Tennessee Register - Diocese of Nashville

February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 1
February 13, 2015
| A Voice of Tennessee Catholic Life since 1937 | www.dioceseofnashville.com
Photo by Rick Musacchio
Insure Tennessee falls, but Catholics vow to keep fighting
Jennifer Murphy, right, executive director of the Tennessee Catholic Public Policy Commission, talks with Ann Harris, left, a member of the Saint
Thomas Foundation board, Dawn Rudolph, the chief experience officer for Saint Thomas Health, and Greg Pope, chief mission officer for Saint
Thomas Health, in the hallway of Legislative Plaza on Feb. 3. They were among a group from Saint Thomas Health meeting with legislators and urging
passage of Insure Tennessee on the first day of committee consideration of the measure. Gov. Bill Haslam’s plan, laid out during a special legislative
session, failed when a Senate committee voted to block further consideration of the effort that would have greatly expanded Tennesseans’ access to
health insurance. See story on page 12.
St. Andrew Outreach offers food, clothes and lots of hugs
Rick Musacchio
att and June Keller know how
tough it can be to make ends
meet. During their 62 years
of marriage, they raised seven kids
and faced the challenges of running a
When they were living in Michigan
years ago, Matt was working for the
telephone company as a lineman, June
said. “We were not making very much
money. Matt had one dollar left in his
pocket, and he put it in the church envelope. Would you believe, that weekend, there was a big storm … and he
got all kinds of overtime.”
They experienced other obstacles
that regularly put a strain on their finances, June said. “Our stove went out,
or our refrigerator went out. Oh, no,
what do we do? And back then, there
was no help like this. This is why we do
the program.”
The program is what the parishioners
at St. Andrew Church in Sparta simply
call Outreach. From 10 a.m. to noon
every Thursday, a regular group of volunteers led by the Kellers meet in the
parish hall to hand out food and clothing to needy families from White and
Van Buren counties. Families can also
get help paying their utility bills.
But sometimes the best assistance
the volunteers can provide is taking
Continued on page 13
Dominicans open doors to Motherhouse … page 11 | Holy Rosary teen selected for national choir ... page 15
2 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Lent is time to turn back to God and our baptismal promises
Andy Telli
eginning on Ash Wednesday,
Feb. 18, Catholics are called to
use the season of Lent to examine their relationship with God as they
prepare for Easter.
At the core of that preparation is
reconciliation, both through the sacrament and in how we extend God’s love
for us to others.
“This is the season in which we’re
invited to much more intensely recognize again the great mercy of God
and the great love of God,” said Father Bruce Morill. S.J., a professor
of theological studies at Vanderbilt
University’s Divinity School, where he
holds the Edward A. Malloy Chair of
Catholic Studies.
God’s love for us is first revealed to
us when we’re baptized, Father Morrill said.
According to the Second Vatican
Council’s Constitution on the Sacred
Liturgy (“Sacrosanctum Concilium”),
the primary purpose of Lent is to prepare the people who will receive the
sacraments of baptism, confirmation
and the Eucharist at Easter, Father
Morrill said.
And secondly, for those already baptized, Lent is the season when we prepare to renew our baptismal promises,
he added.
“That really puts Lent in perspective
for us. It’s all about Easter,” Father
Morrill said.
Lent is “all about our preparing to
receive once again the great revelation of who we are in our baptism in
Christ,” he added.
Catholics should think of Lent “as an
intense retreat,” Father Morrill said,
“stepping away and going deeper into
what this whole thing is.”
“It’s a special season for healing
and restoring your relationship with
Jesus,” said Father John O’Neill, the
chaplain at St. Cecilia Academy and
Overbrook School. “It’s a time for falling in love with Jesus again.”
The readings for Ash Wednesday
are a call to return to God and his
love and mercy. The first reading
from the Book of Joel reads: “Even
now, says the Lord, return to me with
your whole heart, with fasting, and
weeping, and mourning; rend your
hearts, not your garments, and return
CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz,
Long Island Catholic
A stained-glass window illustrating
the sacrament of reconciliation is
seen at Our Lady of Ostrabrama
Church in Cutchogue, N.Y.
to the Lord, your God. For gracious
and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich
in kindness, and relenting in punishment.”
The second reading is taken from
St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians: “We implore you on behalf
of Christ, be reconciled to God. For
our sake he made him to be sin who
did not know sin, so that we might
become the righteousness of God in
him. Working together, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of
God in vain. For he says: ‘In an acceptable time I heard you, and on the day
of salvation I helped you.’ Behold, now
is a very acceptable time; behold, now
is the day of salvation.”
And in the Gospel reading from St.
Matthew, Christ describes for his followers how to live a life of penance
in what has become the traditional
Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and
almsgiving, Father Morrill said.
Father Morrill tries to use his homilies during Lent to help “people see
different dimensions of God’s grace
toward them, how God has offered
God’s life to them … and in light of
that great generosity of God, how
have we been living in response to
that,” he said.
“The response has to include ‘How
am I responding forward?’” Father
Morrill said. “Reconciliation is also
about reconciling with (our) brothers
and sisters in the Body of Christ.”
“When you think about reconciliation, especially in the almsgiving and
the care of the poor, we join in the
very activity of God,” Father Morrill
said. “This fundamental care for the
poor is God’s priority. We meet Christ
in the homeless, the starving, the
During Lent, penance and reconciliation take on not only an external and
social aspect through acts of charity,
but should also be internal and individual. “It is important to impress on
the minds of the faithful not only a
social consequences of sin but also
that essence of the virtue of penance
which leads to the detestation of sin
as an offense against God,” according to the Constitution on the Sacred
Lent “is a period to reflect on
whether there are any sins we need to
be forgiven,” Father Morrill said. That
reflection leads to the Sacrament of
“As a parent you would hate if your
child neglected to tell you when they
were in serious trouble. And Jesus
wants people to come to him when
they’re in trouble,” Father O’Neill
“As the years have gone by, I see it
as the most healing sacrament imaginable. It’s just such a relief of human
pain and an infusion of peace,” said
Father O’Neill, who was a physician
and surgeon before becoming a priest.
Hearing confessions, “I feel personally
more of a surgeon than ever before in
my life because it is God who wields
the heavenly surgical instruments.”
“When people celebrate the sacrament of confession, the key thing
is not to just remind them of what
they did wrong, but why are they are
there,” Father Morrill said. “I’m very
moved by people’s confessions. They
see it in the light of how much God
loves them.” 
he following Lenten times of
penance are in accordance
with the Code of Canon Law
for the Latin Church and with the
directives of the U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops. These regulations bind all Latin Rite Catholics
of the United States of America
except as noted.
• All are obliged by law to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, all Fridays of Lent,
and Good Friday, April 3, from the
age of 14 years throughout life.
The law forbids the use of meat,
but not of eggs, the products of
milk, or condiments made of animal fat.
• All are obliged by law to
fast – limiting oneself to one full
meal and two lighter meals in
the course of the day – on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday, from
the day after their 18th birthday
until the day after their 59th birthday. The combined quantity of
food at the two light meals should
not exceed the quantity of food
taken at the full meal. The drinking of ordinary liquids does not
break the fast.
• All are generally obliged to do
penance during the entire season
of Lent. In addition to fast and
abstinence, the obligation may be
discharged by other good works,
such as voluntary abstinence,
prayer, self-denial, almsgiving and
acts of charity. 
Register launches annual subscription renewal drive
hether exploring how Catholics in Middle Tennessee
are living out the Corporal
Works of Mercy or how the Catholic
community was affected by the Civil
War and the pivotal Battle of Nashville, the Tennessee Register’s writers
and photographers strive to bring you
stories that matter. With every story we write, our aim
is to chronicle the life of the Diocese
of Nashville as well as give readers a glimpse of life in the universal
church, all while trying to illuminate
the teachings of our faith in a deeper
As the award-winning Tennessee
Register observes Catholic Press
Month this February, we are asking
you to renew your subscription to this
valuable publication that has been
the “voice of Tennessee Catholic Life
since 1937.”
The Register is one of the most decorated publications in the American
Catholic press. At last year’s Catholic
Media Convocation, the paper won
eight awards, including three first
place awards for individual members
of the staff.
The subscription rate remains unchanged this year at $26 for 26 issues.
For that small sum, the Tennessee Register will be delivered to your home
every two weeks, filled with stories
from the Vatican, from the smallest
parishes in the Diocese of Nashville
and everywhere in between.
An envelope to renew your subscription will be included in the Feb.
13 and Feb. 27 issues of the paper.
Subscription renewal packets will be
sent to all parishes this month as well.
If you lose your renewal envelope,
contact your parish or call Nancy
Mattson at the Register office at (615)
783-0750 to get another. You can pay through your parish by
dropping your subscription renewal
envelope in the collection basket at
Mass. If you mail payment directly to
the Register office, be sure to specify
the parish where you are registered
so that your parish will get credit for
your payment. According to diocesan policy, a
minimum of 70 percent of households
in each parish must receive the Tennessee Register. If less than 70 percent
of families pay for their own subscription, the parish must make up the
difference. Please drop your subscription renewal in the mail or collection basket
today so you can stay informed and
do your part to support the diocese’s
most important communications tool,
the Tennessee Register. 
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 3
Bishop’s letter to the people of the diocese
My Dear People of God,
February 15
• Confirmation, St. Henry Church, 2:30 p.m.
February 17
• Presbyteral Council Meeting, Catholic Center, 10 a.m.
• Theology on Tap, Blackstone Brewery and Restaurant, 6:30 p.m.
February 18
• Ash Wednesday Mass, Belmont University, 9:30 a.m.
February 19
• Catholic Foundation Meeting, Catholic Center, 10 a.m.
February 20
• Catholic Public Policy Commission Meeting, Catholic Charities, 10 a.m.
• Father Ryan Legacy Gala Patron Party, location to be announced, 6 p.m.
This coming Wednesday, we begin the observance of our Lenten penitential practices. As we receive ashes, reminding us of our need for repentance,
we hear the admonition: “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”
One of the ways that we best understand this message is offered to us by
the Lord Himself in the long-familiar Parable of the Prodigal Son.
To repent means to turn back. In reflecting on the parable, we meet once
again that moment in the life of a wayward young man who trades his place
in relationship to his father to seek his happiness away from home. He uses
the money coming from his father’s estate. Once his inheritance is spent and
his “fair weather friends” are gone, he realizes how empty his life truly is.
He has a momentous decision to make: Does he return to his father’s home,
recognizing the harm he caused to that relationship, or, does he avoid the risk
of his father’s rejection and live in isolation away from his love?
The profligate son chose wisely. He returns to be greeted by his father’s
love even before he can reach the family home.
“Repent and believe in the Gospel.” The “Prodigal Son” teaches us graphically and clearly the meaning of the word “repent.” The father’s embrace is a
tangible expression of “Gospel joy.”
Let us pray for each other this Lenten season. With God’s grace, we can all
grow closer to Him and to each other in seeking to overcome the effects of
sin in our lives.
Wishing you every blessing, I am
Sincerely in Christ,
February 21
• Mass followed by Note Burning Ceremony, Sacred Heart Church, Loretto,
5:30 p.m.
Most Reverend David R. Choby
Bishop of Nashville
February 22
• Rite of Election, St. Henry Church, 3 p.m.
The three traditional
pillars of Lent are
prayer, fasting and
almsgiving. In the Latinrite church, Lent begins
with Ash Wednesday,
Feb. 18 this year.
• Travel to Columbus, Ohio
February 23
• Board of Trustees Meeting, Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio, 9 a.m.
February 24
• Seminarians and Faculty Meetings, Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio
February 26
• Pastors’ Luncheon, Father Ryan High School, 12 p.m.
February 27
The Diocese of Nashville asks for your prayers for vocations, for our priests and for the
following deceased clergy of the Diocese of Nashville:
• Catholic Committee on Scouting Meeting, Catholic Center, 10 a.m.
• Mass for the Youth 2000 Retreat, St. Philip Church, 7:30 p.m.
February 13, 2015 | Volume 78, Number 4
Publisher Most Rev. David R. Choby
Editor in Chief Rick Musacchio
Managing Editor Andy Telli
Staff Writer Theresa Laurence
Administrative Nancy Mattson
Production Debbie Lane
Advertising Byron Warner
CNS graphic/Nancy Wiechec
Most Rev. William L. Adrian
Februar y 13, 1972
Most Rev. Richard P. Miles, O.P., D.D.
Februar y 21, 1860
Rev. George Taylor Hutton
Februar y 13, 1983
Rev. Thomas A. Giblin, C.S.S.P.
Februar y 23, 1934
Rev. Msgr. Mark Edward Dolan, P.A.
Februar y 14, 1984
Rev. Charles V. Schrimpf
Februar y 23, 1958
Rev. John W. Sliemers
Februar y 15, 1934
Rev. Michael McAleer
Februar y 24, 1881
Ver y Rev. Louis Hoste
Februar y 15, 1888
Rev. Cur vin P. Wassem
Februar y 25, 1965
Most Rev. James Whelan, O.P., D.D.
Februar y 18, 1878
Rt. Rev. Msgr. I. Harold Shea
Februar y 26, 1967
Rev. John F. Walsh
Februar y 19, 1882
Rev. Abram Joseph Ryan
Februar y 28, 1905
The Catholic Center
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4 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Celebrating World
Marriage Day
Couples celebrating their 25th (top photo) and
50th (bottom photo) wedding anniversaries in
2015 were guests at a special World Marriage
Day Mass celebrated by Bishop David Choby at
the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville on
Sunday, Feb. 8.
Photo by Peyton Hoge
15 Sunday
† St. Walfrid
Tridentine Mass (The Extraordinar y
Form of the Mass), 1:30 p.m., Assumption Church, 1227 Seventh Ave. N., Nashville. Info: (615) 256-2729.
Seven Dolors of the BVM Fraternity of
the Secular Franciscan Order Meeting,
2 p.m., St. Philip Church, 113 Second Ave.
S., Franklin. Info: Deacon Simeon Panagatos (615) 459-2045.
16 Monday
† St. Daniel
GriefShare, 6:30 p.m., St. Philip, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin. A scripture based
seminar and support group for people who
are grieving a death. Info: (615) 479-9504.
17 Tuesday
† St. Alexis Falconieri
Lenten Mission, Introduction/Pride,
6:45 p.m., St. Edward Church, 188 Thompson Ln., Nashville. Join Fr. Mark and Fr.
