South Carroll High School 1300 West Old Liberty Road Sykesville, Maryland, 21784-9397 Office of the Principal Jeffrey P. Hopkins Phone: 410-751-3575 Fax: 410-751-3587 February 2015 Dear South Carroll Families, With this letter we are in the second week of our new semester. Your students should have brought home paperwork from their new teachers outlining the expectations for their classes. Please be sure to take the time to go over that with your students. We are planning on holding a Spring Semester Back To School Night on Thursday, January 29th, weather permitting. This will give our parents a chance to meet our teachers for the new classes. The sessions will follow the schedule of the students starting at 6:00. We hope you are able to attend. Second semester has also brought some new faces to South Carroll High School. Erin McCarthy is a new Spanish teacher for SCHS. She spent the first semester at Liberty High School. Kim Moyer is a new Agriculture Science teacher. She has taught for many years at Century High School, but will be joining us for the rest of this school year. Chris Bruce is serving as a long-term substitute in our Vocal Music program. I would like to welcome each of them to South Carroll High School. Our scheduling process for next school year is a little different than in years past. County-wide, we are trying a new system in which the students’ course requests are automatically uploaded from their Educational Career Plans (ECP). Each student has had the opportunity to meet with our counseling office to develop this plan. The result of these meetings is posted on Home Access Center. If you would like to discuss your student’s course selections for the upcoming school year, please contact the counseling office to set up an appointment. We are hoping that the students will use their ECP to plan ahead in reaching their goals for their senior year. The students have expressed an interest in holding a Winter Formal on February 7th. We tried to do this last year, but did not have enough student interest to hold the dance. The students and I have agreed that if we can get 25% of our students involved in the dance, it will be a go. Tickets will go on sale starting January 28 for the early bird discount. We must have our goal of 25% of the student body met by Wednesday February 4th to continue with ticket sales. Please encourage your students to purchase their tickets early if they would like to see this dance happen. Refunds will be given if the dance does not meet the participation goal. For seniors, this is the last semester of high school. Please stress to your students the importance of finishing their senior year strongly. While many of them have already received their acceptance letters from their colleges, all students will have to submit a final transcript at the end of the school year. My hope is that they have a final transcript that will make them proud. Sincerely, Jeffrey P. Hopkins Principal Cavaliers Inspire Learning Today for Success Tomorrow IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Athletic Boosters Meeting Senior Assembly – Graduation Information Chorus Boosters Meeting Balfour – Collection Dates for Senior Orders Winter Play “Around the World in 8 Plays” South Carroll Athletic Hall of Fame Presentation Schools/Offices Closed – Presidents’ Day Chorus Concert Interims Published to Home Access Center Academic Challenge – Francis Scott Key High Athletic Boosters Meeting Band Concert It’s Academic – Airing on WJZ 2 Hour 45 Minute Early Dismissal for Students Chorus Boosters Junior Mock Interviews 2 Hour 45 Minute Early Dismissal for Students rd End of 3 Marking Period Schools/Offices Closed Schools Reopen Report Cards Distributed Parent / Teacher Conference Evening Athletic Boosters Meeting Chorus Booster Meeting Jr/Sr Prom Spring Musical “Fiddler on the Roof” Athletic Boosters Meeting Chorus Boosters Meeting Band Concert NHS Induction Schools/Offices Closed – Memorial Day Senior Exams – Mods 2 & 4 Senior Exams – Mods 1 & 3 Make Up Senior Exams Senior Graduation Practices Senior Community Awards / Memory Night Senior Farewell Assembly South Carroll Graduation – McDaniel College Athletic Boosters Meeting Chorus Boosters Meeting 2 Hour 45 Minute Early Dismissal / Last Day for Students nd February 2 7:00 p.m. rd February 3 9:00 a.m. th February 10 7:00 p.m. th th February 11 & 12 Lunch Mods th th th February 11 , 12 , & 14 th February 13 th February 16 th February 24 7:00 p.m. th February 25 th February 26 nd March 2 7:00 p.m. th March 4 7:00 p.m. th March 7 10:00 a.m. th March 9 th March 10 7:00 p.m. th th March 17 – 19 th March 27 th March 27 th th March 30 – April 6 th April 7 th April 9 th April 9 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. th