T H E R E D 7 . n et Friday, February 13, 2015 Running for Military Spouse of the Year Airmen deliver ammo for 7th Group Page 4 CAC card required for Duke fitness center page 2 Page 3 INSIDE Briefs................7 Philpott............6 “Don’t Be A Victim Twice!” TM 2118319 Free Consultation | 800-438-3606 | ForTheVictims.com MICHLES BOOTH Accident & Injury Lawyers Pensacola | Fort Walton Beach | Crestview Marcus J. Michles II Cpt. U.S. Army - 82nd Airborne Div 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) 1st Special Operations Command (Airborne) FL Bar Board Certified Civil Trial Specialist 28 Years Trial Experience The uniform changes... The commitment stays the same. Friday, February 13, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, February 13, 2015 Tracey Steele Editor 315-4472 tsteele@thered7.net Susan Fabozzi News Assistant 315-4450 sfabozzi@thered7.net News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: news@thered7.net Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Red 7 is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) or the U.S. Army. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army or 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne). The official news source for 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) is http://www.soc.mil/. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 5 Edition No. 7 7th Group spouse in running for Spouse of Year By KELLY HUMPHREY Northwest Florida Daily News EGLIN AFB — Melissa Gomez is something of an expert on military spouses. In addition to being married to a member of the Army’s 7th Special Forces Group, Gomez works for the group’s Family Readiness Center. Now Military Spouse magazine has named her one of the semi-finalists for its Military Spouse of the Year Award. “There are some amazing candidates in the semifinalists, so I’m very happy to be there,” she said. Gomez was selected as Eglin’s installation winner in the first round of the contest, which received more than 1,600 nominations. In January, she was selected as one of three semifinalists representing the Army. The magazine will announce the six branch finalists for the award on Feb. 20, and the overall winner will be revealed at a luncheon in Washington, D.C., on May 8. Married for 15 years, Gomez and her husband have two children, and have lived through five deployments and four transfers. They were part of the original 7th SFG force that transferred here from Fort Bragg, N.C. “I love this area,” the Crestview resident said. If selected for the award, Gomez will use the platform to be an advocate for military spouses. “I served in the Army myself before I married, and I can honestly say that it’s harder to be a military spouse,” she said. A self-described “proud LaSpecial to the Daily News tina from Pennsylvania,” Gomez Melissa Gomez, whose husband is a member of the Army’s 7th Special is particularly eager to help the Forces Group (Airborne), is a semifinalist for the Military Spouse of the many 7th SFG spouses who came to the United States from Latin Year Award. and South America. “They’re trying to assimilate more info to our country while at the same For more information about Melissa Gomez and the other time adjusting to being a miliMilitary Spouse of the Year semifinalists, tary spouse,” she said. “I feel a visit http://msoy.militaryspouse.com/ real responsibility to advocate for them.” WWII’s 1st Special Service Force honored with Congressional Gold Medal WASHINGTON (USASOC News Service) — Forty-two veterans of the original 1,800 commandos that made up the World War II U.S.-Canadian 1st Special Service Force were honored in the Capitol, Feb. 3, as recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian award for distinguished achievement the U.S. Congress can bestow. Speaker of the House John Boehner hosted the presentation of the medal which was first awarded to George Washington in March 1776 to express the people’s appreciation for his distinguished achievements. Other recipients include Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and the Tuskegee Airmen. The 1st Special Service Force was activated in 1942 as an elite unit of 900 American and 900 Canadian commandos. Following extensive stealth training near Helena, Montana, in rugged conditions atop the peaks of the Rocky Mountains, former lumberjacks, trappers, mountaineers and miners honed their skills in skiing, rock climbing and U.S. Army Eugene Gutierrez speaks during a ceremony honoring his contributions to the liberation of Europe and the end of the war in Washington, D.C., Feb. 3. demolition so they could start their fight by destroying military and industrial installations. In an amphibious assault landing in January 1944 at Anzio, Italy, the forerunners of today’s Army Special Forces clawed their way through the siege of Monte Cassino and eventually captured Rome, before moving into southern