Dan to learn more about the nature of sin,
its deadly effects, and ways to overcome it.
18 Wednesday
Ash Wednesday [day of fasting and abstinence]
† St. Simon
Nashville Catholic Business Women’s
League Meeting, 5:30 p.m., University
Club, Garland Ave., Nashville. Dinner 6
p.m. ($32 at the door). Program: Importance of preparing wills. RSVP by Noon
Feb. 16: favarallo@comcast.net or (615)
Catholic Scout Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Jet
Potter Center, Hillsboro Rd. Nashville.
Info: harvc2@bellsouth.net.
Divorced, Separated or Widowed Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Stephen, 14544
Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Info: (615) 8835351.
19 Thursday
† Bl. Alvarez of Corova
Free Microsoft Solutions in the Classroom Workshop, 8-4 p.m., Father Ryan, 700
Norwood Dr., Nashville. Open to all educators and school administrators in the area.
Registration: www.fatherryan.org/microsoft.
Participants should bring own devices.
Serra Club of Williamson County Mass,
Program, and Coffee, 9 a.m., St. Philip
Church, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting for
Men, 12-1 p.m., St. Henry Parish Library,
6401 Harding Pike, Nashville. Info: noonthursday@gmail.com.
Free Evening of Music and Worship
with Scott Goudeau, 6:30 p.m., St. Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Info:
(615) 758-2424. Scott will perform Scripturebased songs from his CD “All Things New.”
22 Sunday
† St. Margaret of Cortona
Red Cross Blood Drive, 7:45 a.m. -1
p.m., St. Stephen, Holy Family Center,
14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Sign up:
www.redcrossblood.org; sponsor code:
ststephen. Info: (615) 207-9434.
Red Cross Blood Drive, 9:30 a.m. -1:30
p.m., Christ the King, Parish Center, 3001
Belmont Blvd., Nashville.
Mass of the Two Hearts, 5 p.m., Cathedral, 2015 West End Ave Nashville. In honor
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Schedule: 5 p.m. rosary
and confession available, 5:30 p.m. Mass
with consecration of families to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. Info: (615) 646-5553.
Tridentine Liturgy, 4 p.m., St. Catherine,
3019 Cayce Lane, Columbia.
Catholics Returning Home, 7 p.m., St.
Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory.
90 minute session to welcome, update, and
help returning Catholics transition back
into active Church life. Info: marcecjj@
yahoo.com or (630) 362-7150.
GriefShare, 6:30 p.m., St. Philip, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin. A scripture based
seminar and support group for people who
are grieving a death. Info: (615) 479-9504.
20 Friday
† St. Wulfric
Cathedral Players present a musical
revue “L.O.V.E.” (Feb. 20-21, 7:30
p.m.; Feb 22, 2 p.m.; Feb 27-28, 7:30
p.m.; March 1, 2 p.m.), Cathedral, 2015
West End Ave., Nashville. Tickets: $15.
Info/tickets: www.CathedralPlayers.org or
(615) 557-1309.
21 Saturday
† St. Severian
Diocesan Engaged Couples’ Retreat, 8
a.m. -5 p.m., Scarritt-Bennett Center, 1016
18th Ave. S., Nashville. Info: (615) 383-6393.
Healthy Living as Lenten Penance, 9:30
a.m., Carmel Center, 610 Bluff Rd., Liberty,
TN. Mass, seminar, lunch. Speaker: Dr.
Rex C. Manayan. Admission is free, donations are welcome. RSVP by Feb. 18: tkalam@gmail.com or (615) 594-9620.
23 Monday
† St. Polycarp
24 Tuesday
† St. John Theristus
Lenten Mission, Anger, 6:45 p.m., St.
Edward Church, 188 Thompson Ln., Nashville. Join Fr. Mark and Fr. Dan to learn
more about the nature of sin, its deadly effects, and ways to overcome it.
25 Wednesday
† St. Tarasius
Gardening is a verb, workshop on how
to get your home garden started, 121:30 p.m., Whole Foods Market, upper
level, Green Hills. Lunch follows. Cost:
$50. Benefit for Visitation Hospital Foundation. Info/registration: visitationhf@aol.
com or (615) 390-6104.
Vocation Evening of Discernment, Mass
at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner and discussion, Cathedral, 2015 West End Ave., Nashville. Men 18 and over considering a call
to ordained priesthood are invited. RSVP
required one day prior: tom.samoray@dioceseofnashville.com or (615) 783-0754.
Divorced, Separated or Widowed Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Info: (615) 883-5351.
26 Thursday
† St. Isabel of France
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting for
Men, 12-1 p.m., St. Henry Parish Library,
6401 Harding Pike, Nashville. Info: noonthursday@gmail.com.
Theology Speaker Graham Perr y, Curator of Social Histor y at the Tennessee State Museum, 6:30 p.m., Father
Ryan, Center for the Arts, 700 Nor wood
Dr., Nashville. Topic: the role Nashville
played in the Civil Rights Movement. Free.
28 Saturday
† St. Hilary, Pope
“Boogie Nights” A Crown Af fair, 6:30
p.m., Christ the King, 3105 Belmont Blvd.,
Nashville. Enjoy a night of food and drinks,
dancing. Info/tickets: www.tinyurl.com/
crownaffair or (615) 292-9465.
Aquinas College Convivium and Silent
Auction, 6:30 p.m., Musicians Hall of Fame
and Museum, 401 Gay St., Nashville. It features country music star Collin Raye. Tickets: www.bidcoz.com/convivium.
2 Monday
† Bl. Charles the Good
GriefShare, 6:30 p.m., St. Philip, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin. Info: (615) 479-9504.
3 Tuesday
† St. Katharine Drexel
Lenten Mission, Envy, 6:45 p.m., St. Edward Church, 188 Thompson Ln., Nashville. Join Fr. Mark and Fr. Dan to learn
more about the nature of sin, its deadly
effects, and ways to overcome it.
Visit www.dioceseofnashville.com
for regularly scheduled adorations.
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 5
3 Tuesday
24 Tuesday
St. Luke, 7 p.m., 10682 Old Nashville
Hwy., Smyrna, (615) 459-9672.
Immaculate Conception, 7 p.m., 709
Franklin St., Clarksville, (931) 645-6275.
Christ the King, 7 p.m., 3001 Belmont
Blvd., Nashville, (615) 292-2884.
Holy Rosar y, 7 p.m., 192 Graylynn Dr.,
Nashville, (615) 889-4065.
St. Christopher, 7 p.m., 713 W. College
St., Dickson, (615) 446-3927.
25 Wednesday
4 Wednesday
Cathedral, 3:30-5:15 p.m., 2015 West End
Ave., Nashville, (615) 327-2330.
Cathedral, 3:30-5:15 p.m., 2015 West End
Ave., Nashville, (615) 327-2330.
5 Thursday
March 2015
9 Monday
Good Shepherd, 7 p.m., 2021 Decherd
Blvd., Decherd, (931) 967-0961.
St. Henr y, 7 p.m., 6401 Harding Rd.,
Nashville, (615) 352-2259.
19 Thursday
10 Tuesday
St. Joseph, 7 p.m., 1225 Gallatin Pike S.,
Madison, (615) 865-1071.
St. Philip, 7 p.m., 113 Second Ave., S.,
Franklin, (615) 794-8588.
St. Ignatius, 7 p.m., 601 Bell Rd., Antioch,
(615) 367-0085.
11 Wednesday
23 Monday
Cathedral, 3:30-5:15 p.m., 2015 West End
Ave., Nashville, (615) 327-2330.
St. Paul the Apostle, 7 p.m., 304 W. Grizzard St., Tullahoma, (931) 455-3050.
St. Rose of Lima, 7 p.m., 1601 N. Tennessee Blvd., Murfreesboro, (615) 893-1843.
St. Ann, 7 p.m., 5101 Charlotte Ave., Nashville, (615) 298-1782.
24 Tuesday
12 Thursday
St. Matthew, 7 p.m., 535 Sneed Rd., W.,
Franklin, (615) 646-0378.
Our Lady of the Lake, 7 p.m., 1729 Stop
30 Road, Hendersonville, (615) 824-3276.
Holy Name, 7 p.m., 521 Woodland St.,
Nashville, (615) 254-8847.
Holy Family, 7 p.m., 9100 Crockett Rd.,
Brentwood, (615) 373-4696.
25 Wednesday
Sacred Heart, 7 p.m., 305 Church St., Loretto, (931) 853-4370.
Cathedral, 3:30-5:15 p.m., 2015 West End
Ave., Nashville, (615) 327-2330.
15 Sunday
St. Edward, 7 p.m., 188 Thompson Lane,
Nashville, (615) 833-5520.
St. Luke, 3 p.m., 10682 Old Nashville
Hwy., Smyrna, (615) 459-9672.
St. Vincent de Paul, 7 p.m., 1700 Heiman
St., Nashville, (615) 320-0695.
18 Wednesday
26 Thursday
Cathedral, 3:30-5:15 p.m., 2015 West End
Ave., Nashville, (615) 327-2330.
St. Stephen, 7 p.m., 14544 Lebanon Rd.,
Old Hickory, (615) 758-2424.
St. John Vianney, 7 p.m., 449 N. Water
St., Gallatin, (615) 452-2977.
2 Monday
St. Frances Cabrini, 7:15 p.m., 300 S.
Tarver Ave., Lebanon, (615) 444-0524.
 
Saturday, March 7, 2015
St. Philip, Franklin, TN
(High School & College, Deacons)
Find Support . . . Strength . . . Encouragement
Kevin Reilly
 
“From Third And Long To First and Goal”
Former NFL Player for the Philadelphia Eagles
Amputee Cancer Survivor
Catholic Motivational Speaker on
Faith, Family, Friends, Fortitude
Tim Staples
“God Needs A Few Good Men”
Former Marine, Former Seminarian
A Search for Truth Lead Him to the Catholic Church
Director of Apologetics & Evangelization at
Catholic Answers
Darrell Miller
“More Than The Game”
Former MLB Player for the California Angels
Director of MLB’s Urban Youth Academy
Catholic Athletes for Christ Board Member & Speaker
Invited to Vatican’s 1st Council on Church & Sports
David Choby
Dynamic Speakers
Your Faith
& Courageous
OR Register Online
6 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Vatican’s economic reform on track,
but faces resistance from some
Carol Glatz CNS
ATICAN CITY. As fresh economic reforms begin to take
hold throughout the Vatican, the
Council for the Economy has faced
some resistance from larger offices
that had been used to having greater
autonomy, said a cardinal member of
the council.
A fairly smooth rollout of more effective and transparent budgeting procedures and accountability throughout
the Vatican met with “a hiccup” when
some of the larger entities “did not
want to come on board” and were more
“resistant” to mandated changes, said
Cardinal Wilfrid F. Napier of Durban,
South Africa.
He said one such office was the
Congregation for the Evangelization of
Peoples, which oversees the church’s
missionary activities. The 400-year-old
congregation had its own budget, managed its own investments independent
of the Vatican’s main investment program and has its own office complex,
located in downtown Rome a mile away
from Vatican City.
“But it’s the very big ones we need
(to comply) so the little ones have a
good example” to follow, he told Catholic News Service Feb. 10 in between
meetings in Rome.
Cardinal Napier is one of eight cardinals and seven lay experts that are part
of the Council for the Economy – an
independent authority Pope Francis
established one year ago to devise appropriate policies and best practices for
all economic and administrative activities within the Holy See and Vatican
City State.
The Secretariat for the Economy,
headed by Australian Cardinal George
Pell, implements the policies determined by the council and answers
directly to the Holy Father. The pope
established the council and the secretariat as part of efforts to simplify,
consolidate coordinate and oversee
management structures throughout
the Vatican and to improve the governance, control and reporting of the
financial activities of the Vatican’s different offices and bodies.
The Council for the Economy members met at the Vatican Feb. 6 and also
reviewed a report from the Institute for
the Works of Religion, more commonly
called the Vatican bank.
“It was the first time we got a real
breakdown of where the IOR is at
the moment,” Cardinal Napier said,
praising the work of the bank’s new
president, Jean-Baptiste Douville de
Franssu, saying he was doing “a good
The meeting also went over “a general report on how the reforms are
going on” throughout the Vatican, he
Getting individuals and departments
used to a new “culture of budgeting
and reporting was an issue,” he said.
Past practices saw most departments
just document what was spent the past
year and what they thought would be
spent the next “without breaking it
down” into itemized expenditures.
Cardinal Napier said that on the
whole, most people accepted they
needed training in the new standard-
ized practices and the council got
“quite a lot of cooperation” from many
However, larger agencies put up the
most resistance, he said. “It’s a culture
shock to have to report to somebody
other than themselves,” especially
when there had been so much autonomy and little accountability concerning the running of their financial
The cardinal said it is “not surprising
to get complaints” about the new procedures, particularly the requirement
to account for and have the funding
ready for purchases.
Getting used to what are standard
practices in most companies requires
“a mind shift and a change of heart,”
he said.
People who have not had to deal with
budgeting easily feel “you have to account for every pen you buy” and see
some of the requirements as “minutiae” that initially appear absurd.
“But if you consider that this is
money that often comes from ordinary
people, sometimes poor people, that
should be a good enough reason to
say how the money is being spent” and
that it is spent “according to the rules,”
he said.
Another speed bump, he said, has
been a holdup in the process of getting
approval of the statutes for the Council
for the Economy and the secretariat.
“The process has not been helped by
the (Pontifical Council) for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts,” he said.
That council had been charged with
making sure nothing in the text “was
in contradiction to the teaching of the
church” or the Code of Canon Law,
“but they went beyond that competence” and have attempted to rewrite
them with other “people trying to push
the changes.”
It was not yet clear what the next
step would be and whether the pope
would bypass the legislative council
and approve the statutes anyway, he
said. The legal or juridical approval
that would be needed eventually is really a matter of “reconciling” the statutes, “not undoing it or nullifying it,”
the cardinal said.
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said Pope Francis discussed the work on the statutes with
his nine-member international Council
of Cardinals Feb. 10 and will bring it
up again with the College of Cardinals
when it meets Feb. 12-13.
Cardinal Napier said he was looking
forward to the gathering of cardinals
at the Vatican to discuss the broader
reform of the Roman Curia, and added
that this was the time for those who
said they wanted change to help make
it happen.
