Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 66(1)/2009 Print ISSN 1843-5254; Electronic ISSN 1843-5394 The Response of Different Genotypes of Calendula to Aphis fabae Attack Adriana Daniela BACIU1), Adriana SESTRAS2), Radu SESTRAS1), Monica BURUIANA1) 1) University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Manastur St., 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; ady.baciu@yahoo.com, rsestras@yahoo.co.uk 2) Fruit Research Station, 3-5 Horticultorilor St., 400454, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; asestras@yahoo.com Abstract. Calendula (pot marigold) has an extremely wide range of use, due to its properties, is well adapted to temperate climatic zones and easy to grow. The aphids can cause serious damages and they also represent the main vectors of viruses. That is why one of the objectives of pot marigold breeding is to create resistant cultivars. In present study, 45 genotypes of Calendula, including six species (C. officinalis, C. alata, C. arvensis C. stellata, C. suffruticosa, C. tripterocarpa) and different cultivars, were analyzed for their response to Aphis fabae attack, in natural conditions of infestation. From among all genotypes, 26 (representing 57.8%) have not been attacked. Even if 11 genotypes have provided statistical differences for the serious attack frequency and 15 for intensity of the attack, only three of these have provided statistical differentiations for attack degree. The results demonstrate that aphids are pests that occur in the culture of Calendula with significant frequency, intensity and attack degree. In the same conditions, genotype really influences the attack, some variants being registered without attack signs, while others were obviously preferred by pests. The large variability recorded for Calendula genotypes allowed the identification of potential genitors for resistance to aphids’ attack, respectively for marigold breeding and obtaining new valuable cultivars. Keywords: genotype, Calendula officinalis, Aphis fabae, frequency, intensity, attack degree INTRODUCTION Calendula belongs to Asteraceae family, Calendula genus, which comprises approximately 25 annual and perennial species, the most known being: Calendula officinalis, C. arvensis, C. alata, C. stellata, C. suffruticosa etc. Calendula officinalis L. specie (pot marigold) has an extremely wide range of use, due to its properties, its well adapted to temperate climatic zones and easy to grow (Froment et al., 2009). It is used for setting green spaces, for interiors, as well as cut flowers in various floral arrangements (Selaru, 2007). Due to its rich content of active principles (acids, oils, pigments, flavones), Calendula officinalis L. is used in human medicine, veterinary medicine and nutrition (Racz et al., 1976; Dobrescu, 1981; Pintea et al., 2008). The aim of Calendula breeding is to obtain genotypes with special decorative value, antodia with large and abundant flowers, intensely coloured (yellow, orange or yelloworange) closed with habitus as compact, resistant to main diseases and pests (Gonceariuc, 2001; Baciu and Sestras, 2009). Aphis fabae specie is part of the Homoptera order, Aphidida suborder, Aphididae family. This family also includes Aphis pomii specie, Aphis gosyppii, Aphis grosullariae, Myzus cerasi, Macrosiphum rosae, Brevicoryne brassicae etc. (Wearing and van Emden, 1967; Paun et al., 1986, 1988) species known as aphids or plant lice. Aphids harm both by 498 direct attack, and through the “honey dew”, secretion which is the main vector of viruses (Dixon, 1998; Oltean et al., 2004). In order to create new Calendula cultivars resistant to aphids attack, the identification of potential genitors for breeding works is an important premise to obtain a profitable artificial variability for