Florida Department of Children and Families—Office of Child Welfare Publication Child Welfare Today Safety. Permanency. Child Well-Being. Family Well-Being. January 2015 Inside this Issue Background Screening Clearinghouse Pg. 2 Safety Methodology Risk Assessment Pg. 3 Critical Incident Rapid Response Team (CIRRT) Pg. 4 Child and Family Services Plan 2015-2019 Pg. 5 Safety Implementation Status Map Pg. 6 Holiday Open House Celebration Pg. 7 Adoption Applicant Policy Update Individuals whose marriages were legally recognized in Florida as of January 6, 2015 are eligible to apply for adoption and adoption assistance within the State of Florida. Please contact Courtney Smith at Courtney.Smith@myflfamilies.com for additional information, or click on the following link: Adoption Applicate Policy Update Memo. Maltreatment Index Update The Maltreatment Index Update outlines the Department ‘s response when information is received that alleges that a parent is demonstrating psychotic, delusional, or dangerous behaviors. The definition of Inadequate Supervision included within the memo supersedes the definition of the current Maltreatment Index. Please refer to the link below for more information: Update to Maltreatment Index Memo Community-Based Care Scorecard Child Welfare Pre-Service Curriculum Pg. 8 Meeting & Training Events and Dates Pg. 9 The new CBC Scorecard was distributed via email on January 19, 2015. The Scorecard with subsequent versions will run quarterly along with Scorecard Methodology . It will be posted at: http:/ / www.myflfamilies.com/general-information/planning-performancemeasures/cbc-scorecard. Summary and list reports for each Scorecard measure are available in the FSFN Reporting Environment in the following folder: Public Folder/OCWDRU Reports/Outcomes/CBC Scorecard. January 2015 Child Care Regulation & Background Screening Program Office Did you know that the Office of Child Care Regulation and the Department’s Background Screening Unit are joined under one program office? The Child Care Regulation Unit regulates licensed child care facilities, family day care homes, large family child care homes, and mildly ill facilities in 62 of the 67 counties in Florida. The Background Screening Unit is responsible for reviewing all state and national criminal history results received for licensing or employment for programs regulated by the Department. The unit also processes screenings for providers of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities under an Interagency Service Agreement. Although this is a centralized unit, positions are outposted statewide. For more information on the unit, you may visit the Department's website, www.myflfamilies.com and choose Child Care or Background Screening under the Services tab. Florida Abuse Hotline DCF personnel, please take a moment to visit the new Florida Abuse Hotline on our intranet website at http://eww/hotline/ Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Update The Florida Round 3 CFSR will be conducted in 2016. A major change implemented by the Children’s Bureau will give states the option to conduct their own on-site case reviews versus sending a federal team to lead on-site reviews. Florida has applied to be an “option state” and will be collaborating with the Children’s Bureau to ensure integrity of the CFSR process. The Children’s Bureau is shifting the CFSR from a periodic event to an ongoing process to support a state’s capacity to selfmonitor for child and family outcomes, systems functioning and improvement practices. The Bureau has given states access to the federal CFSR web portal so that data and information can be managed by the states. The CFSR case reviews will replace the Quality Service Reviews conducted by communitybased care lead agencies. For more information, please visit https:// training.cfsrportal.org/resources Coming Soon: Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse The Department of Children and Families is one of seven state agencies that will join the new statewide screening database, "The Clearinghouse." The purpose of the Clearinghouse is to provide a single data source for background screening results for persons screened for employment or licensure who provide services to children, the elderly, and disabled individuals. The Clearinghouse will allow specific agencies to share the results of criminal history checks when a person has applied to volunteer, be employed, be licensed (including foster parents), or enter into a contract that requires a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history check. The Department continues to work with the Agency for Health Care Administration to establish the requirements necessary for the Department to join the Clearinghouse. The Department is set to begin utilizing the Clearinghouse in March for summer camp providers. The Office of Child Care Regulation and Background Screening staff will work with each program office over the course of the next few months to provide training on the use of the Clearinghouse and offer training tools to providers and customers. 