Transfiguration Sunday Worship Leaders: Beverly Goines, Mark Masdin, Michael McMahon, and Kenneth Lowenberg Preacher: Stephen Gentle, Senior Pastor RESPONSORIAL PSALM Insert The Mighty God with Power Speaks (Ps 50) SCRIPTURE READING Mark Masdin NT p. 42 THE COMMUNITY GATHERS FOR WORSHIP PRELUDE Mark 9:2-9 Olivier Messiaen Praise to the Immortality of Jesus MOMENT OF FRIENDSHIP AND WELCOME ANTHEM AGINCOURT HYMN Stephen Gentle O Wondrous Sight! O Vision Fair! Welcome! National City Christian Church is the national church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and a house of prayer that is open and affirming of all people. We pray that today’s worship will please God and edify God’s people. O wondrous sight! O vision fair of glory that the church may share; which Christ upon the mountains shows, where brighter than the sun he glows. Please sign the Connect With Us card in the bulletin. If you are a first-time guest, please indicate your address, telephone number, and email address. There is a space on the back for prayer concerns and comments. As we prepare for worship, please turn off all cellular telephones, pagers, and watch alarms. The service is approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. INTROIT With shining face and bright array, Christ deigns to manifest today what glory shall be theirs above who dwell with God in perfect love. (Latin, 15th c., trans. John Mason Neale, 1854, alt.) Richard Warner Hallelujah! In This Temple God Be Praised Hallelujah! Hallelujah! In this temple God be praised! In the highest heavenly places be the sounding anthems raised! SERMON OPENING HYMN We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE Beverly Goines Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: Great is the Lord in Zion. The Lord is exalted over all the nations. God is Holy! Let all people praise God’s great and awesome name. God is all powerful. The Lord loves justice and establishes equity. God is Holy! Let all people exalt God and worship at God’s feet. God answered the prayers of Moses and Aaron. God spoke to them from the pillar of cloud and fire. God led the people in the wilderness and forgave all their sins. People: God is Holy! Let all people worship the Lord, now and forever. Leader: The Lord our God is Holy. Praise God’s name, forevermore. CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE No. 176 (4) SALZBURG ( Please stand as you are able.) Loretta Franklin Elder: People: Elder: People: Elder: Let us lift up our hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is right to give you our thanks and praise, O God. Your transfiguring light has overcome us, and is restoring within us the image of your glory. People: Though we were blinded by sin, your saving light has been beamed into our hearts, that we might see your radiant mercy in the face of Jesus Christ. We pray in his holy name, saying: All: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Paul Gueguierre This table is for all believers in Jesus Christ. Please eat the bread as it is passed and hold the cup so that we may share it together. COMMUNION HYMN No. 399 (1) BELMONT O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near THE COMMUNITY CELEBRATES GOD’S GRACE Those desiring to become members of the community of National City Christian Church, either by transfer of membership, profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or as an associate member, are invited to come forward during the hymn. HYMN OF COMMITMENT No. 182 O God, unseen yet ever near, reveal thy presence now, while we, in love that hath no fear, before thy glory bow. THE COMMUNITY GOES FORTH TO SERVE CLOSING HYMN PICARDY GIVING AND RECEIVING OF THE OFFERING Beverly Goines No. 21 LLANFAIR Let the Whole Creation Cry Transform Us BENEDICTION With the sharing of our tithes and offerings, members and friends of National City Christian Church are invited to make an estimate of giving to the Renew & Transform Capital Campaign. Thank you. POSTLUDE Benedetto Marcello The Heavens Declare God's Glory (Psalm, 50:6, Psalm 19:1) OFFERTORY ANTHEM Christ, the Glory Following the worship service, pastors and elders are at the back and side doors of the Sanctuary to greet you. All are invited to the Atrium for coffee fellowship immediately following the worship. Christ, the glory of the holy angels, thou who made us and loveth us: Send us thy counsel, guide all to thy throne. The heavens declare the glory of the Lord, and forever doth the earth sing his praises! The flowers were given by Barbara Boward in memory of Hugh Williams' 100th Birthday Sing of God made manifest on the cloud-capped mountain’s crest, where the Law and Prophets waned so that Christ alone remained: glimpse of glory, pledge of grace, giv’n as Jesus set his face toward the waiting cross and grave, sign of hope that God would save. THE COMMUNITY HEARS GOD’S WORD Mark Masdin NT p. 170 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE WORDS OF INSTITUTION Stephen Gentle Sing of God Made Manifest SCRIPTURE Beverly Goines PRAYER AT THE TABLE Transfigured Insert NETTLETON INVITATION TO COMMUNION KINGSFOLD Jean Francois Lallouette DOXOLOGY NO. 50 LASST UNS ERFREUEN Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose pow’r uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Worship and Preaching resources: David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, ed. Feasting on the Word (Louisville: Westminster Press, 2009); Colbert Cartwright and O.I. Cricket Harrison, ed. Chalice Worship (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1999); James G. Kirk, When We Gather (Philadelphia: The Geneva Press, 2001); Revised Common Lectionary, Center for Biblical Preaching, Welcome to National City Christian Church, national church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and an open and affirming congregation. We are so honored that you are here in worship today and we pray for God's blessings to be made manifest in your life. Capital Campaign - If you have not had an opportunity to pledge to National City's Renew & Transform Capital Campaign, please prayerfully consider doing so today. Pledge cards are available in the bulletin for your convenience. Thank you! Memorial Service for the wife of Vanya Mullinax, Fata, is at North Chevy