~page 2~ Y|Üáà V{Ü|áà|tÇ exyÉÜÅxw V{âÜv{ Marc Hoogstad (youth pastor) 1105 Exmouth Street 519-336-8808 Trudy S’s tracheotomy is working well. She is still in the ICU at Bluewater Health. She still can’t have visitors, but please continue to keep her and Ron and the family in your prayers. 1934 – 2015 The purpose of First Church in Sarnia is: LOVE SHARE The love of God is celebrated. The love of God is shared. The love of God mobilizes us to care. W CARE Sunday, February 15, 2015 elcome to everyone on this day which the Lord has made! Our prayer is that this church building will be filled with songs of praise, with His Word, and with His loving presence. If you are a guest with us this morning, we extend a warm welcome to you. We pray that you will be blessed by your time of worship and fellowship with us, and will feel encouraged to come again. If we can be of any assistance to you, please ask the greeters, an elder, or at the church office. This morning we welcome Seminarian Marg Rekman. Marg has been attending Calvin Theological Seminary for several years through the long distance learning program. We are thankful that she is able to share her gift with her own church family here today. We pray that God will bless her as she brings The Word, and us as we hear and respond to that Word. Join us this afternoon at Redeemer at 5.00 pm as we share a meal together and say Farewell to Pastor Marc and his family. This will be a time to share a meal as two congregations, worship together and share some words and stories. This is for the entire family, including children and infants. It would be greatly appreciated if you could bring a main dish, or salad or dessert to share, drinks will be provided. Please also bring your dishes, cutlery and cups. Following this morning’s worship service, everyone is invited to join us downstairs in the fellowship hall for a time of conversation and coffee, tea or juice. The prayer room upstairs is also always open after the service, and there will be people there to pray for you for whatever concern you may have. Have a Blessed Sunday! Our Church Family: Jane H fell and hurt her leg a number of weeks ago. She had some complications, and had surgery on Tuesday night to correct it. Please pray for her recovery. Betty V had a lumpectomy done a couple of weeks ago and found out this week that it was malignant. The surgeon was confident that the surgery went well, however Betty has to go to London for a week of radiation. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Ken has now completed his 23rd round of chemo. This is the 3rd round of a new type (the first type was no longer effective) and it hits him hard for 4 - 6 days. Once he has completed his 24th round the doctor will do another CT scan. Chemo will continue indefinitely for Ken until his body no longer tolerates it or it stops working. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support. Please keep Sandra V and her family in your prayers, as she continues her daily cancer treatments in London. Many of our members are no longer able to worship with us. Please keep them in your prayers as well: Sharon F, Jean P, Aaf S, Janny S and Erie V. Sharon Loerts has a new phone number. It is 226-932-5728. ~ MILESTONES: Happy birthday and God’s blessings ~ Feb 15 Joanne V Feb 16 Thomas O Clinton S Feb 18 Trudy S Feb 19 Ken K Peter V Feb 22 Lucy V Feb 23 Jean H Pete V Karen V Feb 24 Riemie V Jasmine V Feb 25 Nell H Feb 26 Gerdie H Taylor V Feb 27 Leny B Rachael V Feb 28 Ryanne B OUR GIFTS WE BRING Today: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. World Renew Canadian Food Grains Bank Next Week: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Sarnia Christian School Tuition Assistance ~page 3~ ~Deacon’s Corner~ Our second offering this morning is for the CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK. CFGB is a crucial partner in World Renew’s ministry. Through its CFGB account and partnerships, World Renew is able to access funding as soon as disasters strike, without first having to solicit funds. Because of a generous annual contribution from the Canadian government, this CFGB funding is often matched 4:1, enabling World Renew to do even more ministry. Today, please give generously so that World Renew can replenish its CFGB account and sow even more seeds of hope wherever there is need. For more info, and to donate, visit www.worldrenew.net/cfgb or call 1-800-730-3490. ~Our