Volunteer Management Training Calendar 2015

Volunteer Involving
Calendar 2015
Version 2 | February 2015
Welcome to Volunteer Ireland’s Guide to Services for 2015. This guide is intended as an introduction to
the work of Volunteer Ireland and how we can help to take your volunteering programme to the next
We at Volunteer Ireland believe in the impact and value of volunteers and work with hundreds of
volunteer-involving organisations of all sizes to ensure that volunteers are given the best possible
support at every stage of their volunteering experience. Volunteer Ireland has developed a
comprehensive range of services and products to increase the effectiveness and impact of involving
volunteers with your organisation.
Volunteer Ireland provides a National Volunteer Management Training Programme which targets the
needs of all those working with volunteers. Our training courses have been developed to help you
deliver the best possible volunteer support, resources and supervision, assisting you on your journey to
become an outstanding Volunteer Manager and an inspiring volunteer leader.
Our training programme is divided into four different strands:
Volunteer Management Insights – free taster sessions to introduce to a variety of topics
Volunteer Management Training – half and full day sessions to explore specific volunteer
management topics
Bespoke Training – any of our courses can be adopted to your organisation’s needs and
delivered at a location and time of your choice
Volunteer Management Conference – our annual National Volunteer Management Conference
bringing together our sector each November
Volunteer Ireland undertook research in 2014 to assess the needs of Volunteer Managers in Ireland. In
addition to the topics outlined in this guide, we identified a significant demand (84% of those surveyed)
for accredited volunteer management training. We are currently working with a number of partners to
develop a series of accredited courses to suit your needs. We look forward to announcing some of
these exciting developments later this year.
If you require any further information on our training, consultancy or volunteer management services,
please email training@volunteer.ie or call us on (01) 636 9446. To book your place on any of courses
please go to volunteerireland.eventbrite.ie
Nina Arwitz
Chief Executive Officer
Volunteer Ireland
Stuart Garland
Training & Programmes Manager
Volunteer Ireland
Training venues kindly
provided by
Do my volunteers
need training?
Volunteer support
and supervision
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 22 January 2015
Volunteer Ireland, 18 Eustace Street,
Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
Stuart Garland
On this course we will help you to identify training
needs, and show you how to complete a Training
Needs Analysis of your current volunteers. Upon
completion of the course, you will be able to
decide what training may be required and what
courses will best suit the needs of your
volunteers. Many early retention problems
originate in poor orientation and training of
volunteers to perform the tasks assigned. This
session will focus on training beyond orientation /
10 steps to effectively
screen your volunteers
14:00 - 17:30, Thursday 22 January 2015
Volunteer Ireland, 18 Eustace Street,
Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
Stuart Garland
Screening doesn’t begin and end with Garda
Vetting. Screening continues through your
engagement of the volunteer. This session will
explore the various methods of screening
volunteers. You will gain an understanding of
what screening is and identify which screening
tools best suit specific volunteer roles in your
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 26 February 2015
Citi, (Solas Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
€100.00 (Full day)
Volunteers who are well supported from the start
are happy volunteers and happy volunteers are
more likely to make a difference. Support and
supervision is a key element of the volunteer
management cycle and when good procedures
are in place volunteer retention is higher. This full
day workshop is useful for any organisation that
is interested in improving methods that help to
retain volunteers and encourage good
For more information on our full range of
training and consultancy services check out
our brochure, downloadable from our web
site www.volunteer.ie
interviewing skills
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 19 March 2015
Citi, (Solas Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Moving beyond the Human Resources
model of volunteer management
10:00 - 17:00, Wednesday 25 March 2015
The Morgan Hotel, (Connection Suite)
10 - 12 Fleet Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Stuart Garland
€100.00 (Full day)
Interviewing candidates for volunteer roles is
imperative to ensure you are selecting the most
qualified person. A key outcome of conducting
an interview is the mutual acquaintance of the
volunteer applicant and the prospective volunteer
supervisor. Without this significant screening
step, many misplaced or inappropriate volunteers
begin to volunteer with the organisation. In this
session we’ll look at how to manage the
interview process and give you the skills required
for effective interviewing.
Everything is changing in volunteer management.
