Current Bulletin - First Christian Reformed Church

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Following this morning’s worship service, everyone is invited to join us
downstairs in the fellowship hall for a time of conversation and coffee, tea or
juice. The prayer room upstairs is also always open after the service, and
there will be people there to pray for you for whatever concern you may have.
1105 Exmouth Street
1934 – 2015
The purpose of First Church in Sarnia is:
The love of God is celebrated.
The love of God is shared.
The love of God mobilizes us to care.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
reetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! The Lord is righteous in all he does,
and loving towards us at all times. What a great incentive to worship Him again today.
May we be encouraged in our walk with the Lord as we worship and praise Him, and
may we feel His presence in our lives.
Today is the first Sunday of Lent. During Lent we remember Jesus’ 40 days of
fasting in the wilderness prior to beginning His ministry. We are called to 40 days of selfdiscipline and reflection. We are challenged to reflect on the purpose and necessity of
our Lord’s coming. It is our sin that made His sacrifice a must for our salvation. It’s our
thankfulness that motivates us to be truly Christ-like in our attitude and lifestyle. May
this season of Lent have special meaning for you.
We extend a warm welcome to Pastor Jack Kerkhof, from Chatham First
Christian Reformed Church. We pray that God will bless him as he brings the Word, that
we will be encouraged by the message he brings, and that we will apply it to our lives.
We also extend a warm welcome to our guests this morning. May you enjoy your
time of worship with us, and be encouraged to come again. If we can be of any
assistance, please ask today’s greeters, an elder, or at the church office.
Please join us this evening at 6:30 pm as we begin something new for evening
worship: The Heidelberg Catechism was written to address life’s big questions. After
450 years, the answers the catechism offers are still as compelling for us now as when
they were written, helping to address the everyday anxieties we face and bring us closer
to God. Tonight we are going to start exploring the catechism using a new video series
called ‘Body & Soul’. These evenings will include times of praise, prayer, watching the
video and talking about what these truths mean for us.
Our Church Family: Will V had his knee operated on Tuesday. All is well, and he
should be in Fairwinds for a week or so, until he can get around on his own. We
are thankful for successful surgery, and pray for continued healing.
Jane H had a second surgery on Wednesday, and they left her leg open in case they
had to go back in. If all went well, they would have closed it up on Friday, and she may
be home again. Please pray for healing for Jane.
~ MILESTONES: Happy birthday and God’s blessings ~
Feb 22 Lucy V
Feb 23 Jean H
Pete V
Karen V
Feb 24 Riemie V
Jasmine V
Feb 25 Nell H
Feb 26 Gerdie H
Taylor V
Feb 27 Leny B
Rachael V
Feb 28 Ryanne B
Mar 1 Rebecca Gr
Mar 2 David W
Mar 3 Lori B
Mar 4 Pete W
Mar 5 Nathaniel G
Mar 6 John V
Living Hope~ Pastor Craig and Janene have one more week to discern God's will in
regard to their call to Calvin CRC in Nepean, Ontario. Please continue to remember
them in your prayers for God's will to be made clearly known.
Jack & Willy G returned early from their trip South because Jack was not feeling well.
He is now in the hospital in London undergoing tests and will likely have some
adjustments made to his treatment schedule.
Redeemer~ John H was not able to receive his chemotherapy treatment this week. If his
blood count allows it, he will continue treatments in London on Monday. Please keep him
in your prayers.
Pastor Jack continues in his therapy program. Please keep him in your prayers.
We express our sympathy to Pastor Jack and Pat as they grieve Jack’s younger brother,
Peter’s death. Jack was not able to attend Peter’s memorial service in Grand Rapids this
past Monday but Pat was able to. May you be comforted in God’s rich promises spoken
and revealed so powerfully on Easter Sunday.
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AM: 1. Ministry Shares
2. Sarnia Christian School Tuition Assistance
Next Week:
AM: 1. Ministry Shares
2. Diaconate
~Deacon’s Corner~
PARKING LOT SIGN: We are looking for a person or family who is willing to change
the parking lot sign on a regular basis (every 2 weeks preferred), starting as soon as
possible. Resources will be provided. Thank you to Rick Nienhuis and family for
faithfully changing the sign for several years.
SHEPHERDING ELDERS will meet on Wednesday, February 25 at 7:30 pm.
Our second offering this morning is for Sarnia Christian School’s Tuition Assistance.
This is a way in which our churches can provide assistance to families who need
financial help to pay the tuition in order to send their children to Sarnia Christian School.
