Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org February 15, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin jgilmartin@olqmparish.org Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Deacon John Rieger jrieger@olqmparish.org Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran secorcoran@olqmparish.org 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director ninetteeuler@olqmparish.org 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director kblum@olqmparish.org 631.754.9045 WEEK AT A GLANCE FEBRUARY 15th - 21st Monday, February 16th Parish Offices closed for President’s Day Tuesday, February 17th 10:00am Book Discussion Group Wednesday, February 18th 4:30pm Children’s Ash Wednesday Saturday, February 21st 3:00pm HIHI Sunday, February 22nd 12:00pm Rite of Sending Forth PRAY WITH US Daily Masses: Monday-Thursday at 12pm, Saturday at 9am Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm Administrator: Mary Martin mmartin@olqmparish.org Assistant: Judy Smith jsmith@olqmparish.org Special Needs Mass: Saturday, March 14th at 6:00pm Holy Days: 9am on Holy Day; 7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast Youth Minister: Bill Leone bleone@olqmparish.org Baptism Marriage Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Contact rectory to make preparations. Preparation class required. Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Additional information on our website. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all Masses. Hearing devices available. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs~ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA Christopher Benincase, Burt Young Diana Benincase, and will profess their belief in the teachings of the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil. They are on their last step in the process of Christian Initiation. Christopher Vedder, already baptized a Catholic, will be confirmed at the Easter Vigil, on April 4th. Please hold them in prayer as they continue this journey. As part of our First Holy Communion program, preparation meetings are held for parents whose children will receive the Sacrament in May. John Budacovich recently spoke with a group of parents about the importance of coming to the table and sharing a meal...especially the table of the Lord. Despite the cold snowy weather, many gather to celebrate at our monthly Mass for those with Special Needs. Our next Mass is Saturday, March 14th at 6:00pm. All are welcome! Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. As we begin the Lenten season, copies of the The Little Black Book are available in the vestibule. The purpose of the book is simple; to encourage people to pray....even if only for six minutes a day. Do some thinking and praying before charting your course through Lent. God is our guide and it is God we must go to before we do anything. REMINDER Piles of snow surrounding our parking lots and the adjacent streets have limited the availability of parking spaces. Please remember to be respectful to our neighbors on Prospect Road when parking your car for Mass. Please do not block driveways and avoid parking on both sides of the street. ~ All Are Welcome ~ ASH WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2015 FAST AND ABSTINENCE Please join us for Mass at 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm. Special 4:30 pm Ash Wednesday service for children. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. The regulations on Lenten fast and abstinence are: *FASTING: On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, those who are 18 but not yet 60 are allowed only one full meal. Two smaller meals are allowed as needed, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. *ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT: Those who are 14 years of age or older are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Church no longer attempts to prescribe Lenten practices in detail. The above regulations simply highlight Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and the other Fridays of Lent. The more fundamental obligation is to make Lent a penitential season, choosing practices that are adapted to one’s own circumstances. REMINDER: Parish offices will be closed on Monday, February 16th in observance of President’s Day. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am PALM COLLECTION Traditionally, the ashes which we receive on Ash Wednesday are the result of the burning of the previous year’s Palm Sunday branches. You can make a contribution to this year’s Ash Wednesday ashes by bringing your palms to church to be burned no later than Monday, February 16th. The Baby Corner The Baby Corner, located just inside the Community Room, is in need of donations. This month we especially need – GENTLY USED OR NEW BABY CLOTHES, ONESIES, and STRETCHIES (size newborn - 12 mos. only) Please contact Newborns in Need’s President(and OLQM parishioner) Lorraine Grenier, 631-549-6860, with any questions. God bless you for helping the smallest and neediest among us! Our next Youth Ministry meeting is on Tuesday, February 24th in the Community Room. #fun #faith #fellowship #friendly competition Bring a friend and join us! