Inspiring optimistic, successful and sustainable futures for all Creativity Respect Collaboration PRINCIPAL: Linda Weetra Endeavour Responsibility TERM 1 NEWSLETTER No. 2 - 13th FEBRUARY 2015 Principal’s News DEPUTY PRINCIPAL: Leanne Prior SENIOR LEADER: Joel Catchlove PHONE ……………. 8293 1204 FAX ………..……….. 8293 1673 OSHC: ……………... 8293 8085 E-MAIL: WEBSITE: DAY STARTS ……….. 8:50am RECESS …11:00am – 11:30am LUNCH….. ...1:10pm – 1:40pm END OF DAY ….….......3:10pm CALENDAR February Monday 16 36ers Basketball Clinic 3:30-4:30pm Tuesday 17 Pupil Free Day Tuesday 24 Parent Workshop Years 3-5 5:15pm Wednesday 25 Parent Workshop Years R-2 9:30am Camp Quality Puppets R-5 Thursday 26 Lap Morning Tea Friday 27 Crazy Hair Day Gold Coin Donation to support Will Allen & Family Last day for Winter Uniform Orders March Wednesday 4 Quicksmart Parent Workshop Tuesday 17 Principal’s Tour 9:30am Friday 20 Harmony Day— Please wear orange Friday 27 Open Garden Night 5:30- 8:30pm One of the new reforms of the Department is the introduction of external reviews of schools. This model was developed to assist in the process of moving closer to being a high performing system that improves the educational attainment and wellbeing of South Australia’s children and young people. The aim of the external school review is to determine how well each school improves student achievement, growth, equity, challenge and engagement. The focus is not only on what the school has done to improve outcomes for children and young people, but how effective the school has been in delivering these learning outcomes over time. We were the first school in the state to go through this process on Monday and Tuesday this week! A panel consisting of Liz Matheson, Review Panel Coordinator and two Peer Reviewers, Steve Freeman, Principal Reynella Primary School and Amanda O’Shea, Principal Victor Harbour High School spent two days examining performance data and consulting with students, staff and parents. The panel was able to verify each criteria to a high degree. They were impressed with teacher quality, competence, innovation and knowledge. Our students were able to speak articulately about their learning and how teachers assist them to improve. Parents spoke openly and honestly about successes, achievement over-all and suggested improvements for the future. A report will be provided to the school in about six weeks recommending some ‘next steps’ to consider as part of our continual review process. It’s been exciting to see the development in classrooms across the school in flexible learning spaces. During the holidays the wall between rooms 6 and 7 was removed to create a collaborative environment for the Year 6/7s. Feedback from students indicates that they are enjoying this new space and finding it valuable for their learning this year. They spoke to the Review Panel about how they have greater opportunities now to choose where and how they learn best. A priority for us this year is a focus on Mathematics - both in the teaching of it and the learning of it. We are part of our Partnership’s Mathematician in Residence program where five staff from each school have the opportunity to be mentored and coached by Ann Baker, Co-director of Natural Maths on Wed March 4th. This is so exciting for us! Next Tuesday we’re spending the day with Ann as we participate in Module 2 on our pupil free day. The five teachers who have been selected to work with Ann will share their new knowledge and skills with their peers as well as implement the new strategies they learn, in their Mathematics program. This program focuses on high challenge teaching practices in the context of teaching the Australian Curriculum. The benefits for children will be learning Mathematics in real life contexts, developing automaticity in number facts and computations as well as hopefully developing an interest and, dare I say, a love of Maths. Don’t forget our Council AGM at 6:30pm on Monday evening. I will give a brief summary of the 2014 Annual Report with last year’s Chairperson, Tracey Randall, before the official elections of the twelve Governing Council members. It’s great to see that several people have already nominated for a position on the new Governing Council. This will be a significantly historic occasion for Black Forest Primary School as we begin a new form of governance to lead us into the future. Values certificates awarded: Chenifer R, Isabella, Scarlett E, Lachlan K, Alisha S, Scarlet C, Claire R, Aiden F, Eden A, Daniel W, Matilda C, Harley C, Regan O’R, Rui L, Damon A-K, Charlotte W, Ruby W, Yashash S, Sophie J, Jeremy T, Hugh M, Lucy T, Jaime C, Connor R, Daniella R, Wilson L, Yakub G Page 2 Deputy Principal’s News Powerful Learning Environments “Environment influences our behaviour, our experience of the world and the worlds we make for ourselves” (Johnston 1986). Over the last few years, some staff have been reflecting on our learning environments and considering how the environment is the third teacher, one of the principles of Reggio Emilia. We have visited many schools, researched other interstate schools who are doing things differently, read articles and books and made changes to some learning spaces, including individual classrooms, the Italian Room and the i-Centre. We also have a plan in place for our outdoor environment and are currently negotiating with landscapers to get started in Koala Park. The following information has been adapted from a handout for parents, we received from Brighton Primary School, regarding “Powerful learning environments”. Traditionally classrooms were organised so that all students were placed at a desk. Depending on the year level taught, the desks were organised in different configurations ranging from rows through to a variety of groupings. This mindset for classroom organization began back in the industrial