THE GRAPEVINE ST. THOMAS’ ANGLICAN CHURCH, BROOKLIN 2014 SPRING/SUMMER EDITION “HALLELU, HALLELU, HALLELU, HALLELUJAH . . . PRAISE YE THE LORD!” The little children sang . . . Easter with its wonderful services and celebrations is almost behind us. I trust you were able to participate in some of the richness of our traditions and worship experiences around the life, death and resurrection of Jesus – the core of our faith. It was encouraging to see our worship space crowded with those who call St. Thomas home as well as those who visit us periodically. My grateful thanks again to all who made it possible to receive the crowds that attended services at St. Thomas. The children were most special! On Palm Sunday, they distributed palms to the adults and marched in procession, leading a homemade donkey and singing hosannas as the Hebrew children sang to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem, some 2000 years ago. On Easter day (over 60 children, I understand) attended our Sunday School. They were quickly prepared by our talented teachers, and at their prompting, they lined the front of the sanctuary and sang to the top of their little lungs, while joyfully ringing homemade bells: “Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah; Praise ye the Lord! Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah; Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!” The song continues to ring in my heart! I was so reminded of my own Sunday School days many moons ago. Singing in Sunday School was always fun and the teacher said the sound of our little voices singing to God, made God happy. We may not have known the meaning of the words we sang but we wanted to make God happy, so we sang ―lustily‖ as Judy Lade would say! Here is another song I hope our Sunday School children will sing one day (you probably know this one too): Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children; God is love! God is love! Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children; God is love! God is love! There are other verses: 2) Love Him, love Him, all you little children . . . God is love. 3) Thank Him, thank Him, all you little children . . . God is love. 4) Serve him, serve Him, all you little children . . . God is love A third favourite of mine was: God sees the little sparrow fall, It meets His tender view; If God so loves the little birds, I know He loves me, too. Refrain: He loves me, too, He loves me, too, I know He loves me, too; Because He loves the little things, I know He loves me, too. THE REV. CLAIRE WADE 2 He paints the lily of the field, Perfumes each lily bell; If He so loves the little flow‘rs, I know He loves me well. Refrain God made the little birds and flow‘rs, And all things large and small; He‘ll not forget his little ones, I know He loves them all. Refrain Then there were the ones like ―Jesus loves me, this I know‖, ―Jesus loves the little children‖ and many others. As I look back on these songs of my childhood, I realize what a godly heritage I‘ve had and the major part that singing had in it. From my mother and grandmother at home, to the Anglican priests from England who taught us in the Anglican school and church where I grew up, and the Lutheran missionaries from my father‘s church (he was Lutheran) – I was encouraged to sing songs to Jesus because that made God happy. As I look back at the songs – their message is simple but profound -- they are all about the love of God – the love of God for humanity and creation -- for birds, flowers, trees and of course, for me and for all people everywhere. God is to be praised for God is Love and Love is God – a message that takes me through this life and will continue throughout eternity! Oh, for a simple childlike faith! May we continue to teach and to encourage the children who come through the doors of St. Thomas to sing songs of faith to Jesus – simple songs of faith that they will remember throughout their lives. I still believe that singing songs to God makes God happy! And speaking of the birds and flowers that God loves, they are returning in full force after a winter that did not let up! Spring is here with its anticipation of the fun and frolic of summer. May yours be God-blessed, relaxing, refreshing and safe. Rev. Claire+ MARK YOUR CALENDARS May 12: St. Thomas Bible Challenge begins . . . . Still time to start May 24: MEN’S BREAKFAST & FELLOWSHIP 9:00 am All men are welcome! MESSY CHURCH – Informal learning: crafts, games, bible storytelling and fun for the whole family. 