thanks today to~ Serving Elders/Deacons:A M:*Fred Z, Bert H, John P, Freda S Rob and Amy V, Ed and Sonja D Greeters: Rob and Henny D Ushers: Ken K, Nick V Sound Tech: Sean S Projection Tech: Rick K Sunday School: Tracey Z, Claire V, Patti K, Lauren T Prayer Room: Fred Z, Diane P Library Attendants: Christal K, Liz L, Jeannine S Nursery: Danielle V, Angela C, Jane K, Claire V 2 Coffee Servers: ~Scheduled for Next Sunday, February 22, 2015~ Serving Elders/Deacons: A M:*Diane P, Harry V, Shirley K, Dianna B P M: *Jake V, Matt V, Fred Z, Carol P John and Betty V, John and Cheryl V Greeters: Wayne and MaryAnn D Ushers: Fred R, John P Sound Tech: Stephen N Projection Tech: Sandy S Sunday School: Tracey Z, Claire V, Patti K, Lauren T Prayer Room: Pastor Harry and Dianna M Library Attendants: Angela C, Sherry C, Helen S Nursery: Flo V, Joanne V, Kerry B, Mia V 2 Coffee Servers: ANNOUNCEMENTS PARKING LOT SIGN: We are looking for a person or family who is willing to change the parking lot sign on a regular basis (every 2 weeks preferred), starting as soon as possible. Resources will be provided. Thank you to Rick N and family for faithfully changing the sign for several years. ~page 4~ Council RETREAT: This Saturday February 21, 2015, at Nick’s Family Restaurant, 1716 London Line, at 8:00 a.m. (park in the back) SOMETHING NEW FOR EVENING WORSHIP: The Heidelberg Catechism was written to address life’s big questions. After 450 years, the answers the catechism offers are still as compelling for us now as when they were written, helping to address the everyday anxieties we face and bring us closer to God. Beginning Feb. 22, we are going to explore the catechism using a new video series called ‘Body & Soul’. These evenings will include times of praise, prayer, watching the video and talking about what these truths mean for us. We hope you will join us!! POT LUCKS: It's that time of year again! The beginning of each New Year can bring such hope and promise; not to mention some good times of fellowship with friends and family! We invite you to join us in celebrating the blessings of another New Year with your congregational district at the Annual District Pot Lucks. Please bring a main dish as well as either a salad or a dessert. Single people who are not able to prepare a large dish are encouraged to bring whatever you can, or at very least just bring yourself! Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 will be on February 22. If you are unsure of which district you are in, please refer to the lists on the bulletin board located on the wall adjacent to the library on the back of the sanctuary. GEMS News: A Big THANK YOU to all those who came out to the GEMS Annual Soup and Chili Dinner. We raised just over $2100! Thank you for all your ongoing prayers and generous support for the GEMS ministry! There will be NO GEMS on Monday, Feb 16 but there will be a counsellors meeting at 7:00pm at Living Hope CRC. On Friday, Feb. 20 from 6:30-8:30pm we will be having another SPAM night at Living Hope CRC. So bring a friend and come out for a fun night to relax, enjoy a movie, popcorn and soda. LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH COFFEE SOCIAL: our “last Friday of the Month Coffee Social” will be on Friday, February 27, at 10:00am in the fellowship hall of Living Hope Christian Reformed Church. Come and join us for a wonderful time of fellowship. ~SARNIA CRC YOUTH~ It has been a thoroughly wonderful experience as your Youth Pastor over these past 10 years. Thinking back on the many youth who have gone through our ministry, the many leaders I have partnered with, and seeing each church enfold their children has filled my heart with wonderful memories of friendships, laughter, and special ministry moments. I wish you the best as you continue to love and serve God as you encourage your children and teens to deepen their faith in God. Blessings! ~Pastor Marc ~page 5~ YARN CLUB: Knitting and crocheting blankets, sweaters, hats and booties for the babies of the Dominican Republic. We will meet at First CRC on Wednesday, February 18 at 1 pm. in the library. For more information or to make a donation of yarn please contact Nina V at 519-541-1025 DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE: On February 28 discover how celebrating your differences can actually bring you closer together with the Date Night Challenge Event, from Focus on the