Term 1 Week 7 Mar 12th 2015 Balaklava Primary School PO BOX 108 29 Wallace St, Balaklava SA 5461 Phone: (08) 88621660 Fax: (08) 88621009 e-mail: dl.0477_info@schools.sa.edu.au DIARY DATES: TERM 1 MARCH TOMORROW Fri 13th Swimming Carnival Wed 18th Tony Bones ‘Bullying’ performance WK 9 Interview Week TERM 2 Dear Families, FAMILY/SCHOOL COMMUNICATION We are always working towards improving student learning outcomes and appreciate all communication and feedback from our families. We know that parental encouragement and support for learning activities have a positive impact on children’s learning, and parents need relevant information to enable them to support the learning and achievement of their children. This fortnightly newsletter is one of the ways we try to keep you informed and up to date about learning and school events. We also use our Facebook page and are currently updating the school’s website. So how do you think we are doing in providing you with the information you would like and need? We often send surveys home with limited response so before the end of the term you may receive a phone call to ask you how you think we are going and what you would like to see us build on or do a bit differently. If you don’t receive a call but would like to express your views please contact us and let us know. MAY Mon 4th—Wed 6th Rowland, Richards, Churchett camp Week 3 NAPLAN ASSEMBLIES Term 1 Weeks 6, 8, 11 STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Interviews are another important way we communicate and provide important information about your child’s learning. Notes have been sent home to arrange times to meet with you for our student/parent/teacher interviews in week 9 and we would encourage you to come along and find out how your child is doing. If you can’t make an allocated time due to other commitments, please talk to your child’s teacher to arrange another mutually convenient time. BUSES A large number of our children use the school buses to get to and from school. To help drivers keep their attention on the road and keep everyone safe we have a bus behaviour code that we expect all children will follow. This includes staying seated while the bus is moving, wearing seatbelts and speaking and treating others with respect. When children choose not to follow these rules it distracts drivers and potentially could cause an accident. Drivers inform the school if children are not following rules and fill in ‘blue slips’ These slips are posted home. After a second blue slip we talk to students and make an effort to contact parents to let them know a third blue slip will result in suspension from the bus for up to 5 days. Serious incidents can result in immediate removal. If your child travels by bus can you please remind them of our rules as safety is our main aim. . If parents have any concerns regarding the buses or drivers please contact the school directly and do not approach drivers. We will make all efforts to respond in a timely manner. If you have not received a copy of the bus behaviour policy we will be happy to forward one on to you. Tricia Joseph Page 2 From the Pastoral Support Worker I love watching young people work together for a common cause. This often occurs in sport, but it does happen in other areas too. On Tuesday this week I took a group of 3 Year 7 students (Joseph, Jasmine and Ailisha) to Watervale Primary School, to be part of a Young Environmental Leaders forum. They met with students from Watervale Primary and also Auburn Primary, and spent the day looking at “sustainability” and what it means with respect to school and possible garden projects. They did a number of activities, looked around Watervale Primary School, and came back with many thoughts floating through their heads with respect to what can happen here at Balaklava Primary. The students had to work together on a couple of things, with fairly rigid time expectations, and come up with some quick and apt solutions. Watching them organise each other, get ideas down on paper, come up with workable concepts, and cooperate to make things happen quickly was impressive. In fact all the students present did it very well. They were focussed, prepared to share ideas, “bend a little” to engage somebody else’s ideas, and all in all did a very good job at working together. There was no designated leader, nobody who “took charge” and nobody who dominated the conversation. Everybody worked in harmony to achieve a successful result. They will now spend time back at school seeing how far they can take their projects. Working together was the key for the day. If one person had dominated, or one person had not participated and pulled their weight, then the day would not have been successful. This is what we try to do at school, when we engage the students in group activities. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t… but today it worked….and the overall result was excellent! Well done guys! An extremely good day that hopefully produces some good results for the school in the not so distant future. Woody COUNSELLOR’S CORNER EVERYONE NEEDS A FRIEND Children’s friendships often have their ups and downs. When friendships are going well they support children’s emotional wellbeing and confidence, as well as providing someone to play with. Positive friendships help children have fun, and also help them cope during periods of stress and change. That is why having friends at school is so important for children. Core friendship skills for children. Cooperation • How to share and take turns, how to work together towards a common goal. Communication • Using words to explain what you want and listening to others respectfully • Paying attention to body language (eg. making eye-contact, smiling, being able to read others’ nonverbal reactions) Understanding and managing feelings • Being able to express feelings in ways that help others understand you • Recognising and responding to others’ feelings Accepting and including others • Recognising others’ needs for respect and friendship. Cherie Cleary YOUNG ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS FORUM On Tuesday the 10th we went to Watervale Primary School for a Young Environmental Leaders (YEL) forum. We met students from Watervale Primary and Auburn Primary. We stayed for the whole day and did activities about sustainability and environmental problems in the world. We came up with a name and logo for our school group. We are called the Balak Spiny Daisies (BSD). We had a tour of Watervale Primary and came up with ideas to improve our school. Overall our day was a great success. Joseph, Jasmine and Ailisha Page 3 MUSIC NEWS LIBRARY NEWS PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2015 Diary Dates Term 1 Week 8/9 Choir uniform fitting Week 11 Choir assessment Tues 1:00 –3:00 pm Term 2 Choir performs at Saturday Anzac Day ceremony, Dawn Service—April 25th.(Last Saturday of the Term 1 holidays) Looking Ahead Term 3 Week 2 Balaklava Eisteddfod: July 31st, Aug 1st, Aug 2nd. Week 6 & 9 Festival of Music Adelaide Rehearsal Concert “house team points awarded to students taking part in out-of-school events” Week 10 Balaklava Show—National Anthem Uniforms Again we are really encouraging you to have a kilt made as we only have 17 in stock to lend and 30 girls in the choir. Material is $18 per metre (from the Front Office) and you will need approx. 1.5m. Liz Kibbler charges $25 to make a kilt (address available) unless you have someone else to do it. That is approx. $60 and they are adjustable and last for so long. We are considering purchasing them back when your child has finished. Bronny Cottle TERM 1 PERFORMANCE Tony Bones—Bully Bull-Ring will visit the school for a performance next Wednesday 18th March, 9am. See across Students who have not paid the annual Performance fee will need to pay $7 per performance. Money for the Tony Bones performance must be paid before 3pm Tuesday 17th March. Due to the 9pm start no money can be accepted on the day. Around the World in 221 days Now boarding for The Philippines Last week we achieved our first plane load of PRC flyers who took off for Japan. We are now boarding for the Philippines. You can observe our journey on the board at the western side of the OSU Well. Cherie Cleary PRC Pilot BookClub Scholastic Book Club orders are due on or before Mon 16th March. Late orders can not be accepted. SAPSASA SUMMER CARNIVAL Reports and Photos to come next newsletter. If you have any photos , please email to dl.0477_info@schools.sa.edu.au. They may be used &/or will be stored for schools history. Page 4 CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY Sunday 1st March was ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ across Australia. Students at Balaklava Primary School helped clean up Balaklava on Friday 27th February. Classes cleaned up rubbish from around the schools, swimming pool and town oval and courts. Well done to the positive attitude to the clean up by the students. Mrs Wood’s class cleaned up the area around the fence line of the school Room 6 helped to clean up around the swimming pool and the BPS boundary fence BUDDY READING Each week Mrs Leicester’s year 4/5 class and Mrs Russell’s R/1 class meet for Buddy Reading. This is a time where the ‘bigger’ buddies read and promote reading comprehension skills with the ‘younger’ buddies. This is done by the bigger buddies reading to the younger buddies whilst using coloured cards to promote thinking and questioning. By engaging with the story and by promoting oral language skills, we can understand the text more easily than just trying to read it by ourselves. First the bigger buddies choose a book that they think their younger buddies will enjoy. Next we meet up with each other to participate in reading. We need to make sure that we find a comfortable spot to read. After that the bigger buddies read the story to the younger buddies whilst using the cue cards (question, surprise, disagree, remember) to promote oral language skills. Then the younger buddies give it a go at either reading the story back or re-telling the story back to their bigger buddies. Finally we draw a picture together about our favourite part of the story. It has been a great success with the children looking forward each week to the Buddy Class lesson with their buddy. Page 5 BPS SWIMMING CARNIVAL When: Friday March 13th Time: 9:10am—12:30pm SAPSASA SWIMMING Programs are being sent home today with all children. There are a few minor alterations to the program that appeared in the last School Newsletter. We aim for maximum involvement in the Carnival so those children not involved in Championship events will have class games in the pool. Championship swimmers must be competent swimmers who can swim a lap of the pool without stopping. Year 3s have one free-style championship that is across the big pool. Teachers have assisted the House Captains