Today's and tomorrow's volunteers are very
different than the people who have traditionally
volunteered, and as a consequence, volunteer
management must change as well. In this
session, participants learn why this is so and
learn six changes they will need to make in in
their volunteer programs in order to attract and
retain volunteers in the future. In the workshop,
all will participate in formulating a new model of
volunteer involvement and gain skills in making it
Volunteers and the Law
event volunteers
14:00 - 17:30, Thursday 19 March 2015
Citi, (Solas Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Verena Tarpey
Do employment law and HR principles apply to
volunteers? Should you be concerned about
Equality Legislation? What are the potential legal
pitfalls you should be aware of when involving
volunteers? Solicitor Verena Tarpey will help
shed some light on these and other legal issues
involving volunteers to ensure that your volunteer
programme is operating in line with good
practice and the relevant legislation.
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 16 April 2015
Citi, (Solas Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
€100.00 (Full day)
Volunteers play a key role in making events a
success. They can fulfill a range of roles such as
managing your social media, welcoming your
guests, finding sponsors or capturing video
footage of your event allowing you to promote
the work you do. This course has been designed
to support you to develop the skills and
knowledge to effectively recruit, manage and
make the most of event volunteering. We will
share our own experience of managing event
volunteers – from small conferences to national
festivals with over 800 volunteers.
Ensuring diversity
in your volunteer programme
difficult situations
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 28 May 2015
Citi, (Galileo Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 25 June 2015
Citi, (Galileo Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Just how representative is your volunteer
programme of today’s society and cultures?
Volunteer Involving Organisations are now
collecting data and monitoring their volunteer
programmes for a variety of reasons including;
planning, reporting, income generation, equality
and diversity, and meeting quality standards
such as Investing in Volunteers. In this workshop
we will look at gathering, storing and utilising the
data to make your volunteer programme the best
it can be.
Although never a favorite responsibility of
Volunteer Managers, occasionally there are
volunteer performance issues that need to be
addressed rapidly and effectively. Often the
cause of performance disappointments can be
directly linked to poor communication, insufficient
recognition, and other management issues.
Upon completion of this course, participants will
be able to: Appreciate why it is critical to deal
with performance gaps in a timely and effective
manner and be able to confront and explore
appropriate solutions for volunteer performance
Conducting a health check
of your volunteer programme
Achieving the best - performance
reviewing your volunteers
14:00 - 17:00, Thursday 28 May 2015
Citi, (Galileo Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Terri O’Brien
The Health Check workshop will help you identify
the policies and practices to be put in place to
demonstrate good practice within your volunteer
programme. Based on Investing in Volunteers
(IiV), the national quality standard for volunteer
management, the session will introduce you to
the IiV standards and accreditation process and
give you the opportunity to get started on your
organisation’s IiV self-assessment.
This workshop is suitable for all organisations
interested in implementing best practice within
their volunteer programme and for those looking
to learn more about the IiV standards and
accreditation process.
14:00 - 17:30, Thursday 25 June 2015
Citi, (Galileo Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Suggesting that an organisation initiates
performance reviews of volunteers is often met
with resistance. A growing number of Volunteer
Managers are countering these perceptions,
choosing instead to see performance review as a
reflection of the importance of volunteers in an
organisation. It is a mutual way to express
appreciation, identify problems and needs, and
determine the volunteer's future involvement in
the organisation.
Engaging young people in your
volunteer programme
Active listening in volunteer
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 23 July 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Sharon Hughes & Stuart Garland
€100.00 (Full day)
This one-day course investigates the main
questions that organisations face when involving
young volunteers or plan to do so. We will break
down the barriers and help you engage and
inspire young volunteers to make a difference
with your organisation. Are young volunteers any
different from adults? In what ways are they
different? What are the main concerns about
young people getting involved? We will help you
to explore the best methods of engaging younger
volunteers in your organisation.
For more information on our services for
employers and employee volunteering
check out our brochure, downloadable from
our web site www.volunteer.ie
Active listening skills are critical to
communication and collaboration leading to
increased motivation and co-operation within
your team. The Ag Eisteacht Active Listening
training is a one day workshop based on
experiential exercises and skills practice in a safe
The well-being of staff and volunteers is of
interest to all organisations for many reasons,
from maintaining a healthy, happier and more
productive workforce to reducing absenteeism
and attracting new staff and volunteers.