selection by hybridization. MATERIALS AND METHODS The response of Calendula to Aphis fabae attack was studied at Botanical Garden of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, being analyzed 45 genotypes of Calendula belongs to six species, as follows: C. officinalis, C. alata, C. arvensis C. stellata, C. suffruticosa, C. tripterocarpa (Tab. 1). Evaluation of the attack was carried out under natural infestation conditions, without using insecticide treatments to combat pests and diseases. For each studied genotype, was determined the attack on the plants; the number of plants per analysed genotype varied between 19 (variant 16) and 42 (variant 22). Tab. 1 The genotypes of Calendula analyzed for response to Aphis fabae attack Nr. 1 2 Specie C. officinalis C. officinalis 3 4 5 C. arvensis C. stellata Cav. C. officinalis Genotype/Cultivar 122GE 2822-0002 123GE Hortus Hudae 121GE2822-0001 124GE2822-04 C. officinalis L. 6 C. officinalis C. officinalis L. 7 8 9 10 11 C. officinalis C. arvensis C. officinalis C. arvensis C. officinalis 12 C. officinalis 13 C. officinalis C. officinalis C. arvensis C. officinalis C. arvensis cv. Prolifera Nr. 215 cv. Prolifera Nr. 214 Bon-Bon Orange 14 15 16 17 C. officinalis C. officinalis C. officinalis C. officinalis Bon Bon Mix’ C. officinalis C. officinalis L. C. officinalis L. 18 C. officinalis C. officinalis L. 19 C. officinalis cv. Pacific-Riesen 20 C. officinalis cv. Radio 21 C. alata cv. Rech.f. 22 C. arvensis C. arvensis L. Provenance/Origin Denmark Botanic Garden, Universitat of Copenhagen Denmark Botanic Garden, Universitat of Copenhagen Denmark Botanic Garden, Universitat of Copenhagen Denmark Botanic Garden, Universitat of Copenhagen Germany (Berlin), Humblod-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Biologie Germany (Berlin), Humblod-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Biologie France Ville de Rouen, Jardin Botanique 76100 Rouen France Ville de Rouen, Jardin Botanique 76100 Rouen Slovenia Hortus Botanicus Ljubljana Slovenia Hortus Botanicus Ljubljana Germany (Deutschland) Botanscher Garten der Universität, 3703 Göttingen Germany (Deutschland) Botanscher Garten der Universität, 3703 Göttingen Latvia Seed Exchange, National Botanic Garten Salasplis, LV-2169 Ukraine Hortus Botanicus Fominianus, Kiev Ukraine Hortus Botanicus Fominianus, Kiev Germany Botanischer Garten, Universität Ulm D-89069 France Botaniquest et Zoologiques, Arboretum National de Chevreloup Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 499 23 C. stellata C. stellata Cav. 24 C. suffruticosa 25 C. tripterocarpa 26 27 C. officinalis C. officinalis C. suffruticosa Vahl. C. tripterocarpa Rupr. C. officinalis L. C. officinalis L. 28 C. officinalis C. officinalis L. 29 C. officinalis C. officinalis L. 30 31 C. officinalis C. officinalis C. officinalis L. C. officinalis 32 C. officinalis C. officinalis 33 C. officinalis C. officinalis 34 C. officinalis cv. Prycosnovjenie 35 C. officinalis cv. Pacific Beauty 36 C. officinalis cv. Gaicha Gril 37 C. officinalis cv. Fiesta Hitana 38 C. officinalis 39 C. officinalis 40 C. alata cv. Zelenoye Serdtse cv. Rozovyi Sjurpriz C. alata 41 C. suffruticosa C. suffruticosa 42 C. officinalis C. officinalis 43 C. officinalis cv. Pacific 44 C. officinalis cv. Plamen 45 C. officinalis C. officinalis Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 Germany Universitat Bayreuth Ökolog-Botanischer Garten D-95440 France Jardin Botanique, 44094 Nantes cedex 1 Germany Botanischer Garten J.W. Goethe-Universität D60054 Germany Botanischer Garten, Martin-Luther-Universität D06108 Poland Lublin, Hortus Farmacognosticus Academiae Medicinalis Ul. W. Chodźki 1 20-093 Germany (Chemnitz), Botanischer Garten, Grünflächenamt Germany (Deutschland), Botanischer Garten der CristianAlberchts