Volume 42, Number 9 NYHETER NOVEMBER 2014 BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY President’s Message Dear Members: I would like to thank all the members of Bothell Lodge for the all the remarkable things you do. T he lodge is ble sse d that in today’s busy world its members wo uld all take the time to stand up and volunteer to keep this lodge active and moving forward is a testament to you and your Scandinavian Heritage. I also want to thank all the officers who have served this lodge the last year. I know they are not done yet but I wan t them to know and under stand that without them and their leadership this lodge wo uld not be where it is today. I know some are staying on and I look forward to working with them again and the new board mem ber’s who will be elected at the November Lodge meeting. Remember Novem ber is our Annua l Buildin g Association meeting and your presence would be greatly appreciated. We are having a T urkey dinner before the lodge meeting and Kay is putting together another wonderful program for us to enjoy. I think something about Vikin gs? As we move toward the Holidays please be sure to check for upcoming events in the Nyheter and mark them on your calendar. My hope and prayers are that we will all have a safe an d wonderful holiday sea son with family and friends. T he Nominating Committee will be finishing their work and contacting those individua ls they have not spoken with to see if you are interested in becoming an Officer or staying in the position you are in. If contacted let them know if you are interested and what position you might be interested in. By the time you read this we will either be in the middle of the Bazaar and Bake Sale or just past it and we have the Lutefisk dinner coming up. If you can help with either of these big events look in the Nyheter to find the person in charge and volunteer. These happen once a year and you do not want to miss out. Again thank you to all the members for the hard work you are doing to keep our lodge one of the best in the District. T usen T akk Bill The Nyheter is a publication of Sons of Norway Bothell Lodge 2-106. The Nyheter is published 10 times per year. January through May, a Summer edition, and September through December. Articles for publication for the month must be submitted no later than the 21st of each month. Please submit your article via email only. (no phone or verbal submissions) to: editor@bothellsonsofnorway.org. THANK YOU. Page 2 NYHETER LODGE OFFICERS for 2014 Preside nt Bill Hicks 425-672-0194 Vice -Preside nt James Wraalstad 425-823-0247 Counse lor Carleen Lorenz 425-357-9020 Secretary Rita Mallick 206-524-5605 Financial Secretary David Rude 425-775-5952 Bothell Sons of Norway Treasurer Bill Fosmoe 206-782-5175 Membership Information Social Director Kay Schertzl 425-582-2211 Asst Social Director Keren T homps on 425-736-4073 Marshall Kristine M ohar 206-465-8938 Assista nt Marsha ll Marlis Pe hling 425-488-4545 Inner Gree ter Trish Lundee n 425-483-5640 Outer Greeter Joyce Burlinga me 206-362-4156 Greeters: Freda Howard 425-672-4508 Molly T homps on 206-546-2962 Adult Membership (24 years or older) $48.50/year Spouse Membership $43.50/year Heritage Membership (15 years old & younger) FREE Trustees: 2012-2014 Tap Ames 425-894-0034 2012-2014 Ivar Thomps on 425-736-4073 2013-2015 Bob Schertzl 425-582-2211 2014-2016 Chris Hicks 425-672-0194 $28.50/year 2014-2016 Mike Ne lson 425-486-5275 Unge Venner Membership 2014-2016 Ken Howard 425-672-4508 Sports Director David Williams 206-484-3743 (16 – 23 years old) Youth Director Seth T ufte land 206-605-4112 Cultural Director Selma Snaring 425-385-2144 Publicity Director Laurie Bea ch 425-949-7094 Librarian Marlis Pe hling 425-488-4545 Editor Joan Wraalsta d 425-823-0247 Webmas ter Martin Ng 425-487-6688 Website www.bothellsonsofnorway.org Historian Eric Stavney 425-741-2764 Sunshine Eilee n Hippe 206-365-1774 Musician Carol Garberg 425-908-7952 Auditors: Lenus Heintz 206-632-1605 Marion Ve dell 425-481-2612 Judy Trueb 206-935-4271 Foundation Director Marion Ve dell 425-481-2612 Financial Counselor Jerry Label 425-640-9830 District 2 information: www.s ons ofnorway2.com Sons of Norway Blog: www.s ons ofnorwayblog.blogspot.com Trollha ugen Lodge Unge Venner Membership (16 – 23 years old) (with parent or grandparent Adult Membership) FREE Fees Are Current as of January 1, 2014 and membership forms are available by the Bothell Lodge front door. Completed applications should be given to the Lodge VicePresident