France to encircle German troops. “For every man they lost, they killed 25. For every man they captured, they took 235. The force was so fearless, that the enemy dubbed them ‘the Devil’s,’ and so effective ... that our special forces refer to them as pioneers,” said Boehner before an audience of dignitaries, Service members and civilians from both the United States and Canada. Following the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal to unit veterans Canadian Charles W. Mann and American Eugene Gutierrez Jr., on behalf of the 1st Special Service Force, each took a turn thanking the Congress, federal governments, their lost brothers-in-arms and their families. “I must say I am most honored and humbled — and I thank you all for allowing me to speak on behalf of the force members present and force men who are no longer with us ... may they rest in peace,” said Mann to standing applause. “It’s great to be here and it’s great to be American,” said 94-year-old Gutierrez. “I want to thank everyone who undertook this very important and noble assignment to honor and recognize this most versatile and effective World War II fighting unit from the USA and Canada.” Capping off the ceremony was Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command. The general highlighted the history of the unit, which was disbanded in December 1944. He referred to the men as “pioneers and patriots.” “Gentlemen, the living members of the 1st Special Service Force, you should be proud of not only what you accomplished on the battlefield, but also for the foundation and groundwork that you laid in order to shape our modern day special operations forces and for the close and professional relationship that ties our two countries together, today,” Votel said. “Rest assured that your legacy lives on in today’s American and Canadian special operators — both our countries and their citizens owe you a boundless debt of gratitude ... thank you.” CAC card required to use fitness center By Tech. Sgt. Jasmin Taylor 919th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs DUKE FIELD — Duke Field members can now use the fitness center seven days a week with a simple swipe of their military common access card. Under new access rules, personnel who register their CAC at the fitness center will be authorized access from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Each registrant will be required to sign a statement of understanding, which provides guidance on facility usage. A CAC reader will be installed at the center’s main entrance and those registered users can swipe their cards for access. “Since we have no full Tech. Sgt. Jasmin Taylor | USAF A registered CAC card is now required to access/use the Duke Field fitness center. time staff to make sure everyone who comes through the door is signing the waiver, the CAC reader takes their place,” said Col. James Phillips, commander of the 919th Special Operations Wing. “The only reason this is open to people, other than 919th SOW, is because there really is no other place for them to go to without driving down to Eglin.” Use of the Duke Field fitness center is limited to specific active duty, air reserve technicians, civil servants, and reservists. The center is also available to 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) who work on Duke Field The facility is not part of Eglin’s fitness center and is paid for with 919th SOW funds. Since it is not an active duty facility there are different regulations that govern its access such as retirees, dependents, and personnel not stationed at Duke Field are not authorized to use the facility due to liability issues. Wellness & Weightloss • Low energy or hot flflashes? ashes? • Weight gain? • Diminished sex drive? • Do you have night sweats? • Depression, irritable or unmotivated? 50% OFF * NEW HORMONE OR NEW WEIGHTLOSS 1st Office Visit | $75.00 Value EXTENDED THRU 2/28/15 DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND Board Certified OB/GYN Physician, Clinical Pharmacist, and Registered Nurse available for all your bio identical hormone needs. * Does not include lab work (usually covered by insurance) or medications. WELLNESS & WEIGHTLOSS OF FWB 1013-B MAR WALT DRIVE | FORT WALTON BEACH, FL 32547 of Fort Walton THE EDUCATION YOU WANT. THE SUPPORT YOU DESERVE. You’ll find University of Maryland University College (UMUC) online and on-site right here at Eglin AFB, along with our National Testing Center. We stand ready to help you pursue your degree and advance your career in cybersecurity, business and management, public safety and other in-demand fields. In person or online, UMUC's dedicated military advisors can help you • Make the most of your military benefits. • Identify which credits can be transferred from other colleges and military service schools and applied toward your degree. • Map out your path to degree completion. • Apply for admission