~page 2~ Y|Üáà V{Ü|áà|tÇ exyÉÜÅxw V{âÜv{ ~ MILESTONES: Happy birthday and God’s blessings ~ Nov 24 Zach S Nov 30 Aubrey B Nov 25 Tracey Z Sharon L Nov 27 Caleb M Dec 1 Jake V Nov 28 Kylee V Dec 2 Nell B Nov 29 TJ M Vicki K Seth S Paul S Hailey V Marc Hoogstad (youth pastor) 1105 Exmouth Street 519-336-8808 1934 – 2014 The purpose of First Church in Sarnia is: LOVE SHARE The love of God is celebrated. The love of God is shared. The love of God mobilizes us to care. W CARE Sunday, November 23, 2014 elcome! What a privilege it is to begin this new week in the Lord’s presence and in the company of His people. May we experience the peace of God, the warmth of Christian fellowship, and the inspiration of worship. May His Spirit fill us richly so that we can worship Him with joy and thanksgiving in our hearts. We extend a warm welcome to our guests. We are glad that you came and we pray that you will be blessed by your time spent worshiping with us today. If we can be of any assistance to you, please ask the greeters, an elder, or at the church office. This morning we welcome Pastor Kelly Sibthorpe to our pulpit. Pastor Kelly is the chaplain at Fanshawe College in London. We pray that God will bless him as he brings The Word to us, and that we will be blessed by hearing that Word, and will put it into practice. Psalms: This great Conversation This evening’s worship will be a time of songs, dramatic readings, scripture, special music and pictures all based on familiar and favourite Psalms. We hope you will join us at 6:30 pm. Next Sunday seminarian David VanEyk will bring God’s Word in the morning service. The evening 9 Lessons and Carols will be combined with Living Hope and Redeemer CRCs, and will take place at Living Hope at 6:30 pm Following this morning’s worship service, everyone is invited to join us downstairs in the fellowship hall for a time of conversation and coffee, tea or juice. The prayer room upstairs is also always open after the service, and there will be people there to pray for you for whatever concern you may have. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Jason, Lauren and Norah V 1583 Indian Road N, Sarnia N7V 4E1 phone 226-932-6021 Living Hope~ Regrettably, we missed the inclusion of condolences for Dawn L and her family in last week's bulletin. Her mother, Donna F of Wyoming, passed away on November 6 at the age of 78. We continue to hold the L and F families in our prayers. Emery B was moved into hospice care at St. Joseph's on Tuesday. We continue our prayers for him and Mandy and their family that they may know the peace and strength of God at all times. Elizabeth L had surgery on a broken knee this week after a fall. She remains in the hospital. Fred L also continues to receive care in the hospital as his health concerns remain. We pray for God's rich grace to pour into both of their lives in these difficult times. Redeemer~ John Hu had his first round of chemotherapy treatment this week. John has responded very well to the treatments. His next session of treatments is scheduled for Dec. 1st. Please continue to keep John in your prayers. John B returned home from the hospital on Wednesday. Please continue to pray for improved good health. Our sympathy is given to Cisca and Jim D as they grieve the passing on of Cisca’s father. Cisca’s father, living in the Netherlands, lived to be 94. The family gathered this week for the memorial service. They grieve but also rejoice together for God’s gift of a full life given to their father. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you celebrate God’s gift of eternal life. OUR GIFTS WE BRING AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Voice of the Martyrs PM: London District Christian High Tuition Assistance Next Sunday: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Wycliffe Bible Translators Ray & Ann Kapteyn PM: Homestead Christian Care Today: ~page 3~ ~page 4~ ~Deacon’s Corner~ Our second offering this morning is for The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping, loving and encouraging persecuted Christians worldwide. The ministry provides suffering believers assistance in a vast variety of ways – through the provision of medical assistance, safe shelter, food, clothing, educational training, as well as the distribution of effective evangelistic tools (Bibles, literature and radio/television broadcasts). By giving their testimony a voice, VOMC also serves to raise national awareness and greatly needed prayer support. Our mission is to glorify God by serving His persecuted church, fulfilling the words of Hebrews 13:3. www.persecution.net Our evening offering is for London District Christian Secondary School Tuition Assistance. This is a way in which our churches can provide some assistance to families who need financial help to pay the tuition in order to send their children to London District Christian Secondary School. ANNOUNCEMENTS ~Our thanks today to~ Serving Elders/Deacons: AM: *MaryAnn D, Alice R, Jake V, Dianna B PM:* Dianna B, John P, Pete V, MaryAnn D 2 Rick and Carolyn N, Diane P, Greg P, Mary R Greeters: John and Betty B Ushers: Ken K, Nick V Sound Tech: Nate S Projection Tech: John P Sunday School: Lisa R, Tyler K, Freda S, Scott D Prayer Room: Pete V, Linda W Library Attendants: Angela C, Sherry C, Helen S Nursery: Stacey H, Kelly