Term 1 Week 5 Feb 27th 2015 Balaklava Primary School PO BOX 108 29 Wallace St, Balaklava SA 5461 Phone: (08) 88621660 Fax: (08) 88621009 e-mail: dl.0477_info@schools.sa.edu.au DIARY DATES: Dear Families, TERM 1 Year 6/7 camp. Congratulations to our students for their behaviour and participation on our recent year 6/7 aquatics camp. I visited the camp last Wednesday evening and spoke with many happy students who had some new experiences and learnt some new skills. A huge thank you to staff and parent helpers who gave up a considerable amount of time to support our students in this exciting part of their learning. MARCH Mon 2nd—Thurs 12th Swimming lessons Yrs R-5 Fri 6th—PCC AGM 1.00 R.Centre Fri 13th Swimming Carnival Wed 18th Tony Bones ‘Bullying’ performance APRIL Thurs 2nd Sports Day School Captains Congratulations to our new school Captains, Adam Speissegger and Abbey Bubner and vice captains Tamika Gregory and Cooper Allen. We look forward to their contributions to our school in their new roles this year. TERM 2 MAY Mon 4th—Wed 6th Rowland, Richards, Churchett camp Week 3 NAPLAN ASSEMBLIES Term 1 Weeks 6, 8, 11 Concerns and Complaints Home-school partnerships are highly valued and we share a common goal- doing the best for our students and developing a mutually respectful and cohesive school community. From time to time members of the school community may have a concern or complaint they need addressed. Every concern is taken seriously and we encourage members of our school community to resolve any questions or concerns early by approaching your child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time. If your child travels by bus, please contact the school to resolve any problems early and we will speak with the drivers. If you do not feel the matter is resolved or your concern is about a school wide issue please arrange a time to meet with me. In most circumstances we find we can come to a mutually agreed resolution, however if you feel your concerns have not been addressed properly you can contact the Gawler Office and Kathryn Bruggerman our Educational Director. The Parent Complaint Unit is also available for information, support and advice on 1800677435. You can find more about raising concerns or complaints on our school website or ask for a copy of our Grievance Procedures and/or How to Raise a Concern or Complaint brochures at our Front Office. Apology to Anthony Williams, one of the BBQ masters at Meet n Greet, whose name was missed last Newsletter. Sorry Anthony! Tricia Joseph Page 2 COUNSELLOR’S CORNER It’s important to be connected and it is not about having mobile phones and computers. Schools can be a great place for adults to make new connections as well as the students. Here are some ways that parents and carers can get connected to the school. • Make contact with your child’s teacher and keep in touch. Ask for help if you don’t understand something. • Check for notices that are sent home and keep informed about school activities through the school newsletter or check out our Facebook page. • Attend information sessions and social activities at the school whenever you can. • Make contact with other parents and carers at your school. Perhaps join our Parent Coordinating Committee or volunteer to help with our Breakfast Club or hearing students read. • Take an interest in the school council and consider joining it if you have the time. • Attend Swimming Carnival and Sports Day to encourage your child and their team. Staff and PCC are always looking for volunteers to help with organisation on the day. • Attend Assemblies (see Newsletter for dates) to see what students are doing throughout the school Working together is the best way to support children’s wellbeing. Cherie Cleary WANTED Can you help the II Club please? ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Microwave in good condition Cooking utensils Pots and pans Fridge Plastic cups and plates set Cutlery set Knives Leah Chidgey From the Pastoral Support Worker Last week I spent my time on the Year 6/7 camp at Victor Harbor, with 69 students and 10 other adults. We slept in tents (some slept more than others), spent a lot of time in the water doing a range of activities, ate a lot, laughed, played a lot of cricket, experienced activities not tried before, talked, ate some more and basically lived in each other’s pocket for a whole week. You get to know people on a camp….you often see sides of their personality that do not come out in the normal routine of school. The “quiet” students are not so quiet, the confident are sometimes not so “out there” and there are students who have to learn to fend for themselves with eating, sleeping and food preparation. Camps are a great “leveller” but also can be a great challenge in many ways. The experience is invaluable in the student’s development, and can often set the basis for relationships and their development over the remainder of the year. One night I had the opportunity to chat to a few young boys who were spending some “sit by the tree” time…time away from the others to reflect on acceptable behaviour. The conversation went for quite a while, and we covered a large range of topics including both school and their personal walks. They had some very pointed questions, and some strong views on a range of topics. But one of them was about “following your passions” and what that meant for their growing up. I encouraged to follow their passions, provided that the path was a positive one….activities that positively contributed to them as a person and the community (family and beyond) of which they were a part. Being passionate is admirable, and following your passions is something that I really encourage. Directing your passions in a positive manner is also vitally important because it does not, and should not, have a detrimental affect on those whom we meet. We need to be selective in what captures our passions, and choose wisely to follow the paths that lead to a positive outcome for both ourselves and others in our lives. This is not always easy, and often, as adults, we need to “direct” our young ones in the correct way. Hopefully they will listen, and make the good choices. I hope the boys with whom I spent that special time on camp, continue to choose wisely….only time will tell. Woody. Page 3 MUSIC NEWS LIBRARY NEWS PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2015 Diary Dates Term 1 Week 7/8 Choir uniform fitting Week 11 Choir assessment Tues 1:00 –3:00 pm Term 2 Choir performs at Saturday Anzac Day ceremony, Dawn Service—April 25th.(Last Saturday of the holidays) Looking Ahead Term 3 Week 2 Balaklava Eisteddfod: July 31st, Aug 1st, Aug 2nd. Week 6 & 9 Festival of Music Adelaide Rehearsal Concert TBC Week 10 Balaklava Show—National Anthem • I have 1 place for a flute player to begin. Please see Mrs Cottle. Lessons are provided by the Instrumental Music Service at no charge. Hire of flute is $78/ 2 terms. • Please consider having a kilt made for choir/ band. • I have a couple of choir books and CDs left (Cost $10) To give away -an older style 2 stanza electric organ—see Front Office Bronny Cottle UNIFORMS Please note1. black shorts and black skirts are not part of the school uniform 2. Long black pants need to be plain and not leggings 2015 PRC will again be an exciting adventure culminating in a special event for all those who have completed the Challenge. Forms are available from Mrs Cleary in the Library. Around the World in 221 days 1st stop Japan FLIGHT DELAYED Unfortunately our flight to Japan has been delayed as we are currently still boarding. We need 20 passengers before take off. Let’s get that reading completed for the Challenge and begin our ‘Around the World’ journey. Cherie Cleary PRC Pilot PCC NEWS AGM • Our AGM will be held March 25th Wed. at 1pm in the Resource Centre. Everyone is warmly invited and most welcome to attend. • 2014 Parent Reps please return your report folders if you have not already done so. • Art smocks are available from the Front Office for $12.00 Page 4 CHINESE NEW YEAR RMS 6, 7 AND 8 ‘Kung hei fat choy’ To celebrate Chinese New Year on Thursday 19th February the Room 6 & 7 children made red lanterns with help from Mrs Rowland’s class and joined with Mrs Wood’d Room 8 children