or Financial Secretary for review by the Board and an acceptance vote by Lodge Members. trollhau@eastonwa.net **Th is in forma tio n is fo r off icial Son s of No rway bus ine ss use on ly. Use of this inf orma tio n f or so licitation o r commercia l pu rp ose is a vio lation of the Sons of No rway privacy policy a nd is strictly p roh ib ited . Volume 42, Number 9 Page 3 Christmas in Telemark - Scandinavian Holiday Festival. Sponsored by the Sons of Norway Cascade Lodge #87. Sat: Nov 15, 10-4. Issaquah Senior Center, 75 NE Creek Way, Issaquah, Washington 98027. www.ScandinavianFestivals.com Join us for this fun community festival featuring Scandinavian arts & crafts vendors, bake sale, Swedish Pancakes, Lefse (both traditional and gluten-free), folk costumes, traditional foods, Kransekake raffles, live music, entertainment, activities for children all day, children’s Santa Lucia program at 3 pm followed by an enchanting performance of the Musa Visa (Mouse Dance). Interested children and adults will be invited to join the fun & dancing. Bring the whole family! Free admission. Contact: Leiann Ronnestad, Festival Coordinator 425-313-0193, email: Info@BarneFoundation.com FALL FOOD DRIVE FOR HOPELINK Let's have a great drive for food and/or money to be delivered to Hopelink after our November 20th meeting. I will deliver our donations so Hopelink will receive them before Thanksgiving. Thank you for giving generously and be sure to give thanks for our good fortune. Carleen Lorenz Counselor Santa Lucia If you are ages 6-23, we are looking for you to be in our annual Santa Lucia program at our December lodge meeting. Please contact Seth Tufteland if you are interested. sofnseth@yahoo.com Page 4 NYHETER SOCIAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT Kay Schertzl Our October meeting was wonderful. Bothell Lodge is so lucky to have many talented, hard working members. Selma Snaring and her crew prepared an outstanding kumle dinner. I heard comments such as "I haven't had this since I was home in Norway", and "I'm going back for seconds". The Scholarship Committee, Laurie Beach, Ellie Fife and Wendy Wight, presented a great auction. The silent auction created enthusiastic interest and friendly competition for a variety of items. And Fergus Prestbye led a lively, fun dessert auction. The auctions raised money for our Ray Berg Scholarship Fund. Now that was a win-win evening. Next month Olav the Viking sails in, assisted by Tap Ames. They will tell of Viking travels and explain why the Viking boats were able to accomplish those travels when boats in Europe could not. Five volunteers stepped up to roast turkeys for our traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. And, you will elect your officers for the 2015 year. Don't forget a donation for the Food Bank in November, food, money, or both! Santa Lucia and the dessert's only pot luck come in December. We have so much at Bothell Lodge for which to be thankful! November 20, 2014 6:00 Social 6:30 Dinner 7:30 Program, elections, and business Volume 42, Number 9 Page 5 Ray Berg Memorial Scholarship Fund I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to all of you who participated in the Silent & Dessert Auctions at the October General Meeting. Whether you donated an item, was bidding on items or cheered on those bidding, you helped raise $1373.00. Thank yous to Ellie Fife, & Wendy Wight for their help in putting the auctions together and Mike Nelson who set up the tables. 2014 Raffle – Swedish Weaving Throw Raffle tickets for a beautiful Swedish Weaving Throw will be sold at the general meeting in November, the lodge Bazaar/Bake Sale and the Lutefisk Dinner. The drawing for this item will take place at the Lutefisk Dinner. Tickets are $2.00 a piece. Thank you to Wendy Wight for making and donating this special piece of Swedish Weaving. All proceeds go to The Ray Berg Memorial Scholarship Fund to support college scholarships for children and grandchildren of Bothell Sons of Norway members. Laurie Beach, Scholarship Chair AFTER LEFSE CLASS We had a nice turn out for the lefse class on October 18, 2014. We had a total of 16 people who signed up, consisting of 16 non-members. All participants learned the art of mixing, rolling, turning, cooking and cooling Potato Lefse. Each student was able to sample their end product and take some home to share with their friends and family. I would like to thank those who came to help monitor the class and pass on their expertise, Salma Snaring, Solvig Lindstrom, Seth