Bambara Primary School Issue 1 Term 1 10 February 2015 An Independent Public School Message from the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers “All in” 2015 Kindergarten class Welcome to all and especially all the new families that have joined our school community this year. We have had a whirlwind start to the term as students and teachers have been busy establishing new routines and clarifying classroom behaviours. We have started the term with 8 classes and 202 students. Welcome to our new staff: Miss Jessica Manera, Mrs Shelley Fielding and Mrs Anne Smith. The class structures for 2015 are as follows: Kindergarten - ECE 1 Pre-Primary - ECE 5 Pre-Primary/Year1 - ECE 4 Year 1 – ECE 3 Mrs Fielding Miss Muntz Mrs Manera Mrs McAullay Year 2 - Room 2 Year 3 - Room 3 Year 4/5 - Room 10 Year 5/6 - Room 9 Mrs Belloso and Mr Prokojes Miss Rex Mrs Amba Mrs Fotakis and Mrs Kervin Over the coming weeks students will be introduced to ‘Big Ideas’ (Math) and ‘SoundWaves’ (Spelling); these two programs will be implemented across all grades from Pre-Primary - Year 6 and include student workbooks. If the workbooks were not paid for through OfficeMax then parents are asked to pay the student workbook levy through the school office. Parents will hear more about these programs at the Parent Information Meetings scheduled in Week Three commencing on Monday16 to Friday 20 February. Please come along and meet the staff working with your child, find out what is planned for the term ahead and hear how you can support your child at home. As the school transitions to becoming an Independent Public School, the School Board will establish its composition and terms of reference and develop a three year Business Plan outlining the schools priorities, targets and milestones. At the end of the term the Delivery Performance Agreement (DPA) will be signed. The Agreement sets out the performance and accountability expectations of the school; and the resources and support supplied by the Department of Education and will be binding for the term of the Business Plan. I look forward to working with all existing and new Board Members throughout the year to ensure our students receive a quality education which is responsive to their individual needs. Several students have been identified for their level of ability in areas of the ARTS and Academics. Congratulations to Connor Brown, Juliette Green, Levi Miles, Sophie Burrows and Tamika Ward for being awarded a Music Scholarship in a Brass instrument. These students will receive free weekly music lessons by department staff until the end of Year 10 and will have the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. Juliette Green has been identified for her academic talents and will attend Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) classes half a day each week; the PEAC program services gifted and talented students with a differentiated curriculum. Selection is completed in Year 4 and is based on results from assessment tests. Our current Year 4 students will be tested later in the year. The P & C will be holding their AGM on Monday 16 February at 6.30pm. Some executive positions including President and Treasurer will need to be filled. If you are passionate about our school and think you can make a difference to the lives of our students please come along and be part of our exciting journey. Linda Knox (Principal) Messages from the Deputy Principal - Shelley Smith A warm welcome to students and parents to the 2015 school year. I hope everyone had a lovely break and that you are all ready for another year at “the place to be”. PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS: These are scheduled for Week 3 commencing on Monday 16 February. In these sessions teachers will introduce themselves, outline their program, their management and housekeeping issues related to the class. There will also be time for parents to ask questions. It is not for individual interviews. A staff member will be available in the Undercover Area to supervise the children whose parents are attending the meetings. The times are as follows : MONDAY 3:15 - 4:15 TUESDAY 3:15 - 4:15 WEDNESDAY 3:00 - 4:00 THURSDAY 3:15 - 4:15 FRIDAY 3:15 - 4:15 Ms Rex Year 3 Mrs Fielding Kindy Mrs Amba Year 4/5 Miss Muntz Pre-Primary Mr Prokojes and Mrs Belloso Year 2 MONDAY 4:15 - 5:15 TUESDAY 4:15 - 5:15 WEDNESDAY 4:00 - 5:00 Ms McAullay Year 1 Miss Manera P/1 Mrs Fotakis and Mrs Kervin Year 5/6 Healthy Food At Bambara we actively encourage students to have healthy food for recess and lunch. This is acknowledged by staff who