April 13 th April 14 th April 18 th nd th th April 30 – May 2 and May 8 & 9 th May 11 th May 12 th May 19 7:00 p.m. th May 20 7:00 p.m. th May 25 th May 26 th May 27 th May 28 th th May 29 - June 4 nd June 2 7:00 p.m. rd June 3 8:00 a.m. th June 4 2:00 p.m. th June 8 th June 9 th June 12 ************************************************************************************************************************** CLASS OF 2015 All seniors will receive information from Balfour at a senior assembly on Tuesday, February 3, for ordering graduation products. A Balfour Representative will be at school during lunch mods on Wednesday, th th February 11 and Thursday, February 12 to take orders for graduation products such as announcements, caps and gowns, and other memorabilia. While all other items offered by Balfour are optional, the cap and gown are absolutely necessary. ALL STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN GRADUATION ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A CAP AND GOWN TO WALK ACROSS THE STAGE. If you do not receive this information because you were absent or if you are a student who is scheduled to graduate with the Class of 2015 but are on college release or a Career and Technology program where you do not report to South Carroll, rd please be sure to stop by the office after February 3 to pick up a packet of information between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. FINE ARTS SCHEDULING ANNOUNCEMENTS Do you like taking pictures and want to take Honors Digital Design in Photography next year but don’t have the prerequisites? Submit a portfolio of your best photography work instead! Pick up an information form from the front office. Are you interested in working with clay and want to learn how to do ceramics on the pottery wheel. If you have taken and completed Art I by the end of this school year and get permission from your art teacher, you can register to take Honors Ceramics next year. See your counselor to make a change. Some changes have taken place in the Fine Arts Department but we are still offering all of the Dance and Chorus classes. There’s still time to make sure you get to do what you love. See your counselor to make a change. For students who are interested in everything digital, the Fine Arts Department has a new 1 credit option. Register for a .5 credit of Electronic Music and a .5 credit of Art I together, and all of your assignments will have a digital component. This combination will satisfy the Maryland graduation requirement for Fine Arts or an Elective for interested students. SERVICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY NEEDS YOUR COUPONS! Do you know a student who needs to earn service hours? Do you know someone currently serving in the military? Help us help military families living on military bases while providing opportunities for our own South Carroll students to earn service learning hours. Stores on military bases will honor manufacturer’s coupons up to six months after they expire. The Key Club will be working with a representative from the Daughters of the American Revolution to cut and mail coupons for this cause. We need uncut coupon fliers from the Sunday paper each week. These can be placed in the box located in the Cav Lab or in Mrs. Horn’s mailbox. Once there is enough, an afternoon coupon session will take place that is open to any student who needs service hours. We want this to be an ongoing service project that continues throughout the school year. The more coupons we receive, the more service hours available for the students. So send in those coupons! NOTES FROM THE NURSE Does my child have Mono? Mono (the kissing disease, mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr Virus) is caused by more than just kissing. It can be spread through contact with the saliva of an infected person. The virus is shed in the saliva during the illness and for many months after the infection has cleared up. The virus can reactivate later on and be shed again in the saliva. Once you have mono you will not show symptoms again, but can share the virus with others if it reactivates. Symptoms can start 30-50 days after exposure. Teens and adults are more likely to have the classic symptoms, while younger children often have cold like symptoms. Symptoms can last from one week to several weeks. SYMPTOMS: Fever Sore throat Swollen glands Tiredness Mono is diagnosed by a blood test. No treatment is necessary other than plenty of rest. If there is spleen involvement and your child plays sports, they will need to have a doctor’s note to restrict them from sports until cleared. The best way to prevent spreading mono is to not share drinks, tooth brushes or food with