Universität Kiel, D-24098 Italy (Urbino) Instituto e Orto Botanico Universitat di Urbino, 61029 Germany Botanischer Garten der Cristian-AlberchtsUniversität Kiel Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Timirjazevska, 1, Kyiv, 01014 Austria Botanischer Garten Landesregierung Klagenfurt A902 Czech Republic Masarykova Univerzita Brne, Lékařská faculta 66243 Brno Czech Republic Masarykova Univerzita Brne, Lékařská faculta 66243 Brno Azerbaijan Republic Central Botanical Garden, Badamdar, AZ 1073 The attack produced by Aphis fabae was examined decadal, in the dynamic, in June and July, in two years (2008 and 2009). The attack has affected only primary shoots, upper third of them, to the base of inflorescences (antodias). Pest attack was estimated using the following indicators: frequency of attack (F%), intensity of attack (I%) and attack degree (AD%), as follows: F% = n x100 N n = no. attacked plant; N = no. analyzed plants. 500 (ixf ) I% = n AD% = F %xI % 100 i = the percentage of attacked plants; f = no. attacked plants at the same rate of attack; n = no. total of plants attacked; Σ = sum. F% = attack frequency; I%= attack intensity The date were processed using ANOVA (‘t’ test) as mean of experimental values, all of the 45 genotypes of Calendula being compared with the mean of the experiment infestation with Aphis fabae, considered as control. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS From 45 genotypes of Calendula studied in the experience, 26 were not attacked by Aphis fabae (Tab. 2). They represent 57.8% from all studied species or cultivars. Tab. 2 The genotypes of Calendula without attack of Aphis fabae No variant 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 24 25 Number of variant and genotype without attack (26) Genotype No variant Genotype C. officinalis L. 27 C. officinalis L. C. officinalis L. 29 C. officinalis L. C. officinalis 31 C. officinalis C. arvensis 32 C. officinalis cv. Prolifera Nr. 214 33 C. officinalis Bon-Bon Orange 34 cv. Prycosnovjenie Bon Bon Mix’ 35 cv. Pacific Beauty C. officinalis 36 cv. Gaicha Gril C. officinalis L. 37 cv. Fiesta Hitana C. officinalis L. 38 cv. Zelenoye Serdtse cv. Radio 39 cv. Rozovyi Sjurpriz C. suffruticosa Vahl. 43 cv. Pacific C. tripterocarpa Rupr. 45 C. officinalis Some of these 26 genotypes, represented especially by cultivars presenting valuable ornamental traits (Baciu and Sestras, 2009), could be used as genitors for obtaining new decorative cultivars by hybridization. Between attacked genotypes were registered obvious differences of frequency, intensity and attack degree of Aphis fabae (Tab. 3). The variants 2, 28, 30, 41, 42 and 44, presented the highest frequency values of the attack followed by 40 and 3. The highest frequency (F%=40.0) was registered at C. alata specie, obtained by Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Kyiv, followed by C. officinalis genotype 123GE Hortus Hudae from Denmark Botanic Garden, Copenhagen (F%= 26.6). 501 Tab. 3 Frequency (F%), Intensity (I%) and Attack Degree (AD%) Frequency (F%) (F%) Significance 1 122GE 2822-0002 2.94 2 123GE Hortus Hudae 26.60 xxx 3 121GE2822-0001 17.10 xx 4 124GE2822-04 14.81 x 9 C. officinalis 7.89 10 C. arvensis 12.82 11 cv. Prolifera Nr. 215 14.70 x 18 C. officinalis L. 14.70 x 19 cv. Pacific-Riesen 10.81 21 cv. Rech.f. 7.50 22 C. arvensis L. 14.28 23 C. stellata Cav. 12.50 26 C. officinalis L. 10.34 28 C. officinalis L. 24.00 xxx 30 C. officinalis L. 22.58 xxx 40 C. alata 20.00 xx 41 C. suffruticosa 40.00 xxx 42 C. officinalis 25.00 xxx 44 cv. Plamen 25.00 xxx *, **, *** Significant at P<0.05, 0.01 and 0.001. Nr. Variant / Genotype Intensity (I%) (I%) Significance 30.00 xxx 21.25 xx 34.17 xxx 25.50 xxx 31.67 xxx 25.00 xxx 21.00 xx 25.00 xxx 13.75 30.00 xxx 26.67 xxx 20.00 xx 18.33 x 17.50 x 15.00 15.00 20.00 xx 15.00 16.67 (x) Attack Degree (AD%) (AD%) Significance 0.88 5.65 x 5.84 x(x) 3.78 2.43 3.20 3.08 3.67 1.49 2.25 3.81 2.50 1.89 4.20 3.39 3.39 8.00 xxx 3.75 4.17 - The variants 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 18, 21 and 22 were the most sensitive genotypes as intensity of attack, all of them presenting very significant differences compared to the mean of experiment, as control. 