POT LUCKS: Today is the day for District 2,4,6 and 8 potluck luncheon. There is
always lots of food, so please join us if you are in these districts, even if you forgot to
bring some food to share.
Our evening offering is for the diaconate. The Deacons use these funds to provide local
financial support to families both within and outside of our fellowship.
LADIES BIBLE FELLOWSHIP will meet on Wednesday, February 25, at 10:00 am, in
our church. We will study Lesson 7, starting on page 65 “Putting the New Life Into
Practice”. Visitors are welcome.
~Our thanks today to~
Serving Elders/Deacons: A M:*Diane P, Harry V, Shirley K, Dianna B
P M: *Jake V, Matt V, Fred Z, Carol P
John and Betty V, John and Cheryl V
Wayne and MaryAnn D
Ushers: Sue G, John P
Sound Tech:
Stephen N
Projection Tech: Sandy S
Sunday School: Tracey Z, Claire V, Patti K, Lauren T
Prayer Room:
Pastor Harry and Dianna M
Library Attendants: Angela C, Sherry C, Helen S
Flo V, Joanne V, Kerry B, Mia V
Coffee Servers:
~Scheduled for Next Sunday, March 1, 2015~
Serving Elders/Deacons:
A M: *Pete V, Alice R, Jake V, Brad R
P M: *Ed D, Alice R, Brad R, Shirley K
Roy and Lori B, Fred and Grace V
Wayne and MaryAnn D
Ushers: Fred R, Justin R
Sound Tech:
Sandy S
Projection Tech: John P
Sunday School: Kelly V, Mikayla V, Nicole S, Ashley S
Prayer Room:
Linda W, Pete V
Library Attendants: Kelly V, Tracey Z, Margriet S
Ethel D, Jillian K, Cheryl D, Lauren T
Coffee Servers:
LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH COFFEE SOCIAL: our “last Friday of the Month
Coffee Social” will be on Friday, February 27, at 10:00am in the fellowship hall of
Living Hope Christian Reformed Church. We’re very pleased that Mr. Harry
Verburg will present us with a very timely topic:
“Fraud prevention- How to protect yourself”.
Come and join us for a wonderful time of fellowship.
The All Ontario Youth Convention is coming MAY 15 – 18, 2015!!
A fantastic weekend of speakers, bands, small group discussions, prayer sanctuary,
games, sports, Service opportunities, learning workshops, and life-changing
experiences! Make new friends and meet up with old ones.
Early Bird Registration is due before March 1, 2015.
More information and registration available at:
The AOYC is going on the road! March 22 at Maranatha CRC, Woodstock- awesome
opportunity to give your teens a taste of this year's lineup (including 2015 Worship Band
Benj&Co!) and give parents/families a chance to see the AOYC firsthand - we're even
bringing the prayer rooms!
Event is totally free. Prayer rooms open at 5:30, worship starts at 6:40. Check out our
Facebook page (All Ontario Youth Convention) for more details in the coming weeks.
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DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE: On February 28 discover how celebrating your differences
can actually bring you closer together with the Date Night Challenge Event, from Focus
on the Family. Featuring Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, Dennis Swanberg and Ted
Cunningham with captivating stories about the importance of dating in a marriage from
Matthew West, Plumb, Sanctus Real, For King and Country, Jason Upton and more!
Save the date – Saturday, February 28, 7:30 PM at Redeemer CRC. Refreshments to
be provided. Questions? Call Paul and Cindy B @ 519-542-6650.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came out in support Christian Education at the
annual LDCSS curling bonspiel. Thanks to our organizers, all those who donated food,
flowers and plants, those who gave financial support and especially those who came out
to the event to make it a great success.
when parents make the important decision regarding which school to send their child to.
If you are considering enrolling your child in Kindergarten at Sarnia Christian School,
please call to reserve a space or book a tour. We will be having a Kindergarten
Orientation on the mornings of April 21, 23, 28. Please call us at 519-383-7750. Sarnia
Christian School has proudly provided Christian education for over 60 years!
a full time Math position for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information, please go
to the LDCSS web page at
LDCSS INVITES YOU to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’ at their Spring Fund Raising
Banquet on Saturday, March 7. Featuring the musical talents of LDCSS students as
well as special guest artists, The Wiebes. We look forward to treating you to a gourmet
dinner, great entertainment, and a silent auction just for fun! If you have an item or
service that you would like to donate please let us know. RSVP by March 2, to
THE PREGNANCY OPTIONS & SUPPORT CENTRE is currently seeking a committed
Christian woman to serve in this ministry as Client Services Director. This position
would suit a compassionate non judgmental individual with a desire to minister to women
and their families in crisis. They would need to have a degree or diploma, preferably in a
helping field, or related experience equivalent. As well as exhibit skill in interpersonal
communication, public speaking, and problem solving. The Client Services Director
oversees peer counseling and other programs provided for clients, provides peer
counseling, assists with daily operation of the Centre . This is a part time position of 24
hours weekly.
