Bulletin - Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church

February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sts. Peter and Paul
Catholic Faith Community
5300 Old Howell Branch Road
Winter Park, FL 32792
(407) 657-6114
Prayer Intention of Pope Francis for February:
“That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives
of dignity.”
Sacramental Life of the Parish
Reconciliation: Saturday - 4pm to 4:45pm. Also by appointment.
Please call the Parish Office.
Baptisms: Parents must be registered, active members of this parish for three
months before they may begin the Baptism process. Please call the Parish
Office (Ext. 260) to make arrangements.
Marriages: The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of this
parish for a minimum of three months before marriage preparation can begin.
A six month preparation is also required. Please call the Parish Office
(Ext. 260) for more information.
Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office if
anyone is sick at home, in the hospital or nursing home, and would like to be
Schedule of Masses and Prayers
Saturday Vigil Mass……………………………………....5pm, 7pm (Spanish)
Sunday Masses……………………………..….………8am, 10am, 12pm, 6pm
Holy Day Mass……………………………………….……………8:30am, 7pm
Weekday Masses Monday-Friday……………………………………...8:30am
Morning Prayer Monday-Friday…………………………………………..8am
Parish Office
Phone: (407) 657-6114
Fax: (407) 657-9375
Monday through Friday
9am to 5pm
Fr. Derk Schudde
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Fidel Rodriquez Cuza,
Al Castellana
Norm Levesque
Scott Lindeman
Donald Warner
Rosary, Novena & Divine Mercy Chaplet……………….....Monday at 7pm
Adoration and Benediction…….....Tuesday 6pm-9pm, Thursday 9am-12pm
Charismatic Prayer Group………………………….………..Thursday at 7pm
Parish Offices
Adult Faith Formation/RCIA/
Young Adults
Sal Ballacchino............ 407-636-4254
Faith Formation
Fax (407) 657-9530
Scott Lindeman ......... 407-636-4290
Pastoral Care/Ministry to the Sick/
Dr. Kate Clark .............. 407-636-4280
Andrea Cole ................ 407-636-4253
Gloria Miller ............. 407-636-4268
Denise Farrington ......... 407-657-6114
Business Office
Pat Nunes ................... 407-636-4252
Hispanic Ministry
Anna Torres .............. 407-636-4288
Sacrament Coordinator
Denise Farrington ......... 407-636-4260
Children’s Faith Formation/
Youth Ministry
Paula Wright ............... 407-636-4295
Liturgy/Music Ministry
Paul Kusler ............... 407-636-4277
Joe Marcellino .......... 407-636-4278
Michael Arthur-Wong ............ Ext 355
Communications Coordinator
Michelle Spyckaboer ... 407-636-4264
Leo Fitzsimmons ...... 407-636-4250
Will Rivas ................. 407-636-4250
Early Learning Center
Phone (407) 677-6191
Dr. Kate Clark ................ Ext 434
Terry DeVore .................. Ext 433
Visit us on the web! www.stspp.net
In Our Parish
Fasting & Abstinence
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are
obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for
Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent
are obligatory days of abstinence.
For members of the Latin Catholic Church,
the norms on fasting are obligatory from
age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person
is permitted to eat one full meal. Two
smaller meals may also be taken, but not to
equal a full meal. The norms concerning
abstinence from meat are binding upon
members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.
If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter
Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the "paschal fast" to honor the
suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to
share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection.
Ash Wednesday, February 18th
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fasting and Abstinence. Ashes will be
distributed at the following Mass times: 8:30am, 12noon, 7:00pm,
and 8:30pm (Spanish).
Monday Night Soup & Salad Dinners
New this year during Lent, we will be serving Monday night Soup
& Salad dinners. Every Monday there will be a variety of soups
served with salad, rolls, and beverages. It will be held from 5:30pm
until 6:30pm with the Lenten Formation Series to follow at 7:00pm
in the Parish Hall. There is no charge but donations will be
gratefully accepted. The first will be on Monday, February 23rd in
the Parish Hall. If you have any questions, please call Gloria Miller
at (407) 636-4268.
Lenten Formation Series
Join us at 7:00pm every Monday night during Lent for a chance to
grow in your faith. This year’s Lenten Series will present Fr. Robert
Barron’s series “Priest, Prophet, King” with reflection, discussion
and questions led by the following facilitators:
February 23rd: “Me? A Priest!” by Mr. Sal Ballacchino
March 2nd: “Me? A Prophet!” by Deacon Scott Lindeman
March 9th: “The Word? One of Us!” by Deacon Norm Levesque/
Mr. Sal Ballacchino
March 16th: “Me? A King!” by Deacon Norm Levesque
March 23rd: “Multimedia Meditation on the Passion of Christ:
Priest, Prophet and King” by Mr. Roger Grenier
The talks will take place in the Parish Hall for adults and in the Sts.