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2015 PALM SUNDAY Saturday, March 28: 5:00 PM Solemn Blessing of Palms and Procession Sunday, March 29: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon also 10:00 AM in the Community Room Palms will be blessed before all the Masses on Palm Sunday MONDAY of HOLY WEEK Reconciliation Monday, March 30: 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM HOLY THURSDAY Thursday, April 2: 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 11:00 AM Children’s Service 7:30 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament GOOD FRIDAY Friday, April 3: 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 3:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 PM Seven Last Words - Hymns & Reflections, Adoration of the Cross Good Friday is a Day of Fast & Abstinence HOLY SATURDAY Saturday, April 4: 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:00 PM Solemn Mass of the Easter Vigil Reconciliation: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EASTER SUNDAY Sunday, April 5: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon also 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon Mass in the Community Room SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, March 28 after 9:00 AM Mass and 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Monday, March 30: 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday, April 4: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ~ Parish financial report~ Dear Parishioners, On behalf of the Finance Committee of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, I am pleased to report the financial condition of our parish for the fiscal year, which ended on August 31, 2014. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Finance Committee meets quarterly to monitor the financial condition of the parish. We review the status of the budget that is prepared by the parish administration, and approved by the Finance Committee and parish Trustees. If circumstances require, the Committee meets additionally on an ad hoc basis. We have quarterly financial statements prepared by the accounting firm Rosen & Federico, Certified Public Accountants. This provides a very important and independent review of our finances. Total Revenue for the parish was $1,444,733, a 9% decrease over the previous year. Most of the decrease in revenue is due to an extraordinary donation of $100,000 in the prior fiscal year. Sunday and Holy Day collections remained the same. ($875,864 for year ending August 2014 and $875,615 for year ending August 2013.) Christmas and Easter donations were down slightly. (Christmas $131,823 vs. $134,317; Easter $75,993 vs. $77,953) Over the past three years, the parish has shown a 1% increase in revenues and a 3% increase in expenses. While we do our best to budget properly and to keep our expenses down, this trend does not allow for the necessary growth to our many parish programs. Some facts related to generous giving to the following: The Catholic Ministries Appeal for 2014 The goal for the parish was $106,200 and the parishioners contributed $142,241, which is 34% over goal. The parish received a rebate of $41,000. Trinity Regional School As one of six parishes supporting Trinity Regional School, we contribute 9% of our annual Sunday collection to the school. This school year, 62 children from 38 families attend Trinity with a financial commitment from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs of $108,000. The tuition rates for Trinity are tiered, with those families participating in their parish receiving a lower tuition rate. For a family to be considered participating they need to not only be active in the school, parish and community but also contribute a minimum of $850 annually to their parish. Special Collections Not only are parishioners generous to the diocesan special collections, you also generously support those outside our diocese when they ask for our support. In May 2014, your donations for the work of Archbishop Felix Machado in India amounted to $13,778. Following the natural disasters of an earthquake and tsunami in November 2013, you supported our friends in the Philippines with a donation of $12,000. Project Nicaragua Your ongoing support for this project has contributed thousands over the past years. In the last fiscal year, your donations amounted to over $70,000, with $40,000 going towards the education fund. ~ Parish financial report~ Some facts about parish giving: Your regular contributions to the parish for 2014 There are over 2600 families registered in the parish. 