Trauma Conference Thursday, March 12, 2015 at Durham Hilton Hotel Accommodation Information 3800 Hillsborough Road Durham, NC 27705 Our conference location and host property is the Durham Hilton, 3800 Hillsborough Road, Durham, NC 27705, phone 919-383-8033. For more information and reservations, please call the Durham Hilton at 919-383-8033 or Hilton Reservations at 1-800-445-8667. 25th Annual Duke Trauma Conference Thursday, March 12, 2015 The Duke Trauma Center is committed to the optimal care of injured patients in an organized system from pre-hospital through rehabilitation stages. The care of the injured patient is a coordinated effort between surgery, nursing, and ancillary services. Care is provided with efficiency and the latest knowledge of injury to resuscitate, save lives, and, when necessary, to bring peace to those who pass from our hands. We are dedicated to holistic, family-centered care in all age groups. We assure that those caring for trauma patients will be welleducated; we will provide education to our referring facilities and Emergency Medical Services and we will take a leadership role in research to increase a patient’s chance of survival and to decrease disability from injury. We are dedicated to the prevention of violence and other mechanisms of injury to provide a safer community. 25th Annual Duke Duke Trauma Center and Duke University Health System Clinical Education & Professional Development are committed to making learning events accessible to all individuals. Should you have a special need, please submit a description of your needs to our office. Every attempt will be made to facilitate your participation in this activity. For further information, call (919) 684-4293 or email: DUMC Box 2722 Durham, NC 27710 Trauma Mission Statement American Disabilities Act Non-profit Org. US Postage PAID Durham, NC Permit No. 60 Duke University Hospital Trauma Center Sponsored by Duke Trauma Center & Duke University Health System Clinical Education & Professional Development Duke University Hospital 25th Annual Duke Trauma Conference AGENDA Thursday, March 12, 2015 Opportunities for Q&A will be provided at the conclusion of each presentation. Description Our conference focuses on a variety of trauma care topics to meet educational needs of interdisciplinary medical teams (RN’s, NP’s, PA’s MD’s, EMS personnel, and others) who provide care and services for trauma patients. Learning Objectives Describe training and resources that police have in caring for victims of trauma. Describe best practices for reducing stress and creating resilience for healthcare professionals. Assess and address the needs of an injured child beyond the physical injury. Describe methods used to treat blood loss in the trauma patient. Describe characteristic injury patterns and management of injured infants and children. Discuss strategies to reduce decision making errors. Describe indications/recommended interventions for genitourinary trauma. Analyze trauma statistics and case studies. 7:15 -8: 00 am 8:00 -8:10 am 8:10 -9:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast In support of improving patient care, Duke University Clinical Education & Professional Development is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the health care team. Participants who complete this activity are awarded 6.7 credit hours. Allied Health Professions: Duke University Health System Clinical Education & Professional Development is authorized by the International Association of Continuing Education & Training (IACET) to offer 0.67 IACET CEU for attendance and successful completion of this live event (100% attendance, full participation in all related activities, and completion and return of an evaluation at conclusion of the conference). Partial credit is not awarded. Trauma Hours: This conference has been awarded 6.7 Duke Trauma Hours. D. It’s All in Your Head! Cognitive Errors: How Great Clinicians Reach the Wrong Conclusions David Gordon, MD Medical Director, Clinical Skills Lab Division of Emergency Medicine Duke University Hospital Welcome & Objectives Steven N. Vaslef, MD, PhD Chief, Division of Trauma and Critical Care Duke University Medical Center Police & Treating Trauma Chief Jose L. Lopez, Sr. Chief of Police, City of Durham Durham, NC James Fox, MD, FAAP Department of Pediatrics Duke University Hospital 11:45-12:45 pm Lunch & Vendor Exhibits 12:45-1:35 pm Breakout Session III E. Treating the Bleeding Patient in 2015 Courtney Sommer, MD Associate Professor, Divi. of Surgery Duke University Medical Center 25th Annual Duke Trauma Conference Thursday, March 12, 2015 Please PRINT clearly. One participant per form, please. Registration Fees (Please circle fee you are paying) DUH Nurses , Ancillary Services & RAC nurses = $110.00 General Attendee (Non-Duke, Non-Physician/PA Staff) = $145.00 Physicians/PAs (Duke & Non-Duke Staff) = $250.00 EMS Personnel = $70.00 Please Note: No refunds after Friday, March 6, 2015 TO REGISTER: Mail, Fax, or Call Mail completed form along with full payment to: Duke Clinical Education & Professional Development ATTENTION: Trauma Conference Registration DUMC Box 2722, Durham, NC 27710 OR Fax completed form & payment information to: (919) 681-6251 OR Call (919) 684-4293 DUHS Unique ID:__________________________ Name Review best practices in patient airway management in the field. Joint Accreditation Statement 10:55 -11:45 am Breakout Session II C. Pediatric Trauma Elisabeth Tracy, MD Associate Professor, Division of Surgery and Pediatrics Duke University Medical Center 9:00-9:50 am 9:50 -10:00 am Enhancing Resilience Bryan Sexton, PhD Associate Professor of Psychiatry Duke University Medical Center Break 10:00 -10:50 am Breakout Session I A. Beyond Trauma: Caring for the Whole Child Sabrina Thompson-Fisher, RN, MSN, CPN Pediatric Trauma Coordinator UNC Health Care Trauma Program B. Treating the Bleeding Patient in 2015 Courtney Sommer, MD Associate Professor, Division of Surgery Duke University Medical Center Address City/State/Zip Employer F. Pre-hospital Airway Management James “Tripp” Winslow, III, MD State of NC OEMS Medical Director Assoc. Professor, Emergency Medicine Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center 1:40-2:30 pm Adult & Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma Jonathan C. Routh, MD, MPH Assistant Professor, Div. of Surgery & Pediatrics Duke University Medical Center 2:30-2:50 pm Break 2:50 -3:40 pm What Does This Mean? Trauma Statistics Mark L. Shapiro, MD Assistant Medical Director Duke Trauma Center Assoc. Professor, Division of Surgery Duke University Medical Center Email Address Phone Method of Payment Check Visa MasterCard American Express Putting It All Together: Case Studies Steven Vaslef, MD, PhD 4:30 –5:00 pm Wrap-up & Evaluations DUHS Clinical Education & Professional Development Discover Credit Card # ____________________________ Printed Name on Card 3:40 -4:30 pm Please make check or money order payable to: Signature Exp. date Zip Code
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