era and was essentially a means of control. At Black Forest Primary School we recognise that children are capable and competent learners, digital citizens and that their social and cultural connections are diverse. We support our learners to make choices about the ways they learn and the tools they use to learn; we trust that they can make choices about the most appropriate space for them to learn and we support them to make strong choices about who they work with. Our commitment is to develop global citizens who are responsible, respectful and creative. We are intentional in starting to create learning environments with the children that are welcoming, organised, beautiful and that reflect the natural environment. Attention to detail, including the arrangement of furniture, objects on shelves and tables and activities encourages choice, problem solving and discoveries in the process of learning. This journey we have begun is exciting and one to which we have a real commitment. Strings Lessons Just a reminder that strings lessons commenced last Friday and will be held every Friday in the music room National Conference Presentation Next Thursday 19th February Kerry Cairney, Margaret Leslie and I will be co-presenting at the Australian Early Development Census National Conference at Glenelg with Sue Emmett, DECD Manager First Years of School. We are the only DECD site that has been invited to present and are looking forward to sharing our story about how the AEDC informs changed practice as children transition to school. Page Page 33 Senior Leader’s News In this column, we’ll regularly profile educational technologies, apps and ideas that support Black Forest’s commitment to 21st Century Learning. With the rollout of Chromebooks across Black Forest, staff, students and families have been keenly aware of how this impacts on learning and the life of the classroom. One aspect of this was explored by the Year 5/6 class in Room 2 at the end of 2014 as part of their mathematical learning. The class kept a ‘screen time’ diary, over the course of a week, as well as gathering data on their device usage and purpose. They then processed this data and represented it visually, including using an infographic app called Piktochart, to communicate their findings more clearly. As the infographic shows, on average, students used devices for 4.1 hours a day, with 1.6 hours spent using devices in their learning at school and 3.1 hours at home. This process fascinated and surprised many students with the realisation of how much (or how little) time they spent engaged with devices, while also applying mathematical concepts to real-world problem-solving. For students with Chromebooks, the Piktochart app should already be installed, easily integrating with student Google Drive accounts. Joel Catchlove Garden News Hi there to all parents and students. I am the new garden teacher. What a great delight for me to see your children at play eating & tasting the fruits of nature in this really beautiful garden that I have the privilege to be caretaker. Please feel free to come meet me & check me out. I would love to get the children to take home food that they grow. It will serve them best if you get them to prepare the food with you, taste testing the flavours till they get it tasting yummy. Many foods in supermarkets are dried packaged preserved & dead. Enzymes cause problems in shelf life. Fresh live food is full of enzymes cooking kills them. So raw & slightly warmed will keep the magic in both taste & health of the gardens produce & the health of children. Please encourage them to experience this difference. I will send home produce we grow with children who ask (free), when we have too much it will go to the canteen or be offered at school near reception for gold coin donation. I am looking forward to meeting parents & children in the coming weeks. Thanks, Devashon Page 4 I-Centre News 5 Page Page 5 Room 14 News Some of our favourite things: Lunch time, the library corner, playing with friends, making, playing with lego and the big shape blocks, making a class number line, playing with the cars and train, the IWB and the table we can draw on, the playground, show and tell, being with my friends, the “s” song, climbing in the playground, Koala Park, our Buddy class and the garden. We have been at school for 14 days, this is some of our learning: Patterns, making number lines, writing, drawing, playing, play dough, researching seagulls, our family, being good friends, painting, words and letters, reading books, making clay leaf prints in the garden and playing in Koala Park. School is fun. We are the Room 14 family, Willow, Lewis, Jimmy, Claire, Myles, Adel, Poppy, Morgan, Rui, Oliver, Nikora, Finn, Regan, Maeve, Dakota, Henry, Scarlett, Sameer, Jhye, Zac, Harry, Cesar, Kerry and Dora. Page 6 Community News Page 6 Page 7 Community News Continued Interested in playing Hockey? Forestville Hockey Club, located at the Goodwood Oval complex, Fairfax St, Millswood is running Come and Try and skill development for primary school children. For children born in 2004 or later the sessions will run for 4 weeks (excluding March long weekend) commencing on Sunday February 15th from 9am to 11am at the club. Bring your own mouthguard (or buy one from us for $7) and shin pads (some for sale at $10). Sticks can be borrowed from the club. For children born before 2004 the sessions will run for 4 weeks commencing on Wednesday Feb 18 th from 6 to 8 pm at the CBC pitch, upstairs over Ifould St, Adelaide. Mouthguards and shin-pads required, someone will lend you a stick if you don’t have one. For further information email or contact Julie Mills on 0402 250 511 Julie Mills - Junior Hockey Co-ordinator Forestville Hockey Club. Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9
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