FEATURE | GOALS-BASED WEALTH MANAGEMENT Goals-Based Wealth Management By Jack Sharr y But, Mousie, you aren’t alone In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o’ mice and men Often go awry And leave us nought but grief and pain, For promised joy. —Excerpt from To a Mouse, by Robert Burns W e’ve all seen the commercials of a couple in their seventies (who look like 50-somethings) enjoying horseback riding or holding hands while walking on a beach, or a green line leading the way to retirement. The message is clear: Plan now for the future. But, to paraphrase Robert Burns, our best-laid plans often go bad and leave us nothing but grief and pain—and potential financial ruin. How can we better ensure financial success in retirement? How can we make our best-laid plans better? And once we have a better plan, how do we implement it in an optimal fashion? Goals-based wealth management (GBWM) describes a holistic process that coordinates all of a client’s assets across each of that client’s accounts in a tax-optimal way during the planning process and the execution of that plan. The objective is to maximize the capacity of those assets to achieve desired goals. The Money Management Institute defines GBWM as the following: The comprehensive management of investor assets—from accumulation through withdrawal and bequest—to help investors achieve optimal outcomes across the multiple accounts and products often found in a household. Elements of GBWM include: goals-based planning, product and investment selection, asset allocation, and multiple-account optimi- zation. Multiple-account optimization includes: optimal asset location, rebalancing, protection strategies, and income sourcing and withdrawal sequencing. The GBWM process begins with the identification and prioritization of investor goals. It includes tax-optimal implementation and is sustained by regularly monitoring investor milestones against stated goals and making adjustments as circumstances change.1 Done manually, GBWM is a complicated and time-consuming process. Clients in the ultra-high-net-worth segment have had GBWM services available to them for some time (because management fees on eightor nine-figure portfolios justify the time of teams of advisors and their assistants), but the assets of affluent and mass-affluent clients have not supported this time-intensive process. Due to the development of taxefficient software, however, advisors now can help any size household with GBWM services. The first GBWM software tools were aggregation and account consolidation tools such as Albridge and Yodlee, which enable an advisor to view all of a client’s assets, even if they are held away at another financial institution. Next came goals-based planning tools, such as MoneyGuidePro and Financeware, which consume data from account aggregators and let an advisor develop a GBWM plan that considers all household assets. The final step requires software that efficiently implements the GBWM plan using tax-optimal asset location, rebalancing, and income sourcing and withdrawal across all household assets during each phase of an investor’s life. Software from firms such as LifeYield provide this implementation tool, which enables advisors to deliver true GBWM services to all clients regardless of asset level. This article discusses the benefits of GBWM—from planning to execution—and pays specific attention to the increased returns through tax efficiency that can be achieved by managing a household portfolio according to GBWM principles. GBWM Planning Regardless of Mr. Burns’ pessimism, planning remains an integral part of achieving success; the adage “measure twice, cut once” holds true for providing financial advice as well as for carpentry. Over the past decade, financial firms have spent heavily on providing their advisors with holistic planning tools that consider all a household’s assets—including a client’s various taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, pensions, Social Security, real estate, future contributions, and savings, etc.—in determining the spending capacity that these resources will be able to support in the future, i.e., in retirement. Planning includes determining the types of investments, or asset allocation, a client is comfortable with, which may, and usually does, change near and into retirement. An advisor and client may go over several iterations of the plan to find the one most suitable and achievable. Such “measuring twice” is necessary to achieve a holistic plan that has the best potential for financial success. But measuring twice is where technology at most firms ends; tools aren’t available yet to JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 39 ©2015 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. IWM JanFeb15 composite BL.indd 39 1/13/15 2:09 PM FEATURE | GOALS-BASED WEALTH MANAGEMENT Location, Location, Location Implementing a GBWM plan covers several steps including the following trading functions, which must be executed across a client’s taxable and tax-advantaged accounts: • the initial purchase and sale of securities to match the agreed-upon asset allocation; • on-going purchase of securities if a client is in the accumulation phase and is saving for retirement; • buying and selling securities as new target asset allocations are selected, most often during the transition-to-retirement phase; • selling securities during retirement to generate necessary income; and • rebalancing the household portfolio during all phases so it stays in line with its target asset allocation. Rebalancers and optimizers that generate trades aren’t new, but they are singleaccount tools and don’t allow tax-smart coordination of a client’s various taxable and tax-advantaged accounts. For example, with single-account tools, tax-smart management is limited to avoiding short-term gains or perhaps matching losses with gains when trades are generated. But this is all done only within a single account. It also means that each account, regardless of whether it’s taxable or tax-advantaged, will have the same asset allocation. This singleaccount approach ignores