“How many times calls for reform of
the Curia were made” during the cardinals’ meetings before the conclave
that elected Pope Francis in 2013, he
said. While “I think that Pope Francis
and his team are supported by a majority of the cardinals” when it comes to
reform, “those shouting the loudest”
for reform before Pope Francis was
elected in 2013 do not seem to be as
enthusiastic now, he said.
“It’s one thing to say it needs to be
done, another to do it,” he said. 
Catholic News Service
Obama decries
distortions of faith,
lauds good works
WASHINGTON. President Barack
Obama decried the use of “twisted
and distorted” faith as a wedge or a
weapon in remarks Feb. 5 at the National Prayer Breakfast.
The president also lauded the faithbased work typified by others on
the program for the annual event,
including the Sister of Mercy who
co-founded Project HOME, a Philadelphia program that aims to break the
cycle of homelessness and poverty;
and Dr. Kent Brantly, the physician
affiliated with Samaritan’s Purse, who
returned from Liberia last year with
“Around the world, we see faith
inspiring people to lift up one another
– to feed the hungry and care for the
poor, comfort the afflicted and make
peace where there is strife,” Obama
said, pointing to Sister Mary Scullion
of Project Home and Brantly as epitomizing “faith driving us to do right.”
Sister Mary and Brantly each delivered prayers at the event.
But faith also is distorted and sometimes used as a weapon, Obama said.
“From a school in Pakistan to the
streets of Paris, we have seen violence
and terror perpetrated by those who
profess to stand up for faith, ... but, in
fact, are betraying it,” Obama said.
He singled out the Islamic State,
calling it “a brutal, vicious death cult
that, in the name of religion, carries
out unspeakable acts of barbarism –
terrorizing religious minorities like
the Yezidis, subjecting women to rape
as a weapon of war, and claiming the
mantle of religious authority for such
House Speaker Boehner
announces Pope Francis
will address Congress
WASHINGTON. House Speaker
John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced
Feb. 5 that Pope Francis will address a
joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24.
The pontiff’s “historic visit” would
make him the “first leader of the Holy
See to address a joint meeting of Congress,” Boehner said in a statement,
adding that he was “truly grateful that
Pope Francis has accepted our invitation.”
Boehner noted that “in a time of
global upheaval, the Holy Father’s
message of compassion and human
dignity has moved people of all faiths
and backgrounds. His teachings,
prayers, and very example bring us
back to the blessings of simple things
and our obligations to one another. We
look forward to warmly welcoming
Pope Francis to our Capitol and hearing his address on behalf of the American people.”
A statement from the Archdiocese
of Washington called it “a great honor
and tremendous joy to welcome our
Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the
Archdiocese of Washington during his
proposed pastoral visit to the United
States in September.”
The statement said the announced
visit “will be a time of grace for all of
us.” It also said the archdiocese looks
forward “to the official announcement
of more details of the visit.”
Catholics called to do
everything in their power
to end trafficking
WASHINGTON. Highlighting the
life, suffering and enduring hope of St.
Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave,
Washington Auxiliary Bishop Martin
D. Holley called for reflection and action to combat modern-day slavery during his homily on the first International
Day of Prayer and Awareness Against
Human Trafficking Feb. 8.
We must “do everything in our power
through the corporal and spiritual
works of mercy to eradicate human
trafficking,” the bishop told the nearly
1,000 people – including trafficking
survivors – gathered for the noon Mass
at the Basilica of the National Shrine of
the Immaculate Conception in Washington.
Held on the feast of St. Josephine, the
day was designated by the Pontifical
Council for Justice and Peace and the
International Union of Superiors General. Last year, the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services organized a national day
of prayer for victims and survivors of
human trafficking, and it spearheaded
this year’s liturgy at the shrine.
The day offered the fruits of “compounded prayer” and was an opportunity to shed light on a pervasive
tragedy, said Hilary Chester, associate
director of the U.S. bishops’ anti-trafficking program, in an interview Feb.
6. According to the U.N. International
Labor Organization, there are nearly
21 million human trafficking victims
Cardinal Muller: ‘Curia
reform should stimulate
reform of church’
VATICAN CITY. Throughout history,
the Catholic Church has reviewed and
reformed its structures to free them
from “a worldly mentality and earthly
models of the exercise of power,” leading to a necessary spiritual renewal,
said the head of the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith.
“The church cannot understand itself
or justify itself in the world’s eyes according to standards of power, wealth
or prestige,” said the prefect, Cardinal
Gerhard Muller. “The reflection on the
nature and mission of the church of
God is, therefore, the basis and presupposition of every true reform.”
As Pope Francis’ international Council of Cardinals prepared to meet Feb.
9-11 to discuss the reform of the Roman
Curia and the world’s cardinals were
set to discuss the council’s proposals
Feb. 12-13, the Vatican newspaper published a long piece by Cardinal Muller
on “theological criteria for a reform of
the church and the Roman Curia.”
While the church’s mission is to be a
sacrament of holiness and help people
reach heaven, it must do so on earth,
which requires a structure and organization, he wrote in the article published
in the Feb. 8 edition of L’Osservatore
Romano. 
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 7
Archbishop Romero killed ‘in hatred of the faith,’ to be beatified soon
Cindy Wooden CNS
ATICAN CITY. Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero will be beatified in San Salvador “certainly
within the year and not later, but possibly within a few months,” said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the postulator
or chief promoter of the archbishop’s
sainthood cause.
Speaking to reporters Feb. 4, the day
after Pope Francis formally recognized
that the slain Salvadoran archbishop
was killed “in hatred of the faith” – and
not for purely political reasons – Archbishop Paglia said the two decades
it took to obtain the decree were the
result of “misunderstandings and preconceptions.”
During Archbishop Romero’s time as
archbishop of San Salvador – from 1977
to 1980 – “kilos of letters against him
arrived in Rome. The accusations were
simple: He’s political; he’s a follower of
liberation theology.”
To the accusations that he supported
liberation theology, Archbishop Paglia
said, Archbishop Romero responded,
“Yes, certainly. But there are two theologies of liberation: one sees liberation
only as material liberation; the other
is that of Paul VI. I’m with Paul VI” in
seeking the material and spiritual liberation of all people, including from the
sins of injustice and oppression.
All of the complaints, Archbishop Paglia said, slowed the sainthood process
and “strengthened his enemies,” who,
he said, included the late Colombian
Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, who
believed the Salvadoran archbishop
tended toward Marxism and thought
his canonization would be seen as a
canonization of the materialistic, political form of liberation theology criticized by the church.
“This mountain of paper, unfortunately, weighed down” the cause, the
archbishop said. But the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith examined all his homilies and writings and
cleared them.
Promoters of the cause, he said, collected “a mountain of testimony just as
big” to counter the accusations and to
prove that Archbishop Romero heroically lived the Christian faith and was
killed out of hatred for his words and
actions as a Catholic pastor.
In the end, Archbishop Paglia said,
CNS photo/Octavio Duran
A mural depicting Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero is seen in 2005 outside the San Salvador hospital where
he was killed while celebrating Mass on March 24, 1980.
both a panel of theologians working for the Congregation for Saints’
Causes and the cardinals who are
members of the congregation voted
unanimously to recommend Pope
Francis recognize Archbishop Romero
as a martyr.
“He was killed at the altar,” Archbishop Paglia said, instead of when he
was an easier target at home or on the
street. “Through him, they wanted to
strike the church that flowed from the
Second Vatican Council.”
Shooting him March 24, 1980, as he
celebrated Mass in a San Salvador hospital chapel “was not caused by motives
that were simply political,” Archbishop
Paglia said, “but by hatred for a faith
that, imbued with charity, would not be
silent in the face of the injustices that
relentlessly and cruelly slaughtered the
poor and their defenders.”
Msgr. Jesus Delgado Avecedo, Archbishop Romero’s secretary and aide,
said he met the archbishop the day he
was installed in San Salvador; he came
to the archdiocese with a reputation
as being conservative. “The clergy did
not like him at all, because the clergy
of San Salvador were educated in the
teachings of the Second Vatican Council and Medellin,” the 1968 meeting of
the Latin American bishops that called
church workers to stand with the poor
and for urgent and radical democratic
and economic reforms throughout the
Archbishop Romero, he said, was
seen as “more tranquil, more serene,” a
man “of the past, many priests said.”
“Today is a day of great celebration in
El Salvador,” he said. “The recognition
of the sacrifice of Archbishop Romero
represents for us Salvadorans another
appeal to unity and peace. I am sure the
upcoming beatification will set in motion the realization of the great miracle
of a fraternal encounter of all Salvadorans, overcoming every political, social
and economic division.”
Roberto Morozzo della Rocca, an Italian historian who wrote a biography
of Archbishop Romero and helped
Archbishop Paglia with the cause, said
Archbishop Romero was assassinated
to “silence the public voice of one who
authoritatively asked for conversion
from evil and the rejection of sin.”
The scholar said after years of research, he could find no proof that the
archbishop said a phrase famously
attributed to him by a Guatemalan journalist: “If they kill me, I shall rise again
in the Salvadoran people. May my
blood be the seed of liberty, my death
for the liberation of my people.”
But the use of that phrase by Salvadorans during political demonstrations, as well as the printing of T-shirts
with both the faces of Archbishop
Romero and Che Guevara, the Cuban
revolutionary, did not help make the
case that the archbishop’s murder was
because of his faith, not his politics, he
During a May 2007 news conference
with reporters, Pope Benedict XVI
said, “Archbishop Romero certainly
was a great witness to the faith, a man
of great Christian virtue.” However,
he said, “there is the problem that a
political side wants to take him for itself
as a banner, as an emblematic figure,
Archbishop Paglia said that in December 2012 during his first and only
private audience with Pope Benedict,
the pope informed him that he had decided to “unblock” the cause and allow
it to move forward.
“The martyrdom of Romero has
given meaning and strength to many
Salvadoran families who lost relatives
and friends during the civil war,” Archbishop Paglia said, and the church in El
Salvador is beginning to collect information and testimony about their faith
with the idea of proposing more saints’
causes. 
Pope gives step-by-step primer on contemplative prayer with Gospel
Cindy Wooden CNS
ATICAN CITY. Turn off the
television, tune out the neighbors, and spend 10 or 15 minutes reading a Gospel passage and
speaking to Jesus, Pope Francis told
people at his early morning Mass.
“Today find 10 minutes – 15 at the
most – and read the Gospel, imagine the scene and say something to
Jesus. Nothing more. Your knowledge of Jesus will increase and your
hope will grow,” the pope said Feb.
3 at the Mass in the Domus Sanctae
Marthae where he lives.
Pope Francis took the day’s Gospel story, Mark 5:21-43, and showed
the small congregation how to read
it in a contemplative way:
“I see Jesus was in the midst of
the crowd; there was a big crowd
around him,” the pope said, according to Vatican Radio. “Didn’t Jesus
ever rest? I can think: ‘Always with a
crowd.’ Most of Jesus’ life was spent
on the road, with the crowd. Was
there no rest? Yes, once, the Gospel says he slept in the boat, but a
storm came and the disciples woke
him up. Jesus was always with the
people. And looking at Jesus that
way, contemplating Jesus there, I
imagine him. And I tell Jesus whatever comes into my mind to tell
In the day’s Gospel story, he said,
Jesus does not only see the crowd,
“he feels the heartbeat of each person, of each one of us. He takes care
of everyone always.”
“What I just did with this Gospel
is the prayer of contemplation,” he
said, which involves “taking the
Gospel, reading it, imagining myself in the scene, imagining what
happens and talking to Jesus about
whatever is in my heart.”
The key to hope, the pope said, is
to keep “one’s gaze fixed on Jesus.”
It is possible “to have optimism, to
be positive” without listening to the
Lord, he said, but hope is something
that only “is learned by watching
Reciting the rosary every day is a
great practice, he said, as is calling
on Mary or the saints when facing
a difficulty. But contemplation is a
necessary part of Christian life and
that is possible “only with the Gospel in hand.”
“In your house, for 15 minutes,
take the Gospel, read a little passage, imagine what happened and
talk to Jesus about it. In that way,
your gaze will be fixed on Jesus and
not on a television soap opera, for
example. And your listening will be
focused on the words of Jesus and
not so much on the gossip of your
neighbors.” 
8 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
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February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 9
Pope opens cardinals’ discussion of Curia reform; new offices explained
Cindy Wooden CNS
ATICAN CITY. The reform of
the Roman Curia should promote
“greater harmony” among the Vatican offices, not primarily to save money
or promote efficiency, but to solidify the
unity of the church and strengthen its
ability to evangelize, Pope Francis said.
The pope arrived in the Vatican’s
synod hall a half hour before the consistory, or meeting of the world’s cardinals,
was set to begin Feb. 12. Fewer than two
dozen cardinals were there before him
and the pope greeted them before standing at the front of the hall to welcome
each of the others as they arrived.
Nineteen of the 20 churchmen Pope
Francis was to induct into the College
of Cardinals Feb. 14 were present – sitting in two rows behind the other cardinals; the Vatican said a total of 165 new
and old cardinals were present. Including those who were about to receive
their red hats, the College of Cardinals
has 227 members. Most of those who
were not in attendance are quite elderly
or infirm and were unable to attend.
Pope Francis scheduled the meeting
primarily to discuss with the cardinals
the proposals his nine-member international Council of Cardinals had developed for the reform of the Curia.
The proposals include the creation of
two new large, high-profile Vatican offices: the Congregation for Laity, Family
and Life, and the Congregation for Charity, Justice and Peace, said Jesuit Father
Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman.
The charity and justice congregation
would include the existing pontifical
councils for health care and for migrants,
but also would have a new section dedicated to “safeguarding creation.”
The proposed grouping, he said,
flows from an understanding of “charity
as fundamental to the essence, existence and mission of the church” and of
working for justice “as a consequence”
of charity. The special section for ecol-
CNS photo/Paul Haring
Pope Francis, cardinals and cardinals-designate pray before a meeting in the synod hall at the Vatican Feb. 12. A
two-day meeting of cardinals and cardinals-designate was being held on the reform of the Roman Curia in advance of
a Feb. 14 consistory. The pope will create 20 new cardinals at the consistory.
ogy reflects an increased concern and
commitment on the part of the church
to the need to protect creation.
The section also would work in the
area of “human ecology,” or the idea
that social and political environments
can be deadly for the human person
and for human dignity, he said.
