PENDING DECISIONS LIST WEEK 7 2015 13 February 2015 TO 20 February 2015 BEDFONT, FELTHAM & HANWORTH AREA Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 1 Outcome Address 86 Cranleigh Road, Feltham, London TW13 4QB Ward Ref. No. Feltham 00317/86/P1 Case officer details Retrospective application for the erection of a canopy to cover decking area. Summary of likely reasons for refusal - The canopy is attached to an existing single storey rear extension and has a depth of 4.8metres. It is considered that scale of the development is not subservient to the main property and appears visually obtrusive when viewed from the rear garden, contrary to UDP policy ENV-B.1.1. - It is considered that structure adversely impacts the amenity of neighbouring occupiers. Major Applications Item 1 Summary Address Hanworth Library, 2-12 Hampton Road West, Feltham, TW13 6AW Ward Ref. No. Hanworth 00550/N/P2 Case officer details Demolition and erection of part three, four and five storey building to provide 35 self contained residential units with associated parking and amenity facilities. Recommendation: Refuse Summary of likely reasons for refusal: - The scale and massing of the proposal does not relate well to the scale, height and massing of the adjacent townscape and does not respect the proportions of neighbouring buildings. - The proposal would harm the character and appearance of the street scene. - Unacceptable parking and servicing arrangements harmful to the free flow and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the adjoining highways. - Unacceptable cycling provision. Outcome Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken Item 1 Breach Outcome Address 11 Myrtle Avenue, TW14 9QU Unauthorised single storey rear extension Ward Ref. No. Bedfont 568854 Case officer details PENDING DECISIONS LIST WEEK 7 2015 13 February 2015 TO 20 February 2015 CENTRAL HOUNSLOW AREA Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 0 Address Land rear of 226 - 228 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW4 7DE Ward Ref. No. Hounslow West 00083/CV/P4 Case officer details Variation of condition 2 to allow for reduced site area and repositioning of building pursuant to planning permission granted under appeal ref APP/F5540/A/13/2208000 dated 01/05/2014 for proposed erection of pair of semi-detached dwelling houses with access off dawn close on vacant site at rear. Summary of likely reasons for refusal - The access gates would open onto the highway, harmful to the free flow and safety of traffic and pedestrians on the adjoining highway. - Substandard amenity space resulting in inadequate standard of accommodation for future occupiers. Outcome Item 2 Proposal No. of submissions: 1 Outcome Address Land rear of 45 Bell Road, Hounslow, TW3 3NX Ward Ref. No. Hounslow Heath 00108/R/O45/P6 Case officer details Erection of a two storey detached building comprising of two self contained flats. Summary of likely reasons for refusal - Insufficient amenity space would be provided in order to serve the two flats in conflict with Council Policy, therefore offering substandard living conditions for future occupiers. - The close proximity of the development to the flats above 45 Bell Road would harm existing residents’ outlook. - The bulk, scale and position of the proposal within a constrained site would harm the appearance of the area. Item 3 Proposal No. of submissions: 0 Address 79 Cecil Road, Hounslow, TW3 1NX Ward Ref. No. Hounslow Central 00223/79/P3 Case officer details Erection of a single storey rear infill extension, a side first floor extension and a rear roof extension Summary of likely reasons for refusal - The proposed rear dormer due to its excessive scale would appear as a large box and dominate the original roof. This is in conflict with the Residential Extension Guidelines. - The rear infill extension would be constructed close to the boundary of an attached neighbour. This coupled with the excessive depth of the proposal would unacceptably block light to and harm outlook from the property. Outcome Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken Item 1 Breach Outcome Address 16 Laburnum Grove, TW3 3LU Ward Ref. No. Hounslow Heath TBA Construction of an outbuilding for use as a separate self contained residential unit Case officer details PENDING DECISIONS LIST WEEK 7 2015 13 February 2015 TO 20 February 2015 CHISWICK AREA Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 1 Outcome Address 46 Elliott Road, W4 1PE Ward Turnham Green Ref. No. 00395/46/P4 Case officer details Erection of rear extensions to the main roof and rear element of roof with two roof windows to the front elevation Summary of likely reasons for refusal - Mansard style is not in-keeping with the character and appearance of the area. - Harm to neighbours living conditions – loss of daylight, outlook and sense of overbearing. - Bulky and dominant addition to the property. Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for Approval with objections Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 2 Outcome Address 263 Chiswick High Road, W4 4PU Ward Ref. No. Turnham Green 00248/263/p5 Case officer details Retrospective application for the siting of 2 external fridge and freezer refrigeration units within an acoustic enclosure to the rear flat roof area of the Subway retail store Summary of objections - No consent originally sought - Loss of natural wildlife - Harm to setting of a listed building - Cumulative impact of number of units to the roof - Equipment is audible from nearby residential properties Summary of reasons for approval - The proposal will reduce noise emitting from existing fans in accordance with council policy on noise - No harm to character or appearance of the conservation area. PENDING DECISIONS LIST WEEK 7 2015 13 February 2015 TO 20 February 2015 HESTON & CRANFORD AREA Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 0 Address 19 Broad Walk, Hounslow, TW5 9AA Ward Ref. No. Heston Central 00162/19/P4 Case officer details Erection of a rear roof extension incorporating an increase in the overall height of the roof of the existing side extension, juliet balcony and two front roof windows to the house Summary of likely reasons for refusal - The rear roof extension would not be sufficiently set in from the shared side boundary and its insensitive design would appear overly dominant to the main roof in conflict with the Residential Extension Guidelines. - The increased ridge height would be highly visible and is considered harmful to the street scene. Outcome Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken Item 1 Breach Outcome Address 172 Heston Road, TW5 0QU Ward Ref. No. Heston East 375139 Case officer details Unauthorised internally illuminated advertisement and projecting sign within a conservation area Item 2 Breach Address 41 Great South West Road, Hounslow, TW4 7NH Ward Ref. No. Cranford OUTB/2012/00099 Case officer details Construction of unauthorised outbuilding and unauthorised use of outbuilding as residential Outcome Item 3 Breach Address 39 Brabazon Road, TW5 9LL Ward Ref. No. Heston West 567378 Case officer details Use of an outbuilding as a separate self contained residential unit Outcome Item 4 Breach Outcome Address 29 Burnham Gardens, TW4 6LS Ward Cranford Use of an outbuilding as a separate self contained residential unit Ref. No. OUTR/2007/00247 Case officer details PENDING DECISIONS LIST WEEK 7 2015 13 February 2015 TO 20 February 2015 ISLEWORTH & BRENTFORD AREA Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL Item 1 Proposal No. of submissions: 1 Address 60-62 Enfield Road, Brentford, TW8 9PB Ward Ref. No. Brentford 00409/60-62/P1 Case officer details Erection of a single storey rear extension to both dwellings. Summary of likely reasons for refusal - 62 Enfield Road does not intend to build the proposed single storey rear wraparound extension. - The excessive depth and height on the boundary, contrary to the Residential Extension Guidelines, would therefore harm neighbours’ living conditions. Outcome Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken Item 1 Breach Address Bridge House, Commerce Road, Brentford, TW8 8LE Ward Ref. No. Syon GEN/2013/00497 Case officer details Unauthorised erection of a fence around the front of the premises Outcome Item 2 Breach Outcome Address 72 London Road, Brentford, TW8 8JL Ward Ref. No. Syon BWR/2014/00310 Case officer details Unauthorised erection of a rear extension, front porch, front boundary wall with associated pillars and side boundary wall
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