Following our one day Active Listening training
you will have learned a process which will help
you to:
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 27 August 2015
Volunteer Ireland, 18 Eustace Street,
Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
Declan Cunningham & Bernie Rodgers
€150.00 (Full day)
Increase your ability and confidence to
engage and listen
Offer effective support to management, staff
and volunteers
Manage your available time more effectively
Empower others to deal with their own
Measuring & evaluating the impact
of your volunteer programme
Successfully orientating &
training your volunteers
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 3 September 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
€125.00 (Full day including toolkit)
Measuring the impact of volunteering activities is
increasingly important as the demand for
organisations to evidence impact and outcomes
becomes greater.
The Volunteer Impact Assessment Toolkit (VIAT)
provides information and customisable tools,
which organisations of all sizes can use to
measure the impact of volunteering and therefore
evidence what is being achieved. This course
will guide people through the Toolkit handbook.
Exercises and group discussion will be used to
guide participants through the different stages of
conducting an impact assessment and to start
planning their own assessment.
Conducting a health check
of your volunteer programme
10:00 - 13:00, Thursday 17 September 2015
Cork Volunteer Centre,
Cork City Centre, County Cork
Terri O’Brien
The Health Check workshop will help you identify
the policies and practices to be put in place to
demonstrate good practice within your volunteer
programme. Based on Investing in Volunteers
(IiV), the national quality standard for volunteer
management, the session will introduce you to
the IiV standards and accreditation process and
give you the opportunity to get started on your
organisation’s IiV self-assessment.
This workshop is suitable for all organisations
interested in implementing best practice within
their volunteer programme and for those looking
to learn more about the IiV standards and
accreditation process.
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 1 October 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
The early relationship a volunteer has with an
organisation has tremendous impact on the
future success of the partnership between both.
When volunteers are not genuinely welcomed
and / or given the information they need to
successfully serve the organisation, they can’t
carry out their tasks to the best of their ability and
in some cases, may leave the organisation. On
this course we will provide you with the tools and
resources you need to ensure your prospective
volunteers are trained in a manner that best
supports your organisational aims and objectives.
Successfully delegating
tasks to your volunteers
14:00 - 17:30, Thursday 1 October 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Leaders in volunteer involving organisations are
faced with a dilemma: they need and want to
produce results that are often well beyond their
individual capacities and time availability. And so
they need to share work through delegating to
volunteers. Delegation is basically the
accomplishment of the organisation’s mission
and goals through the efforts of others. It is the
Volunteer Manager’s most important and basic
tool. Delegation is a complicated process which
requires hard work and involves unavoidable
risks. In this course we will explore the value of
delegation and identify the procedures and
techniques for doing it well.
Demystifying all the policies you
need for your volunteer programme
Managing volunteers with
additional support needs
09:30 - 16:00, Thursday 19 November 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
€100.00 (Full day)
Sometimes it feels that we surround ourselves
with policies and they bear little impact on the
day-to-day management of our volunteers. This
one-day course will explore exactly what policies
you need. You’ll be able to explain the rationale
for the various policies and explain their function.
We’ll explore other policies currently in use and
review their impact in terms of the quality of their
volunteer programmes.
For more information on our services for
events and projects check out our services
and products brochure, downloadable from
our web site www.volunteer.ie
09:30 - 13:00, Thursday 17 December 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Not only does everyone have the right to
volunteer; everyone has something valuable to
contribute. This course explores the benefits and
risks of involving volunteers with additional
support needs and how best to manage their
integration with current volunteers and staff. At
the end of the course you will be able identify
those with additional support needs, determine
what additional supports may be required for the
inclusion of this demographic, decide as an
organisation whether you will involve volunteers
with additional support needs and what policies
should be put in place.
Designing clear and
concise role descriptions
14:00 - 17:30, Thursday 17 December 2015
Citi, (Einstein Training Suite)
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Stuart Garland
Volunteer involving organisations that
successfully utilise today's volunteers are those
that understand the changing trends and
dynamics impacting prospective volunteers. A
clear role description is the cornerstone of a
good volunteer programme. During this course
we will provide tools and methods to enhance
your efforts in designing creative and effective
volunteer positions.