Family. Featuring Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, Dennis Swanberg and Ted Cunningham with captivating stories about the importance of dating in a marriage from Matthew West, Plumb, Sanctus Real, For King and Country, Jason Upton and more! Save the date – Saturday, February 28, 7:30 PM at Redeemer CRC. Refreshments to be provided. Questions? Call Paul and Cindy B @ 519-542-6650. BUILDING THE FOUNDATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING: It is the time of the year when parents make the important decision regarding which school to send their child to. If you are considering enrolling your child in Kindergarten at Sarnia Christian School, please call to reserve a space or book a tour. We will be having a Kindergarten Orientation on the mornings of April 21, 23, 28. Please call us at 519-383-7750. Sarnia Christian School has proudly provided Christian education for over 60 years! LONDON DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL is accepting applications for a full time Math position for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information, please go to the LDCSS web page at http://www.ldcss.ca/contact-jobs.aspx LDCSS INVITES YOU to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’ at their Spring Fund Raising Banquet on Saturday, March 7th. Featuring the musical talents of LDCSS students as well as special guest artists, The Wiebes. We look forward to treating you to a gourmet dinner, great entertainment, and a silent auction just for fun! RSVP by March 2, 2015 to dinner@ldcss.ca. LAMBTON RIGHT TO LIFE: Come to Bluewater Health Sarnia, for a silent vigil to remember the pre-born children on Monday, February 16, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Candles will be supplied. Hot chocolate served afterwards. SARNIA JUSTICE FILM FESTIVAL will be screening Project Wild Thing on Saturday, February 21 at 7pm Sarnia Library Theatre. http://projectwildthing.com/film Project Wild Thing is a film-led movement to get more kids (and their folks!) outside and reconnecting with nature. The film is an ambitious, feature-length documentary that takes a funny and revealing look at a complex issue: the increasingly disparate connection between children and nature. ~page 6~ DENOMINATIONAL MINISTRIES LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR: - When Jesus said the greatest command was to love God, he made it clear it’s also important to love our neighbour. Together, let’s study Luke 10:25-37 and discuss what that really means. Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com; tune in to CHOK 1070 AM at 7:30 am Sunday; or visit GroundworkOnline.com to listen now. THE ORDER OF THE GATOR: - Can he do it? Will Liz unravel the clues and achieve the highest reptile honour? Follow the Kids Corner adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Find more great resources for kids and parents at kidscorner.net. SPECIAL TODAY DEVOTIONAL LENT SERIES - "So, what are you giving up for Lent?" Has anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is offering a special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during the season of Lent. Visit LentDevotionals.com. LENT DEVOTIONS SERIES - The ashen crosses on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday remind us of our mortality, our limitations. The ashes that float from forest fires and smokestacks speak of the limitations of this created world. But as we journey with the Anointed One toward the cross, we know that we journey toward a New Creation as well. This Lent, join the Office of Social Justice in pondering creation care with Lent devotions delivered to your inbox. Sign up at dojustice.crcna.org/signup for Ash and Oil: Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation. ENJOY HELPING KIDS? - Offer classroom support at the Nicaragua Christian Academy, an English-speaking school in Managua, along with opportunities to volunteer for 1 – 4 months with local children in their homes or at an orphanage. Check for more information at www.crwm.org or contact volunteer@crcna.org. If we can be of assistance…… Office Administrator: Betty Boot (O) 519-336-8808 E-mail firstcrc@xcelco.on.ca Church Office hours are Tue. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & Thurs. 