those who are sick. And NO KISSING if you’re sick! * Just a friendly reminder to make sure students stay home if they are sick. If they have a fever of at least 100, they will need to stay home until they are fever free without medication (ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.) for 24 hours. The same applies to vomiting and diarrhea. * If you are emailing the attendance email to report that your child is sick, please list what illness they have, especially if the doctor has given a diagnosis. Illnesses are tracked and this will help with reporting more accurate numbers. * If a student needs crutches, please provide a note from the doctor stating how long they will be on crutches and the nature of the injury. Students may not be on crutches without a doctor’s note. * All medication must be kept in the health room and have a doctor’s order. Tylenol and Ibuprofen (advil/motrin) are the only medications that do not need a doctor’s order. They still need a parent signature on the CCPS med form and must be kept in the health room. If your student needs this medication at school please find the form on the SCHS website under forms. The medication must be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian. All medication must be in the original bottle, not expired, and have the student’s name on it. Students may carry lip balm, non-medicated cough drops, saline eye drops, sunscreen, and hand lotion without a note from a parent/doctor. * All students must go through the health room to be checked before calling a parent to go home. If you get a text or call from your child to pick them up because they are sick, instruct them to go to the nurse and the nurse will call you. * Any questions or concerns can be directed to Catie LaRocca RN, BSN, School Nurse. 410-751-3575 COUNSELING CENTER INFORMATION The SCHS Counseling Center may be reached directly by dialing 410-751-3589. Counselor office hours: 7:20 – 2:50. Students are assigned to counselors based on last name: Mr. Wharton: A-Fi Ms. Huber: Fl-Man Ms. Baughn: Mao-Re Mrs. Seargeant: Rh-Z (Part-Time Hours: M/W: 10:30-3:00; Tu/Fr: 8:15-12:45; Th: 10:00-1:00) Mrs. Brauer: Crisis Intervention Counselor Mrs. Adkins: Career Connections Visit the Counseling Center College links and Scholarship pages at! ********************************************************* CAVALIER CHARACTER: ►Put a Stop to Bullying Bullying is behavior that’s intentionally hurtful and often repetitive, and, unfortunately, it’s something that most children have to deal with. It usually involves a child with greater physical or social power dominating a child with less. Bullying can take several forms – physical (e.g., hitting, shoving), verbal (e.g., name-calling, insults), and psychological (e.g., rumors, social exclusion). How to Avoid Problems *Encourage positive friendships and quality family time. *Teach your teen to show confidence, avoid places where bullies hang out, and to do things in groups. *Tell your teen to report bullying to you. How to Handle Problems *Take complaints of being bullied seriously. *If the bullying happened at school, contact the teacher, counselor, or school administration. *If you suspect your teen is a bully, share your concerns with your child’s teacher, school counselor, or principal. If you child needs additional help, consult a mental health professional. Talk with your child as well. Set clear rules for bullying behavior, and enforce them. ********************************************************* COLLEGE AND CAREER NOTES: ►Looking for a STEM-related career? - From STEMJOBS.COM (late fall 2014) These STEMJOBS approved schools understand the importance of aligning their programs to high demand, high paying STEM jobs and helping their students achieve those career aspirations. 1. 2. 3. 4. They align their STEM programs with high paying jobs that are in demand. They have programs, resources and relationships that help their students get jobs. They are attracting and supporting diverse students and faculties in STEM fields. They have specific resources dedicated to supporting STEM student achievement and success. A sample of schools listed: o California University of Pennsylvania o Delaware Valley College o Kutztown University of Pennsylvania o Randolph College o Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute o Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania o University of Maryland, Baltimore o Virginia Tech o West Virginia University ►Richmond University Spring Preview Campus Visit Friday, March 27, 2015 Open House For prospective high school juniors and sophomores and their families. Designed to provide a thorough look at what makes the Richmond experience truly distinctive, Spring Preview includes