“There is an ecclesial and theological
vision” behind the planned combination of the pontifical councils involved
and raising their profile to the level of a
congregation, Father Lombardi said. “It
is not just about taking certain offices
and putting them together in order to
reduce their number.”
The Second Vatican Council insisted
on the important vocation and role of the
laity in the life of the church, particularly
in witnessing to Christ in the world. Just
as there are congregations for bishops,
for clergy and for religious, Father Lombardi said, it seemed “natural” to the
Council of Cardinals that there would be
a congregation for laity. Given the centrality of family life for many laypeople, it
made sense to combine the two councils
and to have the Pontifical Academy for
Life conduct its work under the new congregation’s auspices, he said.
While the congregation would promote lay involvement in the church,
Father Lombardi said, it is unlikely and
almost “unthinkable” that a layperson
would be appointed its prefect because
the pastoral responsibilities of a Vatican
congregation require that it be led by
an ordained minister, usually a cardinal.
At the beginning of the meeting, Pope
Francis reminded his brother cardinals
that the reform was requested by the
College of Cardinals during the meetings that preceded his election in 2013.
“The aim to reach is that of promoting greater harmony in the work of the
various dicasteries and offices” of the
Vatican, he said, in order to have “more
effective collaboration with the absolute
transparency that builds up authentic
synodality and collegiality,” or shared
responsibility under the pope’s leadership for the good of the whole church.
“The reform is not an end in itself,”
he said, “but a way to give a strong
Christian witness, to promote more
effective evangelization, a more fruitful ecumenical spirit and encourage a
more constructive dialogue with all.”
Pope Francis thanked the members
of the Council of Cardinals and its secretary, Bishop Marcello Semeraro of
Albano, who, the pope said, “is the one
who does the work.”
In drawing up its proposals, he said,
the council took into account “many
suggestions, including those made by
the heads” of the various Vatican congregations and councils.
Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez
Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, council coordinator, and Bishop Semeraro both
made presentations to the cardinals
about the council’s proposals.
The proposals, Pope Francis said,
should “perfect” the work of the Curia
and its main purpose, which is to assist
the pope “in the exercise of his supreme pastoral office for the good and
the service of the universal church and
the particular churches.”
As he did at the beginning of the 2014
Synod of Bishops on the family, Pope
Francis asked the cardinals to share
their opinions with frankness, fidelity
to church teaching and concern for the
salvation of souls. 
Prayers needed outside
abortion clinic during Lent
Ladies of Charity elect new officers
The Ladies of Charity recently elected new officers for 2015-17.
The officers are: (seated, L-R) President-elect Peggy Bradley and
President Ellen Posch; (standing) Recording Secretary Pat Kelley,
Welfare Chair and Vice President Terry Tankard, Treasurer Gaethea
Fleck, and Spiritual Moderator Father Philip Breen. Not pictured are
Corresponding Secretary Ramona Stejskal and Past President Lucky
Van De Gejuchte.
group of respect for life supporters
who regularly pray outside abortion clinics in Nashville are inviting
people to join them during Lent.
The group will be praying across the
street from The Women’s Center at 419
Welshwood Drive in Nashville on the days
when abortions are performed there: 9-11
a.m. Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
“These are the days that abortions happen, so being physically present in prayer
is a powerful deterrent for the women entering the front door,” said Marilyn Cox,
one of the organizers of the prayer effort.
“Standing across the street from The
Women's Center, you are bravely performing these three good deeds: praying
together ... there's strength in numbers
... defending life; proclaiming the truth in
love ... to end the great evil of abortion in
our city; and being a voice for the voiceless. Your prayer will be heard by God for
the babies being killed,” Cox said.
There also will be a Pro-life Stations of
the Cross at the site at noon on Good Friday, April 3.
No parking is allowed on the street, so
people coming to the clinic to pray should
park at the top of the hill in the Fraternal
Order of Police parking lot. 
10 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Struggling couples find stronger marriages through Retrouvaille
Andy Telli
hen couples struggling in their
marriages attend a Retrouvaille
weekend, they are led through
the process by people like Laurel Foster
who know exactly what they are experiencing. They’ve all been there themselves and come out with a stronger,
healthier, happier marriage.
Before Foster and her husband Jeff
became coordinators for Retrovaille
Nashville, their own marriage was
crumbling and headed toward divorce.
Although a counselor had suggested
they try Retrouvaille, Foster was doubtful her marriage could be saved and attended the weekend retreat reluctantly.
But the couples leading the weekend
began sharing their own stories of
wounded marriages.
“Before you have to say a word, you
get to see the very worst side of the
leaders,” Foster said. “I’ve heard this
comment so many times, ‘I thought we
had problems.’”
“Everybody there has experienced the
excruciating pain that goes with marital
breakdown,” Foster said. “We all know
what it feels like to be alone, frustrated,
because you cannot reach your partner.”
Eventually, the couples start to realize
they are in a safe environment where
no one is judging them, Foster said.
“People are won over because we are
so transparent,” she said. “Then two
or three people speak up and then the
floodgates open up.”
Foster is quick to add that the weekend retreats are confidential and no one
is required to speak before the group.
“A whole lot of healing is based on feeling safe,” Foster said. “You can explore the
inner problems and your motive and what
is causing you to do destructive things.
Then we turn around and give answers
and find ways to overcome destructive behavior. … Feeling safe is so crucial.”
The Retrouvaille Nashville ministry is
preparing for its next weekend retreat
March 6-8 and is still accepting couples.
During the initial weekend, attendees
hear stories from presenting couples
who are proof that, despite problems
like unfaithfulness or conflict, following
the principles outlined by Retrouvaille
Pope to dads: Play with your kids,
be strong, loving, moral role models
Carol Glatz CNS
ATICAN CITY. When their lives
are all work and no play, men
turn their children into “orphans”
who lack a father to guide them, show
them love and teach them values, Pope
Francis said.
“They are orphans in a family because
their fathers are often absent, also physically, from home, but above all because
when they are home they don’t act like
fathers, they don’t dialogue with their
children, they don’t fulfill their role as
educators, they don’t give their children,
by way of their example and their words,
those principles, values and rules of life
that they need like bread,” he said.
At his general audience Jan. 28, the pope
continued a series of talks on the family by
focusing on the role of the father.
Speaking to some 7,000 people gathered in the Paul VI audience hall, the
pope said that in the past, fathers were
sometimes too authoritarian, treating
their children like “servants” and not
helping them take responsibility for
forging their own way in life.
“However, as often happens, we have
gone from one extreme to another,” the
pope said.
“The problem today does not seem to
be so much the overbearing presence of
fathers as much as it is rather their absence, their hiding” from their responsibility as parents, he said.
The pope recalled how when he
served as archbishop of Buenos Aires
he would often ask fathers if they
played with their kids, “if they had the
courage of love to ‘waste’ their time
with their children. And their answer
was awful, you know. The majority said,
‘Well, I can’t, too much work.’”
Christian communities need to be extra
attentive to the crisis of fatherhood in society today and how so many young people feel “orphaned” within their own families, the pope said. So many problems
kids have, some of them serious, stem
from them not having a decent father
figure – a father who is an authoritative,
loving guide and role model, he added.
Another problem, the pope said, is
sometimes fathers seem lost or unsure
of what role they are supposed to play
in the family and “so, being in doubt,
they opt out, they withdraw and neglect
their responsibilities, perhaps hiding
behind a dubious relationship of ‘equal
footing’ with their children,” he said.
While it is true fathers need to accompany their kids, he said, they must not
forget they must act like a parent, not a
best friend because “that is not good for
the child.”
Society has a paternal role as well, he
said; it must take an active, responsible
role toward young people and not leave
them “orphans” without prospects for a
good education and employment.
Young people who are “orphaned of
ideals,” values and hope, the pope said,
will fill that void with “idols” and be
driven by fleeting pleasures and the illusion of “the god of money,” robbing
them of their real treasures within.
Jesus, who promised he would not
leave anyone behind as an orphan, is
the teacher that can guide families, he
said. He is “the hope that the world can
change, that love conquers hatred and
that there can be a future of brotherhood and peace for everyone.”
Toward the end of the audience, the
pope said some people might think his
catechesis was “too negative” by looking only at the failures in fatherhood
But he promised the following week’s
catechesis would look at the beauty of
fatherhood, echoing the audience’s Gospel reading from John 3:17: “For God
did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but that the world
might be saved through him.”
The pope said he wanted “to start with
the darkness in order to arrive at the
light so that the Lord can help us understand these things better.” 
(pronounced ret’ tro vie) can lead to
peace and joy, Foster said.
The constant message, she said, is that
marriage is a commitment that requires
time and sacrifice.
At the core of the Retrouvaille ministry
is teaching couples how to communicate
and honestly share their emotions and
feelings, Foster said.
“We all communicate all the time, but
some communication leads to a close
relationship and some of it doesn’t,”
Foster said. “A lot of couples slide into
sharing information, but not why that
information is important to them, how
it’s affecting them. … So often people retreat and they won’t share their feelings
anymore because they get hurt.”
Retrouvaille tries to teach couples a
safe way to share their feelings about
any issue, Foster said.
Two of the most moving talks during
the weekend retreat tackle the issues
of death and sex, Foster said. “Those
are two topics people might tell you the
facts, but they can’t talk to you about
how they feel about these issues.”
“We teach them how to communicate on
a deep, emotional level,” she said. “That’s
why you fell in love in the first place, you
felt a deep, emotional connection.”
“It’s a skill people can learn,” she added.
But it’s a skill that takes time and
practice to learn. So the Retrouvaille
program continues beyond the initial
weekend retreat and lasts as long as a
couple needs it, Foster said.
After the weekend, couples attend post
sessions where they delve more deeply
into tough issues, such as commitment,
forgiveness, family of origin differences,
conflict and sex. The sessions are held
roughly every other week for three
months. The group meets on Sundays
for four hours. The next group of post
session dates are March 15 and 29, April
12 and 26, May 24 and 31 and June 14.
The process doesn’t end with the post
sessions. Couples are invited to join a
support group that meets once a month.
“It’s like a date,” Foster said. The evenings include a potluck dinner followed
by a program addressing an issue such
as communication or gender differences, she said.
“The really important part is the once
a month support group for as long as
you need it,” Foster said.
The Retrouvaille Ministry, which was
introduced in the Diocese of Nashville
in 2007, is Catholic in origin but is open
to couples of any faith or denomination,
Foster said. The program is run by all volunteers. Couples are asked to pay a $300
registration fee to cover the cost of lodging and food during the initial weekend
and then are asked to make a confidential
donation to cover the other costs of the
program. Organizers work with couples
who have trouble paying, Foster said.
To learn more about the program or to
register for the upcoming weekend, visit
www.helpourmarriage.com or call (615)
523-0631. 
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February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 11
Dominicans open Motherhouse doors to community
Theresa Laurence
s part of the celebration of the
Year of Consecrated Life, the
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
hosted an open house at their Motherhouse on Sunday, Feb. 8.
It was the first time in recent memory that the Sisters had opened their
doors to “anybody and everybody,”
from the community, according to
Sister Mary Rose Bingham, O.P.,
director of Aquinas College’s Office
of Catechetics, who was welcoming
visitors in the “Oratory” room of the
Motherhouse, which served as the
Chapel from 1888-2005.
The special year dedicated to consecrated life was announced by Pope
Francis last fall; it started Nov. 30,
2014, the first Sunday of Advent, and
runs until Feb. 2, 2016, World Day of
Consecrated Life. The special themed
year aims to help lay Catholics gain a
deeper understanding of religious life,
priests, brothers and women religious.
One way to do that was for religious
congregations to open their convents,
monasteries, abbeys and houses to
the public on Feb. 8.
“This gives people a glimpse into …
the treasure of our life, the contemplative side,” said Sister Mary Rose.
While many people know the Sisters from their teaching endeavors,
far fewer have actually been into the
place they call home to learn about
their daily life away from the classroom. “This is the core of our life
where our joy and zeal flourishes,”
Sister Mary Rose said. The contemplative and communal life of the Motherhouse “is the source of our ability to
go out and teach.”
One of the biggest draws to curi-
Photos by Theresa Laurence
Margaret Simpson, kneeling at right, visits with her aunt, Sister Marie
Vianney, O.P., during the Dominican Motherhouse open house on Sunday,
Feb. 8. As part of the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Sisters of
St. Cecilia hosted a community open house to show visitors their home and
talk about their daily life of prayer and community.
ous visitors was the chance to get a
glimpse of some “cells,” or personal
living spaces, where individual Sisters sleep, study and pray. The small,
sparse rooms containing a bed,
dresser, bookcase, desk, and little
else are generally not open to visitors, even to family members of the
Sisters. During the open house, many
young children, some of whom were
students in Dominican-run schools,
enjoyed getting a rarely seen peek
into the usually off-limits space.
During the open house, visitors
spent time with Sisters who were
family members or former teachers;
much of the socializing centered in
the Recreation Hall, part of the original 1862 building.
From there, many visitors headed
to the St. Cecilia Chapel, dedicated
in 2005, when a major Motherhouse
expansion was completed, to see
where the community gathers to pray
together every morning, evening and
night. Some of the Sisters offered a
Sister Meagan Marie, above left, a Dominican postulant, talks with children who were visiting
the open house on Feb. 8. The Dominican Sisters welcomed many families with young children
to the open house so they could see where and how the Sisters live. At right, members of the
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia congregation welcome visitors to the open house. Guests were
allowed into several areas of the Motherhouse that are rarely open to visitors, giving people a
unique glimpse into the lives of the Sisters.
sacred music concert in the chapel
during the open house.
The Dominicans joined religious
communities around the country
that are part of the Council of Major
Superiors of Women Religious in hosting the first of its Days with Religious
events to give people the opportunity
to take tours of the communities and
learn more about religious life.
Sister Marie Bernadette Thompson,
O.P., the council coordinator of the
Council of Major Superiors of Women
Religious, said the purpose of the
open house gatherings was to provide
people with an encounter with men
and women religious and also an encounter with Christ. “We are excited
to highlight this unique opportunity to
participate in the Year of Consecrated
Life,” she said.
The open house was especially an
opportunity for young people to see
how men and women religious live.
The Sisters were excited to see many
families with young children visit the
Motherhouse, and welcomed more
than 200 visitors to the Feb. 8 open
Some further activities that are
part of the Year of Consecrated Life
include “Days with Religious,” which
will give laypeople the opportunity
to join men and women religious in
works of service throughout the summer of 2015.