Volunteer Management Training Calendar 2015 Trainer Biographies
Stuart Garland is Training & Programmes Manager with Volunteer Ireland. He has worked in the
voluntary and community sector for 22 years and has been involved in all aspects of volunteer
management. Stuart was part of the volunteer management team for the Tour De France Grand
Depart 2014, Giro d’Italia Big Start 2014, World Police & Fire Games Belfast 2013, NYE Dublin 2013,
and Dublin Tall Ships Festival 2012 amongst others. Stuart founded the Event Volunteers concept
while working with Fingal Volunteer Centre. He was a national accreditor for European Voluntary
Service (EVS) for seven years. Previously a member of the Associate Faculty of the National College
of Ireland (NCI), he holds a Diploma in Human Resource Management, a Diploma in First Line
Management and an NCI Certificate in Teaching & Learning.
Terri O’Brien is Quality & Programmes Manager with Volunteer Ireland. She has worked at Volunteer
Ireland for the past 9 years in a number of different roles. She currently leads the Quality Standards
Review Process of Volunteer Centres and is coordinating the national rollout of Investing in Volunteers,
the Quality Standard for volunteer management. Terri also leads on a variety of programmes and
projects for the organisation. She was part of the management team for the Dublin Tall Ships Festival
2012 and Project Manager for The Gathering’s 2013 Volunteer Ambassador Programme. Before
working for Volunteer Ireland Terri lived in the USA where she was a manager of volunteer
programmes for 9 years.
Rick Lynch is a Seattle-based management consultant with a variety of clients in the United States,
Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Russia, and Brazil. Each year, Rick speaks at
approximately 100 workshops, conventions, and conferences around the world on topics related to
personal growth and management effectiveness. He is the author of several books, including Lead!:
How public and non-profit managers can bring out the best in themselves and their organisations. He
is the co-author of the books Secrets of Leadership, Keeping Volunteers, and Volunteer Management.
Before starting his own firm in 1977, Rick worked for five years as a project director and senior trainer
for three management consulting firms.
Sharon Hughes is the Development Manager for the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Students
Union. She is responsible for Events, Marketing and Communications strategies and operations for
their 18,000 strong membership. Sharon has worked in the third level industry for over a decade and
has a unique insight to the rewards and benefits of dealing with Generation Y, as well as the
challenges involved. Sharon is a certified life coach and trainer and has a broad range of volunteering
experience here in Ireland and overseas. She has an MA in Political Communications and a Post
Graduate Diploma in Event Management and Public Relations. Her interests include women's issues,
digital citizenship, teaching and training, youth development, and facilitation.
Declan Cunningham runs an international management consultancy and training business. He has
worked in a variety of industries throughout Europe, The Americas, Asia and Australia. With more than
27 years' experience at senior level in transition management he has a proven track record of solving
complex problems in challenging environments while building and integrating committed and
motivated teams. For the last number of years he has been affiliated with the Centre for Project
Management at the University of Limerick. He is an active tutor for their Masters Degree in Project
Management and supervises students completing their thesis for the Masters. Declan has an MSc in
Management & Technology and an MA in Project Management. He is currently a member of the Irish
Institute of Training and Development (IITD).
Bernie Rogers has 30 years practical experience as a trainer, facilitator and coach. She began her
career with ICI and then moved to the community and voluntary sector, working with the National
Youth Council of Ireland and later Credit Unions, before setting up her own successful training,
development, facilitation and coaching business. Bernie has a H. Dip in Business Studies Training and
Development with DIT Rathmines, the NUI’s Certificate in Training and Education, a Certificate of
Compliance (Association of Compliance Officers of Ireland in association with The Institute of Banking
a College of UCD) and other courses that serve to continuously improve and develop her skills. Bernie
is a member of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (IITD) since 1994 and is a certified
International Trainers Association Certified NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer.
Verena Tarpey is a qualified Solicitor and is also qualified to practice in England and Wales. Having
worked in private practice, she then took up the position as Director of Fundraising for Rape Crisis
Midwest. A major aspect to this role is the management of volunteers and Verena has implemented
comprehensive policies and procedures in relation to the recruitment and management of volunteers
at the centre. Verena works closely with a number of community groups and organisations - she has
given talks on behalf of various organisations in Limerick. Verena manages a FLAC Centre in Limerick
City giving information and assistance on family law issues. She holds a Diploma in Human Resource
Management and is a graduate of the University of Limerick with a degree in Law & European Studies.
