Saint Joseph Church COLLINGDALE, PENNSYLVANIA 19023 Rectory: 500 Woodlawn Avenue Religous Education Office PARISH STAFF Rev. Thomas M. Sodano, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Monaghan, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Charles E. McGroarty, Pastor Emeritus, St. Matthew Parish, Philadelphia In Residence Rev. Patrick J. Brady, Weekend Ministry Deacon Thomas Taylor, Permanent Deacon Deacon Patrick Kelly, Permanent Deacon Deacon Paul MCBlain, Retired Permanent Deacon Mrs. Mary Carney, Director of Faith Formation E-mail: Mrs. Diana M. Martyn, Director of Music CYO 610-583-4530 610-583-4530 Fax: 610-583-7730 610-586-1520 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:00AM, and 12 Noon Weekdays: (Monday – Friday) 8:00AM Saturdays: 8:30AM Holy Days: 5:00PM Vigil; 8:00AM & 7:00PM 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time • February 15, 2015 CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 PM MARRIAGES: Couples contemplating marriage should contact the rectory a minimum of six months before the date of the wedding. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month after the 12 Noon Mass. Parents are required to attend Pre-Jordan classes in preparation for Baptism. The class is held on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30PM in the Church. Please call the rectory to make arrangements for the Baptism and to attend class. APPOINTMENTS: The pastor is most willing to be of service to our parishioners. If you wish to meet with him, please call the rectory in advance to arrange an appointment. R.C.I.A.: The RCIA prepares adults for Baptism and full communion in the Church. If you’re interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your initiation into the Catholic Church, please contact Mrs. Mary Carney, Director of Faith Formation. RECTORY OFFICE: The secretaries are available for business matters from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. VISITS TO THE SICK AND ELDERLY: The clergy and extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist visit the homebound sick and elderly on a regular scheduled basis. Please call the Rectory to report a needed visit. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you are scheduled for surgery or a hospital stay, receive the Sacrament of the Sick before you go to the hospital. Call the rectory or ask the priest on Sunday to administer the Anointing of the Sick after Mass. HOSPITAL VISITS: Due to the Pennsylvania Privacy Act you must tell the hospital that you would like to be visited by a priest who serves the hospital as Catholic Chaplain. PARISH REGISTRATION: WELCOME TO ST. JOSEPH PARISH! We invite all Catholics living within parish boundaries to become registered members of St. Joseph Parish as soon as possible. If you have recently changed your status, married, moved out of your parents home or graduated from college, you need to re-register. If you move, we would also appreciate a phone call to the rectory so that our records will be in order. Handicapped Accessible BULLETIN DEADLINE - TUESDAY, 12:00 NOON Sunday, February 15, 2015 6 Sunday in Ordinary Time th Sun, 02/15 8AM Kremser/Lakowski Families 10AM Beatrice Ricci 12PM Pro Populo Mon, 02/16 8AM Billy Ferry Tues, 02/17Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 8AM For God to establish His kingdom on Earth Wed, 02/18 ASH WEDNESDAY 8AM Pat Pesiri, 5th Anniversary 12PM Prayer Service and Ashes 7PM Prayer Service and Ashes Thu, 02/19 8AM Samuel Watson Fri, 02/20 8AM Lou Camagna Sat, 02/21 St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:30AM Sandy Felker 4:30PM Catherine M. Toland PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Jackson Roche - Linda Holmes – Mary Pat Hee – Cheryl McKee – Gina Swentner – Marie Watson – Clara Antonelli - Claire Burt - Mia Zarzycki – Eileen Davis – Jordan Dougherty – Carmella & Annie Maraccicio – Claire Reyburn – Sandra Reilly – Marilyn Bolesta – Gene Holt – Moxie McCutcheon - Anna Kelly - Daniel Switlinski - Anna Bennett - Chris Kehoe Anyone who would like to be on this sick list needs to call or have an immediate family member call. Names will be kept on the sick list for one month. Thank you. SCRIP SALES: Rectory Basement: Sunday 10:30am – 11:30am Monday 10am – 3pm from the rectory front door Tuesday 6:30pm – 7:30pm Friday 9am – 10am. Newly Baptized: Adam James Powell Shannon Gonzalez-Gore Lori Elise McNeill Through the Holy Spirit, Christ unifies us and makes us holy. The marks of Christ's church are one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. Loyola