54% of these families have no recorded contributions to the parish for the year ending August 31, 2014. An average of 323 families use the envelope system each week. This amounts to an average weekly collection of $11,860 for those families who use envelopes. The remainder of the collection comes from Faith Direct and a small amount of cash. On an average week, 53% of families contribute $20 or less. If these parishioners could increase their donation by $5, it would make a big difference! For those families who are able to give more and can increase their weekly contributions to 10%, we would easily overcome the current and projected revenue shortfall and assure that parish programs continue. We understand that for some, your contribution represents a significant sacrifice while being on a fixed income, unemployed or experiencing other financial difficulties. We thank you for your sacrifice and if we can assist you, please contact Father John or Parish Social Ministry. 17 families in our parish are most generous and their contributions each week represent 16% of our total Sunday, Christmas and Easter collections! We are most grateful to those who participate in Faith Direct – 120 families currently contribute 20% of our weekly income through Faith Direct. This assures us regular income each week regardless of weather or vacations – your contributions are constant and most appreciated. Children’s Faith Formation There are currently 1096 young people from 682 families enrolled in our Children’s Faith Formation program. More than 35% of our active Faith Formation families have no recorded contributions to the parish. A quarter of the remaining 65% contribute less than $150 annually. Thank you for your consideration of this concern to the parish need. The members of the Finance Committee are Robert Carillo, Art Dignam, Randy Howard, John Kabacinski, Michael O’Hare, Vincent Panettieri, and Mary Walsh. Mary Margaret Weiss and Joseph Siniscalchi are the Parish Trustees. Mary Martin, our Administrator, serves as our Chief Financial Manager. Should you have any questions or comments, the members of the Finance Committee, Father John and Mary Martin are available to speak with you. Sincerely, Father John ~ Parish financial report~ Sept. 1, 2013 -‐ Revenue Aug. 31, 2014 Sundays and Holy Days 875,864.00 Christmas 131,823.00 Easter 75,993.00 Fundraising (Catholic Ministries Appeal, Golf & Tennis Outing) 136,493.00 Children's Faith Formation 97,146.00 Parish Programs (Parish Social Ministry, Youth Ministry, Adult Faith Formation) 22,260.00 Auxiliary Revenue 41,560.00 Diocesan Collections 48,966.00 Donations and Bequests 12,043.00 Non-‐Operating Revenue 2,585.00 Total Revenue 1,444,733.00 Expenditures Sept. 1, 2012 -‐ Aug. 31, 2013 875,615.00 134,317.00 77,953.00 165,697.00 92,970.00 25,009.00 48,175.00 51,914.00 116,325.00 * 7,342.00 ** 1,595,317.00 Salaries Fringe Benefits Children's Faith Formation Parish Programs Regional School Subsidy Printing and Office Diocesan Assessment Auxiliary Expenses Rectory Household Diocesan Collections Building Maintenance and Utilities 468,512.00 233,756.00 36,702.00 105,226.00 *** 108,792.00 88,370.00 97,182.00 33,563.00 19,381.00 48,966.00 173,941.00 **** 497,593.00 247,685.00 31,797.00 88,962.00 104,796.00 86,994.00 91,779.00 15,390.00 18,560.00 51,914.00 140,444.00 Extraordinary Capital Expenses 56,841.00 ***** 129,069.00 Total Net Revenue (Deficit) (26,499.00) 90,334.00 Total Expenditures Net Operating Revenue (Deficit) 1,414,391.00 30,342.00 1,375,914.00 219,403.00 * One family made a single contribution of $100,000 ** Includes restricted donations of $4,400 *** Includes expenses for Godspell and the Marriage Enrichment Program ****Maintenance to heating and cooling systems *****New heating system for the rectory, new chairs for Community Room A complete financial report is available at the rectory. Robert J. Crimmins July 7, 1938 - January 12, 2015 On a very sad note, the chair of our Finance Committee, Bob Crimmins, died very suddenly on January 12th. Bob was a tremendous asset to the parish. He was one of the senior staff of Metropolitan Life, the Chief Operating Officer of Saint John’s University, and the Chairman of Saint Francis Hospital, just to mention a few of his accomplishments. All this being said, he was a man of remarkable and deep faith committed to the church he loved so much. We will miss Bob and his many gifts, his understanding of people and his keen sense to do what is right. Thank you, Bob, for all you have done for Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. We will miss you. ~the giving season~ Parish Social Ministry continues our mission of GIVING throughout the year. With the cold winter months upon us, we focus our attention on the many who are homeless, elderly or homebound and offer our gifts of caring and compassion. Kindly contact Maria Ryan at Parish Social Ministry 754-9045 for information or to volunteer. The Superbowl of Caring Committee of Ella Simkins, Jillian and Owen White want to thank the parishioners, catechists and Faith Formation families of OLQM, Stop and Shop Patrons and members of the Centerport Yacht Club for supporting the 2015 Souper Bowl of Caring Soup Drive. We set out with a very ambitious goal of trying to collect 3000 cans of soup. With the communities help and generosity, we collected 2993 cans of soup as well as donations of over $200 dollars. The money raised will be used to help a local needy family in our parish. We are happy to announce that the food donations filled the pantries at OLQM, Northport Food Pantry, Madonna Heights, HACO and St. Hugh. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without the hard work and dedication of the 16 kids in the Faith Formation class of Marybeth White & Allison Simkins. Each and everyone of them helped for hours over Superbowl weekend at Stop & Shop and were able to see how truly blessed we are to live in such a generous community that gives back. A big thanks also goes to the parents in this class that helped in the delivery of almost 3000 VERY HEAVY cans of soup. All those involved learned many valuable lessons and one being, that NO ONE can do everything, but EVERYONE can do something. We will be back at it next year and look forward to next years Superbowl. Souperbowlingly, Ella Simkins, Jillian & Owen White Valentine Giveback Close to one hundred Valentine Centerpieces were made by teens, seniors and Faith Formation students with love for our homebound parishioners and patients at Carillon Nursing Home. The deliveries began on Wednesday February 11th to Carillon where children delivered over 50 centerpieces, and cards along with flowers. The other centerpieces were delivered by catechists and students over the weekend to the homebound along with a card and a smile. Project H.O.P.E. Helping Other People Eat Looking for volunteers to help make soup on Saturday mornings( teens and older). Younger children will help bag the food. Please arrive at St. Hugh’s church by 9:30am. If interested, please bring a bag of celery, carrots or potatoes. The soup will be delivered to homeless individuals later in the day. Give Parish Social Ministry a call for additional information. ~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~ ~ PArish Social ministry ~ Can You Help Shovel for the Elderly? Mother Nature has blessed us with a white blanket of snow. Perhaps beautiful to look at but dangerous to many, especially the elderly. We are looking to our parishioners and Faith Formation classes to help shovel walkways or driveways for the homebound. If you are interested, please contact Parish Social Ministry. Our Food Pantry is low on the following items Laundry and Dish Detergent, Cans or Jars of Tomato sauce & Cans of Tuna Fish Thank You so much for your continued support! RESPITE PROGRAM Our Next Respite is Saturday February 28th 9:30am - 11:30 pm in the Community Room. Children enjoy ar t, crafts, games, spor ts, reading, singing, and snacks in this program designed especially with these children’s special needs in mind. Telephone Reassurance Ministry perfoms a vital role in keeping our elderly or homebound connected to our parish and the outside world. Due to life circumstances, many of the elderly feel isolated or alone. Our Telephone Reassurance Ministry consists of dedicated volunteers that help our senior parishioners stay connected to OLQM. If you, or someone you know, would like to be on our list, please give our office a call. There are many parishioners involved in Parish Social Ministry, reaching out to offer assistance and sharing their gifts with one another, all in the context of our faith. Looking for a way to volunteer? In need of some support or assistance? Give Our Office A Call ~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ kblum@olqmparish.org ~ mryan@olqmparish.org Scripture: Mark 1:40-45 Jesus is Our Hope Today’s gospel story is about a man with leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that is found mostly in people that live in poor areas, have dirty water, and who aren't healthy to begin with. Leprosy looks very bad. It can completely change the way a person looks. Some people get it on their hands or feet too. During the time Jesus was preaching, people thought that leprosy was caused by people's sin. So, if someone had leprosy it was because he had done something wrong. For all these reasons the 'lepers' as they were called, were kicked out of the city and had to live outside of it. They weren't allowed in stores or churches or any public place. No one wanted to see them, and no one would touch them because they were afraid they would catch the disease or become 'unclean' because of their sin. A leper’s life was hopeless. In today’s gospel, a man with leprosy came to Jesus. He knelt before Jesus and said, "If you will, you can make me clean." Jesus looked at the man but was not