to parade their lanterns and dragons. The children show their newlymade lanterns Riley leads the way for the Room 8 dragon Aaliyah, Olivia and Rhylee working on their lanterns Sophie shows Samo where to cut to make his lantern 2015 GOVERNING COUNCIL AGM Thank you very much to the 11 families who were represented and 7 staff who attended the AGM last night. Balaklava Primary is very grateful for, and to these parents for making themselves available to work together in decision making and volunteering to support the school in its endeavours to provide a quality education for all students at the school. Sincere thanks to them for their continued time and work. We thank all parents retiring from various committees for their efforts over the year/s and we look forward to working with those continuing or commencing their roles in 2015. Several committees would welcome additional members so please consider joining in for the benefit of Balaklava Primary School. Members are listed on the following page. Page 5 GOVERNING COUNCIL AGM Governing Council for 2015 Chair Andrew Lane (1) Sec Catherine Karklins (2) Deputy Andrew Michael (1) Treasurer Mandy Tiller(1) Principal Tricia Joseph Staff Rep Marcia Nowlan T1 Grounds Rep Stephen Williams (2) Bus Rep Andrew Michael PCC Rep Tania Heaslip (1) Canteen Rep TBA (1) Fundraising Rep Catherine Karklins Members Jhing Mojares (2), Kelly Leach (2), Anthony Williams TBC (1) Governing Council still requires one member. Finance and in particular, Fundraising, and Facilities, would certainly welcome any additional volunteers. Please consider these valuable roles. Finance members Andrew Lane Jo Michalanney Diane Gregor Tania Allen Fundraising members Tania Allen Angela Battle Jo Michalanney Catherine Karklins Diane Gregor Trudy Redpath Jodi Williamson TBC PCC/ Uniform members Tania Heaslip Michele Davey TBC Kelly Leach Tania Allen Catherine Karklins Jo Michalanney TBC Jodi Williamson TBC Angela Battle Bec Dixon TBC Narelle Michael TBC Trudy Redpath Bec Allen TBC Kirsty Williams TBC Meriel Lane Sascha Tiller TBC THANK YOU Grounds members Andrew Michael Stephen Williams Carl Leach Craig Allen Hayden Battle Anthony Williams TBC Facilities members Catherine Karklins Tania Allen Stephen Williams Andrew Lane Bus member Many Tiller Canteen member TBC GOVERNING COUNCIL Meeting Dates 7pm start TERM 1 25/2/2014 & 18/3/15 TERM 2 6/5/15 & 17/6/15 TERM 3 5/8/15 & 9/9/15 TERM 4 28/10/15 & 25/11/15 Page 6 SWIMMING Over the next two weeks students will have number of swimming opportunities. The usual Reception to year 5 swimming lessons will be held at Balaklava Pool. On Monday 2nd of March District Carnival will be held at Clare. The main purpose is as trails for the SAPSASA District team for the State Country Carnival. The organisers have made it clear that only our very strongest swimmers are to be selected for this carnival and so the team will be a small one. The team will be announced today. The Riverton Carnival is on the evening of Tuesday 10th March. Over twenty students have been trialling for this carnival and the team will be announced early next week. Best wishes to the students selected for either carnival. Swimming Lessons Swimming Lessons for Reception to year 5 students commence Monday 2nd March and continue until Thursday 12th March. Swimming carnival is on Friday March 13. Times for each class are: • 9:00 Leichester • 9:45 Richards • 10:35 Churchett Yr 3 students • 10:55 Churchett Yr2 students(yr3 continue) • 11:20 Wood • 11:45 Russell • 12:10 Nowlan • 1:20 Rowland and Wells Yr 5 • All classes have 3 instructors for most lessons. Student require; bathers, towel and thongs to wear to pool only (normal shoes the remainder of the day). If required - Earplugs, bathing caps, goggles and asthma medication. Students will change at school. Please ensure your child is dressed in clothing in which s/he is able to remove and fasten themselves. Assistance will be provided with shoes and socks if necessary. Children will remove and put on their own underclothes but school staff can assist with outer clothing if necessary (particularly with the very young students). Parents