The third major initiative for the
year is a day of prayer scheduled Sept.
13, 2015.
Prayers intentions, prayer cards, a
video on consecrated life and other
resources are available at: www.usccb.
consecrated-life/year-of-consecratedlife/index.cfm. 
12 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
After Insure Tennessee falls, Catholics vow to keep fighting
Theresa Laurence
n the madcap days between when
Gov. Bill Haslam made his case for
Insure Tennessee to the State Legislature on Feb. 2 and when the Senate
Health and Welfare Committee voted
it down late Feb. 4, a number of Catholics descended on Capitol Hill to lobby
in favor of the plan to expand health
insurance to as many as 280,000 of the
state’s working poor.
In the end, they left frustrated and
“That the legislators could be so deaf
to the plight of the people in Tennessee
is something that disturbs me greatly,”
said Dr. Mike Schatzlein, chief executive officer of Saint Thomas Health.
Schatzlein was among a contingent
from Saint Thomas who spent time
personally meeting with legislators,
making the case for why passing Insure
Tennessee was the right thing to do,
from both a moral and a business perspective.
Insure Tennessee would have extended health insurance coverage to
people who are caught in Tennessee’s
“coverage gap,” unable to qualify for
TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program, or for subsidies to purchase
insurance through the Affordable Care
Act marketplace.
Bishop David Choby was also on the
phone with legislators in the first days
of February, lending a voice of support
to Haslam’s Insure Tennessee plan.
“From the Church’s perspective, any
effort to respond to the health needs of
the people, based on the fundamental
value and dignity of the person, deserves consideration,” he said.
“Many of us are fortunate enough to
have our health care needs provided by
our workplace, but not everyone has
that good fortune,” Bishop Choby said.
Government officials have a duty to
find a way to extend health care coverage to the working poor and those too
sick to work, he added.
Many of those who would have
gained better access to health care
through Insure Tennessee “are not lazy
people,” said Jennifer Murphy, executive director of the Tennessee Catholic
Public Policy Commission, the public
policy voice of the Catholic Church in
Tennessee. “These are people who may
be working 40-plus hours a week, veterans, and college students,” she said.
The defeat of Insure Tennessee,
Murphy said, was a “crushing blow” to
those who worked hard to pass it, and
to those who could have benefitted.
By voting it down in committee, state
legislators “chose to do nothing about a
broken system,” she said.
In his Feb. 2 address to a joint convention of the 109th General Assembly,
ahead of an extraordinary legislative
session to consider his Insure Tennessee plan, Haslam explained that the
program would be run as a two-year
pilot program to provide market-based
health care coverage to more than
250,000 Tennesseans who currently
don’t have access to health insurance
or have limited options. “It does not
create any new taxes for Tennesseans
and will not add any state cost to the
budget,” he said.
The plan would have provided coverage to uninsured Tennesseans earning
Photos by Rick Musacchio
Mike Schatzlein, at right, chief
executive officer of Saint Thomas
Health, led a group of Saint Thomas
executives to meet with House
Speaker Beth Harwell, pictured
above, in her office to urge passage
of Gov. Bill Haslam’s Insure
Tennessee plan. The plan died in a
Senate committee just two days after
it was introduced by the governor.
less than 138 percent of the federal
poverty level, valued at slightly over
$16,000 a year for an individual and
$27,000 for a family of three.
Bottom line, Insure Tennessee would
have “lowered costs and improved health
outcomes” for the working poor of Tennessee, Schatzlein said. It also would
have given rural hospitals a needed boost
to receive those federal dollars that will
now be left on the table. Saint Thomas
operates a hospital in rural Hickman
County “the only source of health care
in the county,” according to Schatzlein,
and if it were not part of the larger Saint
Thomas Health system, it would likely
fail, he said. “A lot of these smaller, unaffiliated hospitals will struggle.”
While the uninsured can access care
at one of Saint Thomas’ low cost community clinics, many times people don’t
realize they have that option, or they
visit one time and don’t follow up with
appointments. “Getting people into
medical homes is the right way to do
healthcare,” and that is much more effective when people are insured, Schatzlein said.
The fact that Insure Tennessee failed
in a legislative committee before it was
even brought to a full vote was very
disappointing to Schatzlein and other
Saint Thomas administrators, but, he
said, it will only strengthen the hospital’s outreach efforts. “Our founders,
the Daughters of Charity, charged us to
care for the poor and vulnerable and we
will continue to do that, regardless of
people’s ability to pay,” he said.
Michele Johnson, executive director
of the Tennessee Justice Center, which
helps vulnerable populations gain access to health care, knows the heartbreaking stories of those who are stuck
in the insurance “coverage gap” all too
well. People like Michele Farden, who
works as a home health care aide and
helps care for her daughter and two
granddaughters. She lost a daughter in
July who delayed treatment for a blood
clot because of lack of insurance.
Or people like Phillip Willis who
worked at a funeral home and with
a landscaping company until a back
injury and chronic arthritis kept him
from working. He is now living with his
parents and using a low cost clinic for
health care, where he must pay out-ofpocket.
“The people who we talk to all day
every day are strong, faith-filled, generous people who make our community
better and who are suffering and losing
everything without insurance,” said Johnson, a lifelong Nashvillian and a parishioner at Christ the King Church. “Denying
them coverage that is cost neutral to the
state is tragic and small minded.”
“It’s going to be a long road ahead” to
continue the fight to expand health insurance coverage to the working poor
of the state, Johnson said, “and some
people won’t survive that road.” The
Tennessee Justice Center is not giving
up in the face of defeat though. They
have already been discussing with their
supporters how to move forward.
Johnson and her staff will reach out
to more people who lack insurance
coverage, gathering and sharing their
stories to increase awareness of the
needs. “We will continue the hard work
of trying to connect people who are
isolated, and let them know that they
matter,” she said.
Additionally, Tennessee Justice Cen-
ter members are brainstorming how to
better educate people across the state
about the on-going need for health insurance expansion. Just before Insure
Tennessee came up for a vote, “there
was a poll that said the vast majority
of Tennesseans didn’t understand it,”
Johnson said. “We need to do a better
job educating citizens.”
However, one reason people didn’t
understand the plan, she said, was
because of so much misinformation
circulating, especially from out-of-state
groups like the Americans for Prosperity, whose members, dressed in bright
red t-shirts, swarmed Capitol Hill,
working to defeat the legislation. The
night of the vote, the organization sent
out a press release thanking legislators
“for listening to your constituents and
voting to stop Obamacare’s Medicaid
expansion in Tennessee.”
Even though Haslam tried to make it
clear in his address to state legislators
that Insure Tennessee was, in fact, not
“Obamacare,” it did depend on federal
money, and with such distrust between
state legislators and the federal government, the plan was unable to gain
While Johnson, Schatzlein and others
working to pass Insure Tennessee were
disappointed by the outcome, they say
they are not giving up the fight for to
expand health care access in Tennessee, and across the country. “At some
point, everybody in America will have
coverage,” Schatzlein said, “and we
continue to work and pray for that.” 
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 13
St. Andrew Outreach offers food, clothes and lots of hugs
Continued from front page
time to listen to people’s troubles and
then offering them emotional support.
“One of the things that Matt told me
early on was his main job was give hugs,”
said Father Steve Wolf, the temporary
administrator of St. Andrew Church.
The Kellers’ determination to help
people deal with the emotional stress
of life’s problems was inspired by their
own experiences. They lost a 16-year-old
son to a sudden heart attack, and the
experience of dealing with loss and grief
had a major impact on the couple. They
ultimately took classes in grief counseling and learned how to reach out to
people suffering through difficult times.
“We get tears here sometimes. We
have to pull people aside and tell them
don’t be ashamed to come in for help,”
June said. “We are here to help.”
The Kellers brought Outreach to
Sparta when they moved from Florida
to be closer to some of their children.
Eighteen years ago, they had moved
from Michigan to Florida. “Sister Mary
called us in at St. Mary Church in Rockledge, Florida. She said, ‘There is this
need and you are volunteered,’” June said.
The Kellers worked with the local
Catholic Charities office and operated a
parish-based support program for eight
years. That experience provided an
understanding of the nuts and bolts of
operating an assistance program.
June, who had worked her way up from
a switchboard operator to personnel manager to a buyer at a J.C. Penney store in
Florida, used her management skills to
help organize the program. “I’ve always
been very organized,” June said, “and
that really helps keep up with the records
necessary to operate the program.”
When they moved to Sparta 10 years
ago, the Kellers met with Father Fred
Schmit, S.D.S., who was the long-time
pastor of the parish. With his support,
St. Andrew adopted the program.
“This is a small parish,” said Father
Wolf, with only about 147 members.
“One of the things that I’ve discovered
is that everybody takes responsibility
for everything. People talked about this
program with a real sense of pride, and
I was impressed as they were describing it to me with how simple it is. The
Photos by Rick Musacchio
Jay Mendel, one of the 10 core members of St. Andrew Parish’s Outreach program, checks food boxes to be
distributed to the poor and needy in the Sparta area. The community outreach program at St. Andrew Parish in
Sparta was started about 10 years ago when Matt and June Keller moved to the community and began a ministry
similar to one they started in their former parish in Coco, Fla.
people of the parish get excited about it.
They want to support it.”
“Just watching the people coming in
and being treated with respect is impressive,” Father Wolf said. “Think about a
place where you actually need help and
to know that there is a place that is going
to be there for you every Thursday, 10 to
noon, and these people are going to be
there to help. It may not be the best time
for you, but they are going to be there to
help. That is a great gift of faith.”
“No institution or bureaucracy,” Father Wolf said. “They just want to help
people. I can see how that is attractive
to the people of the parish. Their planning meeting is eating a doughnut and
setting up the table to help the clients.”
The program is funded entirely
through donations from parishioners.
Every month there is a collection for
the program, and when there is a special need for clothing or household
items, a bulletin notice typically brings
in items for distribution.
“All of the money that we get comes
from parishioners,” June said, “every bit.”
“Sometimes the bank account gets
kind of low, and a check will come in
for $1,000,” she said. “Sometimes someone would be visiting the parish and
leave an envelope that says they are
very impressed with what we are doing
here and put in a $1,000 check. It happens all of the time.”
“Last month, the program served
100 clients,” June said. A client can be
a household of one to eight people.
Every 30 days, a household receives a
food box, and once a year, they can receive assistance with utility bills.
The volunteers can refer people to
other agencies for more help if it’s
needed. Also, other churches in the
Sparta area have seen the impact of
the Outreach program and have coordinated efforts to host their own programs. June said that 10 other churches
have set up similar programs in an effort to meet the needs in the area.
The program has brought two parishioners back to the church because they
were so impressed with the help that
Outreach gives to the people, June said.
June is 80 years old and Matt 82, but
they have no plans to give up their
work to help others in need. “This program is part of our life,” June said.
“I’ve had seven surgeries in six years,”
she added, “but I’m still here. I can’t
walk away from the program. My daughter said, ‘Mom, if you retire, you will die.’
There is so much of me in this work.” 
June and Matt Keller, above left, moved to the Sparta community 10 years ago and began a ministry similar to one they started in their former parish in
Florida. At right, Cindy Brown helps Gina Bumbalough, a client from Sparta, pack a donation of bedding during a regular St. Andrew Parish Outreach
session held at the church every Thursday morning. Bumbalough said that she has been coming to the sessions for about two years and that the support
helps her make it through the month.
14 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
New program offers help in the kitchen and classroom
Briana Grzybowski
new program offered by Catholic
Charities is helping Nashville
residents enhance their lives
through nutritional instruction and academic assistance.
Recipes for Success is a free monthly
workshop that strives to provide local
families with school tutoring for their
kids and tips for healthy living. Meetings began on Jan. 17 and will continue
through the first Saturday of every
month for the remainder of the school
This effort is the result of a longterm collaboration between Catholic
Charities, the South Nashville Family
Resource Center, and CASTLES (Communities and Students Together for
Learning-Enhanced Service).
“We’ve been working with Catholic
Charities and CASTLES for the past
seven or eight years,” said Leslie
Hayes, director of the South Nashville
Family Resource Center. “We’ve been
talking to them as a part of an advisory
council, assessing the needs of families
in local neighborhoods. We thought a
program like this would be beneficial to
our clients.”
Most of the participants are immigrants, but anyone is welcome to join.
“The majority of the people we see are
relatively new to America and adjusting to American culture,” said Hayes.
“With their child’s schooling, they
might have trouble interpreting the
grading system or talking to teachers
about issues their kids are facing.”
The program’s leaders rely heavily on
word-of-mouth communication to invite
people to participate. “We’re within
walking distance of immigrant communities in South Nashville. There are
several apartment complexes nearby
that have big immigrant populations,”
Hayes said. “We’ve developed relationships with many of the managers of
those buildings, and they talk to their
residents. The participants themselves
talk to their neighbors and people at
their churches.
“Kids at one of the apartment buildings have been posting flyers where
their neighbors can read them,” she
added. “One of our participants at our
first meeting was referred to us by Big
Brothers, Big Sisters and his mentor
joined in.
“The people who come to us tend to
not use Facebook or Twitter,” Hayes
said, “so we really need them to get the
word out in person.”
Each session lasts from 10 a.m. to
noon, and begins with academic tutoring for students.
“CASTLES is a service-learning
program developed by students at
Vanderbilt University. It aims to encourage Vanderbilt students to serve at-risk
youth by promoting physical wellness
and academic success. The students
from CASTLES are the tutors for the
academic part of Recipes for Success,”
Hayes said.
“It’s very interactive. They start
things off by playing a game with the
kids and assessing new participants’
needs,” she said. “Then they break off
for one-on-one tutoring and homework
help. We provide snacks, and the kids
love them. For this portion, parents can
either stay with their kids or wait in the
The other part is for providing tips
on living a healthier lifestyle. “When
the kids are done with their tutoring,
everyone meets in the kitchen. There,
we talk about how to prepare foods in a
healthier way. We also talk about strategies to help participants become more
physically active,” Hayes said.
“We’ve put together a curriculum
through Vanderbilt’s School of Nursing. And we’ve also collaborated with
Saint Thomas Health Services for this
part of it,” Hayes said. “At our last
meeting, a dietician from Saint Thomas
came to talk to participants about nutrition. And then, at the end of our time
together, we all cook a meal and eat it
together for lunch.”