afraid. Instead, he felt love and compassion for him. He reached out his hand, touched the man and said, "I am willing, be clean." Immediately, the leprosy left the man and he was cured. The man was so happy that he told everyone he saw what had happened to him. This made it hard for Jesus to walk around in the cities because large crowds would flock to Him, wanting to be cured. What does this story mean for us? It doesn't matter to Jesus what we've done, how we look or what other people think about us. He made us and he loves us no matter what! Everyday Jesus is trying to reach out and show His love to us. There may come a time in our lives when we find ourselves in a situation that seems really hopeless. When that happens, where can we turn? How do we find hope in a hopeless situation? We can turn to Jesus. When the situation is hopeless, Jesus is our only hope. ~ Bill Ayres: Reflections on the Readings ~ February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time A reading from the book of LEVITICUS This is a harsh proclamation about leprosy that seems cruel to us today but up until modern times leprosy was not readily curable. People with leprosy lived a horrible life cut off from family, friends and community. That was especially hard for the Jewish people who lived in close community. Imagine losing your health and all the people you knew and loved. In our own time, Ebola has been a similar scourge for the people of West Africa but thankfully the crisis seems to be diminishing thanks to many heroic people. The Responsorial Psalm I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. Salvation is not something that happens to us at the end of our lives. God’s Spirit is with us now, living in us. We need only to turn to God, not a God who is far away but one that loves us unconditionally and is within us if we open our hearts and stay open even when it seems that nothing is happening. A READING FROM THE FIRST LETTER OF SAINT PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS Paul says “I try to please everyone in every way.” How can we do that without being “people pleasers” and possibly doormats? There is a delicate balance here to keep our integrity and strength and at the same time be loving, giving people. It is hard to stay in that balance without moving toward resentment or a lack of self- respect. It is also hard to follow your beliefs and values with those you love who do not share them without becoming angry and possibly self- righteous with them. As I have read Saint Paul over the years it seems to me that all this was very hard for him as well. He did not always act in a way that was understanding but he never gave up even when he was deeply hurt by people that he loved dearly and to whom he gave his life and service. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to maRK It was very important for Jews to be ritually clean. Lepers were not and so they were ostracized. Jesus actually did something that was against the Law. He touched this poor suffering man and said, “Be made clean.” He heals the man and makes him clean so that he can again be a part of the community. Once he has gone to the priest of the temple who alone could authorize that the man was clean. At one and the same time, Jesus heals the man of this terrible disease and cleanses him so he can again be a part of the community. Tragically, our church has not welcomed people into communion who are seen to be morally unclean because of using contraceptives, being gay or divorced. Pope Francis has begun the long process of reconciliation for so many millions of our brothers and sisters who want to be a part of our community of faith but have been blocked. These are not easy issues to deal with after so long a practice of exclusion but Francis has made a start to the dialogue. Let us pray that the healing power of Jesus will be the guiding light for our church in reaching out to so many who also share the presence of the Spirit with us. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ STEWARDSHIP SHARING February 8, 2015 Collection Fast. Pray. Give up your Envelopes! We invite you to help our parish save money by giving up your offertory envelopes this Lent! Enrolling with Faith Direct will provide Our Lady Queen of Martyrs with consistent support and simplify your giving without the wasteful envelopes. Join us in giving up envelopes this Lenten season! You can quickly sign up online at www. faithdirect.net using our church code: NY229, or by mailing an enrollment form available in the parish office. Thank you in advance for your support. Faith Direct Total: $11,624 $3,940 $15,564 Faith Direct 120 Envelopes Poor Box $143 Thank you for your continued support. Special Collection: The Church in Need On February 22, 2015 a collection will be taken for “The Church in Need.” The monies collected at this time will be shared among three areas of the world where there is particular need