F IR S T LIGHT First Southern Baptist Church FEBRUARY 2015 89 Kimble Hill Road Williamsport, PA 17701-8407 We’re on the web! FSBCweb.org “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. 19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; 20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day. 21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Acts 2:17-21 (ESV) Since we’re still on the front end of 2015 and we didn’t have a January issue of the First Light, I’m thinking new year thoughts and wanting to share them with you. The words of Acts 2:17-21 were quoted by Peter right after God did something brand new – baptizing the new church with the Holy Spirit. Everyone there received the Holy Spirit and God used everyone to astound the city. Where do you live and work? Could you be so bold as to ask the Lord to use you to astound everyone around you. This would not be a presumptuous question to ask the Lord unless you had the intention of garnering the glory of God’s powerful work. On the other hand, if you humbly made yourself available for God’s use in His time for His glory, imagine what God might do through you. Imagine yourself being, let’s say, a subsistence fisherman providing for his family a day at a time, living hand to mouth. You have no education, no credentials, only a respect for God, a good work ethic, and a will to live. What can God do with that? Well, read Acts 2. God tapped Peter on the shoulder and said, “Come follow me.” Peter said OK. Peter got it right sometimes but messed it up plenty. What could God do with that? Have you read Acts 2 yet? When you are challenged to put yourself in God’s hands, how do you respond? Do you think you are too young, too old, wrong gender or background, untalented, or just simply unavailable? Maybe you should read Acts 2. Look at which prophecy Peter specifically says is now fulfilled. It would seem the limits we may place on ourselves are not limits for the living God. God’s plan is to use whomever he wants. Don’t be surprised to discover you are whomever. I am praying for you that God would free you up in 2015 to “expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” Leap! Pastor Kenton Psalm 139 Project -- Help Save Lives – “Opening a Window to the Womb” Our Purpose There are many ways to be a champion for life, and one of them is providing a woman in a crisis pregnancy a "window" into the world of the child she is carrying. This is the intent of the Psalm 139 Project - to aid pregnancy resource centers in securing ultrasound machines. Most women in a crisis pregnancy who are given a glimpse of the life within them choose life. However, this is only possible when women can go to a pregnancy center with an ultrasound machine. Sonogram machines are expensive, costing tens of thousands of dollars. Most crisis pregnancy centers do not have the funds to buy the equipment or have a medical expert on staff to "read" the output. “If wombs had windows, people would be much more reticent to abort babies because they would be forced to confront the evident humanity of the baby from very early gestation onward,” Richard Land has said, explaining that sonograms provide such a window into the womb. The Psalm 139 Project is dedicated to making people aware of the life-saving potential of ultrasound technology in crisis pregnancy situations and to help pregnancy centers minister to abortion-vulnerable women by providing ultrasound equipment for them to use. The project provides a way for motivated individuals to assist financially in the placement of ultrasound machines in qualified pregnancy care centers. Many pro-life leaders and those working within the pregnancy centers cite improvements in ultrasound technology and increased accessibility to the machines as key reasons for a growing awareness that a human life is being taken in an abortion. Simply put, it’s all about saving lives. Once again First Southern Baptist Church will participate in providing financial support toward an ultrasound machine. All monies donated will be sent to the Psalm 139 Project. We will run the Project at FSBC from Sunday, January 25, through Sunday, May 10, Mother’s Day. How can you help? • Take a baby bottle which is available in the foyer (or in ECLC) • Put your loose change or dollar bills in the bottle • Return your full bottle to the church (or to the ECLC) • Take