are on duty and students receive a Healthy Food Token which they then place in the healthy food box outside the Library. A prize draw is conducted every three to four weeks during Tuesday assembly. We also have the Crunch and Sip Program operating in the school. Students are asked to bring a drink bottle of water and a container of fruits or vegetables for eating during class time at the discretion of their teacher. Please support these programs to assist your child’s learning. We encourage parents not to send nuts or nut products, strawberries or strawberry products in their child’s lunch box due to some students being anaphylactic. Thank you for your support. We also have the Lunch Order service that operates on Monday and Friday of each week. You can access this service by going to the Flexischool website, input your details and make your order. It is then delivered to the school for lunch and a parent hands it out. If you would like to be on the roster for handing out lunches please put your name down in the Office. Before School: A reminder that all students are to come to the Undercover Area before school in the morning after 8:15am – this includes Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students. Students are asked to sit in that area until Mrs Knox or myself come on duty and they can then play with supervision until the first siren at 8:35am when they will go to their class. We would also prefer that students DO NOT play on the play equipment before school. Week Two Mon 9 Feb Week Three Canteen Mon16 Feb Week Four Canteen Mon 23 Feb Canteen Parent Information Sessions P & C AGM 6.30pm Tue 10 Feb Morning Assembly Tue 17 Feb Morning Assembly Tue 24 Feb Morning Assembly Wed 18 Feb Dance Lessons Wed 25 Feb Dance Lessons Newsletter Wed 11 Feb Dance Lessons Uniform shop 2.15 – 2.45pm Thu 12 Feb Icy Pole Day Thu 19 Feb School Board (TBC) Thu 26 Feb Icy Pole Day Fri 13 Feb Canteen Fri 20 Feb Room 9 Assembly Fri 27 Feb Canteen Canteen Term Dates 2015 School Development Days 2015 Semester 1 Please see below the School Development days for 2015. Term 1: Monday 2 February - Thursday 2 April Students do not attend school on these days: Term Break: Friday 3 April - Sunday 19 April Friday 29 May (Term 2) Term 2: Monday 20 April - Friday 3 July Monday 17 August (Term 3) Term Break: Saturday 4 July - Sunday 19 July Monday 9 November (Term 4) Semester 2 Friday 18 December (Term 4) Term 3: Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September Term Break: Saturday 26 September - Sunday 11 October Term 4: Monday 12 October - Thursday 17 December School Payments We would like to thank parents and carers for their prompt payment for the student dance lessons at the beginning of the Term. Please remember that all payments are made through the school office and permission slips are given to the class teacher. Thank you. Pre-Primary - ECE 5 News Welcome to ECE 5! interesting information about them. In 19 February from 3.15pm - 4.15pm. We We have had an exciting start to Pre- Maths we have been learning to count hope to see you all there and I’m looking Primary so far, getting to know our new forwards and backwards, write numbers, forward to an amazing year ahead! class members, learning school and recognise By Miss Muntz and Miss Guess classroom rules and learning the morning numbers from one to ten. routines. Last week we read the story We have started Dance and are already about Rainbow Fish and started our looking forward to the next lesson this learning with week. For Art we made noodle names completing activites about the letters ‘s’, and created our own rainbow fish which ‘a’, ‘t’ and ‘p’ so far. are displayed around the room. Both of This week we will be reading non-fiction the artworks look very colourful. texts about caterpillars to find out lots of Our Parent Information Night is Thursday centre activites along numbers and order the Year 1 - ECE 3 News In our wonderful Year one class, we had a We have also been looking at facts and fantastic first week in ECE 3. things about the ocean. We are having fun We thought about what we would like to learning in our class. We are friendly and achieve in 2015. We wrote about it on courteous to each other. By Mrs McAullay balloon shapes. Year 3 - Room 3 News Hello from Room 3! We have been doing various tests in have been chosen to join the School Choir The first week went so quickly but we different subjects so we can establish our and we are very excited. By Miss Rex and achieved been Reading, Spelling and Maths groups to all the students concentrating on our behaviour