sessions on admission and financial aid; campus tours; lunch in the dining hall; and panel discussions with current students, faculty, deans, staff, and admission officers on topics ranging from academics, student life, study abroad, community service, career development, research, and residential opportunities. Students may register at ►National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) College Fair *For Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors *Admissions representatives from hundreds of colleges and universities are available to speak with students one-on-one concerning the college admission process and college life in general. See participating colleges is available at The link is case sensitive. *Preregistration is encouraged. Visit The next local college fair will be held at: Montgomery County Agricultural Center in Gaithersburg MD on st Tuesday, April 21 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. ►Way2GoMaryland, The statewide information campaign to encourage more students to begin preparing for college early. Visit ►Baltimore County Police Dept – Accepting Police Cadet Applications The minimum requirements for the position of police cadet are: *Must be 18-20 years of age (age 17 ½ to apply) *Have a high school diploma or GED *Possess a valid driver’s license *U.S. citizen Application deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015. Applications are accepted online at For more information regarding the position, please contact the recruitment office directly at 410-887-5542. ********************************************************* ACADEMIC PLANNING: ►It’s 11 p.m. Time to help with homework? (from First Draft – February 2015) It’s a common scenario: Your child has procrastinated on a homework assignment, and now he or she is looking to you for help. What to do? First, maintain some boundaries. Remember that it’s not your project. You can help your child, but it’s probably better if you merely assist in helping think the project through. Your child needs to learn how to solve problems—and work under pressure. If your child is in the habit of putting things off until the last minute all the time, however, don’t train him or her to expect you to save the day. A poor grade may be just the lesson he or she needs to learn that procrastination has consequences. ********************************************************* SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES: ►Susquehanna University – Summer Learning Opportunities For high-achieving students to develop skills in college-level workshops at Susquehanna University. Dates: July 5 – 11, 2015 – Leadership Institute for Entrepreneurship (LIFE): Run a virtual business, come up with a new product or service, and produce an infomercial. Dates: July 5 – 11, 2015 – Advanced Writers Workshop: Intensive writing workshops and learn how to find a college writing program and work in the publishing industry. Dates: June 21 – 27, 2015 – High School Wind Ensemble Institute: Develop performance skills through this program for 54 gifted woodwind, brass and percussion players selected through an application and audition process. Dates: July 5 – 11, 2015 – Choral Institute: Improve musicianship, vocal technique and choral performance skills. To apply visit High School Students Summer at Susquehanna Univ or call 1-800-326-9672. ►Furman University – Summer Scholars Rising high school seniors and juniors are invited to participate in classes led by Furman professors and get a taste of college life. Two sessions are offered: July 5 – 11, 2015 July 12 – 18, 2015 One week session: $1,200 Two week sessions: $2,200 For course information and to register, visit ►Barnard College – Summer 2015 th th Eligibility: Female students currently in 10 and 11 grades. Visit for a list of programs and to register. Date Program Name 6/21 – 7/18/2015 Summer in the City 7/5 – 7/11/2015 Liberal Arts Intensive 6/21 – 6/29/2015 Young Women’s Leadership Institute 7/5 – 7/15/2015 Dance in the City 6/21 – 7/18/2015 Summer Science Seminar 6/21 – 7/1/2015 Entrepreneurs-in-Training Eligibility Rising junior and senior girls Rising junior and senior girls Rising junior and senior girls Rising junior and senior girls Rising junior and senior girls Rising junior and senior girls ►George Mason University Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation 2015 Summer Program Visit or call 703-993-9754 or email Programs open to rising high school Juniors and Seniors as well as rising college Freshmen in good standing, with a demonstrated interest in conservation and the environment, and the ability to be exceptional representatives for their states and high schools. Registration will begin in late-January. June 