Hayes loves to see how the program
brings families together. “The most
rewarding part of it for me is seeing
the parents taking a more active role
in their children’s education. With the
tutoring sessions, many of them stick
around to help out.
“Usually language and cultural
differences create barriers when it
comes to immigrant parents getting
involved in their children’s schooling,
but we set up an environment where
they and their children can work together,” Hayes said. “It’s a great thing
to see.” 
Families learn to prepare healthy after school snacks at the Catholic
Charities South Nashville Family Resource Center through the “Communities
and Students Together for Learning-Enhanced Service” program, developed
by students at Vanderbilt University.
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February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 15
Holy Rosary Academy alumnus selected for National Honors Choir
Ned Andrew Solomon
hen Chrissa Walsh came to
Holy Rosary Church a year
ago as director of music
ministry, she was pleased to discover
that Rebecca Sullivant was still a parishioner, still actively involved in the
church, and best of all, still singing.
Now a senior at Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet High School, Sullivant’s
talent had stood out years ago when
Walsh directed sixth grader Sullivant in
a school musical at Holy Rosary Academy. “I knew there was something special about her then,” recalled Walsh.
“So she started singing in the choir
with me, and immediately I thought:
she’s a cantor. She’s that good.”
There are several active choirs at
Holy Rosary, and the church rotates its
cantors around. Of the three masses,
Rebecca typically comes up as cantor
twice a month. She also mentors Holy
Rosary’s youth choir and has been a
fourth grade assistant religious education teacher for the past three years.
“When she sings, or when she’s
working with the kids, or when she’s a
member of the choir, her spiritual presence just exudes from her,” Walsh said.
“Not only is she gifted and talented,
she’s just so humble and spiritual
about it.”
After several months of working
with Sullivant, Walsh encouraged her
to audition for the Nashville Choir, a
Photo by Andy Telli
Rebecca Sullivant, a senior at Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet High School
in Nashville and an active parishioner at Holy Rosary Church, was recently
selected for the National Honors Choir. She is a member of the choir and a
cantor at Holy Rosary.
local ecumenical, faith-based choir.
“She went and her audition blew them
away,” said Walsh. “She made it immediately.”
Which should not have been a big
surprise. For a senior in high school,
Sullivant has garnered an impressive
performance resume. In eighth grade,
she was a paid singer for the Nashville
Symphony’s Pied Piper Series for chil-
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Distinctly Dominican
dren. She’s been a member of the AllState Choir since her sophomore year
at Pope John Paul II High School. She’s
even sung with the Blair Chorale and
Nashville Symphony during the U.S.
premiere of an opera by Pink Floyd
founder Roger Waters.
And ever since fifth grade, Sullivant
has sung with the Blair Children’s
Chorus. Currently she’s in Blair’s precollege division. Earlier this year, her
Blair directors asked if she wanted to
audition for the Honors Choir on the
national level. Sullivant enthusiastically
replied, “Well, yeah!”
The directors selected a small group
of students who they believed had the
best chance of getting a spot in the National Choir. To audition, students were
given a link to the American Choral Director’s Association website, which had
a listing of the various potential choirs,
based on age, gender and voice part.
“We worked a little bit with our directors, but it was really preparing on
your own,” Sullivant said. “Then about
a month after they recommended us
we went to the School of Music at
Vanderbilt, and, in 15-minute intervals,
we practiced and they recorded audio
files of us. The recordings were sent
in, and then we had to wait.”
A month later on a Friday the results
were posted. Sullivant had been out
really late after a hectic week, and was
falling asleep when a peer from HumeFogg and the Blair high school chorus,
Brett Miller, called her. He had made
it in, and wanted Sullivant to log on to
see if she had been selected too.
“So I hung up, clicked on the list, and
my number wasn’t there,” Sullivant
said. “Then I realized I was looking at
the college choir list. It was a real emotional roller coaster! I went back and
made sure I was on the right list this
time. I checked three times, thinking,
‘That can’t be my number.’ But it was!
So now I’m going to Utah!”
At the end of February, accepted
singers from all over the country – in
the high school division, 300, of about
10,000 applicants – will fly to Salt Lake
City for a four-day choral festival.
There will also be choirs from outside
of the country, like The King’s Singers
from Britain and the Metropolitan Chorus of Tokyo.
“We’re going to do a piece with the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which I’m
so excited about!” said Sullivant.
At the conclusion of the event, all the
participants will gather in one giant
stadium for “The World’s Largest Community Sing.”
“Everyone is going to start singing
this song together, and they’re inviting
the entire city to see if they can come,”
Sullivant said. “It’s projected that we’re
going to break the world record for the
largest group of people singing a song
in an organized manner.”
All of these incredible, once in a lifetime experiences might go to the head
of a different person. But Sullivant has
remained modest and grounded. Instead of dreaming of record deals and
Grammy awards, Sullivant’s aspiration
is to get a degree in music education
– a double major – and to ultimately
become a choir director in a Catholic
high school.
“I have thought about it and prayed
about it,” said Sullivant. “And I really
like that idea because there are three
things I want to do with my life: music,
religion and teaching. My faith and my
singing are like one and the same. God
gives us all these gifts to spread his
love to other people. I use my voice,
whether it’s singing or speaking, as
the greatest tool I have to show other
people how loved they are.” 
Circle of Friends
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Children’s Consig
St. Henry, Fellowship Hall,
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16 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Defeat of Insure Tennessee a missed opportunity
hen the Senate
Health and Welfare
Committee voted to
kill Gov. Bill Haslam’s Insure
Tennessee plan to expand
health insurance coverage to
about 250,000 of the state’s
working poor, the entire State
Legislature missed a great opportunity.
They missed the opportunity
for the whole legislative body
to debate a policy regarding
an important public issue. All
American school children are
taught that debating important
issues, giving voice to all the
different views and perspectives so a sound decision can
be reached, is the very reason
we have a Legislature. But
seven members of the committee, several of whom have
health insurance through the
state, decided for the entire
State of Tennessee that we
shouldn’t provide government
financed health insurance for
the working poor. The debate
was over before it even started.
It was as if while one debating team was shuffling papers
and getting ready to make
their opening arguments, the
other team walked off the
stage, shut off the lights, left
the room and locked the door
behind them – and declared
victory. It’s the people of Tennessee who are left in the dark.
It’s the people of Tennessee
who have lost.
Legislators missed the opportunity to have an honest
discussion of what the state’s
responsibility is in making
sure people have access to affordable health care. Is health
care a right or a privilege?
Should your income level
alone determine whether you
have the opportunity to avail
yourself of health care? Is it
a privilege that even though
it might be good for some
people, simply costs more than
the state can afford? Can the
state afford NOT to help give
the working poor access to affordable health care?
All of those are interesting
and important questions, but
we missed the opportunity to
hear the answers.
The Legislature missed the
opportunity to hear how access to affordable health care
could improve people’s health.
They missed the opportunity
to hear how better access to
affordable health care might
save people’s lives.
They missed the opportunity
to hear how additional federal
funds that would have paid for
Insure Tennessee would have
created more jobs and boosted
the state’s economy, not to
mention helping the finances of
rural hospitals, many of which
are struggling to survive. They
missed the opportunity to discuss how people in those rural
areas would be affected if their
hospital has to close.
They missed the opportunity
to consider the moral implica-
Photo by Rick Musacchio
Saint Thomas Health senior administrators met with House Speaker Beth Harwell in her
office Feb. 3 to urge passage of Gov. Bill Haslam’s Insure Tennessee plan. The plan, which
would have greatly expanded health insurance coverage to the working poor of the state,
died in a Senate committee just two days after it was introduced by the governor.
tions of this issue. As Catholics
we believe in the God-given,
inherent value and dignity of
every human being. That belief compels us to treat everyone accordingly, with respect
and care and mercy. We are
called to follow the example of
Jesus who healed the sick and
restored the sight of the blind.
According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
“Catholic teaching supports
adequate and affordable health
care for all, because health
care is a basic human right.
Health care policy must protect human life and dignity, not
threaten them, especially for
the most voiceless and vulner-
There is a hole in the health
care system in this country
that affects everyone. There
are hundreds of thousands
of people in Tennessee and
millions across the country
who can’t afford insurance or
don’t have access to it. Unfortunately, they still get sick.
Most of the time, they’ll put
off treatment for as long as
they can, which only makes
matters worse. When they
do finally seek care, the cost
to treat them is often higher
than it should have been – or
could have been. And when
they can’t afford to pay for
their treatment, the cost is ulti-
mately passed on to those of us
who have insurance.
Ignoring the health care
needs of the working poor is
no solution.
The Legislature had an opportunity to serve the public
by having an open, vigorous
debate that might have actually led to a better health care
system in Tennessee, better
health for its citizens, a stronger economy. Unfortunately
for all of us, they passed on
that opportunity.
Only the legislators know
if that opportunity will come
around again. We pray that if it
does, we at least get a full and
fair hearing. 
Spending time with spouse can deepen marriage relationship
John Bosio
he Lenten season is
around the corner.
This year don’t give up
chocolate, do something that
changes your life – make a
date with your spouse each
week during Lent.
According to a report by the
National Marriage Project at
the University of Virginia oneon-one couple time, such as
when a couple goes on a date,
strengthens their marriage.
The title of the report is “The
Date Night Opportunity.”
“Couples who devote time
specifically to one another at
least once a week are markedly more likely to enjoy highquality relationships and lower
divorce rates,” write Bradford
Wilcox and Jeffrey Drew, the
authors of the report. “They
believe that date nights, oneon-one couple time, have the
potential of strengthening a
marriage in at least five ways:
• Communication. Couple
time can “foster much needed
communication, mutual understanding and a sense of communion between the spouses.”
• Novelty. Most couples after
a few years of marriage experience a decline in the quality
of their relationship because
their life becomes routine and
spouses take each other for
granted. Date nights can break
the monotony of daily life
through activities that are new
and fun for both.
• Eros. Going on a date gives
the spouses an opportunity
to focus their attention on the
relationship, share feelings,
engage in romantic activities,
and try new things. It can help
spouses rekindle the romantic
• Commitment. Spouses
that are making time to go on
a date regularly solidify their
commitment to each other.
The one-on-one time spent
together fosters a sense of togetherness and signals to one
another and to friends and family that they take their relationship seriously.
• De-Stress. Stresses related
to work, finances, parenthood,
or illness can prove corrosive
to the marital relationship
because it causes spouses to
become irritable with each
other or withdrawn. Going on
a date can relieve some of the
stress by allowing spouses to
enjoy time with one another
away from the concerns of dayto-day life.
Having one-on-one couple
time with your spouse does
not have to cost a lot of money.
You do not need to go to a restaurant or to a movie, or to go
away for the weekend to have
a fun time together. You can
have your one-on-one couple
time in your home.
For example you can plan
something fun together after
the children go to bed. That
is what Teri and I used to do
when our children were young,
and we still do from time to
time. We play cards. We like
to play Double Solitaire and
UNO. Over the years when we
played UNO we tracked our
scores on a notepad that we
keep with the cards. When we
play now, we find ourselves
leafing through the notepad,
and look back in time at our
individual scores and who won
when. That in itself brings
back fond memories.
Recently I found a wonderful
booklet, available as an e-book
called “$10 Great Dates: Connecting Love, Marriage, and
Fun on a Budget,” by Peter
and Heather Larson, and David
and Claudia Arp. The book is
full of wonderful suggestions
for 52 simple dates you can
enjoy at home or in your neighborhood for the cost of $10 or
on-one couple time?
John Bosio is a parishioner of
St. Stephen Catholic Church in
Old Hickory. He is the author of
two books on marriage: “Happy
Together: the Catholic Blueprint
for a Loving Marriage,” and
“Blessed is Marriage: a Guide
to the Beatitudes for Catholic
Couples.” John is a former marriage and family therapist. Find
out more about his books at
www.happy-together.net. 
Question for Reflection:
What do you and your
spouse do that is fun for
both? In your busy schedules when is a good time
for you to have regular one-
The Tennessee Register is published by the
Diocese of Nashville and
welcomes your comments
and opinions.
Please clearly mark letters
to the editor and send to:
Columns and letters to
the editor represent the
views of authors alone.
No viewpoint expressed
necessarily reflects any position of the publisher, of
any Tennessee Register staff
member, or of the Diocese
of Nashville.
Tennessee Register
2400 21st Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37212-5302
You may fax your letters
or comments to the Register at (615) 783-0285. By
e-mail: tnregister@ dioceseofnashville.com.
Tennessee Register 17
February 13, 2015
God’s mercy always open to those who acknowledge their sins
Msgr. Owen F. Campion
ACKGROUND. The first
reading for the weekend
of Feb. 22, from the
Book of Genesis, presents the
familiar story of Noah. It is a
story of contrast and of the
consequences of this contrast.
Noah was faithful, whereas the
world almost universally was
not faithful.
God protected Noah from
doom, to which the sinful
world succumbed. Warned
by God, Noah took his family, and couples of the various
animals, onto the ark, or ship,
that Noah constructed. As the
floodwaters ebbed, the ark
settled on dry land. By God’s
help, all aboard Noah’s ark
God assures Noah, and all
people, that never again would
a flood destroy the earth. God
promises a Covenant with
Sunday, February 22, 2015
First Sunday of Lent
Genesis 9:8-15
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:12-15
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Second Sunday in Lent
Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Romans 8:31b-34
Mark 9:2-10
Noah’s people. Under this Covenant, or solemn agreement,
the people would obey God’s
law. In turn, God would protect
them from peril.
It is the foundational story of
all that would be revealed in
the long history of salvation.
Sin destroys, while God gives
the truly faithful life itself.
The second reading is from
the Second Epistle of Peter. It
states that it was composed in
Babylon, surely a symbol of
Rome, the mighty, magnificent
to behold imperial capital, but
also the center of paganism
and of the impious culture of
the time.
Roman Christians at the time
required encouragement. This
epistle provided such encouragement by recalling the faithfulness of Noah. God protects
and saves the faithful, who in
baptism and in holiness identify themselves with Jesus.
St. Mark’s Gospel furnishes
the last reading. It is very
brief, only a few verses, but its
brevity gives it drama and a
directness in its message.
Use of the number 40 is revealing, suggesting as it does
the 40 days spent by Moses
in the desert before God gave
him the law on Sinai. Jesus is
the bearer of God’s holy word,
as was Moses. Jesus is as concentrated in the task of serving
God as was Moses in his time.