two of the most powerful ways to minimize investment taxes: asset location during the accumulation and retirement phases and optimal income sourcing during retirement. Introducing the Washingtons To illustrate the benefits that can be achieved through GBWM, let us consider a typical affluent couple, Joe and Jean Washington, with the following characteristics:2 • Current age: 50 • Retirement age: 65 40 Figure 1: Projected Washington Household Asset Growth during the 15 Years before Retirement $3,000,000 Household Portfolio Value “cut.” In other words, firms have spent significantly on planning software, and now they are just starting to provide advisors with software that helps execute these plans consistently, efficiently, and tax-optimally. $2,500,000 $2,000,000 Tax Neutral Asset Location $1,500,000 Tax Smart Asset Location $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Year Tax Neutral Asset Location • Total household assets at the start of the evaluation period: $1 million • 20 percent in tax-advantaged accounts; 80 percent in taxable accounts • 30 percent in U.S. fixed income mutual funds; 70 percent in U.S. and foreign equity mutual funds • $10,000 annual contribution to taxdeferred accounts and $40,000 to taxable accounts (each growing at 2-percent inflation rate for 15 years) • 35-percent average combined ordinary income tax rate (30 percent federal and 5 percent state) • 20-percent long-term capital gains rate (associated with 33 percent federal tax bracket) • Retirement income maximized according to what remaining assets will support Accumulation Benefits Asset location is the practice of maintaining asset allocation at the household level (instead of at the account level and cloning each individual account) and locating the most appropriate type of security in the most appropriate type of account registration in order to minimize taxes. For instance, if a client’s asset allocation includes high turn-over mutual funds, to the degree possible, those securities would be located in a tax-deferred portfolio; whereas tax-efficient equities, such as those that are held long-term, will be located in a Tax Smart Asset Location taxable account where lower tax rates will be realized. Research by Morningstar has found that tax-efficient asset location can increase after-tax returns by 52 basis points per year.3 According to comparisons conducted by Ernst & Young LLP, if Joe and Jean (and their advisor) were to ignore asset location and instead maintain the same asset allocation in each taxable and tax-advantaged account, they could expect the value of their portfolio to be approximately $2.2 million when they retire in 15 years (see figure 1). But by keeping the asset allocation at the household level and locating assets in the accounts most appropriate for minimizing taxes, their investible assets could be worth almost $2.7 million at retirement—an almost 20-percent increase.4 Optimal Income Sourcing Historically, best practices in generating retirement income called for liquidating a client’s assets in the following order: 1. assets held in tax-advantaged accounts to meet required minimum distributions (RMDs), if any; 2. assets held in taxable accounts; 3. assets held in tax-deferred accounts, and finally 4. assets held in tax-free accounts. INVESTMENTS&WEALTH MONITOR ©2015 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. IWM JanFeb15 composite BL.indd 40 1/13/15 2:09 PM FEATURE | GOALS-BASED WEALTH MANAGEMENT Figure 2: Projected Washington Household Asset Value during Retirement $3,000,000 Household Portfolio Value The primary motive for this order is to maximize investment alpha, and it is based on the reasoning that assets with better tax treatment should be left alone to grow as long as possible. Coincidentally, this method matches the single-account portfolio management tools that have been widely available: It calls for each taxable and tax-advantaged account to have the same asset allocation so that as one account is liquidated, the overall household asset allocation remains in line with its target. But this approach misses significant opportunities to increase returns through minimizing taxes. $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 The opportunity to minimize taxes during an investor’s lifetime is greatest during the income (i.e., liquidation) period. Of course, investment taxes are incurred only when securities are sold, which is the type of trading in which a retired client primarily engages. To the extent that retirement income is generated using the four-step order described above, a tax-smart strategy is limited to avoiding short-term gains in the single period for which assets are being liquidated and income is being generated. Perhaps losses can be generated to match any gains, short or long, but this tax-smart strategy still focuses on just the current or single period. With a GBWM approach to optimal income sourcing, a client’s various taxable and tax-advantaged accounts are coordinated so that a tax-smart strategy includes minimizing taxes in the current period and also considers how taxes can be minimized over the entire retirement period as trades are generated to produce income now. For example, prior best practices called for waiting to liquidate a tax-deferred account until assets in taxable accounts were exhausted. But this approach may produce higher eventual tax liabilities because tax-deferred account withdrawals are taxed at ordinary income rates. So a client who is drawing only from a tax-deferred account may be pushed into a higher tax bracket. If income is more evenly sourced from taxable and tax-advantaged accounts throughout retirement, a client may remain in a lower tax bracket for tax-deferred withdrawals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Year of Retirement Tax Neutral Asset Location Tax Smart Asset Location Optimal income sourcing also can significantly affect bequests. Even though the lower capital gains rate will be applied to a long-term holding in a taxable account, estate taxes may be minimized by liquidating assets in a tax-deferred account instead so that the