and register. AT YOUR SERVICE SINCE 1947 YOU MAY NEED HORMONE REPLACEMENT! No messy creams or expensive saliva testing. Call today for details! Registered Nurse available to answer questions 850-863-2222 Recognized as a 2014 Military Friendly School ™ by G.I. Jobs and Military Advanced Education Stop by or call 502 “W” D Avenue, Ste 100, Eglin AFB 850-882-1321 • military.umuc.edu/eglinonsite 1135429 ContactUs Friday, February 13, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, February 13, 2015 Tech. Sgt. Samuel King | USAF Tech. Sgt. Christopher Cope, 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron, helps guide in an ammunition pallet onto a carrier Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Airmen deliver ammo for 7th Group Tech. Sgt. Samuel King | USAF Tech. Sgt. Dominic Wimsatt, 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron, places an ammunition type notification sign in front of the C-17 Globemaster III prior to uploading pallets onto the aircraft Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Tech. Sgt. Samuel King | USAF A pallet of ammunition sits ready for loading as another pallet is moved into place Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Tech. Sgt. Cheryl Foster | USAF Staff Sgt. John Nolcox, the 6th Airlift Squadron aircrew member, completes paperwork for Staff. Sgt. Jessica Scharmen, 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron, prior to the Aerial operations Airmen uploading cargo to the C17 Globemaster III Jan. 13 at Duke Field. The LRS crew loaded more than 100,000 pounds of ammunition from the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) onto the aircraft during the upload. Tech. Sgt. Samuel King | USAF Above, Tech. Sgt. Christopher Cope, 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron, helps guide in an ammunition pallet onto a carrier Jan. 13 at Duke Field. At right, a pallet loader moves into place to begin unloading its cargo onto a C-17 Globemaster III Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Tech. Sgt. Cheryl Foster | USAF Aerial operations Airmen from the 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron wait inside a C-17 Globemaster III for the next pallet to arrive Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Tech. Sgt. Samuel King | USAF Another ammunition pallet waits to go onto the C-17 Globemaster III Jan. 13 at Duke Field. Friday, February 13, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, February 13, 2015 Commission ideas draw bipartisan praise on hill Sat/Sun 11am or 2pm Gun Show Floridagunshows.com February February st & 24th 23rd 21 & 22nd Ft.Walton Walton Beach Beach Ft. Fairgrounds Fairgrounds 2118352 Concealed Weapons Class Tom Philpott Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 Magnolia Grill magnoliagrillfwb.com 2095066 2077822 FREE G IN PARK traordinary” that nine commissioners endorse their proposals unanimously. So before her colleagues are “off to the races trying to politicize” them, she advised, they ought to “pause a moment and realize that you might just have gotten this right, and this might be exactly what we need to be doing.” Sen. John McCain (RAriz.), new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, pledged to keep the wellbeing of military members and families “foremost in our thoughts 2118544 There is rising confidence across the Senate and House armed services committees that 2015 will be the year Congress passes legislation to modernize military compensation, with an alternative to traditional 20-year retirement and perhaps replacing the triple-option TRICARE health program. After decades of rejecting military compensation studies, whether from teams of Pentagon analysts or independent blue ribbon panels, Congress this year appears to be embracing the clever weave of proposals prepared by the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said it was “ex- as we deliberate the commission recommendations. But upholding our sacred obligation to them does not mean resisting change at every turn. We must not shrink from the opportunity before us to create a modern system of compensation and retirement benefits that would provide greater value and choice.” The new chairman of the military personnel subcommittee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), warned commission critics, “If you think they missed a mark, we will certainly listen to you. But we’re not going to play the demagoguery game because change is afoot and it’s necessary.” McCain and Graham have told staff they hope to include at least some commission recommendations in the fiscal 2016 defense authorization bill. As military folks try to grasp the complex commission plans, Congress this week also received a fresh set of proposals from the Obama administration, part of its fiscal 2016 defense budget request, to continue to dampen growth in basic pay and allowances. That budget