Chase Christian Church, today, Sunday, February 15, at 2 p.m. Sympathy for the family of Carolyn E. “Betty” Warner who passed away on Tuesday, February 10. Betty was a member of National City Christian Church for many decades and Trustee Emeritus with NCCC Foundation. Memorial service will be announced at a future date. Calling All Singers! - You are invited to join National City's Sanctuary Choir for special services on Good Friday (April 2), and Easter Sunday (April 4). The first of our special rehearsals will be held Saturday, February 21, at 10 a.m. in the Music Suite. For more information or to sign up, contact Dr. Michael McMahon at Lenten Devotional Booklet - Once again our Lenten Devotional booklet is available in the Atrium. The daily devotions will also be emailed and posted on If you would like to receive the daily devotions please email Colleen Walsh at FOR OUR GUESTS Membership at National City Christian Church - It would be our joy to welcome you into the membership of this congregation. You may join through transfer of membership from another congregation or through a profession of faith and baptism. Full and associate memberships are available. Please feel free to talk with any minister or email Sanctuary Tour - Tours of our historic Sanctuary are available following the 11 a.m. worship service. If you are interested, please meet at the Garfield Window in the rear of the Sanctuary (pulpit side). Coffee and Fellowship - Come to the Atrium for a warm cup of coffee and meet some of the warm people of National City. The Atrium is located on the first floor of the building through the front, right door. Nursery - Childcare is available during the morning for children through age four. The nursery is located in Fellers Foyer. Speak with a greeter or any member for directions. Accessibility - Elevator access to the Sanctuary is available via the 14th Street courtyard entrance. If you would like to request a handicapped parking space for Sunday, please call the church office by 12 noon on Friday. EN ESPAÑOL - Culto en la Capilla Phillips, Domingo 11 a.m. Parking - Complimentary parking is available at the Washington Plaza Hotel parking garage. Simply ask for a voucher at the church front desk at the 14th Street entrance. Free street parking is available every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the west ramp off Thomas Circle, which leads to Massachusetts Avenue. Pastoral Needs - If you would like to speak with a pastor, please feel free to meet with one of the pastors at the door after the worship service or call 202-232 -0323 during office hours. National City Online - Visit online at to find a recording of Sunday's sermon. Members and guests are encouraged to sign up for our email list at Facebook aficionados are encouraged to sign up as fans of National City Christian Church’s Facebook page. See you online! CAPITAL AREA PRAYER CALENDAR Aspen Hill Christian Church, Aspen Hill, Maryland SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Week of Compassion Offering - Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee, and development fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Please use the envelope in the bulletin today, or on February 22, to impact the lives who are in need of our compassion. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 9 a.m., Music Suite Book of Job Study - 10 a.m., Howland Center, led by Sierra Stites Toddler School - 10 a.m., Nursery Deaconesses Meeting - 12:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 PRESIDENT'S DAY - NATIONAL CITY OFFICES CLOSED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Thomas Circle Singers - 6 p.m., Scott Hall Fluent Cities Language Class - 6:30 p.m., Campbell Building Fortissima Choir - 7 p.m., Phillips Chapel Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 7 p.m., Music Suite Jaime Andrew Fitness Boot Camp - 7 p.m., Community Room Yada D-Space - 7 p.m., Howland Center, Book of Job, led by Joe Mantange WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday Services - There will be two services held in the Sanctuary at 5:15 and 7 p.m., during which you may receive ashes as a sign of our journey together to follow Christ on the way of his cross. There will be a light supper in Scott Hall at 6 p.m. Jaime Andrew Fitness Boot Camp - 6 a.m., Community Room Children's Community Playgroup - 9:30 a.m., Community Room Food Pantry - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Atrium Fluent Cities Language Class - 6:30 p.m., Campbell Building THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Fluent Cities Language Classes - 6:30 p.m., Campbell Building Jaime Andrew Fitness Boot Camp - 7 p.m., Community Room DC Lambda Squares - 7:30 p.m., Scott Hall FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Carl Vogel Food Pantry - 11 a.m., Community Room Free Noon-Time Pipe Organ Recital - 12:15 p.m., Sanctuary. Kimberly Ann Hess from Washington, DC, performs grand works for the organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, William Grant Still, and Franz Liszt. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Elders' Meeting - 8:30 a.m., Howland Center Jaime Andrew Fitness Boot Camp - 9 a.m., Community Room Lenten Small Group Study - 10 a.m., Atrium. Led by Bill Knight Thomas Circle Singers - 10 a.m., Scott Hall Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 10 a.m., Music Suite Week of Compassion Yada Cooking - 4 p.m., Scott Hall UN Youth Conference - 5:30 p.m., Community Room February 15, 2015 11 a.m. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 9 a.m., Music Suite Thomas House Service - 2 p.m., Thomas House UN Youth Conference - 5:30 p.m., Community Room, Ohio region Lenten Study - 5 p.m., Teresa Swihart's home. PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH FAMILY Frank Ahlbin; Fay Arrington; Jim and Jane Baines; June Chewning; Eddie Franklin; Vivian Henderson; Eleanor Hickman; Will Hill; Morris Jackson; Constance Jennings; Pearl King; Granver Lovick; Victoria Rose Mayfield-Mayo; Hilda Reynolds; Steve Schacht; Missy Walsh; persons in military and civil service around the world. National City Christian Church 5 Thomas Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20005 202-232-0323
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