4th Saturday every month,10:30 am. All families welcome. Nuance Concert at St. Thomas June 08: PENTECOST INTERNATIONAL POTLUCK LUNCH June 15: Happy Father’s Day! NEXT BAPTISM: TRINITY SUNDAY - 10:30 am. June 22: Parish Picnic – FUN FOR THE WHOLE CHURCH FAMILY! June 29: St. Thomas’ Feast Day (July 3) – Strawberry Social July and August Services will continue at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. The following will NOT be held but will resume in September The weekly Communion and Healing services held on Wednesdays at 10am Choir practices held on Thursdays at 7: 30 pm Messy Church and Small Groups 3 Crohn’s and Colitis are lifelong diseases that can have a devastating impact on one’s quality of life and life expectancy. ‘GUTSY WALK’ - Crohn’s and Colitis Canada is organizing fundraising walks in many locations across Canada. There is a local 5 km walk on Sunday, June 8 at Heyden Park, at the foot of Water Street in Whitby. If you are interested in participating or able to support this event with a monetary donation of any amount, please go to the website Team Huppé Family or call Karen Martin 905-655-4945 (Karen is the sister of Ron Baker- Karen’s teenage grandson suffers from Crohn’s) Your prayers for a cure would be most welcome. Thank you, Ron CALLING ALL BUSINESS PEOPLE How would you like to advertise your business or service in the coming issues of Grapevine. This would help you and also help us to cover the expense of printing and posting each issue. The cost will be $10.00 for each issue or $30.00 for 4 issues. If interested contact Bruce Beveridge at 905-419-0056 4 *NEW COURSE, *CLOSER WINCHESTER GOLF CLUB *EASIER, LESS HILLS, *SHOT GUN START EVERYONE STARTS AT THE SAME TIME *NEW KITCHEN MENU NOT A BBQ MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW Deadline for the Fall Grapevine will be Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014 Send your submissions to Bruce Beveridge at or hand written items, see him at church. Connect with us online!: There are many ways to keep up to date with the Church with our online presence. Just go to our website and you will see links to connect with us. Join our Email list. Look us up on Facebook. Follow Claire on Twitter. Join or update your pre-authorized giving with Let us know if there are other ways that we can help you stay connected. 5 The St. Thomas Book Club is up and running: come and share in the Cloister! We are enjoying the books and fellowship at this new small group at St. Thomas. So far we have read The Book Thief, The Glass Castle and War Brides, the books prompted an interesting and lively discussion. There are many more exciting books coming up at our next meetings. We now have about 14 members and we are still growing. Our meetings are on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00p.m. in the Cloister. The next meeting is June 9th. For more information you may contact me, Sharon MacKinnon at 905-655-3526 or at (Please read the book in advance of the date. BYOBeverage) June 9 The Racketeer September 15 The Casual Vacancy October 6 Sycamore Row John Grisham JK Rowling John Grisham All the best, Sharon MacKinnon & Lydia Hallard Grace is Gods Name The goodness of God fills all the gaps of the universe, without discrimination or preference. God is the gratuity of absolutely everything. The space in between everything is not space at all but Spirit. God is the ―goodness glue‖ that holds the dark and light of things together, the free energy that carries all death across the Great Divide and transmutes it into Life. When we say that Christ ―paid the debt once and for all,‖ it simply means that God‘s job is to make up for all the deficiencies in the universe. What else would God do? Grace is not something God gives; grace is who God is. Grace is God‘s official job description. Grace is what God does to keep all things that God has created in love alive—forever. If we are to believe the primary witnesses—the mystics, the saints, the transformed people—an unexplainable goodness is at work in the universe. (Some of us call this phenomenon God, but that word is not necessary. In fact, sometimes it gets in the way of the experience, because too many have named God something other than Grace.) Richard Rohr Adapted from Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self 6 April showers bring May flowers. This is what I hope is true as I look out and see the pouring rain and the wind blowing the trees. It seems more like fall. But, we all look forward to summer, I‘m sure – a chance to relax and enjoy some warm and sunny weather. We‘ve had many events at St. Thomas‘ since the last Grapevine issue. One of these was the Organ Recital/Hymn Sing. We had a very good turnout to this event, and I have received many positive comments. It is something we will do again! Looking back at our Lent, Holy Week and Easter services, I again appreciate how we at St. Thomas are able to offer worship in a variety of ways, ( Taize services, Evensong), while making use of choir, instrumentalists, and children to enhance our worship experiences. We are truly fortunate to have so many talented and willing people to contribute music to the liturgy. The summer gives us a chance to rest and gather energy to begin again in September. I hope that you