Peter and Paul Classroom for children.
Friday Night Fish Fry Dinners
The Men's Club will also be sponsoring a Fish Fry every Friday in
Lent. The first will be on Friday, February 20th and will cost $8.00
per adult and $4.00 for those under 10 with a paid adult. It will be
held from 5:30pm until 6:30pm with Stations of the Cross to follow
in the Church at 7:00pm.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with items which have lost
their owners. If you have recently lost sunglasses, prayer books, or
jewelry please call or come to the Parish Office to find your
items. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity on Monday,
February 16th.
Parish Office Direct Lines
Check this out! By pass the receptionist by dialing directly to the
person with whom you want to speak. It is quick, it is easy and it is
direct. See the direct telephone numbers on the first page of the
St. John Paul II Ministry
The St. John Paul II Ministry will be meeting this afternoon,
Sunday, February 15th at 2:30pm in the Sts. Peter & Paul room
(Parish Center). All who are interested are welcome.
Ablaze – Young Adult Ministry
Ablaze will meet this Thursday, February 19th for our weekly Bible
Study—preparing for Mass by reading, discussing, and reflecting on
the upcoming Sunday readings. Join us at 7pm at Crispers.
Baby Shower for JMJ Pregnancy Center
The Youth Group is hosting a baby shower for the
JMJ Pregnancy Center today, February 15th at
2:00pm. JMJ provides many services for expecting
mothers and their children for up to one year. There
will be games, prizes, 50/50 and lots of other fun
activities. A baby bed will be set up in the Parish Hall for you to
drop off items ahead of time if you cannot make it to this event but
would like to help. Items needed include the following: Girls and
Boys clothes (summer and winter), sizes between 6 months and 24
months; Enfamil formula - the yellow container (infant through 12
months; milk based powder with iron); rice cereal; girls and boys
sleepers: sizes between 0-3 through 12 months; girls and boys socks:
size newborn and 6 months through 24 months; baby bottles:
plastic (not bottles with plastic liners); baby wash; infant soft toys.
Early Learning Center – Open House!
The ELC will be hosting an
Open House on Tuesday,
February 24th at 7:00pm in
anticipation for the 2015 fall
school year. We offer free VPK
(Voluntary Pre-K), as well as
before and after school care for
children attending Eastbrook,
Red Bug, Keith, and Rainbow
Elementary. Parents of infants
through pre-K age 4 are invited to stop by, see our classrooms,
and register their children to secure their spot for next year. Call
the ELC office for more information: (407) 677-6191.
AV Booth Ministry
We are in need of more volunteers to help in our Audio/Visual
Booth. Volunteers in this ministry assist at Mass by projecting
slides and regulating sound in the church. This is a very important
ministry to make our worship a prayerful experience by
displaying hymns and prayers of the Mass. Training will be
provided. If you can work with a computer and have an ear for
sound, please don’t hesitate to help, we need you! Please contact
Teri Baker at teribaker@yahoo.com or (407) 222-4764.
Donate Blood Next Sunday
The OneBlood Big Red Bus will be here next Sunday, February
22nd from 8:30am-1:30pm.
Why give blood? There is no substitute for human blood. Blood is
needed by patients facing planned and unplanned medical
procedures, trauma victims, cancer patients and premature
babies. Your donation will help an ill or injured patient within a
few days. The turn-around is that fast, the need is constant. If you
have any questions about donating blood, please visit
Prayer for Our Catholic Appeal
Oh Lord, we praise you for the many gifts you give us each
day; from the moment we were a presence in our mother’s
womb to the grace-filled rise of the sun, to the blessing of
Sacrament, to the night which ushers us rest.
Help us to grow in our living faith. Guide us to serve as
leaders to bring about holiness. Bring us to share ourselves
selflessly in all thing in a spirit of love of You.
In the Eucharistic banquet, You give Yourself completely
and entirely to us. We give you our return, oh Lord, with
gratitude knowing there is not measure to the gift of the
Cross which brings us resurrection. Amen.
Tour Ireland This Summer
There is still some room to join Fr. Sean Cooney and Patrick
Murray on their exciting tour of Ireland this summer! The fare of
$3,999 includes round trip airfare, all 3 and 4 star hotels, a stay in a
castle, most meals, tips, and admissions. Please call Patrick at (407)
230-8861 for details and a brochure. Hurry, the deadline to register
is today, February 15th!
Feed The Homeless Ministry
Many thanks to all of those who made the feeding of the homeless
at the Coalition for the Homeless possible in January. Your
generosity and your response in preparing, transporting, and
serving the meals shows your eagerness to listen for the voice of
God calling you to follow Him.
Next Sunday, February 22nd we will again be serving meals at the
Coalition for the Homeless. Tins being distributed today after
Masses can be returned with prepared food (e.g. pasta, rice, meat,
potatoes, baked items) to the Parish Hall between 7:30am and
2:30pm next Sunday, February 22nd.
