SIXTH FORM NEWS MARCH 2015 WELCOME to our Sixth Form News, a quick round up of events and information relevant to our Sixth Form students and parents. U6 STOP THE CLOCK DAYS –Following their mock exams, U6 students have all had the opportunity to chat to a senior member of staff about their results, the last few months of school, revision and university applications or employment plans. L6 REPORTS – L6 reports will be emailed home on the last day of term, 27th March. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – L6 will use the final Personal Development lesson of the term to focus on reports and assessments while U6 will have a presentation about renting a house whilst at university. Chartered Surveyor, John Elliott, is an ex pupil of the school and partner at JH Walter, Lincoln, and will go through the options, legal basics and any potential pitfalls! This follows feedback from former Sixth Form students who started looking for a student house after their first term at university and would have liked to have had more information beforehand. ISAs, CIPs, EMPAs, CBTs and ETs – (students will translate!). Well done to all students for being organised with their assessed science tasks. Please note that some of these continue into next term. EXAM LEAVE – L6 will finish school on Thursday 7 May and will return, after their exams, on 8 June. U6 will finish school on Wednesday 20 May. AS exams for Lower Sixth start on May 11. Although A2 exams start after Half Term, many will be taking AS re-sits or General Studies before the holiday. Exam timetables are available in form rooms but Mrs Bargh, our Exams Officer will be meeting all students at the end of April to give them their individual timetables and go through the rules for conduct in the exams. UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS - With the publication of the mock results, Upper Sixth are now in a stronger position to see their current progress against their university offers. For most applicants, decisions about first and insurance choices of universities need to be made by 6 May. Student Finance is now accepting applications. Last term the year group had an excellent presentation on student finance from a representative of Leicester University. U6 GEOLOGICAL ACTIVITY – In early March Dr Aggett, Head of Geology, led the U6 geology students (and Mrs Bourn) on a field trip to the North Yorkshire coast where they spent three days unravelling the geology of the area and working out what North Yorkshire would have looked like during the Jurassic Period. The Whitby Youth Hostel was excellent - warm and comfortable with plenty of hot puddings! The weather was reasonable – not the balmy sun that the forecasters had promised, but not wet either. The students worked until 9pm each night in the hostel’s classroom, with Mrs Bourn, baffled by the scientific terminology, providing mugs of tea and coffee! L6 GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIP – Two weeks later the L6 geographers also ventured up to North Yorkshire. Led by Mrs Longbottom, Head of Geography, and accompanied by Mrs Bargh, Mr Randman and Mr Ward, the four minibuses stopped en route to see the eclipse then got down to work surveying a river from its source on the North Yorkshire moors to the sea at Boggle Hole, a location recently used in the film ‘Testament to Youth’. Whitby Youth Hostel was the base and once again, students and staff were well looked after and well fed. They had time in the evening for a short excursion down the abbey steps into Whitby to look at the whale bone arch and sample the local chips! The second day was spent looking at coastal erosion and sea defences at Mappleton and Kilnsey and coastal structures at Flamborough Head before heading home. AS & A2 MUSIC RECITAL – Congratulations to the Sixth Form music students who gave an excellent recital to a small but appreciative audience. We heard performances on trumpet, horn, piano and trombone as well as singing. LOWER SIXTH – UCAS HIGHER EDUCATION CONVENTION - On Tuesday 9 June we will be taking all L6 students to the UCAS Higher Education Convention at the University of Lincoln. Most universities will have a stand offering their prospectus and there will be people to talk to offering advice on entry requirements and university life. In the past there have also been stands for certain careers such as the Forces. More information will be sent out in due course but a useful guide to what is available on the day can be found on the UCAS website in the events section: SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT – The committee continues to work hard to organise activities and raise funds for the Sixth Form. This includes the regular Sixth Form parties which are always popular. Unfortunately, the most recent party had to end early as a result of a number of unfortunate incidents, mainly caused through by some students not drinking responsibly. The consequence of this is that the current venue used by the committee is unlikely to offer its services again; which is a shame for the majority of well-behaved students who attend these social gatherings. To ensure the success of future events, the Committee will be introducing a Code of Conduct that anyone wishing to attend a Sixth Form party signs up to; participants will be issued with an ID card that also contains their emergency contact details. YOUNG ENTERPRISE – Aventus and MakeItTrend, our two Young Enterprise groups, will take part in the East Lindsey District Final this week. Competing against 7 other schools, they must display their products on a ‘trade fair’ stall and give a presentation. Their written reports will have been assessed by the time the final takes place. Aventus have made and sold candle sets on Horncastle market and in school, perfectly timed for Mothering Sunday! They also ran a very popular Year 7 party in the autumn term. MakeItTrend have written the following short article for our newsletter: At MakeItTrend our mission is to ensure a quality product for our customers whilst also minimising our impact on the environment, to provide a green service. We sell a premium product: personalised phone cases for an assortment of phones, as well as a variety of other products to cater for the schools needs, such as roses for Valentine’s Day and QEGS Key rings. We sell our items at break, but you can place an order through your child for school pickup. SPORT – The First XI football team continue to do well, winning their last match against Gleed School, Spalding 9-0. We’ll report on the final outcome of the league in our next newsletter. APPLICATION TO SIXTH FORM – The end of March is the deadline for applications to next year’s Sixth Form. We are pleased to report that we have received a healthy number of external applications alongside those of our own Y11 students. We would like to thank those L6 students who have helped us by providing guided tours on our Applications Afternoons. Feedback from our visitors has been very complimentary SIXTH FORM DIARY DATES 14 April (Tues) – Back to school 23 April (Thurs) – Next Steps for Study visit to QEGS 8 May (Fri) – L6 study leave starts 21 May (Thurs) – Leavers’ Concert 22 – 24 April (Wed – Fri) – AS and A2 Art exams 4 May (Mon) May Day holiday 20 May (Wed) – U6 last day Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. Mrs Bourn, Sixth Form Administrator
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