will consider joining the choir in the fall. Rehearsals will begin on September 4th, at 7:30 PM. Also, if you play a musical instrument, I would love to hear from you. Perhaps you could play at one of our services. I hope that all of you will enjoy a safe and restful summer. Linda Books for the Journey 7 The Library Corner by Grace Alden Books in Batches Have you book-readers noticed lately that when you finish a book you often discover that it's book one of a series and now you have to get book 2, 3, complete the series or get an 'encore' book of the type. It can be a little off-putting to buy the batch. One solution is to get the series from a library. Coincidentally we have some books in our church library that are a series or are part of a group of related books. So, I'm calling attention to a few I like. CATEGORY 1: Tea and Homicide : Blood Orange Brewing, Death by Darjeeling, and other stories by Laura Childs These are mysteries featuring a woman who gives up her glamorous career to open a tea shop in the beautiful historic district of Charleston, South Carolina. She keeps getting embroiled in murder mysteries. Each book is a stand-alone story, but the main characters reappear. CATEGORY 2: Modern family life and social drama: The redemption series by very popular author Karen Kingsbury A mother and her adult daughters and their men friends experience struggle, triumph, and tragedy such as the dangers faced by a first responder, the difficulty of breaking into the art world, the stress of working in a nursing home, and the painful aftermath of 9/11. The books are Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice and Reunion. CATEGORY 3: Espionage and International intrigue: I've mentioned The Strait of Hormuz before, but now we have the other two books in the series The Lion of Babylon and Rare Earth. These thrillers are set in the modern Middle East and North Africa. Author Davis Bunn is an Evangelical Christian from the U.S. south. Quite a combination! CATEGORY 4: Biography. We have a set of well written little paperbacks about famous Christians. There are about twenty in the set. We have five, but I may get more if the interest is there. The ones we have are Mother Theresa, Fanny Crosby, D.L. Moody, John Newton, and C.S. Lewis CATEGORY 5: Canadian History: The popular author, Janette Oke, has written many romantic novels about Canadian history. A frequent theme is the movement of Mennonite families west. There are a number of her books, including the 'Love Comes Softly' series in the bookcase for novels and fun stuff by the chapel door. * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: We don't have room for many more books, but if you have a book that you would really like to have in the library, please give it to me (Grace Alden), don't just put it on a shelf. I want to vet what comes in and put a pocket and a card in the back of the book. 8 VOLUNTEER SURVEY 1) As we are reaching out and moving ahead, in our constant ever changing world St Thomas' Anglican Church has opportunities for you to be a part of this church community. 2) Share your talents with dedicated volunteers who over the years have inspired many to our ministries. We are inspired through efforts of good-hearted, cheerful volunteers, in a place where awareness of God's love comes naturally, in response to the quiet hospitality and beauty of His creation. 3) Share your compassion, kindness and purpose. Experience a special feeling of peace and closeness to God as you volunteer. 4) Share in a ministry of common concern to you and offer your service with kindness and interest and devotion. MINISTRIES OF ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Share your personal interest with St Thomas', offer your services and volunteer. Come here to be close to God. Circle a Ministry below and share in giving of yourself. Chancel Guild Liturgical Assistants Lay Annointers Greeters and Sidespeople Music ( adult, youth and children) Readers Servers Banners and Archives Messy Church Children's Ministry (nursery and Sunday school) Sound System Counters START (aids)Stephen Lewis Foundation Pancake Supper ( Christian Children's Fund) Men's Fellowship Women's Reflection New Comers Reception Pastoral Care Stay In Touch Ministry Prayer Shawl Ministry Senior Homes Services St Paul's Cemetary Board Facilities Outreach Christmas Hampers Library Stewardship and Finance Committee Grapevine Website IT Support Weekly Parish News Folders Special Youth Events Congregational Life Prayer Shawl (making prayer shawls, baby blankets, lap blankets) Volunteers, who have ambitions to offer their services, please contact me throughout the year and we can bring you together with our volunteers in a ministry you wish to volunteer in. Email: Telephone: (905) 655-4917 (h) or (905) 213-2237(c) Address: 39 Queen Street, Brooklin, Ontario LlM 1C4 There will be a drop box in the Gathering