2 January 2015 Florida’s IV-E Funding Waiver Renewed for Five Additional Years Were you aware that the Department was granted a five year renewal of the statewide flexible funding waiver? The renewal of the IV-E Waiver continues the state’s positive progress providing necessary support and prevention services for improved child welfare. Florida received approval of the first statewide waiver for flexible use of foster care funds under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act on March 31, 2006. As the only state with such a broad federal waiver, Florida has dedicated resources to keeping more families together and helping parents change their lives and make their homes safe so they can keep or be reunified with their children. Florida’s waiver demonstration under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act is authorized by the Administration for Children and Families and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It allows federal foster care funds to be used for any child welfare purpose rather than being restricted to room and board payments as generally is the case under federal law. It enables funds to be used for a wide variety of child welfare services, including prevention, intensive in-home services to prevent placement of children outside the home, reunification, and foster care. The waiver was first implemented in October 2006. The goal of the waiver remains to support changes in the state’s child welfare system to maintain child safety and improve outcomes for children and families served by DCF and its community-based partners. After its expiration in 2011, the waiver was extended in three month increments. It has been renewed through September 30, 2018. For more information on the waiver, please visit http://www.centerforchildwelfare.org/Funding/ TitleIVE.shtml Safety Methodology Risk Assessment ACTION for Child Protection ACTION for Child Protection, Inc. completed a case record review requested by the Florida Department of Children and Families to assess the implementation of the Florida Safety Methodology. Cases were randomly selected from three regions in Florida, and the sample was provided to ACTION for Child Protection. Cases were reviewed off-site by ACTION staff utilizing Qualtrics survey software and FSFN access provided by the Department. The baseline reviews revealed key findings regarding Present Danger, Information Collection, Impending Danger, and Safety Planning. Please contact Ginger Griffeth for more information about the completion of this review at Ginger.Griffeth@myflfamiies.com. As a part of the Structured Decision Making® (SDM) initial risk assessment’s implementation within the Florida Department of Children and Families’ broader safety methodology practice model implementation, DCF asked the NCCD Children’s Research Center (CRC) to review completed risk assessments and related narrative documentation. The purpose of the reading was to identify DCF workers’ strengths and issues with risk assessment completion in counties that have implemented the safety methodology and to provide feedback as needed to DCF to assist in the implementation. Case reading is a standard CRC support activity in order to root technical assistance in an objective format and identify implementation status. For more information on the completed review, please contact Ginger Griffeth at Ginger.Griffeth@myflfamiies.com. 3 January 2015 Critical Incident Rapid Response Team (CIRRT) In 2014, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 1666, establishing requirements for creating a Critical Incident Rapid Response Team to perform a root-cause analysis of child fatality cases when there was a verified report of abuse or neglect within the preceding 12 months. The CIRRT will also determine the need for policy and/or practice change within the child welfare system in an effort to reduce and, ultimately, eliminate these detrimental outcomes. Effective January 2015, teams are coordinated by Lisa Rivera, the Statewide Child Fatality Prevention Specialist, in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 39.2015, Florida Statutes. Participant identification is a continual process that spans across all relevant agencies throughout the state of Florida, including but not limited to the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Health, all community-based care lead agencies and contracted partners, subject matter experts from community treatment programs (domestic violence, substance abuse and/or mental health), and law enforcement. The first participant training was conducted in November 2014 with 74 individuals in attendance. Although this was a great turn-out for the first time around, we are still in need of representatives from the Department of Health, law enforcement agencies, as well as individuals who have specific expertise in the following areas: substance abuse, mental health, and domestic violence. Every individual identified as a potential Critical Incident Rapid Response Team member will attend a mandatory training which will consist of two days of the CIRRT process in general and one day of the child welfare practice model. The purpose of the training is to familiarize external reviewers with the constructs from which the Department and its contracted child welfare providers operate. The next training is being scheduled for February 11 - 13, 2015 in Orlando. Upon supervisory approval, any individual wishing to be a potential member of the CIRRT process needs to submit the following information to Lisa.Rivera@myflfamilies.com: Name/Title Contact Numbers (work and Cell) Agency Area of expertise Address Rapid