DAILY NOTICES MONDAY, 16 FEBRUARY 2015 ALL STUDENTS The TIGS Chess Club 2015 - The TIGS Chess Club will take place every Friday Lunchtime in B14. If you would like to learn to play, please come along. For the more experienced players, you can play against other players and have the chance to represent the school in various competitions. MATHS HELP is on again this year. If you need help with homework or work missed, come to B13 at lunchtimes on FRIDAY, WEEK A or TUESDAY, LUNCH 2, WEEK B. It is also on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON in the library from 3:30 – 5:00. Science help is back! If you have any questions about your science work please come to D14 between 3:30 and 4:30 on Tuesday afternoons. The Evatt Trophy is a competition debated as a Model United Nations Assembly. The regional round for Wollongong will be held on Tuesday May 5 th 2015 at Smiths Hill High School. Students from Years 9 to 12 are invited to take part in teams of two. Please e-mail Ms McCall or see her in HG4 or GG7 to express an interest. I encourage students who took part last year to join in again this year. New teams and students are also welcome and training will be given. The event is lively and a lot of fun and you will learn a lot about current global issues. The first Video/Photography Capture Team meeting will be held in the Photography rooms this Wednesday lunchtime. We will meet every Wednesday. If you are interested in joining please come along. Any students who wish to join and who are interested in shooting at the Swimming Carnival, see Ms Goodman in the Faculty of Arts staff room at Recess or Lunch TODAY please. SENIOR ROBOTICS CLUB - All students Years 7 - 10 Day and Time: Thursday afternoons (3.30pm – 5.30pm) Venue: Rees Hall / IGC Term: Terms I – IV Number of Sessions: 1 per week Cost Per Student: $16.50 per lesson (TIGS will provide the Kits required. BYO computer) Permission slip required? Yes Description of Activity: Robo Club is designed to encourage an interest in science and engineering. One of the goals of this programme will be to prepare the students to enter local competitions and the FIRST LEGO League competition. This competition runs from September to December each year. Please contact MS Kinnear for further information and expressions of interest. CAREERS Years 9-12 - Any student interested in Law as a career is welcome to attend a presentation on Tuesday 10 March at 3.20 in MG3. Please register for this event on the Careers noticeboard outside the Careers office under the Library. 1 DAILY NOTICES MONDAY, 16 FEBRUARY 2015 SPORTS Monday Morning House Meetings: House meetings will take place on Monday 16th February in Mentor sessions. Please make your way to the designated house area below ASAP. Mentors will mark their roll and the House Patrons and House Leaders will organise students into events and promote House spirit. Please ensure all students are aware of the uniform guidelines IGC = Wolgal, Backstage = Kogara, H Block =Aranda, Recital Room = Coligan Co-Curricular Sports - All Co-Curricular Sports before and after school are cancelled tomorrow Tuesday 17th February due to the Swimming Carnival. Swimming Carnival Organisation Tuesday 17th February Years 7 to 10 will leave from Western Avenue, Years 11/12 will leave from Princes Highway at the Junior School entrance. These buses will begin to leave at 8.40am. Students are required to wear their House shirt with school sport shorts to and from the pool. Students must be in correct costumes. This includes TIGS swimmers or navy/black speedos for both boys and girls (girls must wear full piece swimmers) and TIGS board shorts optional. Girls may wear their two piece swimmers underneath. No brightly coloured swimmers or board shorts! Any students who come to the marshalling area in the incorrect swimming attire will not be allowed compete YEAR 10 Just a reminder that UNSW offers a work experience program for one week in June. Please see Mrs Murphy as a matter of urgency if you are interested. Would Andre De Ruyter please see Mrs Murphy in the Careers office at recess today? Year 10 Peer Support Leaders – There will be a meeting in M11 today at lunchtime, thanks Mrs Lowe YEAR 11 Could the following students please see Mrs Moore in the Chaplain’s Office at Recess or Lunch: Mitchell Ferguson, Asher Fitzgerald-Jansch, Grace Hennessy, Nicholas Hilderson, Chloe Kuiper, Kai Middleton, Oscar Stanis, Padh Tipwong and Neema Oshindi Can Chloe, Emily, Lolo and Padh please see Ms McCall in HG4 for a permission slip for CNY Luncheon? On Saturday, 16 May Model United Nations Assembly will be held at Nan Tien Temple. I am looking for a team of three experienced MUNA debaters from Year 11 to represent our School. You can see me individually too if you are interested. You should be free all day and be able to attend a Rotary Club Meeting on a following Wednesday from 6.00 to 8.00 pm. The event is run by and sponsored by Rotary. Please e-mail or see Ms McCall in HG4 or GG7. 2
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