9 am. – 4 pm Harry Verburg (519-331-8919) E-mail: hverburg12@gmail.com Chair of Council: Recording Secretary: Lucille VanderVies (519)542-3080 E-mail: jakevdv@ebtech.net Clerk of Council: Dianna Brown (519)330-0793 E-mail: dbrown@gamble-ins.com Pastoral concerns: Contact either Harry Verburg (see his info above), or Diane Plug (519)383-1096 E-mail: dplug@ebtech.net Ethel DePooter (519-336-3169) and Ann Veenkamp (519-383-0887) Prayer Coordinators Treasurer: Ray Kapteyn (519-332-0868) E-mail: rkapteyn@hometrak.net Custodians: Doris Calderon & Libardo Rubio (519-491-6609) DorisCalderon25@hotmail.com The Network: www.crcna.org/network Please have all bulletin announcements into the office by 4 p.m. Wednesday Website: www.sarniafirstcrc.com First Christian Reformed Church 1105 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, Ontario, N7S 1W5 (519) 336-8808 Guest Seminarian Marg Rekman Sunday, February 15, 2015 MORNING WORSHIP Welcome God Calls Us to Worship *God calls us into Worship: With the church throughout the world and through all time, we are called together as God’s people, to come before him with our praise and to open our hearts and ears to hear him speak truth for our lives …. of his mighty saving acts, his great love and his deep grace. Come; let us lift our hearts up to our Lord: Leader: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised People: There is no end to his greatness Leader: One generation shall praise your works to another People: And shall declare your power Leader: All your works praise you, Lord, People: And your faithful servants bless you. Leader: They make known the glory of your kingdom People: And speak of your power. Leader: My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: People: Let all who live praise his holy name forever and ever (Ps. 145) *Gathered, We Sing Praise: “My God, How Wonderful You Are” # 548: 1,3,4,6 *God Greets Us: God is in this place and he greets us this morning with these words: To those who are called, who are beloved in God the Father And kept safe for Jesus Christ. May mercy, peace and love be ours in abundance. (Jude 1:2) “Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord” # 584:1-3 Christ Grants us His Grace We are Called to Confession: Mary’s anointing of Jesus was a tremendous act of worship that pointed forward to Jesus pouring his own life out as a fragrant offering. Let us confess our sins before God and one another, knowing that through the offering of his life, we already know forgiveness. Let’s pray together: *We Lift Our Praise: Our Prayer of Confession: Lord, you have called us to worship you. We gladly gather! As we praise you, though, our own inadequacy reminds us Of how we have broken our relationship with you. Because we have sinned against you, even our worship fails to be what it could. We often treat it as a show or simply go through motions, failing to recognize you and your call to worship you with every fibre of our being, with beautiful acts that become a sweet aroma rising up to you. Renew us, we pray, according to your steadfast love. Remind us of your covenant faithfulness And have mercy on us in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen God Assures Us of His Love: We are reminded of God’s covenant faithfulness with these familiar words from John 3:16: God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal live. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. We Respond In Thanksgiving Our Dedication to Holy Living: “Jesus, All for Jesus” # 738 Sharing by the ATLAS team Blessing of the Children: Children ages 3 -grade 4 are dismissed for Sunday School We come with our prayers and petitions We bring our gifts and offerings: 1. Ministry Shares 2. World Renew Canadian Foodgrains Bank God Speaks to Us in His Word *We prepare our hearts to hear God’s Word: “To My Precious Lord” # 136:1-3 God’s Word for us: Scripture reading of Matthew 26:6-13 page 962 Sermon: “The Sharing of a Beautiful Thing” We Leave to Worship and Serve *We respond to God’s Word: “Be Thou My Vision” # 859:1,3,4 *God sends us out with grace and peace: May you, people of God, know that God our Father made you and guides your every step. Jesus Christ gave his life for you and brings you new life The Spirit keeps you in the Lord’s presence and empowers you to serve. May almighty God continue to bless you and move you to give thanks, May he pour over you his grace and peace. Amen. *We go out with praise: “Shout to the Lord” # 603:1,2 ***Please allow a few minutes for persons with wheel chairs and walkers to leave the sanctuary***
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