21-28, 2015 – CONS 100 – Introduction to Conservation Ecology (2 credits) CONS 110 – Special Topics – Nat’l History of Insects (1-2 credits) July 5-11, 2015 - CONS 110 – Special Topics – Stream Ecology and Water Quality (1 credit) July 12-18, 2015 - CONS 110 – Special Topics – Animal Behavior, Black Footed Ferrets (1 credit) ►Boston University New England Center for Investigative Reporting Three two-week workshops for high school students interested in journalism or writing: June 29 – July 10, 2015 July 13-24, 2015 July 27 – August 7, 2015 Visit for more information and to apply online. For questions, contact or 617-353-6651. ►University of Maryland – Office of Extended Studies – 2015 Summer Young Scholars Program July 12 – 31, 2015 Eligibility: High school students with exceptional ability and promise pursue academic interests, discover career opportunities, and explore university life at a research university while earning three university credits. Courses offered include: Architecture, Biopharmaceutical Production, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Engineering Design, Environmental Biology, Exploring the Law, Forensic Sciences, International Politics, Journalism, Kinesiology, Materials Science, Mock Trial, Philosophy, Politics of the internet, Psychology of Evil, Public Speaking, and Social Psychology. Visit (click on Young Scholars) or email to learn more. The application will be available beginning in February 2015. ►Duke University Summer Session 2015 for High School Student Programs Summer College for High School Students (currently in grades 10 or 11) Duke Summer Academy for High School Students (currently in grades 9,10, 11, or 12) Students who are seeking to gain academic credit from Duke faculty or learn to be a Leader and a Global Citizen through personal enrichment courses; hoping to spend your summer enjoying residential activities such as ball games, a trip to Washington DC, outlet shopping, dances, talent shows, and more; excited to prepare for college and create an international network of peers. For information and to apply, visit Email: or ►Temple University Summer Owls Leadership Experience for High School Students Motivated and academically talented high school sophomores and juniors. Dates: July 13 – August 2, 2015 Apply by March 16, 2015 to have the application fee waived. Regular Application Deadline: May 1, 2015. Choose one 3-credit college course in business, media and communication, health professions or science. Students who complete the college course in the Summer Owls Leadership Experience successfully and later apply and are accepted to Tample will be eligible for a $4,000 ($1,000 annual) scholarship to Temple University. For information, visit:, call 215-204-2712, or email ►Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts (VCU Arts) Summer Programs July 12 – 31, 2015. Summer Intensive residency program offers high school students an opportunity to immerse themselves in: sequential drawing and comics, filmmaking, photography, fashion, graphic design, theatre, drawing, painting, glassworking & sculpture. Application deadline: April 1, 2015 For information, visit ********************************************************* SAT Test Dates – TEST DATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE LATE REGISTRATION (Fee Required) Mar 14, 2015 Feb 13, 2015 Mar 3, 2015 May 2, 2015 Apr 6, 2015 Apr 21, 2015 Jun 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 27, 2015 ACT Test Dates – TEST DATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE LATE REGISTRATION (Fee Required) Apr 18, 2015 Mar 13, 2015 Mar 14 – 27, 2015 Jun 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 9 – 22, 2015 ********************************************************* MISCELLANEOUS: ►Educate Your Students About Selective Service Registration All young men in the U.S. have to register with Selective Service when they turn 18. Young men who do not register lose their eligibility for important opportunities like student loans, job training programs, government jobs and in most states even their driver’s license. Go to to register and receive more information. BAND BOOSTER INFORMAITON th Band Boosters will be meeting on February 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the SCHS Media Center. Please join us! South Carroll Instrumental Music Boosters Plan Annual Basket Bingo The South Carroll Instrumental Music Boosters will host its annual Basket Bingo on March 14, 2015 at South Carroll High School (also Pi Day!). The entire community is invited to participate in this fun-filled event that supports the instrumental music programs at the high school. As always, prizes will include Longaberger baskets filled with valuable donations from local businesses. There will also be door prizes, a 50/50 raffle, and basket raffles. Light dinner menu options will be available along with snacks and desserts. A big turnout is expected again this year and tickets may be purchased in advance for $20 by calling Sue at 410-795-8154 or on Businesses may also call this number to donate prizes and receive recognition for their support of local music students! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door for $25. SCHOOL REWARDS Martin's - A+ School Rewards Program Register at the store, or call 1-888-448-4642, School ID #00423 Giant - A+ Bonus Bucks Register at the store, or call 1-877-275-2758, School ID #01754 Safeway – eScrip Register at the store, or 1-800-400-7878, School ID #6610563 Target - Take Charge of Education Register at the store, or call 1-800-316-6142, School ID #57821 Office -Depot - School ID #70047448 Shop at Office Depot for all of your school and office supplies Present your school's 5% Back to Schools ID number (70047448) when you shop online, over the phone or at your neighborhood Office Depot store. Office Depot will offer your school credits to 5% of the qualifying purchases in the form of an Office Depot Merchandise Card that can be used towards FREE supplies! Rewards from Staples You can help out other South Carroll students and help support school programs while you shop for your school supplies. If you shop at Staples, give them this customer number: 3581290586 when you check out. All kickbacks will go to help student rewards and programs throughout the year! You do need to re-register each year. Thanks for your support! D DO ON N’’TT TTH HR RO OW WA AW WA AY Y TTH HA ATT E EM MP PTTY YC CA AR RTTR RIID DG GE E!! B BR RIIN NG G IITT TTO OS SC CH HO OO OLL!! Our school is continuing the fundraising project with the help of an ink recycling company Empties4Cash. Empty ink cartridges can be recycled and remanufactured. This will directly benefit our school and the students not to mention it is great for the environment. You can help! Any ink cartridge with a print head can be recycled, regardless of brand or type. Do you have an HP, Epson, Lexmark, Xerox, Compaq, Brother, Dell, Canon, or Apple printer? Bring in your empty OEM inkjet cartridges (placed in the original box that you would have thrown away to keep it safe from spills and damages, or a Ziploc bag) to the school. SCHS Athletic Boosters The Athletic Boosters promote and support all athletic programs of South Carroll High School. SCHS Athletic Boosters * a 501c3 non-profit organization Website: Facebook: Twitter: @SCHSBoosters Upcoming Athletic Booster Meeting Monday, February 2nd – 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center SCHS Athletic Boosters Board of Directors President Jim Scales Vice President Stacey Carroll Treasurer Katie Cave Secretary Gretchen Harris SCHS Athletic Boosters Save the Date! February 13, 2015 – Gold Rush Basketball Game March 7-8, 2015 – Catalyst Prep SAT Bootcamp March 21, 2015 – Bull Roast June 22, 2015 – Golf Tournament Street Smarts of Maryland provides their students with several course options with their goal of making each student a safer driver in all types of roadway conditions. Their curriculum is defensive driving based and many of their instructors are either retired law enforcement officers or school teachers. The Athletic Boosters receive a tuition referral for each student that enrolls in the SCHS program. Classes are held at SCHS directly after school from 3:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Visit to register. SCHS Street Smarts Upcoming Schedule of Classes February 18 to March 3 March 12 to March 25 April 8 to April 21 May 4 to May 15 South Carroll High School Athletic Boosters CRAB FEAST RAFFLE To Purchase Tickets Email: $10 Per Ticket -OR$25 For Three ENTER TO WIN: 1 Bushel of Steamed Crabs along with custom SCHS Crab Picking Accessories 5 lbs of Steamed Shrimp 2 lbs of Potato Salad 2 lbs of Cole Slaw And a gift card to purchase the beverages of your choice Drawing Date: March 21, 2015* Drawing takes place during the Annual SCHS Bull Roast * Do not need to be present to win * Food items awarded as gift cards. Items must be redeemed within 6 months. SCHS Athletic Boosters * a 501c3 non-profit organization 1300 W. Old Liberty Road * Sykesville, Maryland 21784-9397 Facebook: Twitter: @SCHSBoosters South Carroll High School Athletic Boosters ANNUAL SPRING BULL ROAST PLEASE JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF FUN! Dinner ~ Drinks ~ DJ ~ Silent Auction ~ Door Prizes Date: Time: Place: Cost: Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:30 – 11:00 p.m. (Food served 7:00 – 9:00) Winfield Fire Hall $35.00 per person Food