We periodically also need additional assistance with food transport
to the Coalition. If have a truck or SUV and could serve as a backup for this vital function, please contact Bill at (407) 365-6730 or
(his new email address) wrowan8@att.net
If you would like to regularly receive information about this
ministry, please send an email to wrowan8@att.net
King of Kings Prayer Group
Join us on Thursday, February 19th from 7:00-9:00pm in the
Chapel. Our guest speaker is Deacon Henry Libersat from St. Mary
Magdalen Parish. You won't want to miss Deacon Henry's
powerful teaching "Darkness to Light" as we begin another walk
together through this year's Lenten Season.
We invite you to bring a friend and be blessed as we welcome
Deacon Henry this Thursday evening. We extend our welcome for
all to fellowship with us weekly as we lift up the name of Jesus
through the power of prayer, praise, worship & teaching based on
the Holy Word of God.
300 Club
The winning number for February 8th is #116.
Bulletin Deadline
Please send all articles and notices to our new Communications
Coordinator, Michelle Spyckaboer at:
michelle.spyckaboer@stspp.net. All submissions for the bulletin are
due by 12pm (noon) on Monday.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Married couples - why not welcome 2015 with a renewed zest for
your relationship. The next diocesan Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend will be held here in Orlando from FridaySunday, February 20-22. For more information or to register
contact John and Jeanny Busacca at (407) 529-8782 or go to
Parish Ministries
Our Parish Lenten Project
Human Trafficking is modern day slavery. Although slavery is commonly thought to be
a thing of the past, human trafficking still exists today throughout the United States and
globally when traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control other people for the
purpose of engaging in commercial sex or forcing them to provide labor services against
their will. Traffickers use violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other
manipulative tactics to trap victims in horrific situations every day in America. All
trafficking victims share one essential experience – the loss of freedom.
Sadly, Florida is commonly known amongst law enforcement personnel to have one of
the highest incidences of human trafficking in the country. Moreover, Florida is
commonly cited along with New York and California as being one of the top three
destinations for trafficking victims in the United States.
This Lent, our faith community will be raising funds to offer a Lenten donation to
Samaritan Village. After all Masses next weekend, we will be passing out boxes so
that each family may join in this simple yet powerful Lenten practice.
Samaritan Village
Samaritan Village is a non profit Christ-centered ministry
for women desiring freedom from sexual exploitation,
located right here in Orlando, FL. Through solid Biblical
teaching, women learn who they truly are (the true self),
what they are wired for, and how they can live wholly,
successfully and productively in society.
When Jesus visited the Samaritan village of Sychar and met the woman at the well, He
changed her life. He revealed Himself to her as the Messiah, but He also revealed to the
woman her true self. The result was that this woman was made whole. But it didn't stop
there. She returned to her village with a message of healing and hope, and the entire
village was transformed. This Samaritan woman found the source of healing and
became the catalyst for transformation. (John 4)
At Samaritan Village, they believe that not only will the lives of women be transformed,
but their families and communities will be changed as well. The cycle of addiction, sex
trafficking, violence and despair must end. This is where it stops.
Utilizing a holistic & trauma-informed model, their program guides women on their
journey to life change. Therapeutic elements include both group and individual
counseling, relapse prevention classes and community service, as well as training in life
skills, fiscal responsibility, and goal setting.
Overview of their program: At the very core of SVI is the belief that personal
transformation lies in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Recovery
programming and house structure reflects Christ-centered values. Believing God desires
wholeness and healing in every part of our lives, they address every aspect of life in
helping women find freedom.
Residents participate in a structured recovery program, living into greater levels of
recovery and competency along the way. Staff and professionals work with each resident
to determine goals, measurable outcomes, and progress. Recovery time varies for each
individual, but residents anticipate spending 12-18 months in the program.
