Father Kevin writes… SACRED HEART OF JESUS & ST. PETER THE APOSTLE This weekend we hear of Christ’s encounter with a leper. Jesus is anxious that this cure should not be made public, for fear it would cause uproar. The trouble is that good news cannot stay hidden; and soon the story is out, and Jesus is forced to stay away from ordinary places. Ironically, the leper has found his place back among his own people and the Lord has been forced outside. But despite that consequence, Jesus was more than willing to heal the sick man. 356 London Road, Waterlooville, PO7 7SR Parish Priest: Fr. Kevin Bidgood Parish Deacon: Rev. John-Paul Lyttle The Presbytery, 356a London Road, Waterlooville Hants PO7 7SR Christ came into this world to bring true life to all people and to heal our sicknesses. The trouble is that our deep sicknesses are much worse than skin diseases. They are the sicknesses of the soul, not as easy to see, but the pain is just as real. Our deepest hurts are the things that cause us to fight one another, our anger and our sense of injustice, our aggressiveness with one another and our violence. These are the true sorrows of our world. How do we heal them? Maybe St. Paul in our second reading can help us. Parish Secretary: Mrs. Susan Siou Office hours: Monday to Thursday 9am–2.30pm Housekeeping & Mass Offerings: Mrs. Lisa Wingrove-Cross Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.30am-2.30pm Contact us: (023) 9226 2289/shspa@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Parish Deacon: jplyttle@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Website: www.waterlooville-catholic.org.uk Parish Centre Manager: Mrs. Nina McCormack Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am-12noon (023) 9226 9348/bookings@waterlooville-catholic.org.uk The Apostle says, “Whatever you do… do it for the glory of God. Never do anything offensive to anyone.” So we can ask ourselves, in my own heart the war between good and evil has to cease. In my own mind the desire to dominate has to stop. In my own actions the controlling has to end. Therefore, our keeping of a good Lent can help us become more like Christ. Safeguarding contact number: 07800 942617 Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity no. 246871 SUPPORTING THE PARISH FINANCIALLY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME As well as our celebration of Mass and all our other liturgies, I’m sure you all appreciate the many activities and events that take place in your parish Church. 14/15 February 2015 PARISH MASS BOOK: YEAR B VOLUME 1, PAGE 137 Entrance Antiphon: Be my protector, O God, a mighty Therefore, as your parish priest, I am asking you all to consider your financial giving to the parish: stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. If you were one of our parishioners who so generously gave to the ‘Living our Faith’ campaign 5 years ago, in aid of diocesan resources, you will be aware that your standing orders are now coming to an end. I’m asking you, therefore, to consider transferring to parish funds, the sum you paid to ‘Living our Faith’. Please think and pray about this. Psalm Response: You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me Can you rise to the £1.00 challenge??? they craved the Lord gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved. 4 pints of milk from Asda is 89p, a normal family branded loaf of bread is 79p. If you are a parishioner who still gives cash to the parish in the collection – please consider making your cash donation a weekly £1.00. If you could do this, it would raise our weekly income considerably. So do it!!! with the joy of salvation. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon: They ate and had their fill, and what Gift Aid: If you pay tax, please consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your donation. This will be worth 25p in the pound more to the parish. There is just one form to complete and no enquiry is made of your finances. So, for every £10 in ‘Gift Aided’ donations, the Inland Revenue will add another £2.50 under this scheme. You of course do not pay extra tax! PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Joe Higgins, John O’Neill, Roger, Grace Terry, Bridget Shipp, Carmen Oakes, Alan Neilson, Janet Barlow, Josie Miller & Mary Humphries. For all the housebound, for those in nursing homes, in hospital and all in The Rowans Hospice. LENT BEGINS THIS WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday Masses @ 7.30am; 9am & 7.30pm. Lent Lunches: All Saints’ Denmead Friday @ 12.30pm. TO CELEBRATE MARRIAGE WEEK On Tuesday 17 February, we shall be celebrating Marriage Week – with a Mass at 7pm followed by a DVD presentation on the Sacrament of Marriage – which presents the Church’s teaching on this Sacrament, in an interesting and informative way. Rite of Election: Cathedral Saturday @ 11am. Please pray for the candidates as they go to meet the Bishop. First Sunday of Lent: A series of homilies at all Masses based on the popular Anchor Course. Stations of the Cross: 5pm Sunday evening. COPIES OF THE PARISH LENT PROGRAMME are available in the narthex. Devotional material for Lent is also available: Act of r ‘Walk with me’ booklets for adults £1.00. Lent Calendar for children 50p. DAY DATE TIME Saturday 14 Feb 5.30pm 6.15pm 10.30am 