catered by Bolen’s Bull Pen Pit Beef, Pit Ham, Pit Turkey Potato Salad, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Salad IcedTea, Water Beer & Wine included bring your own alcohol and mixers 2015 SCHS Athletic Boosters Bull Roast Ticket Order form $35 per person # of Tickets:______________________________ Amount Enclosed:__________________________ Name(s):_________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Ticket requests can be emailed to or delivered with payment to: SCHS Athletic Boosters, 1300 West Old Liberty Road, Sykesville, MD 21784 Please make checks payable to SCHS Athletic Boosters NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ancestry or national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The CCPS provides nondiscriminatory access to school facilities in accordance with its policies and regulations regarding the community use of schools (including, but not limited to, the Boy Scouts). The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Gregory J. Bricca Director of Research and Accountability 125 North Court Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 410.751.3068 NOTICE The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (A.H.E.R.A.) management plans for all buildings owned or leased by the Board of Education of Carroll County are available for review at the individual Carroll County school locations and at the Office of Plant Operations located at: 191 Schaeffer Avenue, Westminster, MD 21157. Management plans are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and depict the location, amount, condition, and response action projected by any asbestoscontaining materials, if any are located in the school building. CARROLL COUNTY STATEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADA COMPLIANCE The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Office of Community and Media Relations at 410-751-3020 or, or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 71-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed. Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities or the Supervisor of Community and Media Relations. Raymond Prokop Director of Facilities Management 125 North Court Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 (410) 751-3177 Carey Gaddis Supervisor of Community & Media Relations 125 North Court Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 (410)751-3020 Carroll County Public School High School Lunch Menus AVAILABLE DAILY Entree Salads are offered every day in your School Cafeteria! Topped with a variety of lean meats and cheeses and served with a whole grain bread this nutrient dense entree accompanied by fruit and vegetable sides and low-fat milk makes for an awesomely Heathy Choice Lunch. Try One! DID YOU KNOW THESE TECHNOLOGY STATICSICS? 4050 Texts sent per month by the average 12 – 17 year old girl (Boys average 2550). 63 Percent of 18 – 29 year olds sleep with their phone or tablet in their bed. FEBRUARY 2015 First Things First – New This Year Choose at least one serving of fruit and at least three items total so your meal counts as a Complete Breakfast. Breakfast @ School For first-class learning MAKE TIME Adults should get at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise a week. Kids and teens should get 60 total minutes of moderate to vigorous physical exercise each day! WELLNESS IS A WAY OF LIFE Monday, February 2 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Chicken Nuggets, Roll Bacon Cheeseburger Teriyaki Chicken over Rice w/ Roll Entrée Salad w/ Roll Seasoned Potato Wedges Seasoned Broccoli Carrot Sticks Mixed Fruit Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Monday, February 9 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Orange Chicken over Rice Grilled Chicken Club Sand Buffalo Crunchers Entrée Salad w/ Roll Seasoned Fries Steamed Broccoli Carrot Sticks Peaches Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Tuesday, February 3 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Chicken Snack Wraps Calzonettes Grilled Cheese Entrée Salad w/ Bagel Tater Tots Tomato Soup Seasoned Carrots Cucumber Coins Diced Pears Fresh Orange Variety of Milk Tuesday, February 10 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Popcorn Chicken w/ Roll Hamburger or Cheeseburger Hummus Combo Entrée Salad w/ Roll Mashed Potatoes, Gravy Seasoned Corn Green Peppers & Cherry Tomatoes Cinnamon Applesauce Fresh Apples Variety of Milk Wed., February 4 Thurs., February 5 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Premium Chicken Sand Mozzarella Sticks w/ Dipping Sauce Cheesesteak Sub Entrée Salad w/ Roll French Fries Baked Beans Green Peppers & Cherry Tomatoes Applesauce Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Nachos