Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015 Enon United Methodist Church Contact the church office, 864-1578, or check the printed Communiqué for more information. A schedule of events is in the printed Communique and on the website calendar THROUGH THE BIBLE IN 2015: Reading plans for Read Thru the Bible in 2015 are on the lobby table. Bookmarks with current month’s readings will be on the table throughout the year. Check the website for online links to daily readings. FEB 15th is the deadline to register for the Winter Jam Christian concert on February 20th in Cincinnati! Please contact Patti or Tami if you have any questions! With the colder temperatures and snow on the ground it finally feels like we are in the Winter season. Time for Lasagna, Salad and Desserts! If you can help out with the meal this month, we would greatly appreciate it! Check the sign-up sheet in the Lobby to see what food items you can donate. Please have food items in the kitchen by 4:30 pm Thursday, Feb 19. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY: "He Set His Face to Jerusalem” In this Lenten study, we'll explore Jesus’ commitment to go to Jerusalem. The Gospel of Luke says, “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem will help us reflect on how we “set our faces” in life. “As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect on and pray about where we set our faces day by day. Where do we set our faces in our relationships with God and with our neighbor? Where do we set our faces with our ethical choices? Where do we set our faces when we see those who are poor and oppressed?” As we set our faces to Jerusalem and to the ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, what difference does it make? What does Jesus’ determination say to us about our commitments and about our need to grow in love of God and neighbor? This is a great opportunity for small groups and individuals! There will also be a Facebook page where we will share and discuss. Information on this will be available soon. Books are available for $7.00 in the Lobby. Looking forward to the journey! Two Wheel Chairs and a Walker with wheels are now in service for those with mobility challenges. Please do not hesitate to let the greeters & lay shepherds know of anyone who needs this service to enter the church. ENON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 85 BROADWAY RD ENON OH 45323 PRESCHOOL & CHURCH BLDG: 937.864.7721 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES: 135 S HARRISON STREET ENON OH 45323 STAFF & OFFICES: 937.864.1578 FAX 937.864.1899 WWW.ENONUMC.COM PASTOR: JEFF MOHR; ASSOCIATE PASTOR: KAREN ROGERS; MUSIC/TECHNOLOGIES DIRECTOR: DENNIS CARTER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SUB : MORGAN ZELLER; CUSTODIAN: DAVID ISON; PIANIST: BILL HOWARD YOUTH LEADERS: PATTI MOHR & TAMI SMITH SUNDAY W ORSHIP SERVICES: MORNING GLORY (TRADITIONAL) 9:00 A.M. & PRAISE JOURNEY (CONTEMPORARY) 11:00 A.M. Alter flowers were given today by Brenda, Kevin, Brooke and Bailey Close and Penny Kouse in memory of Fred Close on his birthday. Please Keep in Your Prayers Grieving the loss of a loved one: Carolyn Parker & Family on the loss of her niece, Julie. Mellie & Mike Derry on the passing of their father, David Derry. Recovering at home: Kathy Lycos Ruth Isaacs Ed Henry Sue Weldon Carolyn Parker Etta Royer Facing Illness/Surgery/Other Prayer Needs Dean Koolbeck Allie (Lou & Jack Boley’s granddaughter) Shirley & Chris Diehl Landon (Jim & Vickie Nickles grandson) Charlie Thomas Paula Diehl Bonnie Gray Tyler King (Andrea Johnson’s grandson) Gabe Cathcart Ben & Carol Harrison Brenda Butler Diane Koepnick Park Isaacs Brian Farr Bill Robison (Fern Thielen’s brother-in-law) Chuck & Becky Guisinger Pat Avon (Maxine Russell’s daughter) Glen Saultz George Parker Lee Moore Greg Winkhart Andrea Treolo Elizabeth Hughes Nicole Norman (Dave Norman’s brother’s daughter-in-law) Theresa Wells Kristen Bailey (Ben & Carol Harrison’s daughter) Barbara Hucks (Carolyn Parker’s sister) Betty Rigney Barb McKenzie (Mary Lively’s sister-in-law) Tom Rumpke (Judy Webb’s brother) Joan Gilbert Areas dealing with natural disasters Greg McGath Bob & Trixie Baker Charles Vitelli (friend of Greg McGath) Maxine & Wayne Starnes (Kathy Ranft’s parents) Hank Castin (Mike & Steve Castin’s father) Angel White (Susie Phillips’ niece). (Please let us know any responses to our prayers for these persons so that we can amend our prayers accordingly.) The Prayer Chain is activated only upon request. Contact Donna Taulton, Harriet Bennett, Carol Watchorn or the Church Office, 864-1578. Please contact the Church office if you would like a Pastoral or Hospital visit. Health Care Facility / Shut-Ins At home: Jack Wright Day Spring: Anna Yowler Hospitality Homes, Xenia: Gil Byerman Masonic Home: Betty Stites Assisted Living Facility, out of state: Dean Koolbeck Jerry Price Elmcroft, Dayton: Marge Carpenter Elmcroft, Xenia: Jo Holt Emeritus: JoAnne Allen Friends, Yellow Springs: Kathryn Stephens David Yingling Prayer Shawl Request cards are always available on the lobby bulletin board. Take one or 2 to have on hand. You may return completed cards to the holder on the board or give to Mary-Ellen Lindsey. ENON EMERGENCY RELIEF DONATIONS: Current “top” food needs include crackers, kids’ lunch items (fruit cups, juice boxes, etc) diced tomatoes, mixed vegetables, spinach, peanut butter, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels), bar soap, dish/laundry detergent, and chicken noodle soup. There is always a need for paper goods, laundry and cleaning supplies and personal items. Place these items in the green bin under the lobby table. Monetary donations are also needed for perishable foods such as milk, etc. Checks may be sent to EER, P.O. Box 121, Enon OH 45323. Next Meeting this Tuesday Feb 17th 1pm in the Lounge WONDERING WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP OUT? The Youth Group is looking for meals! If you would like to provide a meal or even just donate something towards a meal they would greatly appreciate it! If you are interested in doing so, please check the back of your connection card or the sign up board in the Lobby! SHOP WITH SCRIP is pleased to announce the SUBWAY® Restaurants are increasing their rebate to 6%. To find out other bonuses and rebates go to Earn more rebates all while helping the Preschool! Questions? Contact Allison Wade or Jared Young. YOU CAN HELP THE EASTER BUNNY! EER serves approx. 75 children, and we can help them have a nice Easter basket on April 5. Outreach/Witness are asking for donations of basket grass, candy, 5-inch chocolate Easter Bunnies, egg coloring kits, and 16 count crayons. The collection box is under the table in the Lobby. They also need monetary donations to purchase baskets and coloring books for each child. You can use a pew envelope and mark it EER Easter. You are invited to help assemble the baskets on Feb 28th from 10a -noon in Roth Hall. They will also be assembling Ziploc bags filled with candy for those families that already have baskets to use. Families get help from EER only once a month, so that is why they need to have baskets ready for distribution each Monday. Let’s get hopping!
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