Safety Feedback The Secretary has been a national leader in implementing case review procedures that focus on highrisk children. Rapid Safety Feedback is an thorough review of open investigations when there is a child under the age of 4 with contributing factors that include evidence of current or previous substance abuse, mental health, or domestic violence. The process includes a feedback component to engage the child protective investigator and the supervisor in a discussion that may change the course of the investigation. Critical Child Safety Teams have been established in each DCF region to conduct Rapid Safety Feedback and provide field support on complex cases. Beginning in January, staff will be required to go through an intensive proficiency process to ensure they have the knowledge, skill, and ability to conduct these critical reviews and provide the appropriate feedback to the CPI and supervisor. 4 January 2015 Child and Family Services Plan 2015-2019 Every five years, states develop and submit a five-year strategic plan setting forth the vision and goals for the overall child welfare system to the Administration for Children and Families. A primary purpose of the CFSP is to help states integrate programs that serve children and families, as well as comprehensively integrate the full array of child welfare services from prevention and protection through permanency. A federally approved CFSP is the trigger for the Administration for Children and Families to release federal funds to the state. We could refer to this as the “$444 million dollar plan.” The development of the CFSP was a collaborative process over several months with the CommunityBased Care lead agencies, Sheriffs’ Offices, Office of Court Improvement, Children’s Legal Services, Regions, and a host of other stakeholders and partners. Florida’s Child and Family Services Plan 20152019 was approved by the Administration for Children and Families in October 2014. The real work is now underway. As a state, we are to implement the CFSP and report annually to the Administration for Children and Families on our progress. The annual report, due June 30, is referred to as the Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR). Of note is how all child welfare initiatives actually tie back to the CFSP. The IV-E waiver is one example of an initiative that aligns with the CFSP. The waiver allows use of IV-E foster care dollars to provide services to children and their families. One example is prevention and intensive in-home services to prevent placement of children outside the home. For more information on the CFSP, please visit http://www.centerforchildwelfare.org/Publications/ ChildFamilyServicesPlan.shtml Human Trafficking Awareness Month January was Human Trafficking Awareness month. Task forces throughout the state had activities planned throughout the month to highlight the issue and bring awareness to the needs of survivors! A sample of the events hosted can be located on these links: Tampa: http://www.abolishmovement.com/? page_id=885 Clearwater: https://www.facebook.com/ freenetwork.us/events?ref=page_internal Orlando: http://www.wherevent.com/detail/ Florida-Abolitionist-Greater-Orlando-7th- New Regional Team Members We have welcomed two new members on the Human Trafficking Prevention team! Sue Aboul-Hosn and Tisha Pierre are our new Regional Human Trafficking Coordinators. Sue will cover the Central and Suncoast regions, and Tisha will cover the Southern and Southeast regions. They are both huge assets, and we are excited to have them in their new positions. Expect to see them in the community at human trafficking events, as well as reaching out to assist in implementation of legislative initiatives, development of task forces and the creation of local plans to respond to human trafficking cases. 5 January 2015 Child Protective Investigations Safety Methodology Implementation Status December 1 - December 31, 2014 Ongoing Services Safety Implementation Status as of 01/06/2015 6 January 2015 Upcoming Roll-Out: The Human Trafficking Identification Tool House Bill 7141, which was approved by legislators during the 2014 legislative session, directs the Department to create an identification tool for victims of human trafficking. Over the last year, the Department of Children and Families has co-facilitated, with the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), a work group of statewide stakeholders to assist in creating a tool. The Human Trafficking Identification tool has been completed. DCF is working with DJJ on a training calendar currently in preparation for a February to March pilot roll-out in Miami and Jacksonville. This will be a unified tool utilized by DCF, DJJ and Community-Based Care providers. This tool will be assessed for validation by DJJ and will be one of the first tools in the nation that is shared by child welfare, juvenile justice, and case management. Nonrelative Caregiver Financial Assistance Reminder The case manager should confirm that the address for the nonrelative caregiver is correct in FSFN prior to submitting the NRCFA application. 