Wild beasts were all about,
no literary figment but a reality, even today, in the Judean
wilderness. Yet, angels protected Jesus. Mark does not
lose the chance again to assert
that Jesus is the Son of God.
At last, indicated by John’s
arrest and his removal from
‘Noahs Thanksgiving Prayer,’ painting by Domenico Morelli, 1901.
the role of prophet, the culmination of salvation awaits.
Jesus steps forward, proclaiming that God’s majesty will be
seen. The Lord calls upon the
people to repent. “The time of
fulfillment” is at hand. God will
be vindicated. Jesus has come
to set everything in balance.
The sinful will be laid low. The
good will endure.
The Church has begun Lent,
the most intense period in its
year of calling its people to
union with God. While Ash
Wednesday was the first day
of Lent, many Catholics will
begin the Lenten process with
this weekend’s Mass.
The readings call people to
face the facts of life as humans,
of good and evil, and of the
products of good and evil.
Regardless of the exact details of the flood described in
Genesis, so often discussed
and indeed questioned on scientific grounds, the religious
message of Noah and his ark is
clear. It supplies a fitting beginning to reflection for Lent. Sin,
the willful rejection of God,
leads necessarily and always to
The message of Christ is
never, in the end, filled with
woe and despair. God offers
eternal life and peace here and
now. For those who fail, God is
forgiving and merciful, so long
as the wayward see their faults
and ask for mercy.
Essential to asking for forgiveness is to acknowledge
personal sin. We must delve
deeply into our hearts and
minds and scrutinize what we
have done.
We must focus. We must be
frank with ourselves. For these
purposes, we now begin our
40 days of concentration upon
Msgr. Owen Campion, former
editor of the Tennessee Register, is associate publisher of Our
Sunday Visitor. 
What the world needs now – and always – is love, sweet love
Mary Margaret Lambert
dvertisements are filled
with pictures of hearts,
red and white stuffed animals, flowers, perfume, candy,
jewelry and greeting cards.
In an attempt to get people to
want, and others to buy, these
items for Valentine’s Day, the
retailers began putting up displays immediately after all the
marked down Christmas items
were removed from prominent
shelves and banished to a
more obscure aisle.
They want to entice shoppers
to show their love for others
by purchasing a gift for “that
special someone.” The donor
gets brownie points for doing
something good, and the merchants show a profit for February. It’s a win-win situation.
It’s fun to receive Valentine
cards, and I do my share of
mailing them out every year to
let those I care about know it.
Every year, I sent a card
to my in-laws for every occasion, and after the death of
my mother-in-law, I continued
sending them to my husband’s
father. After years of never
acknowledging any of them, I
decided to just stop, launching
my strike on a particular Valentine Day.
Late that afternoon, I got a
phone call from our very own
Archie Bunker clone. “What
happened? Did your mailman
I asked why, and he told
me in his own charming way
that he didn’t get a Valentine
card from us. I replied, “No,
because I thought you didn’t
want them since you never
mentioned the many that have
previously been sent.”
He growled, “Well, I do,” and
hung up the phone.
From that day on, I resumed
sending the cards like clock-
work, never receiving any
more feedback from him, but
assuming he was pleased to
get them. After he passed
away, we found bundles of the
opened cards, tucked away in
the bottom of his sock drawer;
proof that even curmudgeons
want to know they are loved
by others.
Wouldn’t it be nice to show
love to others the remaining
364 days out of the year? We
don’t have to always send a
card or give a gift to convey
our feelings, but can search for
creative ways to show someone you care about them, and
that they matter in your life.
There is a new commercial
that I saw for the first time
during Super Bowl Sunday. It
shows a bottle of a well known
cola drink getting accidentally
spilled down into the inside
workings of a massive computer, shorting out wires and
creating havoc with everything
electronic. When the glitch
kicks in, in the flash of an eye,
two men who are in a heated
argument on a television show
are magically transformed
into buddies happily chatting
with each other. A young boy
is on a school bus when he
gets a text message that reads
“nobody likes you.” Looking
around to try and discover the
sender’s identity, the message
changes to state “there’s nobody like you,” which brings a
smile to his face, rather than a
tear to his eye or a pain to his
In 1965, Burt Bacharach and
Hal David collaborated on a
song entitled “What The World
Needs Now.” Jackie DeShannon recorded it, and it climbed
to the number seven spot on
the most popular song lists
that year.
The simple opening lyrics of
“What the world needs now is
love, sweet love; it’s the only
thing that there’s just too little
of” are timeless, and just as
true now as they were a half
a century ago. The song has
been recorded by more than
100 other artists over the
years, and used as the sound
track in several movies.
Stevie Wonder wrote, produced and recorded his number one Billboard Hot 100 hit,
“I Just Called To Say I Love
You.” Remaining at the top of
the charts for three weeks in
1984, Stevie proclaims in the
chorus of this song, “I just
called to say I love you. I just
called to say how much I care.
I just called to say I love you,
and I mean it from the bottom
of my heart.”
Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?
Although it’s idealistic and
often difficult, just think of
how much the world would
improve if we could just make
every day Valentine’s Day. Just
call and say “I love you” to
someone. Maybe it will spread
faster than any virus ever
known to mankind.
Copyright © 2014 Mary Margaret Lambert 
18 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Support the Collection for the Church in
Copyright © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All
rights reserved. Photo credits: © iStock, Stocksy United.
Please be generous Ash Wednesday, February 18
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 19
SCA to host Rose Gala
fundraiser on Feb. 21
Dr. Carolyn Baker, center, was the honoree at Masquerade Knight, the
2015 Gala and Auction for Pope John Paul II High School. She was
a member of the school’s original Board of Trustees and chaired the
search for the school’s first headmaster, Hans Broekman. Dr. Baker is
pictured with her husband, Clark, and her daughters Christin Baker,
left, and Caroline Baker Tuss, right.
JPII honors Carolyn Baker
at annual Gala and Auction
r. Carolyn Baker, a member
of the founding Board of
Trustees for Pope John Paul
II High School, was the honoree at
the 2015 Gala and Auction for the
school – Masquerade Knight –held
Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Bluegrass
Yacht and Country Club in Hendersonville.
Baker’s career in education spans
more than 30 years, during which
she has devoted much time, talent
and treasure to the enhancement of
Catholic education throughout the
Diocese of Nashville. She founded
the Nashville Catholic Middle
School Forensic League, coached
forensics at Overbrook School, and
taught as an adjunct instructor at
Aquinas College.
In early 1999, Baker was invited by
Nashville Bishop Edward Kmiec to
serve on the Program Committee of
the New High School Task Force,
which eventually became the inaugural Board of Trustees of JPII. Baker’s leadership as chair of the Headmaster Search was instrumental in
bringing to JPII Hans Broekman, the
school’s founding headmaster.
The Gala included a silent and live
auction, dinner and dancing. Proceeds from the gala support the general operations of the school. 
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he St. Cecilia Academy Parents’
Association will host the Rose
Gala, formerly known as Songwriter’s Night, at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb.
21, in the school gymnasium.
Proceeds from the event, which will
include silent and live auctions, dinner
and dancing, will be used to help pay
for the refurbishment of the gym.
The Rose Gala will have a 1980s
theme: “I Want My SCA.”
Anne Love Brunette, a member of St.
Cecilia’s Class of 1972 who has made
many contributions to the school as a
student, parent, teacher and administra-
tor, will be honored at the Gala.
There also will be an online auction,
featuring a Big Kid Bouncy House and
Pizza Party, tickets to the Nashville
Predators-Minnesota Wild game on Feb.
26, tickets to the Nashville Opera production of “Pirates of Penzance,” comprehensive orthodontic treatment from
Gluck Orthodontics, and a golf outing at
Hillwood Country Club. Online bidding
at https://bidcoz.com/sca2015 will end
at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15.
For information about tickets or to
buy tickets online visit https://bidcoz.
com/sca2015/tickets. 
Father Ryan to honor 90th
anniversary at annual Gala
ather Ryan High School will celebrate its 90-year tradition of faith,
knowledge and service at its 36th
Annual Legacy Gala on March 7, honoring notable alumni and events from
the school’s nine-decade-long past.
The Legacy Gala will take place at the
Omni Hotel in downtown Nashville for
the second consecutive year, beginning
at 6:30 p.m. The event includes silent
and live auctions and a dinner, with a
special salute to the school’s history as
the highlight of the evening.
In making the Legacy Gala announcement, Father Ryan President Jim McIntyre praised the school’s commitment
to Catholic education. “I am fortunate
to work for a place with such a rich history and deep roots in the community,”
said McIntyre. “Our school has been a
leader in this city for 90 years, teaching
and guiding the youth in Nashville to
be living examples of the Gospel. We
look forward to celebrating that tradition at this year’s Gala, and we look to
honor the many men and women who
have taught and who have learned in
this remarkable school.”
As the oldest continuously operating
Catholic diocesan school in Nashville,
Father Ryan traces its roots to 1925,
the founding year of the Nashville
Catholic High School for Boys. After
three years of growth, the school
outgrew its first facilities and began
construction on a new campus on Elliston Place, officially moving there in
1929 under the new name, Father Ryan
High School. The school once again
began to outgrow its facilities and in
1991 relocated to its current home on
Norwood Drive.
During World War II, more than 650
alumni and faculty members from Father Ryan served in the United States
military, while those at home answered
the call for equipment needs and raised
more than $598,000 selling war bonds.
In 1954, four months after Brown v.
Board of Education ended school segregation, Father Ryan admitted its first
African-American students, becoming
one of the first two schools in Tennessee to integrate.
A decade later, Father Ryan became
the first school in the Nashville Interscholastic League to integrate its
sports teams.
This year’s Gala, co-chaired by Julie
and Ed Norfleet, includes auction
items such as a portrait of the Gala
painted live during the event, a tour
of Nashville’s skyline from a World
War II biplane, and getaways to Tim’s
Ford Lake, Breckenridge, Colo., and
Orlando, Fla.
The proceeds from the Gala benefit
the overall programs at the school, directly impacting the students of Father
Ryan. 
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20 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Former model to speak on true
beauty at St. Cecilia Academy
t. Cecilia Academy invites mothers
and daughters to hear internationally acclaimed
Catholic speaker Leah
Darrow on the topic
“Reclaim Beauty: The
Faithful Fashionista,”
at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
Feb. 24.
As a former professional model and
finalist on “America’s
Next Top Model,”
Darrow draws from her experiences
in the beauty industry to reveal the
dangers of the world’s misconception of
beauty. Darrow breaks down pop culture
representations of beauty and reveals
how they often exploit women as objects
for mere use. In contrast to this empty
idea of beauty, Darrow explores God’s
design for beauty by reflecting on the
virtue of modesty with inspiration from
Sacred Scripture, Theology of the Body,
and Mother Teresa.
This event is free and open to the
public. The recommended age for this
presentation is grade 7 and above.
For more information, please call (615)
298-4525 or email info@stcecilia.edu. 
Nashville agencies serving homeless
receive HUD grants
wo Nashville agencies that serve
the homeless and have ties to
Catholic parishes and organizations have received Continuum of Care
grants from the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
The grants were among more than
$21.5 million awarded to Tennessee
agencies to help them provide critically
needed housing and support services
to homeless people and families. The
grants fund a wide variety of programs
from street outreach and assessment to
transitional and permanent housing for
homeless persons and families.
Safe Haven Family Shelter, which was
established at St. Patrick Church in
Nashville and still receives support from
Catholic parishes, organizations and
individuals, received three grants totaling $180,955 to fund transitional housing
and rehousing programs.
The Room In The Inn, which started at
Holy Name Church in Nashville and has
grown to include a campus that provides
a wide variety of services, received a
grant totaling $31,618. Several parishes
in the Nashville area house the homeless
one night a week as part of the Room In
The Inn’s signature program. 
Photo by Ken Snow/Pontifical College Josephinum
Seminarians accepted into
Candidacy for Holy Orders
Mass on Jan. 31 marked a defining moment in the priestly formation
of two seminarians for the Diocese of Nashville and 16 of their
classmates at the Pontifical College Josephinum, as Bishop Frederick
F. Campbell Columbus, Vice Chancellor of the Josephinum, admitted
them to Candidacy for Holy Orders in St. Turibius Chapel. Nashville
seminarians Dillon Barker, far left, and Andrew Forsythe, far right, are
pictured with Msgr. Christopher Schreck, rector of the Josephinum,
and Bishop Campbell. The Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy
Orders is celebrated when a seminarian, usually in his second year of
graduate study, has reached a maturity of purpose in his formation and
has demonstrated the necessary qualifications for ordination. In the
presence of the bishop, he publicly expresses his intention to complete
his preparation for Holy Orders and his resolve to fully invest himself to
that end, so that he will serve Christ and the Church faithfully.
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 21
Church art expert, author to give Distinguished Lecture at JPII
From staff reports
r. Robin M. Jensen, a professor
at Vanderbilt University and a
at Christ the King
Church who is one of
the nation’s leading
experts on Christian
liturgy and art, will
be the Pope John
Paul II Distinguished
Lecturer this year.
Jensen will speak
on “Sanctified Seeing: Visual Art as Praying and Praising,” at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 9, in
the Monroe and Ann Carell Auditorium
at Pope John Paul II High School. Her
talk will explore the various ways visual
art supports and enriches worship and
prayer life.
The Distinguished Lecturer Series
in the spring each year follows the
school’s annual Colloquium each fall.
This year, the theme for both events
has been “Beauty and Art in the Catholic Church,” said Dr. Brad Peper, JPII’s
theology department chair and director
of its Center for Scholarly Engagement.
“The point of art in the Catholic
Church is not just about pretty pictures,” Peper said. “There’s a purpose
in the Church to art, a liturgical aspect
to art,” he said. “All the art embodies
some aspect of theology.”
Since 2003, Jensen has been the Luce
Chancellor’s Professor of the History of
Christian Art and Worship at Vanderbilt
University, a joint appointment in both
the Department of the History of Art
and the Divinity School.
She has published extensively on the
interpretation of early Christian art and
architecture. Her more recent works
include “Living Water: Images, Symbols,
and Settings of Early Christian Baptism,”
and “Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity.” Her latest book, “Christianity in
Roman Africa: The Development of its
Practices and Beliefs,” (co-authored with
her husband J. Patout Burns, who also is
an early Church scholar,) was published
this spring and has received widespread
scholarly praise.