Grande Popcorn Chicken w/ Roll Cheese Lasagna, Roll Entrée Salad w/ Roll Seasoned Fries Seasoned Corn Shredded Lettuce & Fresh Salsa Peaches Fresh Apples Variety of Milk Wed., February 11 Thurs., February 12 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Premium Chicken Sand Cheese Lasagna, Roll Chicken Snack Wraps Entrée Salad w/ Bagel Seasoned Wedges Baked Beans Broccoli Florets Pears Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Beef Tacos Chicken Tenders, Roll Mexican Pizza Entrée Salad w/ Roll French Fries Seasoned Corn Tossed Salad Chilled Peaches Fresh Grapes Variety of Milk Friday, February 6 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Variety of Pizza Ham & Swiss Flatbread Chicken Patty Sand. Entrée Salad w/ Bagel French Fries Mixed Vegetables Tossed Salad Mixed Fruit Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Friday, February 13 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Variety of Pizza Spicy Chicken Patty Sand Deli Sub Entrée Salad, Pretzel Tater Tots Green Beans Carrot Sticks Mixed Fruit Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Monday, February 16 Schools and Offices Closed Tuesday, February 17 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Chicken Nuggets w/ Roll Mozzarella Sticks w/ Dipping Sauce Hamburger or Cheeseburger Entrée Salad w/ Roll Tater Tots Orange Glazed Carrots Tossed Salad Diced Pears President’s Day Fresh Apples Wed, February 18 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH, January 14 Premium Chicken Sand Grilled Cheese Hot Ham & Cheese on Croissant Entrée Salad w/ Bagel Seasoned Fries Tomato Soup Steamed Broccoli Carrot & Celery Sticks Applesauce Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Thurs., February 19 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Nachos Grande Popcorn Chicken w/ Roll Calzonettes Entrée Salad w/ Roll French Fries Seasoned Corn Fresh Cucumber Coins Mixed Fruit Fresh Orange Variety of Milk Friday, February 20 Join us for Breakfast LUNCH Variety of Pizza Fish & Cheese Hoagie Buffalo Crunchers Entrée Salad, Bagel Tater Tots Steamed Green Beans Fresh Broccoli Florets Pineapple Tidbits Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Variety of Milk Monday, February 23 Rushed Morning? Join Us for Breakfast! LUNCH Popcorn Chicken, Roll Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Crunchers Entrée Salad w/ Roll French Fries Baked Beans Cherry Tomatoes & Peppers Mixed Fruit Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Tuesday, February 24 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Chicken Patty on Roll Cheesy Lasagna w/ Breadstick Chicken Flatbread Entrée Salad , Breadstick Tater Tots Steamed Green Beans Carrot & Celery Sticks Diced Pears Fresh Apples Variety of Milk Tuesday, February 25 HOT Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Premium Chicken Sand Teriyaki Chicken over Rice w/ Roll Cheesesteak Sub Entrée Salad w/ Bagel Seasoned Fries Steamed Broccoli Carrot Sticks Cinnamon Applesauce Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk Tuesday, February 26 Breakfast Served Daily LUNCH Burrito Bowl Chicken Nuggets, Roll Hummus Combo Entrée Salad w/ Roll Brown Rice French Fries Seasoned Corn Shredded Lettuce & Fresh Salsa Peaches Fresh Grapes Variety of Milk NUTRITION TO GO For many of us, especially kids, time in front of the TV is automatically snacking time. In fact, research shows that kids who cut their screen time (including TV, video games, and playing/surfing on the computer) also cut their body fat. Kids who cut screen time snack less, so they take in fewer calories AND they’re more active, so they burn more calories. Tuesday, February 27 Feature Breakfast Entrees offered Daily! LUNCH Variety of Pizza Spicy Chicken Sand Fish Sandwich Entrée Salad, Pretzel Seasoned Fries Hot Carrot Coins Cucumber Slices Mandarin Oranges Variety of Fresh Fruit Variety of Milk 2015 The Chinese New Year begins with the new moon on th February 19 . 2015 is the Year of the Goat, Sheep, or Ram. Item: Ramen Noodles Verdit: Cheap for a Reason Tip: Cheap and easy Ramen Noodles have long been a dietary mainstay of college students and other young folks struggling with both budgets and cooking skills. Well, you get what you pay for: a brick of ultra-processed calories and fat, treated with lots of salt so you think they’re actually tasty. STAY ACTIVE ON SNOWY DAYS Sled, ski, skate, snowboard, or just play in the snow! Stay safe by using the right equipment, dressing in layers, and using sunscreen, because snow reflects the sun and you can get a sunburn in the winter, too. No snow? Bundle up for a hike in a new park Visit and choose Places to Go on the left menu
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