by providing information about the swimmers in their classes. If you are able to attend our carnival, please bring a chair. After the presentation of the shield at the pool, students will return to school for lunch. If you choose to take your child home, please see your child’s teacher as you will need to sign them out. Thank you Swimming Carnival Committee FAMILY CONTACT DETAILS Previously the Class Parent Reps of PCC have been given contact details of each family to enable them to seek support around class and school activities throughout the year. If you do not wish this information to be given to PCC please contact the school before the 20th March. PCC HOPPING MICE Ms.Churchett has 2 pairs of "Mitchell's Hopping Mice" to give away to good homes. Please contact the school if you are interested. WORM FERTILIZER Our "Wormy Squirmy" fertilizer will soon be available to buy for $2 per 2 Litre bottle. Orders are welcomed On Monday 2nd March, swimmers went to Clare to compete in the SAPSASA District Carnival for a chance to be selected to go and compete in the Country Championships. Everyone had a great night but it was a bit cold. Over all we came 6th and everyone did a great job considering we were against some really strong schools. Over the whole night we had a number of place -getters and we would like to say congratulations to Lachlan Hendry for his great effort in backstroke and getting first place in his heat. Also congratulations to Cody Redpath who was chosen for the District Team. Thanks to all the parents who helped out with transport and timing. RIVERTON SWIMMING On Tuesday 10th March, there were a number of swimmers who went to Riverton to compete in the inter school competition. We were up against Clare, Kapunda and Riverton Primary Schools. Everyone had a great night. In the end it got a bit cold but everyone still had great fun. Thanks to all the parents who helped out with transport and timing. Cody and Cooper ∗ CONGRATULATIONS to Jayden and Lachlan Hendry’s family with the recent marriage of Kym and Barry. ∗ to Ethan Trenerry and family on the safe arrival of a baby girl, Ainslie Lily ∗ to Chase Grimwood and family on the safe arrival of a baby girl, Harper ∗ to Diane Gregor (and the Georg family) on the early but safe arrival of twin grandsons, Archie and Finn. Page 6 ASSEMBLY WEEK 6 OBSERVER’S AWARD: Jorjah and Charli received the Class Observer’s award for Ms Wells’ class PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE TRAVELLERS: Back row: Icelle, Tori, Charli and Jorjah Middle row: Brandon, Zoeanne, Sophie and Jai Front row: Kyeasha, Dallas and Codie hold up their boarding passes for the PRC flight to Japan. LEXILE AWARDS: Tyler, Madeleine, Tamika and Alex received Lexile Awards GOOD MANNERS AWARD: Macauley and Abbey accepted the Good Manners trophy for Mrs Leicester’s class CLASS AWARDS: Rear: Jacob, Joseph, Ailisha, Tyler and Mackenzie 3rd: Clair, Sophie, Beauden, Charli and Charlie 2nd: Emily, Kyle-Jonn, Jasmin and Paul Front: Stella, Caleb and Aaliyah received Class Awards Page 7 COMMUNITY NEWS BALAKLAVA NETBALL CLUB SENIOR SELECTIONS Tues Mar 10 Mon Mar 16 All players trying out for Mon Mar 23 Seniors are required to attend 6:30pm at the courts JUNIOR TRAINING Thurs Mar 26 at 4pm Teas will be available after training for all junior players SENIOR TRAINING Thurs Mar 26 at 6:30pm Teas will be available after training Enquiries to C Michael tel: 0428 631 281 NB: Balaklava Netball / Football club are Sports Voucher registered. BALAKLAVA BASKETBALL CLUB Junior & Senior WindUp PRESENTATIONS Juniors: 5:15 for a 5:30 Start Tea: approx. 6:30 Seniors: 7pm-7:30pm Wednesday 25th March Sporting Clubrooms $25.00 per family One voucher is provided opposite, further vouchers can be obtained by accessing the website as outlined in the letter. Page 8 COMMUNITY NEWS Confused about which Car Seat is the right one for your child? Unsure what the rules actually are? Then join us for a FREE Community Presentation by the RAA . The presentation will help you understand: • Child restraint laws & standards • How to choose the right restraint for the size and age of your child • And how to use it correctly. There will also be a demonstration showing you: • How to find the anchorage points in your car • How to install the child restraint correctly. Monday 16th March 10:00-11:30 am Balaklava Uniting Church (corner of Fisher St & Edith Tce) There will be a crèche provided for children 0-5 years old, as well as free Morning Tea. The presentation is free of charge and open to everyone. For more information, please call Eleanor on 8862 2477. This seminar is proudly brought to you by MEG (Mother’s Encouragement Group) SCHOOL BANKING If you would like to open an account at BankSA for your child, there are registration packs available from the Front Office. BankSA will donate $10 to the school and $10 to the child’s account, for all new accounts before April 10th. Hummocks Watchman Eagle Football Club Junior training dates Senior and Junior Colts training starts Wednesday 18th March at Port Wakefield Oval. Minis and Mini mini colts training starts Wednesday 8th April at 5:30pm Registration will be on the first training, unless you have already done so. Parents need to be present. All primary age players are eligible to use the Federal Government sports voucher to cover the cost of 2015 subs! FREE SPORT! New players welcome.
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