V, Marg R, Linaea D Coffee Servers: ~Scheduled for Next Sunday, November 30, 2014~ Serving Elders/Deacons: A M: *Pete V, JT S, Jack T, Gerry V PM: *Jack T, Alex K, Jake V, Brian H 2 Mike and Katie Gallant, Jason and Heather Last John and Corrie S Ushers: Fred R, John P Sound Tech: Sean S Projection Tech: Ian S Sunday School: Lisa R, Tyler K, Freda S, Scott D Prayer Room: Bert H, Alice R Library Attendants: Kelly V, Tracey Z, Margriet S Nursery: Marianne F, Rachel B, Cheryl S, Jillian K Coffee Servers: Greeters: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: The next Executive Council meeting will be held on Tuesday December 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. WANT TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT? You have a number of choices- put in a bulletin announcement, put it on the church’s Facebook page, put something in the mail slots, or ask to have it projected on the screen. The beginning of the worship service is a time to focus on God and set our hearts and minds on worship. The worship committee has decided that we will no longer begin the service with announcements. Announcements should be sent to the office for the bulletin or projection by Wednesday 4 pm. However, concerns that are part of a prayer request can be communicated to one of the elders in the library prior to the service. FROM THE REFUGEE COMMITTEE: We are blessed to be receiving an Iranian refugee family! Ahmad Rezaei, Mahbobe Esamaeili, and their son Koorosh Rezaei will be arriving in Sarnia on December 4th, 2014. The family fled to Turkey from Iran after they were ostracized and mistreated after converting to Christianity. They cannot return to Iran for fear of being arrested and imprisoned because of their religious beliefs. We, as the Church, have been given an incredible opportunity to show the love of Christ to Ahmed, Mahbobe, and Koorosh in the midst of all the immense changes they will have to go through in the coming years. As they are arriving in Canada with very short notice, there is and will be much to do. If you are interested in helping out in settling this new family or being involved in the refugee committee, please email christeena.nienhuis@gmail.com. “WALKING THE NATIVITY” is close at hand. Please help us by inviting your coworkers, neighbours, or relatives to join us for this walk. If everyone will take two invitations (children too) and give them to a neighbour or friend, we will spread the good news of Jesus birth. Invitations will be available on the table in the narthex. We will be serving tea and hot apple cider. We have the specialty teas, but we still need lots of cider. Please bring to church next week Sunday. STROOPWAFFLES: Today is the last day to order Stroopwaffles! Our Cadet Council is selling them to keep down the registration cost of the Cadet Counselors convention in London in July 2015. Cost is $3 for a package of 8, or $30 for a case of 12 packages. Order forms should be in your mail slots, or talk to Clarence V (519-542-8918.) Cheques should be made out to Sarnia I Cadet Club. Waffles will be available for pickup on December 1. Thank you for your support. ~page 5~ ~page 6~ th LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH COFFEE SOCIAL, NOVEMBER 28 at 10:00 am. An invitation to the “Last Friday Coffee and Fellowship” in the Fellowship Hall of Living Hope Christian Reformed Church. We plan to play games, so please take your favourite games along. We also announce plans for an Intergenerational Christmas Dinner which will be on Friday, December 12th. For further information on this planned event, please contact: Susan S: 519-383-0434 Ann T: 519-383-0679 Marc H: 519-337-6485 Julie W: 519-491- 5345 Bert H: 519-336-7727 LADIES BIBLE FELLOWSHIP will meet on Wednesday, November 26, at 10:00 am. We will study Lesson 7, “Children of Darkness, Children of Light”. There will be no GEMs for the girls on Monday, November 24. The counsellors will be having a meeting starting at 7:00pm. ~SARNIA CRC YOUTH~ FUSION: Tonight we are joining with First CRC at 6:30 for an evening of worship, reading the Psalms, and sharing stories of faith. INTERGENERATIONAL CHRISTMAS DINNER: Last year we had our first Youth / Senior dinner, and it was a huge success! This year we are planning it again on Friday December 12. Please make plans to join our seniors for this enjoyable night. More information will be coming very soon! LIVE CONCERT RECORDING - And We Need Youth To Come! (TO PROVIDE YOUTHFUL ENERGY) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=805371919523804&fref=nf Body and Soul: A Worship Collective December 5 + 6 @ 7pm at Talbot Street Church in London. Reserve your FREE seats at www.bodyandsoulcollective.com TRIP ROOM: Christmas is coming! Order your TRIP gift cards by November 24 to ensure you have you gift cards by your Christmas celebration. Remember, every little bit helps. Thank you to those that are working hard to help the future of our precious little ones! PIE BAKING AT SARNIA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - Dec. 4 at 9:00 am We are hoping to make Apple pies once again as a fundraiser for SCS. This can only happen if we have enough volunteers for that day. If you can help please call Grace V 519-869-2754 or Lori B 519-383-8779 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPLE PEELERS SENIORS- We need your help to peel apples on Dec. 4 at 9:00am at Sarnia Christian School. Coffee and goodies provided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orders for Unbaked Apple Pies can be placed with Grace V 519-869-2754 Lori B 519-383-8779 Alice D 519-332-5351 Pies are $9.00 and must be picked up no later than 5:30p.m. on December 4 SARNIA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The board of Lambton Christian School Society cordially invites all members and supporters of Christian Education to our Annual Fall membership meeting, on December 2nd, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will accomplish three things: 1) The necessary business transactions to run our society 2) to update everyone on our long range planning 3) To continue to educate our supporters on how we are transforming our education to meet 21st century expectations for our students. LONDON DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL invites you to attend their fall membership meeting, Thursday, November 27th at 7:30 p.m. Come and find out about all the exciting things happening at LDCSS! LDCSS also has some employment opportunities. See the list on the bulletin board, or go to their website at http://www.ldcss.ca/contact-jobs.aspx ATLAS TEAM T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER: The ATLAS team would like to invite you to join us on our trip to the Dominican in January 2015. For a minimum donation of $20 your name will be printed on the back of our mission team shirts. In this way you can come along with us on this journey. We will be leaving our shirts behind and they will be worn by the locals as a reminder of all of us who are supporting them. Look for an ATLAS team member in the narthex to take your donation. Our goal is to fill our shirts with names. It will help all of us to remember that you are with us! November 30 is the last day to get on board. ~page 7~ ~page 8~ FOOD FOR THOUGHT BAZAAR AND FASHION SHOW Saturday, November29th from 12 to 4 pm at Living Hope. Free admission. Fashion show at 2 pm $5 Come early to shop and browse the vendor tables and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a dessert. Having a pleasant afternoon with that special someone, mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend AND helping to feed someone less fortunate..PRICELESS!! Tickets available at Living Hope church office, Tues. 9:30 - 1:30, Wed. & Thurs. 9 - 4 or at the door. All proceeds will go to the Samaritan Foundation's school lunch program in the Dominican Republic. KIDS CORNER - The Wedding Gift: Join the KC gang as Liz and Lucille face problem after problem helping Olivia and Roger get married! Liz the wedding planner? Lucille a bridesmaid? Can Liz get the gang working together in time to give the couple a special wedding gift? Follow the Kids Corner adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Find more great resources for kids and parents at kidscorner.net. “SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS” benefit concert will be held at “The Hub”, formerly the Pines Chapel, on November 29 at 7pm. It will feature the Chatham-Kent Men’s Choir along with Charlene and Alex on flute and piano, the C-K Singers, Men’s Quartet, the Friends of Buxton Choir, Pastor Larry Forsyth & Friends and a Christmas Carol Sing-along with Willem Ligthart. A free will offering will be taken. Proceeds toward the acoustic treatment of the historic chapel. FREE ADVENT DEVOTIONS - This Advent season, consider using "Seeking God’s Face" to come together in prayer as a church family. A free Advent sampler PDF is available for download and can be posted on your church’s website or included as a link in your church bulletin, e-newsletter, or social media. Visit www.FaithAliveResources.org/SGF to download the sampler. BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA: There are more than 76,000 men in 153 prisons across Poland. Only 50% of the prisons have any kind of regular missionary service. Bible League Canada’s daring goal to share the Good News with young men in every prison in Poland over the next 5 years is challenging! Aleski is a young man, over-whelmed with remorse for wrecking his life and being sent to prison. “I was living in sin,” he says. Then God intervened in Aleski’s life, giving him the opportunity to hear the gospel for the first time through ministry workers—and surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Now Aleski is released from his past, from the power of sin and slavery, and fully aware of God’s assurance of forgiveness! www.bibleleague.ca DENOMINATIONAL MINISTRIES GROUNDWORK - The Ten Commandments: We think polytheism is a problem only for those in the Bible or in pagan cultures. But as people define God according to their own taste, we are becoming a society with millions of gods. Our need is identical to Israel's at Sinai. We need to hear who God is and what he demands. Join the Groundwork conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly emails at ListenToGroundwork.com, tune in to CHOK 1070 AM at 7:30 am Sunday, or listen online at GroundworkOnline.com FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook. FREE WEBINAR - Join us Dec. 3 for "Everybody Serves: The Picture Needs Each Piece" presented by Mark Stephenson and