Volume 43, Number 2 FEBRUARY 2015 NYHETER BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY President’s Message Dear Members: I first want to thank Chris and all who helped put on the wonderful appreciation dinner we had last month. Again showing we have some awesome cooks in this lodge. I also want to thank Chris for being our Installing Officer and Solveig and Ragnhild for being our Installing Marshalls. I am looking forward to working with our new officers to continue to build Bothell Lodge into the Jewell of the District we know it is. Not sure if this will be received prior to the Super Bowl but here we go again. GO HAWKS, I know we will or have had a great time at the lodge Super Bowl party. Hopefully soon we will be starting the sewer project. Mike and Bob have given a lot of time and talent to help us finally get to the point where we can see the light at the end of the pipes. I look forward to having the sewer in place soon. As we look to this coming year let us remember that our lodge will be busy with numerous and eventful activities. It will take all of us working together to make the Bothell Sons of Norway one of the jewels of District 2. Please make sure to read your Nyheter and be up on all the activities that the lodge will be presenting, and plan on attending as many as you can. You are the reason we have these classes and events. I would like to take this opportunity to again thank everyone for allowing me to serve you again as President, and again the Board and I will try to make the next year fun and eventful for all. GO HAWKS Fraternally, Bill Page 2 NYHETER 2015 Lodge Officers, Trustees and Support Officers Executive Board: Trustee s: Pres ide nt Bill Hicks 425-672-0194 2014-2016 Chris Hicks 425-672-0194 Vice -Pres ide nt James W raalstad 425-823-0247 2014-2016 Mike Ne lson 425-486-5275 Counse lor Carleen Lore nz 425-357-9020 2015-2017 Tap Ames 425-894-0034 Secre tary Marle ne Bisse ll 425-337-4007 2015-2017 Wayne La wson 425-398-0689 Financial Secreta ry Bob Schertzl 425-582-2211 2015-2017 Ivar Thomps on 425-736-4073 Treasure r Bill Fosmoe 206-782-5175 2015 Ken Howard 425-672-4508 2015 Mary Laws on 425-398-0689 2015 Seth T ufte land 206-605-4112 Officers/Directors: Social Dire ctor Kay Sche rtzl 425-582-2211 Asst. Social Director Kere n T homps on 425-736-4073 Cultural Dire ctor Selma Sna ring 425-385-2144 Librarian Marlis Pe hling 425-488-4545 Membe rship Joan W raalsta d 425-823-0247 Editor Joan W raalsta d 425-823-0247 Sports Director David Williams 206-484-3743 Webmas te r Martin Ng 425-487-6688 Youth Director Seth T ufte land 206-605-4112 Website www.bothellsonsofnorway.org Publicity Director Laurie Bea ch 425-949-7094 Sunshine Eilee n Hippe Marshall Kristi ne M oha r 206-465-8938 Musician Carol Ga rbe rg Assista nt Ma rsha ll Marlis Pe hling 425-488-4545 Auditors: John McT ernan Inner Gree te r Tris h Lundee n 425-483-5640 Oute r Gre ete r Joyce Burlinga me 206-362-4156 Gre ete rs: Freda Howard 425-672-4508 Molly T homps on 206-546-2962 Support Officers: 206-365-1774 Marion Ve dell Judy T rueb Foundation Dir. Vicki Nelson Historian OPEN Financial Counselor Jerry La bel 425-640-9830 District 2 information: www.s ons ofnorway2.com Sons of Norway Blog: www.s ons ofnorwayblog.blogspot.com Trollha ugen Lodge www.trollh augensofn.com **Th is info rmation is fo r off icia l Sons of No rway bus ines s u se o nly. Use of th is in forma tio n fo r solicita tio n o r commercia l p urpose is a vio lation of the Son s of No rway privacy policy a nd is strictly p roh ib ited . The Nyheter is a publication of Sons of Norway Bothell Lodge 2-106. The Nyheter is published 10 times per year. January through May, a Summer edition, and September through December. Articles for publication for the month must be submitted no later than the 21st of each month. Please submit your ar ticle via email only. (no phone or verbal submissions) to: editor@bothellsonsofnorway.org. THANK YOU. Bothell Sons of Norway Membership Information Adul t Membership (24 years or older) $48.50/year Spouse Membership Heritage Membership (15 years old & younger) $43.50/year FREE Unge Venner Membership (16 – 23 years old) $28.50/year (with parent or grandparent Adult Membership) FREE Fees A re Current as of January 1, 2015 and membership forms are available by the Bothell Lodge front door. Completed applications should be given to the Lodge Vice-President or Financial Secretary for review by the Board and an acceptance vote by Lodge Members. Volume 43, Number 2 Page 3 2015 Super Bowl Party Don’t miss out on the 2015 Super Bowl Party at Bothell Sons of Norway Lodge Sunday February 1, 2015. SEAHAWKS vs Patriots Start Time is at 1 pm for the pre-game hype and will last until the f inal whistle is blown! Bring your f avorite football munchies to add to the table and f avorite folding chair if you wish. We will be watching the game on our 6 foot screen. Fun Football entertainment will be had by all who attend. Any questions contact David Williams @206-484-3743 or Bill & Chris Hicks @ 425-672-0194. Hope to see you there. District 2 and Leif Erikson lodge invites you to a Cross Country Ski Race at Trollhaugen Lodge. Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Trollhaugen Lodge – Stampede Pass Registration starts 9:30am - Race starts @ 11:00 am Cost is: $5.00 for Adults - $3.00 for 10 and under Price includes Lunch and awards! Come young and old, great skiers and new skiers all are invited. For more information contact: David Williams – Lodge Sports Director or Susan Kirkeby – District 2 Sports Director 509-535-5471 or viking.gurl@gmail.com For overnight reservations call Trollhaugen Lodge: Managers 509-656-9997 UFF DA AWARDS — The race is over! The awards for the most Sports and Cultural badges will be announced at the Edmonds Lodge March meeting! Wednesday March 11th 6 pm Page 4 NYHETER SOCIAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT Kay Schertzl We had a delicious Member Appreciation Dinner in January, thanks to Chris Hicks, Mike Nelson and their helpers. For most of us that will be our last lutefisk dinner until the Bothell Lodge one December 5th. The evening was dotted with colorf ul Norwegian bunads and sweaters. District Vice President, our very own Chris Hicks, installed our 2015 officers. Next month will start a series of programs on the Norwegian kings. We will hear a brief history f rom a few kings occasionally during the year, starting with Harald Fairhair and his son Eirik Bloodaxe. Learn why Eirik got that name! The kings will be read by various men from our lodge. If that isn't enough to whet your appetite, our dinner will be meatloaf made by one of our great cooks, Mary Lawson. It is also our anniversary month. Bothell Lodge is 42 years old. 6:00 Social 6:30 Mary's Meatloaf Dinner 7:30 Program and brief business meeting Happy Valentines Day ! I Bothell Lodge Are you interested in receiving the Nyheter via email? If you are please send an email to : editor@bothellsonsofnorwary.org. Please indicate in the email your name and the email address you wish to receive the Nyheter at. If you indicate you want to receive the Nyheter via email, you will no longer receive a copy via the mail. If there is enough interest, we will let you know — until then, keep looking for your copy of the Nyheter via the mail. Thank you. Joan Wraalstad, Nyheter Editor Editor’s Apology: the email in the January Nyheter was incorrect—if you sent an email please send it again to the above correct email address. Volume 43, Number 2 Page 5 RAY BERG MEMORIAL & CAMP SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE – 4/1/2015 Scholarship applications are available January 1 st for students graduating from High School in 2015. The student must be a Bothell Lodge No 106 Sons of Norway member or a child or grandchild of one of our members. The key criteria for final selection are: GRADE POINT AVERAGE LONG TERM CAREER GOALS CLARITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION PLANS LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FINANCIAL NEED An applicant’s interest in Norwegian heritage and language may be a consideration in the selection process though not a requirement. The scholarship application must be submitted to the scholarship committee no later than April 1, 2015. The applications can be given to Laurie Beach or mail them to our lodge at PO Box 492 Bothell WA 98041. The Scholarships will be awarded at the May meeting at Bothell Lodge. Forms are available at www.bothellsonsofnorway. Look for Ray Berg Memorial Scholarship forms or contact Laurie Beach @425-949-7094 for an application. Youth camp scholarship forms may also be obtained on the same website or you may contact Seth Tufteland. Laurie Beach Scholarship Committee 2015 Calendars and Note Cards 2015 Calendars are available for $12.00.This year we also have beautif ul note cards for $12.00. Both benefit the Ray Berg Memorial Scholarship Fund. They will be available at the at the Lodge Meeting or contact Laurie Beach. Page 6 NYHETER CULTURAL CORNER Cultural Chairman, Selma Snaring NORWEGIAN HERITAGE DAY MARCH 14, 2015 10AM-3PM This is a day of celebrating all that is Norwegian. Showing off our talents and pride in our famous baked goods: FATTINGMANN, POTATO LEFSE, AEBLESKIVER, AND KRUMKAKE; cooking/making will be demonstrated and there will be