for help; the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa. Please be as generous as your means allow. Serving God by Serving Others February marks the beginning of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal here in our parish and in many parishes across our Diocese. The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the yearly appeal that helps our Diocese support many critical ministries, services, programs and parishes across Long Island. As Catholics, we are called to share our faith, love and gratitude for all we have been given. Through the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we can accomplish this together as a diocesan family, touching lives, uplifting the human spirit and delivering vital ministries where they are most needed. When you contribute to this appeal, your support helps form our priests, deacons and lay leaders; trains our religious education catechists and adult faith formation leaders; helps our young people grow in faith and prepare for reception of the Sacraments. Your contributions also help to support the programs and services that provide care and comfort to so many through Catholic Charities and Parish Social Ministry Programs. Please join with thousands of your neighbors who are Serving God by Serving Others and support the Catholic Ministries Appeal. ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME OFFERED FOR 2/14 5:00 PM 2/15 8:00 AM Sister Mary Naomi 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2/16 9:00 AM Kathy DiStasi Carol Geiss Stephanie Genova Andrea O’Connor Jackie Rousseau Giuseppe Mastandrea 2/17 12:00 PM Christopher McBride - 2nd Anniversary 2/18 12:00 PM Michael Scappaticci 7:30 PM Hugh Smith 12:00 PM Robert D’Anna - 11th Anniversary 2/19 2/20 Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 2/21 9:00 AM Gavin Donnelly 5:00 PM Gregory Kaleda 2/22 8:00 AM Ken O’Brien Maria Portannese Paravani Lucia DiOrio Edmund and Hermine Thompson Jacqueline Rousseau L et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Ray Hubbs Wayne Haddock Jules Ramos Concetta D’Orio Fr. Edward Dowling Mark Borstelman Tom Corbett Jane Schiano-Wigutow Karen Larson Thomas Mulhern William Clarke Brenda McCusker Nancy Naughton Perla Quintera Ramire Joseph Tribble Liam Cochran Richard Magnussen Baby William Louis Walsh Joanne Gubitosi Maura Walsh Effie Carr Kay Melia Louise Ammirati Jim Hartnett Brian Dowling Alice Gabrielle Jamie Wrede for the peaceful rest of all our beloved Pray parishioners and friends especially Richard Burke and James Duggan. No Mass on Fridays 10:00 AM 12:00 PM PRAYER REQUESTS those who have gone before us joys of eternal life . Mayshareall the MASS & PRIEST SCHEDULE Saturday, February 21st 5pm Father John Sunday, 8am Father John February 22nd 10am Father John 12pm Father John February 15 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, Jesus moved with pity, touched the leper and healed him. Let us pray today for the grace to be generous with our gifts to help those who are suffering. ~ In The Community~ Fashion Show Luncheon hosted by Father Thomas A. Judge Columbiettes Join us March 15, 2015 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm for a fun afternoon of vendors, raffles and fashions by Dress Barn & Studio East. Knights of Columbus Hall 9 Hewitt Square East Northport $25 admission includes hot buffet lunch and dessert. Please call for tickets: Susan Hurd 516-650-0572 or Karen Sheehan 516-353-1820 The Institute for the Study of Religion in Community Life of Saint Joseph’s College will be hosting a conference to be given by Sister Elizabeth Johnson, C.S. J., noted author and distinguished professor of theology at Fordham University. Sister will give two presentations during the event, which will take place on Friday, February 27th from 9:30am - 2:00pm in O’Connor Hall of the college’s Patchogue location. Her talks are related to her most recent book “Ask the Beasts Darwin and the God of Love.” Pre-registration is required. A $20 donation includes a boxed lunch. Please contact Professor Paul Ginnetty at (631)687-2681 or pginnetty@sjcny.edu to register or for further details. ST. HUGH’S PROJECT HOPE & Heagerty Family Foundation present Little Cow Harbor Run for HOPE Saturday, February 28, 2015 9:00 AM 4 Mile Run through the lovely hamlet of Greenlawn NY 8:30 AM Kids Fun Run (10 & Under) Oldfield Middle School Student Athletes can register as a team for only $10/person. Walkers Welcome. Register www.active.com or print out an application from www.projecthopeny.org Free Homemade Soup at the Finish ~ Great Raffle Prizes ALL proceeds benefit St. Hugh’s Project HOPE ~ Helping Other People Eat ~ ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE ASKED TO BRING A NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM FOR THE ST. HUGH’S FOOD PANTRY. Any questions email us at projecthopeny@gmail.com
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