Shellie Power. Too often people with disabilities are viewed only as needing but not giving to others around them. This webinar will teach ways to recognize that every individual, including persons with disabilities, has been created with gifts that are needed by the body of Christ. ADVENT DEVOTIONAL AND CALENDAR - Starting Nov. 30, World Renew and the CRC Office of Social Justice will share a devotional series called Reconciliation: Breaking Through, and an Advent calendar with daily ideas for prayer, meditation, and giving for the whole family. Slow down and orient your spirit to the season—discover God’s reconciling work in us, through us, and around us. Signing up is easy! Go to crcna.org/adventdevos to receive these daily emails in your inbox for Advent. POSITION OPENINGS with the CRC, World Renew and CR World Missions: check out the sheet on the bulletin board for paid and volunteer position openings. If we can be of assistance…… Youth Pastor Marc Hoogstad (O) 519-337-6485 E-mail: marc.hoogstad@gmail.com Office Hours (at Redeemer CRC) are Tue. and Thurs. from 2 to 5 p.m. Office Administrator: Betty Boot (O) 519-336-8808 E-mail firstcrc@xcelco.on.ca Church Office hours are Tue. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & Thurs. 9 am. – 4 pm Harry Verburg (519-331-8919) E-mail: hverburg12@gmail.com Chair of Council: Recording Secretary: Lucille VanderVies (519)542-3080 E-mail: jakevdv@ebtech.net Clerk of Council: Dianna Brown (519)330-0793 E-mail: dbrown@gamble-ins.com Pastoral concerns: Contact either Harry Verburg (see his info above), or Diane Plug (519)383-1096 E-mail: dplug@ebtech.net Prayer Coordinators Ethel DePooter (519-336-3169) and Ann Veenkamp (519-383-0887) Treasurer: Ray Kapteyn (519-332-0868) E-mail: rkapteyn@hometrak.net Custodians: Doris Calderon & Libardo Rubio (519-491-6609) DorisCalderon25@hotmail.com The Network: www.crcna.org/network Please have all bulletin announcements into the office by 4 p.m. Wednesday Website: www.sarniafirstcrc.com First Christian Reformed Church 1105 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, Ontario, N7S 1W5 (519) 336-8808 Guest Pastor Kelly Sibthorpe Sunday, November 23, 2014 MORNING WORSHIP Welcome and announcements Michael DePooter God Gathers Us in Worship, and We Lift Our Praise Welcome: # 6:1,3 “Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah” *Call to Worship: People of God, worship the living God today! Remember that out of nothing God created the heavens and earth. Remember that God raised Jesus: from the powerlessness of death - to the power of his right hand. Remember that not even the gates of hell can stand against God’s purposes. Behold your God, who reigns now and forever! *Gathering Hymn of Praise: “You Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim” # 582:1,2 *God’s Greeting *Hymn of Praise: “Praise the Lord! Sing Hallelujah” Even as We Confess our Sin, God Grants Us Grace Call to Confession: # 518:1,2,4 Leader: When a lawyer came to Jesus, he wanted to test him and he asked: What is the great and first commandment? People: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with All your mind. Leader: What is the second commandment like it? People: Love your neighbor as yourself. Prayer of Confession: When we listen to these familiar words of Jesus, we must be honest with ourselves and recognize that we fall very short of loving God and loving our neighbour as we should. And so we come to Jesus this morning confessing our sins, knowing he stands ready to forgive. Let’s join in a prayer of confession: O God, there are many times we think we love you well. But upon hearing your call to love you with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength, we confess that our love for you is poor, that our hearts are divided and our affections are quickly drawn away. How easily our devotion dies. Father, forgive us. Lord, there are many times we think that we have loved others too, But in hearing your call to love our neighbour as ourselves, We confess that our love is weak, that we love ourselves more than our neighbors, in deep mercy spare us. Christ our Lord, forgive us. Deepen our love, O Holy Spirit. Amen. Words of Assurance: Leader: While it is true that we have sinned, the greater truth is that we are forgiven through God’s love in Jesus Christ. To all who humbly seek the mercy of God, he promises: In Jesus Christ your sin is forgiven. People: Thanks be to God. God Declares Forgiveness, We Give Our Thanks Song of Assurance: “Before The Throne of God Above” # 682:1,2 Children’s Blessing: Children ages 3 through grade 4 come forward for a time of prayer, before leaving for Sunday School Prayers of the People: Offerings: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Voice of the Martyrs *Hymn of Illumination: Prayer of Illumination God Speaks to Us in His Word “Ancient Words” # 762:1,2 Scripture Reading: Genesis 45: 1-16; 50:19-21- page 47 Romans 8:28; page 1097 Sermon: “The God of the Pit” We Leave to Serve in Response to the Word *Hymn of Response: “When Peace Like a River” # 451:1,2,4 *Benediction *Closing Song of Praise: “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing” # 936:1,2 ***Please allow a few minutes for persons with wheel chairs and walkers to leave the sanctuary***
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