For more information, visit their website: http://www.samaritanvillage.net
Altar Care
Michael Arthur-Wong ... 671-3208
Altar Servers
Merry Warnock ...... 321-439-5592
Denise Farrington ......... 636-4260
Ellen Ryall ………......…694-0216
Boy Scouts
Chuck Hippler ............. 310-4731
Catholic Scripture Study
Mary Pavlis ................. 678-5283
Charismatic Prayer Group
Claude Cassagnol ......... 657-1539
Children’s Liturgy
Christine McFarland ..... 672-1757
Christ Renews His Parish
Michael Tricoche .......... 754-6542
Council of Catholic Women
Nora Stark .................. 252-4537
Linda Pellegrino ........... 737-9549
Feeding the Homeless
Sandy Williams ............ 908-3018
Filipino Group
Dan Lacsamana............ 227-2712
Food Pantry
Michael Arthur-Wong ... 671-3208
Art Robinson &
Claudia Silva ............... 208-0788
Lay Carmelites
Albert Perez ................ 657-0074
Legion of Mary
Jose Sharpe ................. 690-3749
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Willie & Gigi Santiago... 227-1504
Men’s Club
Ernie Smith ................. 671-3998
Ministers of Holy Communion
Donna Chuchla ............ 542-6483
Ministry of Mothers Sharing
Rose Tuttle ................. 765-3394
Neighborhood Network
Gloria Miller ............... 636-4268
Parish Council
Hank Marchese ........... 679-5592
Jamie Beu ................... 927-4716
Rosary Makers
Rosemarie DiSimone ..... 671-9560
Shepherd’s Hope
Wayne Middleton ......... 977-7963
Michael & Denise
Farrington ............. 321-422-5603
Michael Kubanet .......... 657-2836
Women of Purpose
Diane Fitzsimmons…….672-0612
Stephen Smith……...386-566-6689
Mass Intentions for This Week
Monday, February 16
8:30 am...†Marian Sherwood by Enid Hernandez
Tuesday, February 17
Saturday, February 21 - Vigil Mass for First Sunday in Lent
5:00 pm…†Mr. Oliva Mathieu by Bill and Terrie Rowan
7:00 pm…†Rafael and Hortensia Aragon by Aragon Family
8:30 am…†Samuel Longo by Josephine Longo
Wednesday, February 18 - Ash Wednesday
Sunday, February 22 - First Sunday in Lent
8:00 am...†Donald F. LaJuenesse by Edward and
Donna Carter
10:00 am...†For the People of the Parish
12:00 pm...†Joe Marotto by Johanna Johnston
6:00 pm...†Lu Porcino by Joan Shovich and Son Kevin
8:30 am…†Lou Rajchel by Bean Counters
12:00 pm…†Karen Freese by the Agagnina Family
7:00 pm...†Roxie Dercole by Andrea Cole
Thursday, February 19
8:30 am…†Jennifer Nunes by Her Parents
Friday, February 20
8:30 am…†Jack Oliva by Oliva Family
Scripture Readings for
Next Weekend
Gn 9:8-15
1 Pt 3:18-22
Mk 1:12-15
Lord, Our God,
you sent your Son into the world
to bear our infirmities and to
endure our sufferings. For these
your servants who are sick, we
ask that your blessing will give
them strength to overcome their
weakness through the power of
patience and the comfort of hope
and that with your aid they will
soon be restored to health. We
ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
And Please Pray For...
Tere Alcantara
Karen Allen
Steve Anderson
Dan Begey
Michael Begey
The Bernal Family
The Barrera Family
Margie Butler
The Callender Family
Fran Carollo
Justin Casey
Loren Casey
Denise Clancey
Louise Clancey
Joseph S. Columbus
Delphine Croy
Olive Cruz
Craig Cyrus
Angie Detrick
Jim Dougherty
Lillian Dougherty
Ashley Duff
Patricia Dwyer
Carla Ely
Robin English
Lynn Fekany
Ron Ferrara
The Galvin Family
Janice Garrett
The Gonzales Family
Sherry Goode
Amy Gordon
Fr. Jim Harnan
Sean Haskin
Michelle Haug
Julia Henderson
Ian Henriques
Kyra Henriques
Donna Hoyt
Margie Ingalls
Evelyn Jablonski
Tracie Jackson
Betty Kearney
Paul Kesterson
Tim Klaus
Joan Krumpholc
Joe Lathrop
Lazaro Jesus Lavin
Morgan Layco
Carmine Lombano
Grace Lombano
Rich Lombano
The Londano Family
Jo Longo
Renee Love
Joseph Marquez
The Matta Family
Janice Maymi
The Michaell Family
The Michell Family
Catherine Mutter
Nathan Mutter
The Nanadiego Family
Skip Nau
Joan Noviello
Deborah Nunez
Jasmin Nunez
The Ortega Family
Bernard Parr
Joseph Parr
Edonna Pavlicek
Gioia Petrisin
Ed Provencher III
Michael Ramos
Alice Readmond
Richard Ridgill
The Rivera Family
Kathy & Donna Roemer
Mary Schaefer
Mary Pauline Schlimmer
Kayla Michelle Smith
Sheila Smith
Donna Stas
The Stratton Family
Chelsea Taylor
Barbara Thompson
Shane Trenta
Nancy Tyson
Susan Vaughan
Norma Vaughn
Doreen Visicaro
George Volpe
Kathleen Voodre
John Wales
Helen Wardeh
Anne Marie Williard
Eileen Wolski
David Wright
Beth Young
Steven Young
*Please Note:
Names will be left on the
Prayer List for one
month. If you would like
a name to be kept on the
list for an additional
month, please call the
Parish Office (407) 6576114.