Space to drop your survey in. Thanks ever so much to everyone for reading and considering giving of your time to volunteer at St. Thomas. Have a good day. Sharon Robinson Volunteer Coordinator St. Thomas Anglican Church A TOUCHING STORY by Anna Lisa Kozma 9 I wasn't sure exactly what I was letting myself in for. When I arrived at the tiny church, two dozen people, mostly seniors, sat in a semi-circle. You could smell the expectancy in the air. I began to feel a bit nervous. I wasn't sure if I could quite bring myself to take off my clothes in church. Even just my shoes and socks. I had a vague idea about the Maundy Thursday service, held on Holy Thursday the day before Good Friday. Maundy (which rhymes with laundry) refers to Christ's command, the mandatum, that his disciples love one another. As part of the service, someone usually re-enacts Christ's act of serving friendship when he washed the dust of the day from his friends' feet on the last night they had together. I was curious enough to come out on this chilly pre-Easter evening. I imagined watching a stylized ceremony with perhaps a marble basin, accompanied by some stirring music. It would be far away from the sacred mayhem of Jerusalem and the Garden of Gethsemene with its twisted olive trees. Far away too from the tense feasting of that final dinner when Judas slunk away to do his dirty deed. But that was okay. This was after all an Anglican church near College and Bathurst in Toronto. I felt I could just about cope with a small dose of sanitized faith. Chants ancient and modern rose up into the vaulted, gilded sanctuary, up into heaven, until the urgent world of flashing, beeping technology which presses on us moderns faded away to unreality. Gone were the demands of the day, the office phone calls unanswered and the insistent e-mails even now lining up to be answered. Old and not so old, our voices blended together until we entered that space for the spirit which the poet T. S. Eliot calls "the still point of the turning world." We were, I fancy, very close to experiencing a whiff of heaven. There was a pause in the music. Then the person next to me began unlacing her shoes. I looked around shyly. Everyone was taking off their footwear. Brown and white feet rested on the wooden floor. Street people, accountants, homemakers; a circle of naked feet. Still, I felt reluctant to pull off my socks. My problem is that I'm rather embarrassed by my toes. They're elongated and finger-like, useful if I ever lose the use of my hands, but best covered up in polite society. And then it hit me. I was working in town and sleeping on a friend's sofa and I hadn't actually showered that morning. Worse, as I looked down at my shoes, I realized that I had borrowed my husband's socks when I'd last been home and worn them two days in a row. The priest left and re-entered with a basin, a ceramic jug of water and a white towel. Still uncertain, I slid off my shoes and peeled the offending socks from my feet. My fears were confirmed as I stared at the clumps of black sock fluff clinging between my toes. The fluff was augmented by fine strands of sock wool dangling from my unclipped toenails. Why couldn't I have borrowed pale socks? And, peering closer at my own sweaty limbs, I saw the unavoidable evidence of the unwashed; black, soil-like specks, spattering my skin. Put your shoes back on, I told myself, creep out the door and never come back. But I wasn't quick enough. My neighbour's feet were being dried. Within seconds the basin was at my feet. The priest met my eyes with his smiling ones. I wanted to say something. Look, I know this is only meant to be symbolic and I'm going to ruin the atmosphere here (in more ways than one). I wanted to tell them all that I rarely have feet that are this filthy. But tradition and the gilded sanctuary appealed for silence. Tentatively I held out my foot for washing. The water was surprisingly warm but I cringed as the fluff and dirt washed off me into the basin. First one wet foot and then the other left its black streaks on the white towel. I watched in fascinated horror as the basin full of muck moved down the line to the next person. Black bits of wool and foot grime bobbed in the soapless water. I clenched my teeth in a grimace of apology and prayed that they were near-sighted . . . or exceptionally forgiving. I had to admit that my feet felt better. Released from their wool and leather casements, they rested on the cool wooden floor planks. As I sat waiting for the priest to serve the rest of the congregation, my shame slowly began to lift. I raised my eyes from the floor. It was strange, but no one seemed to be looking at the basin of dirty water. In the moments that followed I experienced an odd sensation that words can only approximate. It was like a shock-wave running across my body. It bounced off the gilded ceiling and the stone arches and reverberated