11 genotypes presented statistical differences for the attack frequency and 15 for the intensity of the attack, but only three of them have provided statistical differentiations for attack degree (C. suffruticosa - from Ukraine National Botanical Garden, Kyiv; C. arvensis - 121GE2822-0001 from Denmark Botanic Garden, Copenhagen; C. officinalis - 123GE Hortus Hudae, from Denmark Botanic Garden, Copenhagen). The results demonstrate that aphids are pests which occur in the culture of Calendula with a significant frequency, intensity and attack degree. Genotype really influences the attack, some variants being not attacked at all, while others were obviously preferred by pests (Tab. 3). Tab. 3 Number and percentage of genotypes included in classes of attack, according to Frequency, Intensity and Attack Degree Attack estimation (F%, I%, GA%) Without attack (Attack % = 0) Very slow attack (Attack % = 0.1-1) Slow attack (Attack % =1.1-5.0) Middle attack (Attack % = 5.1-15) Strong attack (Attack % = 15.1-20) Very strong attack (Attack % 20.1) All genotypes Frequency (F%) No % 26 57.8 1 2.2 10 22.2 2 4.5 6 13.3 45 100.0 Intensity (I%) No % 26 57.8 4 8.9 5 11.1 10 22.2 45 100.0 Attack Degree (AD%) No % 26 57.8 1 2.2 15 33.3 3 6.7 45 100.0 To create resistant cultivars to aphids attack is an important aim, because many of the most damaging plant viruses are being transmitted to host plants by insects such as Aphis 502 fabae. However, of all the pests none is more problematic than aphids. Because twenty-five percent of all plant species are infested with aphids, it is believed that the speciation of aphids has followed plant speciation not all groups of plants being equally parasitized (Dixon, 1998). From among 45 studied genotypes of Calendula distributed in six categories, (excepting 57.8% which present no signs of attack) the highest proportion for attack frequency (22.2%) was included in middle attack category, while for intensity of attack the same percent was frame as very strong attack. Regarding attack degree, the highest proportion was framed in slow attack category (33.3%). It is interesting to remark that the different response to aphids attack was manifested not only among the cultivars belonging to C. officinalis, but also among different species of Calendula. They were identified different genotypes without attack signs, which could be used as genitors for obtaining new cultivars by hybridization, because according to previous data (Baciu and Sestras, 2009) they have valuable decorative traits: Bon-Bon Orange, C. tripterocarpa Rupr., cv. Prolifera Nr. 214, cv. Gaicha Gril etc. REFERENCES 1. Ardelean, M., R. Sestras and M. Cordea (2007). Experimental horticultural technique (in Romanian). Ed. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. 2. Baciu, A. D. and R. Sestras (2009). Variability of Seeds and Decorative Traits and the Correlations among these at Different Calendula Genotypes. Lucrari stiintifice, Vol. 52/2009, seria Horticultura, 8. 3. Dobrescu, D. (1981). Farmacoterapia. Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti. 4. Dixon, A. F. G. (1998). Aphid ecology. Chapman & Hall. London. 5. Froment, M., D. Mastebroek and K van Gorp (2009). A Growers Manual for Calendula officinalis L. http://www.mbzerotill.com/files/Calendula%20Growers%20Manual.pdf 6. Oltean, I., M. 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