Jensen is currently working on her
next book entitled, “The Cross: History, Art, and Controversy,” which is
under contract with Harvard University
Press. Jensen also has served as the
president of the North American Patristics Society and has appeared on televised programs, such as “CBS Sunday
She holds multiple degrees specializing in the arts and Christian history.
She earned her bachelor’s degree from
Concordia College, majoring in the
Visual and Theatre Arts. She also attended the Parsons School of Design
and received her master’s and doctoral
degrees from Columbia University/
Union Theological Seminary in History
of Christianity.
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This missal illumination, ca. 1430, depicts the conversion of St. Paul by Fra
Angelico. Vanderbilt University professor and Christ the King parishioner
Dr. Robin Jensen will discuss it and other sacred artwork in her talk titled
“Sanctified seeing: Visual art as praying and praising.” The talk is part of the
Pope John Paul II High School Distinguished Lecturer series, and will take
place on March 9.
The Pope John Paul II Distinguished
Lecturer Series, in honor of its namesake and in service to the Diocese of
Nashville, offers the school and the
broader community the opportunity
to discuss various issues concerning
religion and society with a nationally
respected figure, Peper said.
Each year, a renowned scholar or
a person of national and/or ecclesial
significance is invited to share his or
her expertise on a pressing issue currently affecting the world. “Our hope is
to raise critical awareness and dialogue
of these issues among our students and
community,” Peper said.
Each year, the organizers of the series try to choose topics that also were
particularly important to the school’s
patron, St. John Paul II.
In his 1999 “Letter to Artists,” St.
John Paul II echoed the Second Vatican
Council by extolling the necessity of
art in the participatory expression of
beauty in the Catholic Church, Peper
said. Inviting artists into a renewed dialogue, he sought to re-establish the historical affinity between art and faith in
a post-modern world, a world too often
characterized by a separation between
the two, he added.
As an actor, playwright, and poet, St.
John Paul II embodied his exhortations, Peper said, demonstrating art as
a legitimate and necessary source of
theological expression.
The Distinguished Lecturer series is
open and free to the community. “This
is an academic service to the community,” Peper said. 
22 Tennessee Register
February 13, 2015
Ivy Hornsby, Robertson County volunteer, dies at 97
vy Hornsby, who was honored in life
for her volunteer efforts, was remembered in death for her energetic joy.
Mrs. Hornsby, a parishioner at Our Lady
of Lourdes Church in Springfield, was honored in 2012 at age 95 as the Home Instead
Senior Care’s Tennessee Statewide Finalist
in their Salute to Senior Service program,
and also served as the Grand Marshal of
the Robertson County Fair Parade.
“She enthusiastically took every bit
of joy that life offered her,” wrote her
daughter Margot Fosnes. “In spite of
great loss and separation from her family,
she grew her own happiness wherever
she was planted. She touched so many
lives and leaves a family behind that is
now challenged to live up to her example
of grace and love and faith.”
Mrs. Hornsby died on Jan. 13, 2015,
in Springfield at age 97. A funeral Mass
was celebrated on Jan. 16 at Our Lady of
Lourdes, with burial in Clearwater, Fla.,
where she lived for many years before
Ruth Mallett, mother of
Father James Mallett, dies at 98
uth Campbell Mallett, 98, of Chattanooga, the mother of Father James
Mallett, the retired pastor of Christ
the King Church in Nashville, died Jan.
31, 2015 at LifeCare of Collegedale.
A funeral Mass was held Tuesday,
Feb. 3, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Catholic Church in Chattanooga, with
burial at Mt. Olivet in Chattanooga.
Mrs. Mallett was born Dec. 10, 1916,
in Albertville, Ala., to Walter and Myrtie
Campbell. She graduated from Crossville High School and McKenzie College. She married Louis James Mallett
on Dec. 8, 1937.
Mrs. Mallett was preceded in death by
her husband and brothers Arnold, Ronald, Hoyt and James.
She worked as a bookkeeper and law
firm assistant, then had a career with
3M Company performing quality assurance, retiring in 1975. After Mr. Mallett’s death in 1976, she worked in the
Admissions Department of Memorial
Hospital in Chattanooga, operating one
of the first computer systems. She left
there in 1983 to work with her daughter
at Concern Home Health in Denham
Springs, La., as Medical Records Manager and retired from there in 1996.
“She will always be honored and loved
by her family and friends as an inspiring and accomplished woman who
diligently exemplified the role of wife,
mother, sister and friend,” said her family. “We will all miss her so very much.”
Survivors include her son, Father
James Mallett of Chattanooga, daughter
and son-in-law, Patricia and Tim Mayo
of Chattanooga; sisters, Bernice Pugh of
Manchester, Tenn., Evelyn Freeman of
Moody, Ala., Melba Gilbreath and Jean
Glassco of Albertville, Ala.; and brother,
Joe Campbell of Manchester, Tenn.
Funeral arrangements were under the
direction of the East Chapel of Chattanooga Funeral Home, Crematory, and
Florist. 
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and in Orlando, she worked with young
service wives through the Red Cross.
Mrs. Hornsby moved to Springfield in
1995 to be closer to her younger grandchildren. She found many new friends
when she was invited to join the Senior
Adult Ministry at the First United Methodist Church in Springfield.
Her volunteer efforts continued after
moving to Springfield, first with United
Ministries and Meals on Wheels and
later working the desk at the Robertson
County Senior Center. She often volunteered as much as four days a week, and
was still delivering meals in her car when
she turned 90. After she stopped delivering the meals, she continued to help the
program by packing meals.
Mrs. Hornsby was preceded in death
by her husband, William Blake Hornsby;
her son, Bill Hornsby; her parents and
her brothers, Hugh and Eric Convey.
She is survived by her daughters, Judith
Burton and Margot Fosnes; son-in-law,
Jeff Fosnes; grandsons, Jake Burton, C.A.
Fosnes and Tyler (Nikki) Fosnes; greatgrandchildren, Jackson and Savannah
Burton; devoted nephew, Gardner Smith
of Clearwater, Fla.; and fellow Aussie and
best friend of nearly 60 years, Joyce Conner of Jacksonville, Fla.
Memorial contributions can be made
to Meals on Wheels, United Ministries
or the Robertson County Senior Center.
Robertson County Funeral Home was in
charge of funeral arrangements. 
Sacred Heart Cathedral School, Knoxville, Tenn.
Sacred Heart Cathedral School (www.shcschool.org), founded in 1956, is a SACS
accredited Catholic school, grades K-8, with 580 students and a pre-school with 120
students. It is a ministry of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a diverse parish
of over 1400 families located in Knoxville, TN, near the Smoky Mountains, an area
with a growing Catholic population. The start date for the position is June 1, 2015.
The successful candidate will be a practicing Catholic with at least an MA in
Educational Administration, 3-5 years of classroom teaching experience and 3 years of
administrative experience. Interested candidates should email a current resume, cover
letter and three references, including a pastor reference, to searchcommittee@shcknox.
org. The closing date for applications is March 1, 2015.
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moving to Robertson County to be closer
to family.
She was born in Melbourne, Australia,
on Nov. 18, 1917, the daughter of Cavan
Hugh “Joe” and Emma Convey. During
World War II, she met Blake Hornsby, a
Navy corpsman, who was in Melbourne on
leave after serving with the First Marine
Division at Guadalcanal. Their wartime romance turned into a 47-year marriage.
After the war, Mrs. Hornsby joined
her husband in the United States, and
during his career in the Navy they were
stationed in San Diego, Washington,
D.C., St. Louis, Newport, R.I., and Camp
LaJeune, N.C., and Jacksonville, Fla., with
frequent visits and stays in Clearwater,
Fla, where Mr. Hornsby’s family resided.
In 1957, Mr. Hornsby retired from the
Navy, and the family settled in Jacksonville. While living there, Mrs. Hornsby
and her husband suffered a tragedy when
their eldest son, Bill, was killed in an accident at age 12. “She was the glue that
held her family together,” Mrs. Fosnes
wrote of her mother. “Then, as in many
times in her life, her faith sustained her.
The Catholic Church was a place where
she found peace and strength. … Prayer
was always her answer to life’s struggles,
and the Hail Mary was her favorite.”
Mrs. Hornsby was active in the many
communities where she lived, spending
countless hours volunteering. After her
husband’s death in 1991, she began a longtime involvement with Meals on Wheels,
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St. Ann School, 3K-8th Grade, Decatur, Ala.
A dynamic, Christ-centered leader is needed to serve as principal at St. Ann School
(www.saintanndecatur.org) in Decatur, AL. The ideal candidate will be skilled in
curriculum/instruction, sound leadership, management, and finance. A Master’s
degree in Education (or related field), Alabama administrator certification, teaching
experience, administrative experience, and demonstrated leadership ability are
preferred. The new principal is expected to bring energy and enthusiasm to growing
enrollment and create a welcoming environment for current and prospective families.
Candidate must be a practicing Roman Catholic. Fluency in Spanish is a plus.
Interested and qualified candidates should submit (1) letter of introduction, addressing
the requirements/skills listed above; (2) resume; (3) names, addresses, telephone numbers,
and email addresses of five professional references; and (4) statement addressing the value
of today’s Catholic elementary school, including its unique Catholic identity, to:
Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church, Principal Search Committee
3910 Spring Avenue, Decatur, AL 35603
parish@annunlord.com or fax to (256) 353-8994
February 13, 2015
Tennessee Register 23
Father Ryan falls just short
in wrestling championships
Father Ryan fell two points shy of another state title in the
Division II Dual State Wrestling Championships, dropping
the championship match to the Baylor School of Chattanooga
32-30 on Saturday, Jan. 31, at the Williamson County Ag
Expo Center. It was a back and forth match as the Irish took
an early 11-0 lead, but then saw the advantage vanish as
Baylor won five matches in a row, including three pins, to
take a 32-15 lead with three bouts to go. Father Ryan won the
last three weight classes of the match, but came up just short
in team points. At left, Father Ryan senior Marcello Morrice
scores back points against Baylor’s Caleb Canada. Right photo
below, Coach Pat Simpson gives advice to one of his wrestlers
as assistant Davis Dempsey watches. Jim Simpson, below left,
cheers his son Christian Simpson from the stands. Father
Ryan will try to rebound by winning the team championship at
the Division II Individual State Wrestling Championships to be
held Feb. 13-14 at the Williamson Ag Expo Center. For more
photos, visit www.dioceseofnashville.com.
Photos by Andy Telli
Father Ryan seniors accept athletic scholarship offers
en senior student athletes at Father
Ryan High School have accepted
scholarship offers to continue their
athletic careers in college, including
eight football players who signed letters
of intent on National Signing Day, Feb. 4.
The eight football players comprised
the largest signing class on National
Signing Day in the school’s history. They
and their families were honored in ceremonies held in the school theater.
“It’s an exciting day for Father Ryan,”
said Athletic Director Pat Lawson. “I
couldn’t be prouder of these talented
This year’s class featured Irish stars
from both sides of the ball, including defensive-star Andrew Rector, an ESPN and
247Sports three-star recruit who signed
with Vanderbilt University, and wide
receiver Jack Shoulders, a 247Sports
three-star recruit who signed with East
Tennessee State University in Johnson
City, Tenn.
Along with Rector and Shoulders, Father Ryan’s signing class included:
• Robert Crawford, a defensive lineman
who signed with Tennessee State
University in Nashville, a member
of the Ohio Valley Conference.
• Alex Horlak, a linebacker
who signed with Wofford College, a member of the Southern
Conference and located in Spartanburg, S.C.
• Cameron Towns, a quarterCrawford
back who signed with Butler
University in Indianapolis. The
Butler football team competes as
a member of the Pioneer Football League.
• Marcus Dean, a defensive
back who signed with Lindsey
Wilson College, a NAIA program
located in Columbia, Ky.
• Brandon Benedict, a lineman
who signed with Thomas More
College, a NCAA Division III program located in Crestview Hills,
Ky., just outside Cincinnati.
Two more Father Ryan student-athletes
• Tyler Shoop, a wide receiver who
also have signed college scholarship offers.
signed with Pennsylvania State Univer• Sarah Bossung has signed to play
sity, where his father, Bob Shoop, is the
center back for the women’s soccer team
defensive coordinator.
at Belmont University in Nashville.
• Ben Weisel, who was named the
Metro Cross Country Runner of the Year
last season, has committed to Belmont
where he will continue his running career. 
January 13,
30, 2015
Appeal f
24 Tennessee Register
e of N ash
Annual Appeal
Your support helps to provide
vital ministries in support of
the mission of the Catholic
Church in Middle Tennessee.
n the
th Jesus en
tered the synagogue
nd t
­ Mark 1:21
Donor Information:
Date ______________________________ BAA ID #_______________________________
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Parish Name and Town ________________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Thank you for your support,
service, and sacrifice.
Thank you for considering one of the following gift options to the 2015 Bishop’s
Annual Appeal for Ministries:
$500 or more
Total Pledge: __________________________________________________
Amount Enclosed: _____________________________________________
Balance Due:__________________________________________________
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Donor Societies:
To pay by credit card, please complete the following:
c American Express c Discover c Master Card c Visa
We, as Catholics, are called to
serve one another and to build
God’s kingdom on earth. We,
as Catholics, are acting out
our faith by following what
Jesus Christ taught.
Payable at $ _____________ per month
Other Instructions:__________________________________________________________
$10,000 or more
The Marian Society
$5,000 to $9,999
The St. Joseph Society
$2,500 to $4,999
The Society of Angels and Saints
Card No.____________________________________________ Exp. Date_____________
$1,500 to $2,499
The Society of the Apostles
$1,000 to $1,499
The Society of All the Faithful
Check # _______________________(Payable to Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries)
Stock Gift (Please call Ella Bell-Vannoy at 615-783-0253)
Monthly Bank Debit: I hereby authorize the Diocese of Nashville to initiate debit entries
to the checking account as it appears on the attached voided check. My pledge will
be deducted in monthly installments beginning February 1, 2015, through January 31,
2016, unless otherwise instructed.
Signature _________________________________________________________________
c I/We are unable to make a pledge to the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries at this time but will pray for the success of the Appeal.
c Dear Bishop Choby, in your prayer intentions, please include:
c I have included my parish or the Diocese in my will.
c Please send information on how to include my parish or the Diocese in my will.
Please return this bottom portion to your parish. Thank You!