Tufteland, Mara Nelson and B.J.Hedhal Thank you, Mike Nelson Page 6 NYHETER CULTURAL CORNER Cultural Chairman, Selma Snaring CULTURAL CLASSES KLOSTERSØM CLASS November 8, 2014 10:00am to 1:00pm Klostersøm is worked in straight stitches in horizontal rows of stitches of equal length on even woven fabric The design will be delightful red julenissene on a klokkestreng COST: $10.00 for Bothell lodge members / $15.00 for non Bothell lodge members Register by calling Selma Snaring @ 425-385-2144 GINGERBREAD HOUSE WORKSHOP November 15, 2014 12:00 noon to 4:00pm Gingerbread house pieces, icing, pastry bag and tips will be provided Bring your ideas, a platform and decorating condiments COST: Bothell lodge member Small house $10.00 Large house $15.00 Non lodge member Small house $15.00 Large house $20.00 Register by calling Selma Snaring @ 425-385-2144 CHEER AND FROLIC PARTY December 12, 2014 7:00pm The one and only mixologist, Fergus Prestbye will prepare his delicious Tom and Jerry recipe. Our entertainment will be a trio playing the nyckelharpa, lead by Kris Johansson. The nyckelharpa is a traditional Swedish musical instrument, literally a key harp Volume 42, Number 8 Page 7 _______________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************* ALL SEASON CLEAN OUT for BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY MAY 2015 Save your unused-unwanted items for this event. Many hands from lodge members are needed to clean out our own drawers, closets, cubbies and hideaways. Never to EARLY TO VOLUNTEER and express your interest. *** UP COMING EVENTS AND IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR Norwegian Heritage Day-March Genealogy workshop-March Kransekake Making Class All Male Presentation Entertainment like: 1900's history of farming, fishing, black smith work, shoemaking, tanning of animal fur to make blankets. Put on your thinking caps, I know you can do it, and that it will be interesting. ************************************************************************ I would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to my assistants for helping in making 185 kumle, plus veggies for our October lodge dinner. They were: Ragnhild, Solveig, Elroy, Selma, Mike, Ron, Shirley, Dede, Robert, Judy, David, and John Selma At the September lodge meeting, Marilyn Hansen and her rosemaling class students filled up 16 feet of the most impressive and professional rosemaled pieces. Some guests thought they were done by professionals, and indeed they were. Marilyn told the history of the art form, and students praised her for her excellent teaching and the great camaraderie among them and the delicious cookies Yuka provided each Monday. Thank you, Marilyn and ladies. Page 8 NYHETER LESE GRUPPE (“Reading Group”) PLEASE JOIN US! All are welcome. Lese Gruppe will meet on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Bothell Lodge. At our October meeting, we discussed Kristin Lavransdatter: II, The Mistress of Husaby, the second volume in a trilogy of historical novels published in 1920-1922 and for which Danish-Norwegian author Sigrid Undset won the Nobel Prize in Literature. It is the story of a woman's life in 14th Century Norway. The author's work is much admired for its historical and ethnological accuracy. We will complete this series with Volume III for our November meeting. Future meetings will be held on the second Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. at the Bothell Lodge: November: Kristin Lavransdatter: III, The Cross December: Heritage of Darkness by Kathleen Ernst It is not required that you read the book in order to attend the meeting. To check out books from the Sons of Norway library, please sign the logbook located on the counter. For information about Lese Gruppe, please contact Myrna Ramstad at (206) 365-6913. SONS OF NORWAY NAME BADGES: Pin Back: $9.00 each; Magnetic Back $10.00 each. Trying to put names and faces together? Wearing a name badge helps all members, new and old, in getting to know who’s who. Please order yours from Joyce Burlingame at our next meeting or call her at 206-362-4156 or email her at donjoy59@comcast.net, making sure the spelling is correct. When you DO get your name badge, don’t forget to wear it! Volume 42, Number 9 Page 9 TRUSTEE CORNER I would like to thank, Tap Ames Trustee of the Month for the month of October 2014. The Trustee of the Month is to check the Lodge inside and out, at least once a week during the month. He or she can check the Lodge at their convenience for possible