along the rows of plastic chairs. It was as though God himself had ripped through the roof of the church and exploded inside me. A wave of love and acceptance rippled over me as I felt the smooth church floor beneath my bare toes. Thankfully, there was no sacred soundtrack laid on; no schmaltzy guitar-strummed choruses or booming organ. Just some quiet singing and the sound of water swishing in the steel basin as Father Kevin moved around the circle washing each pair of feet. " Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est," they sang. "Where charity and love dwell, there also is God." I was conscious then of watching a recreation of what had happened two millennia ago when a rambunctious rabbi knelt at his students' feet before dinner and took on the role of a hired help. 10 As it turned out, I didn't need a getaway plan after all. After the service we sat while the candles were blown out, the lights switched off and the white linen and gold platters removed from the altar. The church was stripped of all decoration until Easter morning. Someone with a flashlight half-read, half- whispered a passage about the soldiers coming to take Jesus away. We were left in near darkness to contemplate the mystery of the season. On this night, as part of the Easter preparation, we were invited to stay and meditate, or leave in silence. It was like being part of a play where the house lights don't come on at the end. It was confusing. It was also so dark that no one could see what was left of my red face. I sat there for a very long time in the quiet and the shadows, thinking about what had happened to me and listening to people tiptoe away. What if God, like the pop song says, was one of us? The hands which washed his friends' feet were the same hands which a day later were shot through with nails. How to make sense of it? I can't. I only know one thing. I felt grateful beyond words, and that more than my feet felt clean. Anna-Liza Kozma is the producer of Tapestry, which airs Sunday afternoons on CBC Radio One. WHY CAUSE GRIEF ―Pastors make an easy target for criticism. Every week they are on display, carefully explaining God's Word, challenging us toward Christ-like living. But sometimes we look to find things to criticize. It's easy to overlook all the good things a pastor does and focus on our personal opinions. Like all of us, our pastors are not perfect. So I'm not saying that we should follow them blindly and never confront error through the proper channels. But some words from the writer of Hebrews may help us find the right way of thinking about our leaders who are presenting God's truth and modeling servant leadership. The writer says, "Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account" (13: 17 NIV). Think about that. Before God, our pastor is responsible for guiding us spiritually. We should want that burden to be joyous, not grievous. The passage indicates that causing grief for the pastor "would be of no benefit" (v.17 NIV). We honor God and make things better for our church when we give honour to those He has appointed as our leaders.‖ - Dave Branon Our gracious Father, thank You for the person You led to our church as pastor. May we provide encouragement and support, and may You protect our pastor from error in both word and actions. READ: Hebrews 13:17-19 Pastors who preach God‘s Word need a good word from God‘s people. Submitted by June Cartright 11 COUNTERS A small dedicated group of Counters meets after the 10.30 service each Sunday to count the weekly offering. We would like to add a few more Counters to this group and ideally have teams of 3 people. Counting does not take long and full training will be provided. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Sally Charbonneau by phone 905576-7596 or email: ************************************************************* Love, Sacrifice and Service Life will be full, very full indeed, if we follow the directions of the Rt. Rev. Douglas Blackwell and include ―love, sacrifice and service‖ in every aspect of our lives. What are these three actions, and they are actions requiring movement. Are they in the wrong order? Service and giving sacrifice come because we love but can we fit them into our busy lives? I can just see people shuddering as the Bishop speaks. ‗I already have enough to do, how can I possibly fit more in? Love will be easy, it‘s just something I emote. I can sit here and love – no further action needed. Now sacrifice will require more effort; not many of us have the opportunity to offer as much as the ‗widow‘s mite‘. Service will require more time, something I don‘t have a lot of – all jobs at the church require time. ‗ But is that really what is meant by love, sacrifice and service? Here‘s an excellent quote from Virginia Roth that describes sacrifice - ―She taught me all about real sacrifice. That it should be done from love... That it should be done from necessity, not without exhausting all other options. That it should be done for people who need your strength because they don't have enough of their own.