SIXTH FORM NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 WELCOME to our Sixth Form News, a quick round up of events and information relevant to our Sixth Form students and parents. We continue to try to reduce the amount of paper we use and prefer to send this out via email. If you have received a paper copy via your son or daughter and are happy to receive it by email instead, please make sure we have your current email address by contacting Mrs Bourn, on UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS - The deadline of 15th January for the majority of university applications was met with a final flurry of activity from Upper Sixth and a handful of ex-students. Students should be maintaining close contact with their Academic Tutors to let them know of offers received and decisions made. Absences for university interviews or applicant open days will be authorised and should be notified to Form Tutors in advance. STUDENT FINANCE - The Student Finance website is now open. U6 students had an excellent presentation in January from a representative of Leicester University who gave information about loans and grants available and the likely repayment amounts depending on future salary. He also gave tips and advice on budgeting at university. The Student Loan Company also has a quick start guide to find out the different types of student finance available from Student Finance England - including how to apply and repay - all in one central place. MOCK EXAMS – The week following Half Term will be a full week of mock exams for both Upper and Lower Sixth students. During this week normal lessons will be suspended. Students are expected to be in school every day, doing revision when not doing exams. Students were given a briefing by Mrs Bargh, Exams Officer – a copy of this is available on the website under the 'Student' link and then 'Exams'. All exams will be held in the sports hall from now on and modifications will be made to make the hall more suitable, including the laying of a temporary carpet and the installation of computer screens to show exam time remaining. U6 mock exam results will be issued on Tuesday 10 March and L6 results on Friday 13 March. AS RESITS – As U6 students were made aware, the deadline to enter for an AS resit was last week. It is still possible to request to be entered for a resit but the exam boards have now doubled the costs. LOWER SIXTH – PLANNING THE NEXT FEW MONTHS – A recent Form Period focused on planning for our L6 students. We asked students to look at the time left in school before their mock exams and the summer exams and to plan their revision, taking into account coursework deadlines, activities and commitments both in and out of school. The attached plan of the weeks between February and May was offered to any students who might find it useful. Parents might also be interested to see the timescale. CAREERS - The Lower Sixth have a Careers lesson each fortnight throughout the year. They have already done work on the labour market, employability qualities and skills, CV writing, Higher Education and other options at 18+ including taking a Gap Year and apprenticeships; after learning about how to make university applications they will consider student finance, the option to study abroad, university open days, the Open University and preparing for interviews. A vast range of other Careers-related opportunities is available. Information is provided on notice boards, in nearly all Friday assemblies and occasionally via tutors. Our expert provider of individual guidance, Tracy Tuck, also communicates information about possibilities for students to us on a regular and frequent basis. Recent possibilities include: * A Careers morning for those interested in Engineering Apprenticeships at Siemens * A Careers in Sport event at the University of Lincoln * Residential summer schools and shorter taster courses in a wide range of subjects at various universities * Global volunteering during a gap year * Medlink courses for prospective doctors, dentists and vets * A Heritage Skills event in Lincoln. Websites such as has lists of universities offering free summer schools. The Sutton Trust deadline for applications is 9 March. Students should not hesitate to approach Mr Priestley, Mr Randman, Mr Forster or Dr Aggett to inquire further about these opportunities. Take the initiative and don’t miss the chance! A REPORT FROM OUR SOCIAL COMMITTEE – We started the new year with an ‘Eighties’ party at Harpar’s bar in Horncastle which went well and was enjoyed by the majority of the Sixth Form. We have many events planned throughout the rest of the year, especially after the mocks when we’ll require much-needed stress relief! We have also made progress with both Yearbook and U6 Ball which will be held on 2 July. This year we are going to the Lincoln Hotel on Eastgate, Lincoln. We aim to have the Yearbook published before we leave in May. NEXT STEPS FOR STUDY – As Step Two of this programme, 11 L6 students recently spent the day at Bishop Grosseteste University experiencing a short lecture, seminars on time management, critical thinking and debating and taking a tour of the campus to see facilities on offer in a university. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES - English Speaking Union travel grants – The ESU are offering financial assistance of up to £2,000 to young people who wish to do a project abroad after school. The support is directed primarily at young people working in poorer parts of the world or who will be contributing to communities by working on projects such as the building of classrooms. A poster has been up in the Sixth Form Centre for some weeks but if you think your son or daughter might make use of a grant, please direct them to complete an application form, available at Guidelines for applicants are also available there. Enquiries should be directed to – the closing date is 28 February 2015 with interviews being held in March. Two of our ex students were successful in receiving grants last year and travelled to the Far East to look at the role of the midwife there. SPORTS – Congratulations to L6 student Rebekah Ward who recently came second in Senior section of the Lincolnshire Schools Cross Country Championships. The school's 1XI football team have continued their excellent season in the Lincolnshire Schools and Colleges League. So far they have played 16 games, won 12, drawn 2 and lost 2. The team have 4 games remaining and still have a very good chance of winning the league. YOUNG ENTERPRISE – We are pleased to include a report from one of our L6 Young Enterprise companies: MakeItTrend is our Young Enterprise Company. Under the scheme we have to create and run our own business, assigning people roles such as Managing Director or Company Secretary. This gives members of the company satisfaction as all members are involved in decisions. To begin with we had to think of a way to raise funds to pay for the insurance and to buy anything that we required to start the business; then, we had to think of a product or a service to sell. Our company chose to make and sell personalised phone cases, as our main product, we are also selling key rings and valentine roses which we will distribute on Friday 13th February. We sell our items at break, but you can place an order through your child for school pickup. Why not get them a QEGS key ring for only 50p or perhaps a personalised phone case? ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL – A reminder that during the winter months it is more important than ever to contact the school if you know your son or daughter is going to be absent, particularly if they drive to school. Please ring the school before 9:30 each day of absence. Sixth Form Diary Dates – 16-20 February – Half Term 23 February – Sixth Form mock exams start 5-7 March – A2 Geology Field Trip to East Yorkshire coast 10 March – U6 Mock exam results issued 11 March – U6 Stop the Clock Day 12 March – AS and A2 Music Recital 7pm 13 March – L6 Mock exam results issued 20-21 March – L6 Geography Field Trip to East Yorkshire 27 March – L6 Reports issued. End of Term Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. Mrs Bourn, Sixth Form Administrator SIXTH FORM PLANNER - FEB TO JUNE 2015 February March April Friday May 1 Saturday 2 Sunday 1 1 3 Monday 2 2 4 Bank Holiday Tuesday 3 3 5 Wednesday 4 L6 Bishop G Trip 4 1 6 Thursday 5 Chemistry Practical 5 U6 Geology Field Trip 2 7 Friday 6 6 U6 Geology Field Trip 3 8 Madrid Trip Saturday 7 Madrid Trip 7 U6 Geology Field Trip 4 9 Sunday 8 Madrid Trip 8 5 10 Monday 9 Madrid Trip 9 6 11 External Exams Start Tuesday 10 10 U6 Mock Results 7 12 Wednesday 11 Chemistry Theory paper 11 U6 Stop the Clock 8 13 Thursday 12 12 AS and A2 Music Recital, 7pm 9 14 Form Pd - p5 Friday 13 Form Pd - p3 13 L6 Mock Results 10 15 Saturday 14 14 11 16 Sunday 15 15 12 17 Monday 16 Half Term 16 13 18 Tuesday 17 17 14 Term starts 19 Wednesday 18 18 Biology EMPA Form Pd - p1 15 20 Thursday 19 19 Biology EMPA 16 21 Friday 20 20 L6 Geography Trip 17 22 Saturday 21 21 L6 Geography Trip 18 23 Sunday 22 22 19 24 Monday 23 L6 & U6 Mock Exams 23 20 25 Half Term Tuesday 24 L6 & U6 Mock Exams 24 21 26 Wednesday 25 L6 & U6 Mock Exams 25 22 27 Thursday 26 L6 & U6 Mock Exams 26 Form Pd - p4 23 Form Pd - p3 28 Friday 27 L6 & U6 Mock Exams 27 L6 Reports issued 24 29 Saturday 28 28 25 30 Sunday 29 26 31 Monday 30 Easter Break 27 Tuesday 31 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30
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