press This week at St. Joseph’s † Sunday 2/15/15 10:30AM - 11:30AM Scrip sales in rectory basement 12Noon 100th Anniversary kick off Mass & celebration in parish hall Monday 2/16/15 6:15PM Holy Hour in church 7PM Narcotics Anonymous in rectory basement 7:30PM Zumba in Parish Hall Tuesday 2/17/15 6:30PM 7:30PM Scrip sales in rectory basement 6:30PM PREP classes in parish hall classrooms Wednesday 2/18/15 12Noon Prayer service and Ashes 7PM Prayer service and Ashes 7PM Choir practice in church 7PM Bible Study in rectory lower level Thursday 2/12/15 6:30PM Girl Scouts in parish hall 7PM RCIA in rectory basement 7:30PM Legion of Mary in rectory basement Friday 2/13/15 9AM – 10AM Scrip sales in rectory basement 5:30PM Soups On in parish hall 7PM Stations of the Cross in Church 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous in rectory basement Saturday 2/14/15 3PM – 4PM Confessions Pre-Jordan class for Baptism: Monday, February 23, 2015 at 7:30pm in the church. Please call the rectory to arrange for this mandatory class and for the Baptism. † The Legion of Mary meets every Thursday at 7:30pm in the rectory basement. Join us to pray the rosary or to join. † The Knights of Columbus are always looking for new members! If you would like to join, call the rectory. † Divine Mercy Cenacle meetings are held the first and third Saturdays of the month in the Rectory basement at 10am. † Moments for Mothers and Others meets the first Wednesday of every month at 9AM in the rectory basement † Holy Hour is held Mondays at 6:15pm † St. Joseph Novena with relic veneration is prayed every Thursday after 8AM Mass. † Coffee Social is held the last Thursday of the month in rectory basement after 8AM Mass Reflections from a Carpenter’s Angle That Special Touch How often we use this phrase to admire the work or service of someone that is able to give us what we want. In today's gospel only Jesus can give the man with leprosy that special touch that will make him whole again. Yet we each have been where the leper in today's story is isolated. I am sure we all can think of a time that our failures, shame, sickness and or pain has separated us from the ones we love. We feel like we have leprosy. We believe our isolation is terminal and there is no cure. But the good news is that Jesus has that special touch. He can heal us. He and only he can make us whole again. Jesus alone can restore our hope! Only Jesus can remove our shame and disgrace! Only Jesus can restore us to the place of sons and daughters of God. This weekend we celebrate our 99th year as members of Saint Joseph Church. How many of us have been out of touch? We have not been in touch with Jesus. We have not been in touch with his Church. We have not touched the needs of those in our community here. Now is the perfect time to change that. Now is the time to come home to St. Joe's. Come to where that special touch of our Lord Jesus Christ can make us whole again. Saint Joseph foster our love for Jesus, Father Sodano Altar Server Schedule: Saturday, February 21 4:30PM Chantal & Gabriel Diallo, Madison Turner Sunday, February 22 8AM Christoforo Romanelli, Charlie Cronmiller & Sarah Callahan 10AM Cesar Kuziw, Alejandra Martinez, & Chelsey Szuttor 12PM Melissa Hamilton, Cleopatra Gonzales & Lisa Heston RCIA (for people joining the Church) is held every Thursday evening at 7pm in the rectory basement. If the topic of the week interests you, please feel free to join us and learn more about your faith! February 19 topic is “Holy Orders ” † PREP SCHEDULE - Tuesdays at 6:30PM. Feb. 17: Regular Class Feb. 24: Regular Class/Confirmation Meeting Students only 6:45 in Rectory Basement. Mar. 3: Regular Class/ First Penance Practice in Church @6:45. LENT BEGINS THIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Mass for Ash Wednesday is at 8AM with Prayer Services and Ashes at 12Noon and 7PM. A Poor Man’s Supper 'food for the body and soul' will be served in the parish hall at 5:30PM to be followed by Stations in church every Friday during Lent except Good Friday. Questions/volunteers: call Deacon Kelly at 610-522-9086 Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Friday in Lent at 7pm. Fast…Practice self-discipline & self-denial. Give… Give generously to those in need. Pray... Read & reflect on the Word of God. An additional Mass is added to our Sunday schedule during Lent beginning Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 6PM. Individual confessions will be heard every Sunday from 9:25AM - 9:55AM during Lent and will continue to be held Saturdays from 3pm – 4pm. Fast, Abstinence and other acts of Penance for Lent: The Bishops of the US prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are 14 years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. All persons 18 years of age and older, up to and including their 59th birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, while the other two meals are to be light. All the faithful are encouraged to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the Sacred Scriptures and to participate in parish Lenten devotions plus give to Operation Rice Bowl. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. 2014 STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Please call the rectory to request a statement of your 2014 church contributions. Statements may be picked up at the rectory, or you may send a selfaddressed, stamped envelope and we will mail your statement. **We can e-mail your statement, please call the rectory for this option. Thank you. WEEKLY COLLECTION February 7 - February 8, 2015: $6,731.00 February 8 - 9, 2014: $7,314.00 Call 1-866-parish-1 or go to to donate electronically. St. Joseph Parish 100th Anniversary A Century of Fostering Jesus Events are being planned as follows: • Parish Carnival – May 6 through May 9th, 2015 on the parish grounds • Alumni Reunion – November 21, 2015 with a 4:30 P.M. Mass at the church followed by dinner at 6:00 P.M. to be held at the Oaks Ballroom, Oak Lane, Glenolden, PA. Cost: $30 pp with cash bar. • 100th Anniversary Closing Mass – Saturday, February 6, 2016 with 4:30 P.M. Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput. Dinner to be held at a location TBD immediately following the Mass. Follow us on Facebook at st. joseph/100th anniversary for more information and updates. The 2016 Mass Book will be opened on Saturday, February 28 following the 8:30AM Mass in the rectory basement. St. Joseph Adult Scripture Study begins! “Galatians” will be studied in the rectory basement on Wednesday mornings from 9am – 10am and Wednesday evenings from 7pm – 8pm. beginning Wednesday, February 11, 2015. This is an 8 week DVD instruction from noted Scripture Scholars. Contact Mary Carney at or 610-586-1520 to register or for more information. There will be a $5 fee for supplies. High School Co-Ed Volleyball Sign-Up Interested?? Contact Sue Turner at 610-888-4350 St. James Alumni Assn will again sponsor scholarship grants for students who will be attending Archdiocesan High schools. Requests for an application can be sent to St. James Alumni Association, 1499 E. 9th St, Eddystone, PA 19022; Attn: Scholarship Committee by phone at 610-8762006 or e mail Lenten Series at BVM, Darby: Tuesday, February 24 and then every Wednesday evening from 7:15pm – 8:15pm in church. Talks, Shared Prayer, Stations and Benediction. The 10 months prior to the World Meeting of Families have been assigned 10 themes based on the Preparatory Catechesis Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. February’s theme is Two Become One: “We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and woman to love each other in the manner of God’s covenant. Marriage is a Sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation. This love is in the image of Jesus’s faithfulness to the Church.” Ridley Area Catholic Churches 2015 Lenten Series Jesus said "I AM" begins this week, February 17 at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Secane at 7PM in church. The topic is "The Bread of Life" John 6:22-59. We support, thank and pray for our loved ones serving our country in the Armed Forces: Cpl. Kevin Michael Smart, USMC – Sgt. Amber McCaughan, USA - Seaman William L. McCaughan, USN.- Captain Ryan J. McCaughan, USAF Airman James A. McCaughan III, USN – Petty Officer Mark McCrory, USCG – PFC Kraig Sponheimer, USMC – Cpl. Tim Lindsay, USMC - MSGT James Toland, USMC – Airman Brendan J. Farrell, USN – PFC Christopher Shanahan, USA Lt Col Michael Rasbach, USAF – Sgt. F. Joshua Cherry, USMC If you wish to have a family member or friend’s name published in the bulletin, please call the rectory. Crab cakes sold only in packages of 4, 6 or 12 Qty 4 = $20.00 Qty 6 = $28.50 Qty 12 = $54.00 Quart of Maryland Crab Soup = $10 50 Piece Bag of Crab Fritters = $15 Number of Crab Cakes _____ Cost__________ Number of quarts of soup _____ Cost__________ Number of bags of fritters _____ Cost__________ Total enclosed: $ __________ Collingdale Athletic Club All Sports & Spring Sports Registration Notice Saturday, February 21st & March 14th, 10AM - Noon Collingdale Community