Volunteer Management Training Participants
Volunteer Ireland is the leading provider of specialist volunteer management training in Ireland. Our
courses, delivered by trainers who understand volunteering in our local communities offer value for
money and are designed based on feedback from previous participants. Here are some of the
organisations that participated in Volunteer Ireland’s Training & Learning programmes during 2014.
Ability West
Accounting Technicians Ireland
Action Aid
Active Retirement Ireland
Age Action
Aids West
Alpha Ireland
Alzheimer Society Ireland
Arthritis Ireland
Athlone Community Radio
Ballymun Regional Youth Resource
Care Leavers Ireland
Charleville Castle Heritage Trust
Community Games
Community Law & Mediation
Concern Worldwide
Cope Foundation
COPE Galway
Cork Institute of Technology
Cuan Mhuire
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
Depaul Ireland
Dublin Simon Community
Fingal County Council
Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre
Free Legal Advice Centres
Galway Simon Community
Greater Dublin Independent Living
Institute of Technology Tralee
Irish Cancer Society
Irish Girl Guides
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Irish Heart Foundation
Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
Irish Red Cross
LauraLynn Children’s Hospice
Leisure Buddies
Making Connections
Merchants Quay Ireland
Midland Simon Community
Mullingar Athletic Football Club
National Council for the Blind Ireland
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Newry and Mourne District Council
North West Hospice
Oxfam Ireland
Science Foundation Ireland
Scripture Union
See Change
Serve the City
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Solas Project
South Tipperary Development Company
Special Olympics Ireland
STEPS Engineers Ireland
St. John Ambulance Ireland
Support & Advocacy Service for Older People
Swim Ireland
The Carers Association
Third Age Ireland
Transgender Equality Network Ireland
VSO Ireland
Wicklow Dementia Support
Women’s Aid
“The training was one of the most succinct
and well organised I’ve seen (and I go to a lot
of training events!) and I found myself jotting
down at least a half dozen thoughts sparked
by each slide – definitely the sign of a winning
format and it really sparked my motivation”
Christina Duff
Investing in
Volunteer Impact
Assessment Toolkit
Volunteer Ireland manages Investing in
Volunteers (IiV), the national quality standard for
good practice in volunteer management, in the
Republic of Ireland.
Measuring the social impact from volunteering
activities is vital. Volunteer involving organisations
ability to make a 'value added', 'positive impact'
for a community, on a shoe string, is how the
Community Sector sets itself apart.
The standards provide your organisation with a
framework to benchmark the quality of your
volunteer programme, guide you in putting the
necessary steps in place to improve volunteer
retention, manage your volunteer programme
more easily and effectively, enhance your
reputation as an organisation where volunteers
want to be involved and ultimately help you
deliver a quality service to your clients.
Visit our web site to download a full outline of the
indicators for the Investing in Volunteers
standard. The standards are applicable to all
volunteer-involving organisations, regardless of
size or number of volunteers involved.
Investing in Volunteers Award
To register your interest and receive information
about achieving the IiV Award or to obtain a free
costing please contact Terri O'Brien, Quality &
Programmes Manager at terri@volunteer.ie or
telephone (01) 636 9446. For further information
you can also visit the Investing in Volunteers
Many volunteer involving organisations or
volunteer led groups may not have the resources
or time to carry out evaluation work which can
detract from service delivery or front line work.
However, the Volunteer Impact Assessment
Toolkit is an inexpensive, tried and tested way for
organisations of all sizes to evidence impact.
This toolkit enables organisations to assess the
impact of volunteering on key stakeholders - the
volunteers, the organisation, the beneficiaries,
and the broader community. Organisations will
be able to use it to assess a wide range of
impacts, from the skills development of
volunteers to the economic value of involving
The toolkit provides information on the:
Range of impacts that can be measured
using the toolkit;
Range of stakeholders that can be
Range of adaptable research tools
Guidelines on research design, data
collection and analysis;
Best practices and supports for research
design, data collection and analysis.
The toolkit and associated training course has
been successfully used by a number of
organisations in Ireland. The Volunteer Impact
Assessment Toolkit is available for sale from
Volunteer Ireland. A full day training course is
also available as part of our training calendar.
If you wish to have a course delivered directly to
your organisation please contact Stuart Garland,
Training and Programmes Manager, email
training@volunteer.ie or telephone (01) 636 9446.
e: info@volunteer.ie
t: (01) 636 9446
f: facebook.com/volunteerireland
t: @VoluntIreland