CPC Weekly Bulletin: February 15, 2015 — February 21, 2015 Volume 2015—Issue 7 A Promise is a PROMISE - Galatians 3:15-29 Inside this issue: Ladies Bible Study 2 Noble Men’s Group 2 Connect Groups 2 CPC Youth Group 2 CPC Prayer & Praise 3 Building Fund Update 3 CPC Directory 4 CPC Information 4 Unsubscribe 4 Children’s Ministry This Week: Children’s Ministry This Week: promise. As human beings, we are not omniscient (all knowing) or omnipotent (all powerful) so it is possible to make a promise and then fail to be able to keep it. But when God makes a promise, we can know He will keep it without fail! Paul had a deep concern for those he had reached with the gospel of grace in the Roman province of Galatia, and he desired to win them back from the false teachers who had entered in after his departure. Directed by the Holy Spirit, Paul carefully explained that the law, which was given many years after the promises were made to Abraham, could not nullify God’s promise of justification by faith in Christ Jesus. With God, it’s like this: A Promise is a PROMISE! I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians and discover what God has to say to us! Pastor Dave CMA Great Commission Fund Children’s Church Patti Hodgdon Children’s Church Promises! What value does a promise really have? Is there some universal law that says every promise made will be kept without fail? Certainly there are times when promises are made with every intention of keeping the promise, but unforeseen events and situations can occur that make it impossible for someone to keep their promise. Here is an example. Let’s say a father says to his son or daughter he “promises” to be home in time to take them to their final basketball game of the season. But while on the way home, there is a terrible accident and traffic is backed up for three hours causing the father to fail to keep his Nursery Ruth Hillemeyer Vicki Valora Patti Hodgdon Nursery Abbi Valora = If needed Laura Large Misty Haller Amy Large = If needed In October 2014, we held our annual Mission Conference. During that time, we highlighted being involved in getting the gospel to the ends of the earth through giving to the Great Commission Fund of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Whether we filled out a “Faith Promise” card and submitted it or not, we all have the opportunity to give through designating our gifts for the Great Commission Fund in the church envelopes each week. I am excited to let you know that since Sunday, October 12, 2014 until this past Sunday, February 8, 2015, we have given $2,991.00 to the Great Commission Fund. May God continue to provide for us so we are able to make a difference in getting the gospel to those still waiting! Page 2 Volume 2015—Issue 7 Ladies’ Bible Study This week we will continue our study of “The Twelve Women of the Bible” . We’ll be discussing the questions from chapter 5 about Dealing with Confrontation in Relationships and using Abigail as an example from I Samuel 25:1-39. Come and join us on Tuesday, February 17 @ 6:30 PM. All ladies are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please speak with Laura Large. Noble Men’s Group We are currently going through the Old Testament book of Judges. Our study will take us through the 300 year period of Israel’s history covered by the book of Judges in which there is a reoccurring cycle of sin, servitude, supplication and salvation experienced by the Israelites. This study is sure to challenge our hearts in many ways. We meet in the Church Fellowship Hall and all men are welcome to join us for this time of prayer and Bible study. Just read Judges chapter six and join us on Wednesday, February 18 at 6AM. Connect Group We have decided to make an adjustment to our weekly Connect Group ministry. As a Leadership Team, we believe combining our two Connect Groups into one and meeting in the Fellowship Hall at CPC will be a very positive change. We hope many of you will join us for this time of prayer, discussion from our Sunday morning message and fellowship. CPC Fellowship Hall - Sunday, February 15th at 6 PM Please don’t miss out on this great opportunity to connect with others from CPC. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak with Pastor Dave (262-442-6719). CPC Youth Group - The Bridge Notice: The CPC Leadership Team recently decided to put our Youth Ministry held on Sunday evenings on hold since there are no young people attending. We are committed to providing an avenue for young people to fellowship and study God’s Word and will resume our youth program as soon as it is again needed. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Dave. (pastordavecpc@gmail.com or 262-442-6719) Page 3 Volume 2015—Issue 7 CPC Prayer & Praise Some requests are time sensitive and will not be able to wait until Thursday when we send out the Ebulletin. But if you have a prayer request or praise you would like to share with the CPC family, please send them to me by Wednesday morning. As many of you know, our CPC weekly E-Bulletin is posted to the CPC website. However, all personal prayer requests will be removed from the E-Bulletin before being uploaded to the website. Here are some prayer requests for this week: Note: These prayer requests and praises are for the CPC family only. They should not be taken from the E-Bulletin and posted on any other social media sites. Building Fund Update CPC is embarking on a building program that, Lord willing, will result in a complete updating and renovation of our church sanctuary and foyer. A Sanctuary Renovation Team of Leann Sizemore, Chris McGirr, Mike Friend, Gary Messer and Bud Hillemeyer has been appointed to the initial task of planning the renovation project. Initial work by the team is focused on planning, scope and design followed by the development of a proposed budget for the remodel based on bids and estimates for the work to be completed. CPC is trusting the Lord to fund this project through the gifts of those who call Connection Point their church home. We are trusting that the Lord will raise up the needed finances without borrowing from a bank or the Alliance Development Fund. The Lord has already laid an initial foundation of funds and continues to add through the generous gifts of His people. If you are able to give to the Building Fund, that would be a huge blessing! But whenever we give, it is to be an outward expression of our hearts to the Lord. The Lord wants us to give freely and with a joyful heart out of a recognition that what we have is all from Him. Even if you are not able to give financially toward this project, please recognize that you still have a huge part to play as we join together and keep this need before the Lord in prayer. Current Building Fund Balance: $33,375.12 Volume 2015—Issue 7 Page 4 Connection Point Church— Directory CPC Weekly Schedule: Sunday Morning Prayer: Senior Pastor: Dave Hodgdon pastordavecpc@gmail.com 262-442-6719 8:45 AM in the Library with Pastor Dave &Patti Sunday Morning Service: 9:30 AM in the Main Auditorium Music Director: (Nursery and Children’s Church provided) Bud Hillemeyer bhillemeyer@frontiernet.net 928-530-1802 Connect Group: Sunday at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall CPC Leadership Team: Dave Hodgdon, Mike Friend, Bud Hillemeyer, Roy Anhalt, Laura Large and Casey Gordon Ladies’ Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall Noble Men’s Group: Wednesday at 6:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall Connection Point Church - Information Sunday Morning Service: 9:30 AM CPC Office Hours: Address: Patti: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 1-5 P.M. 4435 N. Shadow Rd., Kingman, AZ. 86409 If supplies are needed for the church, please communicate with Patti in the church office. Facebook: Dave: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-5 P.M. As well as 7 AM to Noon on Wednesday. connectionpoint@thedomechurch.com The office is Closed on Thursdays. Phone Number: 928-757-3475 Connection Point Church, Kingman AZ Email: Website: www.thedomechurch.com Unsubscribe: To remove your name from our mailing list, please respond to pastordavecpc@gmail.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Questions or comments? Please contact Pastor Dave at pastordavecpc@gmail.com
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