Please support our sponsors Catholic Daughter’s of the America’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 St. Monica’s Court # 2598 Meetings: 3rd Monday 7:00 p.m. 2993 Main Street, Suite 2 / P.O. Box 343 / Peru, NY 12972 (518)643-8080 * (518)643-8484 fax BOULÉ/SPEAR FAMILY DENTISTRY Michael J. Boulé, D.D.S. Anne-Marie B. Spear, D.D.S. Plattsburgh: 518-563-3090 Peru: 518-643-8015 Langley Insurance Agency Since 1932 PO Box 598— 5 Davey Drive Peru, NY 12972-0598 Ph: 518-643-9052 Fax: 518-643-6640 In the Heart of the Champlain Valley Growers & Packers of Fancy McIntosh Cortland & Honeycrisp 2731 Route 22 (518)643-9527 Fax (518)643-9509 St. Augustine’s Parish Center New Members Welcome North Country Endodontics Susan L. Zerrahn, DMD St. Patrick’s Oratory Meetings 1st Mondays 7:30 PM Non-Smoking Bingo Tuesdays 7:10 PM New Members Welcome—Peru, NY For Information 643-8813 A Family Serving Families for Three Generations Neil E. Hamilton Director 294 Mannix Road, PO Box 570, Peru, New York 12972 Peru 643-9055 • Mooers 236-4747 • Keeseville 834-7667 Visit our Sales Room for our Home Grown Apples Monday—Friday 7:00am to 4:30pm 3035 Main Street Peru, NY 12972 Our Parish Directory Bishop: The Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley Pastor: Reverend Alan D. Shnob Priest in Residence: Reverend Richard D. Demers Deacon: George Benson Daily Mass 8:00 a.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Confessions 3:15-4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Confessions 8:15-9:00 a.m. Rectory: Father Alan (518) 643-6759 Monuments Plattsburgh Memorials 4875 S. Catherine Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - See What You Buy - *************************************** Parish Offices & Information 3030 Main Street / Peru, N.Y. 12972 Tel. (518) 643-2435 ~ Fax (518) 643-0960 Dubay Family Chiropractic Director of Religious Education Janice Morse Email: Dr. Steven B. Dubay D.C. (518)643-2463 89 Military Turnpike/Brand Hollow Rd. Youth Directors Nicole Beck & Dale Dupree Patrick Knight (Counselor) Bookkeeper/Office Manager Deborah Purdy Email: Secretary Tony Andrews Russell, McCormick & Russell ATTORNEYS AT LAW William E. Russell & Michael D. McCormick Andrew J. Russell 101 Clinton Street, PO Box 549 Keeseville, NY 518-834-7700 Parish Center Coordinator Rebecca Watkins ************************************* Prayer Line Sherry Demarais (518) 643-2660 Ocean & River Cruising All-Inclusive Resorts, Global Guided Tours, Disney Vacations, Hotels/Airfare. Have your family or class reunion on a cruise Ship or at an all-inclusive resort! Julie & Gary Liberty Your Independent Vacation Specialists 25 Taylor Road, Peru, NY 12972 Call 518-643-5551 today to start planning your next Dream Vacation! Sign up for Exclusive Offers and Discounts at 51 Patent Road, Peru, NY Baptismal Preparation Every Third Thursday Karen De Boos (518) 569-1032 Organist: Khristina Heffernan Choir Director: Shirley Lareau-Kemp Emeritus: Lynn Wilke ~ Pianist: Catherine Bova Trustees Mr. John Guynup ~ Mrs. Angie LePage 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Sunday Readings Cycle: Year B Weekday Readings Cycle: Year 1 Weekend Masses: Saturday, February 14, 2015 Sts. Cyril & Methodius 4:30 p.m. Patricia Shea By: The Shea Family Sunday, February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Richard Barber By: Sherry & Kim Monday, February 16, 2015 Weekday 8:00 a.m. For Successful Surgery for Raymond Domenico (on the Friday Feb. 20th) By: Carol & Fr. Alan Shnob Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 8:00 a. m. Jeannine Clemons By: Clay & Charlene Lombard Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Larry McSweeney By: Barb and Terry Eamer 5:30 p.m. Connie Shnob By: Colleen McCormick Thursday February 19, 2015 Thursday After Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. For The People 9:00 a.m. Valehaven Communion Service 9:30 a.m. Apple Valley Communion Service Friday, February 20, 2015 Friday After Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Robert Frechette By: Bob & Judy Akey Saturday, February 21, 2015 St. Peter Damian, Bishop &Doctor 4:30 p.m. Arlene Tetrault By: Her Children & Great-Grandchildren Sunday February 22, 2015 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Patricia Shea By: Tom & Christa Reyell St. Peter Damian What’s Happening This Week Sunday, February 15 Confessions 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m. NO RE CLASSES OR YOUTH MINISTRY TODAY Monday - Saturday St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to noon. St. Augustine’s Crate and Christmas Thrift Store Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Feb. 7-8, 2015 Mass Attendance 346 Envelopes Plate Child Total $ $ $ $ 6352.50 331.50 6684.00 Thank you for your continued support and generosity. St. Vincent de Paul Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Thursdays 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon w/e Feb. 7, 2015 $549.37 Monday, February 16 Boy Scouts (Memorial Hall) K of C Meeting (Resched.) 