problem’s, water leaks, doors or windows left open, trees or branch’s down, if the heat has been turned down and all lights have been turned off. The Trustee of the Month for October, will be Mike Nelson. Thank You Mike Nelson, Lead Trustee Lutefisk … Lutefisk … Lutefisk It is not too early to start thinking about Lutefisk. Our Annual Lutefisk dinner is scheduled for the 1st Saturday in December, December 6th, 2014. We have something for everyone to do. We need 153 shifts filled the day of the dinner, 26 people for Meatballs on Thursday, 12 people to peel potatoes on Friday. The Monday before is take down day and the Monday after is haul it all back upstairs day and we need help then as well. If you can help please sign up at the lodge or call Chris Hicks at 425-672-0194. It takes the whole lodge to pull this event off and is one of the big money makers for the year. Please mark your calendars and help if you can. Thank you Chris Hicks Lutefisk Dinner Chair Our Financial Benefits Counselor is: JERRY LABEL 425-640-9830 or jlabel7425@comcast.net THE SCANDINAVIAN HOUR KKNW 1150AM With Doug Warne as your host Saturday mornings 9:00 to 10:00 am Page 10 NYHETER LEFSE HOLIDAY BAKE This is for You! We are going to have our Lefse Holiday Bake again this year on Saturday Nov. 15, 2014, at 10 am. It is a lot of fun and everyone seemed to have a good time, even with all the hard work. Come meet new friends and see some old friends too. It’s a great way to get ready for the Holiday and have fresh Lefse for your Holiday table. We will use our wonderful lodge recipe, but if you have your own tried and true family recipe bring a batch to roll. We do have limited space, grills and boards so give me a call at 425-486-5275 and I will reserve you a spot. Let me know if you are using the Lodge recipe or bringing your own, there will be a slight charge to defer the cost if you use the Lodge recipe. We will be cooking and ricing the potatoes on Nov. 14th at 10:00 am if you want to help. Thank you, Mike Nelson BOTHELL SONS OF NORWAY DANCES First Saturday of every month – September thru May. From 8:00pm to 11:00 pm. For more information: Ken & Freda Howard 425-672-4508 Nov. 1, 2014 Lori Hansen (Pickled Herring Band) Dec. 20, 2014 Special Christmas Dance Syliva (Ya Sure Ya Betcha Band) Jan 3, 2015 Lori Hansen (Pickled Herring) Feb. 7, 2015 Bert Carlson March 7, 2015 Tobe Hanson (Smilin Scandinavians) April 4, 2015 Lyle Schaefer May 2, 2015 Sylvia (Ya Sure Ya Betcha Ya Band) Volume 42, Number 8 Page 11 SUNSHINE REPORT A Thinking of You - Heal Well Card was sent to Kristine Mohar. She has a broken arm. A Birthday Card was sent to Clifford Peterson. He will be 97 years old on October 23rd. Bowling Anyone interested in Bowling? Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Spin Alley. Contact Ivan Thompson at 206-546-2962. PLEASE SAVE YOUR CANCELLED STAMPS Just cut around the canceled stamps, leaving 1/2” around the stamps, so as not to damage the perforations, and bring them to the lodge. This is an ongoing project and Tubfrim appreciates your contributions. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Nancy or Lenus at 206632-1605. Raffle Collected $96.00 for the raffle, $48.00 was given to the Ray Berg Scholarship fund. Raffle winners were: Membership The membership drawing of $10.00 was not won this month. Names drawn were: Kare Gjolmesli won $16.00 Julie Koch-Michael Bill Fosmoe won $ 16.00 John Kampa Ragnhild Jonassen won $16.00 Anna King Next month’s drawing will be for $15.00. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! Thank you to those that donated to the scholarship fund! Non-Pro fit Organization U.S. Postage P AID Permit No. 8 Bothell ,WA 98011 Sons of Norway Bothell Lodge 2-106 P. O. Box 492 Bothell, WA 98041 Street Address: 23905 Bothell-Everett Hi ghway Phone: 425-485-9085 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUE STED We’re on the Web! bothellsonsofnorway.org UPCOMING EVENTS are at Bothell Lodge (unless indicated otherwise) Saturday November 1 Lodge Dance -Lori Hansen (Pickled Herring Band) 8-10pm Thursday November 6 Board Meeting—all members are welcome to attend 7:00pm Thursday Lese Gruppe (Reading Group) November 13 Saturday Lefse Holiday Bake November 15 Thursday Lodge Night– Turkey Dinner 6:30pm November 20 Meeting at 7:30 pm—A Viking Visit Building Association meeting Saturday Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner December 6 10:00 am 10:00 am 6:30 pm Noon– 6pm
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