another bottle and continue this process PRAYER CHAIN Please direct your Prayer Requests for our e-mail Prayer Chain to Fawn Carr at frcarr@aol.com 570-435-5033 or the Church Office at ChurchOffice@FSBCweb.org 570-323-9564 It’s LADIES NIGHT ! Ladies: let's have a movie night! Friday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m. We'll watch "Mom's Night Out"! Come enjoy this free event and bring a friend! SON RISERS The SON RISERS will meet on FEBRUARY 18 at 12:00 noon. Come join the Bunch for Lunch at Perkins Restaurant. We’ll meet for food & fellowship & then continue the fellowship with visiting some of our shut-ins for an afternoon of caring and sharing our love. So we encourage you to mark your calendars and come out and join us for this special outing. TeamKID TeamKID is in full swing on Sundays! JOIN US! for ages 3 thru 6th Grade Sundays 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. TeamKID continues to be full of the unique energy and enthusiasm that only preschoolers and elementary kids can bring… it is keeping the coaches young and in shape! Thanks again to all the parents who faithfully bring their kids out on Sunday nights. This year the youth group eats with us at 5:30 and that is fun, too! We are happy to welcome our newest TeamKID - Jackson Bennett!! So remember, if you have a child who is a (potty trained) 3 year old thru 5th grade, please bring them out to join us! Not only does it give you two hours off from parenting - we also feed them!! It might not be the Peter Herdic House, but we are known for having kid approved meals! Our TeamKID store for Christmas shopping was a great success, too. Thanks to all who donated items. You can continue to bring in kid friendly items for the TeamKID store in May. I truly appreciate all of our coaches: Haley Hunt, Alana Opdahl, Susan Steward, & our newest Coach Sue Mayer. Also thank you to Darleen Coon, Becca Coon & Carol Turnbow for filling in when we are in need. If you would like to join our coaching team in any capacity, please let me (Kelli Hunt) know. We can use help in the kitchen, or with preschoolers, or with the older kids. I'm sure the boys in TeamKID would appreciate having some male coaches, too!! Think about it, pray about it and talk to Kelli about it. Articles for FEBRUARY FEBRUARY the next BIRTHDAYS issue of the PRESCHOOL CHURCH 1 – Ashley Churchill Brock Waldron 7 – Pat Webster 10 – Genni Decker 11 – Randy Berger 15 – Sue Opdahl 16 – Trevor Stroble 17 – Alex Churchill 18 – Dieter Reichmann 19 – David Boring 24 – Joseph Hunt 25 – Barry Opdahl Robert Sebring 26 – Toby Steward FIRST LIGHT are due in the Church Office by MONDAY, FEB. 23 ! FEB. 1 – Carol Turnbow Sue Opdahl Trevor Stroble FEB. 8 – Michi Reichmann Dieter Reichmann Samantha Steinback FEB. 15 – Kelli Hunt Florence Ireland Ellie Boring FEB. 22 – Cassy Nieto George Nieto Logan Nieto E arly C hildhood L earning C enter 570570-323323-2025 Infant News Toddler News Teachers: Ms Andi & Ms Brittney Teachers: Ms Stephanie & Ms Leslie Bible Verses: “God Made the Winter” “God Gives Food to Us” We are always on the go in the Infant Room. We have walkers, cruisers, & crawlers. It’s never a dull moment. We learned what clothes we wear in the Winter to stay warm & what healthy foods we need to eat. We will be keeping very busy in the months to come. We say good luck to Bailee as she moves up to the Toddlers & we welcome baby Abbie to ECLC. Our kids love the song from Frozen. They will sing and dance to it all day. It is amazing to listen to them sing the entire song. We are quite vocal in the Infant Room. Ms Andi & Ms Brittney wish they knew what the kiddos are saying & laughing at. Keep the ECLC Staff, children & their families in your prayers throughout this new year! ECLC Phone Number: 570-323-2025 Toddler 2 News Preschool News Teachers: Ms Ashley & student teacher Ms Katie Teacher: Ms Courtney Bible Verses: “God Has Made the Winter” “God Made the Winter” Psalm 74:14 Our recent activities have included making chalk Snowmen, melting ice, and painting with colored ice cubes. Pre-K News “God Sends Snow” “Jesus Grew Big and Strong” January’s themes: Let It Snow, Winter Discovery, Learning About Ice & Staying Healthy. Activities: sorting snowballs by size, sock Snowmen, Snowman Soup, becoming a snowman (children wrapped each other in toilet paper & added a scarf & hat to