literature rack mounted below the office bulletin board. Thanks Glenn for a great job! Check out the literature while you admire the rack! THANK YOU for the birthday cards you sent for my 90th birthday. I really appreciate your kind thoughts. - Ruth Moser Dear Grossnickle Church of the Brethren Congregation, We want to THANK YOU for the recent collection of food for our Food Pantry. We appreciate all the help we can get to serve those in need. Thank you for helping us to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community! Yours in servicing Christ, Dawn Nelson, Food Pantry Coordinator Salem United Methodist Church THANK YOU for all the beautiful birthday cards sent my way in March for my birthday. And thank you for the ‘Meals on Wheels’. They are very much appreciated. - Letha Delauter The Dunker, May 2014 Page 10 ~ May 2014 ~ ◄ Mar 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed May 2014 ► Thu 1 Fri 2 Sundays . . . 9:30am – Sunday School 10:30am – Worship 4 CHILDREN’S SUNDAY 5 7p Outreach Sat 3 9a Mid-Atlantic Disaster Response Auction, Ag Cntr, Westminster, MD 6 7 7p Adult Choir 8 9 10 7a-1p Meals-onWheels 13 14 7p Adult Choir 15 16 17 8a Electronics Recycle Day 20 21 22 8a-4p Parish Hall & Kitchen reserved 23 8a-4p Parish Hall & Kitchen reserved 24 8a-4p Parish Hall & Kitchen reserved My Two-Cents Offering Blood Pressure Checks (after worship) 11 Mother’s Day 12 BLANKET SUNDAY 18 19 MEMORIAL SUNDAY 2p Blessing of the Seed (11720 Wolfsville Rd, Myersville, MD) 25 GRADUATE SUNDAY Church reserved all day 26 27 28 29 30 31 Grossnickle Church of the Brethren P.O. Box 575, 11301 Meeting House Road, Myersville, MD 21773 The Dunker, May 2014 Page 11 May 2014 Worship Tim and Donna Ritchey Martin, Pastors SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL – 9:30 am FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR – 10:30 am PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday 8:00 to 11:30 am CHURCH OFFICE HOURS M W Th – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone – 301-293-9516 Church Secretary – Kathie Tucker Website – E Mail: Worship Date 04 11 18 25 Helpers for May 2014 . . . Acolyte Carson Levitt Ethan Grossnickle Luke Grossnickle Hanna Westwood Sermon/Scripture Message by 04 CHILDREN’S DAY Lois Ann Glessner 11 “Our Shepherd” John 10:1-18 Grossnickle Church of the Brethren P. O. Box 575 Myersville, MD. 21773-0575 Pastor Tim MEMORIAL SUNDAY 18 “Welcome Home” Pastor Donna John 14:1-14 GRADUATION SUNDAY 25 “Peace to You” Pastor Donna John 14:25-30 Deacons of the Month: Patty and Jeff Hurwitz Greeters Cathie and Robert Clemson Kevin and Jennie Leatherman Mindie and Dave Conway Andrew, Mary Kathryn & Sylvan Barnett THE DUNKER RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Date Worship Leader Donna Ritchey Martin Jes Taylor Andy Williamson Graduates NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID AT HAGERSTOWN MD PERMIT # 190
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