package asks Congress to consolidate TRICARE options, raise TRICARE fees sharply on working-age retirees, set a first-ever enrollment fee for new Medicare-eligible retirees using TRICARE for Life, and raise pharmacy co-payments. Obama wants the January 2016 military pay raise capped at 1.3 percent, a point below percent wage growth in the private sector. His budget proposes a string of “limited” pay raises through 2020. It would continue to damp annual adjustments to Basic Allowance for Housing until recipients pay 5 percent of rental and utility costs out of pocket. The budget also proposes more cuts to annual subsidy for the Defense Commissary Agency, enough so that base grocery store patrons see store operating days or hours cut, although not below five days a week. These budget changes would lower compensation costs by $1.7 billion next year and by $18 billion through 2020. They are separate from commission recommendations. Several, such as consolidating Car, Truck & SUV Accessories Hard & Soft Bed Covers Bed Liners & Mats Toolboxes-Hitches Toppers & Lids Since 1988 Window Visors Step Bars-Running Boards-Seat Covers 850-302-0266 157 Brooks St. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL Steaks - Seafood - Italian 850-862-2400 Now Enrolling for Spring Classes Massage Therapy, Skin Care, and Nail Specialist Accepting Post 911, Montgomery GI Bill & MyCAA Soothing Arts Healing Therapies School of Massage, Skincare & Nails 2111749 2096211 Tom & Peggy Rice • Proprietors www.AccentTops.com Accent Tops & Trailers 657 BEAL PARKWAY TRICARE options, even conflict with commission plans. Commissioners want TRICARE replaced with a menu of private sector insurance options and twopart Basic Allowance for Health Care (BAHC). One part would cover full premiums of a mid-range health insurance plan. A self-directed portion of BAHC, to cover co-pays and deductibles, could be windfall cash for families if they become discerning users of their health insurance benefit. The most uncertain feature of the commission’s health plan is its vision that private insurance plans would be required to include base medical staff and facilities in its network of providers, and that those care providers would see enough challenging cases to sustain wartime medical skills. To help in that regard, the commission proposes of a new joint readiness command to oversee all aspects of readiness including medical skills at base hospitals. On retirement, current members could stay under their High-3 plan, which pays an immediate annuity after at least 20 years service, or they could shift to the new plan mandated for new entrances. It would blend a reduced defined benefit, one that pays 40 percent rather than 50 percent of basic pay as an Visit SoothingArts.com for more information. 3037207 immediate annuity after 20 years, with a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) that has government matching of member contributions up to 5 percent of basic pay. After only two years, members would be fully vested in their TSP accounts to take with them if they separate short of 20 years. The commission proposes using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to protect force retention under plan. The education benefit could be transferred to dependents only after 10 years of service and in exchange for serving only two more years. At the 12-year mark, members could get lump sum continuation pay equal to at least two-and-a-half months’ basic pay, if they agree to serve four more years. At 20 years, they would eligible for immediate annuity equal to at least 40 percent of basic pay. Or they could opt for a reduced annuity and some retirement cash in a lump sum, or they could get a bigger lump sum and defer any annuity until they also are eligible for social security. That old age annuity would equal what peers receive who had elected to accept full annuities at retirement. The commission said computer modeling shows this more complex choice of benefits still would produce healthy retention rates, save billions of dollars a year, and give the vast majority of members who leave service short of 20 years a nest egg equivalent to civilian employer 401(k) plans. More than 90 percent of current first-termers likely would shift to the new retirement system if given that option, commissioners testified. Some lawmakers on the armed services See praise page 7 red 7 Briefs From staff reports National Prayer Breakfast The Eglin Chapel will host the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Feb. 26 at the Eglin Bayview Club. Buffet starts at 6:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 7 a.m. Jeremy Kingsley will be the guest speaker. Tickets can be obtained through your First Sergeant for $3 for club members and $5 for nonclub members. Anyone with base access is welcome. No tickets will be sold at the door. For information, call the chapel at 882-2111. Ashes