Service For The Lord’s Day First Sunday After Christmas December 28, 2014 *Those who are able, please stand. 10:00 A.M Worship WELCOME! We are glad you are worshiping with us today. We pray that you will be challenged and find joy, hope and celebration in this hour spent together in the presence of God. Please sign and pass the “Ritual of Friendship” booklet; then, return it to the first person. Note those who worship with you so that you might greet them by name. PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP Go in peace, carrying God’s word to the world. Praise God and tell the good news of a Savior. Let praise fill all your waking hours. Let your dreams reflect God’s consolation. God sends the Spirit to be our companion. Welcome the Spirit’s leading and guidance. Amen. GOD’S PEOPLE GATHER TO WORSHIP WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please greet nearby worshipers and return to your seat.) PRELUDE “Hallelujah Joy” arr. Hayes “Hallelujah Chorus”/”Joy to the World” *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Leader: Rejoice in God, Who is our life and salvation. Christ has come to make us heirs of God’s promises. All: God commanded, and we were created. We are children of the Most High. Leader: Praise God from the heights of heaven. Praise God, all people of the earth. All: God opens our eyes to see the light. We will be called by a new name. Leader: Men and women, young and old, sing of God’s glory; shout Your praise. All: God has made us heirs of promise. We will praise God’s holy name. 1 *PRAYER OF INVOCATION (In Unison) Faithful God, by Whose Spirit all people and places become holy, lead us by that Spirit today. We have come to celebrate a birth that offers us rebirth. We have gathered that You might claim us as heirs, with Christ, of eternal life. Unite our hearts and minds in a chorus of praise, that the life of this church might be quickened, renewed and focused. May your faithful people become a crown of beauty in Your hands. Amen. *OPENING HYMN “O Come, All Ye Faithful” *CALL TO CONFESSION No. 41 (Lay Reader) *PRAYER OF CONFESSION (In Unison) We bring our prayers to You, gracious God, sensing that there is more to life than the ways we have known. We are drawn to the Messiah, yet we shrink from following where faith leads. We are afraid of what we might lose if we are guided by the Spirit. Thoughts of sacrifice and servanthood are not appealing to us. We are reluctant to enter into a close relationship with You. We think we know, better than You, what is best for us. Forgive us. Help us see You. Amen. *KYRIE No. 574 *ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Lay Reader) *GLORIA PATRI No. 579 GOD’S PEOPLE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION (In Unison) Gracious God, so often hidden from our view, yet appearing in unexpected times and places, open our eyes to Your salvation. Shed Your light on this worshiping community. Unite us in this time of prayer and praise that we may grow in Your likeness, be filled with Your wisdom and become beacons of good news to the world. Amen. FIRST READING SPECIAL MUSIC Psalm 148:1-4, 12-13 “He Is Born” arr. Hayes CHILDREN’S TIME (Afterward, children may go to early release. InSPIREd Kids and Voices may go to rehearsal.) 2 SECOND READING Luke 2:15-21 “Now What?” SERMON *HYMN Rev. Rusty Cowden “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child” GOD’S PEOPLE RESPOND *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) No. 27 Hymnal p. 14 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE …“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.” “Mary, Did You Know?” OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY arr. Hayes No. 592 *OFFERTORY PRAYER (In Unison) With joyous praise, we return to You a portion of all You have given to us. May our giving exceed the demands of the law. You have invited us to sacrifices befitting our blessings. You have asked us to care for those less privileged. What we offer in these moments is a beginning. We will ponder again Your amazing grace in granting us life, in offering the child Jesus to bring us back to You and in giving us the name “Christian.” Praise be to You, O God. Amen. *HYMN “Go, Tell It on the Mountain” No. 29 GOD’S PEOPLE GO FORTH TO SERVE *CHARGE AND BLESSING. *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Amen” “Go, Tell It on the Mountain” THE CELEBRATION HAS ENDED; LET OUR SERVICE BEGIN! 3 arr. Hayes WELCOME VISITORS! We are pleased you chose to worship with us today. To learn more about First Presbyterian Church of Warren, we invite you to pick up a Welcome Packet at one of the Sanctuary entrances. FPC VISION: Glorify and enjoy God through worship, education and service. FPC’S WEB PAGE ADDRESS is – come visit us on the ‘Net! Our email address is SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION - Our next celebration of Communion will be Sunday, January 4, 2015, during our regular 10:00 a.m. worship service. SANCTUARY FLOWER CHART – The Sanctuary Flower Chart for 2015 has arrived and is in the Church Office. Please reserve your date or dates now for 2015. Remember, you are able to have flowers on the Chancel, the Columbarium doors or both. THE DEACONS would like to thank all who remember the Deacons’ Cupboard while shopping. They are requesting tuna fish and bar soap for the month of January. They are also in need of brown grocery bags. You may leave your items in the Deacons’ box in Fellowship Hall. RADIO MINISTRY is funded this morning by Edith Elliott. Our service is broadcast at 10:00 a.m. Sundays on WHKZ-1440 AM. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, donations designated for the Radio Ministry may be placed in the offering plate; contributions may also be mailed to the Church Office with “Radio Ministry” in the memo of the check. HEARING DEVICES to better enable you to hear the service are available from one of the ushers. Please return the device at the end of the service. LARGE-PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST FROM OUR USHERS AND GREETERS. LAY READER: Bill Holk USHER CAPTAIN: Tony Ewell GREETERS: Delores Morrison, John and Marilyn Pogue RADIO, LIGHTS AND SOUND SYSTEM: Bill Kemp and Gary Wireman VIDEO PROJECTION: Robert Stahl 4 WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE Sun, Dec. 28 - First Sunday After Christmas - Adult Study, Parlor ......................................................................... 9:00 am - Worship .......................................................................................... 10:00 am Mon, Dec. 29 - AA, MC.............................................................................................. 7:30 pm Tue, Dec. 30 - Al-Anon, MC & FH ........................................................................... 9:30 am - NA, MC & FH ................................................................................... 7:00 pm Wed, Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve Thur, Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day, Office Closed Fri, Jan. 2 - Al-Anon, MC ................................................................................... 10:00 am Sun, Jan. 4 Communion/2¢-A-Meal Offering - Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary ........................................................... 8:30 am - Sunday School ................................................................................. 9:00 am - Adult Study, Parlor ......................................................................... 9:00 am - Worship .......................................................................................... 10:00 am - De-Decorate Church ..................................................................... 11:15 am - Church Growth Meeting, Parlor ................................................. 11:15 am Rev. Rusty Cowden Pastor Melanie A. Vlad Director of Music Ministry Connie Hernandez Administrative Assistant 5 Kathie Trowbridge Financial Secretary
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