‖ This quote talks of sacrifice coming from ―love‖, not from guilt, not because we‘re meant to do it, but because it‘s necessary if we love. And so service follows along – it‘s done for those who need your strength. So how can we show love, sacrifice and service – hospitality is one word that covers all three and yet, somehow hospitality has been thrown out as old-fashioned. As we meet and greet one another we show love, as we bring our best food, conversation, or strengths to the table of life, we show sacrifice and as we give that strength to others we honour them with our service. It‘s not easy, it requires effort but it is required… 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' ―Practicing Christian hospitality isn't about glittering, glamorous table settings or platters of picture-perfect food; it's about practicing servanthood right in the middle of your practical Christianity. More important, it's about loving others through Christ and making people feel special.‖ Submitted by Heather Beveridge ****************************************************************************** The ART of Writing Group (part two) led by Cynthia Reyes, author of ―A Good Home‖ will begin again in the Fall. In this small group, 4- part session, participants review the elements of effective storytelling; they learn how to use their thoughts, experiences and imagination to tell interesting stories. Each session runs 90 minutes. Please bring materials to write with. Participation is on a ―first come, first served‖ basis - sign up early to acquire a space. 12 THE PICTURE GALLERY Making Palm Su nday Crosses ... ALLELUJAH H , U L E L L A HALLELU, H “HALLELU, HE LORD!” PRAISE YE T Holy Week Seder Dinner n e hat fu m o s & chool nday S u S e h t ith Easter w Confirmation 13 Congratulations to Joan & Ed Morgan on their 60th Wedding Anniversary Many blessings and happiness for the future Some of the many newcomers who attended the Wine & Cheese Reception The Three Cantors From left to right - The Rev. Canon William Cliff, The Venerable David Pickett, The Very Rev. Peter Wall and barely visible Angus Sinclair pianist & Organist. 14 STATISTICS DON'T LIE!!! How to stay safe in the World today! Where IS the Safest Place? 1. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents. 2. Do not stay home because 17% of all accidents occur in the home. 3. Avoid walking on streets or sidewalks because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians. 4. Avoid traveling by air, rail, or water because 16% of all accidents involve these forms of transportation. 5. Of the remaining 33%, 32% of all deaths occur in Hospitals. So, above all else, avoid hospitals. But….. You will be pleased to learn that only .001% of all deaths occur in worship services in church, and these are usually related to previous physical disorders. Therefore, logic tells us that the safest place for you to be at any given point in time is at CHURCH! And .... Bible study is safe too! The percentage of deaths During Bible study is even less. So, Attend church, And read your Bible IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE! At a Car Dealership: "The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment." ************************** Outside a Muffler Shop: "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming." ************************** In a Veterinarian's waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!" ************************** At the Electric Company "We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you don't, you will be." ************************** On a Maternity Room door: "Push. Push. Push." ************************** In a Restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up." ************************** In the front yard of a Funeral Home: "Drive carefully. We'll wait." ************************** In a Podiatrist's office: "Time wounds all heels." ************************** On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed." 15 FOR THE KIDS & THOSE YOUNG AT HEART PENTECOST COLOURING THE GRAPEVINE ST. THOMAS’ ANGLICAN CHURCH, BROOKLIN 2014 SPRING/SUMMER EDITION Incumbent - The Rev. Claire Wade St. Thomas’, is a loving, caring community, called to encourage and nurture people to grow in faith; to share the Gospel message through the diversity of our worship experience; to live out our faith with joy and to invite others to share our spiritual journey. Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am & 10:30 am Wednesday Service at 10:00 am ST. THOMAS’ ANGLICAN CHURCH 101 Winchester Rd. E., P.O. Box 274, Brooklin, ON., L1M 1B5 Postage Church Office & Hall Bookings Phone: 905-655-3883 Email: Website: Mailing label
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