6.30pm 8.30am-8.50am 9am 8am-11am 7pm 9pm-9.30pm 7.30am 8.30am-8.50am 9am 7.30pm 9pm-9.30pm 11am-11.20am 11.30am 4.30pm 9pm-9.30pm 10.30am 5.30pm 6.15pm SUNDAY 15 Feb Monday 16 Feb Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb Friday 20 Feb Saturday 21 Feb LITURGICAL CELEBRATION MASS INTENTION Confessions VIGIL: SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Wellbeing of Simon Peter and Shirley Harrington RIP Damian Whitfield RIP Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament th Of the 6 Week of Ordinary Time LITURGY OF THE WORD Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament th Of the 6 Week of Ordinary Time Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mary Wilkinson RIP People of the parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ASH WEDNESDAY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday after Ash Wednesday Reception of Body into Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament No Adoration Funeral Mass (and Mass of the Day) Confessions Vigil: FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT DATES & NOTICES FOR YOUR DIARY… THIS SUNDAY EVENING: We welcome Fr. Rajesh Abraham from Hayling Island, who will celebrate the 6.30pm Mass. JOHN SMITH RIP: Please pray for the rest and peace of the soul of John who has died recently. Details of his Funeral Mass can be found above. HOLY BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of the Catholic Church, Humphrey Brown, who will be baptised at the Sunday morning Mass. MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY: Wives Group. Parish Centre @ 7.30pm. The new venue means parking is easy and we do welcome more ladies of the parish to come along. Topic for this month’s meeting is ‘Chichester Harbour’. Our recent fundraising raffle has raised £100 for Serv-Wessex (Blood Donor Emergency transport). For more information contact Tessa 023 9225 2855/Elizabeth 023 9226 4042. THE TUESDAY CLUB: Club in the Parish Centre @ 2pm, on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Contact Trish on 07947 611699. Tuesday 17 February is Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day. Please come and join us – all welcome! WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY: Union of Catholic Mothers. Stations of the Cross in Church @ 2pm. Everyone welcome! WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY: Mothers’ Prayers. In Church after Stations of the Cross. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY: ‘Simply Perfect’ First Holy Communion Wear. Parish Centre from 3-5pm. Come and discover the extensive collection of quality dresses and accessories on display, including veils, shoes, jackets, bags, tableware, and commemorative ties for boys. www.firstcommunionwear.com DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Friday 6 March is Women’s World Day of Prayer. 2pm at Waterlooville Baptist Church. LILY BAILEY RIP: The family of Lily would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all who attended her Funeral Mass on Thursday 5 February. We were delighted to have so many joining us. Dec’d family/friends of the Arnold family For keeping a good Lent Union of Catholic Mothers’ Intention John Smith RIP Margaret Beauvoisin RIP NOTICE FOR PARENTS AT MASS For health and safety reasons, it is politely requested that parents do not allow their children to use the Church toilet facilities unaccompanied. CONFIRMATION 2016 An information leaflet about the next Confirmation training programme can be found on the table in the narthex. INVITATIONS FROM OAKLANDS SCHOOL “OKLAHOMA!” Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 March @ 7.30pm. Tickets can be reserved through the Finance Office in school or you can purchase via the school’s online payment system. Prices are £7 for adults; £4 for students/concessions; £20 for a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children). Put on your cowboy hat and join in with this amazing showcase of Oakland’s talent! “KOJAK’S REVENGE” GIG Friday 20 March from 8pm-11pm Licensed Bar. Tickets £10 – includes entry into wine raffle, available from the school White House reception or call/text 07817 606571. (Guests are not permitted to bring their own drinks to this event) Friday 27 February CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day Next weekend, Mr. Mugeni Sumba, our CAFOD rep., will speak at all Masses about Fast Day… and here’s some good news… The government has promised to match every pound and penny you give to CAFOD’s Lenten appeal up to the value of £3.5M. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT: Monday 23 February – Sunday 8 March. HOW TO ARRANGE A BAPTISM AT SACRED HEART Please pick up an information leaflet from the lobby area. Be aware, that at least one parent must be a baptised Catholic and live within Sacred Heart Parish. Also, bear in mind that all Godparents are required to be baptised Catholics. Non-Catholic Christians may be Witnesses to any baptism. FIND OUT ABOUT THE EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAMS Copies of the information card are available to take away. If you think you would like to be involved in the New Evangelisation Strategy Team, please read this card, pray about it and then speak to Fr. Kevin.
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