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 17 Bible/Scripture Study, Adirondack Room 7:00 p.m. K of C Bingo 7:10 p.m. Wednesday, February 18 ASH WEDNESDAY Masses at 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Crafters for Charity Soup Kitchen 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Thursday, February 19 9:00 a.m. Valehaven Communion Service 10:00 a.m. Apple Valley Communion Service Census Committee Meeting 9:30 a.m. Baptismal Prep 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 20 Adoration 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, February 21 Confessions 3:15 p.m.~4:00 p.m. Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday February 22 RE Classes 10:45-12:00 Youth Ministry 12:30 - 1:30 Catholic Daughters’ Irish Dinner March 14th from 3 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. St. Augustine’s Parish Center Great Food, Music, Dancing, and Fun!! Bring your gently used clothes to St Vincent’s. Your kindness and caring will help those in need. ♥ "Charity is certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules must lead to charity." St. Augustine’s Crate and Christmas Thrift Shop Roger’s House 3034 Main Street Peru, NY $336.40 Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon Life Insurance Do you have an old life insurance policy sitting in a security box? That policy obviously is not needed and has outlived its original purpose. This makes an easy and convenient gift to our parish just by a simple signature. You can also make a gift using life insurance by naming our parish as either the owner of the policy or the beneficiary. For more information contact the Diocese at 315-393-2920 or Email “Do everything for the glory of God.” Your vocation is the call to give God glory in your very being. Is He choosing you to be a priest or consecrated religious? If so, talk to Fr. Alan or contact Fr. Bryan Stitt on Facebook; at; or at (315) 393-2920 ex. 1450 The Peru Stewart’s Shops, once again, was very gracious in donating milk to the St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen. We appreciate the community support that Stewart’s continues to practice. Come and learn more about Seton Academy Get to know the faculty Meet some of the other students and parents Wednesday, March 4th 6:00-7:00 PM Refreshments will be served For more information visit News From Seton Catholic (drop off is at the car port behind the house.) Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support!! 23 St. Charles St., Plattsburgh, NY 518-825-7386 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!! Please consider donating them to the Thrift Shop. There is always room for you at our table. Please join us each Wednesday 4:15 - 5:45 . It is a time of fellowship while enjoying a good meal. Our Seton PreK-12 family of faith fosters academic excellence, nurtures personal responsibility, and encourages service to others in the spirit of Jesus Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We are always looking for gently used items for Roger’s house. Household, Christmas, toys, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc… St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen News from Seton Academy St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen/Community Dinner is looking for a part-time cook on Wednesdays to serve 80-100 people. Volunteers will assist where needed. Help the community, make a little extra money, and work in a Christian setting. If you think that you can share your gifts of time and talent, please call Debbie at 643-2435 or Fr. Alan at 643-6759. Lent 2015 marks the start of what has become a traditional 40 Days of Hope at Seton Catholic. We are reminded of the need for gratitude and social justice. Throughout the 40 days, faculty and students focus on how we can