Center, Lower Level Visit the website for more info 050 St. Joseph Parish Knights of Columbus Lenten Season Crab Cake/ Soup /Fritters Sale Featuring famous “Smith Island” Crab Cakes from Captain Chucky’s and new: Crab Fritters! Captain Chucky’s Order Form Name ________________________________ Phone _______________________ Please make checks payable to Knights of Columbus 8924 and return your pre-paid order to: Knights of Columbus, 500 Woodlawn Ave, Collingdale, Pa 19023 or orders can be dropped off at the rectory or placed in collection basket marked “K of C Crab Cake Sale. The first order will be placed 2/16/15. For questions, please call (610) 716 3945.We will notify each person when the order can be picked up at the parish hall. Pick up time will be on Sundays between 11am and 12pm. Thank you! Six Generations of Funeral Service Charles D. Marvil 1925 - 1997 Charles D. Marvil, Jr. MARVIL Supervisor Funeral Directors: Elmer J. Nelson Jennifer M. Marvil Tracy Marvil Gabe FUNERAL HOME, Ltd. Pre-Need Planning Available O’LEARY FUNERAL HOME, LTD. Thomas J. O’Leary William J. O’Leary 259-1959 640 Springfield Ave., Springfield, Pa. Serving PA, NJ & DE 1110 Main Street Darby, Pennsylvania, 19023 610-583-2727 Supervisors/Direct Care Professionals • Don Guanella Village and Divine Providence Village are seeking dedicated men and women to support people with Intellectual Disabilities in their homes and day programs located in Delaware and Chester Counties. • All applicants must have a valid driver’s license and at least 5 years driving exp. in the U.S., HS diploma or GED, Human Service exp preferred. 610-696-0100 • For information on available job opportunities and to apply, please visit and click on “job opportunities”. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE Check out our reviews on: FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Equal Opportunity Employer - M/F/V/D Annette Ryan Family Owned & Operated Since 1969 and Longtime Parishioner CLEANING McFadden Funeral Home Homes • Offices Apartments Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly 484-486-9914 No Job Too Small 7 Springfield Rd. - Aldan, PA 19018 610-622-0664 John J. McFadden Supervisor Donald V. McFadden Founder 1969-2010 Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 050 St. Joseph, Collingdale, PA (inside) E John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • DAVID ROBINSON SONS & DAUGHTER JAMES F. KNOETGEN FUNERAL HOME INC. 746 KEDRON AVENUE MORTON, PA 19070 910 MAC DADE BLVD. COLLINGDALE, PA 19023 (610) 544-0600 (610) 583-4242 Timothy R. Turner SUPERVISOR “A Life Celebration Home” Sid’s Auto Service Ron Siliani, Owner Operated PA Auto Inspection & Emissions Computerized Diagnostic Svcs. Tune-Ups & Oil Changes Next to St. Joe’s Parish HOME REMODELING SPECIALIST Formerly The Manager For Hudecheck Roofing Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Decks AND CREMATORY You Can’t Put A Price On Aggravation 610-461-7426 (Usher, K.O.C) Licensed & Insured MICHAEL P. DALEY R.M.P COLLINGDALE FAMILY DENTISTRY One Nation, Under MICHAEL COOPERSTEIN, D.M.D. God MARIA CAPACIO, D.M.D. Prospect Park 610-583-3454 PLUMBING - HEATING CO. INC. 224 Clifton Ave., Collingdale E-mail: (610) 58-DALEY Center for Sight of Delaware County Marguerite R. Billbrough, MD Medical Director, Eye Physician & Surgeon Damon B. Chandler, MD Oculofacial Surgeon Kerri E. Bakker, OD Eye Physician & Contact Lens Specialist Diane B. Catania, OD Eye Physician & Contact Lens Specialist 1553 Chester Pike, Suite 101 Crum Lynne, PA 19022 610-534-3004 610-522-2822 Mention this Ad for a Parishioner Discount Office Hours by Appointment Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 175 Angora Place Secane, PA 19018 Phone: 484-437-4395 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! TAX PREPARATION Accurate and on time. Randy W. Haynes, RTRP The IRS does not endorse any particular tax return preparer. For more information go to as only a neighbor can. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 050 St. Joseph, Collingdale, PA (back) E A good neighbor is someone you can always count on to be there. We’ll be there when you need us most. Exclusive “Service Guarantee” If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service you will not be charged for that service. FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & PRIVATE CREMATORY 301 Chester Pike • Norwood • (610) 532-3120 Bart H Cavanagh Sr., Supervisor John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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