samples to taste. Our heritage is also well know for our handwork – there will be displays of the this talent and demonstrations.. GENEALOGY WORKSHOP MARCH 21, 2015 9AM-3PM Norwegian Research in Europe and North America First Session will be lead by Gary Zimmerman, President of Fiske Genealogy Library in Seattle. Second Session will be leady by Mary K. Kozy, who will present the many types of DNA testing. Registration is required by March 2, 2015. COST: $25.00 per person, $40.00 for family Make check payable to BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY LODGE 2-106 and mail to: Gary Ramstad, 5115 NE 188TH ST, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 CONTACT GARY AT 206-365-6913 or ramslfp@hotmail.com Bring a sack lunch and your laptop computer (Optional) BOTHELL LODGE GARAGE SALE The date is set for May 8th and 9th, 2015 9AM-4PM Donations are being accepted NOW. For your convenience bring your items to the lodge meetings, and/or call me to make arrangements to meet at the lodge. Please members, continue to donate. Selma Snaring, Culture Chairman Volume 43, Number 2 Page 7 LEFSE CLASS I will be having a Lefse Class on Saturday February 28, 2015 at 9:00am, Until about noon. We will be using the Lodge recipe from Elesa Hanson. Each student will learn to cook, rice, pat, roll, bake, turn and cool potato Lefse and take some home to share with their friends and family. We will provide everything that is needed for the class, but if you have your own Rolling Pin, Turning Stick or other item’s you would like to try out or show, please feel free to bring them. The class will last for about 3 hours, so we should be done by noon. The charge for the class will be $10.00 for Bothell Lodge members and $15.00 for non-members. Registration is required, please call 425-486-5275 to sign up. For those of you who already know how to make Lefse, please come and help show how it is done and monitor the students. ( call and let me know if you can help ) Those who will be assisting will not be charged for the class and you will take some Lefse home. If you have any questions, please call me (425-486-5275) Thank you, Mike Nelson CAN, Can or can-it ——February is the month that everyone goes through the lost and found items to see if they lost anything. It is also the time you pick up your cans and containers that you brought cookies or treats to Lodge and forgot take the cans home. Get this stuff out of here, before we throw them out. If we know who the items belong to, we will make every effort to return them to their owner. If you have any questions, please call Mike Nelson at 425-486-5275 TRUSTEE CORNER I would like to thank, Seth Tufteland for being the Trustee of the Month, for the month of January.2015. The Trustee of the month is to check the Lodge inside and out, at least once a week during the month. He or she can check the Lodge at their convenience for possible problem’s, water leaks, doors or windows left open, trees or branch’s down, if the heat has been turned down and all lights have been turned off. The Trustee of the month in February 2015, will be one of our new Trustees, Wayne Lawson Thank You - Mike Nelson, Lead Trustee Page 8 NYHETER LESE GRUPPE (“Reading Group”) PLEAS E JOIN US! All are welcome. Lese Gruppe will meet on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Bothell Lodge. At our January meeting, we discussed The Snowman by Jo Nesb. The seventh novel in the Detective Harry Hole series involves the disappearances of eleven women in and around Oslo, Norway--all on the day of the first snowfall. This mystery is suspenseful and chilling and keeps the reader guessing until the end. For our February meeting, we are reading Bold Spirit by Linda Lawrence Hunt, the story of Helga Estby's walk across Victorian America, which was reviewed by librarian Marlis Pehling in the January Nyheter. Future meetings will be held on the second Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. at the Bothell Lodge: February: Bold Spirit by Linda Lawrence Hunt March: Defiant Courage by Astrid Carlson Scott It is not required that you read the book in order to attend the meeting. To check out books from the Sons of Norway library, please sign the logbook located on the counter. For information about Lese Gruppe, please contact Myrna Ramstad at (206) 365-6913 Ole sez: Yew know you’re getting old … ven old people don’t seem all dat old any more!” SONS OF NORWAY NAME BADGES: Pin Back: $9.00 each; Magnetic Back $10.00 each. Trying to put names and faces together? Wearing a name badge helps all members, new and old, in getting to know who’s who. Please order yours from Joyce Burlingame at our next