help the Mission of Hope. Several activities are planned. We invite you to join with us in this important endeavor! Stay tuned for activities. During February we are praying for an increase in kindness and trying to do at least one act of kindness each day. There are nine students going to Boston College to participate in their Model United Nations program in March. This outstanding opportunity will help us grow the speaking, listening and debating skills of our students. COMING ACTIVITIES:: Feb. 27th: Coffee House (singing, poetry) Feb. 28th: Spaghetti Dinner at Seton Academy March 3rd: Middle School stations of the cross March 13th: Lock-in ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK BOULÉ/SPEAR FAMILY DENTISTRY Michael J. Boulé, D.D.S. Anne-Marie B. Spear, D.D.S. Plattsburgh: 518-563-3090 Peru: 518-643-8015 Angela Maliniak~ Terry Manley~ Angela Cook and Family~ Mary Provost~ Baby Emilyn Grace~ Willow~ Joseph Favreau~ Jan Brault~ Jim & Ellie Durgan~ Peter Grobecker~ Sara LaDuke~ Sarah Kelley~ Jimmy Frank ~Brandon Purtell~ Peggy Devins~ Eric Laffey, recently deployed Serviceman ~Ingrid Marant, mother of Chris Marant and Oma of Zoey Mussaw ~Katherine Trombley ~Jamie Toohill ~Johnny and Gloria Sarbou ~Gary Liberty ~Deacon George Benson ~ Meegan Rock~ Shannon Kiniry ~ Paul brother of Elise Lester ~ Michael Newell ~ Noella Jozwiak~ Dick Jenkins ~Lita Stinecke sister inlaw of Dave Soulia ~ Marion Perrotte ~ Stephanie Mack ~ Miriam Mandigo Friend of Elaine Smith ~ Dan Hickey~ Lillian Cook, sister of Peggy Banker ~ Susan Murray ~ Gracelyn Cayea ~ Sherry Barber ~ Catherine McCusker & Bill Gruttermyer, Friends of Elaine Smith ~ Donald Patnode, Friend of Marion Peters ~ Bill Patnode ~ Jimmy Coon ~ Kathleen Fornecker, friend of Patti Hamilton & Marion Peters~ Karen Darcy ~ sister of Cecilia Darcy Yelle ~ Michelle Fitzgerald ~ Sarah Trombley ~ Deacon Ed Mazuchowski ~ John Soulia ~ Suzanne Coryer ~ Bill & Vonna Reid ~ Angel Wright, sister-in-law of Kathy Marant ~ Sandi Andrews ~ Roger Long ~ Evelyn & Robert Fuller ~ Father Peter Nabozny, Uncle to Joanne Forrence ~ Karen Stanord ~ Marge McSweeney ~ Lon & Patricia Coleman, Mother & Father of Kathy Siddon ~ Dan Froehlich ~ Mark & Justin Pulsifer ~ Eddie Compton ~ Bill McBride ~ Liam MacDougal ~ Tammy VanValkenburg ~ ~ John LaFave Please support our advertisers on the back of our bulletin. UPDATED BETTY HUGHES INFORMATION St. Augustine’s own Betty Hughes recently fell ill. If anyone would like to send a card or a kind word, to Betty, the new updated address is: Betty Hughes P. O. Box 35 Peru, NY 12972 DID YOU KNOW... The Diocese of Ogdensburg has a great website that highlights the who, what, when, where, and why of the Diocese you live in? Yes, they do!! Go to and you can see all the happenings going on within the Diocese, pictures of past events, and even a message from Bishop LaValley himself! Hop online and check out the website. It will be worth your time!! There are still spaces available for advertising your business on the back of the Church bulletin. The bulletin reaches over 200 families each week, in addition to our out of town visitors who will see your advertisement. Consider sponsoring our bulletin by placing Are you amazed at the courage of the leper in today's Gospel? Lepers were excluded from the com- your ad. For more information contact the Parish Office at 643-2435 and speak with Debbie or Tony. munity, they were to "dwell apart", as the first reading tells us. Yet this leper dared to approach Find Pope Francis Jesus. People must have been shocked at his approach and even on Twitter! more shocked at the fact that Jesus touched him. What about us? Are we afraid to approach Jesus with our deformities, with our sins? For it is not leprosy that separates us from the body of Christ, but rather our sins. Can we approach Jesus through the “Having faith does not mean having no priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and say with the difficulties, but having the strength to face them, leper "if you wish, you can make clean." The season of Lent beknowing we are not alone. ” gins this coming Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. Let us turn to the Lord and allow him to make us clean by taking away our sins that we too may rejoice and sing his praises. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule Saturday, February 21st, ~ 4:30 p.m. S. Kokes, D. Collins, A. Torrance, G. Burdo, (Volunteer Needed) Sunday, February 22nd, ~ 9:30 a.m. B. Herforth, S. Beaumont, K. McGovern, A. McGovern, B. Manchester, P. Ballantine* (*or Fr. Richard) Lector’s Schedule Saturday, February 21st, ~ 4:30 p.m. Karen Glushko Sunday, February 22nd ~ 9:30 a.m. Jerry McGovern WILLIE SAYS!! Dear Parishioners, With the Lenten Season coming upon us, I am recommending this prayer be said with your families in anticipation for the upcoming 2015 Lenten Journey. Dear Lord, As I make my Lenten Journey with You, send me your Spirit, help me to give of myself, help me to turn away from sin, and help me to fast and pray, so that I may know You and serve You better. Let me be renewed through my journey to share Your grace with the world. Amen Happy Anniversary to Leonard & Noella Jozwiak Baptized in the Lord Kaiden Charles Decker (February 8, 2015) COUNCIL #7273 SPAGHETTI DINNER FEBRUARY 21ST Knights of Columbus Council #7273 will host an “ALL YOU CAN EAT” Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February 21st at the St. Augustine’s Parish Center in Peru. Spaghetti, Salad, Italian Bread, and a Delicious Dessert will be served from 4:30 to 6:30 PM $7.50 per person, $2.50 for children 6 to 12, FREE for children 5 and under, and a $20 per family maximum. Take-outs are available. All proceeds benefit local charitable and community programs. The Parish Communities of St. Augustine’s and St. Patrick’s Wish to Extend a Warm and Blessed “Happy Birthday” to.. Our Beloved Pastor Fr. Alan Shnob (Feb. 15th) And The Incomparable Mrs. Theresa Light (Feb. 18th) May God Bless You Both Now and Always!!! ALTAR SERVER NEWS Shortly, we will be training a new class of servers from Grade 3 on up to High School. We also need adult servers for funerals. Applications for the children have been handed out at Religious Ed. Applications are also available in the Sacristy after Mass. Lauren Lawliss, our Senior Server, will train the new recruits. RABIES CLINIC For Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets Free for Clinton County Residents Tuesday February 24th from 6:00-8:30pm. at the City of Plattsburgh Public Works Building 215 Idaho Avenue St. Augustine’s Youth Ministry News All the children have been to Narnia now. A bit of adventure and faith to allow. Shock, amazement and anger at Ed. He made fun of Lu and all that she said. Now looking for the faun, betrayal at hand. Don't jump ahead, too early to take a stand. It's family you know, important you see. Look and listen and follow with me. The chapters continue and just keep in mind. There's lessons in all, seek and ye shall find. **All pets must be at least 3 months old** **Pets need their 1st vaccination by 4 months of age** **Bring your pet’s vaccination certificate** **All animals must be on a leash, or in a carrier, to be admitted to the clinic** For more information, please call 518-565-4870 Or check out the website at Saints of the Week: Sts. Cyril & Methodius The two brothers were 9th Century Greek-Byzantine brothers born in Thessalonica, in present-day Greek Macedonia – Cyril in 828 and Methodius in 815. Most reputable Byzantinists consider the brothers to have been ethnic Greeks who had learned the Slav Macedonian dialect before introducing Orthodox Christianity and a new script to the illiterate and pagan Slav migrants into parts of Macedonia and elsewhere in the Balkans. Cyril was reputedly the youngest of seven brothers; he was born as Constantine, but took the name Cyril upon becoming a monk in shortly before his death, according to the "Vita Cyrilli" ("The Life of Cyril"). Methodius was born Michael and took the name Methodius upon becoming a monk at Mysian Olympus (present-day northwest Turkey.) Through their work they influenced the cultural development of all Slavs, for which they received the title "Apostles to the Slavs". They are credited with devising the Glagolitic alphabet, the first alphabet used to transcribe Old Church Slavonic. After their deaths, their pupils continued their missionary work among other Slavs. Both brothers are venerated in the Orthodox Church as saints with the title of "equal-to-apostles". In 1880, Pope Leo XIII introduced their feast into the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1980, Pope John Paul II declared them co-patron saints of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia. Sts. Cyril and Methodius, pray for us!
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