are able to assist their own child to dress but will only assist other children with shoes and socks. Please make sure all items of clothing are named. Sunblock is available at school; students are welcome to use their own. Should be a great fortnight to improve student water safety. Page 7 SWIMMING CARNIVAL PROGRAMME FRIDAY 13TH MARCH TIME LARGE POOL 9:10 9:20 Churchett & Richards 2 / 3 Hughes, Michalanney/Woodroofe 6/7 9:30 BACKSTROKE CHAMPIONSHIP Year 4,5,6,7 only 1 division 9:50 Wells, Leicester & Rowland 4 / 5 / 6 10:00 Hughes, Michalanney/Woodroofe 6/7 10:10 BREASTSTROKE CHAMPIONSHIP Year 4,5,6,7 only 1 division 10:30 Churchett & Richards 2 / 3 10:40 10:50 MIDDLE POOL Wells, Leicester & Rowland 4 / 5 / 6 FREESTYLE CHAMPIONSHIP Year 3,4,5,6,7 Div 2 then Div 1 at each Year level 11:20 Year 3 Mixed width relay 11:30 Year 4 Mixed Freestyle relay 11:40 Year 5 Year 6 Mixed Freestyle relay Mixed Freestyle relay 11:50 Year 7 Mixed Freestyle relay Year 4/5 Mixed Medley relay 12:00 Year 6/7 Boys Medley relay Year 6/7 Girls Medley relay 12:15 House Captains vs. Staff vs. Parents relay. 12:25 Assembly at the pool Winning Team Announced & Presentation of Shield 12:35 Pack up and return to school for lunch 11:00 – 11:30 Nowlan & Russell Rec/1 11:30 – 12:15 Wood 1/2 Full Swimming Carnival Programmes will be sent home on Thursday 12th March Page 8 YEAR 6/7 CAMP Heading off To Victor Camp Balaklava Greenhills Adventure Granite Island provided some beautiful whole group photo opportunities. What a handsome bunch! Page 9 YEAR 6/7 CAMP cont. Student articles will be featured in the next Newsletter Page 10 WEEK 4 ASSEMBLY Class Award recipients: Front: Chris, Mikell, Malachai and Ruby Second row: Caleb, Shyloh, Karl and Kobi Third row: Jackson, Sophie, Chelsea, Eboney and Cameron Back: Cassandra , Brooke, Natthen and Alex Cameron and Aaliyah accept the Good Manners Trophy for Ms Nowlan’s class Tynan and Scarlett collected the Class Observer award for Mrs Wood’s class March 13th 7.30 Heartfelt and the Stillbirth Foundation are proud to present the first Australian cinema screenings of the movie "Return to Zero". Join us for drinks before the movie from 7:30pm (private bar), 8:30pm screening. **Please note this screening doesn't have a director's floor talk** Purchase tickets online at www.heartfelt.org.au/events (Ticketing is for general admission and there is no allocated seating Page 11 Congratulations to the following students on being selected to play in the SAPSASA BALAKLAVA HUB TEAMS in SOFTBALL, CRICKET or TENNIS. Softball Tamika Gregory – Bva Sianna Bond – Bva Ira Pagadut – Bva Lucy Dixon – Bva Maddie Karklins - Bva Alex Bousefield - Bva Jasmine Barden - Bva Haylee Donselaar - Owen Emma Davies - Owen Cricket Tennis Tyler McBride - Bva Mitchell McLean—Bva Liam Bigg – Bva Jack McLean – Bva Tom Michael – Bva Jacob Battle—Bva Tate Purdue - HCS Ethan Brownlie – HCS Jacob Chapman – HCS Jayden Hendry—Bva Craig Cross - Bva Lachlan Groth - Bva Bailey Arthur - Bva Jack Heaslip - Bva Joseph Mojares - Bva Tyler Durdin - Bva Chloe Lamond - Bva Dylan Woods—Owen Ben Mellow—HCS Samuel Cummins— Snowtown Matthew Freebairn—Owen Luke Freebairn— Snowtown Brayden Bird—Bva Lachlan Hendry—Bva Harrison Lemon—Bva They will travel to Clare on Wednesday (11th March) to play in the SAPSASA Summer Carnival against teams from the Clare and Burra Hubs. Marty Brice – Softball Jo Michalanney – Tennis Shaun Hughes – Cricket Page 12 COMMUNITY NEWS LOST Purple silicon ID bracelet with silver engraved name tag. REWARD of $5 for its return to the Front Office Blake Simpson BALAKLAVA FOOTBALL CLUB SENIOR COLTS U/17 TRAINING STARTS: THURSDAY 5TH MARCH - 5.00PM COACH BRAD MICHAEL - 0417743737 JUNIOR COLTS U/14 TRAINING STARTS: THURSDAY 12TH MARCH - 4.15PM COACH ANDREW MICHAEL - 0429633060 ALL INTENDING OR NEW PLAYERS WELCOME BALAKLAVA NETBALL CLUB Balaklava Netball Club Change to date of 1st selection night. Now on Tuesday 10th March at 6.30pm, Monday 16th and Monday 23rd all at 6.30pm. Balaklava Primary School Wednesday 4th March 8:30am In the yard near the crossing
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