become a snowman), chipped ice, melted ice (salt, pepper, cinnamon, baking soda), and had an indoor snowball fight. While learning about staying healthy, we learned about germs & healthy habits, made Band-Aid art & played at the doctors office. Teachers: Ms Tammy & Ms Michi We have been learning about Penguins and Snowmen, taking care of my body & the letters V, L, & Y. Bible Verses: “God Has Plans for You” “God Gives Food to Us” We brought in our favorite fruit & made a “Friendship Salad.” We also have begun our second progress reports. “Jesus Made Sick People Well” Ms. Michi was reading a devotion with the kids that said God always keeps His promises. She stopped & asked “Does anyone know where we can find the promises God gave us?” Without any hesitation one child replied, “The Promised Land!” Lycoming Children and Youth is currently looking to expand their Resource Care Program Resource Care is often referred to as foster care. Resource Family Care is a protective service for children through Lycoming Children and Youth Services. As an agency we have seen the positive impact that neighbors, friends, relatives, and community members have on families struggling to stay intact. Unfortunately, there are many times when a family or community resource cannot be identified for a child and traditional foster care is utilized. Resource families are needed to care for children ages 021 and can be provided on an emergency or long-term basis for toddlers or teenagers, for challenging or handicapped children, or for large sibling groups with all different kinds of needs. Lycoming Children and Youth is searching for families and individuals willing to foster youth in Lycoming County. Lycoming County has a great need for people willing to foster and adopt teenage children, sibling groups, and children of different races. We strive to keep children in their community where they can continue to attend the same schools and maintain the same friends. All types of families are needed to foster our children. Families are able to work full time, be a single parent, have children of your own, or be retired. If you are willing to help expand the resource care family please contact Heather Wood at 570-326-7895 or hwood@joinder.org. Have you ever had the desire to be a part of a lifelife-changing ministry? Expectations Women’s Center will be conducting training sessions for anyone interested in serving as a volunteer. Please prayerfully consider joining our staff & volunteers as we minister to women in our communities who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Volunteers are needed to serve as mentors & receptionists. Why not look into the possibility that God may be calling you to join us? VOLUNTEER TRAINING The 7-session class begins MARCH 10th Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6 – 9 pm March 10, 12, 19, 24 & 26 & Saturdays 9 am – 3 pm March 14 & 21 Cost of training materials is $30. (Scholarships are available) For more information or to register please call: Laura at 523-6874 or Sara at 321-8254 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 6:30 pm God's Gals 7:00 pm Tiadaghton Quilt Guild Prayer Group 6:30 pm Men's Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 9 am — 2 pm Tiadaghton Quilt Guild Workshop 6:45 pm Family Project Prayer Group 7:30 pm Easter Cantata Practice 8 9 10 12:00 noon Business Meeting immediately after service 11 12 13 14 11:30 am West 1-3 pm People to Pastors Fellowship People Student Ambassador Orientation Meeting 6:30 pm God's Gals 5:30 pm Prayer Group Team KID 6:45 pm Family Project 6:30 pm Men's Youth Bible Study Design for Discipleship Prayer Group 7:30 pm Easter Cantata Practice 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 noon Son Risers Luncheon & Meeting at Perkins Restaurant 12 noon Church Planting Team Meeting 6:30 pm God's Gals Prayer Group 5:30 pm 7:00 p.m. 6:45 pm Family Project 6:30 pm Men's Team KID Prayer Group Youth Bible Study Design for Discipleship Ladies Movie Night 7:30 pm Easter Cantata Practice 22 5:30 pm Team KID 23 24 FIRST LIGHT DEADLINE 5:30 pm Advisory for MAR. News ECLC Board Meeting Youth Bible Study Design for Discipleship 7:00 pm Deacons 25 26 6:30 pm God's Gals 6:45 pm Prayer Group 6:30 pm Men's Prayer Group 7:30 pm Easter Cantata Practice Family Project 27 28
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