long-term taxable holding can enjoy a step-up in basis for heirs. years can increase after-tax annual retirement income from $110,000 to approximately $145,000—an increase of more than 30 percent (see figure 2). In addition, even as they draw more income from their assets, Joe and Jean can increase their bequest from about $875,000 to almost $1.3 million—a 45-percent increase.5 Numerous additional considerations apply when sourcing income across multiple accounts according to GBWM principles. Without software, applying all these considerations would be impracticable. GBWM software enables advisors to deliver optimal income sourcing to all clients with measurable benefits. Doing Well by Doing Good A Cogent Research study found that the average investor holds 46 percent of assets outside the primary-advisor relationship.6 A study by Cetera Financial Group found that advisors say they feel that 75 percent of their clients are loyal and not considering switching advisors, but only 23 percent of clients with between $500,000 and $1 million—and just 7.6 percent of those with between $2 million and $6 million—say they feel loyal to their advisors.7 These statistics show that investors have multiple financial relationships and no problem switching advisors. Let’s look again at Joe and Jean Washington. They’ve now reached age 65, are retired, and need their advisor to begin liquidating assets to generate retirement income. Their goals are two-fold: 1. maximize income (so they can go horseback riding and stroll at the beach); and 2. bequeath as much as they can to their kids. Joe and Jean, with their advisor, already have increased their assets using a GBWM strategy during the 15 years before retirement. According to comparisons conducted by Ernst & Young LLP, continuing to use a GBWM approach for the next 25 A GBWM strategy, however, can help an advisor know a client better. In creating a GBWM plan, the advisor will learn about a client’s total portfolio. Once all assets are considered together, a GBWM plan and the benefits are quantified, the client is naturally inclined to have the advisor manage more of the portfolio, implement the plan, and deliver on the significant benefits that a GBWM strategy can provide. JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 41 ©2015 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. IWM JanFeb15 composite BL.indd 41 1/13/15 2:09 PM FEATURE | GOALS-BASED WEALTH MANAGEMENT Servicing clients optimally is the primary reason to employ software to plan and implement GBWM, but retaining existing assets and attracting new assets is a valuable ancillary benefit to advisors that provides solid financial rationale for firms to invest in GBWM tools. Those firms that invest in GBWM planning and implementation software will grow their businesses faster and do well by doing good. Jack Sharry is executive vice president of strategic development for LifeYield LLC, a developer of software to help financial advisors and investors achieve optimal after-tax returns and income through coordinated account management. He is also chairman of Money Management Institute’s (MMI) GoalsBased Wealth Management Committee. Contact him at jack.sharry@lifeyield.com. Endnotes 1. See http://mminst.org/press-room/press-releases/ improving-investor-outcomes-through-goals-basedwealth-management-new-mode. 2. For the full set of assumptions and results, see “Improving After-Tax Returns, Retirement Income, and Bequests through Tax-Smart Household Management,” LifeYield, LLC, a 2010 white paper with supporting research by Ernst & Young, which can be obtained by request at http://lifeyield.com/ research-paper/. 3. See David Blanchett and Paul Kaplan, “Alpha, Beta, and Now … Gamma,” Journal of Retirement vol. 1, MANAGING INHERITED RETIREMENT PLANS Continued from page 38 to most beneficiaries. Many accountants and attorneys, as well as some financial advisors, are unfamiliar with them, too. As a remedy, the IRS allows IRA owners and beneficiaries to apply for relief by using Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans, to report the missed distribution, offer a brief “mea culpa” explanation, and request a waiver of the penalty. Before filing the form, the missed distribution amount should be taken and noted in the explanation that it has already occurred.4 Form 5329 should be filed as soon as practical after discovering the missed RMD; don’t wait until the calendar-year filing date. The sooner the form is filed, the sooner the three-year statute of limita- no. 2, pp. 29–45. http://www.iijournals.com/doi/abs/ 10.3905/jor.2013.1.2.029. Blanchett is head of retirement research at Morningstar Investment Management; Kaplan is director of research at Morningstar Canada. 4. See “Improving After-Tax Returns,” cited above. 5.Ibid. 6. See information from the Cogent study as cited in the 2014 “Financial Professional Outlook” by Kevin Hoffberg, who is managing director of marketing for Russell Investment’s Private Client Services, http:// blog.helpingadvisors.com/2012/10/09/finding-hiddenassets/. 7. See Ann Marsh, “Cetera Launches Program to Increase Advisors’ Interaction With Clients,” Financial Planning, February 15, 2012. http://www.financialplanning.com/news/cetera-connect2client-onlinemarketing-tool-for-financial-planners-2677373-1.html. tions runs out. In our experience to date, the IRS has not denied any reasonable requests submitted on Form 5329. We hope this trend continues. Helen Modly is president of Focus Wealth Management, Ltd. in Middleburg and Fairfax, VA. She earned a BS from George Mason University. Contact her at hmodly@focus-wealth.com. Endnotes 1. “U.S. Total Retirement Market as of 1st quarter, 2014,” Investment Company Institute, http://www.ici.org/research/stats/retirement/ret_14_q1. 2. See appendix C: Table I (Single Life Expectancy), http://www.irs.gov/publications/ p590/ar02.html#en_US_2013_publink1000231217. 3. Private Letter Ruling 201208039, http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-wd/1208039.pdf. 4. IRS Publication 590, http://www.irs.gov/publications/p590/. 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