meeting or call her at 206-362-4156 or email her at donjoy59@comcast.net, making sure the spelling is correct. When you DO get your name badge, don’t forget to wear it! Volume 43, Number 2 Page 9 YOUTH CAMP BREAKFAST VIKING TOAST (French) TROLL SAUSAGE FRUIT COFFEE, TEA & MILK Cost: $8.00 Under 11 yrs $6.00 MARCH 7, 2015 8 AM TO 1PM PROCEEDS BENEFIT YOUTH SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Membership Dinner Mark your calendar and call you friends. Sunday, March 29 we are having a membership dinner. Doors will open at 3pm; program at 3:45 and dinner will be served at 4:30. The afternoon we will have the opportunity to show your family and friends what Bothell Sons of Norway has to offer, and invite them to join our lodge. Presentation on classes, Trollhaugen and benefits will be included. If you bring a potential member there is no charge for the dinner for you and your guest. If you want to come and enjoy the day and the dinner the cost is $10.00 per person. Reservations are requir ed by Monday, March 23 so we know how much to prepare. Please contact Chris at hicks1015@msn.com or 425-672-0194. Bothell Membership Committee Page 10 NYHETER SUNSHINE REPORT A Happy Birthday Card was sent to Manda Hosheit. Her 93rd birthday was on January 15th, 2015. We were all pleased that she wanted to share her special day with the members of the Lodge. A special birthday cake for her was enjoyed by BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY DANCES First Saturday of every month – September thru May. From 8:00pm to 11:00 pm. For more information: Ken & Freda Howard 425-672-4508 March 7, 2015 Tobe Hanson (Smilin Scandinavians) April 4, 2015 Lyle Schaefer May 2, 2015 Sylvia (Ya Sure Ya Betcha Ya Band) ***** SAVE THE DATE FOR 2015 CAMPS ***** Dates have been confirmed for the 2015 camp session. Campers that have reached the age of 13 by the start of Camp Trollhaugen (6/28/15) are eligible to attend Trollhaugen this year. Camp Trollhaugen (ages 13-15) Easton, WA June 28 – July 11, 2015 Camp Nidaros (ages 9-12) Gearhart, OR July 12 -27, 2015 Camp Normanna (ages 9-12) Lake Riley, WA July 26 – August 8, 2015 Youth camp applications cannot be postmarked before February 14th, 2015. Adult Heritage and Cultural retreat at Trollhaugen Lodge September 25-27, 2015 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Chris Hicks 425-672-0194 or hicks1015@msn.com. EDMONDS SONS OF NORWAY LODGE PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND BAKE SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 7:30AM—12 NOON Norwegian pancakes with strawberries, ham, juice and coffee or tea Crafts and Bake Sale Donation $8.00 Children 5 and under free For Information Call 425-712-9788 Volume 43, Number 2 Page 11 Our Financial Benefits Counselor is: JERRY LABEL 425-640-9830 or jlabel7425@comcast.net THE SCANDINAVIAN HOUR KKNW 1150AM With Doug Warne as your host Saturday mornings 9:00 to 10:00 am Bowling Anyone interested in Bowling? Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Spin Alley. Contact Ivan Thompson at 206-546-2962. PLEASE SAVE YOUR CANCELLED STAMPS Just cut around the canceled stamps, leaving 1/2” around the stamps, so as not to damage the perforations, and bring them to the lodge. This is an ongoing project and Tubfrim appreciates your contributions. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Nancy or Lenus at 206632-1605. Raffle Collected $105.00 for the raffle, $53.00 was given to the Ray Berg Scholarship fund. Raffle winners were: Membership Names drawn were: Joseph Dunbar Kristen Orness Kristin Johansen Michael Nelson - $18.00 Must be present to win! Henry Cannon - $17.00 Next month’s drawing will be for $15.00 Michael Steed - $17.00 Thank you to those that donated to the scholarship fund! Non-Pro fit Organization U.S. Postage P AID Permit No. 8 Bothell ,WA 98011 Sons of Norway Bothell Lodge 2-106 P. O. Box 492 Bothell, WA 98041 Street Address: 23905 Bothell-Everett Hi ghway Phone: 425-485-9085 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUE STED We’re on the Web! bothellsonsofnorway.org UPCOMING EVENTS are at Bothell Lodge (unless indicated otherwise) Sunday February 1 Thursday February 5 Super Bowl Party—details on Page 3 Board Meeting—all members are welcome to attend 7:00pm Saturday February 7 Cross Country Ski Race at Trollhaugen Lodge Page 3 9:30am Thursday February 12 Lese Gruppe (Reading Group) - Page 8 10:00 am Thursday February 19 Lodge Night– Social Meatloaf Dinner Meeting & Program 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm Saturday February 28 Lefse Class Registration required—Page 7 9am—Noon
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