Curriculum Newsletter April -‐ June Summer Term 2014 Year 3 Description Subject and Teacher English Overview Ms Jackie Henderson, Mr Jon Christie, Ms Lisa Smith On-going skills are covered each week throughout the term including handwriting and spelling. These are taught following individualised programmes of study. Reading is taught through individual reading books (which are sent home each day for additional practice) plus guided reading sessions in school and through integrated tasks within the units of work. Where possible, links are made between English units of work and the cross curricular topic over the term. Poetry – observations and feelings Read and understand poetry from a number of different poets. Write poems with a focus on observing sights, sounds, feelings and emotions. Creative writing – Adventure and Mystery Read and analyse examples of the genre, to include a longer serialised story. Discuss characters and feelings. Recount a particular incident from a story in a variety of different ways. Plan and write a longer story with logical sequence of events, conflict and resolution. Non-Fiction: Reports Children can recognise the structure and language features of a nonchronological report. Children can also note information collected from reading one source and can present it in the form of a non-chronological report. Children will prepare a presentation based on their own research on a given topic. Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 Leadership for a better world The assessment focuses will relate to: Writing imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts. Varying sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Correct use of syntax, punctuation and spelling. Music Overview Mrs Jenny Finch Students will learn about structure in music, focusing on binary, ternary and rondo form. They will create group compositions in all three forms. They will listen and respond to various pieces of music, in particular Minuet in G by Bach, French Song by Tchaikovsky and Fur Elise by Beethoven. They will continue to develop their skills from previous units and will use pentatonic melodies, triads and a variety of instruments in their compositions. They will be extending their vocal skills through songs for the upcoming Pre-Prep Musical. During the Spring Term Year 3 will be work on the following objectives: Mathematics • Make and describe right angle turns. Recognise and use the four Overview compass points. • Locate position on a grid with rows and columns labelled. • Measure Ms Jackie Henderson, and compare weights in Kilograms and grams Mr Jon Christie, • Use units of time: years, months, weeks, hours. Ms Lisa Smith • Classify and sort data in Venn and Carroll diagrams. • Use informal written methods to record additions and subtractions for 2- and 3- digit numbers. • Begin to use column addition to add 2- and 3- digit numbers. • Find the difference between two 2- or 3- digit numbers. • Understand division as grouping. • Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the digits 1 or 2 places to the left. • Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions. • Find totals, give change and work out which coins to pay. ICT Overview Ms Jackie Henderson, Mr Jon Christie, Ms Lisa Smith ICT has been embedded into our curriculum and therefore all ICT skills will be taught within other subject areas; this cross-curricular approach is designed to further enhance children’s understanding and ability to transfer the ICT skills that they learn. Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 /2 Leadership for a better world CrossCurricular Over the coming term Year 3 will be undertaking two cross-curricular units of work. Unit of Work Overview Clean Water, Dirty Water Ms Jackie Henderson, Mr Jon Christie, Ms Lisa Smith During this topic children will learn that we use water for many things – it is an important part of our daily lives. For most of us, clean fresh water is available ‘on tap’. But not everybody in the world is as lucky. In Geography, we’ll be finding out: • About the water cycle and how rain is made • How water gets to our taps and where it goes to after we have used it • What causes water pollution and what can be done about it • We will investigate the water in our local environment In Science, we’ll be finding out: • • How to make our own water cycle • How to investigate and clean different water samples In International, we’ll be finding out: • How some people around the world do not have access to clean water • How we can help to improve the lives of people in poorer countries Bright Sparks During this unit, the children will learn about how we use electricity in our daily lives, where it comes from and how difficult it would be to live with out it. In Science, they’ll be finding out: • How to make an electrical circuit • Which materials allow electricity to pass through them • What happens when we change a circuit • How to build bigger circuits • About magnetism and electricity • About using electricity as heat • How to keep safe around electricity In Technology, they’ll be finding out: • How to make a house with lighting and a door buzzer In History, they’ll be finding out: • About the history of the electric light bulb Saving the World – Rainforests During this unit children will learn about rainforests and their influence on Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 /3 Leadership for a better world our daily lives. They will also learn about the impact of rainforest destruction and what they can do to prevent it. They will research rainforest animals and plants and grow a plant from seed. In Geography, they’ll be finding out: • About where rainforests are in the world • Which rainforest products we use in our everyday lives • About the lives of rainforest people and how they compare with our own • How and why the rainforest is being destroyed • Discovering the ways that people are trying to save the rainforest In Art, they’ll be finding out: • About rainforest body art and painting our faces in a similar style • How we can use art to create a rainforest scene In Science, they’ll be finding out: • About different rainforest animals and plants • Where different animals and plants live in the rainforest • About colour in the rainforest and how it is used by animals and plants • Why plants have leaves and why they can be different • About the best conditions to grow a plant • About rainforest fruits and seeds • How to grow our own rainforest plant from a seed In Technology, they’ll be finding out: • How to plan and make our own tropical fruit drink Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 /4 Leadership for a better world Mandarin Overview Miss Rebecca Li, Mrs Maggie Li, Mrs Eva Zhao Miss Stacy Gao Pathway 1: During the Summer term, Year 3 Pathway 1 students are going to study the topics Furniture, Neighbourhoods, Pets and Animals. Through studying the texts on these subjects, students will learn to say key words and phrases related to these topics, and to make simple sentences by using sentence structures. All these efforts will help to build their ability and confidence of daily communication. Pathway 2: During summer term, Year 3 students are going to study the topics Furniture, Neighbourhoods, Pets and Animals. They are going to study texts related to these topics. Through the text learning, they are going to learn key words related to these topics and how to use them to communicate with classmates. They are going to learn grammar and sentence structures and try to use them compose short writings. Pathway 4: In this term, the students will continue to learn the texts, which are selected from the local textbooks. They will enhance their writing skills according to one or a series of pictures and learn to use basic punctuation appropriately in their writing. Some Chinese traditional poems, fables and idioms will be introduced. PE and Games Overview Mr Ben Hill, Mrs Joanne Tuck, Mr David Sargent Athletics Children will explore the basic athletic skills of running, throwing and jumping. They will investigate how to run for speed and also how to pace over longer distances. Students will also learn different techniques of throwing that will lead to recognised athletic events. The children will be taught how to use the whole body to increase their own personal efforts in both long jump and high jump. The climax of the unit will be the Pre-Prep Sports Day on April 22nd. Net Games Students will have the opportunity to experience learning through a variety of net games. They will explore the over-arching strategies and tactics inherent in most net games and will be encouraged to transfer their learning through modified net games as well as the recognised sports themselves such as badminton, table tennis and tennis. Invasion Games Students will build on their previous learning in invasion games, but this time the focus will be on the skills and strategies in rugby and netball. Students will continue to develop their sending and receiving skills concentrating, firstly on catching and throwing and then on how to use the pass effectively. Students will gain a better understanding of how to play games similar to rugby and netball and some of the rules of the actual Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 /5 Leadership for a better world games themselves. Striking and Fielding In this unit, the students will have the opportunity to develop their basic skills of catching and throwing a smaller ball. They will be taught how to catch a variety of throws and the correct technique for ground fielding. The children will also investigate different ways to throw and will identify and practice the best type of throw for the situation. They will also look at how best to strike a ball for distance and accuracy. Through tee-ball and softball the students will be able to learn the basic rules and tactics that are, generally, applicable across a range of striking and fielding sports. Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2014 /6
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