Please submit resumes via email to attention: Kim LeBlanc, Executive Director - please include references. We will accept resumes until
the 28th of February 2015. A job description will be available upon request.
**NOTE: only those selected for the interview process will be contacted**
THE BIBLE LEAGUE: There are over 500,000 unreached villages remaining in Eastern
Europe, China and Africa. With the improvements in modern transportation and
communication, why so many? These unreached people are often physically remote and
culturally isolated. They live in places where no foreign missionaries would go due to the
political, economic, or cultural conditions. Often, these people will only be reached by
Christian workers from within their own country who are able to travel. Why have these
local workers not gone already? In most cases it is simply because of the poverty and
physical difficulty. These Christians need to be mobilized and given the right tools. This
is the most efficient and effective way to plant churches in these villages—by equipping
those who already understand their language and culture to share the gospel of Christ.
Please pray that God will raise up workers to go into the field so that all peoples,
everywhere, will be transformed by the Living Word of God!
FAITH IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY: - Today on Groundwork we’re studying 2
Chronicles 20:12 to help us understand how our faith helps us when we aren’t sure what
to do. Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at, tune in to CHOK 1070 AM at 7:30 am Sunday or visit to listen now.
THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE BEAUTIFUL: - Teddy, one of the kids in Liz’s class,
decides to break up Liz and Spike’s friendship. And Lucille is very unhappy about her
appearance until Granny shows her how other people view her. Follow the Kids Corner
adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at Find
more great resources for kids and parents at
SWAP for YAYAs - Serve With A Purpose in Uganda or Honduras for 4 weeks this
summer. SWAP is more than just a mission trip! It’s a program for youth and young
adults (YAYAs age 14 – 24) who are looking to plan, learn, grow and serve both globally
and locally. Do More, Be More with SWAP! See details at or
FAMILY FIRE – is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting,
in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire
community on Facebook.
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Lent Devotions Series - The ashen crosses on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday
remind us of our mortality, our limitations. The ashes that float from forest fires and
smokestacks speak of the limitations of this created world. But as we journey with the
Anointed One toward the cross, we know that we journey toward a New Creation as
well. This Lent, join the Office of Social Justice in pondering creation care with Lent
devotions delivered to your inbox. Sign up at for Ash and Oil:
Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation.
Special Today Devotional Lent Series – “So, what are you giving up for Lent?” Has
anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much
more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is
offering a special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith
during the season of Lent. Visit
SERVE & LEARN IN EGYPT - This unique spring time opportunity to come alongside
World Missions staff in Cairo, Egypt from April 27 – May 7 awaits you . You'll help build a
rooftop gazebo at a seminary, meet with and encourage pastors and also visit some
amazing churches. Additional details at or contact
Response to Assisted Suicide Decision - On February 6, the Supreme Court of
Canada stuck down Canada’s existing laws against assisted suicide, and gave federal
and provincial governments 12 months to change them. Without new legislation,
assisted suicide, like abortion, would be unrestricted in Canada. A letter reflecting the
CRC response to the ruling has been sent to Canadian churches. (Learn more at Please pray for our governments as they move
forward with creating new legislation, and consider writing to your MP or MPP
encouraging them to work for new laws that emphasize compassion (including
aggressive pain management), great palliative care, and robust legal measures to
protect vulnerable people, including people with disabilities.
If we can be of assistance……
Office Administrator:
Betty Boot (O) 519-336-8808
Church Office hours are Tue. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & Thurs. 9 am. – 4 pm
Chair of Council:
Harry Verburg (519-331-8919)
Recording Secretary: Lucille VanderVies (519)542-3080
Clerk of Council:
Dianna Brown (519)330-0793
Pastoral concerns: Contact either Harry Verburg (see his info above), or
Diane Plug (519)383-1096 E-mail:
Prayer Coordinators
Ethel DePooter (519-336-3169) and Ann Veenkamp (519-383-0887)
Ray Kapteyn (519-332-0868)
Custodians: Doris Calderon & Libardo Rubio (519-491-6609)
The Network:
Please have all bulletin announcements into the office by 4 p.m. Wednesday