to Dust 5k Walk/Run The Eglin Chapel will host an Ashes to Dust 5k Walk/Run on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18 at the CE Pavilion. Receive ashes to start Lent at 6:30 a.m. at the CE Pavilion and at 7 a.m. the run/walk starts. There will be free tshirts for the first 50 participants and for the first male and female winners. For information, call the chapel at 882-2111. Friday the 13th 3-Mile Run/Walk All base personnel and family members are invited to dress in their finest Friday the 13th attire and participate in Eglin’s first Friday the 13th 3-Mile Run/ Walk at the CE Pavilion, with a 1:30 p.m. show time. Prizes will be awarded for top 3 male and female runners. No registration required. For information, call 883-1682. Dog Obedience Classes pay their regular green fee rates. An “Active Duty ID Card” must be presented to receive the promotionWet’n Wild is offering al rates Monday - Friday through Sept. 30. For infor- a FREE one-day admismation, call the golf course, sion ticket valid for service members with a valid 882-2949. military photo ID through The next Parents Night Out will be from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Feb. 21. Children 6 weeks to 12 years old are safely supervised in a fun and exciting environment for $25 per child. The event offers games, movies and art activities. To make reservations, call CDC III at 882-5519. Parents Night Out Can’t get Rover to roll over? Karen Harper teaches basic dog obedience curriculum at Eglin Outdoor Recreation. Course sessions begin Feb. 17 and last six weeks, with classes held on Tuesday evenings for a maximum of 10 dogs. Participants must pre-pay $75 for the six-session course. Register and pick up additional class information at Eglin Outdoor Recreation or call 882-1482, This exclusive offer is or visit www.dawggonegood. for active, reserve and recom. tired U.S. service members and DoD civilians with an ID to be a part of Daytona 500 on Feb. 22. Ticket pricDon’t forget – Valentines es include: $212 Earnhardt Day is coming up! Make Tower; $132 Oldfield Tower, reservations at the Bayview Turn 4; $62 Super Stretch Club! Enjoy appetizers, en- Terrace, Rows 52-61 and, trees and desserts compli- $70 Sunday Only Fan-Zone mented by soft music and Pass. Contact ITT for other seating with majestic views tickets available for races of Choctawhatchee Bay, leading up to the Daytona Okaloosa Island and Des- 500, 882-5930. tin. For reservations, call 613-6100. Daytona 500 Discount Tickets Valentine’s Dinner Family Movie Saturday The Integrated Learning Center (ILC) is hosting a free family fun day Feb. 21 at 12:30 p.m. with games, crafts, a showing of the Disney movie Frozen, free popcorn and prizes. All New Golf Course discounts Daily green fees are free for active duty E-1 to E-4 on weekdays. Ranks E-5 and above receive 50% off their E-5 and above regular daily green fees. Discounts do not apply to equipment rental and carts. All other golfers and family members praise From page 6 committees gushed over the plan, calling it bold and thorough. Others were cautious but not critical. The 70-year-old retirement system and a TRICARE program launched in the mid-1990s “were appropriate for their time,” said McCain. “But clearly times have changed.” Still to be heard from are military associations and veterans groups who have criticized past plans to overhaul compensation as Wet’n Wild military days ages are invited. Hangar 3 is located next to Legends Sports Grill by the Fitness Center. For information, call, 882-9308. radical and risky, endangering the nation’s defense. March 27. Free ticket application forms must be obtained from Eglin ITT. Special discount tickets for military family, friends, and other base personnel are also available at Eglin ITT. 882-5930. TENT SALE 90-Day, 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR FEBRUARY 13 & 14 - Destin Location Only - $20 OFF FAIRWAYS $199+ $25 $50 OFF OFF DRIVERS $299+ IRON SETS $499+ CLOSEOUT FOOTJOY SHOES STARTING AT $49.99 WILSON ULTRA 500 GOLF BALLS 15 PK $9.99 SELECT GOLF BAGS 20% OFF GREAT DEALS ON NIKE & ADIDAS APPAREL *Some manufacturer restrictions apply. See Edwin Watts Golf store for details. Tom Philpott is a syndicated columnist. You may write to him at Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA 201201111; or at milupdate@aol.com. DESTIN • 34898 Emerald Coast Pkwy • 850.654.0363 HOURS: M-F: 10-6 • SAT: 10-6 • SUN: 12-5 visit us online at edwinwattsgolf.com 2118853 Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, February 13, 2015 Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram 500 Vehicles in Stock Two Convenient Locations Call to find out about our Military Discounts & Finance Options In Fort Walton - 541 Mary Esther Cutoff (850)-244-7611 In Crestview - 5200 Ferdon Boulevard (850)-689-3200 2118133 LeeAutomotive.com
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