in the ensure we all succeed and progress. We classroom and made up our own set of have also been preparing our workbooks class rules. Mrs Rex is very impressed for the various subjects we will cover this with us all and is happy we are all trying term. On a lighter note we have learnt very hard to succeed. how to play a listening game called “Dog We had to set ourselves a goal for the And The Bone”. If we have been good term to focus on something we want to during the day we can play it before the improve in at school. We have displayed siren sounds for home time. We have them and will read them regularly to played it every day so far which shows remind us to try hard. how good we have been. Some of us so much. We have Year 4/5 - Room 10 Room 10 have been busy with lots of areas we are not too sure of. This week weather. Hopefully we will be able to find settling in activities this week. We have we will start on some reading activities some explanations to the wild stormy got to know each other and are looking where we have to activate our prior weather we have had recently. forward to working together this year. Last knowledge. This shall be interesting as This is going to be an exciting year full of week consisted of lots of testing but this is each of us will have our own ideas. In laughter and learning. By Mrs Amba and important as Mrs Amba can help us in Science we are going to be looking at all the students Uniform Shop A big thank you to Emma Keegan for taking on the role as our uniform shop coordinator for 2015. This role is voluntary and your patience and understanding regarding orders is appreciated. The uniform shop will be open on a Wednesday in Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 during Term 1. The opening hours are from 2.15 - 2.45pm. Orders may be placed online at EFTPOS facilities are NO longer available and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Canteen Roster Thank you to the parents who volunteer to help distribute the student lunches from the Duncraig Senior High School Canteen. If you would like to place an order this can be done online at .If anyone is available to help distribute the lunches on a Monday and Friday, please add your name to the list in the front office. We always appreciate any help, the students are enjoying the lunch order service but without parent help we are unable to provide this service. Icy Pole Days We will be running our Icy pole Days fortnightly on a Thursday throughout Term 1. The cost to purchase is $1.00 and no pre – orders are required. P & C AGM On behalf of the P & C I wish to extend a very warm welcome the new families to the school and a big cheery welcome back to the not so new. I wish to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all parents and carers to attend; AGM and General Meeting on Monday 16 February at 6.30pm in the Staffroom All positions of the executive committee will be vacated and nominations for each role and the general P & C committee members are welcome. Please bring along a $1 coin to become a financial member. This will allow you to vote on all the P & C financial matters throughout the year. Thank you to all the Bambara parents and carers who go above and beyond their volunteering duties and also the Bambara families and friends for supporting the P & C's fundraising efforts. Without this support the P & C certainly could not operate as efficiently as it has done so far. We look forward to working together to make 2015 another successful year to support our children's schooling journeys. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the P & C, please see myself, Cheryl Brown or email We look forward to seeing you next Monday night. Raquel Sutton (P & C Secretary) CALLING ALL YEAR 6 JUNIOR CRICKETERS! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CHOOSING CRICKET AS A FULL TIME Registration Day - 22nd February 2015 MacDonald Reserve, Padbury 9am – 1pm Visit our website for details SUBJECT AT SECONDARY SCHOOL in 2016? THE BELRIDGE SECONDARY COLLEGE ‘SPECIALIST CRICKET PROGRAM’ TRIAL DAY is being held on Tuesday 31 March 2015 at the testing venue of the WACA Full information is available on Specialist Cricket Program where you can download a trial pack and application form. Applications close Monday 30 March 2015 Should you wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact Scott Ogilvie, Cricket Coordinator for Belridge Secondary Collegeon 9408 8000 or email This Specialist Program is endorsed by the Department of Education and the WACA
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