2015 Child Protection Summit Call for Proposals Potential presenters at the Department ’s annual Child Protection Summit are invited to submit workshop descriptions (approximately 600 words) that will effectively demonstrate the relevance of your topic to Florida’s Child Welfare Practice Model. The deadline to submit proposals, specifying the targeted audience (investigations, case management, data, supervisory, domestic violence, etc.), is February 27. To submit a proposal, go to https://adobeformscentral.com/? f=ciaqkGLJkAAfkmfKprZlLA. If you have questions, please email AK Consulting Group at Annette@akconsultinggroup.org, or call 850523-4200. Holiday Open House Celebration On December 10 , the Office of Child Welfare hosted its 1st Annual Holiday Open House. Alissa Cross composed a festive dance video featuring OCW leadership. Linda Radigan created a photo booth for guests and our employees. Led by budget liaisons Sue Zwirz, Lynita Bell, and Anna Heitz, the 309 Office Suite won the door-decorating competition with their creative gingerbread house. We look forward to the “floor wars” door-decorating competition next year. Office of Child Welfare Leadership pictured from left to right: JoShonda Guerrier, Traci Leavine, Janice Thomas, and Kellie Sweat Darnell. 7 January 2015 Compassion Fatigue Training & Train-the-Trainer Compassion Fatigue Training and Train-the-Trainer is being offered (free of charge, participants only pay their own travel) : This three-hour session will be offered twice on March 10th in Ocala. It is open to everyone. Françoise Mathieu, Compassion Fatigue Solutions, will be coming back to Florida to present "Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue & Vicarious Trauma." Folks should register by February 20th for either Session A or B by February 20th at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/ s/6ZH5ZRD Child Welfare Pre-Service Curriculum Walkthrough The Office of Child Welfare is hosting three one-day Curriculum Walkthrough sessions for the new Child Welfare Pre-service curriculum. These one-day sessions will cover the core curriculum that is scheduled for release in January 2015. The dissemination of the curriculum in January will be the first draft and, with the help of our statewide training and policy staff, we anticipate that there will be many ongoing updates and revisions, as we see how our practice must be implemented. The Specialty curriculum tracks are anticipated to be released in February 2015, and Walkthrough dates for those curricula will be announced at a later date. Quality Parenting Initiative Kick-Off The Department is partnering with the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) to kick-off a teen foster home recruitment initiative in February. There will be a statewide kick-off meeting February 20th in Tampa with Secretary Carroll, QPI leadership, and representatives from the Office of Child Welfare. An average of 58% of teens in out-of-home care are placed in group care settings. Many could move to family foster homes, but we need foster families willing to experience the joy and challenges of raising teenagers. Details to come soon! FCADV Regional Training The Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence will host 12 one-and-a-half-day Child Welfare Regional Training Institutes for local child welfare professionals, domestic violence victim advocates, and community partners. Please see link for more information and registration: http://www.fcadv.org/events Statewide Case Consultation Calls Statewide case consultation calls for Child Protective Investigators, case management, and Children’s Legal Services will begin this month. Our first call will be on January 29, 2015 at 9:00 am (EST). This call will have a Child Protective Investigators and case management focus. ACTION for Child Protection will be leading the calls utilizing cases from the various regions. Redacted case information will be forwarded in conjunction with each call. The Florida Coalition for Children case management subcommittee has helped the Office of Child Welfare select the case for January, and it will be forwarded shortly; however, if you would like to submit cases for consultation in the following months, please contact Ginger Griffeth at Ginger.Griffeth@myflfamiles.com. The call-in number for all calls will be 1-888-670-3525 (code: 328 019 1892#). 8 January 2015 Upcoming Meetings & Dates Date Meeting Location Contact January 29 9:00AM Rule 65-28.008 - Relative Caregiver Program Public Rule Hearing Tallahassee, FL Jodi Abramowitz February 10 9:00AM Statewide Case Consultation Call Tallahassee, FL Ginger Griffeth February 12-13 Children’s Bureau Site Visit Tallahassee, FL Eleese Davis February 17-18 Quarterly QA Manager’s Meeting Tallahassee, FL Eleese Davis February 20 Quality Parenting Initiative Kick-Off Tampa, FL Kristi Putnam February 26 Child Welfare Practice Task Force Gainesville, FL Alicia Dyer February 27 Call for Proposal Ends for 2015 Child Protection Summit Gainesville, FL Elisa Cramer March 3 10:00AM Statewide Case Consultation Call Tallahassee, FL Ginger Griffeth Upcoming Training Events & Dates Date Training Location Contact February 17 Human Trafficking Training for Specialized Expertise Tallahassee, FL Kimberly Grabert February 29-30 Child Welfare Training Institute— FCADV Melbourne, FL Ghia C. Kelly March 10-11 Child Welfare Training Institute— FCADV Tampa, FL Ghia C. Kelly March 10 Compassion Fatigue Training Ocala, FL Carrie Toy March 31-April 1 Child Welfare Training Institute— FCADV Naples, FL Ghia C. Kelly 9
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